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Instagram/Twitch/YouTube/TikTok Video/Audio Downloader (frequently updated)
這裡顯示腳本的所有版本。 只顯示彼此間有代碼差異的版本。
Bug Fixes
Finally fixed why the script wouldnt run
Attempting to find out why the minified verion doesnt work for now heres the sloppy source code
Changes for yt part. now saves timestyampe for adblock
Fixed downloads for insta and youtube
Fixed downloading youtub shorts
Prevents dups preveiws for clip created on twitch
Fixed clipdownloading for twitch
Fixed youtube AudioNot downloading when the url was changed
BugFixes for Soundcloud
Black screen added for download insta rells n stuff
Instagram bug fixes
Fixed instagram media downloading
Bug fixes
Fixed aads not being skipped when thers no ad button present
Added a bi-weekly feedback function
Testing something to prevent triggering YouTube’s Adblock
Fixed the cors blocking users from downloading audio on youtube
Fixed audio downloading for youtube
Fixed buttons for
Fixed undefinaed again?
Fixed "undefined" in the last version
Add Bolby suggestion also working on multi language support
Fixed embeded ifram for video dowenloading
Fixed tiktok button | instagram is now w.i.p
fixed download button not show for clip on
Working on anti ad block for yt
Added better ad skipping using playerbackrate :3
Bug Fixes for mp3 downloaded
Added Embeded downloader for youtube fixed audio downloading as well
More fixes
Fixed youtube mp4 downloaded
Fixed everything
Bug Fixes for Twitch
Bug Fixes with Jquery
You can now download clips from Twitch