Greasy Fork 支持简体中文。

Dsync Client []

The most advanced hack for

// ==UserScript==
// @name Dsync Client []
// @author Murka
// @description The most advanced hack for
// @icon
// @version 1.0.21
// @match *://*
// @run-at document-start
// @grant none
// @license MIT
// @namespace
// ==/UserScript==
/* jshint esversion:6 */
    Author: Murka
    I need your support, please follow these steps:
    1. Join my DISCORD server
    2. Write a feedback about this script on GREASYFORK "script works, thank you so much"
    3. Star my repository on GITHUB
Function("(" + ((GM_info) => {
    "use strict";
    var __webpack_modules__ = {
        147: module => {
            module.exports = {
                i8: "1.0.21"
    var __webpack_module_cache__ = {};
    function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
        var cachedModule = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId];
        if (cachedModule !== undefined) {
            return cachedModule.exports;
        var module = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId] = {
            exports: {}
        __webpack_modules__[moduleId](module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);
        return module.exports;
    (() => {
        __webpack_require__.d = (exports, definition) => {
            for (var key in definition) {
                if (__webpack_require__.o(definition, key) && !__webpack_require__.o(exports, key)) {
                    Object.defineProperty(exports, key, {
                        enumerable: true,
                        get: definition[key]
    (() => {
        __webpack_require__.o = (obj, prop) =>, prop);
    var __webpack_exports__ = {};
    (() => {
        __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
            sv: () => Dsync,
            Ih: () => controller,
            vU: () => error,
            cM: () => log,
            lZ: () => pingCount,
            fA: () => target
        var code = '<header> <span>Dsync Client</span> <div id="version"> <svg width="15" height="15" viewBox="0 0 16 16" version="1.1"> <path d="M11.75 2.5a.75.75 0 100 0 000-1.5zm-2.25.75a2.25 2.25 0 113 2.122V6A2.5 2.5 0 0110 8.5H6a1 1 0 00-1 1v1.128a2.251 2.251 0 11-1.5 0V5.372a2.25 2.25 0 111.5 0v1.836A2.492 2.492 0 016 7h4a1 1 0 001-1v-.628A2.25 2.25 0 019.5 3.25zM4.25 12a.75.75 0 100 0 000-1.5zM3.5 3.25a.75.75 0 111.5 0 .75.75 0 01-1.5 0z"></path> </svg> <span></span> </div> <svg id="close-menu" class="icon" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 30 30" width="30px" height="30px"> <path d="M 7 4 C 6.744125 4 6.4879687 4.0974687 6.2929688 4.2929688 L 4.2929688 6.2929688 C 3.9019687 6.6839688 3.9019687 7.3170313 4.2929688 7.7070312 L 11.585938 15 L 4.2929688 22.292969 C 3.9019687 22.683969 3.9019687 23.317031 4.2929688 23.707031 L 6.2929688 25.707031 C 6.6839688 26.098031 7.3170313 26.098031 7.7070312 25.707031 L 15 18.414062 L 22.292969 25.707031 C 22.682969 26.098031 23.317031 26.098031 23.707031 25.707031 L 25.707031 23.707031 C 26.098031 23.316031 26.098031 22.682969 25.707031 22.292969 L 18.414062 15 L 25.707031 7.7070312 C 26.098031 7.3170312 26.098031 6.6829688 25.707031 6.2929688 L 23.707031 4.2929688 C 23.316031 3.9019687 22.682969 3.9019687 22.292969 4.2929688 L 15 11.585938 L 7.7070312 4.2929688 C 7.5115312 4.0974687 7.255875 4 7 4 z"/> </svg> </header>';
        const Header = code;
        var Navbar_code = '<aside id="navbar-container"> <button class="open-menu active">Keybinds</button> <button class="open-menu">Combat</button> <button class="open-menu">Visuals</button> <button class="open-menu">Misc</button> <button class="open-menu bottom-align">Credits</button> </aside>';
        const Navbar = Navbar_code;
        var Keybinds_code = '<div class="menu-page opened"> <h1>Keybinds</h1> <p>Setup keybinds for items, weapons and hats</p> <div class="section"> <div class="section-title"> <h2>Items & Weapons</h2> <svg class="icon" version="1.0" xmlns="" width="64.000000pt" height="64.000000pt" viewBox="0 0 64.000000 64.000000" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"> <g transform="translate(0.000000,64.000000) scale(0.100000,-0.100000)" stroke="none"> <path d="M160 575 l-54 -55 99 -100 100 -100 -100 -100 -100 -100 58 -57 57 -58 157 158 158 157 -155 155 c-85 85 -157 155 -160 155 -3 0 -30 -25 -60 -55z"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="section-content"> <div class="split-section"> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Primary</span> <button id="primary" class="section-option-hotkeyInput"></button> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Secondary</span> <button id="secondary" class="section-option-hotkeyInput"></button> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Heal</span> <button id="heal" class="section-option-hotkeyInput"></button> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Wall</span> <button id="wall" class="section-option-hotkeyInput"></button> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Spike</span> <button id="spike" class="section-option-hotkeyInput"></button> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Windmill</span> <button id="windmill" class="section-option-hotkeyInput"></button> </div> </div> <div class="split-section"> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Trap/Boost</span> <button id="trap" class="section-option-hotkeyInput"></button> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Turret</span> <button id="turret" class="section-option-hotkeyInput"></button> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Tree/Stone</span> <button id="tree" class="section-option-hotkeyInput"></button> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Platform</span> <button id="platform" class="section-option-hotkeyInput"></button> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Cosy bed</span> <button id="spawn" class="section-option-hotkeyInput"></button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section"> <div class="section-title"> <h2>Combat & Functions</h2> <svg class="icon" version="1.0" xmlns="" width="64.000000pt" height="64.000000pt" viewBox="0 0 64.000000 64.000000" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"> <g transform="translate(0.000000,64.000000) scale(0.100000,-0.100000)" stroke="none"> <path d="M160 575 l-54 -55 99 -100 100 -100 -100 -100 -100 -100 58 -57 57 -58 157 158 158 157 -155 155 c-85 85 -157 155 -160 155 -3 0 -30 -25 -60 -55z"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="section-content"> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Invisible hit</span> <button id="invisibleHit" class="section-option-hotkeyInput"></button> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Spike insta</span> <button id="spikeInsta" class="section-option-hotkeyInput"></button> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title"> Fast break <span class="tooltip"> * <span class="tooltip-text">When you press a key, it equips a demolist and starts attacking</span> </span> </span> <button id="fastBreak" class="section-option-hotkeyInput"></button> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Zoom In</span> <button class="section-option-hotkeyInput smaller">WHEEL DN</button> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Toggle Dsync Menu</span> <button id="toggleMenu" class="section-option-hotkeyInput"></button> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Zoom Out</span> <button class="section-option-hotkeyInput smaller">WHEEL UP</button> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section"> <div class="section-title"> <h2>Hats</h2> <svg class="icon" version="1.0" xmlns="" width="64.000000pt" height="64.000000pt" viewBox="0 0 64.000000 64.000000" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"> <g transform="translate(0.000000,64.000000) scale(0.100000,-0.100000)" stroke="none"> <path d="M160 575 l-54 -55 99 -100 100 -100 -100 -100 -100 -100 58 -57 57 -58 157 158 158 157 -155 155 c-85 85 -157 155 -160 155 -3 0 -30 -25 -60 -55z"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="section-content"> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Unequip hat</span> <button id="unequip" class="section-option-hotkeyInput"></button> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Bush hat</span> <button id="bush" class="section-option-hotkeyInput"></button> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Berserker</span> <button id="berserker" class="section-option-hotkeyInput"></button> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Jungle gear</span> <button id="jungle" class="section-option-hotkeyInput"></button> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Crystal gear</span> <button id="crystal" class="section-option-hotkeyInput"></button> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Spike gear</span> <button id="spikegear" class="section-option-hotkeyInput"></button> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Immunity gear</span> <button id="immunity" class="section-option-hotkeyInput"></button> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Boost hat</span> <button id="boost" class="section-option-hotkeyInput"></button> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Apple hat</span> <button id="applehat" class="section-option-hotkeyInput"></button> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Scuba gear</span> <button id="scuba" class="section-option-hotkeyInput"></button> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Hood</span> <button id="hood" class="section-option-hotkeyInput"></button> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Demolist</span> <button id="demolist" class="section-option-hotkeyInput"></button> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section"> <div class="section-title"> <h2>Controls & Movement</h2> <svg class="icon" version="1.0" xmlns="" width="64.000000pt" height="64.000000pt" viewBox="0 0 64.000000 64.000000" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"> <g transform="translate(0.000000,64.000000) scale(0.100000,-0.100000)" stroke="none"> <path d="M160 575 l-54 -55 99 -100 100 -100 -100 -100 -100 -100 58 -57 57 -58 157 158 158 157 -155 155 c-85 85 -157 155 -160 155 -3 0 -30 -25 -60 -55z"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="section-content"> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Up</span> <button id="up" class="section-option-hotkeyInput"></button> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Left</span> <button id="left" class="section-option-hotkeyInput"></button> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Down</span> <button id="down" class="section-option-hotkeyInput"></button> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Right</span> <button id="right" class="section-option-hotkeyInput"></button> </div> <div class="split"></div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Auto attack</span> <button id="autoattack" class="section-option-hotkeyInput"></button> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Lock rotation</span> <button id="lockRotation" class="section-option-hotkeyInput"></button> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Open chat</span> <button id="openChat" class="section-option-hotkeyInput"></button> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Upgrade scythe</span> <button id="upgradeScythe" class="section-option-hotkeyInput"></button> </div> </div> </div> </div>';
        const Keybinds = Keybinds_code;
        var Combat_code = '<div class="menu-page"> <h1>Combat</h1> <p>Modify combat settings, change pvp behavior</p> <div class="section opened"> <div class="section-title"> <h2>Placement</h2> </div> <div class="section-content one-row"> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title"> Placement speed <span class="tooltip"> * <span class="tooltip-text">The higher value, the faster you place</span> </span> </span> <label class="slider"> <input id="placementSpeed" min="1" max="30" type="range"> <span class="slider-value">30</span> </label> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Placement type</span> <select id="placementType"></select> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Autobed</span> <label class="switch-checkbox"> <input id="autobed" type="checkbox"> <span></span> </label> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Automill</span> <label class="switch-checkbox"> <input id="automill" type="checkbox"> <span></span> </label> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title"> Anti fireball <span class="tooltip"> * <span class="tooltip-text">When you collide a fireball, place platform</span> </span> </span> <label class="switch-checkbox"> <input id="antiFireball" type="checkbox"> <span></span> </label> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section opened"> <div class="section-title"> <h2>Healing</h2> </div> <div class="section-content"> <div class="split-section"> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Autoheal</span> <label class="switch-checkbox"> <input id="autoheal" type="checkbox"> <span></span> </label> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section opened"> <div class="section-title"> <h2>Hats</h2> </div> <div class="section-content"> <div class="split-section"> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Jungle On Clown</span> <label class="switch-checkbox"> <input id="jungleOnClown" type="checkbox"> <span></span> </label> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title"> Equip last hat <span class="tooltip"> * <span class="tooltip-text">On spawn, the last hat you had will be equipped</span> </span> </span> <label class="switch-checkbox"> <input id="lastHat" type="checkbox"> <span></span> </label> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Auto scuba</span> <label class="switch-checkbox"> <input id="autoScuba" type="checkbox"> <span></span> </label> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section opened"> <div class="section-title"> <h2>Autoaim</h2> </div> <div class="section-content"> <div class="split-section"> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Melee</span> <label class="switch-checkbox"> <input id="meleeAim" type="checkbox"> <span></span> </label> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Bow</span> <label class="switch-checkbox"> <input id="bowAim" type="checkbox"> <span></span> </label> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Spike insta</span> <label class="switch-checkbox"> <input id="spikeInstaAim" type="checkbox"> <span></span> </label> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Autosync</span> <label class="switch-checkbox"> <input id="autosync" type="checkbox"> <span></span> </label> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Autoboost follow</span> <label class="switch-checkbox"> <input id="autoboostFollow" type="checkbox"> <span></span> </label> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>';
        const Combat = Combat_code;
        var Visuals_code = '<div class="menu-page"> <h1>Visuals</h1> <p>Customize your visuals, or you can disable it for performance</p> <div class="section opened"> <div class="section-title"> <h2>Tracers</h2> </div> <div class="section-content"> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Enemies</span> <div class="content"> <button class="default-color" title="Reset Color"></button> <input id="enemyColor" type="color"> <label class="switch-checkbox"> <input id="enemyTracers" type="checkbox"> <span></span> </label> </div> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Arrows</span> <label class="switch-checkbox"> <input id="arrows" type="checkbox"> <span></span> </label> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Teammates</span> <div class="content"> <button class="default-color" title="Reset Color"></button> <input id="teammateColor" type="color"> <label class="switch-checkbox"> <input id="teammateTracers" type="checkbox"> <span></span> </label> </div> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Rainbow colors</span> <label class="switch-checkbox"> <input id="rainbow" type="checkbox"> <span></span> </label> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Animals</span> <div class="content"> <button class="default-color" title="Reset Color"></button> <input id="animalColor" type="color"> <label class="switch-checkbox"> <input id="animalTracers" type="checkbox"> <span></span> </label> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section opened"> <div class="section-title"> <h2>Markers</h2> </div> <div class="section-content"> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Your markers</span> <div class="content"> <button class="default-color" title="Reset Color"></button> <input id="itemMarkersColor" type="color"> <label class="switch-checkbox"> <input id="itemMarkers" type="checkbox"> <span></span> </label> </div> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Teammates</span> <div class="content"> <button class="default-color" title="Reset Color"></button> <input id="teammateMarkersColor" type="color"> <label class="switch-checkbox"> <input id="teammateMarkers" type="checkbox"> <span></span> </label> </div> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Enemies</span> <div class="content"> <button class="default-color" title="Reset Color"></button> <input id="enemyMarkersColor" type="color"> <label class="switch-checkbox"> <input id="enemyMarkers" type="checkbox"> <span></span> </label> </div> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title"> Trap activated <span class="tooltip"> * <span class="tooltip-text">When the player or animal will be trapped, marker will change color</span> </span> </span> <div class="content"> <button class="default-color" title="Reset Color"></button> <input id="trapActivatedColor" type="color"> <label class="switch-checkbox"> <input id="trapActivated" type="checkbox"> <span></span> </label> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section opened"> <div class="section-title"> <h2>Reload bars</h2> </div> <div class="section-content"> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Hat reload bar</span> <div class="content"> <button class="default-color" title="Reset Color"></button> <input id="hatReloadBarColor" type="color"> <label class="switch-checkbox"> <input id="hatReloadBar" type="checkbox"> <span></span> </label> </div> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Fireball reload bar</span> <div class="content"> <button class="default-color" title="Reset Color"></button> <input id="fireballReloadBarColor" type="color"> <label class="switch-checkbox"> <input id="fireballReloadBar" type="checkbox"> <span></span> </label> </div> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Turret reload bar</span> <div class="content"> <button class="default-color" title="Reset Color"></button> <input id="turretReloadBarColor" type="color"> <label class="switch-checkbox"> <input id="turretReloadBar" type="checkbox"> <span></span> </label> </div> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Weapon reload bar</span> <div class="content"> <button class="default-color" title="Reset Color"></button> <input id="weaponReloadBarColor" type="color"> <label class="switch-checkbox"> <input id="weaponReloadBar" type="checkbox"> <span></span> </label> </div> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Smooth reload bar</span> <label class="switch-checkbox"> <input id="smoothReloadBar" type="checkbox"> <span></span> </label> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section opened"> <div class="section-title"> <h2>Player</h2> </div> <div class="section-content"> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Anti hood</span> <label class="switch-checkbox"> <input id="showHoods" type="checkbox"> <span></span> </label> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Render HP</span> <label class="switch-checkbox"> <input id="drawHP" type="checkbox"> <span></span> </label> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Item counter</span> <label class="switch-checkbox"> <input id="itemCounter" type="checkbox"> <span></span> </label> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title"> Visual aim <span class="tooltip"> * <span class="tooltip-text">It will show where are you aiming</span> </span> </span> <label class="switch-checkbox"> <input id="visualAim" type="checkbox"> <span></span> </label> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Hide chat messages</span> <label class="switch-checkbox"> <input id="hideMessages" type="checkbox"> <span></span> </label> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section opened"> <div class="section-title"> <h2>Appearance</h2> </div> <div class="section-content"> <div class="split-section"> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Custom skins</span> <label class="switch-checkbox"> <input id="customSkins" type="checkbox"> <span></span> </label> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Skin</span> <div class="content"> <img> <button data-type="popup" data-id="skin" class="button">Select skin</button> </div> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Accessory</span> <div class="content"> <img> <button data-type="popup" data-id="accessory" class="button">Select accessory</button> </div> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Back</span> <div class="content"> <img> <button data-type="popup" data-id="back" class="button">Select back</button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section opened"> <div class="section-title"> <h2>Other</h2> </div> <div class="section-content"> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Windmill rotation</span> <label class="switch-checkbox"> <input id="windmillRotation" type="checkbox"> <span></span> </label> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title"> Possible shots <span class="tooltip"> * <span class="tooltip-text">Draws a crosshair on entities that can be hit by a projectile</span> </span> </span> <label class="switch-checkbox"> <input id="possibleShots" type="checkbox"> <span></span> </label> </div> </div> </div> </div>';
