// ==UserScript==
// @name AniLINK - Episode Link Extractor
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/en/users/781076-jery-js
// @version 6.2.0
// @description Stream or download your favorite anime series effortlessly with AniLINK! Unlock the power to play any anime series directly in your preferred video player or download entire seasons in a single click using popular download managers like IDM. AniLINK generates direct download links for all episodes, conveniently sorted by quality. Elevate your anime-watching experience now!
// @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain=animepahe.ru
// @author Jery
// @license MIT
// @match https://anitaku.*/*
// @match https://anitaku.bz/*
// @match https://gogoanime.*/*
// @match https://gogoanime3.cc/*
// @match https://gogoanime3.*/*
// @match https://animepahe.*/play/*
// @match https://animepahe.*/anime/*
// @match https://animepahe.ru/play/*
// @match https://animepahe.com/play/*
// @match https://animepahe.org/play/*
// @match https://yugenanime.*/anime/*/*/watch/
// @match https://yugenanime.tv/anime/*/*/watch/
// @match https://yugenanime.sx/anime/*/*/watch/
// @match https://hianime.*/watch/*
// @match https://hianime.to/watch/*
// @match https://hianime.nz/watch/*
// @match https://hianime.sz/watch/*
// @match https://otaku-streamers.com/info/*/*
// @match https://beta.otaku-streamers.com/watch/*/*
// @match https://beta.otaku-streamers.com/title/*/*
// @match https://animeheaven.me/anime.php?*
// @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant GM_addStyle
// ==/UserScript==
class Episode {
constructor(number, title, links, type, thumbnail) {
this.number = number; // The episode number
this.title = title; // The title of the episode (this can be the specific ep title or just the anime name).
this.links = links; // An object containing the download links for the episode, keyed by quality (eg: {"source1":"http://linktovideo.mp4", "source2":"vid2.mp4"}).
this.type = type; // The file type of the video links (eg: "mp4", "m3u8").
this.thumbnail = thumbnail; // The URL of the episode's thumbnail image (if unavailable, then just any image is fine. Thumbnail property isnt really used in the script yet).
this.name = `${this.title} - ${this.number.padStart(3, '0')}.${this.type}`; // The formatted name of the episode, combining title and number.
* @typedef {Object} Websites[]
* @property {string} name - The name of the website (required).
* @property {string[]} url - An array of URL patterns that identify the website (required).
* @property {string} thumbnail - A CSS selector to identify the episode thumbnail on the website (required).
* @property {Function} addStartButton - A function to add the "Generate Download Links" button to the website (required).
* @property {AsyncGeneratorFunction} extractEpisodes - An async generator function to extract episode information from the website (required).
* @property {string} epLinks - A CSS selector to identify the episode links on the website (optional).
* @property {string} epTitle - A CSS selector to identify the episode title on the website (optional).
* @property {string} linkElems - A CSS selector to identify the download link elements on the website (optional).
* @property {string} [animeTitle] - A CSS selector to identify the anime title on the website (optional).
* @property {string} [epNum] - A CSS selector to identify the episode number on the website (optional).
* @property {Function} [_getVideoLinks] - A function to extract video links from the website (optional).
* @property {string} [styles] - Custom CSS styles to be applied to the website (optional).
* @description An array of website configurations for extracting episode links.
* @note To add a new website, follow these steps:
* 1. Create a new object with the following properties:
* - `name`: The name of the website.
* - `url`: An array of URL patterns that identify the website.
* - `thumbnail`: A CSS selector to identify the episode thumbnail on the website.
* - `addStartButton`: A function to add the "Generate Download Links" button to the website.
* - `extractEpisodes`: An async generator function to extract episode information from the website.
* 2. Optionally, add the following properties if needed (they arent used by the script, but they will come in handy when the animesite changes its layout):
* - `animeTitle`: A CSS selector to identify the anime title on the website.
* - `epLinks`: A CSS selector to identify the episode links on the website.
* - `epTitle`: A CSS selector to identify the episode title on the website.
* - `linkElems`: A CSS selector to identify the download link elements on the website.
* - `epNum`: A CSS selector to identify the episode number on the website.
* - `_getVideoLinks`: A function to extract video links from the website.
* - `styles`: Custom CSS styles to be applied to the website.
* 3. Implement the `addStartButton` function to add the "Generate Download Links" button to the website.
* - This function should create a element and append it to the appropriate location on the website.
* - The button should have an ID of "AniLINK_startBtn".
