AniLINK - Episode Link Extractor

Stream or download your favorite anime series effortlessly with AniLINK! Unlock the power to play any anime series directly in your preferred video player or download entire seasons in a single click using popular download managers like IDM. AniLINK generates direct download links for all episodes, conveniently sorted by quality. Elevate your anime-watching experience now!

// ==UserScript==
// @name        AniLINK - Episode Link Extractor
// @namespace
// @version     6.2.0
// @description Stream or download your favorite anime series effortlessly with AniLINK! Unlock the power to play any anime series directly in your preferred video player or download entire seasons in a single click using popular download managers like IDM. AniLINK generates direct download links for all episodes, conveniently sorted by quality. Elevate your anime-watching experience now!
// @icon
// @author      Jery
// @license     MIT
// @match       https://anitaku.*/*
// @match*
// @match       https://gogoanime.*/*
// @match*
// @match       https://gogoanime3.*/*
// @match       https://animepahe.*/play/*
// @match       https://animepahe.*/anime/*
// @match*
// @match*
// @match*
// @match       https://yugenanime.*/anime/*/*/watch/
// @match*/*/watch/
// @match*/*/watch/
// @match       https://hianime.*/watch/*
// @match*
// @match*
// @match*
// @match*/*
// @match*/*
// @match*/*
// @match*
// @grant       GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant       GM_addStyle
// ==/UserScript==

class Episode {
    constructor(number, title, links, type, thumbnail) {
        this.number = number;   // The episode number
        this.title = title;     // The title of the episode (this can be the specific ep title or just the anime name).
        this.links = links;     // An object containing the download links for the episode, keyed by quality (eg: {"source1":"http://linktovideo.mp4", "source2":"vid2.mp4"}).
        this.type = type;       // The file type of the video links (eg: "mp4", "m3u8").
        this.thumbnail = thumbnail; // The URL of the episode's thumbnail image (if unavailable, then just any image is fine. Thumbnail property isnt really used in the script yet). = `${this.title} - ${this.number.padStart(3, '0')}.${this.type}`;   // The formatted name of the episode, combining title and number.

 * @typedef {Object} Websites[]
 * @property {string} name - The name of the website (required).
 * @property {string[]} url - An array of URL patterns that identify the website (required).
 * @property {string} thumbnail - A CSS selector to identify the episode thumbnail on the website (required).
 * @property {Function} addStartButton - A function to add the "Generate Download Links" button to the website (required).
 * @property {AsyncGeneratorFunction} extractEpisodes - An async generator function to extract episode information from the website (required).
 * @property {string} epLinks - A CSS selector to identify the episode links on the website (optional).
 * @property {string} epTitle - A CSS selector to identify the episode title on the website (optional).
 * @property {string} linkElems - A CSS selector to identify the download link elements on the website (optional).
 * @property {string} [animeTitle] - A CSS selector to identify the anime title on the website (optional).
 * @property {string} [epNum] - A CSS selector to identify the episode number on the website (optional).
 * @property {Function} [_getVideoLinks] - A function to extract video links from the website (optional).
 * @property {string} [styles] - Custom CSS styles to be applied to the website (optional).
 * @description An array of website configurations for extracting episode links.
 * @note To add a new website, follow these steps:
 * 1. Create a new object with the following properties:
 *    - `name`: The name of the website.
 *    - `url`: An array of URL patterns that identify the website.
 *    - `thumbnail`: A CSS selector to identify the episode thumbnail on the website.
 *    - `addStartButton`: A function to add the "Generate Download Links" button to the website.
 *    - `extractEpisodes`: An async generator function to extract episode information from the website.
 * 2. Optionally, add the following properties if needed (they arent used by the script, but they will come in handy when the animesite changes its layout):
 *    - `animeTitle`: A CSS selector to identify the anime title on the website.
 *    - `epLinks`: A CSS selector to identify the episode links on the website.
 *    - `epTitle`: A CSS selector to identify the episode title on the website.
 *    - `linkElems`: A CSS selector to identify the download link elements on the website.
 *    - `epNum`: A CSS selector to identify the episode number on the website.
 *    - `_getVideoLinks`: A function to extract video links from the website.
 *    - `styles`: Custom CSS styles to be applied to the website.
 * 3. Implement the `addStartButton` function to add the "Generate Download Links" button to the website.
 *    - This function should create a element and append it to the appropriate location on the website.
 *    - The button should have an ID of "AniLINK_startBtn".
 * 4. Implement the `extractEpisodes` function to extract episode information from the website.
 *    - This function should be an async generator function that yields Episode objects (To ensure fast processing, using chunks is recommended).
 *    - Use the `fetchPage` function to fetch the HTML content of each episode page.
 *    - Parse the HTML content to extract the episode title, number, links, and thumbnail.
 *    - Create an `Episode` object for each episode and yield it using the `yieldEpisodesFromPromises` function.
 * 5. Optionally, implement the `_getVideoLinks` function to extract video links from the website.
 *    - This function should return a promise that resolves to an object containing video links.
 *    - Use this function if the video links require additional processing or API calls.
 *    - Tip: use GM_xmlhttpRequest to make cross-origin requests if needed (I've used so far which I plan to change in the future since GM_XHR seems more reliable).
const websites = [
        name: 'GoGoAnime',
        url: ['', '', 'gogoanime3', 'anitaku', 'gogoanime'],
        epLinks: '#episode_related > li > a',
        epTitle: '.title_name > h2',
        linkElems: '.cf-download > a',
        thumbnail: '.headnav_left > a > img',
        addStartButton: function() {
            const button = Object.assign(document.createElement('a'), {
                id: "AniLINK_startBtn",
                style: "cursor: pointer; background-color: #145132;",
                innerHTML: document.querySelector("div.user_auth a[href='/login.html']")
                    ? `<b style="color:#FFC119;">AniLINK:</b> Please <a href="/login.html"><u>log in</u></a> to download`
                    : '<i class="icongec-dowload"></i> Generate Download Links'
            const target = location.href.includes('/category/') ? '#episode_page' : '.cf-download';
            return button;
        extractEpisodes: async function* (status) {
            status.textContent = 'Starting...';
            const throttleLimit = 12; // Number of episodes to extract in parallel
            const epLinks = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(this.epLinks));
            for (let i = 0; i < epLinks.length; i += throttleLimit) {
                const chunk = epLinks.slice(i, i + throttleLimit);
                const episodePromises = epLink => { try {
                    const page = await fetchPage(epLink.href);

