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YouTube: End Time Display

Dynamically displays end time based on playback speed and time remaining.

// ==UserScript==
// @name        YouTube: End Time Display
// @namespace
// @match*
// @grant       none
// @version     1.1
// @description Dynamically displays end time based on playback speed and time remaining.
// @author      SeyTi01
// @license     MIT
// ==/UserScript==

const CONFIG = {
    USE_24_HOUR_TIME: false,
    ADD_TO_MINI_PLAYER: false,
    UPDATE_INTERVAL: 1000, // in milliseconds

const SELECTORS = {
    BIG_VIDEO_PLAYER_CONTAINER: '#full-bleed-container',
    VIDEO_PLAYER: '.html5-video-player',
    CURRENT_TIME: '.ytp-time-current',
    DURATION: '.ytp-time-duration',
    CLASS_NAME_END_TIME: 'ytp-time-end'

let endTimeSpan = null;
let observedNodes = new Set();

function addEndTime(videoPlayerNode) {
    if (!videoPlayerNode.classList.contains('playing-mode')) return;

    let currentTime = getCurrentTime(videoPlayerNode);
    let duration = getDuration(videoPlayerNode);
    let playbackSpeed = videoPlayerNode.getPlaybackRate();
    let endTimeText = calculateEndTime(currentTime, duration, playbackSpeed);

    endTimeSpan = endTimeSpan || document.createElement('span');
    endTimeSpan.className = SELECTORS.CLASS_NAME_END_TIME;

    endTimeSpan.textContent = endTimeText;

function getCurrentTime(videoPlayerNode) {
    let currentTimeSpan = videoPlayerNode.querySelector(SELECTORS.CURRENT_TIME);
    return currentTimeSpan ? getTimeInSeconds(currentTimeSpan.textContent) : null;

function getDuration(videoPlayerNode) {
    let durationSpan = videoPlayerNode.querySelector(SELECTORS.DURATION);
    return durationSpan ? getTimeInSeconds(durationSpan.textContent) : null;

function calculateEndTime(currentTime, duration, playbackSpeed) {
    let remainingTime = (duration - currentTime) / playbackSpeed;
    let now = new Date();
    let endTime = new Date(now.getTime() + remainingTime * 1000);
    let endHours = endTime.getHours();
    let endMinutes = endTime.getMinutes();

    if (!CONFIG.USE_24_HOUR_TIME && endHours > 12) {
        endHours -= 12;

    return ` (Ends ${endHours.toString().padStart(2, '0')}:${endMinutes.toString().padStart(2, '0')})`;

function getTimeInSeconds(timeString) {
    let timeParts = timeString.split(':').map(Number);
    return timeParts.reduce((total, val) => total * 60 + val);

const observer = new MutationObserver((mutationsList) => {
    for (let mutation of mutationsList) {
        if (mutation.type === 'childList') {
            let addedNodes = Array.from(mutation.addedNodes);
            let videoPlayerNodes = addedNodes.filter(node => node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE && node.matches(SELECTORS.VIDEO_PLAYER));
            videoPlayerNodes.forEach(videoPlayerNode => {
                let bigVideoPlayerContainer = document.querySelector(SELECTORS.BIG_VIDEO_PLAYER_CONTAINER);
                if (!bigVideoPlayerContainer.contains(videoPlayerNode) && !CONFIG.ADD_TO_MINI_PLAYER) return;
                if (!observedNodes.has(videoPlayerNode)) {
                    setInterval(() => addEndTime(videoPlayerNode), CONFIG.UPDATE_INTERVAL);

observer.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true });