Before you use please chance the data on line 20-40.
這裡顯示腳本的所有版本。 只顯示彼此間有代碼差異的版本。
added more sites
change dedscription
better configuration for usersadded new sites
First remake
changelog now/look in the Interface
much more Infos in the Interface
selection of the rotatornew status notifictationbetter understanding
delete opencv load bug
Captcha solver much bettermuch more features on firefaucet and coinpayu
better description/Interfaceincreased success rate and added debugging of firefaucet captcha solver
some Interface improvements
when interface only on faucetlist then bug....
added new link to description
bugfix on firefaucet ptc
Interface only on faucetlistlittle improvements in firefaucet/coinpayu/
improved coinpayuimproved firefaucet captcha solver success rate
added fully counpayu and firefaucetlittle improvements
deleted 1 site
some bugfixes
added some faucetbugfixes
totaly new About and descriptionwrite the coin adresses in the input field if any saved if not then email
Added option to add and scan coin adresses
updated Rollercoin (one of the best buyer yet)
bug fixesadded a new Rolercoin script (not ready at this time)
reduced time for deactivationadded Button to reset all URLmaked the table better
deleted http bug
added faucetpay
added Reset Time Link
better Rotator table
faster reload
better redirect handling
add sitesdelete some bugs
totaly new and better Overlay
updated CF Faucetsadded Link for Faucetpay
added content to the about section
deleted comments for smaller size
Added HCaptcha for downloadsmaler buttonsother Name/description
for better understanding i have added the word button to the description
added and updated the CF Shortlink Faucetsbetter Faucet Monitor Overlay
better logig to add more faucets by Faucet Monitor
better antifeaturesadded conticent to Advertisment
better descriptionadded 2 Button where I can write later more Infos
delete the ReCaptcha check by Dutchycorp on login and register site
added ReCaptcha check on Dutchycorp