* 4. Implement the `extractEpisodes` function to extract episode information from the website.
* - This function should be an async generator function that yields Episode objects (To ensure fast processing, using chunks is recommended).
* - Use the `fetchPage` function to fetch the HTML content of each episode page.
* - Parse the HTML content to extract the episode title, number, links, and thumbnail.
* - Create an `Episode` object for each episode and yield it using the `yieldEpisodesFromPromises` function.
* 5. Optionally, implement the `_getVideoLinks` function to extract video links from the website.
* - This function should return a promise that resolves to an object containing video links.
* - Use this function if the video links require additional processing or API calls.
* - Tip: use GM_xmlhttpRequest to make cross-origin requests if needed (I've used proxy.sh so far which I plan to change in the future since GM_XHR seems more reliable).
const websites = [
name: 'GoGoAnime',
url: ['anitaku.to/', 'gogoanime3.co/', 'gogoanime3', 'anitaku', 'gogoanime'],
epLinks: '#episode_related > li > a',
epTitle: '.title_name > h2',
linkElems: '.cf-download > a',
thumbnail: '.headnav_left > a > img',
addStartButton: function() {
const button = Object.assign(document.createElement('a'), {
id: "AniLINK_startBtn",
style: "cursor: pointer; background-color: #145132;",
innerHTML: document.querySelector("div.user_auth a[href='/login.html']")
? `<b style="color:#FFC119;">AniLINK:</b> Please <a href="/login.html"><u>log in</u></a> to download`
: '<i class="icongec-dowload"></i> Generate Download Links'
const target = location.href.includes('/category/') ? '#episode_page' : '.cf-download';
return button;
extractEpisodes: async function* (status) {
status.textContent = 'Starting...';
const throttleLimit = 12; // Number of episodes to extract in parallel
const epLinks = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(this.epLinks));
for (let i = 0; i < epLinks.length; i += throttleLimit) {
const chunk = epLinks.slice(i, i + throttleLimit);
const episodePromises = chunk.map(async epLink => { try {
const page = await fetchPage(epLink.href);
const [, epTitle, epNumber] = page.querySelector(this.epTitle).textContent.match(/(.+?) Episode (\d+(?:\.\d+)?)/);
const thumbnail = page.querySelector(this.thumbnail).src;
status.textContent = `Extracting ${epTitle} - ${epNumber.padStart(3, '0')}...`;
const links = [...page.querySelectorAll(this.linkElems)].reduce((obj, elem) => ({ ...obj, [elem.textContent.trim()]: elem.href }), {});
status.textContent = `Extracted ${epTitle} - ${epNumber.padStart(3, '0')}`;
return new Episode(epNumber, epTitle, links, 'mp4', thumbnail); // Return Episode object
} catch (e) { showToast(e); return null; } }); // Handle errors and return null
yield* yieldEpisodesFromPromises(episodePromises); // Use helper function
name: 'YugenAnime',
url: ['yugenanime.tv', 'yugenanime.sx'],
epLinks: '.ep-card > a.ep-thumbnail',
animeTitle: '.ani-info-ep .link h1',
epTitle: 'div.col.col-w-65 > div.box > h1',
thumbnail: 'a.ep-thumbnail img',
addStartButton: function() {
return document.querySelector(".content .navigation").appendChild(Object.assign(document.createElement('a'), { id: "AniLINK_startBtn", className: "link p-15", textContent: "Generate Download Links" }));
extractEpisodes: async function* (status) {
status.textContent = 'Getting list of episodes...';
const epLinks = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(this.epLinks));
const throttleLimit = 6; // Number of episodes to extract in parallel
for (let i = 0; i < epLinks.length; i += throttleLimit) {
const chunk = epLinks.slice(i, i + throttleLimit);
const episodePromises = chunk.map(async (epLink, index) => { try {
status.textContent = `Loading ${epLink.pathname}`
const page = await fetchPage(epLink.href);
const animeTitle = page.querySelector(this.animeTitle).textContent;
const epNumber = epLink.href.match(/(\d+)\/?$/)[1];
const epTitle = page.querySelector(this.epTitle).textContent.match(/^${epNumber} : (.+)$/) || animeTitle;
const thumbnail = document.querySelectorAll(this.thumbnail)[index].src;
status.textContent = `Extracting ${`${epNumber.padStart(3, '0')} - ${animeTitle}` + (epTitle != animeTitle ? `- ${epTitle}` : '')}...`;
