scroll toolbox

About scrolling while browsing the web

// ==UserScript==
// @name         scroll toolbox
// @namespace
// @version      1.0.8
// @supportURL
// @description  About scrolling while browsing the web
// @author       evrest
// @match        *://*/*
// @icon
// @grant        GM_log
// @grant        GM_addStyle
// @grant        GM_setValue
// @grant        GM_getValue
// @grant        unsafeWindow
// @run-at       document-start
// @license      MIT
// ==/UserScript==

const icons = {
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  autoRead: '<svg t="1663851454204" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="922" width="32" height="32"><path d="M680.5 874c-96.2-1.2-183.7-54.9-228.3-140.1-4.3-7.6-4.3-16.9 0-24.6C497 624.4 584.4 571 680.5 570h0.2c96.2 1.2 183.7 54.9 228.3 140.1 4.3 7.6 4.3 16.9 0 24.6A260.998 260.998 0 0 1 680.7 874h-0.2zM502.7 722c37.4 62.2 105 101.3 177.9 102.3 72.9-0.9 140.5-40 177.9-102.2-37.4-62.2-105-101.3-177.9-102.3-72.9 0.9-140.6 39.9-177.9 102.2z" fill="#9850FF" p-id="923"></path><path d="M680.6 794.5c-40 0-72.5-32.5-72.5-72.5s32.5-72.5 72.5-72.5 72.5 32.5 72.5 72.5-32.5 72.5-72.5 72.5z m0-111.5c-21.5 0-39 17.5-39 39s17.5 39 39 39 39-17.5 39-39-17.5-39-39-39zM713.2 443c0-17.1-13.1-31-29.2-31H321.4c-16.1 0-29.2 13.9-29.2 31s13.1 31 29.2 31H684c15.9 0 29-13.9 29.2-31zM321 529.9c-16.1 0-29.2 13.9-29.2 31s13.1 31 29.2 31h143.1c16 0 29.1-13.9 29.2-31 0-17.1-13.1-31-29.2-31H321zM684 284.5H321.4c-16.1 0-29.2 13.9-29.2 31s13.1 31 29.2 31H684c16 0 29.1-13.9 29.2-31 0-17.1-13.1-31-29.2-31z" fill="#9850FF" p-id="924"></path><path d="M521.3 851.5H228.4s-0.1-0.1-0.1 0V170.6s0.1-0.1 0-0.1h566.9s0.1 0.1 0.1 0V527c0 16.6 13.4 30 30 30s30-13.4 30-30V170.5c0-33.1-26.9-60-60-60h-567c-33.1 0-60 26.9-60 60v681c0 33.1 26.9 60 60 60h293c16.6 0 30-13.4 30-30s-13.4-30-30-30z" fill="#9850FF" p-id="925"></path></svg>',
  stopRead: '<svg t="1663851470156" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="1152" width="32" height="32"><path d="M728.9 710.7v-1.2c0-40-32.5-72.5-72.5-72.5h-1.7l74.2 73.7zM666.4 747.2c-3.2 0.8-6.5 1.3-9.9 1.3-21.5 0-39-17.5-39-39 0-3.3 0.4-6.6 1.2-9.6L593 674.4c-5.8 10.4-9.1 22.4-9.1 35.1 0 40 32.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 12.9 0 25-3.4 35.6-9.3l-25.6-25.5z" fill="#9850FF" p-id="1153"></path><path d="M720.5 800.9c-20.4 6.8-42 10.6-64 10.9-72.9-1-140.5-40.1-177.9-102.3 18.6-31.1 44.7-56.3 75.3-74l-36.6-36.3c-37 23.9-67.9 57.1-89.2 97.5-4.3 7.7-4.3 17 0 24.6 44.6 85.2 132.1 138.9 228.3 140.1h0.2c36-0.4 70.8-8.1 102.7-22.2l-38.8-38.3zM884.9 697.6c-44.6-85.2-132.1-138.9-228.3-140.1h-0.2c-24.4 0.3-48.3 3.9-71.1 10.6l42 41.6c9.6-1.5 19.4-2.3 29.2-2.4 72.9 1 140.5 40.1 177.9 102.3-13.2 21.9-30.1 40.9-49.6 56.4l35.7 35.5c26-21.6 48.1-48.3 64.4-79.3 4.3-7.7 4.3-17 0-24.6zM787.707 854.424l-272.635-270.56 35.22-35.49 272.635 270.56zM713.2 443c0-17.1-13.1-31-29.2-31H321.4c-16.1 0-29.2 13.9-29.2 31s13.1 31 29.2 31H684c15.9 0 29-13.9 29.2-31zM321 529.9c-16.1 0-29.2 13.9-29.2 31s13.1 31 29.2 31h143.1c16 0 29.1-13.9 29.2-31 0-17.1-13.1-31-29.2-31H321zM684 284.5H321.4c-16.1 0-29.2 13.9-29.2 31s13.1 31 29.2 31H684c16 0 29.1-13.9 29.2-31 0-17.1-13.1-31-29.2-31z" fill="#9850FF" p-id="1154"></path><path d="M521.3 851.5H228.4s-0.1-0.1-0.1 0V170.6s0.1-0.1 0-0.1h566.9s0.1 0.1 0.1 0V527c0 16.6 13.4 30 30 30s30-13.4 30-30V170.5c0-33.1-26.9-60-60-60h-567c-33.1 0-60 26.9-60 60v681c0 33.1 26.9 60 60 60h293c16.6 0 30-13.4 30-30s-13.4-30-30-30z" fill="#9850FF" p-id="1155"></path></svg>'

(function () {
   * html
  // toolbox
  function insertToolbox() {
    // 在iframe中
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    // 没有滚动条
    if (getScrollValue('scrollHeight') == getScrollValue('clientHeight')) {
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    const list = ['top', 'bottom', 'read'];
    list.forEach(ele => {
      const button = document.createElement('div');
      button.className = 'tool-btn';
      button.addEventListener('click', eventFuncList[ele]);
      const icon = document.createElement('div'); = `tool-${ele}`;
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      if (ele == 'read') {
        icon.innerHTML = icons.autoRead;
      } else {
        icon.innerHTML = icons[ele];
  document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
    // 数据加载
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 3000);
   * style
  const cssStyle = `
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      position: fixed;
      z-index: 999999;
      right: 24px;
      bottom: 256px;
      background-color: #fbfbfb;
      width: 44px;
      padding: 6px 0;
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    #userscript-scroll-toolbox .tool-btn {
      width: 100%;
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      border-radius: 50%;
      display: flex;
      align-items: center;
      justify-content: center;
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      height: 32px;
      width: 32px;

    #userscript-scroll-toolbox .tool-icon svg {
      height: 32px;
      width: 32px;

   * script
  function moveToolbox(event) {
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  function setToolboxPosition(element, clientX, clientY) {
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  const eventFuncList = {
    top: scrollTop,
    bottom: scrollBottom,
  function scrollTop() {
      top: 0,
      behavior: "smooth"
  function scrollBottom() {
      top: document.body.scrollHeight,
      behavior: "smooth"
  let scrollRequestID;
  function read(event) {
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          top: 1
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      scrollRequestID = unsafeWindow.requestAnimationFrame(scroll);
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      readIcon.innerHTML = icons.stopRead;
  function stopRead() {
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  function getScrollValue(key) {
    return document.documentElement[key] || document.body[key];
  // 监听视频全屏
  document.addEventListener("fullscreenchange", function (event) {
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