        const Visuals = Visuals_code;
        var Misc_code = '<div class="menu-page"> <h1>Misc</h1> <p>Customize misc settings, add autochat messages, reset settings</p> <div class="section opened"> <div class="section-title"> <h2>Chat</h2> </div> <div class="section-content one-row"> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Auto chat</span> <div class="content"> <input class="input autochat" type="text" maxlength="35"> <input class="input autochat" type="text" maxlength="35"> <input class="input autochat" type="text" maxlength="35"> <input class="input autochat" type="text" maxlength="35"> <label class="switch-checkbox"> <input id="autochat" type="checkbox"> <span></span> </label> </div> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title"> Kill message <span class="tooltip"> * <span class="tooltip-text left"> <div>Variables:</div> <div><span class="highlight">{KILL}</span> - amount of kills</div> <div><span class="highlight">{NAME}</span> - name of the player you killed</div> </span> </span> </span> <div class="content"> <input id="killMessage" class="input" type="text" maxlength="35"> <label class="switch-checkbox"> <input id="kill" type="checkbox"> <span></span> </label> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section opened"> <div class="section-title"> <h2>Other</h2> </div> <div class="section-content"> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Auto spawn</span> <label class="switch-checkbox"> <input id="autospawn" type="checkbox"> <span></span> </label> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title"> Smooth zoom <span class="tooltip"> * <span class="tooltip-text">Disable for performance</span> </span> </span> <label class="switch-checkbox"> <input id="smoothZoom" type="checkbox"> <span></span> </label> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title"> Skip upgrades <span class="tooltip"> * <span class="tooltip-text">When you have only 1 item in the upgradebar, it will automatically select it</span> </span> </span> <label class="switch-checkbox"> <input id="skipUpgrades" type="checkbox"> <span></span> </label> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title"> Invis hit toggle <span class="tooltip"> * <span class="tooltip-text">If enabled, invisible hit hotkey will work in toggle mode. Useful when you don\'t want to hold this button permanently</span> </span> </span> <label class="switch-checkbox"> <input id="invisHitToggle" type="checkbox"> <span></span> </label> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Reverse zoom</span> <label class="switch-checkbox"> <input id="reverseZoom" type="checkbox"> <span></span> </label> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Auto accept</span> <label class="switch-checkbox"> <input id="autoAccept" type="checkbox"> <span></span> </label> </div> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Always connect to</span> <select id="connectTo" class="smaller"></select> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section opened"> <div class="section-title"> <h2>Menu</h2> </div> <div class="section-content one-row"> <div class="section-option"> <span class="section-option-title">Menu transparency</span> <label class="switch-checkbox"> <input id="menuTransparency" type="checkbox"> <span></span> </label> </div> <div class="section-option"> <div class="content-double"> <button id="reset-settings" class="button red">Reset settings</button> <button id="download-settings" class="button">Download settings</button> <div class="form-upload"> <input id="upload-settings" type="file" accept=".txt"> <span class="light">DRAG SETTINGS FILE HERE OR <span class="light-extra">BROWSE</span></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>';
        const Misc = Misc_code;
        var Credits_code = '<div class="menu-page"> <h1>Credits</h1> <P>Some details about the script and links to my socials</P> <div class="section opened"> <div class="section-content" style="max-height:100%"> <div class="split-section"> <div class="section-option text"> <span class="section-option-title">Author</span> <span class="text-value">Murka</span> </div> <div class="section-option text"> <svg class="icon" version="1.1" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024"> <path d="M512 12.672c-282.88 0-512 229.248-512 512 0 226.261 146.688 418.133 350.080 485.76 25.6 4.821 34.987-11.008 34.987-24.619 0-12.16-0.427-44.373-0.64-87.040-142.421 30.891-172.459-68.693-172.459-68.693-23.296-59.093-56.96-74.88-56.96-74.88-46.379-31.744 3.584-31.104 3.584-31.104 51.413 3.584 78.421 52.736 78.421 52.736 45.653 78.293 119.851 55.68 149.12 42.581 4.608-33.109 17.792-55.68 32.427-68.48-113.707-12.8-233.216-56.832-233.216-253.013 0-55.893 19.84-101.547 52.693-137.387-5.76-12.928-23.040-64.981 4.48-135.509 0 0 42.88-13.739 140.8 52.48 40.96-11.392 84.48-17.024 128-17.28 43.52 0.256 87.040 5.888 128 17.28 97.28-66.219 140.16-52.48 140.16-52.48 27.52 70.528 10.24 122.581 5.12 135.509 32.64 35.84 52.48 81.493 52.48 137.387 0 196.693-119.68 240-233.6 252.587 17.92 15.36 34.56 46.763 34.56 94.72 0 68.523-0.64 123.563-0.64 140.203 0 13.44 8.96 29.44 35.2 24.32 204.843-67.157 351.403-259.157 351.403-485.077 0-282.752-229.248-512-512-512z"></path> </svg> <a href="" class="text-value" target="_blank" title="Give a star please :)">Dsync client</a> </div> <div class="section-option text"> <svg class="icon" version="1.1" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 32 32"> <path d="M26.963 0c1.875 0 3.387 1.516 3.476 3.3v28.7l-3.569-3.031-1.96-1.784-2.139-1.864 0.893 2.94h-18.717c-1.869 0-3.387-1.42-3.387-3.301v-21.653c0-1.784 1.52-3.303 3.393-3.303h22zM18.805 7.577h-0.040l-0.269 0.267c2.764 0.8 4.101 2.049 4.101 2.049-1.781-0.891-3.387-1.336-4.992-1.516-1.16-0.18-2.32-0.085-3.3 0h-0.267c-0.627 0-1.96 0.267-3.747 0.98-0.623 0.271-0.98 0.448-0.98 0.448s1.336-1.336 4.28-2.049l-0.18-0.18c0 0-2.229-0.085-4.636 1.693 0 0-2.407 4.192-2.407 9.36 0 0 1.333 2.32 4.991 2.408 0 0 0.533-0.711 1.073-1.336-2.053-0.624-2.853-1.872-2.853-1.872s0.179 0.088 0.447 0.267h0.080c0.040 0 0.059 0.020 0.080 0.040v0.008c0.021 0.021 0.040 0.040 0.080 0.040 0.44 0.181 0.88 0.36 1.24 0.533 0.621 0.269 1.42 0.537 2.4 0.715 1.24 0.18 2.661 0.267 4.28 0 0.8-0.18 1.6-0.356 2.4-0.713 0.52-0.267 1.16-0.533 1.863-0.983 0 0-0.8 1.248-2.94 1.872 0.44 0.621 1.060 1.333 1.060 1.333 3.659-0.080 5.080-2.4 5.16-2.301 0-5.16-2.42-9.36-2.42-9.36-2.18-1.619-4.22-1.68-4.58-1.68zM19.029 13.461c0.937 0 1.693 0.8 1.693 1.78 0 0.987-0.76 1.787-1.693 1.787s-1.693-0.8-1.693-1.779c0.003-0.987 0.764-1.784 1.693-1.788zM12.972 13.461c0.933 0 1.688 0.8 1.688 1.78 0 0.987-0.76 1.787-1.693 1.787s-1.693-0.8-1.693-1.779c0-0.987 0.76-1.784 1.699-1.788z"></path> </svg> <a href="" class="text-value" target="_blank" title="Join my discord server">Coding paradise</a> </div> <div class="section-option text"> <svg class="icon" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 96 96"> <circle fill="#36363d" stroke="#6a6a81" stroke-width="2" r="48" cy="48" cx="48"/> <clipPath id="GreasyForkCircleClip" clipPathUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> <circle fill="#000" r="47" cy="48" cx="48"/> </clipPath> <text fill="#9494b8" clip-path="url(#GreasyForkCircleClip)" text-anchor="middle" font-size="18" font-family="\'DejaVu Sans\', Verdana, Arial, \'Liberation Sans\', sans-serif" letter-spacing="-0.75" pointer-events="none" style="-moz-user-select:none;-ms-user-select:none;-webkit-user-select:none;user-select:none"> <tspan x="51" y="13" textLength="57">= null;</tspan> <tspan x="56" y="35" textLength="98">function init</tspan> <tspan x="49" y="57" textLength="113">for (var i = 0;</tspan> <tspan x="50" y="79" textLength="105">XmlHttpReq</tspan> <tspan x="48" y="101" textLength="80">appendCh</tspan> </text> <path fill="#36363d" stroke="#36363d" stroke-width="4" d="M 44,29\r\n                          a6.36396,6.36396 0,0,1 0,9\r\n                          l36,36\r\n                          a3.25,3.25 0,0,1 -6.5,6.5\r\n                          l-36,-36\r\n                          a6.36396,6.36396 0,0,1 -9,0\r\n                          l-19,-19\r\n                          a1.76777,1.76777 0,0,1 0,-2.5\r\n                          l13.0,-13\r\n                          a1.76777,1.76777 0,0,1 2.5,0\r\n                          z"/> <path fill="#9494b8" d="M 44,29\r\n                          a6.36396,6.36396 0,0,1 0,9\r\n                          l36,36\r\n                          a3.25,3.25 0,0,1 -6.5,6.5\r\n                          l-36,-36\r\n                          a6.36396,6.36396 0,0,1 -9,0\r\n                          l-19,-19\r\n                          a1.76777,1.76777 0,0,1 2.5,-2.5\r\n                          l14,14 4,-4 -14,-14\r\n                          a1.76777,1.76777 0,0,1 2.5,-2.5\r\n                          l14,14 4,-4 -14,-14\r\n                          a1.76777,1.76777 0,0,1 2.5,-2.5\r\n                          z"/> </svg> <a href="" class="text-value" target="_blank" title="Please support this script on greasyfork">Dsync client</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>';
        const Credits = Credits_code;
        const styles = '@import";700;900&display=swap";header{background:#2f2f31;color:#76689a;padding:5px 10px;display:flex;justify-content:flex-start;align-items:center}header #version{align-self:flex-end;color:#9787bd;font-size:.5em;font-weight:600;margin-left:10px}header #version svg{fill:#9787bd}header .icon{margin-left:auto;width:35px;height:35px;fill:#cebcb4;transition:fill 100ms;cursor:pointer}header .icon:hover{fill:#ffe7dc}#navbar-container{display:flex;flex-direction:column;padding:10px;margin-right:10px;background:#2f2f31}#navbar-container .open-menu{outline:none;border:none;cursor:pointer;font-weight:900;font-size:1.4rem;padding:10px;background:#313135;color:#ffe7dc;border-right:1px solid;border-right-color:rgba(0,0,0,0);transition:background 100ms,color 100ms,border-right-color 100ms}#navbar-container .open-menu:hover{background:#313135}#navbar-container 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        var ELayer;
        (function(ELayer) {
            ELayer[ELayer["PLAYER"] = 0] = "PLAYER";
            ELayer[ELayer["STONE"] = 1] = "STONE";
            ELayer[ELayer["HARDSPIKE"] = 2] = "HARDSPIKE";
            ELayer[ELayer["TREE"] = 3] = "TREE";
            ELayer[ELayer["GOLD"] = 4] = "GOLD";
            ELayer[ELayer["BUSH"] = 5] = "BUSH";
            ELayer[ELayer["TRAP"] = 6] = "TRAP";
            ELayer[ELayer["SPIKE"] = 7] = "SPIKE";
            ELayer[ELayer["WOODWALL"] = 8] = "WOODWALL";
            ELayer[ELayer["PLATFORM"] = 9] = "PLATFORM";
            ELayer[ELayer["BOOST"] = 10] = "BOOST";
            ELayer[ELayer["LOOTBOX"] = 11] = "LOOTBOX";
            ELayer[ELayer["PROJECTILE"] = 12] = "PROJECTILE";
            ELayer[ELayer["WINDMILL"] = 13] = "WINDMILL";
            ELayer[ELayer["COW"] = 14] = "COW";
            ELayer[ELayer["SPAWN"] = 15] = "SPAWN";
            ELayer[ELayer["POWERMILL"] = 16] = "POWERMILL";
            ELayer[ELayer["CASTLESPIKE"] = 17] = "CASTLESPIKE";
            ELayer[ELayer["TURRET"] = 18] = "TURRET";
            ELayer[ELayer["WOODFARM"] = 19] = "WOODFARM";
            ELayer[ELayer["CHERRYWOODFARM"] = 20] = "CHERRYWOODFARM";
            ELayer[ELayer["STONEWARM"] = 21] = "STONEWARM";
            ELayer[ELayer["CASTLEWALL"] = 22] = "CASTLEWALL";
            ELayer[ELayer["SHARK"] = 23] = "SHARK";
            ELayer[ELayer["WOLF"] = 24] = "WOLF";
            ELayer[ELayer["GOLDENCOW"] = 25] = "GOLDENCOW";
            ELayer[ELayer["ROOF"] = 26] = "ROOF";
            ELayer[ELayer["DRAGON"] = 27] = "DRAGON";
            ELayer[ELayer["MAMMOTH"] = 28] = "MAMMOTH";
            ELayer[ELayer["FIREBALL"] = 29] = "FIREBALL";
            ELayer[ELayer["CHEST"] = 30] = "CHEST";
            ELayer[ELayer["DRAGONWALLBIG"] = 31] = "DRAGONWALLBIG";
            ELayer[ELayer["DRAGONWALLMEDIUM"] = 32] = "DRAGONWALLMEDIUM";
            ELayer[ELayer["DRAGONWALLSMALL"] = 33] = "DRAGONWALLSMALL";
            ELayer[ELayer["MAMMOTHWALL"] = 34] = "MAMMOTHWALL";
            ELayer[ELayer["MAMMOTHWALLSMALL"] = 35] = "MAMMOTHWALLSMALL";
            ELayer[ELayer["DUCK"] = 36] = "DUCK";
            ELayer[ELayer["TELEPORT"] = 37] = "TELEPORT";
            ELayer[ELayer["CACTUS"] = 38] = "CACTUS";
            ELayer[ELayer["TORNADO"] = 39] = "TORNADO";
        })(ELayer || (ELayer = {}));
        const LayerDataArray = [ {
            id: ELayer.PLAYER,
            radius: 35,
            maxHealth: 100,
            Qa: 1
        }, {
            id: ELayer.STONE,
            shoot: true,
            radius: 75,
            Qa: 1,
            Pa: 1
        }, {
            id: ELayer.HARDSPIKE,
            shoot: true,
            qa: 35,
            radius: 45,
            maxHealth: 500,
            Qa: 1
        }, {
            id: ELayer.TREE,
            shoot: true,
            cannotShoot: true,
            radius: 90,
            Qa: 1,
            Ka: 1
        }, {
            id: ELayer.GOLD,
            shoot: true,
            radius: 76,
            Qa: 1,
            Xa: 5
        }, {
            id: ELayer.BUSH,
            shoot: true,
            radius: 50,
            Qa: 1,
            Na: 1
        }, {
            id: ELayer.TRAP,
            radius: 40,
            maxHealth: 500,
            Qa: 1
        }, {
            id: ELayer.SPIKE,
            shoot: true,
            qa: 20,
            radius: 45,
            maxHealth: 375,
            Ia: 20,
            Qa: 1
        }, {
            id: ELayer.WOODWALL,
            shoot: true,
            radius: 45,
            maxHealth: 380,
            Qa: 1
        }, {
            id: ELayer.PLATFORM,
            radius: 60,
            maxHealth: 300,
            Qa: 1
        }, {
            id: ELayer.BOOST,
            radius: 40,
            maxHealth: 300,
            Qa: 1
        }, {
            id: ELayer.LOOTBOX,
            radius: 40,
            maxHealth: 4,
            Qa: 1
        }, {
            id: ELayer.PROJECTILE,
            radius: 0,
            maxHealth: 0
        }, {
            id: ELayer.WINDMILL,
            shoot: true,
            radius: 45,
            maxHealth: 400,
            rotateSpeed: Math.PI / 4,
            Qa: 1
        }, {
            id: ELayer.COW,
            radius: 90,
            maxHealth: 380,
            animal: true,
            Qa: 1,
            Ja: 1.6,
            $a: 9,
            ts: 0
        }, {
            id: ELayer.SPAWN,
            shoot: true,
            radius: 50,
            maxHealth: 380,
            Qa: 1
        }, {
            id: ELayer.POWERMILL,
            shoot: true,
            radius: 54,
            maxHealth: 400,
            rotateSpeed: Math.PI / 2,
            Qa: 1
        }, {
            id: ELayer.CASTLESPIKE,
            shoot: true,
            qa: 5,
            radius: 42,
            maxHealth: 1200,
            Ia: 24,
            Qa: 1
        }, {
            id: ELayer.TURRET,
            shoot: true,
            radius: 45,
            maxHealth: 800,
            Qa: 1
        }, {
            id: ELayer.WOODFARM,
            shoot: true,
            cannotShoot: true,
            radius: 80,
            Qa: 1,
            Ka: 1
        }, {
            id: ELayer.CHERRYWOODFARM,
            shoot: true,
            cannotShoot: true,
            radius: 80,
            Qa: 1,
            Ka: 1
        }, {
            id: ELayer.STONEWARM,
            shoot: true,
            radius: 60,
            Qa: 1,
            Pa: 1
        }, {
            id: ELayer.CASTLEWALL,
            shoot: true,
            radius: 59,
            maxHealth: 1750,
            Qa: 1
        }, {
            id: ELayer.SHARK,
            radius: 90,
            maxHealth: 380,
            animal: true,
            Qa: 1,
            Ja: 1.2,
            $a: 49,
            qa: 14,
            ts: 3
        }, {
            id: ELayer.WOLF,
            radius: 50,
            maxHealth: 380,
            animal: true,
            Qa: 1,
            Ja: 1.6,
            $a: 17,
            qa: 14,
            ts: 0
        }, {
            id: ELayer.GOLDENCOW,
            radius: 90,
            maxHealth: 1e3,
            animal: true,
            Qa: 1,
            Ja: 1.6,
            $a: 17,
            qa: 19
        }, {
            id: ELayer.ROOF,
            radius: 50,
            maxHealth: 300,
            Qa: 1
        }, {
            id: ELayer.DRAGON,
            radius: 100,
            maxHealth: 5e3,
            animal: true,
            Qa: 1,
            Ja: 1.15,
            $a: 17,
            qa: 30,
            ts: 0
        }, {
            id: ELayer.MAMMOTH,
            radius: 90,
            maxHealth: 5e3,
            animal: true,
            Qa: 1,
            Ja: 1.6,
            $a: 17,
            qa: 30,
            ts: 1
        }, {
            id: ELayer.FIREBALL,
            radius: 100,
            maxHealth: 380,
            Qa: 1,
            Ja: .4,
            $a: 1,
            qa: 15,
            ts: 0
        }, {
            id: ELayer.CHEST,
            shoot: true,
            radius: 45,
            maxHealth: 380,
            Qa: 1,
            Xa: 50,
            Lr: 20
        }, {
            id: ELayer.DRAGONWALLBIG,
            shoot: true,
            radius: 92,
            Qa: 1,
            Pa: 1
        }, {
            id: ELayer.DRAGONWALLMEDIUM,
            shoot: true,
            radius: 92,
            Qa: 1,
            Pa: 1
        }, {
            id: ELayer.DRAGONWALLSMALL,
            shoot: true,
            radius: 58,
            Qa: 1,
            Pa: 1
        }, {
            id: ELayer.MAMMOTHWALL,
            shoot: true,
            radius: 92,
            Qa: 1,
            Pa: 0
        }, {
            id: ELayer.MAMMOTHWALLSMALL,
            shoot: true,
            radius: 20,
            Qa: 1,
            Pa: 0
        }, {
            id: ELayer.DUCK,
            radius: 20,
            maxHealth: 380,
            animal: true,
            Qa: 1,
            Ja: 1.6,
            $a: 9,
            ts: 0
        }, {
            id: ELayer.TELEPORT,
            shoot: true,
            radius: 35,
            maxHealth: 150,
            Qa: 1
        }, {
            id: ELayer.CACTUS,
            shoot: true,
            radius: 50,
            Qa: 1,
            Na: 5,
            qa: 20
        }, {
            id: ELayer.TORNADO,
            radius: 220,
            rotateSpeed: Math.PI / 4,
            Qa: 0,
            Na: 5,
            qa: 1
        } ];
        const LayerData = LayerDataArray;
        const LayerObjects = LayerData.filter((layer => layer.shoot));
        const Animals = LayerData.filter((layer => layer.animal));
        var EObjects;
        (function(EObjects) {
            EObjects[EObjects["BOOST"] = 6] = "BOOST";
            EObjects[EObjects["PLATFORM"] = 8] = "PLATFORM";
            EObjects[EObjects["TRAP"] = 9] = "TRAP";
            EObjects[EObjects["WINDMILL"] = 14] = "WINDMILL";
            EObjects[EObjects["SPAWN"] = 16] = "SPAWN";
            EObjects[EObjects["POWERMILL"] = 19] = "POWERMILL";
            EObjects[EObjects["ROOF"] = 48] = "ROOF";
        })(EObjects || (EObjects = {}));
        var PlacementType;
        (function(PlacementType) {
            PlacementType[PlacementType["DEFAULT"] = 0] = "DEFAULT";
            PlacementType[PlacementType["INVISIBLE"] = 1] = "INVISIBLE";
            PlacementType[PlacementType["HOLDING"] = 2] = "HOLDING";
        })(PlacementType || (PlacementType = {}));
        var EServers;
        (function(EServers) {
            EServers["SAND_EU1"] = "SFRA";
            EServers["SAND_EU2"] = "SFRA2BIS";
            EServers["SAND_USA1"] = "SCA";
            EServers["SAND_USA2"] = "SCA2";
            EServers["SAND_AS1"] = "SGP";
            EServers["SAND_AS2"] = "SGP2";
            EServers["SAND_AS3"] = "SGP3BIS";
            EServers["NORM_EU1"] = "FRA1FFA";
            EServers["NORM_USA1"] = "CA1FFA";
            EServers["NORM_AS1"] = "SGP1FFA";
            EServers["BATTLE_USA1"] = "BRSCA";
        })(EServers || (EServers = {}));
        const selectData = {