                    const [, epTitle, epNumber] = page.querySelector(this.epTitle).textContent.match(/(.+?) Episode (\d+(?:\.\d+)?)/);
                    const thumbnail = page.querySelector(this.thumbnail).src;
                    status.textContent = `Extracting ${epTitle} - ${epNumber.padStart(3, '0')}...`;
                    const links = [].reduce((obj, elem) => ({ ...obj, [elem.textContent.trim()]: elem.href }), {});
                    status.textContent = `Extracted ${epTitle} - ${epNumber.padStart(3, '0')}`;

                    return new Episode(epNumber, epTitle, links, 'mp4', thumbnail); // Return Episode object
                } catch (e) { showToast(e); return null; } }); // Handle errors and return null

                yield* yieldEpisodesFromPromises(episodePromises); // Use helper function
        name: 'YugenAnime',
        url: ['', ''],
        epLinks: '.ep-card > a.ep-thumbnail',
        animeTitle: '.ani-info-ep .link h1',
        epTitle: 'div.col.col-w-65 > > h1',
        thumbnail: 'a.ep-thumbnail img',
        addStartButton: function() {
            return document.querySelector(".content .navigation").appendChild(Object.assign(document.createElement('a'), { id: "AniLINK_startBtn", className: "link p-15", textContent: "Generate Download Links" }));
        extractEpisodes: async function* (status) {
            status.textContent = 'Getting list of episodes...';
            const epLinks = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(this.epLinks));
            const throttleLimit = 6;    // Number of episodes to extract in parallel

            for (let i = 0; i < epLinks.length; i += throttleLimit) {
                const chunk = epLinks.slice(i, i + throttleLimit);
                const episodePromises = (epLink, index) => { try {
                    status.textContent = `Loading ${epLink.pathname}`
                    const page = await fetchPage(epLink.href);

                    const animeTitle = page.querySelector(this.animeTitle).textContent;
                    const epNumber = epLink.href.match(/(\d+)\/?$/)[1];
                    const epTitle = page.querySelector(this.epTitle).textContent.match(/^${epNumber} : (.+)$/) || animeTitle;
                    const thumbnail = document.querySelectorAll(this.thumbnail)[index].src;
                    status.textContent = `Extracting ${`${epNumber.padStart(3, '0')} - ${animeTitle}` + (epTitle != animeTitle ? `- ${epTitle}` : '')}...`;
                    const links = await this._getVideoLinks(page, status, (`${epNumber.padStart(3, '0')} - ${animeTitle}` + (epTitle != animeTitle ? `- ${epTitle}` : '')));

