// ==UserScript==
// @name 推特翻译
// @license MIT
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 0.1
// @description Translate certain English words into Chinese on Twitter
// @match https://x.com/*
// @grant none
// @icon https://twitter.com/favicon.ico
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
var translations = {
'Go ad free': '去广告',
'Who are you?': '你是谁?',
'I am an individual': '我是一个个体',
'For individuals and creators': '对于个人和创作者',
'I am an organization': '我是一个组织',
'For businesses, government agencies, and non-profits': '对于企业、政府机构和非营利组织',
'Save posts for later': '保存帖子以便以后查看',
'Bookmark posts to easily find them again in the future.': '将帖子加为书签,以便将来轻松找到它们',
'Discover new Lists': '发现新列表',
'Your Lists': '您的清单',
'Choose the right subscription for you:': '选择适合您的订阅',
'Learn more about': '了解更多关于',
'and': '和',
'Verified Organizations': '已验证的组织',
'Posts': '帖子',
'Replies': '回复',
'Highlights': '亮点',
'Articles': '文章',
'Likes': '喜欢',
'Edit profile': '编辑个人资料',
'You might like': '你可能会喜欢',
'Followers': '粉丝',
'Timeline settings': '排序',
'Community': '社区',
'Everyone can reply': '每个人都可以回复',
'Choose who can reply to this post. Anyone mentioned can always reply.': '选择谁可以回复这篇帖子。被提及的任何人都可以回复。',
'Who can reply?': '谁可以回复?',
'Accounts you follow can reply': '你关注的账号可以回复',
'Only accounts you mention can reply': '只有你提到的账户才能回复',
'Show 35 posts': '展示35篇帖子',
'Enjoy ad-free For You and Following timelines with Premium+': '使用 Premium+ 享受无广告的「为你推荐」和「关注的人」时间线',
'Home': '首页',
'Explore': '探索',
'Notifications': '通知',
'Messages': '消息',
'Lists': '列表',
'Bookmarks': '书签',
'Profile': '个人资料',
'More': '更多',
'For you': '为你推荐',
'Following': '关注的人',
'What’s happening': '热点',
'Communities': '社区',
'Premium': '订阅',
'Add an existing account':'添加现有账户',
'Subscribe to Premium':'订阅高级版',
'Settings and privacy':'设置和隐私',
'Your Account': '您的账户',
'Settings': '设置',
'See information about your account, download an archive of your data, or learn about your account deactivation options': '查看有关您账户的信息,下载您数据的存档,或了解您账户停用的选项',
'Account information': '账户信息',
'See your account information like your phone number and email address.': '查看您的帐户信息,如电话号码和电子邮件地址。',
'Subscribe to unlock new features and if eligible, receive a share of ads revenue.': '订阅以解锁新功能,并在符合条件时获得广告收入的一部分',
'Subscribe': '订阅',
'Your account': '您的账户',
'Change your password': '更改您的密码',
'Change your password at any time.': '随时更改您的密码',
'Download an archive of your data': '下载您的数据存档',
'Get insights into the type of information stored for your account.': '了解存储在您账户中的信息类型',
'Teams': '团队',
'Invite anyone to post from this account using the Teams feature.': '邀请任何人使用Teams功能从这个账户发布',
'Deactivate your account': '停用您的账户',
'Find out how you can deactivate your account.': '找出如何停用您的账户。',
'Try searching for notifications, privacy, etc.': '尝试搜索通知、隐私等',
'Available programs': '可用程序',
'Eligible creators can sign up for monthly subscriptions and ads revenue sharing.': '符合条件的创作者可以注册月度订阅和广告收入分享。',
'Not yet eligible': '尚未具备资格',
'Subscriptions': '订阅',
'Earn a living on X by letting anyone subscribe to you for monthly content.': '通过让任何人订阅您的月度内容来谋生。',
'Ads revenue sharing': '广告收入分享',
'Earn income from the ads served in the replies to your posts.': '通过帖子回复中的广告赚取收入',
'Learn More': '了解更多',
'Learn more about our Monetization programs and policies here.': '在这里了解更多关于我们的变现计划和政策',
'Creator Subscriptions': '创作者订阅',
'Manage Creator Subscriptions': '管理创作者订阅',
