Wanikani Open Framework Turbo Events

Adds helpful methods for dealing with Turbo Events to WaniKani Open Framework

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Wanikani Open Framework Turbo Events

Library script for browser development

This is a library script that adds helpful methods to WaniKani Open Framework for dealing with Turbo Events.
Scripts developers can use this library to simplify their workflow.

All additions are added to a new turbo property of the wkof object, thus accessible via wkof.turbo.

The exposed wkof.turbo object

The wkof.turbo object has the following properties and methods:

  • add_event_listener(eventName, listener, options)
    • returns: boolean
      • true: when the listener was successfully added.
        • Note that in the "load" special case, this currently returns true despite not adding a listener.
      • false: when the inputs were invalid.
  • remove_event_listener(eventName, listener, options)
    • returns: boolean
      • true: when the listener was removed successfully.
      • false: when the inputs were invalid or when no active listener matching the parameters is found.
  • on
    • common: contains convenience functions for common use cases.
      • events(eventList, callback, options)
      • urls(callback, urls)
      • dashboard(callback)
      • items_pages(callback)
      • lessons(callback)
      • lessons_picker(callback)
      • lessons_quiz(callback)
      • reviews(callback)
    • event: contains functions to set listeners for each of the Turbo events.
      • click(callback, urls, options)
      • before_visit(callback, urls, options)
      • visit(callback, urls, options)
      • before_cache(callback, urls, options)
      • before_render(callback, urls, options)
      • render(callback, urls, options)
      • load(callback, urls, options)
      • morph(callback, urls, options)
      • before_morph_element(callback, urls, options)
      • before_morph_attribute(callback, urls, options)
      • morph_element(callback, urls, options)
      • submit_start(callback, urls, options)
      • submit_end(callback, urls, options)
      • before_frame_render(callback, urls, options)
      • frame_render(callback, urls, options)
      • frame_load(callback, urls, options)
      • frame_missing(callback, urls, options)
      • before_stream_render(callback, urls, options)
      • before_fetch_request(callback, urls, options)
      • before_fetch_response(callback, urls, options)
      • before_prefetch(callback, urls, options)
      • fetch_request_error(callback, urls, options)
  • events
    • click
      • source: 'document'
      • name: 'turbo:click'
    • before_visit
      • source: 'document'
      • name: 'turbo:before-visit'
    • visit
      • source: 'document'
      • name: 'turbo:visit'
    • before_cache
      • source: 'document'
      • name: 'turbo:before-cache'
    • before_render
      • source: 'document'
      • name: 'turbo:before-render'
    • render
      • source: 'document'
      • name: 'turbo:render'
    • load
      • source: 'document'
      • name: 'turbo:load'
    • morph
      • source: 'pageRefresh'
      • name: 'turbo:morph'
    • before_morph_element
      • source: 'pageRefresh'
      • name: 'turbo:before-morph-element'
    • before_morph_attribute
      • source: 'pageRefresh'
      • name: 'turbo:before-morph-attribute'
    • morph_element
      • source: 'pageRefresh'
      • name: 'turbo:morph-element'
    • submit_start
      • source: 'forms'
      • name: 'turbo:submit-start'
    • submit_end
      • source: 'forms'
      • name: 'turbo:submit-end'
    • before_frame_render
      • source: 'frames'
      • name: 'turbo:before-frame-render'
    • frame_render
      • source: 'frames'
      • name: 'turbo:frame-render'
    • frame_load
      • source: 'frames'
      • name: 'turbo:frame-load'
    • frame_missing
      • source: 'frames'
      • name: 'turbo:frame-missing'
    • before_stream_render
      • source: 'streams'
      • name: 'turbo:before-stream-render'
    • before_fetch_request
      • source: 'httpRequests'
      • name: 'turbo:before-fetch-request'
    • before_fetch_response
      • source: 'httpRequests'
      • name: 'turbo:before-fetch-response'
    • before_prefetch
      • source: 'httpRequests'
      • name: 'turbo:before-prefetch'
    • fetch_request_error
      • source: 'httpRequests'
      • name: 'turbo:fetch-request-error'
  • common
    • locations: contains RegExp objects to match against the URLs for typical pages.
      • dashboard
      • items_pages
      • lessons
      • lessons_picker
      • lessons_quiz
      • reviews

General notes

  • Always set the @match userscript directive to https://www.wanikani.com/* or equivalent.
    • Otherwise, the script may not end up running if the user refreshes the page somewhere unexpected.

Typical usage involves one of the following:

  1. Use one of the convenience functions in wkof.turbo.on.common if one meets your requirements.
  2. Pass one or more URLs to the method in wkof.turbo.on.event that will be used.
    • URLs can be passed using a urls property in the object passed to the options parameter
      • For example, {urls: myUrl} or {urls: [myUrl1, myUrl2]}
    • Inputs for the urls property can be a string, a RegExp, or an array consisting of a mixture of those.