const links = await this._getVideoLinks(page, status, (`${epNumber.padStart(3, '0')} - ${animeTitle}` + (epTitle != animeTitle ? `- ${epTitle}` : '')));
return new Episode(epNumber, epTitle, links, 'm3u8', thumbnail); // Return Episode object
} catch (e) { showToast(e); return null; } }); // Handle errors and return null
yield* yieldEpisodesFromPromises(episodePromises); // Use helper function
_getVideoLinks: async function (page, status, episodeTitle) {
const embedLinkId = page.body.innerHTML.match(new RegExp(`src="//${page.domain}/e/(.*?)/"`))[1];
const embedApiResponse = await fetch(`https://${page.domain}/api/embed/`, { method: 'POST', headers: {"X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest"}, body: new URLSearchParams({ id: embedLinkId, ac: "0" }) });
const json = await embedApiResponse.json();
const m3u8GeneralLink = json.hls[0];
status.textContent = `Parsing ${episodeTitle}...`;
// Fetch the m3u8 file content
const m3u8Response = await fetch(m3u8GeneralLink);
const m3u8Text = await m3u8Response.text();
// Parse the m3u8 file to extract different qualities
const qualityMatches = m3u8Text.matchAll(/#EXT-X-STREAM-INF:.*RESOLUTION=\d+x\d+.*NAME="(\d+p)"\n(.*\.m3u8)/g);
const links = {};
for (const match of qualityMatches) {
const [_, quality, m3u8File] = match;
links[quality] = `${m3u8GeneralLink.slice(0, m3u8GeneralLink.lastIndexOf('/') + 1)}${m3u8File}`;
return links;
name: 'AnimePahe',
url: ['animepahe.ru', 'animepahe.com', 'animepahe.org', 'animepahe'],
epLinks: (document.location.pathname.startsWith('/anime/'))? '.play': '.dropup.episode-menu .dropdown-item',
epTitle: '.theatre-info > h1',
linkElems: '#resolutionMenu > button',
thumbnail: '.theatre-info > a > img',
addStartButton: function() {
GM_addStyle(`.theatre-settings .col-sm-3 { max-width: 20%; }`);
? document.querySelector(".col-6.bar").innerHTML += `
<div class="btn-group btn-group-toggle">
<label id="AniLINK_startBtn" class="btn btn-dark btn-sm">Generate Download Links</label>
: document.querySelector("div.theatre-settings > div.row").innerHTML += `
<div class="col-12 col-sm-3">
<div class="dropup">
<a class="btn btn-secondary btn-block" id="AniLINK_startBtn">
Generate Download Links
return document.getElementById("AniLINK_startBtn");
extractEpisodes: async function* (status) {
status.textContent = 'Starting...';
const epLinks = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(this.epLinks));
const throttleLimit = 200; // Setting high throttle limit actually improves performance
for (let i = 0; i < epLinks.length; i += throttleLimit) {
const chunk = epLinks.slice(i, i + throttleLimit);
const episodePromises = chunk.map(async epLink => { try {
const page = await fetchPage(epLink.href);
if (page.querySelector(this.epTitle) == null) return;
const [, epTitle, epNumber] = page.querySelector(this.epTitle).outerText.split(/Watch (.+) - (\d+(?:\.\d+)?) Online$/);
const thumbnail = page.querySelector(this.thumbnail).src;
status.textContent = `Extracting ${epTitle} - ${epNumber.padStart(3, "0")}...`;
async function getVideoUrl(kwikUrl) {
const response = await fetch(kwikUrl, { headers: { "Referer": "https://animepahe.com" } });
const data = await response.text();
return eval(/(eval)(\(f.*?)(\n<\/script>)/s.exec(data)[2].replace("eval", "")).match(/https.*?m3u8/)[0];
let links = {};
for (const elm of [...page.querySelectorAll(this.linkElems)]) {
links[elm.textContent] = await getVideoUrl(elm.getAttribute('data-src'));
status.textContent = `Parsed ${`${epNumber.padStart(3, '0')} - ${epTitle}`}`;
return new Episode(epNumber, epTitle, links, 'm3u8', thumbnail);
} catch (e) { showToast(e); return null; } });
yield* yieldEpisodesFromPromises(episodePromises);
styles: `div#AniLINK_LinksContainer { font-size: 10px; } #Quality > b > div > ul {font-size: 16px;}`
name: 'Beta-Otaku-Streamers',
url: ['beta.otaku-streamers.com'],
epLinks: (document.location.pathname.startsWith('/title/')) ? '.item-title a' : '.video-container .clearfix > a',
epTitle: '.title > a',
epNum: '.watch_curep',
thumbnail: 'video',
addStartButton: function() {
? document.querySelector(".album-top-box"): document.querySelector('.video-container .title-box'))
.innerHTML += `<a id="AniLINK_startBtn" class="btn btn-outline rounded-btn">Generate Download Links</a>`;
return document.getElementById("AniLINK_startBtn");
