Greasy Fork 支持简体中文。 Enhanced Chat Buttons V2

Add customizable buttons to chat with enhanced UI and features

這裡只顯示彼此間有代碼差異的版本。 顯示所有版本。

  • v2.40 2024-12-16

    Changed the location of the button to bring up the config menu to make it stand out better

  • v2.30 2024-12-15

    Added visual separators between the different buttons in the config menu
    Added a save button under the API key field to make life easier
    Improved the CSS slightly for better compatibility and ease of use
    Fixed some bugs around the import/export functionality

  • v2.22 2024-11-27

    fixed company IDs

  • v2.21 2024-05-28

    More bug fixes

  • v2.20 2024-05-28

    Added rich text support for factions
    Added 24-hour caching for faction and company data
    Added notification dialogs for the configuration menu
    Added instructions to the message content box for better understanding

  • v2.11 2024-05-27

    Fixed bugs

  • v2.10 2024-05-27

    Added rich text support for company details autofilling

  • v2.02 2024-05-27

    Buttons are now present even without TornTools

  • v2.01 2024-05-27

    Changed "text" to "title" for the buttons for clarity

  • v2.0 2024-05-27

    Improved UI with tab-based format
    Added option to import/export button configs for use on separate devices
    Added a settings page that contains the buttons for importing/exporting your configs
    Added a highlight around the most recently used button for ease of use
    Added functionality for the button to erase all data presently in the chatbox to keep you safe from typos
    Added a character counter in the bottom right to show how many characters your message contains
    Changed config buttons to dynamically change their titles based on context
    Changed chat buttons to react visually to your presses

  • v1.0 2024-05-24

    Restored original functionality allowing the script to paste text into the chat area for the user to then enter
    Robust overhaul of the code to improve readability
    Introduced new function to highlight the most recently clicked button with a gold border and box shadow effect

  • v0.5 2024-02-26