[New] Faucetpay Rotator

Before you use please chance the data on line 20-40.

這裡只顯示彼此間有代碼差異的版本。 顯示所有版本。

  • v2.4.2 2024-01-27

    deleted all sites where is ReCaptcha unstable

  • v2.4.1 2024-01-27

    delete URL bug

  • v2.4 2024-01-27

    adjust the element click to append on more sites
    now 30 sites in the rotator

  • v2.3.6 2024-01-27

    delete alert

  • v2.3.5 2024-01-27

    delete redirect bug (I think yet is perfect)

  • v2.3.4 2024-01-26

    make an Alert if all sites inactive

  • v2.3.3 2024-01-26

    delete cryptoclaps feyorra

  • v2.3.2 2024-01-26

    delete cryptoclaps digibyte

  • v2.3.1 2024-01-26

    other session invalid selector

  • v2.3 2024-01-26

    Faucet Monitor integrated

  • v2.2 2024-01-25

    added by dayli claim limit reached the wait time until next day +4 hours
    some bug deletion

  • v2.1 2024-01-25

    delete email input bug

  • v2.0 2024-01-25

    better description
    added X button
    added connect function
    set the email input to requierements
    other button sorting

  • v1.9.2 2024-01-25

    added more console log and window close when no valid url in List

  • v1.9.1 2024-01-24

    other wait times
    delete name change bug

  • v1.9 2024-01-24

    better descriptioin
    added reload after 3 minutes if it have any bugs
    addded more conditions for loading next site

  • v1.8.3 2024-01-23

    The Overlays opens yet only one time
    other redirect handling

  • v1.8.2 2024-01-23

    better redirect

  • v1.8.1 2024-01-23

    delete debuging alert

  • v1.8 2024-01-23

    added Head by table
    found bug by redirect

  • v1.7 2024-01-22

    added delete all times button
    delete the endless loop by redirect if it is no valid site aviable

  • v1.6 2024-01-22

    better table
    different wait times on daily limit and empty faucet

  • v1.5 2024-01-22

    added other requierements button and the link for the script/addons

  • v1.4 2024-01-22

    added all URL to the table
    added function to delete the site time

  • v1.3 2024-01-21

    added table for stored sites

  • v1.2 2024-01-20

    deleted redirect bug

  • v1.1 2024-01-20

    added sites

  • v1.0 2024-01-20
