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Remove Blur from Meetup Images, Popup, and Increase Image Size

Removes the blur effect from images on Meetup, hides popups like Meetup+, and increases the size of static images.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Remove Blur from Meetup Images, Popup, and Increase Image Size
// @namespace
// @version      1.6.1
// @description  Removes the blur effect from images on Meetup, hides popups like Meetup+, and increases the size of static images.
// @author       Your Name
// @match        *://**
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';

    // Function to remove blur from images
    const removeBlur = () => {
        const blurredImages = document.querySelectorAll('img.blur-sm');
        blurredImages.forEach(img => {

        // Override the blur CSS globally to ensure it takes effect
        let style = document.getElementById('unblur-style');
        if (!style) {
            style = document.createElement('style');
   = 'unblur-style';
            style.innerHTML = `.blur-sm { filter: none !important; }`;

    // Function to increase image size
    const increaseImageSize = () => {
        const images = document.querySelectorAll('img[src*=""]');
        images.forEach(img => {
   = '160px';  // Set the desired width
   = '160px'; // Set the desired height
   = '160px';
   = '160px';

    // Function to remove the popup
    const removePopup = () => {
        const popup = document.querySelector('\\:grid-cols-2'); // Adjusted for dynamic classnames
        if (popup) {
   = 'none';  // Hide the popup
            return true;  // Return true to indicate popup was found and removed
        return false;  // Return false if popup is not found

    // Function to remove padlock from images
    const removePadlock = () => {
        const padlocks = document.querySelectorAll('path[fill-rule="evenodd"]'); // Select padlock path elements
        padlocks.forEach(padlock => {
            const parent = padlock.closest('svg'); // Get the closest SVG parent
            if (parent && parent.getAttribute('data-src')?.includes('lock-outline.svg')) {
                parent.remove(); // Remove the entire SVG element if data-src contains 'lock-outline.svg'

    // Function to apply all modifications
    const applyModifications = () => {
        removePopup(); // Remove the popup if present
        removePadlock(); // Remove padlocks from images

    // Use MutationObserver to detect changes in the DOM (for dynamically loaded content)
    const observer = new MutationObserver(mutations => {
        mutations.forEach(mutation => {
            if (mutation.addedNodes.length) {
                applyModifications(); // Apply changes whenever new nodes are added

    // Observe the body for added nodes (popups or new images)
    observer.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true });

    // Initial application of modifications when the script first runs