                    return new Episode(epNumber, epTitle, links, 'm3u8', thumbnail); // Return Episode object
                } catch (e) { showToast(e); return null; } }); // Handle errors and return null

                yield* yieldEpisodesFromPromises(episodePromises); // Use helper function
        _getVideoLinks: async function (page, status, episodeTitle) {
            const embedLinkId = page.body.innerHTML.match(new RegExp(`src="//${page.domain}/e/(.*?)/"`))[1];
            const embedApiResponse = await fetch(`https://${page.domain}/api/embed/`, { method: 'POST', headers: {"X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest"}, body: new URLSearchParams({ id: embedLinkId, ac: "0" }) });
            const json = await embedApiResponse.json();
            const m3u8GeneralLink = json.hls[0];
            status.textContent = `Parsing ${episodeTitle}...`;
            // Fetch the m3u8 file content
            const m3u8Response = await fetch(m3u8GeneralLink);
            const m3u8Text = await m3u8Response.text();
            // Parse the m3u8 file to extract different qualities
            const qualityMatches = m3u8Text.matchAll(/#EXT-X-STREAM-INF:.*RESOLUTION=\d+x\d+.*NAME="(\d+p)"\n(.*\.m3u8)/g);
            const links = {};
            for (const match of qualityMatches) {
                const [_, quality, m3u8File] = match;
                links[quality] = `${m3u8GeneralLink.slice(0, m3u8GeneralLink.lastIndexOf('/') + 1)}${m3u8File}`;
            return links;
        name: 'AnimePahe',
        url: ['', '', '', 'animepahe'],
        epLinks: (document.location.pathname.startsWith('/anime/'))? '.play': '.dropup.episode-menu .dropdown-item',
        epTitle: '.theatre-info > h1',
        linkElems: '#resolutionMenu > button',
        thumbnail: '.theatre-info > a > img',
        addStartButton: function() {
            GM_addStyle(`.theatre-settings .col-sm-3 { max-width: 20%; }`);
                ? document.querySelector("").innerHTML += `
                    <div class="btn-group btn-group-toggle">
                        <label id="AniLINK_startBtn" class="btn btn-dark btn-sm">Generate Download Links</label>
                : document.querySelector(" > div.row").innerHTML += `
                    <div class="col-12 col-sm-3">
                        <div class="dropup">
                            <a class="btn btn-secondary btn-block" id="AniLINK_startBtn">
                                Generate Download Links
            return document.getElementById("AniLINK_startBtn");
        extractEpisodes: async function* (status) {
            status.textContent = 'Starting...';
            const epLinks = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(this.epLinks));
            const throttleLimit = 200;  // Setting high throttle limit actually improves performance

            for (let i = 0; i < epLinks.length; i += throttleLimit) {
                const chunk = epLinks.slice(i, i + throttleLimit);
                const episodePromises = epLink => { try {
                    const page = await fetchPage(epLink.href);

                    if (page.querySelector(this.epTitle) == null) return;
                    const [, epTitle, epNumber] = page.querySelector(this.epTitle).outerText.split(/Watch (.+) - (\d+(?:\.\d+)?) Online$/);
                    const thumbnail = page.querySelector(this.thumbnail).src;
                    status.textContent = `Extracting ${epTitle} - ${epNumber.padStart(3, "0")}...`;

                    async function getVideoUrl(kwikUrl) {
                        const response = await fetch(kwikUrl, { headers: { "Referer": "" } });
                        const data = await response.text();
                        return eval(/(eval)(\(f.*?)(\n<\/script>)/s.exec(data)[2].replace("eval", "")).match(/https.*?m3u8/)[0];
                    let links = {};
                    for (const elm of []) {
                        links[elm.textContent] = await getVideoUrl(elm.getAttribute('data-src'));
                        status.textContent = `Parsed ${`${epNumber.padStart(3, '0')} - ${epTitle}`}`;

                    return new Episode(epNumber, epTitle, links, 'm3u8', thumbnail);
                } catch (e) { showToast(e); return null; } });

