Greasy Fork 支持简体中文。

氩洛谷 - 洛谷 Argon Design - 适配洛谷新前端 Spilopelia

深度美化洛谷,使洛谷界面 Argon Design 化 (适配洛谷新前端 Spilopelia)

/* ==UserStyle==
@name         氩洛谷 - 洛谷 Argon Design - 适配洛谷新前端 Spilopelia
@namespace    USO Archive
@author       abc2237512422 | CodeZhangBorui
@description  深度美化洛谷,使洛谷界面 Argon Design 化 (适配洛谷新前端 Spilopelia)
@version      20241015.15.00
@license      CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0
@preprocessor uso
==/UserStyle== */
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/* 侧边菜单 */
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/* 侧边菜单/动画 */
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/* 侧边菜单/Spilopeia 阴影 */
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} */

/* 输入框 */
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/* 卡片类 */
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.l-card {
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/* 管理员提示 */
blockquote.admin-public-comment {
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blockquote.admin-public-comment:hover {
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/* 按钮类 */
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button[type="button"] {
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fieldset[disabled] .am-btn,
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button[type="button"]:hover {
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button[type="button"]:active {
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.am-btn-warning:focus, {
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/* 按钮类/复制按钮 */
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/* Tooltip */
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/* 标签 */
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.difficulty span.lfe-caption {
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.tag span.lfe-caption:hover,
.difficulty span.lfe-caption:hover {
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} {
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/* 下拉菜单 */
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.am-dropdown-content:after {
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/* 私信提示 */
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/* 私信提示/内容 */
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.am-comment-main:after {
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/* 顶部标题栏 */
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/* 面包屑导航 */
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.main-container > header .bread-crumb a {
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.lg-main-content.solution-block {
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/* 表格类 */
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div > .row-wrap {
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div > .row-wrap:last-child {
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div > .row-wrap .lfe-caption {
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/* 通过率条 */
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/* 评测详情色块 */
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.test-case-wrap > .wrapper .test-case[style*="rgb(112, 173, 71)"] {
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.test-case-wrap > .wrapper .test-case[style*="rgb(231, 76, 60)"] {
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.test-case-wrap > .wrapper .test-case[style*="rgb(157, 61, 207)"] {
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.test-case-wrap > .wrapper .test-case[style*="rgb(5, 34, 66)"] {
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.test-case-wrap > .wrapper .test-case[style*="rgb(14, 29, 105)"] {
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.test-case-wrap > .wrapper .test-case[style*="background: rgb(20, 85, 143);"] {
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/* 头像 */
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.am-comment-avatar:hover .luogu-username > img:hover {
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.am-panel-bd .am-comment-avatar,
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/* 用户卡片面板 */
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/* 页尾 */
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.main-container > .lfe-body:last-child > .footer .qr-img,
img.weixin {
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/* 团队成员卡 */
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.lg-mcard:hover {
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/* 犇犇Tab条 */
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/* 其余Tab条 */
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/* 进度条 */
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.progress-frame > div {
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/* 复选框 */
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/* 404页面 */
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/* 对话框 */
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.am-modal-btn:active {
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/* 弹出菜单 */
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/* 用户信息Popup */
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/* 首页 Banner 滚动指示器 */
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/* 一些细节的处理 */
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.lg-message-contact *:not(.am-badge):hover {
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.am-selected-list li:hover {
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/* 针对犇犇样式变化的适配 */
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/* fix: Markdown 编辑器弹窗时页码覆盖弹窗的玄学 Bug */
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/* 分隔线 */
.card hr {
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/* 适配 Tiny 顶栏 */
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@-moz-document regexp("^https://www\\.luogu\\.com\\.cn/article/.{8}$"), regexp("^https://www\\.luogu\\.com/article/.{8}$") {
/* 专栏阅读页面特殊匹配 */

/* 顶部标题栏 */
.main-container > main {
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/* 博客内容卡片 */
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/* TOC 目录卡片 */
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