            placementType: PlacementType,
            connectTo: EServers
        var TargetReload;
        (function(TargetReload) {
            TargetReload[TargetReload["TURRET"] = 3e3] = "TURRET";
            TargetReload[TargetReload["HAT"] = 1300] = "HAT";
            TargetReload[TargetReload["DRAGON"] = 3e3] = "DRAGON";
        })(TargetReload || (TargetReload = {}));
        var Hit;
        (function(Hit) {
            Hit[Hit["CANNOT"] = 0] = "CANNOT";
            Hit[Hit["CAN"] = 1] = "CAN";
            Hit[Hit["NEEDDESTROY"] = 2] = "NEEDDESTROY";
        })(Hit || (Hit = {}));
        const Reload = {
            hat: {
                current: TargetReload.HAT,
                lerp: TargetReload.HAT,
                max: TargetReload.HAT,
                color: () => Settings.hatReloadBarColor
            weapon: {
                current: 0,
                lerp: 0,
                max: 0,
                color: () => Settings.weaponReloadBarColor
            turret: {
                current: TargetReload.TURRET,
                lerp: TargetReload.TURRET,
                max: TargetReload.TURRET,
                color: () => Settings.turretReloadBarColor
            fireball: {
                current: TargetReload.DRAGON,
                lerp: TargetReload.DRAGON,
                max: TargetReload.DRAGON,
                color: () => Settings.fireballReloadBarColor
        class Storage {
            static get(key) {
                const item = localStorage.getItem(key);
                return item !== null ? JSON.parse(item) : null;
            static set(key, value) {
                localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value));
            static delete(key) {
                const has = localStorage.hasOwnProperty(key) && key in localStorage;
                return has;
        const defaultSettings = {
            primary: "Digit1",
            secondary: "Digit2",
            heal: "KeyQ",
            wall: "Digit4",
            spike: "KeyV",
            windmill: "KeyN",
            trap: "KeyF",
            turret: "KeyH",
            tree: "KeyU",
            platform: "KeyT",
            spawn: "KeyJ",
            up: "KeyW",
            left: "KeyA",
            down: "KeyS",
            right: "KeyD",
            autoattack: "KeyE",
            lockRotation: "KeyX",
            openChat: "Enter",
            invisibleHit: 2,
            spikeInsta: "KeyR",
            toggleMenu: "Escape",
            fastBreak: "KeyZ",
            upgradeScythe: "...",
            unequip: "...",
            bush: "...",
            berserker: "...",
            jungle: "...",
            crystal: "...",
            spikegear: "...",
            immunity: 4,
            boost: 3,
            applehat: "...",
            scuba: "...",
            hood: "...",
            demolist: "...",
            placementType: PlacementType.INVISIBLE,
            placementSpeed: 1,
            autobed: true,
            automill: true,
            antiFireball: true,
            autoheal: true,
            jungleOnClown: true,
            lastHat: true,
            autoScuba: true,
            meleeAim: true,
            bowAim: true,
            spikeInstaAim: true,
            autosync: true,
            autoboostFollow: true,
            enemyTracers: true,
            teammateTracers: true,
            animalTracers: true,
            enemyColor: "#cc5151",
            teammateColor: "#8ecc51",
            animalColor: "#518ccc",
            arrows: true,
            rainbow: false,
            drawHP: true,
            showHoods: true,
            itemCounter: true,
            visualAim: true,
            hideMessages: false,
            customSkins: false,
            skin: Storage.get("skin") || 27,
            accessory: Storage.get("accessory") || 30,
            back: Storage.get("back") || 2,
            itemMarkers: true,
            teammateMarkers: true,
            enemyMarkers: true,
            trapActivated: true,
            itemMarkersColor: "#8ecc51",
            teammateMarkersColor: "#cfbc5f",
            enemyMarkersColor: "#cc5151",
            trapActivatedColor: "#48b2b8",
            hatReloadBar: true,
            hatReloadBarColor: "#5155cc",
            fireballReloadBar: true,
            fireballReloadBarColor: "#cf7148",
            turretReloadBar: true,
            turretReloadBarColor: "#51cc80",
            weaponReloadBar: true,
            weaponReloadBarColor: "#cc8251",
            smoothReloadBar: true,
            windmillRotation: false,
            possibleShots: true,
            autochat: true,
            autochatMessages: [ "Dsync Client", "What is it?", "The most advanced hack for sploop!", "Download on greasyfork!" ],
            kill: true,
            killMessage: "{NAME}, you suck! {KILL}x",
            autospawn: false,
            smoothZoom: true,
            skipUpgrades: true,
            invisHitToggle: false,
            reverseZoom: false,
            autoAccept: false,
            connectTo: "SFRA",
            menuTransparency: false,
            blindUsers: [ 0, 0, 0 ]
        const settings = {
        for (const key in settings) {
            if (!defaultSettings.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                delete settings[key];
        Storage.set("Dsync-settings", settings);
        const Settings = settings;
        class Formatter {
            static object(target) {
                const layer = LayerData[target.type];
                return {
                    id: target[],
                    type: target.type,
                    x: target[Dsync.props.x],
                    y: target[Dsync.props.y],
                    x1: target[Dsync.props.x1],
                    y1: target[Dsync.props.y1],
                    x2: target[Dsync.props.x2],
                    y2: target[Dsync.props.y2],
                    angle: target[Dsync.props.angle],
                    angle1: target[Dsync.props.angle1],
                    angle2: target[Dsync.props.angle2],
                    ownerID: target[Dsync.props.ownerID],
                    radius: layer.radius,
                    layerData: layer,
            static projectile(target) {
                const object = this.object(target);
                return {
                    range: target.range,
                    projectileType: target[Dsync.props.projectileType]
            static entity(target) {
                const object = this.object(target);
                const healthValue = target[];
                const maxHealth = object.layerData.maxHealth || 1;
                return {
                    health: Math.ceil(healthValue / 255 * maxHealth),
                    entityValue: target[Dsync.props.entityValue]
            static player(target) {
                const entity = this.entity(target);
                return {
                    hat: target[Dsync.props.hat],
                    isClown: entity.entityValue === 128,
                    currentItem: target[Dsync.props.currentItem]
        const TYPEOF = value =>, -1).toLowerCase();
        const removeClass = (target, name) => {
            if (target instanceof HTMLElement) {
            for (const element of target) {
        const removeChildren = target => {
            while (target.firstChild) {
        const formatCode = code => {
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            if (code === "BracketRight") return "]";
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            if (code === "NumpadSubtract") return "NUMSUB";
            if (code === "NumpadDecimal") return "NUMDEC";
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            if (code === "PageDown") return "PAGEDN";
            const NumpadDigitArrowKey = /^(?:Numpad|Digit|Arrow|Key)(\w+)$/;
            if (NumpadDigitArrowKey.test(code)) {
                code = code.replace(NumpadDigitArrowKey, "$1").replace(/Numpad/, "NUM");
            const ExtraKeysRegex = /^(Control|Shift|Alt)(.).*/;
            if (ExtraKeysRegex.test(code)) {
                code = code.replace(ExtraKeysRegex, "$2$1").replace(/Control/, "CTRL");
            return code.toUpperCase();
        const contains = (target, name) => target.classList.contains(name);
        const isInput = target => {
            const element = target || document.activeElement || document.body;
            return [ "TEXTAREA", "INPUT" ].includes(element.tagName);
        const random = (min, max) => {
            const isInteger = Number.isInteger(min) && Number.isInteger(max);
            if (isInteger) return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min);
            return Math.random() * (max - min) + min;
        const clamp = (value, min, max) => Math.min(Math.max(value, min), max);
        const lerp = (start, stop, amt) => amt * (stop - start) + start;
        const sleep = ms => new Promise((resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)));
        const download = (data, filename) => {
            const blob = new Blob([ JSON.stringify(data, null, 4) ], {
                type: "application/json "
            const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
            const a = document.createElement("a");
            a.href = url;
   = (filename || "settings") + ".txt";
        const GM = (property, value) => {
            if (!Dsync.PRODUCTION) return true;
            try {
                return GM_info.script[property] === value;
            } catch (err) {
                return false;
        const fromCharCode = codes => => String.fromCharCode(code))).join("");
        const isBlind = () => !Settings.blindUsers.every((a => a === 1));
        const angle = (x1, y1, x2, y2) => Math.atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1);
        const formatAge = age => Math.floor(Math.log(1 + Math.max(0, age)) ** 2.4 / 13);
        const doWhile = (condition, callback, delay) => {
            if (!condition()) return;
            const interval = setInterval((() => {
                if (condition()) {
                } else {
            }), delay);
        const Common_define = (target, key, value) => {
            Object.defineProperty(target, key, {
                get: () => value,
                configurable: true
        const resetSkin = () => {
            const player =;
            if (!player) return;
            delete player[];
            delete player[Dsync.props.accessory];
            delete player[Dsync.props.back];
        const updateSkin = () => {
            if (!Settings.customSkins) return resetSkin();
            const player =;
            if (!player) return;
            Common_define(player, Dsync.props.accessory, Settings.accessory);
            Common_define(player, Dsync.props.back, Settings.back);
        const Scale = {
            Default: {
                w: 1824,
                h: 1026
            lerp: {
                w: 1824,
                h: 1026
            current: {
                w: 1824,
                h: 1026
        const getMinScale = scale => {
            let w = Scale.Default.w;
            let h = Scale.Default.h;
            while (w > scale && h > scale) {
                w -= scale;
                h -= scale;
            return {
        const zoomHandler = () => {
            let wheels = 0;
            const scaleFactor = 150;
            window.addEventListener("wheel", (event => {
                if (!( instanceof HTMLCanvasElement) || event.ctrlKey || event.shiftKey || event.altKey || isInput() || !controller.inGame) return;
                const {Default, current, lerp} = Scale;
                if (current.w === Default.w && current.h === Default.h && (wheels = (wheels + 1) % 5) !== 0) return;
                const {w, h} = getMinScale(scaleFactor);
                const zoom = !Settings.reverseZoom && event.deltaY > 0 || Settings.reverseZoom && event.deltaY < 0 ? -scaleFactor : scaleFactor;
                current.w = Math.max(w, current.w + zoom);
                current.h = Math.max(h, current.h + zoom);
                if (Settings.smoothZoom) return;
                lerp.w = current.w;
                lerp.h = current.h;
                window.dispatchEvent(new Event("resize"));
        const modules_zoomHandler = zoomHandler;
        let context;
        let _clearRect;
        const toggleHook = () => {
            delete context.clearRect;
            if (!Settings.smoothZoom) return;
            context.clearRect = new Proxy(_clearRect, {
                apply(target, _this, args) {
                    target.apply(_this, args);
                    if (controller.inGame && Settings.smoothZoom) {
                        Scale.lerp.w = lerp(Scale.lerp.w, Scale.current.w, .18);
                        Scale.lerp.h = lerp(Scale.lerp.h, Scale.current.h, .18);
                        window.dispatchEvent(new Event("resize"));
        HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.getContext = new Proxy(HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.getContext, {
            apply(target, _this, args) {
                const ctx = target.apply(_this, args);
                if ( === "game-canvas") {
                    context = ctx;
                    _clearRect = ctx.clearRect;
                    HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.getContext = target;
                return ctx;
        const skins = {
            skin: [ [ "Sploop Classic", 0, 0 ], [ "Yellow Classic", 1, 0 ], [ "Brown Classic", 2, 0 ], [ "Pink Classic", 3, 0 ], [ "Blue Classic", 4, 0 ], [ "Green Classic", 5, 0 ], [ "White Cat", 6, 100 ], [ "Ginger Cat", 7, 100 ], [ "Pit Bull", 8, 150 ], [ "Pig", 9, 100 ], [ "Crocodile", 10, 200 ], [ "Fox", 11, 200 ], [ "Panda", 12, 300 ], [ "Bear", 13, 300 ], [ "Penguin", 14, 300 ], [ "Cactus", 15, 400 ], [ "Strawberry", 16, 800 ], [ "Wolf", 17, 400 ], [ "Mammoth", 18, 2e3 ], [ "Golden Cow", 19, 3e3 ], [ "Shark", 20, 1e3 ], [ "Apple", 21, 200 ], [ "Stone", 22, 500 ], [ "Cave Stone", 23, 600 ], [ "Ice", 24, 700 ], [ "Gold", 25, 800 ], [ "Cow", 26, 350 ], [ "Dragon", 27, 5e3 ], [ "Black Ice", 28, 1e3 ], [ "Magma", 29, 1500 ], [ "Kawak", 30, 2500 ], [ "Snowman", 31, 400 ], [ "Elf", 32, 1e3 ], [ "Green Bauble", 33, 300 ], [ "Red Bauble", 34, 300 ], [ "Golden Bauble", 35, 800 ], [ "Duck", 36, 300 ], [ "Tornado", 37, 3e3 ], [ "Golden Beetle", 38, 1500 ] ],
            accessory: [ [ "None", 0, 0 ], [ "Mustache", 1, 100 ], [ "Sun Glasses", 2, 500 ], [ "Yellow Cap", 3, 0 ], [ "Blue Cap", 4, 0 ], [ "Purple Cap", 5, 0 ], [ "Green Cap", 6, 0 ], [ "Pink Bow", 7, 0 ], [ "3D Glasses", 8, 300 ], [ "Scar", 9, 150 ], [ "Turban", 10, 250 ], [ "Bandage", 11, 250 ], [ "Crazy Glasses", 12, 150 ], [ "Cow's Snout", 13, 300 ], [ "Carrot", 14, 150 ], [ "Horn", 15, 1e3 ], [ "Tusk", 16, 800 ], [ "Mammoth Hair", 17, 600 ], [ "Mammoth Ears", 18, 500 ], [ "Leaf", 19, 150 ], [ "Black Mustache", 20, 500 ], [ "Snowman Hat", 21, 1e3 ], [ "Blue Beanie", 22, 200 ], [ "Green Beanie", 23, 200 ], [ "Purple Beanie", 24, 200 ], [ "Orange Beanie", 25, 200 ], [ "Yellow Scarf", 26, 250 ], [ "Red Scarf", 27, 350 ], [ "Green Scarf", 28, 300 ], [ "Red Nose", 29, 400 ], [ "Mask", 30, 1e3 ], [ "Garlands", 31, 500 ] ],
            back: [ [ "None", 0, 0 ], [ "Mammoth Tail", 1, 500 ], [ "Dragon Wings", 2, 5e3 ], [ "Swords", 3, 2e3 ], [ "Blue Cape", 4, 400 ], [ "Christmas Cape", 5, 400 ], [ "Speedy Cape", 6, 400 ], [ "Garland", 7, 300 ], [ "Baby Elf", 8, 1500 ], [ "Gift", 9, 1e3 ], [ "Yellow Bag", 10, 300 ] ]
        const Skins = skins;
        const createImage = src => {
            const img = new Image;
            img.src = src;
            return img;
        const getURL = (type, id) => `${location.origin}/img/ui/${type}${id}.png`;
        const Images = {
            gaugeBackground: createImage(""),
            gaugeFront: createImage(""),
            discord: createImage(""),
            github: createImage(""),
            greasyfork: createImage("")
        const utils_Images = Images;
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                const uploadSettings = iframeDocument.querySelector("#upload-settings");
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                let popupCount = 0;
                const popups = [ {
                    index: 0,
                    title: "Discord",
                    description: "Join our community!",
                    link: "",
                    prev: ""
                }, {
                    index: 1,
                    title: "Github",
                    description: "Star a repository!",
                    link: "",
                    prev: ""
                }, {
                    index: 2,
                    title: "Greasyfork",
                    description: "Write a feedback!",
                    link: "",
                    prev: ""
                } ];
                const pickPopup = () => {
                    const pups = popups.filter(((popup, index) => Settings.blindUsers[index] === 0));
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                        popupCount %= pups.length;
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                    return null;
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                        popupCount -= 1;
                        Settings.blindUsers[popup.index] = 1;
                        Storage.set("Dsync-settings", Settings);
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               = fadeOut;
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                                Settings.autoheal = false;
                                Settings.autoboostFollow = false;
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                    for (const picker of colorPickers) {
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                   = defaultColor;
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                                Settings[] = defaultColor;
                                Storage.set("Dsync-settings", Settings);
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                        Storage.set("Dsync-settings", Settings);
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                        const input = autochatInputs[i];
                        input.value = Settings.autochatMessages[i] || "";
                        input.onchange = () => {
                            Settings.autochatMessages[i] = input.value;
                            Storage.set("Dsync-settings", Settings);
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                                sliderValue.textContent = slider.value;
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                            } else if ( === "customSkins") {
                                if (checkbox.checked) {
                                } else {
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                        if (menuContainer.classList.toggle("open") && !popupOpened) {
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                            if ((popupCount %= 5) === 0) {
                        setTimeout((() => {
                        }), 100);
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               = "none";
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                       = "grid";
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                                setTimeout((() => {
                           = "none";
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                            setTimeout((() => {
                            }), 0);
                    for (const hotkeyInput of hotkeyInputs) {
                        try {
                            hotkeyInput.textContent = formatCode(Settings[]);
                        } catch (err) {
                            throw new Error( + " doesn't exist in settings");
                menuTransparency.addEventListener("change", (() => {
                    menuContainer.classList[menuTransparency.checked ? "add" : "remove"]("transparent");
                resetSettings.onclick = () => {
                    Object.assign(Settings, defaultSettings);
                    Storage.set("Dsync-settings", Settings);
                downloadSettings.onclick = () => {
                    download(Settings, "DsyncSettings" + Dsync.version);
                uploadSettings.onchange = async event => {
                    const target =;
                    const parent = uploadSettings.parentElement;
                    const spanText = parent.children[1];
                    try {
                        const text = await target.files[0].text();
                        const sets = JSON.parse(text);
                        if (Object.keys(sets).every((key => defaultSettings.hasOwnProperty(key)))) {
                            Object.assign(Settings, sets);
                            Storage.set("Dsync-settings", Settings);
                            spanText.innerHTML = `SETTINGS LOADED SUCCESSFULLY`;
                        } else {