extractEpisodes: async function* (status) {
status.textContent = 'Starting...';
const epLinks = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(this.epLinks));
const throttleLimit = 12;
for (let i = 0; i < epLinks.length; i += throttleLimit) {
const chunk = epLinks.slice(i, i + throttleLimit);
const episodePromises = chunk.map(async epLink => { try {
const page = await fetchPage(epLink.href);
const epTitle = page.querySelector(this.epTitle).textContent.trim();
const epNumber = page.querySelector(this.epNum).textContent.replace("Episode ", '')
const thumbnail = page.querySelector(this.thumbnail).poster;
status.textContent = `Extracting ${epTitle} - ${epNumber}...`;
const links = { 'Video Links': page.querySelector('video > source').src };
return new Episode(epNumber, epTitle, links, 'mp4', thumbnail);
} catch (e) { showToast(e); return null; } });
yield* yieldEpisodesFromPromises(episodePromises);
name: 'Otaku-Streamers',
url: ['otaku-streamers.com'],
epLinks: 'table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) > a',
epTitle: '#strw_player > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td > span:nth-child(1) > a',
epNum: '#video_episode',
thumbnail: 'otaku-streamers.com/images/os.jpg',
addStartButton: function() {
const button = document.createElement('a');
button.id = "AniLINK_startBtn";
button.style.cssText = `cursor: pointer; background-color: #145132; float: right;`;
button.innerHTML = 'Generate Download Links';
document.querySelector('table > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td > div > table > tbody > tr > td > h2').appendChild(button);
return button;
extractEpisodes: async function* (status) {
status.textContent = 'Starting...';
const epLinks = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(this.epLinks));
const throttleLimit = 12; // Number of episodes to extract in parallel
for (let i = 0; i < epLinks.length; i += throttleLimit) {
const chunk = epLinks.slice(i, i + throttleLimit);
const episodePromises = chunk.map(async epLink => { try {
const page = await fetchPage(epLink.href);
const epTitle = page.querySelector(this.epTitle).textContent;
const epNumber = page.querySelector(this.epNum).textContent.replace("Episode ", '')
status.textContent = `Extracting ${epTitle} - ${epNumber}...`;
const links = { 'mp4': page.querySelector('video > source').src };
return new Episode(epNumber, epTitle, links, 'mp4', this.thumbnail); // Return Episode object
} catch (e) { showToast(e); return null; } }); // Handle errors and return null
yield* yieldEpisodesFromPromises(episodePromises); // Use helper function
name: 'AnimeHeaven',
url: ['animeheaven.me'],
epLinks: 'a.ac3',
epTitle: 'a.c2.ac2',
epNumber: '.boxitem.bc2.c1.mar0',
thumbnail: 'img.posterimg',
addStartButton: function() {
const button = document.createElement('a');
button.id = "AniLINK_startBtn";
button.style.cssText = `cursor: pointer; border: 2px solid red; padding: 4px;`;
button.innerHTML = 'Generate Download Links';
document.querySelector("div.linetitle2.c2").parentNode.insertBefore(button, document.querySelector("div.linetitle2.c2"));
return button;
extractEpisodes: async function* (status) {
status.textContent = 'Starting...';
const epLinks = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(this.epLinks));
const throttleLimit = 12; // Number of episodes to extract in parallel
for (let i = 0; i < epLinks.length; i += throttleLimit) {
const chunk = epLinks.slice(i, i + throttleLimit);
const episodePromises = chunk.map(async epLink => { try {
const page = await fetchPage(epLink.href);
const epTitle = page.querySelector(this.epTitle).textContent;
const epNumber = page.querySelector(this.epNum).textContent.replace("Episode ", '');
const thumbnail = document.querySelector(this.thumbnail).src;
status.textContent = `Extracting ${epTitle} - ${epNumber}...`;
const links = [...page.querySelectorAll('#vid > source')].reduce((acc, source) => ({ ...acc, [source.src.match(/\/\/(\w+)\./)[1]]: source.src }), {});
return new Episode(epNumber, epTitle, links, 'mp4', thumbnail); // Return Episode object
} catch (e) { showToast(e); return null; } }); // Handle errors and return null
yield* yieldEpisodesFromPromises(episodePromises); // Use helper function
* Fetches the HTML content of a given URL and parses it into a DOM object.
