// ==UserScript==
// @name Vstats Kit
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 1.51
// @description Show median peak, true average, add change date arrows on month stats page, change hololive channel.
// @author Irushia
// @license MIT
// @match https://www.vstats.jp/channels/1:*/*
// @exclude https://www.vstats.jp/channels/1:*/overall
// @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=vstats.jp
// @run-at document-end
// @require https://openuserjs.org/src/libs/sizzle/GM_config.js
// @grant GM.getValue
// @grant GM.setValue
// @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
// ==/UserScript==
(() => {
const gmc = new GM_config({
id: "MyConfig",
title: `${GM_info.script.name} Settings`,
fields: {
label: "Copy stats to clipboard",
type: "select",
options: [
default: "None",
events: {
init: () => {
const cpy = gmc.get("COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD");
const HololiveChs = [
{ id: "UCp6993wxpyDPHUpavwDFqgg", name: "Sora" },
{ id: "UCDqI2jOz0weumE8s7paEk6g", name: "Roboco" },
{ id: "UCFTLzh12_nrtzqBPsTCqenA", name: "Aki" },
{ id: "UC1CfXB_kRs3C-zaeTG3oGyg", name: "Haato" },
{ id: "UCdn5BQ06XqgXoAxIhbqw5Rg", name: "Fubuki" },
{ id: "UCQ0UDLQCjY0rmuxCDE38FGg", name: "Matsuri" },
{ id: "UCXTpFs_3PqI41qX2d9tL2Rw", name: "Shion" },
{ id: "UC7fk0CB07ly8oSl0aqKkqFg", name: "Ayame" },
{ id: "UC1suqwovbL1kzsoaZgFZLKg", name: "Choco" },
{ id: "UCvzGlP9oQwU--Y0r9id_jnA", name: "Subaru" },
{ id: "UC0TXe_LYZ4scaW2XMyi5_kw", name: "AZKi" },
{ id: "UCp-5t9SrOQwXMU7iIjQfARg", name: "Mio" },
{ id: "UC-hM6YJuNYVAmUWxeIr9FeA", name: "Miko" },
{ id: "UCvaTdHTWBGv3MKj3KVqJVCw", name: "Okayu" },
{ id: "UChAnqc_AY5_I3Px5dig3X1Q", name: "Korone" },
{ id: "UC5CwaMl1eIgY8h02uZw7u8A", name: "Suisei" },
{ id: "UC1DCedRgGHBdm81E1llLhOQ", name: "Pekora" },
{ id: "UCvInZx9h3jC2JzsIzoOebWg", name: "Flare" },
{ id: "UCdyqAaZDKHXg4Ahi7VENThQ", name: "Noel" },
{ id: "UCCzUftO8KOVkV4wQG1vkUvg", name: "Marine" },
{ id: "UCZlDXzGoo7d44bwdNObFacg", name: "Kanata" },
{ id: "UCqm3BQLlJfvkTsX_hvm0UmA", name: "Watame" },
{ id: "UC1uv2Oq6kNxgATlCiez59hw", name: "Towa" },
{ id: "UCa9Y57gfeY0Zro_noHRVrnw", name: "Luna" },
{ id: "UCOyYb1c43VlX9rc_lT6NKQw", name: "Risu" },
{ id: "UCP0BspO_AMEe3aQqqpo89Dg", name: "Moona" },
{ id: "UCAoy6rzhSf4ydcYjJw3WoVg", name: "Iofiteen" },
{ id: "UCFKOVgVbGmX65RxO3EtH3iw", name: "Lamy" },
{ id: "UCAWSyEs_Io8MtpY3m-zqILA", name: "Nene" },
{ id: "UCUKD-uaobj9jiqB-VXt71mA", name: "Botan" },
{ id: "UCK9V2B22uJYu3N7eR_BT9QA", name: "Polka" },
{ id: "UCL_qhgtOy0dy1Agp8vkySQg", name: "Calliope" },
{ id: "UCHsx4Hqa-1ORjQTh9TYDhww", name: "Kiara" },
{ id: "UCMwGHR0BTZuLsmjY_NT5Pwg", name: "Ina'nis" },
{ id: "UCoSrY_IQQVpmIRZ9Xf-y93g", name: "Gura" },
// { id: "UCyl1z3jo3XHR1riLFKG5UAg", name: "Amelia" },
{ id: "UCYz_5n-uDuChHtLo7My1HnQ", name: "Ollie" },
{ id: "UC727SQYUvx5pDDGQpTICNWg", name: "Anya" },
{ id: "UChgTyjG-pdNvxxhdsXfHQ5Q", name: "Reine" },
{ id: "UC8rcEBzJSleTkf_-agPM20g", name: "IRyS" },
{ id: "UCO_aKKYxn4tvrqPjcTzZ6EQ", name: "Fauna" },
{ id: "UCmbs8T6MWqUHP1tIQvSgKrg", name: "Kronii" },
{ id: "UC3n5uGu18FoCy23ggWWp8tA", name: "Mumei" },
{ id: "UCgmPnx-EEeOrZSg5Tiw7ZRQ", name: "Baelz" },
{ id: "UCENwRMx5Yh42zWpzURebzTw", name: "Laplus" },