                yield* yieldEpisodesFromPromises(episodePromises);
        styles: `div#AniLINK_LinksContainer { font-size: 10px; } #Quality > b > div > ul {font-size: 16px;}`
        name: 'Beta-Otaku-Streamers',
        url: [''],
        epLinks: (document.location.pathname.startsWith('/title/')) ? '.item-title a' : '.video-container .clearfix > a',
        epTitle: '.title > a',
        epNum: '.watch_curep',
        thumbnail: 'video',
        addStartButton: function() {
                ? document.querySelector(".album-top-box"): document.querySelector('.video-container .title-box'))
                    .innerHTML += `<a id="AniLINK_startBtn" class="btn btn-outline rounded-btn">Generate Download Links</a>`;
            return document.getElementById("AniLINK_startBtn");
        extractEpisodes: async function* (status) {
            status.textContent = 'Starting...';
            const epLinks = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(this.epLinks));
            const throttleLimit = 12;

            for (let i = 0; i < epLinks.length; i += throttleLimit) {
                const chunk = epLinks.slice(i, i + throttleLimit);
                const episodePromises = epLink => { try {
                    const page = await fetchPage(epLink.href);
                    const epTitle = page.querySelector(this.epTitle).textContent.trim();
                    const epNumber = page.querySelector(this.epNum).textContent.replace("Episode ", '')
                    const thumbnail = page.querySelector(this.thumbnail).poster;

                    status.textContent = `Extracting ${epTitle} - ${epNumber}...`;
                    const links = { 'Video Links': page.querySelector('video > source').src };

                    return new Episode(epNumber, epTitle, links, 'mp4', thumbnail);
                } catch (e) { showToast(e); return null; } });

                yield* yieldEpisodesFromPromises(episodePromises);
        name: 'Otaku-Streamers',
        url: [''],
        epLinks: 'table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) > a',
        epTitle: '#strw_player > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td > span:nth-child(1) > a',
        epNum: '#video_episode',
        thumbnail: '',
        addStartButton: function() {
            const button = document.createElement('a');
   = "AniLINK_startBtn";
   = `cursor: pointer; background-color: #145132; float: right;`;
            button.innerHTML = 'Generate Download Links';
            document.querySelector('table > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td > div > table > tbody > tr > td > h2').appendChild(button);
            return button;
        extractEpisodes: async function* (status) {
            status.textContent = 'Starting...';
            const epLinks = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(this.epLinks));
            const throttleLimit = 12;    // Number of episodes to extract in parallel

            for (let i = 0; i < epLinks.length; i += throttleLimit) {
                const chunk = epLinks.slice(i, i + throttleLimit);
                const episodePromises = epLink => { try {
                    const page = await fetchPage(epLink.href);
                    const epTitle = page.querySelector(this.epTitle).textContent;
                    const epNumber = page.querySelector(this.epNum).textContent.replace("Episode ", '')

                    status.textContent = `Extracting ${epTitle} - ${epNumber}...`;
                    const links = { 'mp4': page.querySelector('video > source').src };

                    return new Episode(epNumber, epTitle, links, 'mp4', this.thumbnail); // Return Episode object
                } catch (e) { showToast(e); return null; } }); // Handle errors and return null

                yield* yieldEpisodesFromPromises(episodePromises); // Use helper function
        name: 'AnimeHeaven',
        url: [''],
        epLinks: 'a.ac3',
        epTitle: 'a.c2.ac2',
        epNumber: '.boxitem.bc2.c1.mar0',
        thumbnail: 'img.posterimg',
        addStartButton: function() {
            const button = document.createElement('a');
   = "AniLINK_startBtn";
   = `cursor: pointer; border: 2px solid red; padding: 4px;`;
            button.innerHTML = 'Generate Download Links';
            document.querySelector("div.linetitle2.c2").parentNode.insertBefore(button, document.querySelector("div.linetitle2.c2"));
            return button;
        extractEpisodes: async function* (status) {
            status.textContent = 'Starting...';
            const epLinks = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(this.epLinks));
            const throttleLimit = 12; // Number of episodes to extract in parallel

            for (let i = 0; i < epLinks.length; i += throttleLimit) {
                const chunk = epLinks.slice(i, i + throttleLimit);
                const episodePromises = epLink => { try {
                    const page = await fetchPage(epLink.href);
                    const epTitle = page.querySelector(this.epTitle).textContent;
                    const epNumber = page.querySelector(this.epNum).textContent.replace("Episode ", '');
                    const thumbnail = document.querySelector(this.thumbnail).src;

                    status.textContent = `Extracting ${epTitle} - ${epNumber}...`;
                    const links = ['#vid > source')].reduce((acc, source) => ({ ...acc, [source.src.match(/\/\/(\w+)\./)[1]]: source.src }), {});