'View and manage your subscriptions to creators below using Stripe. Any active subscriptions you initiated on iOS or Android can be managed in the app.': '使用Stripe查看和管理您对下面创作者的订阅。您在iOS或Android上启动的任何活跃订阅都可以在应用程序中管理',
'You don’t have any Subscriptions yet': '您还没有任何订阅',
'Security and account access': '安全和账户访问',
'Manage your account’s security and keep track of your account’s usage including apps that you have connected to your account.': '管理您的账户安全性,并跟踪您的账户使用情况,包括已连接到您的账户的应用程序。',
'Security': '安全',
'Manage your account’s security.': '管理您的账户安全性',
'Apps and sessions': '应用程序和会话',
'See information about when you logged into your account and the apps you connected to your account.': '查看您登录账户的时间以及连接到您账户的应用程序的信息。',
'Connected accounts': '已连接的账户',
'Manage Google or Apple accounts connected to X to log in.': '管理与X连接的Google或Apple帐户以登录',
'Delegate': '代表',
'Manage your shared accounts.': '管理您的共享账户',
'Privacy and safety': '隐私和安全',
'Accessibility, display, and languages': '无障碍性、显示和语言',
'Additional resources': '额外资源',
'Help Center': '帮助中心',
'Manage what information you see and share on X.': '管理您在X上看到和分享的信息',
'Your X activity': '您的X活动',
'Audience, media and tagging': '观众、媒体和标记',
'Manage what information you allow other people on X to see.': '管理您允许其他人在X上看到的信息。',
'Your posts': '你的帖子',
'Manage the information associated with your posts.': '管理与您的帖子相关的信息',
'Content you see': '你看到的内容',
'Decide what you see on X based on your preferences like Topics and interests': '根据您的偏好,如主题和兴趣,决定您在X上看到什么',
'Mute and block': '静音和屏蔽',
'Manage the accounts, words, and notifications that you’ve muted or blocked.': '管理您已静音或屏蔽的帐户、单词和通知。',
'Direct Messages': '直接消息',
'Manage who can message you directly.': '管理谁可以直接给你发消息。',
'Spaces': '空间',
'Manage who can see your Spaces listening activity': '管理谁可以看到您的空间听歌活动',
'Discoverability and contacts': '发现性和联系人',
'Control your discoverability settings and manage contacts you’ve imported.': '控制您的可发现性设置并管理您导入的联系人',
'Data sharing and personalization': '数据共享和个性化',
'Ads preferences': '广告偏好设置',
'Manage your ads experience on X.': '在X上管理您的广告体验',
'Inferred identity': '推断身份',
'Allow X to personalize your experience with your inferred activity, e.g. activity on devices you haven’t used to log in to X.': '允许X根据您的推测活动个性化您的体验,例如在您未用于登录X的设备上的活动。',
'Data sharing with business partners': '与商业合作伙伴分享数据',
'Allow sharing of additional information with X’s business partners.': '允许与X的商业合作伙伴分享额外信息。',
'Location information': '位置信息',
'Manage the location information X uses to personalize your experience.': '管理X使用的位置信息,以个性化您的体验。',
'Learn more about privacy on X': '了解更多关于X隐私的信息',
'Privacy center': '隐私中心',
'Privacy policy': '隐私政策',
'Contact us': '联系我们',
'Select the kinds of notifications you get about your activities, interests, and recommendations.': '选择您收到关于您的活动、兴趣和推荐的通知类型。',
'Filters': '过滤器',
'Choose the notifications you’d like to see — and those you don’t.': '选择您想要看到的通知 - 以及您不想看到的通知。',
'Preferences': '偏好设置',
'Select your preferences by notification type.': '通过通知类型选择您的偏好',
'Accessibility, display and languages': '无障碍性、显示和语言',
'Manage how X content is displayed to you.': '管理如何显示给您的X内容',
'Accessibility': '可访问性',
'Manage aspects of your X experience such as limiting color contrast and motion.': '管理您的X体验的方面,如限制颜色对比度和动态。',
'Display': '显示',
'Manage your font size, color, and background. These settings affect all the X accounts on this browser.': '管理您的字体大小、颜色和背景。这些设置会影响此浏览器上所有X账户。',