* @param {string} url - The URL of the page to fetch.
* @returns {Promise<Document>} A promise that resolves to a DOM Document object.
* @throws {Error} If the fetch operation fails.
async function fetchPage(url) {
const response = await fetch(url);
if (response.ok) {
const page = (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(await response.text(), 'text/html');
return page;
} else {
showToast(`Failed to fetch HTML for ${url} : ${response.status}`);
throw new Error(`Failed to fetch HTML for ${url} : ${response.status}`);
* Asynchronously processes an array of episode promises and yields each resolved episode.
* @param {Array<Promise>} episodePromises - An array of promises, each resolving to an episode.
* @returns {AsyncGenerator} An async generator yielding each resolved episode.
async function* yieldEpisodesFromPromises(episodePromises) {
for (const episodePromise of episodePromises) {
const episode = await episodePromise;
if (episode) {
yield episode;
// initialize
console.log('Initializing AniLINK...');
const site = websites.find(site => site.url.some(url => window.location.href.includes(url)));
// register menu command to start script
GM_registerMenuCommand('Extract Episodes', extractEpisodes);
// attach start button to page
site.addStartButton().addEventListener('click', extractEpisodes);
// append site specific css styles
document.body.style.cssText += (site.styles || '');
// This function creates an overlay on the page and displays a list of episodes extracted from a website.
// The function is triggered by a user command registered with `GM_registerMenuCommand`.
// The episode list is generated by calling the `extractEpisodes` method of a website object that matches the current URL.
async function extractEpisodes() {
// Restore last overlay if it exists
if (document.getElementById("AniLINK_Overlay")) {
document.getElementById("AniLINK_Overlay").style.display = "flex";
// Flag to control extraction process
let isExtracting = true;
// --- Materialize CSS Initialization ---
@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Material+Icons');
#AniLINK_Overlay { position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); z-index: 1000; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; }
#AniLINK_LinksContainer { width: 80%; max-height: 85%; background-color: #222; color: #eee; padding: 20px; border-radius: 8px; overflow-y: auto; display: flex; flex-direction: column;} /* Flex container for status and qualities */
.anlink-status-header { display: flex; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center; margin-bottom: 10px; } /* Header for status bar and stop button */
.anlink-status-bar { color: #eee; flex-grow: 1; margin-right: 10px; display: block; } /* Status bar takes space */
.anlink-status-icon { background: transparent; border: none; color: #eee; cursor: pointer; padding-right: 10px; } /* status icon style */
.anlink-status-icon i { font-size: 24px; transition: transform 0.3s ease-in-out; } /* Icon size and transition */
.anlink-status-icon i::before { content: 'check_circle'; } /* Show check icon when not extracting */
.anlink-status-icon i.extracting::before { content: 'auto_mode'; animation: spinning 2s linear infinite; } /* Spinner animation class */
.anlink-status-icon:hover i.extracting::before { content: 'stop_circle'; animation: stop; } /* Show stop icon on hover when extracting */
.anlink-quality-section { margin-top: 20px; margin-bottom: 10px; border-bottom: 1px solid #444; padding-bottom: 5px; }
.anlink-quality-header { display: flex; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center; cursor: pointer; } /* Added cursor pointer */
.anlink-quality-header > span { color: #26a69a; font-size: 1.5em; display: flex; align-items: center; flex-grow: 1; } /* Flex and align items for icon and text */
.anlink-quality-header i { margin-right: 8px; transition: transform 0.3s ease-in-out; } /* Transition for icon rotation */
.anlink-quality-header i.rotate { transform: rotate(90deg); } /* Rotate class */
.anlink-episode-list { list-style: none; padding-left: 0; margin-top: 0; overflow: hidden; transition: max-height 0.5s ease-in-out; } /* Transition for max-height */
.anlink-episode-item { margin-bottom: 5px; padding: 8px; border-bottom: 1px solid #333; display: flex; align-items: center; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; } /* Single line and ellipsis for item */
.anlink-episode-item:last-child { border-bottom: none; }
