WPM Library for Nitro Type

Library that calculates WPM, accuracy, and errors allowed for Nitro Type races

此腳本不應該直接安裝,它是一個供其他腳本使用的函式庫。欲使用本函式庫,請在腳本 metadata 寫上: // @require https://update.cn-greasyfork.org/scripts/513772/1470274/WPM%20Library%20for%20Nitro%20Type.js

// ==UserScript==
// @name         WPM Library for Nitro Type
// @namespace    https://greasyfork.org/users/1331131-tensorflow-dvorak
// @version      2024-10-22
// @description  Library that calculates WPM, accuracy, and errors allowed for Nitro Type races
// @author       TensorFlow - Dvorak
// @match        *://*.nitrotype.com/race
// @match        *://*.nitrotype.com/race/*
// @require      https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/501960/1418069/findReact.js
// @license      MIT
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

(function () {
  "use strict";

  let startTime = null;
  let peakWPM = 0;
  let totalTypedCharacters = 0;
  let totalCorrectlyTypedCharacters = 0;
  let totalIncorrectTypedCharacters = 0;
  const trackedIncorrectLetters = new Set();
  let totalCharactersInRace = 0;
  let errorsAllowed = 0;

  function calculateWPM(totalCharacters, timeInSeconds) {
    const wordsTyped = totalCharacters / 5;
    const WPM = (wordsTyped * 60) / timeInSeconds;
    return WPM;

  function calculateErrorsAllowed(totalCharacters) {
    return Math.floor(0.04 * totalCharacters);

  function getCorrectlyTypedCharacterCount() {
    const correctLetters = document.querySelectorAll(
    return correctLetters.length;

  function detectMistakes() {
    const incorrectLetters = document.querySelectorAll(
    incorrectLetters.forEach((letter) => {
      if (!trackedIncorrectLetters.has(letter)) {
        totalIncorrectTypedCharacters += 1;
        errorsAllowed = Math.max(0, errorsAllowed - 1);

  function getTotalTypedCharacterCount() {
    const typedLetters = document.querySelectorAll(".dash-letter.is-typed");
    return typedLetters.length;

  function getTotalCharacters() {
    const totalLetters = document.querySelectorAll(".dash-letter").length;
    return totalLetters;

  function calculateAccuracy(correctCharacters, incorrectCharacters) {
    const totalTyped = correctCharacters + incorrectCharacters;
    return (correctCharacters / totalTyped) * 100;

  function startTracking() {
    startTime = new Date();
    peakWPM = 0;
    totalTypedCharacters = 0;
    totalCorrectlyTypedCharacters = 0;
    totalIncorrectTypedCharacters = 0;

    totalCharactersInRace = getTotalCharacters();
    errorsAllowed = calculateErrorsAllowed(totalCharactersInRace);

  function updateTracking() {
    const currentTime = new Date();
    const elapsedTime = (currentTime - startTime) / 1000;

    const correctlyTypedCharacters = getCorrectlyTypedCharacterCount();
    totalTypedCharacters = getTotalTypedCharacterCount();

    const wpm = calculateWPM(correctlyTypedCharacters, elapsedTime);
    const accuracy = calculateAccuracy(

    if (wpm > peakWPM) {
      peakWPM = wpm;

    return {
      wpm: Math.round(wpm),
      accuracy: accuracy.toFixed(2),
      errorsAllowed: errorsAllowed,

  window.WPMLibrary = {
    start: startTracking,
    update: updateTracking,