                    return new Episode(epNumber, epTitle, links, 'mp4', thumbnail); // Return Episode object
                } catch (e) { showToast(e); return null; } }); // Handle errors and return null

                yield* yieldEpisodesFromPromises(episodePromises); // Use helper function


 * Fetches the HTML content of a given URL and parses it into a DOM object.
 * @param {string} url - The URL of the page to fetch.
 * @returns {Promise<Document>} A promise that resolves to a DOM Document object.
 * @throws {Error} If the fetch operation fails.
async function fetchPage(url) {
    const response = await fetch(url);
    if (response.ok) {
        const page = (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(await response.text(), 'text/html');
        return page;
    } else {
        showToast(`Failed to fetch HTML for ${url} : ${response.status}`);
        throw new Error(`Failed to fetch HTML for ${url} : ${response.status}`);

 * Asynchronously processes an array of episode promises and yields each resolved episode.
 * @param {Array<Promise>} episodePromises - An array of promises, each resolving to an episode.
 * @returns {AsyncGenerator} An async generator yielding each resolved episode.
async function* yieldEpisodesFromPromises(episodePromises) {
    for (const episodePromise of episodePromises) {
        const episode = await episodePromise;
        if (episode) {
            yield episode;

// initialize
console.log('Initializing AniLINK...');
const site = websites.find(site => site.url.some(url => window.location.href.includes(url)));

// register menu command to start script
GM_registerMenuCommand('Extract Episodes', extractEpisodes);

// attach start button to page
site.addStartButton().addEventListener('click', extractEpisodes);

// append site specific css styles += (site.styles || '');

// This function creates an overlay on the page and displays a list of episodes extracted from a website.
// The function is triggered by a user command registered with `GM_registerMenuCommand`.
// The episode list is generated by calling the `extractEpisodes` method of a website object that matches the current URL.
async function extractEpisodes() {
    // Restore last overlay if it exists
    if (document.getElementById("AniLINK_Overlay")) {
        document.getElementById("AniLINK_Overlay").style.display = "flex";
    // Flag to control extraction process
    let isExtracting = true;

    // --- Materialize CSS Initialization ---
        @import url('');

        #AniLINK_Overlay { position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); z-index: 1000; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; }
        #AniLINK_LinksContainer { width: 80%; max-height: 85%; background-color: #222; color: #eee; padding: 20px; border-radius: 8px; overflow-y: auto; display: flex; flex-direction: column;} /* Flex container for status and qualities */
        .anlink-status-header { display: flex; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center; margin-bottom: 10px; } /* Header for status bar and stop button */
        .anlink-status-bar { color: #eee; flex-grow: 1; margin-right: 10px; display: block; } /* Status bar takes space */
        .anlink-status-icon { background: transparent; border: none; color: #eee; cursor: pointer; padding-right: 10px; } /* status icon style */
        .anlink-status-icon i { font-size: 24px; transition: transform 0.3s ease-in-out; } /* Icon size and transition */
        .anlink-status-icon i::before { content: 'check_circle'; } /* Show check icon when not extracting */
        .anlink-status-icon i.extracting::before { content: 'auto_mode'; animation: spinning 2s linear infinite; } /* Spinner animation class */
        .anlink-status-icon:hover i.extracting::before { content: 'stop_circle'; animation: stop; } /* Show stop icon on hover when extracting */
        .anlink-quality-section { margin-top: 20px; margin-bottom: 10px; border-bottom: 1px solid #444; padding-bottom: 5px; }
        .anlink-quality-header { display: flex; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center; cursor: pointer; } /* Added cursor pointer */
        .anlink-quality-header > span { color: #26a69a; font-size: 1.5em;  display: flex; align-items: center; flex-grow: 1; } /* Flex and align items for icon and text */
        .anlink-quality-header i { margin-right: 8px; transition: transform 0.3s ease-in-out; } /* Transition for icon rotation */
        .anlink-quality-header i.rotate { transform: rotate(90deg); } /* Rotate class */
        .anlink-episode-list { list-style: none; padding-left: 0; margin-top: 0; overflow: hidden; transition: max-height 0.5s ease-in-out; } /* Transition for max-height */
        .anlink-episode-item { margin-bottom: 5px; padding: 8px; border-bottom: 1px solid #333; display: flex; align-items: center; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; } /* Single line and ellipsis for item */
        .anlink-episode-item:last-child { border-bottom: none; }
        .anlink-episode-checkbox { appearance: none; width: 20px; height: 20px; margin-right: 10px; border: 1px solid #26a69a; border-radius: 4px; outline: none; cursor: pointer; transition: background-color 0.3s, border-color 0.3s; }
        .anlink-episode-checkbox:checked { background-color: #26a69a; border-color: #26a69a; }
        .anlink-episode-checkbox:checked::after { content: '✔'; display: block; color: white; font-size: 14px; text-align: center; line-height: 20px; animation: checkTilt 0.3s; }
        .anlink-episode-link { color: #ffca28; text-decoration: none; word-break: break-all; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; display: inline; } /* Single line & Ellipsis for long links */
        .anlink-episode-link:hover { color: #fff; }
        .anlink-header-buttons { display: flex; gap: 10px; }
        .anlink-header-buttons button { background-color: #26a69a; color: white; border: none; padding: 8px 15px; border-radius: 4px; cursor: pointer; }
        .anlink-header-buttons button:hover { background-color: #2bbbad; }