'Languages': '语言',
'Manage which languages are used to personalize your X experience.': '管理使用哪些语言来个性化您的X体验。',
'Data usage': '数据使用量',
'Limit how X uses some of your network data. These settings affect all the X accounts on this browser.': '限制X如何使用部分网络数据。这些设置会影响此浏览器上所有X账户。',
'Keyboard shortcuts': '键盘快捷键',
'Check out other places for helpful information to learn more about X products and services.': '查看其他地方获取有关X产品和服务的更多有用信息。',
'Release notes': '发布说明',
'Legal': '法律的',
'Ads info': '广告信息',
'Cookie Policy': 'Cookie政策',
'Privacy Policy': '隐私政策',
'Terms of Service': '服务条款',
'Miscellaneous': '杂项',
'About': '关于',
'Advertising': '广告',
'Blog': '博客',
'Brand Resources': '品牌资源',
'Careers': '职业发展',
'Developers': '开发人员',
'Directory': '目录',
'Download the X app': '下载X应用程序',
'Marketing': '市场营销',
'X for Business': 'X商业',
'Confirm your password': '确认您的密码',
'Please enter your password in order to get this.': '请输入您的密码以获取此内容。',
'Forgot password?': '忘记密码?',
'Confirm': '确认',
'Save': '保存',
'Deactivate account': '停用账户',
'This will deactivate your account': '这将停用您的账户',
'You’re about to start the process of deactivating your X account. Your display name, @username, and public profile will no longer be viewable on X.com, X for iOS, or X for Android.': '您即将开始停用您的X账户。您的显示名称,@用户名和公开个人资料将不再在X.com,X for iOS或X for Android上可见。',
'What else you should know': '你还应该知道什么',
'You can restore your X account if it was accidentally or wrongfully deactivated for up to 30 days after deactivation.': '如果您的X账户在停用后的30天内被意外或错误地停用,您可以恢复该账户。',
'Deactivate': '停用',
'Check back later': '稍后再来检查',
'Unfortunately, you don’t meet our eligibility requirements for Subscriptions at this time.': '很抱歉,您目前不符合我们的订阅资格要求。',
'Get verified': '获取验证',
'500 followers': '500名关注者',
'Active in the past 30 days': '过去30天内活跃',
'Be at least 18 years old': '至少18岁',
'Get verified': '获取验证',
'Unfortunately, you’re not yet eligible for Ads Revenue Sharing. You’ll need to meet the below requirements to participate.': '很遗憾,您目前还不符合广告收入分享的资格。您需要满足以下要求才能参与:',
'Subscribe to Premium or Verified Organizations': '订阅高级或已验证的组织',
'Have at least 5M impressions on your posts within the last 3 months': '在过去的3个月内至少有500万次印象',
'Two-factor authentication': '双因素认证',
'Help protect your account from unauthorized access by requiring a second authentication method in addition to your X password. You can choose a text message, authentication app, or security key.': '通过要求第二种身份验证方法来保护您的帐户免受未经授权的访问。您可以选择短信、身份验证应用程序或安全密钥。',
'ID verification': '身份验证',
'Upload an approved form of identification to confirm the authenticity of your account. Your information will only be used to validate your identity and will be handled safely and securely.': '上传一种经批准的身份证明形式,以确认您账户的真实性。您的信息仅用于验证您的身份,并将安全可靠地处理。',
'Additional password protection': '额外的密码保护',
'Enabling this setting adds extra security to your account by requiring additional information to reset your password. If enabled, you must provide either the phone number or email address associated with your account in order to reset your password.': '启用此设置可以通过要求提供额外信息来重置密码,为您的账户增加额外安全性。如果启用,您必须提供与您的账户关联的电话号码或电子邮件地址才能重置密码。',
'Password reset protect': '密码重置保护',
'Learn more': '了解更多',
'Connected apps': '连接的应用程序',
'Sessions': '会话',
'Account access history': '账户访问历史',
'Logged-in devices and apps': '已登录的设备和应用程序',