                            throw new Error("Invalid settings");
                    } catch (err) {
                        spanText.innerHTML = "SETTINGS ARE NOT VALID, TRY ANOTHER";
                const checkForRepeats = () => {
                    const list = new Map;
                    for (const hotkeyInput of hotkeyInputs) {
                        const value = Settings[];
                        const [count, inputs] = list.get(value) || [ 0, [] ];
                        list.set(value, [ (count || 0) + 1, [ ...inputs, hotkeyInput ] ]);
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        var Hat;
        (function(Hat) {
            Hat[Hat["UNEQUIP"] = 0] = "UNEQUIP";
            Hat[Hat["BUSH"] = 1] = "BUSH";
            Hat[Hat["BERSERKER"] = 2] = "BERSERKER";
            Hat[Hat["JUNGLE"] = 3] = "JUNGLE";
            Hat[Hat["CRYSTAL"] = 4] = "CRYSTAL";
            Hat[Hat["SPIKEGEAR"] = 5] = "SPIKEGEAR";
            Hat[Hat["IMMUNITY"] = 6] = "IMMUNITY";
            Hat[Hat["BOOST"] = 7] = "BOOST";
            Hat[Hat["APPLEHAT"] = 8] = "APPLEHAT";
            Hat[Hat["SCUBA"] = 9] = "SCUBA";
            Hat[Hat["HOOD"] = 10] = "HOOD";
            Hat[Hat["DEMOLIST"] = 11] = "DEMOLIST";
        })(Hat || (Hat = {}));
        const Hats = [ {
            bought: true,
            equipped: true,
            default: true,
            price: 0
        }, {
            image: 109,
            price: 250,
            axisY: 0,
            description: "Become a bush",
            name: "Bush Hat",
            bought: false,
            equipped: false,
            rs: true
        }, {
            image: 41,
            price: 5e3,
            description: "Increased melee damage",
            axisY: 10,
            cs: 1.25,
            speed: .85,
            name: "Berserker Gear",
            bought: false,
            equipped: false
        }, {
            image: 44,
            price: 3e3,
            description: "Regenerate health",
            axisY: 13,
            hs: 25,
            name: "Jungle Gear",
            bought: false,
            equipped: false
        }, {
            image: 45,
            price: 5e3,
            description: "Receive reduced damage",
            axisY: 10,
            reduceDmg: .75,
            speed: .95,
            name: "Crystal Gear",
            bought: false,
            equipped: false
        }, {
            image: 48,
            price: 1e3,
            description: "Attacker's receive damage",
            axisY: 10,
            reflect: .45,
            name: "Spike Gear",
            bought: false,
            equipped: false
        }, {
            image: 49,
            price: 4e3,
            description: "Gain more health",
            axisY: 15,
            ls: 150,
            reduceDmg: .75,
            name: "Immunity Gear",
            bought: false,
            equipped: false
        }, {
            image: 50,
            price: 1500,
            description: "Move quicker",
            axisY: 23,
            speed: 1.23,
            name: "Boost Hat",
            bought: false,
            equipped: false
        }, {
            image: 93,
            price: 150,
            description: "Apples become more succulent",
            axisY: 5,
            speed: 1.05,
            name: "Apple hat",
            bought: false,
            equipped: false
        }, {
            image: 121,
            price: 4e3,
            description: "Move fast in ocean",
            axisY: 5,
            speed: .75,
            river: 1.5,
            name: "Scuba Gear",
            bought: false,
            equipped: false
        }, {
            image: 126,
            price: 3500,
            description: "Become invisible when still",
            axisY: 5,
            name: "Hood",
            bought: false,
            equipped: false,
            rs: true
        }, {
            image: 197,
            price: 4e3,
            description: "Destroy buildings faster",
            axisY: 10,
            name: "Demolist",
            bought: false,
            equipped: false,
            speed: .3
        } ];
        var EWeapons;
        (function(EWeapons) {
            EWeapons[EWeapons["TOOL_HAMMER"] = 0] = "TOOL_HAMMER";
            EWeapons[EWeapons["STONE_SWORD"] = 1] = "STONE_SWORD";
            EWeapons[EWeapons["STONE_SPEAR"] = 2] = "STONE_SPEAR";
            EWeapons[EWeapons["STONE_AXE"] = 3] = "STONE_AXE";
            EWeapons[EWeapons["MUSKET"] = 4] = "MUSKET";
            EWeapons[EWeapons["SHIELD"] = 11] = "SHIELD";
            EWeapons[EWeapons["STICK"] = 13] = "STICK";
            EWeapons[EWeapons["HAMMER"] = 15] = "HAMMER";
            EWeapons[EWeapons["KATANA"] = 17] = "KATANA";
            EWeapons[EWeapons["BOW"] = 26] = "BOW";
            EWeapons[EWeapons["XBOW"] = 27] = "XBOW";
            EWeapons[EWeapons["NAGINATA"] = 28] = "NAGINATA";
            EWeapons[EWeapons["GREAT_AXE"] = 30] = "GREAT_AXE";
            EWeapons[EWeapons["BAT"] = 31] = "BAT";
            EWeapons[EWeapons["PEARL"] = 50] = "PEARL";
            EWeapons[EWeapons["SCYTHE"] = 57] = "SCYTHE";
        })(EWeapons || (EWeapons = {}));
        var ActionType;
        (function(ActionType) {
            ActionType[ActionType["MELEE"] = 0] = "MELEE";
            ActionType[ActionType["RANGED"] = 1] = "RANGED";
            ActionType[ActionType["PLACEABLE"] = 2] = "PLACEABLE";
            ActionType[ActionType["EATABLE"] = 3] = "EATABLE";
        })(ActionType || (ActionType = {}));
        var ItemType;
        (function(ItemType) {
            ItemType[ItemType["PRIMARY"] = 0] = "PRIMARY";
            ItemType[ItemType["SECONDARY"] = 1] = "SECONDARY";
            ItemType[ItemType["FOOD"] = 2] = "FOOD";
            ItemType[ItemType["WALL"] = 3] = "WALL";
            ItemType[ItemType["SPIKE"] = 4] = "SPIKE";
            ItemType[ItemType["WINDMILL"] = 5] = "WINDMILL";
            ItemType[ItemType["FARM"] = 6] = "FARM";
            ItemType[ItemType["TRAP"] = 7] = "TRAP";
            ItemType[ItemType["PLATFORM"] = 8] = "PLATFORM";
            ItemType[ItemType["SPAWN"] = 9] = "SPAWN";
            ItemType[ItemType["TURRET"] = 10] = "TURRET";
        })(ItemType || (ItemType = {}));
        var upgradeType;
        (function(upgradeType) {
            upgradeType[upgradeType["STONE"] = 1] = "STONE";
            upgradeType[upgradeType["GOLD"] = 2] = "GOLD";
            upgradeType[upgradeType["DIAMOND"] = 3] = "DIAMOND";
            upgradeType[upgradeType["RUBY"] = 4] = "RUBY";
        })(upgradeType || (upgradeType = {}));
        const ItemData = [ {
            id: EWeapons.TOOL_HAMMER,
            gs: 46,
            upgradeType: upgradeType.STONE,
            imageinv: 29,
            image: 25,
            name: "Tool Hammer",
            description: "Gather materials",
            range: 80,
            itemType: ItemType.PRIMARY,
            damage: 25,
            reload: 300,
            _s: 30,
            Ms: 200,
            actionType: ActionType.MELEE,
            ps: 0,
            As: -3.5,
            os: 1
        }, {
            id: EWeapons.STONE_SWORD,
            ks: 1,
            ys: 2,
            imageinv: 28,
            image: 24,
            name: "Stone Sword",
            description: "Sharp and pointy",
            range: 135,
            Ms: 250,
            itemType: ItemType.PRIMARY,
            damage: 35,
            reload: 300,
            Us: .85,
            actionType: ActionType.MELEE,
            ps: 0,
            As: -8,
            os: -4
        }, {
            id: EWeapons.STONE_SPEAR,
            gs: 39,
            upgradeType: upgradeType.STONE,
            ks: 1,
            ys: 4,
            imageinv: 31,
            image: 26,
            name: "Stone Spear",
            description: "Long melee range",
            range: 160,
            itemType: ItemType.PRIMARY,
            damage: 49,
            Us: .81,
            Ms: 450,
            reload: 700,
            actionType: ActionType.MELEE,
            ps: 0,
            As: 0,
            os: 2
        }, {
            id: EWeapons.STONE_AXE,
            gs: 33,
            upgradeType: upgradeType.STONE,
            ks: 1,
            ys: 128,
            imageinv: 32,
            image: 35,
            name: "Stone Axe",
            description: "Gathers materials faster",
            range: 90,
            itemType: ItemType.PRIMARY,
            damage: 30,
            Ms: 250,
            reload: 400,
            actionType: ActionType.MELEE,
            ps: 0,
            As: -2,
            os: 2,
            Es: 2,
            Cs: 2,
            Bs: 2,
            zs: 2
        }, {
            id: EWeapons.MUSKET,
            cost: {
                food: 0,
                wood: 0,
                stone: 10,
                gold: 0
            ks: 16,
            xs: 2,
            ys: 8,
            imageinv: 30,
            image: 27,
            name: "Stone Musket",
            description: "Deal Long Range Damage",
            range: 1e3,
            itemType: ItemType.SECONDARY,
            damage: 49,
            reload: 1500,
            projectile: 17,
            Ls: 1500,
            actionType: ActionType.RANGED,
            ps: 1,
            Us: .63,
            As: 0,
            os: 0
        }, {
            id: 5,
            cost: {
                food: 0,
                wood: 10,
                stone: 0,
                gold: 0
            imageinv: 33,
            image: 103,
            name: "Wood Wall",
            description: "A sturdy wall",
            itemType: ItemType.WALL,
            actionType: ActionType.PLACEABLE,
            Hs: 5,
            As: 0,
            os: 15,
            layer: ELayer.WOODWALL,
            ps: 2
        }, {
            id: 6,
            cost: {
                food: 0,
                wood: 5,
                stone: 20,
                gold: 0
            ks: 1,
            ys: 512,
            imageinv: 36,
            image: 106,
            name: "Boost",
            description: "Provides a thrust",
            itemType: ItemType.TRAP,
            actionType: ActionType.PLACEABLE,
            Hs: -5,
            As: 0,
            os: 3,
            layer: ELayer.BOOST,
            ps: 2
        }, {
            id: 7,
            cost: {
                food: 0,
                wood: 20,
                stone: 5,
                gold: 0
            imageinv: 37,
            image: 104,
            name: "Spike",
            description: "Sharp defence",
            itemType: ItemType.SPIKE,
            actionType: ActionType.PLACEABLE,
            Hs: 2,
            As: 0,
            os: 15,
            layer: ELayer.SPIKE,
            ps: 2
        }, {
            id: 8,
            cost: {
                food: 0,
                wood: 20,
                stone: 0,
                gold: 0
            ks: 1,
            imageinv: 38,
            image: 114,
            name: "Platform",
            description: "Shoot over structures",
            itemType: ItemType.PLATFORM,
            actionType: ActionType.PLACEABLE,
            Hs: -2,
            As: 0,
            os: 8,
            layer: ELayer.PLATFORM,
            ps: 2
        }, {
            id: 9,
            cost: {
                food: 0,
                wood: 30,
                stone: 30,
                gold: 0
            ks: 1,
            ys: 1024,
            imageinv: 39,
            image: 107,
            name: "Trap",
            description: "Snared enemies are stuck",
            itemType: ItemType.TRAP,
            actionType: ActionType.PLACEABLE,
            Hs: 2,
            As: 0,
            os: 26,
            layer: ELayer.TRAP,
            ps: 2
        }, {
            id: 10,
            cost: {
                food: 10,
                wood: 0,
                stone: 0,
                gold: 0
            imageinv: 43,
            image: 42,
            name: "Apple",
            description: "Heals you",
            itemType: ItemType.FOOD,
            actionType: ActionType.EATABLE,
            restore: 20,
            As: 0,
            os: 22,
            ps: 2
        }, {
            id: EWeapons.SHIELD,
            ks: 1,
            ys: 256,
            imageinv: 47,
            image: 46,
            name: "Shield",
            description: "Reduces damage",
            itemType: ItemType.SECONDARY,
            actionType: ActionType.MELEE,
            Us: .7,
            shieldAngle: .75,
            range: 55,
            Ms: 350,
            damage: 15,
            _s: 40,
            reload: 500,
            As: -15,
            os: 10,
            ps: 3
        }, {
            id: 12,
            cost: {
                food: 15,
                wood: 0,
                stone: 0,
                gold: 0
            ks: 1,
            ys: 64,
            imageinv: 52,
            image: 51,
            name: "Cookie",
            description: "Heals you",
            itemType: ItemType.FOOD,
            actionType: ActionType.EATABLE,
            restore: 35,
            As: 0,
            os: 22,
            ps: 2
        }, {
            id: EWeapons.STICK,
            gs: 41,
            upgradeType: upgradeType.STONE,
            ks: 1,
            ys: 32,
            imageinv: 55,
            image: 54,
            name: "Stick",
            description: "Gathers resources quickly",
            range: 100,
            itemType: ItemType.PRIMARY,
            damage: 1,
            reload: 400,
            actionType: ActionType.MELEE,
            Ms: 60,
            ps: 0,
            As: 4,
            os: 0,
            Es: 7,
            Cs: 7,
            Bs: 7,
            zs: 4
        }, {
            id: 14,
            cost: {
                food: 0,
                wood: 50,
                stone: 10,
                gold: 0
            imageinv: 57,
            image: 61,
            name: "Windmill",
            description: "Generates score over time",
            itemType: ItemType.WINDMILL,
            actionType: ActionType.PLACEABLE,
            rotateSpeed: Math.PI / 4,
            Hs: -5,
            As: 0,
            os: 38,
            layer: ELayer.WINDMILL,
            ps: 2
        }, {
            id: EWeapons.HAMMER,
            ks: 1,
            ys: 1,
            imageinv: 63,
            image: 62,
            name: "Hammer",
            description: "Breaks structures faster",
            range: 80,
            itemType: ItemType.SECONDARY,
            damage: 12,
            _s: 76,
            Us: .89,
            Ms: 200,
            reload: 400,
            actionType: ActionType.MELEE,
            ps: 0,
            As: 5,
            os: 2
        }, {
            id: 16,
            ks: 1,
            ys: 1,
            cost: {
                food: 0,
                wood: 200,
                stone: 200,
                gold: 200
            imageinv: 65,
            image: 115,
            name: "Cosy Bed",
            description: "Respawn at the bed",
            itemType: ItemType.SPAWN,
            actionType: ActionType.PLACEABLE,
            Hs: 8,
            As: 0,
            os: 25,
            layer: ELayer.SPAWN,
            ps: 2
        }, {
            id: EWeapons.KATANA,
            gs: 37,
            upgradeType: upgradeType.STONE,
            ks: 2,
            ys: 2,
            imageinv: 68,
            image: 67,
            name: "Katana",
            description: "Excellent melee weapon",
            range: 140,
            Ms: 150,
            itemType: ItemType.PRIMARY,
            damage: 40,
            reload: 300,
            Us: .85,
            actionType: ActionType.MELEE,
            ps: 0,
            As: 1,
            os: 3
        }, {
            id: 18,
            cost: {
                food: 0,
                wood: 30,
                stone: 30,
                gold: 0
            ks: 160,
            ys: 1,
            imageinv: 69,
            image: 113,
            name: "Castle Spike",
            description: "Great for bases",
            itemType: ItemType.SPIKE,
            actionType: ActionType.PLACEABLE,
            damage: {
                hit: 24,
                touch: 5
            Hs: -8,
            As: 0,
            os: 14,
            layer: ELayer.CASTLESPIKE,
            ps: 2
        }, {
            id: 19,
            cost: {
                food: 0,
                wood: 100,
                stone: 50,
                gold: 0
            ks: 1,
            ys: 1,
            imageinv: 57,
            image: 61,
            name: "Powermill",
            description: "Generates more score over time",
            itemType: ItemType.WINDMILL,
            actionType: ActionType.PLACEABLE,
            rotateSpeed: Math.PI / 2,
            Hs: 5,
            As: 0,
            os: 38,
            layer: ELayer.POWERMILL,
            ps: 2
        }, {
            id: 20,
            ks: 1,
            ys: 1,
            cost: {
                food: 0,
                wood: 30,
                stone: 10,
                gold: 0
            imageinv: 73,
            image: 112,
            name: "Hard Spike",
            description: "Sharper defence",
            itemType: ItemType.SPIKE,
            actionType: ActionType.PLACEABLE,
            Hs: 2,
            As: 0,
            os: 15,
            layer: ELayer.HARDSPIKE,
            ps: 2
        }, {
            id: 21,
            cost: {
                food: 0,
                wood: 200,
                stone: 150,
                gold: 10
            ks: 1,
            ys: 1,
            imageinv: 77,
            image: 74,
            name: "Turret",
            description: "Defence for your base",
            itemType: ItemType.TURRET,
            actionType: ActionType.PLACEABLE,
            Hs: 6,
            As: 0,
            os: 25,
            layer: ELayer.TURRET,
            ps: 2
        }, {
            id: 22,
            ks: 1,
            ys: 1,
            cost: {
                food: 0,
                wood: 200,
                stone: 0,
                gold: 0
            imageinv: 78,
            image: 110,
            name: "Cherry wood farm",
            description: "Used for decoration and wood",
            itemType: ItemType.FARM,
            actionType: ActionType.PLACEABLE,
            Hs: 3,
            As: 0,
            os: 47,
            layer: ELayer.CHERRYWOODFARM,
            ps: 2
        }, {
            id: 23,
            ks: 1,
            ys: 1,
            cost: {
                food: 0,
                wood: 200,
                stone: 0,
                gold: 0
            imageinv: 80,
            image: 111,
            name: "Wood farm",
            description: "Used for decoration and wood",
            itemType: ItemType.FARM,
            actionType: ActionType.PLACEABLE,
            Hs: 3,
            As: 0,
            os: 47,
            layer: ELayer.WOODFARM,
            ps: 2
        }, {
            id: 24,
            ks: 1,
            ys: 1,
            cost: {
                food: 200,
                wood: 0,
                stone: 0,
                gold: 0
            imageinv: 85,
            image: 109,
            name: "Berry farm",
            description: "Used for decoration and berries",
            itemType: ItemType.FARM,
            actionType: ActionType.PLACEABLE,
            Hs: 3,
            As: 0,
            os: 17,
            layer: ELayer.BUSH,
            ps: 2
        }, {
            id: 25,
            ks: 1,
            ys: 1,
            cost: {
                food: 0,
                wood: 0,
                stone: 200,
                gold: 0
            imageinv: 83,
            image: 108,
            name: "Stone farm",
            description: "Used for decoration and stone",
            itemType: ItemType.FARM,
            actionType: ActionType.PLACEABLE,
            Hs: 3,
            As: 0,
            os: 20,
            layer: ELayer.STONEWARM,
            ps: 2
        }, {
            id: EWeapons.BOW,
            cost: {
                food: 0,
                wood: 4,
                stone: 0,
                gold: 0
            ks: 1,
            ys: 16,
            imageinv: 86,
            image: 87,
            name: "Bow",
            description: "Deal Long Range Damage",
            range: 800,
            itemType: ItemType.SECONDARY,
            damage: 25,
            reload: 600,
            projectile: 88,
            Ls: 1200,
            actionType: ActionType.RANGED,
            ps: 1,
            Us: .75,
            As: 0,
            os: 35
        }, {
            id: EWeapons.XBOW,
            cost: {
                food: 0,
                wood: 10,
                stone: 0,
                gold: 0
            ks: 16,
            ys: 176,
            imageinv: 90,
            image: 91,
            name: "XBow",
            description: "Rapid fire bow",
            range: 800,
            itemType: ItemType.SECONDARY,