        @keyframes spinning { from { transform: rotate(0deg); } to { transform: rotate(360deg); } } /* Spinning animation */
        @keyframes checkTilt { from { transform: rotate(-20deg); } to { transform: rotate(0deg); } } /* Checkmark tilt animation */

    // Create an overlay to cover the page
    const overlayDiv = document.createElement("div"); = "AniLINK_Overlay";
    overlayDiv.onclick = event => linksContainer.contains( ? null : = "none";

    // Create a container for links
    const linksContainer = document.createElement('div'); = "AniLINK_LinksContainer";

    // Status bar header - container for status bar and status icon
    const statusBarHeader = document.createElement('div');
    statusBarHeader.className = 'anlink-status-header';

    // Create dynamic status icon
    const statusIconElement = document.createElement('a');
    statusIconElement.className = 'anlink-status-icon';
    statusIconElement.innerHTML = '<i class="material-icons extracting"></i>';
    statusIconElement.title = 'Stop Extracting';

    statusIconElement.addEventListener('click', () => {
        isExtracting = false; // Set flag to stop extraction
        statusBar.textContent = "Extraction Stopped.";

    // Create a status bar
    const statusBar = document.createElement('span');
    statusBar.className = "anlink-status-bar";
    statusBar.textContent = "Extracting Links..."

    // Create a container for qualities and episodes
    const qualitiesContainer = document.createElement('div'); = "AniLINK_QualitiesContainer";

    // --- Process Episodes using Generator ---
    const episodeGenerator = site.extractEpisodes(statusBar);
    const qualityLinkLists = {}; // Stores lists of links for each quality

    for await (const episode of episodeGenerator) {
        if (!isExtracting) { // Check if extraction is stopped
            statusIconElement.querySelector('i').classList.remove('extracting'); // Stop spinner animation
            statusBar.textContent = "Extraction Stopped By User.";
            return; // Exit if extraction is stopped
        if (!episode) continue; // Skip if episode is null (error during extraction)

        // Get all links into format - {[qual1]:[ep1,2,3,4], [qual2]:[ep1,2,3,4], ...}
        for (const quality in episode.links) {
            qualityLinkLists[quality] = qualityLinkLists[quality] || [];

        // Update UI in real-time - RENDER UI HERE BASED ON qualityLinkLists
        renderQualityLinkLists(qualityLinkLists, qualitiesContainer);
    isExtracting = false; // Extraction completed
    statusBar.textContent = "Extraction Complete!";

    // Renders quality link lists inside a given container element
    function renderQualityLinkLists(sortedLinks, container) {
        const previousExpandedState = {};
        container.querySelectorAll('.anlink-quality-section').forEach(section => {
            const quality = section.dataset.quality;
            const episodeList = section.querySelector('.anlink-episode-list');
            previousExpandedState[quality] = !== '0px';

        container.innerHTML = ''; // Clear existing content
        for (const quality in sortedLinks) {
            const episodes = sortedLinks[quality].sort((a, b) => a.number - b.number); // Ensure episodes are sorted

            const qualitySection = document.createElement('div');
            qualitySection.className = 'anlink-quality-section';
            qualitySection.dataset.quality = quality; // Store quality-string in data attribute

            const headerDiv = document.createElement('div'); // Header div for quality-string and buttons - ROW
            headerDiv.className = 'anlink-quality-header';

            // Create a span for the clickable header text and icon
            const qualitySpan = document.createElement('span');
            qualitySpan.innerHTML = `<i class="material-icons">chevron_right</i> ${quality}`; // Expand icon and quality text
            qualitySpan.addEventListener('click', toggleQualitySection); // Add click listener to the span

