YouTube - Force consistent video size (revert to pre-flexy)

This style forces to use the pre-flexy video size before it first came out in 2018.

  1. /* ==UserStyle==
  2. @name YouTube - Force consistent video size (revert to pre-flexy)
  3. @namespace
  4. @version 20240310.16.00
  5. @description This style forces to use the pre-flexy video size before it first came out in 2018.
  6. @author Magma_Craft
  7. @license MIT
  8. ==/UserStyle== */
  9. @-moz-document domain("") {
  10., ytd-watch-flexy[flexy] #player-container-outer.ytd-watch-flexy {
  11. min-width: 853px !important;
  12. max-width: 853px !important;
  13. }
  15. /* Replace background from transparent to black translucent one */
  16. ytd-watch-flexy[flexy] #player-container-outer.ytd-watch-flexy {
  17. background-color: #000000 !important;
  18. }
  20. /* Remove rounded edges on videos due to buggyness */
  21. ytd-watch-flexy[rounded-player-large]:not([fullscreen]):not([theater]) #ytd-player.ytd-watch-flexy {
  22. border-radius: 0px !important;
  23. }
  24. }