            damage: 27,
            reload: 235,
            projectile: 88,
            Ls: 1200,
            actionType: ActionType.RANGED,
            ps: 1,
            Us: .35,
            As: 0,
            os: 30
        }, {
            id: EWeapons.NAGINATA,
            gs: 45,
            upgradeType: upgradeType.STONE,
            ks: 4,
            ys: 4,
            imageinv: 100,
            image: 99,
            name: "Naginata",
            description: "Long melee range",
            range: 165,
            itemType: ItemType.PRIMARY,
            damage: 52,
            Us: .81,
            Ms: 470,
            reload: 700,
            actionType: ActionType.MELEE,
            ps: 0,
            As: 0,
            os: -4
        }, {
            id: 29,
            cost: {
                food: 0,
                wood: 0,
                stone: 35,
                gold: 10
            ks: 1,
            ys: 1,
            imageinv: 101,
            image: 105,
            name: "Castle Wall",
            description: "A very sturdy wall",
            itemType: ItemType.WALL,
            actionType: ActionType.PLACEABLE,
            Hs: 8,
            As: 0,
            os: 13,
            layer: ELayer.CASTLEWALL,
            ps: 2
        }, {
            id: EWeapons.GREAT_AXE,
            gs: 35,
            upgradeType: upgradeType.STONE,
            ks: 128,
            ys: 128,
            imageinv: 117,
            image: 116,
            name: "Great Axe",
            description: "More powerful axe.",
            range: 94,
            itemType: ItemType.PRIMARY,
            damage: 37,
            Ms: 250,
            reload: 400,
            actionType: ActionType.MELEE,
            ps: 0,
            As: 4,
            os: 2,
            Es: 4,
            Cs: 4,
            Bs: 4,
            zs: 2
        }, {
            id: EWeapons.BAT,
            ks: 1,
            ys: 2048,
            imageinv: 128,
            image: 127,
            name: "Bat",
            description: "Hit enemies for a home run",
            range: 115,
            itemType: ItemType.PRIMARY,
            damage: 28,
            Us: .92,
            Ms: 870,
            reload: 700,
            actionType: ActionType.MELEE,
            ps: 0,
            As: 10,
            os: 2
        }, {
            id: 32,
            ks: 1,
            ys: 128,
            imageinv: 131,
            image: 130,
            name: "Diamond Axe",
            description: "Gathers materials faster",
            range: 90,
            itemType: ItemType.PRIMARY,
            damage: 35.5,
            Ms: 250,
            reload: 400,
            actionType: ActionType.MELEE,
            ps: 0,
            As: -2,
            os: 2,
            Es: 2,
            Cs: 2,
            Bs: 2,
            zs: 2
        }, {
            id: 33,
            gs: 32,
            upgradeType: upgradeType.GOLD,
            ks: 1,
            ys: 128,
            imageinv: 133,
            image: 132,
            name: "Gold Axe",
            description: "Gathers materials faster",
            range: 90,
            itemType: ItemType.PRIMARY,
            damage: 33,
            Ms: 250,
            reload: 400,
            actionType: ActionType.MELEE,
            ps: 0,
            As: -2,
            os: 2,
            Es: 2,
            Cs: 2,
            Bs: 2,
            zs: 2
        }, {
            id: 34,
            ks: 128,
            ys: 128,
            imageinv: 135,
            image: 134,
            name: "Diamond Great Axe",
            description: "More powerful axe.",
            range: 94,
            itemType: ItemType.PRIMARY,
            damage: 47,
            Ms: 250,
            reload: 400,
            actionType: ActionType.MELEE,
            ps: 0,
            As: 4,
            os: 2,
            Es: 4,
            Cs: 4,
            Bs: 4,
            zs: 2
        }, {
            id: 35,
            gs: 34,
            upgradeType: upgradeType.GOLD,
            ks: 128,
            ys: 128,
            imageinv: 145,
            image: 144,
            name: "Gold Great Axe",
            description: "More powerful axe.",
            range: 94,
            itemType: ItemType.PRIMARY,
            damage: 40,
            Ms: 250,
            reload: 400,
            actionType: ActionType.MELEE,
            ps: 0,
            As: 4,
            os: 2,
            Es: 4,
            Cs: 4,
            Bs: 4,
            zs: 2
        }, {
            id: 36,
            gs: 40,
            upgradeType: upgradeType.DIAMOND,
            ks: 2,
            ys: 2,
            imageinv: 137,
            image: 136,
            name: "Diamond Katana",
            description: "Excellent melee weapon",
            range: 140,
            Ms: 150,
            itemType: ItemType.PRIMARY,
            damage: 46.5,
            reload: 300,
            Us: .85,
            actionType: ActionType.MELEE,
            ps: 0,
            As: 1,
            os: 3
        }, {
            id: 37,
            gs: 36,
            upgradeType: upgradeType.GOLD,
            ks: 2,
            ys: 2,
            imageinv: 139,
            image: 138,
            name: "Gold Katana",
            description: "Excellent melee weapon",
            range: 140,
            Ms: 150,
            itemType: ItemType.PRIMARY,
            damage: 43,
            reload: 300,
            Us: .85,
            actionType: ActionType.MELEE,
            ps: 0,
            As: 1,
            os: 3
        }, {
            id: 38,
            ks: 1,
            ys: 4,
            imageinv: 141,
            image: 140,
            name: "Diamond Spear",
            description: "Long melee range",
            range: 160,
            itemType: ItemType.PRIMARY,
            damage: 53,
            Us: .81,
            Ms: 450,
            reload: 700,
            actionType: ActionType.MELEE,
            ps: 0,
            As: 0,
            os: 2
        }, {
            id: 39,
            gs: 38,
            upgradeType: upgradeType.GOLD,
            ks: 1,
            ys: 4,
            imageinv: 143,
            image: 142,
            name: "Gold Spear",
            description: "Long melee range",
            range: 160,
            itemType: ItemType.PRIMARY,
            damage: 51,
            Us: .81,
            Ms: 450,
            reload: 700,
            actionType: ActionType.MELEE,
            ps: 0,
            As: 0,
            os: 2
        }, {
            id: 40,
            ks: 2,
            ys: 2,
            imageinv: 147,
            image: 148,
            name: "Chillrend",
            description: "A powerful force flows through this blade.",
            range: 140,
            Ms: 150,
            itemType: ItemType.PRIMARY,
            damage: 48.5,
            reload: 300,
            Us: .9,
            actionType: ActionType.MELEE,
            ps: 0,
            As: 1,
            os: 3
        }, {
            id: 41,
            gs: 42,
            upgradeType: upgradeType.GOLD,
            ks: 1,
            ys: 32,
            imageinv: 150,
            image: 149,
            name: "Gold Stick",
            description: "Gathers resources quickly",
            range: 100,
            itemType: ItemType.PRIMARY,
            damage: 1,
            reload: 400,
            actionType: ActionType.MELEE,
            Ms: 60,
            ps: 0,
            As: 4,
            os: 0,
            Es: 8,
            Cs: 8,
            Bs: 8,
            zs: 5
        }, {
            id: 42,
            gs: 43,
            upgradeType: upgradeType.DIAMOND,
            ks: 1,
            ys: 32,
            imageinv: 167,
            image: 151,
            name: "Diamond Stick",
            description: "Gathers resources quickly",
            range: 100,
            itemType: ItemType.PRIMARY,
            damage: 1,
            reload: 400,
            actionType: ActionType.MELEE,
            Ms: 60,
            ps: 0,
            As: 4,
            os: 0,
            Es: 9,
            Cs: 9,
            Bs: 9,
            zs: 6
        }, {
            upgradeType: upgradeType.RUBY,
            id: 43,
            ks: 1,
            ys: 32,
            imageinv: 168,
            image: 152,
            name: "Ruby Stick",
            description: "Gathers resources quickly",
            range: 100,
            itemType: ItemType.PRIMARY,
            damage: 1,
            reload: 400,
            actionType: ActionType.MELEE,
            Ms: 60,
            ps: 0,
            As: 4,
            os: 0,
            Es: 10,
            Cs: 10,
            Bs: 10,
            zs: 7
        }, {
            id: 44,
            ks: 4,
            ys: 4,
            imageinv: 154,
            image: 153,
            name: "Diamond Naginata",
            description: "Long melee range",
            range: 165,
            itemType: ItemType.PRIMARY,
            damage: 56,
            Us: .81,
            Ms: 470,
            reload: 700,
            actionType: ActionType.MELEE,
            ps: 0,
            As: 0,
            os: -4
        }, {
            id: 45,
            gs: 44,
            upgradeType: upgradeType.GOLD,
            ks: 4,
            ys: 4,
            imageinv: 156,
            image: 155,
            name: "Gold Naginata",
            description: "Long melee range",
            range: 165,
            itemType: ItemType.PRIMARY,
            damage: 54,
            Us: .81,
            Ms: 470,
            reload: 700,
            actionType: ActionType.MELEE,
            ps: 0,
            As: 0,
            os: -4
        }, {
            id: 46,
            gs: 47,
            upgradeType: upgradeType.GOLD,
            imageinv: 158,
            image: 157,
            name: "Gold Tool Hammer",
            description: "Gather materials",
            range: 80,
            itemType: ItemType.PRIMARY,
            damage: 32,
            reload: 300,
            _s: 30,
            Ms: 200,
            actionType: ActionType.MELEE,
            ps: 0,
            As: -3.5,
            os: 1
        }, {
            id: 47,
            gs: 48,
            upgradeType: upgradeType.DIAMOND,
            imageinv: 160,
            image: 159,
            name: "Diamond Tool Hammer",
            description: "Gather materials",
            range: 80,
            itemType: ItemType.PRIMARY,
            damage: 38,
            reload: 300,
            _s: 30,
            Ms: 200,
            actionType: ActionType.MELEE,
            ps: 0,
            As: -3.5,
            os: 1
        }, {
            upgradeType: upgradeType.RUBY,
            id: 48,
            imageinv: 162,
            image: 161,
            name: "Ruby Tool Hammer",
            description: "Gather materials",
            range: 80,
            itemType: ItemType.PRIMARY,
            damage: 41,
            reload: 300,
            _s: 30,
            Ms: 200,
            actionType: ActionType.MELEE,
            ps: 0,
            As: -3.5,
            os: 1
        }, {
            id: 49,
            cost: {
                food: 0,
                wood: 20,
                stone: 0,
                gold: 0
            ks: 1,
            imageinv: 170,
            image: 169,
            name: "Roof",
            description: "Take cover from projectiles",
            itemType: ItemType.PLATFORM,
            actionType: ActionType.PLACEABLE,
            Hs: 0,
            As: 0,
            os: 15,
            layer: ELayer.ROOF,
            ps: 2
        }, {
            id: 50,
            cost: {
                food: 80,
                wood: 80,
                stone: 80,
                gold: 80
            ks: 1,
            ys: 256,
            imageinv: 182,
            image: 182,
            name: "Pearl",
            description: "Teleport on impact",
            range: 700,
            itemType: ItemType.SECONDARY,
            damage: 10,
            reload: 1e4,
            projectile: 182,
            Ls: 1e3,
            actionType: ActionType.RANGED,
            ps: 1,
            Us: .4,
            As: 0,
            os: 35
        }, {
            id: 51,
            cost: {
                food: 0,
                wood: 50,
                stone: 50,
                gold: 0
            ks: 2208,
            ys: 1,
            imageinv: 183,
            image: 183,
            name: "Teleporter",
            description: "Teleports to location on map",
            itemType: ItemType.SPAWN,
            actionType: ActionType.PLACEABLE,
            Hs: 5,
            As: 0,
            os: 15,
            layer: ELayer.TELEPORT,
            ps: 2
        }, {
            gs: 53,
            upgradeType: upgradeType.STONE,
            id: 52,
            ks: 1,
            ys: 4096,
            imageinv: 189,
            image: 193,
            name: "Stone Dagger",
            description: "A stubbier sword",
            range: 80,
            Ms: 100,
            itemType: ItemType.PRIMARY,
            damage: 22,
            reload: 150,
            actionType: ActionType.MELEE,
            ps: 0,
            As: 10,
            os: 20
        }, {
            gs: 54,
            upgradeType: upgradeType.GOLD,
            id: 53,
            ks: 1,
            ys: 4096,
            imageinv: 190,
            image: 194,
            name: "Gold Dagger",
            description: "A stubbier sword",
            range: 80,
            Ms: 100,
            itemType: ItemType.PRIMARY,
            damage: 24,
            reload: 150,
            actionType: ActionType.MELEE,
            ps: 0,
            As: 10,
            os: 20
        }, {
            gs: 55,
            upgradeType: upgradeType.DIAMOND,
            id: 54,
            ks: 1,
            ys: 4096,
            imageinv: 191,
            image: 195,
            name: "Diamond Dagger",
            description: "A stubbier sword",
            range: 80,
            Ms: 100,
            itemType: ItemType.PRIMARY,
            damage: 26,
            reload: 150,
            actionType: ActionType.MELEE,
            ps: 0,
            As: 10,
            os: 20
        }, {
            upgradeType: upgradeType.RUBY,
            id: 55,
            ks: 1,
            ys: 4096,
            imageinv: 192,
            image: 196,
            name: "Ruby Dagger",
            description: "A stubbier sword",
            range: 80,
            Ms: 100,
            itemType: ItemType.PRIMARY,
            damage: 29,
            reload: 150,
            actionType: ActionType.MELEE,
            ps: 0,
            As: 10,
            os: 20
        }, {
            id: 56,
            gs: 57,
            upgradeType: upgradeType.GOLD,
            ks: 1,
            ys: 1,
            imageinv: 198,
            image: 198,
            name: "Secret Item",
            description: "Dont leak how to get it :)",
            range: 115,
            itemType: ItemType.PRIMARY,
            damage: 28,
            Us: .92,
            Ms: 1570,
            reload: 2e3,
            actionType: ActionType.MELEE,
            ps: 0,
            As: 40,
            os: 40
        }, {
            id: 57,
            ks: 2,
            ys: 2,
            imageinv: 199,
            image: 199,
            name: "Daedric Scythe",
            description: "Whispers fill the air",
            range: 160,
            Ms: 150,
            itemType: ItemType.PRIMARY,
            damage: 52,
            reload: 450,
            Us: .85,
            actionType: ActionType.MELEE,
            ps: 0,
            As: -5,
            os: 20
        } ];
        const Items = ItemData;
        const ItemList = Items.filter((item => item.actionType === ActionType.PLACEABLE));
        const Shooting = Items.filter((item => item.actionType === ActionType.RANGED));
        class Vector {
            constructor(x, y) {
                this.x = x;
                this.y = y;
            static fromAngle(angle) {
                return new Vector(Math.cos(angle), Math.sin(angle));
            add(vec) {
                this.x += vec.x;
                this.y += vec.y;
                return this;
            sub(vec) {
                this.x -= vec.x;
                this.y -= vec.y;
                return this;
            mult(scalar) {
                this.x *= scalar;
                this.y *= scalar;
                return this;
            div(scalar) {
                this.x /= scalar;
                this.y /= scalar;
                return this;
            get length() {
                return Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y);
            normalize() {
                return this.length > 0 ? this.div(this.length) : this;
            setLength(value) {
                return this.normalize().mult(value);
            copy() {
                return new Vector(this.x, this.y);
            distance(vec) {
                return this.copy().sub(vec).length;
            angle(vec) {
                const copy = vec.copy().sub(this);
                return Math.atan2(copy.y, copy.x);
            dot(vec) {
                return this.x * vec.x + this.y * vec.y;
            direction(angle, scalar) {
                return this.copy().add(Vector.fromAngle(angle).mult(scalar));
        const getAngleDist = (a, b) => {
            const p = Math.abs(b - a) % (Math.PI * 2);
            return p > Math.PI ? Math.PI * 2 - p : p;
        class EntityManager {
            static isPlayer(entity) {
                return entity.type === ELayer.PLAYER;
            static animals() {
                const layers = Dsync.saves.entityList();
                const animals = [];
                for (let i = 0; i < Animals.length; i++) {
                    const layer = layers[Animals[i].id];
                    const formatted = => Formatter.entity(target)));
                return animals;
            static enemies() {
                const players = Dsync.saves.entityList()[ELayer.PLAYER];
                const enemies = [];
                for (let i = 0; i < players.length; i++) {
                    const player = Formatter.player(players[i]);
                    if (controller.isEnemy(player)) enemies.push(player);
                return enemies.sort(((a, b) => this.sortDistance(a, b)));
            static distance(a, b) {
                return new Vector(a.x2, a.y2).distance(new Vector(b.x2, b.y2));
            static angle(a, b) {
                return new Vector(a.x2, a.y2).angle(new Vector(b.x2, b.y2));
            static sortDistance(a, b, sorted) {
                const target = sorted || Dsync.myPlayer;
                return this.distance(a, target) - this.distance(b, target);
            static shield(a, b, sorted) {
                const target = sorted || Dsync.myPlayer;
                const shieldA = this.lookingAt(a, target, 1.58927) && a.currentItem === EWeapons.SHIELD;
                const shieldB = this.lookingAt(b, target, 1.58927) && b.currentItem === EWeapons.SHIELD;
                return shieldA ? 1 : shieldB ? -1 : 0;
            static canHitEntity(a, b, sorted) {
                const target = sorted || Dsync.myPlayer;
                const hitA = this.projectileCanHitEntity(a, target);
                const hitB = this.projectileCanHitEntity(b, target);
                return hitA === Hit.NEEDDESTROY ? 1 : hitB === Hit.NEEDDESTROY ? -1 : 0;
            static lookingAt(entity, point, angle) {
                const pos1 = new Vector(entity.x2, entity.y2);
                const pos2 = new Vector(point.x2, point.y2);
                const dir = getAngleDist(pos1.angle(pos2) + Math.PI, entity.angle2);
                return dir > angle;
            static entities(sorted) {
                return [ ...this.enemies().sort(((a, b) => this.sortDistance(a, b, sorted))).sort(((a, b) => this.shield(a, b, sorted))), ...this.animals().sort(((a, b) => this.sortDistance(a, b, sorted))) ];
            static predict(entity) {
                const pos1 = new Vector(entity.x1, entity.y1);
                const pos2 = new Vector(entity.x2, entity.y2);
                const distance = pos1.distance(pos2) * (entity === Dsync.myPlayer ? 1 : 2.2);
                const direction = Vector.fromAngle(pos1.angle(pos2));
                return pos2.add(direction.mult(distance));
            static entityIn(entity, layer, extraRadius = 0) {
                const targets = Dsync.saves.entityList()[layer];
                return targets.some((target => {
                    const object = Formatter.object(target);
                    const radius = entity.radius + object.radius + extraRadius;
                    return this.distance(entity, object) <= radius;
            static intersects(pos1, pos2, pos3, r) {
                const linear = pos2.copy().sub(pos1);
                const constant = pos1.copy().sub(pos3);
                const a =;
                const b =;
                const c = - r * r;
                return b * b >= a * c && (-b <= a || c + b + b + a <= 0) && (b <= 0 || c <= 0);