            // --- Create Speed Dial Button in the Quality Section ---
            const headerButtons = document.createElement('div');
            headerButtons.className = 'anlink-header-buttons';
            headerButtons.innerHTML = `
                <button type="button" class="anlink-select-links">Select</button>
                <button type="button" class="anlink-copy-links">Copy</button>
                <button type="button" class="anlink-export-links">Export</button>
                <button type="button" class="anlink-play-links">Play</button>

            // --- Populate the quality section with episodes ---
            const episodeListElem = document.createElement('ul');
            episodeListElem.className = 'anlink-episode-list';
   = '0px'; // Default to collapsed

            episodes.forEach(ep => {
                const listItem = document.createElement('li');
                listItem.className = 'anlink-episode-item';
                listItem.innerHTML = `
                        <input type="checkbox" class="anlink-episode-checkbox" />
                        <span>Ep ${ep.number.replace(/^0+/, '')}: </span>
                        <a href="${ep.links[quality]}" class="anlink-episode-link" download="${encodeURI(}" data-epnum="${ep.number}" title="${ep.title.replace(/[<>:"/\\|?*]/g, '')}">${ep.links[quality]}</a>
                const episodeLinkElement = listItem.querySelector('.anlink-episode-link');
                const link = episodeLinkElement.href;
                const name = decodeURIComponent(;
                listItem.addEventListener('mouseenter', () => window.getSelection().isCollapsed && (episodeLinkElement.textContent = name));
                listItem.addEventListener('mouseleave', () => episodeLinkElement.textContent = decodeURIComponent(link));

            qualitySection.appendChild(episodeListElem); // Append ul inside section

            // Attach handlers to the quality sections
            attachBtnClickListeners(episodes, qualitySection);

            // Restore expand state
            if (previousExpandedState[quality]) {
                const icon = qualitySpan.querySelector('.material-icons');
       = `${episodeListElem.scrollHeight}px`;

    function toggleQualitySection(event) {
        // Target the closest anlink-quality-header span to ensure only clicks on the text/icon trigger toggle
        const qualitySpan = event.currentTarget;
        const headerDiv = qualitySpan.parentElement;
        const qualitySection = headerDiv.closest('.anlink-quality-section');
        const episodeList = qualitySection.querySelector('.anlink-episode-list');
        const icon = qualitySpan.querySelector('.material-icons'); // Query icon within the span
        const isCollapsed = === '0px';

        if (isCollapsed) {
   = `${episodeList.scrollHeight}px`; // Expand to content height
            icon.classList.add('rotate'); // Rotate icon on expand
        } else {
   = '0px'; // Collapse
            icon.classList.remove('rotate'); // Reset icon rotation

    // Attach click listeners to the speed dial buttons for each quality section
    function attachBtnClickListeners(episodeList, qualitySection) {
        const buttonActions = [
            { selector: '.anlink-select-links', handler: onSelectBtnPressed },
            { selector: '.anlink-copy-links', handler: onCopyBtnClicked },
            { selector: '.anlink-export-links', handler: onExportBtnClicked },
            { selector: '.anlink-play-links', handler: onPlayBtnClicked }
        buttonActions.forEach(({ selector, handler }) => {
            const button = qualitySection.querySelector(selector);
            button.addEventListener('click', () => handler(button, episodeList, qualitySection));
        // Helper function to get checked episode items within a quality section
        function _getSelectedEpisodeItems(qualitySection) {
            return Array.from(qualitySection.querySelectorAll('.anlink-episode-item input[type="checkbox"]:checked'))
                .map(checkbox => checkbox.closest('.anlink-episode-item'));