'These are the social accounts you connected to your X account to log in. You can disable access here.': '这些是您连接到您的X账户以登录的社交账户。您可以在这里禁用访问。',
'你好像失去了连接。我们会继续尝试。': 'Seems like you lost connectivity. We’ll keep retrying.',
'Share an account with people who have delegated roles.': '与拥有委派角色的人共享账户',
'Allow others to invite you to their account': '允许其他人邀请您加入他们的账户',
'Your delegations': '你的代表团',
'Accounts delegated to you': '分配给您的账户',
'Members you’ve delegated': '您已委派的成员',
'As a member, you can send Direct Messages, publish posts, and create Lists — as well as view them. Admins can also invite or remove contributors to the account and view post analytics.': '作为成员,您可以发送直接消息,发布帖子和创建列表 - 以及查看它们。管理员还可以邀请或删除账户的贡献者,并查看帖子分析。',
'You haven’t been delegated to any accounts': '你还没有被分配到任何账户',
'Invite others to act on behalf of your account and manage account roles. Members can send Direct Messages, publish posts, and create Lists - as well as view them.': '邀请其他人代表您的账户并管理账户角色。成员可以发送直接消息,发布帖子,创建列表 - 以及查看它们。',
'Invite a member': '邀请成员',
'No members have been added yet': '尚未添加成员',
'Protect your posts': '保护您的帖子',
'When selected, your posts and other account information are only visible to people who follow you.': '当选择后,您的帖子和其他账户信息只对关注您的人可见。',
'If selected, videos in your posts will not be downloadable by default. This setting applies to posts going forward and is not retroactive': '如果选择了此选项,则您的帖子中的视频将默认不可下载。此设置仅适用于未来的帖子,不具有追溯性。',
'Protect your videos': '保护您的视频',
'Photo tagging': '照片标记',
'Anyone can tag you': '任何人都可以标记你',
'Mark media you post as having material that may be sensitive': '将您发布的媒体标记为可能包含敏感内容',
'When enabled, pictures and videos you post will be marked as sensitive for people who don’t want to see sensitive content.': '启用后,您发布的图片和视频将被标记为敏感内容,以供不希望看到敏感内容的人查看。',
'Add location information to your posts': '在您的帖子中添加位置信息',
'Display media that may contain sensitive content': '显示可能包含敏感内容的媒体',
'Topics': '话题',
'Interests': '兴趣爱好',
'Explore settings': '浏览设置',
'Search settings': '搜索设置',
'Followed': '跟随',
'Not Interested': '不感兴趣',
'The Topics you follow are used to personalize the posts, events, and ads that you see, and show up publicly on your profile': '您关注的话题用于个性化您看到的帖子、活动和广告,并公开显示在您的个人资料上',
'Suggested Topics': '建议话题',
'You ll see top posts about these right in your Home timeline': '你会在首页时间轴上看到关于这些内容的热门帖子',
'More Topics': '更多主题',
'These are some of the interests matched to you based on your profile, activity, and the Topics you follow. These are used to personalize your experience across X, including the ads you see. You can adjust your interests if something doesn’t look right. Any changes you make may take a little while to go into effect.':'这些是根据您的个人资料、活动和关注的话题匹配到您的一些兴趣。这些用于个性化您在X上的体验,包括您看到的广告。如果有什么不对的地方,您可以调整您的兴趣。您所做的任何更改可能需要一段时间才能生效。',
'Location': '位置',
'Show content in this location': '在此位置显示内容',
'When this is on, you’ll see what’s happening around you right now.': '当这个开启时,你将看到现在发生的事情。',
'Hide sensitive content': '隐藏敏感内容',
'This prevents posts with potentially sensitive content from displaying in your search results.': '这可以防止潜在敏感内容的帖子显示在您的搜索结果中。',
'Remove blocked and muted accounts': '移除已屏蔽和静音的账户',
'Use this to eliminate search results from accounts you’ve blocked or muted.': '使用此功能可以消除您已屏蔽或静音的帐户的搜索结果。',
'Blocked accounts': '被封锁的账户',
'Muted accounts': '被静音的账户',
'Muted words': '静音词',
'Muted notifications': '静音通知',
'Allow message requests from:': '允许消息请求来自:',
