SPXXHi is a Minecraft.net & X.com blog-to-BBCode converter based on SPXX User Script™️,adapted to himcbbs.com in order to make Minecraft news translation easier.
SPXXHi 是一个基于 SPXX User Script™️ 的 Minecraft.net 、 feedback.minecraft.net 、 help.minecraft net 及 X.com 博文至 BBCode 转换器,进行了一系列修复、完善与调整以便适应 himcbbs.com 的版块规定,令快讯翻译更便捷。
SPXXHi is licensed under MIT.
SPXXHi 采用 MIT 协议进行授权。
About SPXX User Script™️
SPXX is a project which rewrites SPX,focusing on assisting news translaters.
SPXX 是一个对 SPX 进行重写以便辅助快讯译者的项目。
The SPXX User Script adds a "Copy BBCode" button to Minecraft.net, feedback.minecraft.net and help.minecraft.net articles and Tweets, which sets the BBCode representation of this blog article to your clipboard.
SPXX 用户脚本为 Minecraft.net, feedback.minecraft.net 和 help.minecraft.net 文章及 Tweets 添加了“Copy BBCode”按钮,可将博文以 BBCode 形式拷贝至您的剪贴板。
SPXX project is licensed under CC0-1.0 Deed.
SPXX 项目使用 CC0-1.0 协议进行授权。
SPXXHi is written by Cinder0601 based on SPXX User Script v2.4.14 and SPX.
SPXXHi 由 Cinder0601 基于 SPXX 用户脚本 v2.4.14 及 SPX 进行改写。
Got help from Redstone-D during development.
在开发中得到了 Redstone-D 的帮助。
SPXX Project:https://github.com/SPXFellow/spxx
SPXX 项目地址:https://github.com/SPXFellow/spxx
Sincere thanks to SPGoding and SPXFellow for their tremendous contribution on SPXX™️,you ARE eternal newslords.
衷心感谢 SPGoding 及 SPXFellow 对 SPXX™️ 开发的巨大贡献,你们是永远的纽斯罗德。