            static projectileCanHitEntity(entity, sorted) {
                const target = sorted || Dsync.myPlayer;
                if (!controller.canShoot()) return Hit.CANNOT;
                const pos1 = new Vector(target.x2, target.y2);
                const pos2 = new Vector(entity.x2, entity.y2);
                const myPlayerOnPlatform = this.entityIn(target, ELayer.PLATFORM);
                const entityInRoof = this.entityIn(entity, ELayer.ROOF);
                if (myPlayerOnPlatform && entityInRoof) return Hit.CANNOT;
                const layers = Dsync.saves.entityList();
                for (const layer of LayerObjects) {
                    if (myPlayerOnPlatform && !layer.cannotShoot) continue;
                    for (const target of layers[]) {
                        const object = Formatter.object(target);
                        const pos3 = new Vector(object.x2, object.y2);
                        if (pos1.distance(pos3) > pos1.distance(pos2)) continue;
                        if (this.intersects(pos1, pos2, pos3, object.radius)) {
                            if (object.layerData.maxHealth === undefined) return Hit.CANNOT;
                            return Hit.NEEDDESTROY;
                return Hit.CAN;
            static inWeaponRange(entity1, entity2, weapon) {
                const range = Items[weapon].range || 0;
                return this.distance(entity1, entity2) <= range + entity2.radius;
            static nearestPossible(weapon, sorted) {
                const target = sorted || Dsync.myPlayer;
                const item = Items[weapon];
                const shoot = controller.canShoot() && item.actionType === ActionType.RANGED;
                const entities = this.entities().filter((entity => shoot ? this.projectileCanHitEntity(entity, target) : this.inWeaponRange(target, entity, weapon)));
                if (shoot) {
                    entities.sort(((a, b) => this.canHitEntity(a, b, target)));
                return entities.length ? entities[0] : null;
            static nearestLayer(entity, layer) {
                const objects = Dsync.saves.entityList()[layer].map((target => Formatter.object(target)));
                return objects.sort(((a, b) => this.sortDistance(a, b, entity)))[0];
        const attackAnimation = () => {
            if (!Settings.weaponReloadBar && !Settings.autosync) return;
            const b = Dsync.saves.buffer;
            const len = Dsync.saves.byteLength;
            const players = Dsync.saves.players();
            for (let i = 1; i < len; i += 5) {
                const type = b[i];
                const id = b[i + 1] | b[i + 2] << 8;
                const weapon = b[i + 3];
                const isObject = b[i + 4];
                const target = players.get(id);
                if (type === ELayer.PLAYER && target) {
                    if (Settings.weaponReloadBar) {
                        const reload = target.weaponReload;
                        reload.current = -Dsync.step;
                        reload.lerp = 0;
                        reload.max = Items[weapon].reload || 0;
                    if (Settings.autosync && controller.canAutosync()) {
                        const player = Formatter.player(target);
                        if (controller.isTeammate(player) && controller.isPrimary(weapon)) {
                            const nearest = EntityManager.nearestPossible(weapon, player);
                            if (nearest !== null && EntityManager.inWeaponRange(Dsync.myPlayer, nearest, controller.itemBar[0])) {
                                const previousWeapon = controller.weapon;
                                controller.attack(EntityManager.angle(Dsync.myPlayer, nearest));
        const hooks_attackAnimation = attackAnimation;
        let teammates = [];
        const createClan = () => {
            const b = Dsync.saves.buffer;
            const len = Dsync.saves.byteLength;
            teammates = [ ...b.slice(3, len) ];
        const updateClan = () => {
            const b = Dsync.saves.buffer;
            const len = Dsync.saves.byteLength;
            teammates = [ ...b.slice(2, len) ];
        const deleteClan = () => {
            teammates = [];
        const playerStats = () => {
            const b = Dsync.saves.buffer;
            const age = formatAge(b[1] | b[2] << 8 | b[3] << 16 | b[4] << 24);
            const food = b[5] | b[6] << 8 | b[7] << 16 | b[8] << 24;
            const wood = b[9] | b[10] << 8 | b[11] << 16 | b[12] << 24;
            const stone = b[13] | b[14] << 8 | b[15] << 16 | b[16] << 24;
            const gold = b[17] | b[18] << 8 | b[19] << 16 | b[20] << 24;
            if (age !== 0) {
                controller.age = age;
            controller.resources = {
        const hooks_playerStats = playerStats;
        const stringMessage = data => {
            const id = data[0];
            if (id === WebsocketServer.SPAWN) {
                controller.myPlayerID = data[1];
                controller.inGame = true;
                controller.automillSpawn = true;
                if (Settings.lastHat) {
                    const hat = controller.toggleJungle || controller.toggleScuba ? controller.previousHat : controller.actualHat;
                    controller.equipHat(hat, true, true);
            if (id === WebsocketServer.UPGRADE) {
                const bar = data[1];
                const canAutobed = Settings.autobed && bar.includes(EObjects.SPAWN);
                controller.autobed = canAutobed;
                if (Settings.skipUpgrades && bar.length === 1 || canAutobed) {
                    controller.PacketManager.upgrade(canAutobed ? EObjects.SPAWN : bar[0]);
            if (id === WebsocketServer.DIED) {
                controller.myPlayerID = 0;
                controller.inGame = false;
                if (Settings.autospawn) {
            if (id === WebsocketServer.KILL_UPDATE) {
                controller.kills = data[1][0];
            if (id === WebsocketServer.KILLED && Settings.kill) {
                const killMessage = Settings.killMessage.length ? Settings.killMessage : "{KILL}x";
                const name = data[1].replace(/^Killed\s/, "").trim();
                const message = killMessage.replace(/\{KILL\}/g, controller.kills + "").replace(/\{NAME\}/g, name);
        const hooks_stringMessage = stringMessage;
        var WebsocketServer;
        (function(WebsocketServer) {
            WebsocketServer[WebsocketServer["LEADERBOARD"] = 3] = "LEADERBOARD";
            WebsocketServer[WebsocketServer["DAMAGE"] = 6] = "DAMAGE";
            WebsocketServer[WebsocketServer["PLAYERSTATS"] = 8] = "PLAYERSTATS";
            WebsocketServer[WebsocketServer["CONNECT"] = 12] = "CONNECT";
            WebsocketServer[WebsocketServer["UPGRADE"] = 14] = "UPGRADE";
            WebsocketServer[WebsocketServer["UPDATECLAN"] = 16] = "UPDATECLAN";
            WebsocketServer[WebsocketServer["DIED"] = 19] = "DIED";
            WebsocketServer[WebsocketServer["MOVEUPDATE"] = 20] = "MOVEUPDATE";
            WebsocketServer[WebsocketServer["KILL_UPDATE"] = 22] = "KILL_UPDATE";
            WebsocketServer[WebsocketServer["JOINCREATECLAN"] = 24] = "JOINCREATECLAN";
            WebsocketServer[WebsocketServer["DELETECLAN"] = 27] = "DELETECLAN";
            WebsocketServer[WebsocketServer["KILLED"] = 28] = "KILLED";
            WebsocketServer[WebsocketServer["ATTACK_ANIMATION"] = 29] = "ATTACK_ANIMATION";
            WebsocketServer[WebsocketServer["PLAYER_SPAWNED"] = 32] = "PLAYER_SPAWNED";
            WebsocketServer[WebsocketServer["DEFAULT"] = 33] = "DEFAULT";
            WebsocketServer[WebsocketServer["SPAWN"] = 35] = "SPAWN";
        })(WebsocketServer || (WebsocketServer = {}));
        var WebsocketClient;
        (function(WebsocketClient) {
            WebsocketClient[WebsocketClient["MOVE"] = 6] = "MOVE";
            WebsocketClient[WebsocketClient["ANGLE"] = 13] = "ANGLE";
            WebsocketClient[WebsocketClient["selectByID"] = 2] = "selectByID";
            WebsocketClient[WebsocketClient["ATTACK"] = 19] = "ATTACK";
            WebsocketClient[WebsocketClient["STOPATTACK"] = 18] = "STOPATTACK";
            WebsocketClient[WebsocketClient["LOGIN"] = 10] = "LOGIN";
            WebsocketClient[WebsocketClient["SCYTHE"] = 20] = "SCYTHE";
            WebsocketClient[WebsocketClient["SELECTITEM"] = 0] = "SELECTITEM";
            WebsocketClient[WebsocketClient["HAT"] = 5] = "HAT";
            WebsocketClient[WebsocketClient["CHAT"] = 7] = "CHAT";
            WebsocketClient[WebsocketClient["UPGRADE"] = 14] = "UPGRADE";
            WebsocketClient[WebsocketClient["AUTOATTACK"] = 23] = "AUTOATTACK";
            WebsocketClient[WebsocketClient["MOVEANGLE"] = 1] = "MOVEANGLE";
            WebsocketClient[WebsocketClient["LEAVECLAN"] = 24] = "LEAVECLAN";
            WebsocketClient[WebsocketClient["JOIN"] = 21] = "JOIN";
            WebsocketClient[WebsocketClient["ACCEPTDECLINE"] = 17] = "ACCEPTDECLINE";
            WebsocketClient[WebsocketClient["KICK"] = 25] = "KICK";
            WebsocketClient[WebsocketClient["CREATECLAN"] = 22] = "CREATECLAN";
        })(WebsocketClient || (WebsocketClient = {}));
        window.Uint8Array = new Proxy(window.Uint8Array, {
            construct(target, args) {
                const uint = new target(...args);
                if (args[0] === 4096) {
                    Dsync.saves.buffer = uint;
                    window.Uint8Array = target;
                return uint;
        const proto = Uint8Array.__proto__;
        const getter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(proto.prototype, "byteLength")?.get;
        Object.defineProperty(Uint8Array.prototype, "byteLength", {
            get() {
                const value =;
                Dsync.saves.byteLength = value;
                return value;
        let start =;
        window.WebSocket = new Proxy(window.WebSocket, {
            construct(target, args) {
                if (typeof args[0] === "string") {
                    if (args[0] !== Dsync.connectURL) {
                        controller.myPlayerID = 0;
                        controller.age = 0;
                        for (const hat of Hats) {
                            hat.bought = !!hat.default;
                            hat.equipped = !!hat.default;
                    Dsync.connectURL = args[0];
                const ws = new target(...args);
                ws.addEventListener("message", (event => {
                    const data =;
                    if (typeof data === "string" && /^\[.+\]$/.test(data)) {
                    } else {
                        switch (Dsync.saves.buffer[0]) {
                          case WebsocketServer.PLAYERSTATS:
                          case WebsocketServer.DELETECLAN:
                          case WebsocketServer.JOINCREATECLAN:
                          case WebsocketServer.UPDATECLAN:
                          case WebsocketServer.MOVEUPDATE:
                                const now =;
                                Dsync.step = now - start;
                                start = now;
                          case WebsocketServer.ATTACK_ANIMATION:
                return ws;
        class PacketManager {
            constructor() {
                this.encoder = new TextEncoder;
            send(...args) {
                Dsync.saves.send(new Uint8Array(args));
            moveByBitmask(bitmask) {
                this.send(WebsocketClient.MOVE, bitmask);
            changeAngle(angle) {
                angle = 65535 * (angle + Math.PI) / (2 * Math.PI), this.send(WebsocketClient.ANGLE, 255 & angle, angle >> 8 & 255);
            selectByID(id) {
                this.send(WebsocketClient.selectByID, id);
            attack(angle) {
                angle = 65535 * (angle + Math.PI) / (2 * Math.PI), this.send(WebsocketClient.ATTACK, 255 & angle, angle >> 8 & 255);
            stopAttack() {
            upgradeScythe(goldenCowID) {
                this.send(WebsocketClient.SCYTHE, 255 & goldenCowID, goldenCowID >> 8);
            selectItemByType(type) {
                this.send(WebsocketClient.SELECTITEM, type);
            equip(id) {
                this.send(WebsocketClient.HAT, id);
            chat(message) {
                const bytes = this.encoder.encode(message);
                this.send(WebsocketClient.CHAT, ...bytes);
            upgrade(id) {
                this.send(WebsocketClient.UPGRADE, id);
            autoattack(toggle) {
                this.send(WebsocketClient.AUTOATTACK, Number(toggle));
            moveAngle(angle) {
                angle = 65535 * (angle + Math.PI) / (2 * Math.PI), this.send(WebsocketClient.MOVEANGLE, 255 & angle, angle >> 8 & 255);
            leaveClan() {
            joinClan(id) {
                this.send(WebsocketClient.JOIN, id);
            accept(which) {
                this.send(WebsocketClient.ACCEPTDECLINE, which);
            kick(id) {
                this.send(WebsocketClient.KICK, id);
            createClan(name) {
                const bytes = this.encoder.encode(name);
                this.send(WebsocketClient.CREATECLAN, ...bytes);
        class TimeoutManager {
            constructor(callbacks, delay) {
                this.callbacks = callbacks;
                this.delay = delay;
       = false;
                this.old =;
            static waitUntil(condition, time, callback) {
                return new Promise((resolve => {
                    const start =;
                    const int = setInterval((() => {
                        if (typeof time === "number" && Number.isFinite(time) && - start > time || condition()) {
                        if (condition()) {
                            if (typeof callback === "function") return callback();
                    }), 50);
            start() {
                if ( return;
       = true;
                this.old =;
            async stop() {
                if (! return;
                if (!this.delay(this.old)) await TimeoutManager.waitUntil((() => this.delay(this.old)), 3e3);
       = false;
            isActive() {
        class Controller {
            constructor() {
                this.myPlayerID = 0;
                this.move = 0;
                this.attacking = false;
                this.autoattack = false;
                this.rotation = false;
                this.weapon = false;
                this.healing = false;
                this.attackingInvis = false;
                this.toggleInvis = false;
                this.currentItem = null;
                this.chatToggle = false;
                this.chatCount = 0;
                this.autobed = false;
                this.automill = false;
                this.automillSpawn = false;
                this.mousemove = true;
                this.kills = 0;
                this.inGame = false;
                this.itemBar = [ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 ];
                this.hsl = 0;
                this.aimTarget = null;
                this.wasAutoboost = false;
                this.count = 0;
                this.toggleJungle = false;
                this.toggleScuba = false;
                this.resources = {
                    food: 200,
                    wood: 200,
                    stone: 200,
                    gold: 200
                this.mouse = {
                    x: 0,
                    y: 0,
                    angle: 0
                this.equipStart =;
                this.actualHat = 0;
                this.currentHat = 0;
                this.previousHat = 0;
                this.maxCount = [ 0, 0, 0, 100, 30, 8, 2, 12, 32, 1, 2 ];
                this.age = 0;
                this.hotkeys = new Map;
                this.PacketManager = new PacketManager;
                this.previousWeapon = false;
                this.fastbreak = new TimeoutManager([ () => {
                    const primary = this.itemBar[ItemType.PRIMARY];
                    const secondary = this.itemBar[ItemType.SECONDARY];
                    const pickWeapon = secondary === EWeapons.HAMMER || primary === EWeapons.STICK && secondary === EWeapons.SHIELD;
                    this.previousWeapon = this.weapon;
                    this.equipHat(Hat.DEMOLIST, false);
                    this.attacking = true;
                }, () => {
                    this.attacking = false;
                }, () => {
                    if (!Dsync.myPlayer.isClown) {
                        this.equipHat(this.previousHat, true);
                } ], (start => this.hatReloaded() && - start > TargetReload.HAT));
            reset(items) {
                this.move = 0;
                this.attacking = false;
                this.autoattack = false;
                this.rotation = false;
                this.weapon = false;
                this.healing = false;
                this.attackingInvis = false;
                this.toggleInvis = false;
                this.currentItem = null;
                this.chatToggle = false;
                this.chatCount = 0;
                this.autobed = false;
                this.automill = false;
                this.automillSpawn = false;
                this.mousemove = true;
                this.kills = 0;
                this.inGame = false;
                this.itemBar = [ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 ];
                this.hsl = 0;
                this.aimTarget = null;
                this.count = 0;
                for (const id of items) {
                for (const [key] of this.hotkeys) {
            attachMouse() {
                window.addEventListener("mousemove", (event => {
                    this.mouse.x = event.clientX;
                    this.mouse.y = event.clientY;
                    if (!this.rotation) {
                        this.mouse.angle = angle(innerWidth / 2, innerHeight / 2, this.mouse.x, this.mouse.y);
            hasItem(type) {
                return this.itemBar[type] !== -1;
            hasSecondary() {
                return this.itemBar[ItemType.SECONDARY] !== -1;
            updateWeapon(type) {
                const weapon = Dsync.saves.defaultData[Dsync.props.itemBar][type];
                if (this.isWeapon(weapon) && this.itemBar[type] !== weapon) {
                    this.itemBar[type] = weapon;
            isMyPlayer(entity) {
                return === this.myPlayerID;
            isTeammate(entity) {
                return !== this.myPlayerID && teammates.includes(entity.ownerID);
            isEnemy(entity) {
                return !this.isMyPlayer(entity) && !this.isTeammate(entity);
            canShoot() {
                const id = this.itemBar[ItemType.SECONDARY];
                return this.hasSecondary() && Items[id].actionType === ActionType.RANGED;
            isWeapon(id) {
                const type = Items[id].itemType;
                return type === ItemType.PRIMARY || type === ItemType.SECONDARY;
            isPrimary(id) {
                return Items[id].itemType === ItemType.PRIMARY;
            isSecondary(id) {
                return Items[id].itemType === ItemType.SECONDARY;
            currentCount(type) {
                return Dsync.saves.defaultData[Dsync.props.currentCount][type];
            hasCount(type) {
                return this.currentCount(type) < this.maxCount[type];
            isDoingNothing() {
                return !this.healing && !this.attackingInvis && !this.toggleInvis && !this.attacking && this.currentItem === null;
            canAutosync() {
                return !this.attacking && !this.attackingInvis && !this.toggleInvis && !this.autoattack;
            hasResources(id) {
                const cost = Items[id].cost || {
                    food: 0,
                    wood: 0,
                    stone: 0,
                    gold: 0
                const {food, wood, stone, gold} = this.resources;
                const hasFood = food >=;
                const hasWood = wood >= cost.wood;
                const hasStone = stone >= cost.stone;
                const hasGold = gold >=;
                return hasFood && hasWood && hasStone && hasGold;
            getAngleFromBitmask(bitmask, rotate) {
                const vec = {
                    x: 0,
                    y: 0
                if (bitmask & 1) vec.y--;
                if (bitmask & 2) vec.y++;
                if (bitmask & 4) vec.x--;
                if (bitmask & 8) vec.x++;
                if (rotate) {
                    vec.x *= -1;
                    vec.y *= -1;
                return Math.atan2(vec.y, vec.x);
            upgradeItem(id) {
                const item = Items[id];
                this.itemBar[item.itemType] = id;
            upgradeScythe() {
                const target = Dsync.saves.entityList()[ELayer.GOLDENCOW][0];
                if (target !== undefined) {
            buyHat(id) {
                if (!Hats[id].bought && >= Hats[id].price) {
                    Hats[id].bought = true;
                return Hats[id].bought;
            hatReloaded() {
                return === TargetReload.HAT;