'No one': '没有人',
'Verified users': '已验证用户',
'Everyone': '每个人',
'Filter low-quality messages': '过滤低质量消息',
'Hide message requests that have been detected as being potentially spam or low-quality. These will be sent to a separate inbox at the bottom of your message requests. You can still access them if you want.': '隐藏已被检测为潜在垃圾邮件或低质量的消息请求。这些将被发送到消息请求底部的单独收件箱。如果您愿意,仍然可以访问它们。',
'Show read receipts': '显示已读回执',
'Let people you’re messaging with know when you’ve seen their messages. Read receipts are not shown on message requests.': '让你正在通讯的人知道你已经看到了他们的消息。阅读回执不会显示在消息请求中。',
'Allow followers to see which Spaces you’re listening to': '允许关注者看到你正在收听的空间',
'Keep in mind that even with this setting turned off you will be visible to everyone when you’re in a Space. Your followers can always see what Spaces you’re hosting, co-hosting or speaking in.': '请记住,即使关闭了此设置,当您在空间中时,所有人都可以看到您。您的关注者始终可以看到您主持、共同主持或发言的空间。',
'Discoverability': '可发现性',
'Decide whether people who have your email address or phone number can find and connect with you on X.': '决定那些拥有您的电子邮件地址或电话号码的人是否可以在X上找到您并与您联系。',
'Let people who have your email address find you on X': '让拥有你邮箱地址的人在X上找到你',
'Let people who have your email address find and connect with you on X.': '让拥有您电子邮件地址的人在X上找到并与您联系。',
'Let people who have your phone number find you on X': '让拥有你电话号码的人在X上找到你',
'Let people who have your phone number find and connect with you on X.': '让拥有你电话号码的人在X上找到并联系你',
'Contacts': '联系人',
'Manage contacts that you have imported from your mobile devices.': '管理您从移动设备导入的联系人',
'Manage contacts': '管理联系人',
'Remove all contacts': '删除所有联系人',
'Personalized ads': '个性化广告',
'You will always see ads on X based on your X activity. When this setting is enabled, X may further personalize ads from X advertisers, on and off X, by combining your X activity with other online activity and information from our partners.': '您将始终根据您的X活动在X上看到广告。当此设置启用时,X可能会通过将您的X活动与我们合作伙伴的其他在线活动和信息相结合,进一步个性化X广告,无论是在X上还是离线。',
'Your advertiser list': '您的广告商列表',
'Personalize based on your inferred identity': '根据您推断的身份个性化定制',
'X will always personalize your experience based on information you’ve provided, as well as the devices you’ve used to log in. When this setting is enabled, X may also personalize based on other inferences about your identity, like devices and browsers you haven’t used to log in to X or email addresses and phone numbers similar to those linked to your X account.': 'X将始终根据您提供的信息以及您用于登录的设备个性化您的体验。启用此设置后,X还可能根据您的身份的其他推断进行个性化,例如您尚未用于登录X的设备和浏览器,或者与您的X帐户关联的电子邮件地址和电话号码相似的信息。',
'Allow additional information sharing with business partners': '允许与商业合作伙伴分享额外信息',
'X always shares information with business partners as a way to run and improve its products. When enabled, this allows X to share additional information with those partners to help support running X’s business, including making X’s marketing activities on other sites and apps more relevant for you.': 'X始终与商业伙伴分享信息,以改进和运营其产品。启用后,这使得X能够与这些合作伙伴分享额外信息,以支持X业务的运营,包括使X在其他网站和应用上的营销活动更加相关。',
'Personalize based on places you’ve been': '根据您去过的地方进行个性化定制',
'X always uses some information, like where you signed up and your current location, to help show you more relevant content. When this setting is enabled, X may also personalize your experience based on other places you’ve been.': 'X始终使用一些信息,比如您注册的位置和您当前的位置,以帮助向您展示更相关的内容。当启用此设置时,X还可能根据您去过的其他地方来个性化您的体验。',
