Greasy Fork 支持简体中文。

IdlePixel Unwanted Popup Suppressor

Surpresses a variety of popup messages that might be unwanted by the player. Matches the popup by its title and message in english. If these strings change (or are localised) the popup will not be surpressed.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         IdlePixel Unwanted Popup Suppressor
// @namespace
// @version      1.3.0
// @description  Surpresses a variety of popup messages that might be unwanted by the player. Matches the popup by its title and message in english. If these strings change (or are localised) the popup will not be surpressed.
// @author       banban
// @license      MIT
// @match        *://*
// @grant        none
// @require
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';

    class UnwantedPopupSuppressorPlugin extends IdlePixelPlusPlugin {
        constructor() {
            super("badPopups", {
                about: {
                    version: GM_info.script.version,
                    description: GM_info.script.description
                config: [
                        label: "------------------------------------------------<br/>General<br/>------------------------------------------------",
                        type: "label"
                        id: "suppressDragAndDrop",
                        label: "Suppress farming popup: \"Drag and drop or click a seed you wish to plant.\"",
                        type: "boolean",
                        default: true
                        id: "suppressTreePopup",
                        label: "Suppress woodcutting popup: \"A tree can start growing here at any moment.\"",
                        type: "boolean",
                        default: true
                        id: "suppressAllYourFarming",
                        label: "Suppress farming popup: \"All your farming patches are occupied!\"",
                        type: "boolean",
                        default: true
                        id: "suppressMarketPurchase",
                        label: "Suppress market popup: \"Successfully purchased from player market!\"",
                        type: "boolean",
                        default: true
                        id: "suppressCookingFishSummary",
                        label: "Suppress fish cooking popup: \"COOKING RESULTS!\"",
                        type: "boolean",
                        default: true
                        id: "suppressBoatAlreadyOutPrompt",
                        label: "Suppress boat already out popup: \"You're boat is already out in the ocean!\"",
                        type: "boolean",
                        default: true
            this.previous = "";

            var openImageModalOriginal = Modals.open_image_modal;
            Modals.open_image_modal = (title, image_path, message, primary_button_text, secondary_button_text, command, force_unclosable) => {
                // Farming modal - occasionally appears when using slap chop during watering can sessions.
                if (this.getConfig("suppressDragAndDrop") && title === "FARMING" && message === "Drag and drop or click a seed you wish to plant.") {
                // Overplanting modal
                if (this.getConfig("suppressAllYourFarming") && title == "PATCHES OCCUPIED" && message === "All your farming patches are occupied!") {
                // Market purchase successful modal
                if (this.getConfig("suppressMarketPurchase") && title == "MARKET PURCHASE" && message === "Successfully purchased from player market!") {
                // Cooking fish summary
                if (this.getConfig("suppressCookingFishSummary") && title == "COOKING RESULTS" && image_path === "images/ancient_oven.png") {
                // Boat already out in the ocean. OR statement optimistically guarding against a break caused by correcting grammar
                if (this.getConfig("suppressCookingFishSummary") && (message == "You're boat is already out in the ocean!" || message == "Your boat is already out in the ocean!") && image_path === "images/warning.png") {

                // Click on a woodcutting patch that has no tree
                if (this.getConfig("suppressTreePopup") && (message == "A tree can start growing here at any moment.") && image_path === "images/woodcutting.png") {

                // Forward all other basic modals. We do not want to block all of these as many are critical pieces of UI (quests, potion drinking etc).
                openImageModalOriginal(title, image_path, message, primary_button_text, secondary_button_text, command, force_unclosable);

    const plugin = new UnwantedPopupSuppressorPlugin();
