Greasy Fork 支持简体中文。

Hover Wiki

Tired of opening the wiki to see damage values? This script shows item stats on hover, like damage, etc.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Hover Wiki
// @namespace
// @version      1.1
// @description  Tired of opening the wiki to see damage values? This script shows item stats on hover, like damage, etc.
// @author       Runonstof
// @match        **
// @icon
// @grant        unsafeWindow
// @grant        GM.getValue
// @grant        GM.setValue
// @license      MIT
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';

     * Credits:
     * - To Rebekah (TectonicStupidity) for the calculation of hits per second

     * Constants

    const weaponData = {};

    if (!unsafeWindow.userVars?.hasOwnProperty("GLOBALDATA_maxweapons")) {

    const maxWeapons = unsafeWindow.userVars.GLOBALDATA_maxweapons;

    const weaponAttributes = [

    for(let i = 1; i <= maxWeapons; i++) {
        let weaponCode = unsafeWindow.userVars[`GLOBALDATA_weapon${i}_code`];

        weaponData[weaponCode] = {};

        for (let j = 0; j < weaponAttributes.length; j++) {
            let attribute = weaponAttributes[j];
            weaponData[weaponCode][attribute] = unsafeWindow.userVars[`GLOBALDATA_weapon${i}_${attribute}`];

    unsafeWindow.weaponData = weaponData;

    const CRIT_MULTIPLIER = 5;

    const CACHE = {
        STATS: {},

    const infoBox = unsafeWindow.infoBox;

     * Utility functions

    function getDamageStats(itemId) {
        if (CACHE.STATS.hasOwnProperty(itemId)) {
            return CACHE.STATS[itemId];

        const stats = {
            dph: 0,
            hits: 0, // amount of hits done in a single action/shot
            dpah: 0, // damage per all hits
            cdpah: 0, // crit damage per all hits
            // spread: 0,
            hps: 0, // hits per second
            hs: 0, // hitspeed
            dps: 0,

        if (!unsafeWindow.globalData.hasOwnProperty(itemId) || !weaponData.hasOwnProperty(itemId)) {
            return false

        const itemData = unsafeWindow.globalData[itemId];
        const weapData = weaponData[itemId];

        if (itemData.itemcat != 'weapon') {
            return false;

        // stats.spread = Math.max(parseInt(itemData.spread), 1);
        stats.hits = Math.max(parseInt(itemData.shots_fired), 1);

        if (itemData.shot_time) {
            // Credits to Rebekah (TectonicStupidity) for this calculation
            stats.hps = Math.round(60/(parseFloat(weapData.shot_time) + 2) * 1000) / 1000;

        stats.dph = parseFloat(itemData.calliber_type) + 1;

        if (itemData.selective_fire_type == 'burst') {
            stats.hits *= parseFloat(itemData.selective_fire_amount);
            stats.hps *= parseFloat(itemData.selective_fire_amount);
            stats.dph /= Math.max(parseInt(itemData.selective_fire_amount), 1);

        stats.dps = stats.dph * stats.hits * stats.hps;
        stats.dpah = stats.dph * stats.hits;
        stats.hs = 1 / stats.hps;

        if (itemData.critical && !itemData.critical.includes('Zero')) {
            stats.cdpah = stats.dpah * CRIT_MULTIPLIER;

        if (itemData.selective_fire_type == 'burst') {
            stats.dps /= Math.max(parseInt(itemData.selective_fire_amount), 1);
            stats.cdpah /= Math.max(parseInt(itemData.selective_fire_amount), 1);

        return CACHE.STATS[itemId] = stats;

    // For other scripts to use
    unsafeWindow.hoverWikiGetDamageStats = getDamageStats;

     * Function overrides

    var origInfoCard = unsafeWindow.infoCard || null;
    if (origInfoCard) {
        inventoryHolder.removeEventListener("mousemove", origInfoCard, false);

        unsafeWindow.infoCard = function (e) {

            // Call the original infoCard function

            if(active || pageLock || !allowedInfoCard( {

            let target;
                target =;
            } else
                target =;

            if (!target.classList.contains('item') && !target.classList.contains('fakeItem')) {

            const item = target.dataset.type?.split('_')[0] || null;

            if (!item) {
            //Remove previous stats info
            let elems = document.getElementsByClassName("statsInfoContainer");
            for(let i = elems.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                if (elems[i].dataset.itemId === item) {
                    // No re-render needed

            const itemStats = getDamageStats(item);

            if (itemStats === false) {

            const allItemStats = Array.from(infoBox.querySelectorAll('.itemData') || []);

            let insertAfter = allItemStats.find(el => el.textContent.match(/ Skill Required$/))
                || allItemStats.find(el => el.textContent.match(/ Chance$/))
                || allItemStats.find(el => el.textContent.match(/ Speed$/));

            if (!insertAfter) {

            const infoContainer = document.createElement('div');
            infoContainer.dataset.itemId = item;

            const critText = itemStats.cdpah ? ` <span style="font-size: 10px">(<span style="border-bottom: 1px dotted #fff">${itemStats.cdpah} crit</span>)</span>` : '';

            infoContainer.innerHTML = `
            <div class="itemData">Damage: ${itemStats.dph}${ itemStats.hits > 1 ? ` x ${itemStats.hits} = ${itemStats.dpah}` : '' }${critText}</div>
            <div class="itemData">Hitspeed: ${itemStats.hs.toFixed(2)}s</div>
            <div class="itemData">Damage/sec: ${itemStats.dps.toFixed(2)}</div>

            insertAfter.parentNode.insertBefore(infoContainer, insertAfter.nextSibling);

        inventoryHolder.addEventListener("mousemove", unsafeWindow.infoCard, false);