        // Helper function to prepare m3u8 playlist string from given episodes
        function _preparePlaylist(episodes, quality) {
            let playlistContent = '#EXTM3U\n';
            episodes.forEach(episode => {
                playlistContent += `#EXTINF:-1,${}\n`;
                playlistContent += `${episode.links[quality]}\n`;
            return playlistContent;
        // Select Button click event handler
        function onSelectBtnPressed(button, episodes, qualitySection) {
            const episodeItems = qualitySection.querySelector('.anlink-episode-list').querySelectorAll('.anlink-episode-item');
            const checkboxes = Array.from(qualitySection.querySelectorAll('.anlink-episode-item input[type="checkbox"]'));
            const allChecked = checkboxes.every(cb => cb.checked);
            const anyUnchecked = checkboxes.some(cb => !cb.checked);
            if (anyUnchecked || allChecked === false) { // If any unchecked OR not all are checked (for the first click when none are checked)
                checkboxes.forEach(checkbox => { checkbox.checked = true; }); // Check all
                 // Select all link texts
                const range = new Range();
                range.setEndAfter(episodeItems[episodeItems.length - 1]);
                button.textContent = 'Deselect All'; // Change button text to indicate deselect
            } else { // If all are already checked
                checkboxes.forEach(checkbox => { checkbox.checked = false; }); // Uncheck all
                window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); // Clear selection
                button.textContent = 'Select All'; // Revert button text
             setTimeout(() => { button.textContent = checkboxes.some(cb => !cb.checked) ? 'Select All' : 'Deselect All'; }, 1500); // slight delay revert text
        // copySelectedLinks click event handler
        function onCopyBtnClicked(button, episodes, qualitySection) {
            const selectedItems = _getSelectedEpisodeItems(qualitySection);
            const linksToCopy = selectedItems.length ? => item.querySelector('.anlink-episode-link').href) : Array.from(qualitySection.querySelectorAll('.anlink-episode-item')).map(item => item.querySelector('.anlink-episode-link').href);
            const string = linksToCopy.join('\n');
            button.textContent = 'Copied Selected';
            setTimeout(() => { button.textContent = 'Copy'; }, 1000);
        // exportToPlaylist click event handler
        function onExportBtnClicked(button, episodes, qualitySection) {
            const quality = qualitySection.dataset.quality;
            const selectedItems = _getSelectedEpisodeItems(qualitySection);
            const items = selectedItems.length ? selectedItems : Array.from(qualitySection.querySelectorAll('.anlink-episode-item'));
            const playlist = _preparePlaylist(episodes.filter(ep => items.find(i => i.querySelector(`[data-epnum="${ep.number}"]`))), quality);
            const fileName = items[0]?.querySelector('.anlink-episode-link')?.title + `_${quality}.m3u`;
            const file = new Blob([playlist], { type: 'application/' });
            const a = Object.assign(document.createElement('a'), { href: URL.createObjectURL(file), download: fileName });

            button.textContent = 'Exported Selected';
            setTimeout(() => { button.textContent = 'Export'; }, 1000);
        // PlayWithVLC click event handler
        function onPlayBtnClicked(button, episodes, qualitySection) {
            const quality = qualitySection.dataset.quality;
            const selectedEpisodeItems = _getSelectedEpisodeItems(qualitySection);
            const items = selectedEpisodeItems.length ? selectedEpisodeItems : Array.from(qualitySection.querySelectorAll('.anlink-episode-item'));
            const playlist = _preparePlaylist(episodes.filter(ep => items.find(i => i.querySelector(`[data-epnum="${ep.number}"]`))), quality);
            const file = new Blob([playlist], {type:'application/', });
            const fileUrl = URL.createObjectURL(file);
            button.textContent = 'Playing Selected';
            setTimeout(() => { button.textContent = 'Play'; }, 2000);
            alert("Due to browser limitations, there is a high possibility that this feature may not work correctly.\nIf the video does not automatically play, please utilize the export button and manually open the playlist file manually.");

 * Display a simple toast message on the top right of the screen
let toasts = [];

function showToast(message) {
    const maxToastHeight = window.innerHeight * 0.5;
    const toastHeight = 50; // Approximate height of each toast
    const maxToasts = Math.floor(maxToastHeight / toastHeight);


    // Create the new toast element
    const x = document.createElement("div");
    x.innerHTML = message; = "#000"; = "#fdba2f"; = "10px"; = "10px"; = "fixed"; = `${toasts.length * toastHeight}px`; = "5px"; = "large"; = "bold"; = "10000"; = "block"; = "#565e64"; = "right 2s ease-in-out, top 0.5s ease-in-out";

    // Add the new toast to the list

    // Remove the toast after it slides out
    setTimeout(() => { = "-1000px";
    }, 3000);

    setTimeout(() => { = "none";
        if (document.body.contains(x)) document.body.removeChild(x);
        toasts = toasts.filter(toast => toast !== x);
        // Move remaining toasts up
        toasts.forEach((toast, index) => {
   = `${index * toastHeight}px`;
    }, 4000);

    // Limit the number of toasts to maxToasts
    if (toasts.length > maxToasts) {
        const oldestToast = toasts.shift();
        toasts.forEach((toast, index) => {
   = `${index * toastHeight}px`;