.anlink-episode-checkbox { appearance: none; width: 20px; height: 20px; margin-right: 10px; border: 1px solid #26a69a; border-radius: 4px; outline: none; cursor: pointer; transition: background-color 0.3s, border-color 0.3s; }
.anlink-episode-checkbox:checked { background-color: #26a69a; border-color: #26a69a; }
.anlink-episode-checkbox:checked::after { content: '✔'; display: block; color: white; font-size: 14px; text-align: center; line-height: 20px; animation: checkTilt 0.3s; }
.anlink-episode-link { color: #ffca28; text-decoration: none; word-break: break-all; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; display: inline; } /* Single line & Ellipsis for long links */
.anlink-episode-link:hover { color: #fff; }
.anlink-header-buttons { display: flex; gap: 10px; }
.anlink-header-buttons button { background-color: #26a69a; color: white; border: none; padding: 8px 15px; border-radius: 4px; cursor: pointer; }
.anlink-header-buttons button:hover { background-color: #2bbbad; }
@keyframes spinning { from { transform: rotate(0deg); } to { transform: rotate(360deg); } } /* Spinning animation */
@keyframes checkTilt { from { transform: rotate(-20deg); } to { transform: rotate(0deg); } } /* Checkmark tilt animation */
// Create an overlay to cover the page
const overlayDiv = document.createElement("div");
overlayDiv.id = "AniLINK_Overlay";
overlayDiv.onclick = event => linksContainer.contains(event.target) ? null : overlayDiv.style.display = "none";
// Create a container for links
const linksContainer = document.createElement('div');
linksContainer.id = "AniLINK_LinksContainer";
// Status bar header - container for status bar and status icon
const statusBarHeader = document.createElement('div');
statusBarHeader.className = 'anlink-status-header';
// Create dynamic status icon
const statusIconElement = document.createElement('a');
statusIconElement.className = 'anlink-status-icon';
statusIconElement.innerHTML = '<i class="material-icons extracting"></i>';
statusIconElement.title = 'Stop Extracting';
statusIconElement.addEventListener('click', () => {
isExtracting = false; // Set flag to stop extraction
statusBar.textContent = "Extraction Stopped.";
// Create a status bar
const statusBar = document.createElement('span');
statusBar.className = "anlink-status-bar";
statusBar.textContent = "Extracting Links..."
// Create a container for qualities and episodes
const qualitiesContainer = document.createElement('div');
qualitiesContainer.id = "AniLINK_QualitiesContainer";
// --- Process Episodes using Generator ---
const episodeGenerator = site.extractEpisodes(statusBar);
const qualityLinkLists = {}; // Stores lists of links for each quality
for await (const episode of episodeGenerator) {
if (!isExtracting) { // Check if extraction is stopped
statusIconElement.querySelector('i').classList.remove('extracting'); // Stop spinner animation
statusBar.textContent = "Extraction Stopped By User.";
return; // Exit if extraction is stopped
if (!episode) continue; // Skip if episode is null (error during extraction)
// Get all links into format - {[qual1]:[ep1,2,3,4], [qual2]:[ep1,2,3,4], ...}
for (const quality in episode.links) {
qualityLinkLists[quality] = qualityLinkLists[quality] || [];
// Update UI in real-time - RENDER UI HERE BASED ON qualityLinkLists
renderQualityLinkLists(qualityLinkLists, qualitiesContainer);
isExtracting = false; // Extraction completed
statusBar.textContent = "Extraction Complete!";
// Renders quality link lists inside a given container element
function renderQualityLinkLists(sortedLinks, container) {
const previousExpandedState = {};
container.querySelectorAll('.anlink-quality-section').forEach(section => {
const quality = section.dataset.quality;
const episodeList = section.querySelector('.anlink-episode-list');
previousExpandedState[quality] = episodeList.style.maxHeight !== '0px';
container.innerHTML = ''; // Clear existing content
for (const quality in sortedLinks) {
const episodes = sortedLinks[quality].sort((a, b) => a.number - b.number); // Ensure episodes are sorted
const qualitySection = document.createElement('div');
qualitySection.className = 'anlink-quality-section';
qualitySection.dataset.quality = quality; // Store quality-string in data attribute
const headerDiv = document.createElement('div'); // Header div for quality-string and buttons - ROW
headerDiv.className = 'anlink-quality-header';
// Create a span for the clickable header text and icon
const qualitySpan = document.createElement('span');