'See places you’ve been': '看看你去过的地方',
'Quality filter': '质量过滤器',
'Choose to filter out content such as duplicate or automated posts. This doesn’t apply to notifications from accounts you follow or have interacted with recently.': '选择过滤掉重复或自动发布的内容。这不适用于您关注或最近互动过的帐户的通知。',
'Push notifications': '推送通知',
'Email notifications': '电子邮件通知',
'Mute notifications from people': '静音来自人们的通知',
'You don’t follow': '你不关注',
'Who don’t follow you': '谁不跟随你',
'With a new account': '使用新账户',
'Who have a default profile photo': '谁有默认头像',
'Who haven’t confirmed their email': '谁还没有确认他们的电子邮件',
'Who haven’t confirmed their phone number': '谁还没有确认他们的电话号码',
'Turn on notifications?': '打开通知?',
'To get notifications from X, you’ll need to allow them in your browser settings first.': '要从X获取通知,您首先需要在浏览器设置中允许它们。',
'Get emails to find out what’s going on when you’re not on X. You can turn them off anytime.': '当您不在X时,通过电子邮件了解最新动态。您可以随时关闭这些邮件。',
'Related to you and your posts': '与您和您的帖子相关',
'New notifications': '新通知',
'Direct messages': '直接消息',
'Posts emailed to you': '发送给您的帖子',
'Top posts and Stories': '热门帖子和故事',
'Daily': '每日',
'Weekly': '每周的',
'Periodically': '定期地',
'Off': '关闭',
'Updates about the performance of your posts': '关于您帖子表现的更新',
'From X': '从X',
'News about X product and feature updates': '关于X产品和功能更新的新闻',
'Tips on getting more out of X': '如何更好地利用X的技巧',
'Things you missed since you last logged into X': '你上次登录X后错过的事情',
'News about X on partner products and other third party services': '关于X在合作伙伴产品和其他第三方服务上的新闻',
'Participation in X research surveys': '参与X研究调查',
'Suggestions for recommended accounts': '推荐账户建议',
'Suggestions based on your recent follows': '根据您最近关注的内容提供建议',
'Tips on X business products': '关于X业务产品的建议',
'Text message': '短信',
'Use your mobile phone to receive a text message with an authentication code to enter when you log in to X.': '使用您的手机接收一条包含验证码的短信,在登录X时输入',
'Authentication app': '认证应用程序',
'Use a mobile authentication app to get a verification code to enter every time you log in to X.': '使用手机身份验证应用程序获取验证码,每次登录X时输入',
'Security key': '安全密钥',
'Use a security key that inserts into your computer or syncs to your mobile device when you log in to X. You’ll need to use a supported mobile device or web browser.': '当您登录到X时,请使用一个插入到您的计算机或与您的移动设备同步的安全密钥。您需要使用支持的移动设备或网络浏览器。',
'ID verification can help protect your account against impersonation and grants your profile an ID verified label.': 'ID验证可以帮助保护您的账户免受冒名顶替,并为您的个人资料提供一个ID验证标签。',
'Want to have an ID verified label in your profile?': '想在您的个人资料中拥有一个已验证身份的标签吗?',
'Upgrade to Premium': '升级至高级版',
'Hide your ID verified label': '隐藏您的身份验证标签',
'Hide your ID verified label so people won’t see it when tapping the blue checkmark on your profile page.': '隐藏您的ID验证标签,这样当用户点击您个人资料页面上的蓝色复核标记时,就不会看到它。',
'Sessions are the devices you are using or that have used your X account. These are the sessions where your account is currently logged in. You can log out of each session.': '会话是您正在使用或曾经使用过您的X账户的设备。这些是您的账户当前已登录的会话。您可以注销每个会话。',
'Current active session': '当前活动会话',
'You’re logged into this X account on this device and are currently using it.': '您已登录此设备上的X账户,并正在使用它。',
'Log out of other sessions': '退出其他会话',
'You’re logged into these accounts on these devices and aren’t currently using them.': '您已登录这些账户并在这些设备上,但目前未在使用。',
'Log out of all other sessions': '注销所有其他会话',
'Verify your password': '验证您的密码',
