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GC - Quest Reward Stat Collector

Collects reward and the items requested from quests to put into a shared spreadsheet for stats.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         GC - Quest Reward Stat Collector
// @namespace
// @version      1.92
// @description  Collects reward and the items requested from quests to put into a shared spreadsheet for stats.
// @author       Twiggies
// @match
// @match
// @match
// @match
// @match
// @icon
// @grant        GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant        GM_setValue
// @grant        GM_getValue
// @license      MIT
// ==/UserScript==

let giveUsername = GM_getValue("sendUsername");

//This function asks if you want your username to be sent or not.
function usernamePrompt() {
    if (window.confirm("Would you like to send your username with your quest data? Press OK for Yes, or cancel for No.\nThis can be prompted again in the script extension's menu.")) {
        giveUsername = true;
    else {
        giveUsername = false;

//Adds the prompt for asking about username sending to the menu.
const usernameMenuCommand = GM_registerMenuCommand("Set Send Username", function() {
}, "u");

if (giveUsername == undefined) {

let formLink = '';
let returnButton = null;
let submitDiv = document.createElement("div");
submitDiv.innerHTML = "Submitting Quest Data..."; = "submitDiv";

function taeliaRewards() {
    let rewardSpan = document.querySelector(' > div.flex-column.big-gap > span');
    if (rewardSpan == undefined) {
        return '';
    let rewardText = rewardSpan.innerText;
    console.log(`Text: ${rewardText}`)
    //If text does not start with 'Taelia gives you a' then LEAVE.
    if (rewardText.startsWith('Taelia gives you a ') == false) {
        return '';
    returnButton = document.querySelector('input.form-control[type="button"][value="Approach Taelia again..."]');
    returnButton.disabled = true;
    rewardSpan.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', submitDiv)
    //Taelia rewards should always be in the following format:
    //"Taelia gives you a Crazy Crisp Taco, Poison Snowball, and 17,983 Neopoints!!"
    //so "Taelia gives you a [Item], [SnowballItem], and [NP] Neopoints!!"
    //We need to figure out a way to split these out. Unfortunately, items can sometimes have commas in them (none of the items Taelia can reward atm does, but I want to future proof it), so we can't just split by comma.

    //I think I can work backwards instead. I know how to get the Neopoints...
    let neopoints = Number(rewardText.match(/(?! )\d*,?\d+(?= Neopoints!!)/)[0].replaceAll(',',''))
    console.log(`Neopoints: ${neopoints}`)
    //Now we get rid of the neopoints section.
    rewardText = rewardText.replace(/, and \d*,?\d+ Neopoints!!/g,'');
    console.log(`Text 2: ${rewardText}`)

    let snowBallItem = rewardText.match(/((?=, ).+ Snowball)|(, Snow \w*ball)|(, Frozen Pile of Dung)/gi)[0].trim();
    //Remove the , from the start if it's there.
    if (snowBallItem.startsWith(', ')) {
        snowBallItem = snowBallItem.slice(2).trim();
    snowBallItem = encodeURIComponent(snowBallItem);
    console.log(`Snowball: ${snowBallItem}`)
    //Now get rid of the snowball section... Hoping it doesn't add a snowball that has a ', ' in it. Or a snowball that doesn't end in snowball.
    rewardText = rewardText.replace(/((?=, ).+ Snowball)|(, Snow \w*ball)|(, Frozen Pile of Dung)/gi,'')
    console.log(`Text 3: ${rewardText}`)

    //Now get the ice cream machine coupon item
    let couponItem = rewardText.match(/((?=, ).+ Ice Cream Machine Coupon)/gi);
    if (couponItem != null) {
        couponItem = couponItem[0].trim()
        //Remove the , from the start if it's there.
        if (couponItem.startsWith(', ')) {
            couponItem = couponItem.slice(2).trim();
        couponItem = encodeURIComponent(couponItem);
        console.log(`Coupon: ${couponItem}`)
        //Now get rid of the coupon section...
        rewardText = rewardText.replace(/((?=, ).+ Ice Cream Machine Coupon)/gi,'')
        console.log(`Text 4: ${rewardText}`)