{ id: "UCs9_O1tRPMQTHQ-N_L6FU2g", name: "Lui" },
{ id: "UC6eWCld0KwmyHFbAqK3V-Rw", name: "Koyori" },
{ id: "UCIBY1ollUsauvVi4hW4cumw", name: "Chloe" },
{ id: "UC_vMYWcDjmfdpH6r4TTn1MQ", name: "Iroha" },
{ id: "UCTvHWSfBZgtxE4sILOaurIQ", name: "Zeta" },
{ id: "UCZLZ8Jjx_RN2CXloOmgTHVg", name: "Kaela" },
{ id: "UCjLEmnpCNeisMxy134KPwWw", name: "Kobo" },
{ id: "UCgnfPPb9JI3e9A4cXHnWbyg", name: "Shiori" },
{ id: "UC9p_lqQ0FEDz327Vgf5JwqA", name: "Bijou" },
{ id: "UC_sFNM0z0MWm9A6WlKPuMMg", name: "Nerissa" },
{ id: "UCt9H_RpQzhxzlyBxFqrdHqA", name: "Fuwamoco" },
{ id: "UCMGfV7TVTmHhEErVJg1oHBQ", name: "Ao" },
{ id: "UCWQtYtq9EOB4-I5P-3fh8lA", name: "Kanade" },
{ id: "UCtyWhCj3AqKh2dXctLkDtng", name: "Ririka" },
{ id: "UCdXAk5MpyLD8594lm_OvtGQ", name: "Raden" },
{ id: "UC1iA6_NT4mtAcIII6ygrvCw", name: "Hajime" },
{ id: "UCW5uhrG1eCBYditmhL0Ykjw", name: "Elizabeth" },
{ id: "UCDHABijvPBnJm7F-KlNME3w", name: "Gigi" },
{ id: "UCvN5h1ShZtc7nly3pezRayg", name: "Cecillia" },
{ id: "UCl69AEx4MdqMZH7Jtsm7Tig", name: "Raora" },
{ id: "UC9LSiN9hXI55svYEBrrK-tw", name: "Riona" },
{ id: "UCuI_opAVX6qbxZY-a-AxFuQ", name: "Niko" },
{ id: "UCjk2nKmHzgH5Xy-C5qYRd5A", name: "Su" },
{ id: "UCKMWFR6lAstLa7Vbf5dH7ig", name: "Chihaya" },
{ id: "UCGzTVXqMQHa4AgJVJIVvtDQ", name: "Vivi" },
const findEle = (ele, title) => {
const value = ele.querySelector(`[title="${title}"]`);
return value && value.textContent !== "---"
? Number.parseInt(value.textContent.replace(/,/g, ""), 10)
: 0;
const sortList = () => {
const divClass =
"row row-cols-2 row-cols-md-3 row-cols-lg-4 row-cols-xl-5 g-2 g-lg-3";
const divEle = document.getElementsByClassName(divClass)[0];
const sortedChildren = Array.from(divEle.children).sort(
(a, b) => findEle(b, "最大視聴者数") - findEle(a, "最大視聴者数"),
for (const col of sortedChildren) {
const getMedian = (arr) => {
const sortedArr = arr.sort((a, b) => a - b);
const mid = Math.floor(sortedArr.length / 2);
return sortedArr.length % 2 === 0
? (sortedArr[mid - 1] + sortedArr[mid]) / 2
: sortedArr[mid];
const formatNumberWithCommas = (num) => {
return num.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",");
const arrIndex = (arr, index) => {
if (!arr) return null;
return arr[index];
const toInt = (str) => {
if (!str || str === "---") return 0;
return Number.parseInt(str.replace(/,/g, ""), 10);
const toFloat = (str) => {
if (!str || str === "0:00") return 0.0;
return (
Number.parseInt(str.split(":")[0]) +
Number.parseInt(str.split(":")[1]) / 60
const addTime = (time1, time2) => {
const [h1, m1] = time1.split(":").map(Number);
const [h2, m2] = time2.split(":").map(Number);
const totalMinutes = h1 * 60 + m1 + (h2 * 60 + m2);
const hours = Math.floor(totalMinutes / 60);
const minutes = totalMinutes % 60;
return `${hours}:${minutes.toString().padStart(2, "0")}`;
const Stats = {
hourswatched: "",
hourstream: "",
median: 0,
average: 0,
vidNum: 0,
liveNum: 0,
preNum: 0,
init(hourswatched, hourstream, median, vidNum, liveNum, preNum) {
this.hourswatched = hourswatched; // string
this.hourstream = hourstream; // string
this.median = median; //
const hw = Number.parseInt(hourswatched.replace(/,/g, ""));
const hs = toFloat(hourstream);
this.average = Math.round(hw / hs); // int
this.vidNum = vidNum; // int