'Re-enter your X password to continue.': '重新输入您的X密码以继续。',
'Cancel': '取消',
'Only people you follow can tag you': '只有你关注的人才能标记你',
'Manage aspects of your X experience such as limiting color contrast and motion. These settings affect all the X accounts on this browser.': '管理您的X体验的各个方面,如限制颜色对比度和动态。这些设置会影响此浏览器上所有的X账户。',
'Vision': '视觉',
'Increase color contrast': '增加颜色对比度',
'Improves legibility by increasing the contrast between text and background colors.': '通过增加文本和背景颜色之间的对比度来提高可读性',
'Motion': '运动',
'Reduce motion': '减少动作',
'Limits the amount of in-app animations, including live engagement counts.': '限制应用内动画的数量,包括实时互动计数。',
'Autoplay': '自动播放',
'On cellular or Wi-Fi': '在蜂窝网络或Wi-Fi上',
'Media': '媒体',
'Receive image description reminder': '收到图片描述提醒',
'Enables a reminder to add image descriptions before a post can be sent.': '在发送帖子之前启用提醒添加图片描述',
'Learn more about accessibility at X': '了解更多关于X的可访问性信息',
'Accessibility at X': 'X的无障碍设施',
'Font size': '字体大小',
'Color': '颜色',
'Background': '背景',
'Display language': '显示语言',
'Select your preferred language for headlines, buttons, and other text from X.': '从X中选择您喜欢的标题、按钮和其他文本的首选语言',
'Display language': '显示语言',
'Select additional languages': '选择其他语言',
'Select additional languages for the content you want to see on X.': '选择您想在X上看到的内容的其他语言',
'Additional languages you speak': '您会说的其他语言',
'Languages you may know': '你可能会知道的语言',
'Manage the languages X inferred based on your activity, such as the accounts you follow and the posts you engage with.': '根据您的活动管理根据您关注的帐户和您参与的帖子推断的语言X',
'Languages you may know': '您可能知道的语言',
'Change display language': '更改显示语言',
'Which languages do you speak?': '你会说哪些语言?',
'You’ll be able to see posts, people, and trends in any languages you choose.': '您可以选择查看任何语言的帖子、人物和趋势。',
'Done': '完成',
'Language': '语言',
'Data saver': '数据节省器',
'If selected, X will use less network data.': '如果选择了,X将使用更少的网络数据。',
'Navigation': '导航',
'Actions': '行动',
'Teams has moved': 'Teams已经迁移',
'We moved the Teams feature to Delegate in your security and account access settings.': '我们将Teams功能移动到您的安全性和账户访问设置中的委派功能中。',
'Go to security settings': '前往安全设置',
'Remove all location information attached to your posts': '删除所有附加在您的帖子上的位置信息',
'Unfollow': '取消关注',
'Who to follow':'推荐关注',
'Show more': '显示更多',
'Verified Orgs': '已验证的组织',
'Create your Space': '创建你的空间',
'You haven\'t created or followed any Lists. When you do, they\'ll show up here.': '您还没有创建或关注任何列表。当您这样做时,它们将显示在这里。',
'Suggested Lists': '建议清单',
'Choose your Lists': '选择您的列表',
"When you follow a List, you'll be able to quickly keep up with the experts on what you care about most.": "当您关注一个列表时,您将能够快速了解您最关心的专家。",
'Create your own List': '创建您自己的列表',
'You can create your own Lists by adding the people who are already talking about what you want to keep up with most.': '您可以通过添加已经在讨论您最关注的话题的人来创建您自己的列表。',
'Get Started': '开始吧'
// Function to translate a single element
function translateElement(element) {
var text = element.textContent.trim();
if (translations.hasOwnProperty(text) && element.childElementCount === 0) {
element.textContent = translations[text];
// Function to translate the whole page
function translatePage() {
var elements = document.querySelectorAll('body *');
// Translate the page right away
// And translate it again whenever something changes
var observer = new MutationObserver(translatePage);
observer.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true });