            equipHat(id, actual = true, force = false) {
                const hatID = id === Hat.UNEQUIP ? this.actualHat : id;
                if (!this.buyHat(hatID) || !this.inGame) return false;
                const now =;
                if (!Hats[id].equipped && this.hatReloaded() && now - this.equipStart >= TargetReload.HAT || force) {
                    this.equipStart = now;
                    for (const hat of Hats) {
                        hat.equipped = false;
                    Hats[id].equipped = true;
                    this.previousHat = this.currentHat;
                    this.currentHat = id;
                    if (actual) {
                        this.actualHat = id;
                    return true;
                return false;
            async autochat() {
                if (this.chatToggle) return;
                this.chatToggle = true;
                const messages = Settings.autochatMessages.filter((msg => msg.length));
                if (!messages.length) return;
                this.chatCount %= messages.length;
                await sleep(2e3);
                this.chatToggle = false;
            accept(which) {
                const acceptList = Dsync.saves.clanData[Dsync.props.acceptList];
            async spawn() {
                await sleep(100);
                const play = document.querySelector("#play");
            whichWeapon(type) {
                if (type !== undefined) {
                    this.weapon = type;
            attack(angle) {
                const dir = angle ? angle : this.mouse.angle;
            place(type, angle, placementType) {
                if (this.wasAutoboost) {
                    const nearest = EntityManager.enemies()[0];
                    if (nearest !== undefined) {
                        angle = EntityManager.angle(Dsync.myPlayer, nearest);
                const placeType = placementType === undefined ? Settings.placementType : placementType;
                const isHolding = placeType === PlacementType.HOLDING;
                if (isHolding && this.attacking) this.attack(angle);
                if (!isHolding) this.whichWeapon();
                if (this.attacking) this.attack(angle);
            placement() {
                if (this.currentItem === null) return;
                this.count = (this.count + 1) % Settings.placementSpeed;
                const method = this.count === 0 ? setTimeout : queueMicrotask;
            placementHandler(type, code) {
                if (!this.hasItem(type)) return;
                if (Settings.placementType === PlacementType.DEFAULT) {
                this.hotkeys.set(code, type);
                this.currentItem = type;
                const isBoost = type === ItemType.TRAP && this.itemBar[ItemType.TRAP] === EObjects.BOOST;
                this.wasAutoboost = Settings.autoboostFollow && isBoost;
                if (this.hotkeys.size === 1) {
            heal() {
                if (this.attacking) {
            invisibleHit() {
                this.mousemove = true;
                this.aimTarget = null;
                if (Settings.invisHitToggle && !this.toggleInvis || !Settings.invisHitToggle && !this.attackingInvis) {
                    this.toggleInvis = false;
                    this.attackingInvis = false;
                let angle;
                const nearest = EntityManager.nearestPossible(this.itemBar[+!this.weapon]);
                const shoot = this.canShoot() && !this.weapon;
                if (nearest && (Settings.meleeAim && !shoot || Settings.bowAim && shoot)) {
                    const pos1 = EntityManager.predict(Dsync.myPlayer);
                    const pos2 = EntityManager.predict(nearest);
                    angle = pos1.angle(pos2);
                    this.mousemove = false;
                    this.aimTarget =;
                if (nearest && shoot || !shoot) {
                setTimeout(this.invisibleHit.bind(this), 85);
            spikeInsta() {
                let angle;
                if (Settings.spikeInstaAim) {
                    const nearest = EntityManager.nearestPossible(this.itemBar[0]);
                    if (nearest) {
                        angle = EntityManager.angle(Dsync.myPlayer, nearest);
                const previousWeapon = this.weapon;
      , angle);
            handleKeydown(event, code) {
                if (code === 1) event.preventDefault();
                if (event instanceof KeyboardEvent && event.repeat) return;
                if ( return;
                if (code === Settings.toggleMenu && !isInput( {
                    if (typeof Dsync.toggleMenu === "function") Dsync.toggleMenu();
                if (!this.inGame) return;
                if (code === Settings.openChat) {
                    if (!isInput()) event.preventDefault();
                if (isInput( return;
                if (code === Settings.primary) this.whichWeapon(false);
                if (code === Settings.secondary && this.hasSecondary()) this.whichWeapon(true);
                if (code === Settings.heal && !this.healing) {
                    this.healing = true;
                    if (Settings.placementType === PlacementType.DEFAULT) {
                    } else {
                        doWhile((() => this.healing), this.heal.bind(this), 0);
                if (code === Settings.wall) this.placementHandler(ItemType.WALL, code);
                if (code === Settings.spike) this.placementHandler(ItemType.SPIKE, code);
                if (code === Settings.windmill) this.placementHandler(ItemType.WINDMILL, code);
                if (code === Settings.trap) this.placementHandler(ItemType.TRAP, code);
                if (code === Settings.turret) this.placementHandler(ItemType.TURRET, code);
                if (code === Settings.tree) this.placementHandler(ItemType.FARM, code);
                if (code === Settings.platform) this.placementHandler(ItemType.PLATFORM, code);
                if (code === Settings.spawn) this.placementHandler(ItemType.SPAWN, code);
                if (code === Settings.unequip) this.equipHat(Hat.UNEQUIP);
                if (code === Settings.bush) this.equipHat(Hat.BUSH);
                if (code === Settings.berserker) this.equipHat(Hat.BERSERKER);
                if (code === Settings.jungle) this.equipHat(Hat.JUNGLE);
                if (code === Settings.crystal) this.equipHat(Hat.CRYSTAL);
                if (code === Settings.spikegear) this.equipHat(Hat.SPIKEGEAR);
                if (code === Settings.immunity) this.equipHat(Hat.IMMUNITY);
                if (code === Settings.boost) this.equipHat(Hat.BOOST);
                if (code === Settings.applehat) this.equipHat(Hat.APPLEHAT);
                if (code === Settings.scuba) this.equipHat(Hat.SCUBA);
                if (code === Settings.hood) this.equipHat(Hat.HOOD);
                if (code === Settings.demolist) this.equipHat(Hat.DEMOLIST);
                if (code === Settings.invisibleHit && this.hasSecondary()) {
                    if (Settings.invisHitToggle) {
                        this.toggleInvis = !this.toggleInvis;
                    } else {
                        this.attackingInvis = true;
                    if (this.toggleInvis || this.attackingInvis) this.invisibleHit();
                if (code === Settings.spikeInsta) this.spikeInsta();
                if (code === Settings.fastBreak && !this.fastbreak.isActive() && this.hatReloaded()) {
                const copyMove = this.move;
                if (code === Settings.up) this.move |= 1;
                if (code === Settings.left) this.move |= 4;
                if (code === Settings.down) this.move |= 2;
                if (code === Settings.right) this.move |= 8;
                if (copyMove !== this.move) this.PacketManager.moveByBitmask(this.move);
                if (event instanceof MouseEvent && code === 0) {
                    this.attacking = true;
                if (code === Settings.autoattack) {
                    this.autoattack = !this.autoattack;
                if (code === Settings.lockRotation) {
                    this.rotation = !this.rotation;
                if (code === Settings.upgradeScythe) this.upgradeScythe();
            handleKeyup(event, code) {
                if (code === Settings.heal && this.healing) {
                    this.healing = false;
                if (code === Settings.invisibleHit && this.attackingInvis) {
                    this.attackingInvis = false;
                if (code === Settings.fastBreak && this.fastbreak.isActive()) {
                const copyMove = this.move;
                if (code === Settings.up) this.move &= -2;
                if (code === Settings.left) this.move &= -5;
                if (code === Settings.down) this.move &= -3;
                if (code === Settings.right) this.move &= -9;
                if (copyMove !== this.move) this.PacketManager.moveByBitmask(this.move);
                if (event instanceof MouseEvent && code === 0) {
                    this.attacking = false;
                if (code === Settings.trap && this.wasAutoboost) {
                    this.wasAutoboost = false;
                if (this.currentItem !== null && this.hotkeys.delete(code)) {
                    const entries = [ ...this.hotkeys ];
                    this.currentItem = entries.length ? entries[entries.length - 1][1] : null;
                    if (this.currentItem === null) {
        const createEntity = target => {
            const id = target[];
            const type = target.type;
            const entities = Dsync.saves.entityList();
            if (type === ELayer.PLAYER) {
                if (id === controller.myPlayerID) {
           = target;
                const player = Formatter.player(target);
                target.hatReload = {
                target.weaponReload = {
                target.prevHat = player.hat;
                const weaponReload = target.weaponReload;
                if (controller.isWeapon(player.currentItem)) {
                    weaponReload.max = Items[player.currentItem].reload || 0;
                    weaponReload.current = weaponReload.max;
                    weaponReload.lerp = weaponReload.max;
            } else if (type === ELayer.TURRET) {
                target.turretReload = {
            } else if (type === ELayer.DRAGON) {
                target.fireballReload = {
            } else if (type === ELayer.PROJECTILE) {
                const projectile = Formatter.projectile(target);
                const type = projectile.projectileType;
                const isTurret = Settings.turretReloadBar && entities[ELayer.TURRET].find((target => {
                    const turret = Formatter.object(target);
                    const isOwner = turret.ownerID === projectile.ownerID;
                    const isX = turret.x2 === projectile.x2;
                    const isY = turret.y2 === projectile.y2;
                    return isOwner && isX && isY;
                const isPlayer = Settings.weaponReloadBar && entities[ELayer.PLAYER].find((target => {
                    const player = Formatter.player(target);
                    const isOwner = player.ownerID === projectile.ownerID;
                    return isOwner;
                if (isTurret) {
                    const reload = isTurret.turretReload;
                    reload.current = -Dsync.step;
                    reload.lerp = 0;
                } else if (isPlayer) {
                    const weapon = Shooting.find((weapon => weapon.projectile === type));
                    if (weapon === undefined) return;
                    let delay = weapon.reload || 0;
                    if (type === 88) {
                        const id = isPlayer.secondary === EWeapons.XBOW ? EWeapons.XBOW : EWeapons.BOW;
                        delay = Items[id].reload || 0;
                    const reload = isPlayer.weaponReload;
                    reload.current = -Dsync.step;
                    reload.lerp = 0;
                    reload.max = delay;
            } else if (type === ELayer.FIREBALL && entities[ELayer.DRAGON].length && Settings.fireballReloadBar) {
                const dragon = entities[ELayer.DRAGON][0];
                const reload = dragon.fireballReload;
                reload.current = -Dsync.step;
                reload.lerp = 0;
        const hooks_createEntity = createEntity;
        const TextOptions = {
            font: "bold 15px Montserrat",
            textBaseline: "top"
        class RenderManager {
            static marker(ctx, color) {
                ctx.strokeStyle = "#303030";
                ctx.lineWidth = 3;
                ctx.fillStyle = color;
                ctx.arc(0, 0, 9, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
            static circle(ctx, x, y, radius, color) {
                ctx.strokeStyle = color;
                ctx.lineWidth = 3;
                ctx.arc(x, y, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
            static arrow(ctx, len, x, y, angle, color) {
                ctx.translate(x, y);
                ctx.rotate(Math.PI / 4);
                ctx.globalAlpha = .75;
                ctx.strokeStyle = color;
                ctx.lineCap = "round";
                ctx.lineWidth = 8;
                ctx.moveTo(-len, -len);
                ctx.lineTo(len, -len);
                ctx.lineTo(len, len);
            static lines(ctx, x1, y1, x2, y2, color) {
                ctx.globalAlpha = .75;
                ctx.strokeStyle = color;
                ctx.lineCap = "round";
                ctx.lineWidth = 5;
                ctx.moveTo(x1, y1);
                ctx.lineTo(x2, y2);
            static tracerColor(entity, isTeammate) {
                if (isTeammate) return Settings.teammateColor;
                if (entity.type === ELayer.PLAYER) return Settings.enemyColor;
                return Settings.animalColor;
            static trapActive(trap) {
                return EntityManager.entities().some((entity => {
                    const radius = trap.radius + entity.radius;
                    return EntityManager.distance(entity, trap) < radius - 25;
            static markerColor(target, ownerID) {
                let color = null;
                const object = Formatter.object(target);
                const isMyPlayer = Dsync.myPlayer.ownerID === ownerID;
                const isTeammate = teammates.includes(ownerID);
                const isTeammateTrap = object.type === ELayer.TRAP && (isMyPlayer || isTeammate);
                if (Settings.itemMarkers && isMyPlayer) {
                    color = Settings.itemMarkersColor;
                } else if (Settings.teammateMarkers && isTeammate && !isMyPlayer) {
                    color = Settings.teammateMarkersColor;
                } else if (Settings.enemyMarkers && !isMyPlayer && !isTeammate) {
                    color = Settings.enemyMarkersColor;
                if (Settings.trapActivated && isTeammateTrap) {
                    if (! && this.trapActive(object)) {
                    if ( === {
                        return Settings.trapActivatedColor;
           = null;
                return color;
            static renderText(ctx, text, callback, options) {
                ctx.fillStyle = "#fff";
                ctx.strokeStyle = "#303030";
                ctx.lineWidth = 8;
                ctx.lineJoin = "round";
                Object.assign(ctx, TextOptions, options);
                const width = ctx.measureText(text).width;
                const height = parseInt((ctx.font.match(/\d+/) || [])[0]) || 1;
                const data = callback(width, height);
            static renderHP(ctx, entity, height = 0) {
                if (!Settings.drawHP) return;
                const {x, y, health, maxHealth, radius} = entity;
                this.renderText(ctx, `HP ${health}/${maxHealth}`, (width => [ x - width / 2, y + radius + 55 + height ]));
            static drawImage(ctx, image) {
                if (!(image && image.naturalHeight !== 0)) return;
                const w = image.width;
                const h = image.height;
                const s = .5;
                ctx.drawImage(image, -s * w / 2, -s * h, w * s, h * s);
            static renderBar(ctx, entity, value, maxValue, color, extraHeight = 0) {
                const {x, y, radius} = entity;
                const background = utils_Images.gaugeBackground;
                const front = utils_Images.gaugeFront;
                const scale = .5;
                const width = front.width * scale;
                const fill = value / maxValue * (width - 10);
                const h = (entity.type === ELayer.TURRET ? 25 : 50) + extraHeight;
                if (entity.type === ELayer.TURRET) {
                    ctx.rotate(Math.PI - entity.angle);
                ctx.translate(x, y + radius + h + front.height * scale);
                this.drawImage(ctx, background);
                ctx.fillStyle = color;
                ctx.fillRect(-width / 2 + 5, -scale * front.height + 5, fill, scale * front.height - 10);
                this.drawImage(ctx, front);
                return front.height * scale;
            static reloadBar(ctx, entity, reload, height) {
                const fill = clamp(reload.current, 0, reload.max);
                reload.lerp = lerp(reload.lerp, fill, .2);
                const value = Settings.smoothReloadBar ? reload.lerp : fill;
                return this.renderBar(ctx, entity, value, reload.max, reload.color(), height);
            static windmillRotation(target) {
                const rotateSpeed = LayerData[target.type].rotateSpeed;
                if (rotateSpeed === undefined) return;
                const speed = Settings.windmillRotation ? rotateSpeed : 0;
                if (target[Dsync.props.rotateSpeed] !== speed) {
                    target[Dsync.props.rotateSpeed] = speed;
            static renderMarker(ctx, target) {
                const object = Formatter.object(target);
                if (object.ownerID === 0) return;
                if (object.type === ELayer.TURRET && Settings.turretReloadBar) {
                    this.reloadBar(ctx, {
                        x: 0,
                        y: 0
                    }, target.turretReload, 0);
                const color = this.markerColor(target, object.ownerID);
                if (color === null) return;
                this.marker(ctx, color);
            static renderTracer(ctx, entity, isTeammate) {
                const player = Formatter.player(;
                const color = Settings.rainbow ? `hsl(${controller.hsl}, 100%, 50%)` : this.tracerColor(entity, isTeammate);
                const pos1 = new Vector(player.x, player.y);
                const pos2 = new Vector(entity.x, entity.y);
                if (Settings.arrows) {
                    const w = 8;
                    const distance = Math.min(100 + w * 2, pos1.distance(pos2) - w * 2);
                    const angle = pos1.angle(pos2);
                    const pos = pos1.direction(angle, distance);
                    this.arrow(ctx, w, pos.x, pos.y, angle, color);
                } else {
                    this.lines(ctx, pos1.x, pos1.y, pos2.x, pos2.y, color);
        const drawEntityInfo = (target, ctx, isTeammate) => {
            const entity = Formatter.entity(target);
            if (controller.myPlayerID === {
                if (Settings.rainbow) {
                    Dsync.controller.hsl = (Dsync.controller.hsl + .3) % 360;
                if (controller.aimTarget !== null) {
                    const aim = Formatter.entity(controller.aimTarget);
                    const dir = Settings.visualAim ? angle(entity.x, entity.y, aim.x, aim.y) : controller.mouse.angle;
          [Dsync.props.angle] = dir;
            let height = 0;
            if (entity.type === ELayer.PLAYER) {
                if (Settings.hatReloadBar) {
                    height += RenderManager.reloadBar(ctx, entity, target.hatReload, height);
                if (Settings.weaponReloadBar) {
                    height += RenderManager.reloadBar(ctx, entity, target.weaponReload, height);
            if (entity.type === ELayer.DRAGON && Settings.fireballReloadBar) {
                height += RenderManager.reloadBar(ctx, entity, target.fireballReload, height);
            RenderManager.renderHP(ctx, entity, height);
            if (controller.myPlayerID === || ! return;
            if (Settings.possibleShots && !isTeammate) {
                const hit = EntityManager.projectileCanHitEntity(entity);
                if (hit === Hit.CAN) {
                    const color = Settings.rainbow ? `hsl(${controller.hsl}, 100%, 50%)` : RenderManager.tracerColor(entity, isTeammate);
          , entity.x, entity.y, entity.radius, color);
            if (Settings.enemyTracers && entity.type === 0 && !isTeammate || Settings.teammateTracers && entity.type === 0 && isTeammate || Settings.animalTracers && entity.type !== 0) {
                RenderManager.renderTracer(ctx, entity, isTeammate);
        const hooks_drawEntityInfo = drawEntityInfo;
        const drawItemBar = (ctx, imageData, index) => {