this.liveNum = liveNum; // int
this.preNum = preNum; // int
toString() {
return `動画:${this.vidNum}本\nライブ配信:${this.liveNum}本\n
const editStats = () => {
const divClass =
"row row-cols-2 row-cols-md-3 row-cols-lg-4 row-cols-xl-5 g-2 g-lg-3";
const divEle = document.getElementsByClassName(divClass)[0];
const eleList = divEle.children;
const peakList = [];
let hourstream = "0:00";
for (let i = 0; i < eleList.length; i++) {
const peak = findEle(eleList[i], "最大視聴者数");
if (peak > 0) {
const hs = eleList[i]
hourstream = addTime(hourstream, hs);
if (peakList.length === 0) return;
const statsEle = document.querySelector("h5");
toInt(arrIndex(statsEle.innerHTML.match(/動画:\s*(\d+)/), 1)),
toInt(arrIndex(statsEle.innerHTML.match(/プレミア公開:\s*(\d+)/), 1)),
statsEle.innerHTML = Stats.toString();
const addDateChangeArrow = () => {
const url = new URL(window.location.href);
const [channel, date] = url.pathname.split("/").slice(-2);
const [year, month] = date.split("-").map(Number);
const prevDate = new Date(year, month - 2, 1);
const nextDate = new Date(year, month, 1);
const prevMonthUrl = `/channels/${channel}/${prevDate.getFullYear()}-${
prevDate.getMonth() + 1
const nextMonthUrl = `/channels/${channel}/${nextDate.getFullYear()}-${
nextDate.getMonth() + 1
const dateNavElement = document.querySelector(
"body > main > div.content.mt-3 > div > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(2) > h4",
`<a href="${prevMonthUrl}" class="link-dark"><i class="fas fa-angle-left" aria-hidden="true"></i></a>`,
`<a href="${nextMonthUrl}" class="link-dark"><i class="fas fa-angle-right" aria-hidden="true"></i></a>`,
const addChannelChangeArrow = () => {
const url = new URL(window.location.href);
const [channel, date] = url.pathname.split("/").slice(-2);
const channelId = channel.split(":")[1];
const index = HololiveChs.findIndex((ch) => ch.id === channelId);
if (index === -1) return;
const prevIndex = index === 0 ? HololiveChs.length - 1 : index - 1;
const nextIndex = index === HololiveChs.length - 1 ? 0 : index + 1;
const prevHtml = `<a href="/channels/1:${HololiveChs[prevIndex].id}/${date}" class="link-dark"><i class="fas fa-angle-left" aria-hidden="true"></i></a>`;
const nextHtml = `<a href="/channels/1:${HololiveChs[nextIndex].id}/${date}" class="link-dark"><i class="fas fa-angle-right" aria-hidden="true"></i></a>`;
const channelNavElement = document.querySelector(
"body > main > div.content.mt-3 > div > div:nth-child(1) > div.col-12.d-flex.justify-content-start.align-items-center.py-2 > img",
channelNavElement.insertAdjacentHTML("beforebegin", prevHtml);
channelNavElement.insertAdjacentHTML("afterend", nextHtml);
const copyToClipboard = (settings) => {
if (!settings) return;
const map = {
HW: toInt(Stats.hourswatched),
HS: toFloat(Stats.hourstream),
MEDIAN: Stats.median,
AVERAGE: Stats.average,
VIDNUM: Stats.vidNum,
LIVENUM: Stats.liveNum,
PRENUM: Stats.preNum,
None: 0,
const tmp = map[settings];
console.debug(`Copying: ${tmp}`);
() => {
// alert(`Async: Copying ${settings} to clipboard was successful!`);
(err) => {
console.error("Async: Could not copy text: ", err);
GM_registerMenuCommand("Settings", () => {
GM_registerMenuCommand("Sort", sortList);
// copyToClipboard("MEDIAN");