qualitySpan.innerHTML = `<i class="material-icons">chevron_right</i> ${quality}`; // Expand icon and quality text
qualitySpan.addEventListener('click', toggleQualitySection); // Add click listener to the span
// --- Create Speed Dial Button in the Quality Section ---
const headerButtons = document.createElement('div');
headerButtons.className = 'anlink-header-buttons';
headerButtons.innerHTML = `
<button type="button" class="anlink-select-links">Select</button>
<button type="button" class="anlink-copy-links">Copy</button>
<button type="button" class="anlink-export-links">Export</button>
<button type="button" class="anlink-play-links">Play</button>
// --- Populate the quality section with episodes ---
const episodeListElem = document.createElement('ul');
episodeListElem.className = 'anlink-episode-list';
episodeListElem.style.maxHeight = '0px'; // Default to collapsed
episodes.forEach(ep => {
const listItem = document.createElement('li');
listItem.className = 'anlink-episode-item';
listItem.innerHTML = `
<input type="checkbox" class="anlink-episode-checkbox" />
<span>Ep ${ep.number.replace(/^0+/, '')}: </span>
<a href="${ep.links[quality]}" class="anlink-episode-link" download="${encodeURI(ep.name)}" data-epnum="${ep.number}" title="${ep.title.replace(/[<>:"/\\|?*]/g, '')}">${ep.links[quality]}</a>
const episodeLinkElement = listItem.querySelector('.anlink-episode-link');
const link = episodeLinkElement.href;
const name = decodeURIComponent(episodeLinkElement.download);
listItem.addEventListener('mouseenter', () => window.getSelection().isCollapsed && (episodeLinkElement.textContent = name));
listItem.addEventListener('mouseleave', () => episodeLinkElement.textContent = decodeURIComponent(link));
qualitySection.appendChild(episodeListElem); // Append ul inside section
// Attach handlers to the quality sections
attachBtnClickListeners(episodes, qualitySection);
// Restore expand state
if (previousExpandedState[quality]) {
const icon = qualitySpan.querySelector('.material-icons');
episodeListElem.style.maxHeight = `${episodeListElem.scrollHeight}px`;
function toggleQualitySection(event) {
// Target the closest anlink-quality-header span to ensure only clicks on the text/icon trigger toggle
const qualitySpan = event.currentTarget;
const headerDiv = qualitySpan.parentElement;
const qualitySection = headerDiv.closest('.anlink-quality-section');
const episodeList = qualitySection.querySelector('.anlink-episode-list');
const icon = qualitySpan.querySelector('.material-icons'); // Query icon within the span
const isCollapsed = episodeList.style.maxHeight === '0px';
if (isCollapsed) {
episodeList.style.maxHeight = `${episodeList.scrollHeight}px`; // Expand to content height
icon.classList.add('rotate'); // Rotate icon on expand
} else {
episodeList.style.maxHeight = '0px'; // Collapse
icon.classList.remove('rotate'); // Reset icon rotation
// Attach click listeners to the speed dial buttons for each quality section
function attachBtnClickListeners(episodeList, qualitySection) {
const buttonActions = [
{ selector: '.anlink-select-links', handler: onSelectBtnPressed },
{ selector: '.anlink-copy-links', handler: onCopyBtnClicked },
{ selector: '.anlink-export-links', handler: onExportBtnClicked },
{ selector: '.anlink-play-links', handler: onPlayBtnClicked }
buttonActions.forEach(({ selector, handler }) => {
const button = qualitySection.querySelector(selector);
button.addEventListener('click', () => handler(button, episodeList, qualitySection));
// Helper function to get checked episode items within a quality section
function _getSelectedEpisodeItems(qualitySection) {
return Array.from(qualitySection.querySelectorAll('.anlink-episode-item input[type="checkbox"]:checked'))
.map(checkbox => checkbox.closest('.anlink-episode-item'));
// Helper function to prepare m3u8 playlist string from given episodes
function _preparePlaylist(episodes, quality) {
let playlistContent = '#EXTM3U\n';
episodes.forEach(episode => {
playlistContent += `#EXTINF:-1,${episode.name}\n`;
playlistContent += `${episode.links[quality]}\n`;
return playlistContent;
// Select Button click event handler
function onSelectBtnPressed(button, episodes, qualitySection) {
const episodeItems = qualitySection.querySelector('.anlink-episode-list').querySelectorAll('.anlink-episode-item');
const checkboxes = Array.from(qualitySection.querySelectorAll('.anlink-episode-item input[type="checkbox"]'));
const allChecked = checkboxes.every(cb => cb.checked);
const anyUnchecked = checkboxes.some(cb => !cb.checked);