Special cases

  • "load" (not to be confused with "turbo:load") is a special use case event name.
    • Adding a listener for that event via this library causes it to execute the callback immediately after it is added
      in the case that the URL matches and the "turbo:load" event has already fired.

Example usage

Basic/minimal script configuration

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Wanikani Something Special
// @namespace    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
// @version      1.0.0
// @description  Does something special
// @author       You Know
// @match        https://www.wanikani.com/*
// @grant        none
// @license      MIT
// ==/UserScript==
if (!window.wkof) {
  if (confirm(`${script_name} requires Wanikani Open Framework.\nDo you want to be forwarded to the installation instructions?`))
    window.location.href = 'https://community.wanikani.com/t/instructions-installing-wanikani-open-framework/28549';

// This script needs to run whenever the user is on the dashboard.
wkof.ready('TurboEvents').then(() => wkof.turbo.on.common.dashboard(main));

function main() {
    // start of main script

Standard script inclusion using manual configuration

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Wanikani Something Special
// @namespace    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
// @version      1.0.0
// @description  Does something special
// @author       You Know
// @match        https://www.wanikani.com/*
// @grant        none
// @license      MIT
// ==/UserScript==
if (!window.wkof) {
    if (confirm(`${script_name} requires Wanikani Open Framework.\nDo you want to be forwarded to the installation instructions?`))
        window.location.href = 'https://community.wanikani.com/t/instructions-installing-wanikani-open-framework/28549';

function configureTurbo() {
    // This example needs to run whenever the user is in a reviews session or lessons quiz. So this
    // example will use RegEx objects conviently provided by this library.
    const options = {
        urls: [

    // These are the events most often of use for general purpose scripts
    // See the special case note about 'load' in the preceding section.
    const eventList = ['load', wkof.turbo.events.load];

    // Setup the listener
    wkof.turbo.on.common.events(eventList, main, options);

function main() {
    // start of main script

Various different methods of creating and removing listeners

// Make sure the events are fully loaded before starting any configuration of this library.

// The callback function is passed an event argument for all Turbo events. However, it is *not*
// provided for the special case of the aforementioned "load" event.
function myFunction(event) {
    console.log(`myFunction() has run for event "${event?.type ?? 'load'}"`);

function configurePageHandler() {
    // Run the callback on "turbo:click" on any page.

    const options1 = {
        // Run the callback on the dashboard and on individual radical, kanji, or vocab pages.
        urls: [wkof.turbo.common.locations.dashboard, wkof.turbo.common.locations.items_pages]
    // Run the callback on the "turbo:before-render" event.
    wkof.turbo.on.event.before_render(myFunction, options1);

    // Run the callback on initial page load, turbo:before-render, and turbo:frame_render.
    // See the special case note about "load" in the preceding section.
    let eventList = ['load', wkof.turbo.events.before_render, wkof.turbo.events.frame_render];
    const options2 = {
        // Run the callback on the lessons picker page.
        urls: wkof.turbo.common.locations.lessons_picker,
        // Automatically remove the event after firing once
        once: true
    // The first parameter can be an array including either the Turbo event object that is provided
    // (wkof.turbo.events.before_render) or the string itself ("turbo:before-render").
    // Note that two new listeners are added in this example, one for each **Turbo** event.
    wkof.turbo.on.common.events(eventList, myFunction, options2);

    // Remove listeners by using `wkof.turbo.remove_event_listener(eventName, listener, options)`.
    // In this scenario, the result would presumably be [false, true, true], since the "load" event
    // does not create a listener. However, if a "turbo:before-render" or "turbo:frame-render"
    // event has fired between creating the listener and making the following call, the respective
    // loop condition or conditions would also return false because the listener or listeners would
    // have already been removed due to using the `once: true` option during creation.
    eventList.forEach(eventName => {
        // The callback and options must both match the existing listener or the removal will fail. 
        // Callback must be reference equal, but the options can just have equivalent values.
        let equivalentOptions = {urls: wkof.turbo.common.locations.lessons_picker, once: true};
        wkof.turbo.remove_event_listener(eventName, myFunction, equivalentOptions);

    const options3 = {
        // Automatically remove the event after firing once.
        once: true,
        // Ignore events for Turbo's cached version of pages.
        nocache: true,
        // Disable the built-in feature that slightly delays the callback execution until the event
        // has finished firing, which is done essentially via `setTimeout(callback, 0)`.
        noTimeout: true
    // The `urls` option is not set, so this will run on the `visit` event for every page.
    // However, since `once: true` is set, it will be removed after first execution.
    wkof.turbo.add_event_listener(wkof.turbo.events.visit, myFunction, options3);
    // Or, it can be removed immediately.
    wkof.turbo.remove_event_listener(wkof.turbo.events.visit, myFunction, options3);

    // Listener is still active from the `wkof.turbo.on.event.click(myFunction)` invocation.