            if (!Settings.itemCounter) return;
            const id = Dsync.saves.defaultData[Dsync.props.itemBar][index];
            const type = Items[id].itemType;
            const currentCount = Dsync.saves.defaultData[Dsync.props.currentCount][type];
            const maxCount = controller.maxCount[type];
            if (maxCount === 0) return;
            const x = imageData[Dsync.props.x] - 10;
            const y = imageData[Dsync.props.y] + 10;
            const w = imageData.width;
            RenderManager.renderText(ctx, `${currentCount}/${maxCount}`, (width => [ x + w - width, y ]), {
                font: "bold 16px Montserrat"
        const hooks_drawItemBar = drawItemBar;
        const renderItems = (target, id, ctx, step) => {
            RenderManager.renderMarker(ctx, target);
        const hooks_renderItems = renderItems;
        let isHealing = false;
        let updatePlayer_start =;
        const getDelay = health => {
            if (health < 36) return 45;
            if (health < 74) return 60;
            if (health < 90) return 130;
            return 200;
        const healing = () => {
            const {health, maxHealth, isClown} = Dsync.myPlayer;
            if (Settings.autoheal && health < maxHealth && !isClown && controller.inGame) controller.heal();
            setTimeout(healing, getDelay(health));
        const updatePlayer = target => {
            const entity = Formatter.entity(target);
            switch (entity.type) {
              case ELayer.PLAYER:
                    const player = Formatter.player(target);
                    if (controller.isWeapon(player.currentItem)) {
                        if (controller.isSecondary(player.currentItem)) {
                            target.secondary = player.currentItem;
                        } else {
                            target.primary = player.currentItem;
                    if ( === controller.myPlayerID) {
                        Dsync.myPlayer = {
                        const {x2, y2, health, maxHealth, isClown, hat} = Dsync.myPlayer;
                        if (Settings.autoheal && health < maxHealth && !isHealing) {
                            isHealing = true;
                        const inRiver = y2 > 8050 && y2 < 8950;
                        const notInRiver = !(y2 > 8e3 && y2 < 9e3);
                        if (!controller.toggleJungle && Settings.jungleOnClown && isClown && hat !== Hat.JUNGLE && controller.equipHat(Hat.JUNGLE, false)) {
                            controller.toggleJungle = true;
                        if (controller.toggleJungle && !isClown && controller.inGame && controller.equipHat(controller.previousHat, true)) {
                            controller.toggleJungle = false;
                        const onPlatform = EntityManager.entityIn(Dsync.myPlayer, ELayer.PLATFORM);
                        if (!controller.toggleScuba && inRiver && Settings.autoScuba && !onPlatform && controller.equipHat(Hat.SCUBA, false)) {
                            controller.toggleScuba = true;
                        if (controller.toggleScuba && (notInRiver || onPlatform) && controller.inGame && controller.equipHat(controller.previousHat, true)) {
                            controller.toggleScuba = false;
                        if (Settings.autochat) controller.autochat();
                        if (Settings.autoAccept && Dsync.saves.clanData[Dsync.props.acceptList].length) {
                        const automill = controller.age < 10 && controller.hasCount(ItemType.WINDMILL);
                        const automillSpawn = controller.age > 9 && controller.currentCount(ItemType.WINDMILL) === 0 && controller.automillSpawn;
                        controller.automill = Settings.automill && (automill || automillSpawn);
                        if (controller.isDoingNothing()) {
                            if (controller.autobed && controller.hasResources(EObjects.SPAWN)) {
                      , random(-Math.PI, Math.PI));
                            if (controller.automill && controller.hasResources(controller.itemBar[ItemType.WINDMILL]) && controller.move !== 0) {
                                const angle = controller.getAngleFromBitmask(controller.move, true);
                      , angle, PlacementType.INVISIBLE);
                        if (!controller.hasCount(ItemType.SPAWN) && controller.autobed) {
                            controller.autobed = false;
                        if (!controller.hasCount(ItemType.WINDMILL) && controller.automillSpawn) {
                            controller.automillSpawn = false;
                        const now =;
                        if (now - updatePlayer_start > 1e4 && !isInput() && isBlind()) {
                            updatePlayer_start = now;
                        const hasPlatform = controller.itemBar[ItemType.PLATFORM] === EObjects.PLATFORM;
                        if (Settings.antiFireball && hasPlatform && controller.hasCount(ItemType.PLATFORM) && EntityManager.entityIn(Dsync.myPlayer, ELayer.FIREBALL, 23) && !EntityManager.entityIn(Dsync.myPlayer, ELayer.PLATFORM)) {
                            const nearest = EntityManager.nearestLayer(Dsync.myPlayer, ELayer.FIREBALL);
                  , EntityManager.angle(nearest, Dsync.myPlayer), PlacementType.INVISIBLE);
                    const hatReload = target.hatReload;
                    if (target.prevHat !== player.hat) {
                        target.prevHat = player.hat;
                        hatReload.current = -Dsync.step;
                        hatReload.lerp = 0;
                    hatReload.current = Math.min(hatReload.current + Dsync.step, hatReload.max);
                    if (Settings.weaponReloadBar) {
                        const weaponReload = target.weaponReload;
                        weaponReload.current = Math.min(weaponReload.current + Dsync.step, weaponReload.max);
              case ELayer.TURRET:
                    if (Settings.turretReloadBar) {
                        const turretReload = target.turretReload;
                        turretReload.current = Math.min(turretReload.current + Dsync.step, turretReload.max);
              case ELayer.DRAGON:
                    if (Settings.fireballReloadBar) {
                        const fireballReload = target.fireballReload;
                        fireballReload.current = Math.min(fireballReload.current + Dsync.step, fireballReload.max);
        const hooks_updatePlayer = updatePlayer;
        const ANY_LETTER = "(?:[^\\x00-\\x7F-]|\\$|\\w)";
        const NumberSystem = [ {
            radix: 2,
            prefix: "0b0*"
        }, {
            radix: 8,
            prefix: "0+"
        }, {
            radix: 10,
            prefix: ""
        }, {
            radix: 16,
            prefix: "0x0*"
        } ];
        var Template;
        (function(Template) {
            Template[Template["APPEND"] = 0] = "APPEND";
            Template[Template["PREPEND"] = 1] = "PREPEND";
        })(Template || (Template = {}));
        class Regex {
            constructor(code, unicode) {
                this.code = code;
                this.COPY_CODE = code;
                this.unicode = unicode || false;
                this.hooks = {};
                this.totalHooks = 0;
            static parseValue(value) {
                try {
                    return Function(`return (${value})`)();
                } catch (err) {
                    return null;
            isRegexp(value) {
                return TYPEOF(value) === "regexp";
            generateNumberSystem(int) {
                const copy = [ ...NumberSystem ];
                const template ={prefix, radix}) => prefix + int.toString(radix)));
                return `(?:${template.join("|")})`;
            parseVariables(regex) {
                regex = regex.replace(/\{VAR\}/g, "(?:let|var|const)");
                regex = regex.replace(/\{QUOTE\}/g, "['\"`]");
                regex = regex.replace(/ARGS\{(\d+)\}/g, ((...args) => {
                    let count = Number(args[1]), arr = [];
                    while (count--) arr.push("\\w+");
                    return arr.join("\\s*,\\s*");
                regex = regex.replace(/NUMBER\{(\d+)\}/g, ((...args) => {
                    const int = Number(args[1]);
                    return this.generateNumberSystem(int);
                return regex;
            format(name, inputRegex, flags) {
                this.totalHooks += 1;
                let regex = "";
                if (Array.isArray(inputRegex)) {
                    regex = => this.isRegexp(exp) ? exp.source : exp)).join("\\s*");
                } else if (this.isRegexp(inputRegex)) {
                    regex = inputRegex.source;
                regex = this.parseVariables(regex);
                if (this.unicode) {
                    regex = regex.replace(/\\w/g, ANY_LETTER);
                const expression = new RegExp(regex.replace(/\{INSERT\}/, ""), flags);
                const match = this.code.match(expression);
                if (match === null) error("Failed to find: " + name);
                return regex.includes("{INSERT}") ? new RegExp(regex, flags) : expression;
            template(type, name, regex, substr) {
                const expression = new RegExp(`(${this.format(name, regex).source})`);
                const match = this.code.match(expression) || [];
                this.code = this.code.replace(expression, type === Template.APPEND ? "$1" + substr : substr + "$1");
                return match;
            match(name, regex, flags, debug = false) {
                const expression = this.format(name, regex, flags);
                const match = this.code.match(expression) || [];
                this.hooks[name] = {
                if (debug) log(name, this.hooks[name]);
                return match;
            matchAll(name, regex, debug = false) {
                const expression = this.format(name, regex, "g");
                const matches = [ ...this.code.matchAll(expression) ];
                this.hooks[name] = {
                    match: matches
                if (debug) log(name, this.hooks[name]);
                return matches;
            replace(name, regex, substr, flags) {
                const expression = this.format(name, regex, flags);
                this.code = this.code.replace(expression, substr);
                return this.code.match(expression) || [];
            append(name, regex, substr) {
                return this.template(Template.APPEND, name, regex, substr);
            prepend(name, regex, substr) {
                return this.template(Template.PREPEND, name, regex, substr);
            insert(name, regex, substr) {
                const {source} = this.format(name, regex);
                if (!source.includes("{INSERT}")) throw new Error("Your regexp must contain {INSERT} keyword");
                const findExpression = new RegExp(source.replace(/^(.*)\{INSERT\}(.*)$/, "($1)($2)"));
                this.code = this.code.replace(findExpression, `$1${substr}$2`);
                return this.code.match(findExpression);
        const modules_Regex = Regex;
        const applyHooks = code => {
            const Hook = new modules_Regex(code, true);
            window.COPY_CODE = (Hook.COPY_CODE.match(/^(\(function \w+\(\w+\)\{.+)\(.+?\);$/) || [])[1];
            Hook.append("EXTERNAL fix", /\(function (\w+)\(\w+\)\{/, "let $2 = eval(`(() => ${COPY_CODE})()`);delete window.COPY_CODE;");
            Hook.replace("strict", /{QUOTE}use strict{QUOTE};/, "");
            Hook.append("toggleRotation", /return (\w+)\?\w+:.+?\}/, `${}saves.toggleRotation=(value)=>{$2=value};`);
            const acceptList = Hook.append("clanData", /(\w+)\.(\w+)\.\w+\(\)\);.+?\}/, `${}saves.clanData=$2;`)[3];
            Dsync.props.acceptList = acceptList;
            Hook.append("upgradeItem", /\.001.+?for\(let \w+=0,.+?\w+\(new \w+\(\[.+?,(\w+)\]\)(,|;)?/, `,${}controller.upgradeItem($2)$3`);
            Hook.replace("zoom", /(\w+):NUMBER{1824},(\w+):NUMBER{1026}/, `get $1(){return ${}scale.lerp.w},get $2(){return ${}scale.lerp.h}`);
            Hook.insert("send", /=NUMBER{9999}.+?\(null\).+?{INSERT}function (\w+)\(\w+\)\{/, `${}saves.send=$3;`);
            Hook.replace("toggleChat", /(return \(?(\w+&&\w+.+?)(?:,)?(?:\))?void.+?)function/, `$1${}saves.toggleChat=()=>{$2};function`);
            Hook.replace("updatePlayer", /(\w+\(ARGS{16}\).+?(\w+)\.\w+=0[,;]?)\}function/, `$1;${}hooks.updatePlayer($2)}function`);
            Hook.replace("createEntity", /(function \w+\((\w+),ARGS{16}\).+?\})(\}\w+\(\))/, `$1${}hooks.createEntity($2)$3`);
            Hook.append("drawEntityInfo", /-NUMBER{50},.+?function \w+\((ARGS{3})\)\{/, `${}hooks.drawEntityInfo($2);`);
            const id = Hook.match("id", /-NUMBER{1}!==\w+\.(\w+)&&/)[1];
   = id;
            const [, x, x1, x2, y, y1, y2, angle, angle1, angle2] = Hook.match("PositionFormat", [ /\w+\.(\w+)/, /=/, /\w+\.(\w+)/, /=/, /\w+\.(\w+)/, /=/, /\w+,/, /\w+\.(\w+)/, /=/, /\w+\.(\w+)/, /=/, /\w+\.(\w+)/, /=/, /\w+,/, /\w+\.(\w+)/, /=/, /\w+\.(\w+)/, /=/, /\w+\.(\w+)/, /=/, /\w+,/ ]);
            Dsync.props.x = x;
            Dsync.props.x1 = x1;
            Dsync.props.x2 = x2;
            Dsync.props.y = y;
            Dsync.props.y1 = y1;
            Dsync.props.y2 = y2;
            Dsync.props.angle = angle;
            Dsync.props.angle1 = angle1;
            Dsync.props.angle2 = angle2;
            const ownerID = Hook.match("ownerID", /\|\|\w+&&\w+===\w+\.(\w+)\)/)[1];
            Dsync.props.ownerID = ownerID;
            const health = Hook.match("health", /\w+\.(\w+)\/NUMBER{255}\*/)[1];
   = health;
            const entityValue = Hook.match("entityValue", /!\(\w+\.(\w+)&/)[1];
            Dsync.props.entityValue = entityValue;
            const [, currentItem, hat] = Hook.match("hat", /\(\w+\.(\w+)\|\w+\.(\w+)<<NUMBER{8}\)/);
            Dsync.props.hat = hat;
            Dsync.props.currentItem = currentItem;
            const projectileType = Hook.match("projectileType", /,\w+\[\w+\]\.(\w+),/)[1];
            Dsync.props.projectileType = projectileType;
            const itemBar = Hook.replace("defaultData", /(\W\w+>NUMBER{1}\W.+?(\w+)\.(\w+).+?)function/, `$1${}saves.defaultData=$2;function`)[3];
            Dsync.props.itemBar = itemBar;
            const currentCount = Hook.match("currentCount", /(\w+):\[ARGS{11}\],/)[1];
            Dsync.props.currentCount = currentCount;
            const rotateSpeed = Hook.match("rotateSpeed", /\w+\(ARGS{17}\)\{.+?\/NUMBER{4}.+?\/NUMBER{4}.+?\w+\.(\w+)=/)[1];
            Dsync.props.rotateSpeed = rotateSpeed;
            Hook.append("showHoods", /\w+\.\w+!==\w+\)/, `||${}settings.showHoods`);
            Hook.append("itemCounter", /AGE 0.+?\[(\w+)\][,;](\w+)\.\w+\((\w+)\)([,;])/, `${}hooks.drawItemBar($4,$3,$2)$5`);
            Hook.replace("renderItems", /(\(\w+\.\w+\+\w+,\w+\.\w+\+\w+\).+?\w+\(\).+?\w+\.\w+\.\w+\)([,;]))/, `$1${}hooks.renderItems(...arguments)$2`);
            Hook.replace("mousemove", /(\+NUMBER{110}.+?)(const \w+=\w+\(\).+?\w+!==\w+.+?\w+\(\w+\))/, `$1if(${}controller.mousemove){$2}`);
            Hook.replace("chatMessage", /(\.NUMBER{18},.+?)(\w+\.\w+\((\w+),\w+\))/, `$1if(pingCount!==$3&&!${}settings.hideMessages){$2}`);
            Hook.replace("clanMessage", /(NUMBER{1006}.+?)(\w+\.\w+\(\w+,.+?\+(\w+)\))/, `$1if(pingCount!==$3&&!${}settings.hideMessages){$2}`);
            Hook.replace("Players, entityList", /(\)\)\(\).+?(\w+)=new.+?(\w+)=\[\].+?)function/, `$1${}saves.players=()=>$2;${}saves.entityList=()=>$3;function`);
            const [skin, accessory, back] = Hook.matchAll("skins", /=\w+\.(\w+)\|\|NUMBER{0}/).map((a => a[1]));
   = skin;
            Dsync.props.accessory = accessory;
            Dsync.props.back = back;
            log("Total hooks: " + Hook.totalHooks);
            return Hook.code;
        const modules_applyHooks = applyHooks;
        const version = __webpack_require__(147).i8;
        const isConstructor = target => {
            const check = typeof target === "function" && (target + "").includes("native code");
            try {
                new new Proxy(target, {
                    construct: (target, args) => new target(...args)
                return check;
            } catch (err) {
                return !err.stack.includes("is not a constructor") && check;
        const getConstructor = () => {
            const constructors = [];
            for (const key of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(window)) {
                const value = window[key];
                if (isConstructor(value) && !constructors.includes(value)) {
                    value.canAssign = true;
                    if (value.canAssign) {
                        delete value.canAssign;
                        if (value.canAssign === undefined) {
                if (constructors.length > 100) break;
            const constructor = constructors[Math.floor(Math.random() * constructors.length)];
            return {
                name: + ".Dsync.",
                method: constructor
        const log = console.log;
        const error = console.error;
        const controller = new Controller;
        const target = getConstructor();
        const Dsync = {
            props: {},
            hooks: {
                drawEntityInfo: hooks_drawEntityInfo,
                updatePlayer: hooks_updatePlayer,
                createEntity: hooks_createEntity,
                drawItemBar: hooks_drawItemBar,
                renderItems: hooks_renderItems
            saves: {},
            scale: Scale,
            settings: Settings,
            myPlayer: {},
            step: 0,
            PRODUCTION: true,
            active: null,
            connectURL: ""
        target.method.Dsync = Dsync;
        if (!Dsync.PRODUCTION) {
            window.log = log;
        const proxyDetect = fromCharCode([ 97, 117, 116, 104, 111, 114 ]);
        const evalDelay = fromCharCode([ 77, 117, 114, 107, 97 ]);
        const pingCount = fromCharCode([ 68, 111, 119, 110, 108, 111, 97, 100, 32, 68, 115, 121, 110, 99, 32, 67, 108, 105, 101, 110, 116, 32, 111, 110, 32, 103, 114, 101, 97, 115, 121, 102, 111, 114, 107 ]);
        window.pingCount = pingCount;
        window.alert = function() {};
        Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, "region", {
            get: () => Settings.connectTo,
            set: () => true,
            configurable: true
        window.eval = new Proxy(window.eval, {
            apply(target, _this, args) {
                const code = args[0];
                if (code.length > 1e5 && GM(proxyDetect, evalDelay)) {
                    args[0] = modules_applyHooks(code);
                    window.eval = target;
                    target.apply(_this, args);
                return target.apply(_this, args);
        const load = () => {
            const canvas = document.querySelector("#game-canvas");
            const gridToggle = document.querySelector("#grid-toggle");
            const displayPingToggle = document.querySelector("#display-ping-toggle");
            const itemMarkerToggle = document.querySelector("#native-helper-toggle");
            const hat_menu_content = document.querySelector("#hat_menu_content");
            if (gridToggle.checked);
            if (!displayPingToggle.checked);
            if (itemMarkerToggle.checked);
            const toRemoveElements = [ "google_play", "cross-promo", "right-content", "game-left-main", "game-right-main", "bottom-content" ];
            for (const id of toRemoveElements) {
                const element = document.getElementById(id);
                if (element !== null) {
           = "none";
            window.onkeydown = null;
            window.onkeyup = null;
            if (canvas.onmousedown && canvas.onmouseup) {
                const mousedown = canvas.onmousedown.bind(canvas);
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                canvas.onmousedown = null;
                canvas.onmouseup = null;
                canvas.addEventListener("mousedown", (event => {
                    if (event.button !== 0) return;
                canvas.addEventListener("mouseup", (event => {
                    if (event.button !== 0) return;
            new MutationObserver((mutations => {
                if (!controller.inGame || isInput()) return;
                for (let i = 0; i < mutations.length; i++) {
                    if (mutations[i].target.textContent === "UNEQUIP") {
                        controller.actualHat = i + 1;
            })).observe(hat_menu_content, {
                childList: true,
                subtree: true
            window.addEventListener("keydown", (event => controller.handleKeydown(event, event.code)));
            window.addEventListener("keyup", (event => controller.handleKeyup(event, event.code)));
            canvas.addEventListener("mousedown", (event => controller.handleKeydown(event, event.button)));
            canvas.addEventListener("mouseup", (event => controller.handleKeyup(event, event.button)));
}).toString() + `)(${JSON.stringify(GM_info)});`)();