if (anyUnchecked || allChecked === false) { // If any unchecked OR not all are checked (for the first click when none are checked)
checkboxes.forEach(checkbox => { checkbox.checked = true; }); // Check all
// Select all link texts
const range = new Range();
range.setEndAfter(episodeItems[episodeItems.length - 1]);
button.textContent = 'Deselect All'; // Change button text to indicate deselect
} else { // If all are already checked
checkboxes.forEach(checkbox => { checkbox.checked = false; }); // Uncheck all
window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); // Clear selection
button.textContent = 'Select All'; // Revert button text
setTimeout(() => { button.textContent = checkboxes.some(cb => !cb.checked) ? 'Select All' : 'Deselect All'; }, 1500); // slight delay revert text
// copySelectedLinks click event handler
function onCopyBtnClicked(button, episodes, qualitySection) {
const selectedItems = _getSelectedEpisodeItems(qualitySection);
const linksToCopy = selectedItems.length ? selectedItems.map(item => item.querySelector('.anlink-episode-link').href) : Array.from(qualitySection.querySelectorAll('.anlink-episode-item')).map(item => item.querySelector('.anlink-episode-link').href);
const string = linksToCopy.join('\n');
button.textContent = 'Copied Selected';
setTimeout(() => { button.textContent = 'Copy'; }, 1000);
// exportToPlaylist click event handler
function onExportBtnClicked(button, episodes, qualitySection) {
const quality = qualitySection.dataset.quality;
const selectedItems = _getSelectedEpisodeItems(qualitySection);
const items = selectedItems.length ? selectedItems : Array.from(qualitySection.querySelectorAll('.anlink-episode-item'));
const playlist = _preparePlaylist(episodes.filter(ep => items.find(i => i.querySelector(`[data-epnum="${ep.number}"]`))), quality);
const fileName = items[0]?.querySelector('.anlink-episode-link')?.title + `_${quality}.m3u`;
const file = new Blob([playlist], { type: 'application/vnd.apple.mpegurl' });
const a = Object.assign(document.createElement('a'), { href: URL.createObjectURL(file), download: fileName });
button.textContent = 'Exported Selected';
setTimeout(() => { button.textContent = 'Export'; }, 1000);
// PlayWithVLC click event handler
function onPlayBtnClicked(button, episodes, qualitySection) {
const quality = qualitySection.dataset.quality;
const selectedEpisodeItems = _getSelectedEpisodeItems(qualitySection);
const items = selectedEpisodeItems.length ? selectedEpisodeItems : Array.from(qualitySection.querySelectorAll('.anlink-episode-item'));
const playlist = _preparePlaylist(episodes.filter(ep => items.find(i => i.querySelector(`[data-epnum="${ep.number}"]`))), quality);
const file = new Blob([playlist], {type:'application/vnd.apple.mpegurl', });
const fileUrl = URL.createObjectURL(file);
button.textContent = 'Playing Selected';
setTimeout(() => { button.textContent = 'Play'; }, 2000);
alert("Due to browser limitations, there is a high possibility that this feature may not work correctly.\nIf the video does not automatically play, please utilize the export button and manually open the playlist file manually.");
* Display a simple toast message on the top right of the screen
let toasts = [];
function showToast(message) {
const maxToastHeight = window.innerHeight * 0.5;
const toastHeight = 50; // Approximate height of each toast
const maxToasts = Math.floor(maxToastHeight / toastHeight);
// Create the new toast element
const x = document.createElement("div");
x.innerHTML = message;
x.style.color = "#000";
x.style.backgroundColor = "#fdba2f";
x.style.borderRadius = "10px";
x.style.padding = "10px";
x.style.position = "fixed";
x.style.top = `${toasts.length * toastHeight}px`;
x.style.right = "5px";
x.style.fontSize = "large";
x.style.fontWeight = "bold";
x.style.zIndex = "10000";
x.style.display = "block";
x.style.borderColor = "#565e64";
x.style.transition = "right 2s ease-in-out, top 0.5s ease-in-out";
// Add the new toast to the list
// Remove the toast after it slides out
setTimeout(() => {
x.style.right = "-1000px";
}, 3000);
setTimeout(() => {
x.style.display = "none";
if (document.body.contains(x)) document.body.removeChild(x);
toasts = toasts.filter(toast => toast !== x);
// Move remaining toasts up
toasts.forEach((toast, index) => {
toast.style.top = `${index * toastHeight}px`;
}, 4000);
// Limit the number of toasts to maxToasts
if (toasts.length > maxToasts) {
const oldestToast = toasts.shift();
toasts.forEach((toast, index) => {
toast.style.top = `${index * toastHeight}px`;