    //Now for the last item. We just need to remove the beginning part... and we're good!
    let item1 = encodeURIComponent(rewardText.replace('Taelia gives you a ','').trim());
    console.log(`Item: ${item1}`)
    return `${neopoints}&entry.1829837696=${item1}&entry.558379744=${snowBallItem}` + (couponItem != null ? `&entry.1082355197=${couponItem}` : '')

function ednaRewards() {
    const npRewardSpan = document.querySelector('div#quest_grid ~span');
    const itemRewardSpan = document.querySelector('div#quest_grid ~span ~span')
    if (npRewardSpan == undefined || itemRewardSpan == undefined) {
        return '';
    let npRewardText = npRewardSpan.innerText;
    console.log(`npRewardText: ${npRewardText}`)
    let itemRewardText = itemRewardSpan.innerText;
    if (npRewardText.startsWith('Yes! I have all the ingredients!') == false || itemRewardText.startsWith('The old witch gives you ') == false) {
        return '';
    returnButton = document.querySelector('input.form-control[type="button"][value="Approach the witch again..."]');
    returnButton.disabled = true;
    itemRewardSpan.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', submitDiv)
    //Extract the neopoints out of the text.
    let neopoints = Number(npRewardText.match(/\d+,+\d*(?!NP!)/gi)[0].replaceAll(',',''));
    console.log(`Neopoints: ${neopoints}`)
    //Extract the items... Edna reward text can come in two forms:
    // "The old witch gives you Spooky Lime Pudding !!"
    // And if she also rewards a second item:
    //"The old witch gives you Spooky Lime Pudding and Bottled Earth Faerie!!"
    // So if she gives a second item, it'll always be a bottled faerie, I'm pretty sure. So this will be based on that since there's probably lots of items with 'and' in the name.

    //So first, let's remove the starting text that'll always be there.
    itemRewardText = itemRewardText.replace("The old witch gives you ",'');
    //And then remove the two !! at the end. Just twim two chars off the end.
    itemRewardText = itemRewardText.slice(0, -2).trim()
    console.log(`itemRewardText: ${itemRewardText}`)

    //If there is ' and Bottled [x] Faerie',  we want to split that out. If there's no extra faerie item it'll just be null.
    let faerieText = itemRewardText.match(/(?! and )Bottled .+ Faerie/g);
    console.log(`faerieText: ${faerieText}`);
    //We'll now remove the faerie text ,if it's there.
    itemRewardText = encodeURIComponent(itemRewardText.replace(/ and Bottled .+ Faerie/g,'').trim())
    console.log(`itemRewardText2: ${itemRewardText}`)
    let url = `${neopoints}&entry.1829837696=${itemRewardText}`
    if (faerieText != null) {
        url = url + `&entry.558379744=${encodeURIComponent(faerieText[0])}`
    return url;

function esoRewards() {
    let itemRewardSpan = document.querySelector(' > div.flex-column.big-gap > span');
    if (itemRewardSpan == undefined) {
        return '';
    let itemRewardText = itemRewardSpan.innerText;
    console.log(`Text: ${itemRewardText}`)
    //If text does not start with 'The Esophagor gives you ' then LEAVE.
    if (itemRewardText.startsWith('The Esophagor gives you ') == false) {
        return '';
    let neopointRewardSpan = itemRewardSpan.nextElementSibling;
    let neopointRewardText = neopointRewardSpan.innerText;
    returnButton = document.querySelector('input.form-control[type="button"][value="Approach the Esophagor again..."]');
    returnButton.disabled = true;
    neopointRewardSpan.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', submitDiv)
    //Eso rewards will be in the following format:
    //Item: "The Esophagor gives you Roast Tentacle!!"
    //NP: "He also drops 9,360 NP; you pocket it quickly!"
    let neopoints = Number(neopointRewardText.match(/(?! )\d*,?\d+(?= NP;)/g)[0].replaceAll(',',''))
    console.log(`Neopoints: ${neopoints}`)
    //Get rid of the static text and clip of the !! at the end.
    itemRewardText = encodeURIComponent(itemRewardText.replace('The Esophagor gives you ','').slice(0, -2).trim());
    console.log(`Text 2: ${itemRewardText}`)

    return `${neopoints}&entry.1829837696=${itemRewardText}`

function kitchenRewards() {
    const rewardConfirmationSpan = document.querySelector('div#quest_grid ~span ~span')
    if (rewardConfirmationSpan == undefined) {
        return '';
    //If text does not start with 'The Esophagor gives you ' then LEAVE.
    if (rewardConfirmationSpan.innerText.startsWith('The Chef waves his hands, and you may collect your prize...') == false) {
        return '';
    returnButton = document.querySelector('input.form-control[type="button"][value="Approach the Chef Again"]');
    returnButton.disabled = true;
    //Look for the active pet, this is so we can check if it got a stat boost.
    const activePet = document.querySelector('#userinfo a[href*="/quickref/"]').innerText.trim();

    //Because the kitchen quest can have a few possible different formats of rewards, we'll loop through each element after the reward confirmation and do stuff based on that.
    let statBoost = '';
    let itemReward = '';
    let neopoints = '';

    let url = ''
    //Get the next element.
    let nextElement = rewardConfirmationSpan.nextElementSibling;
    while (nextElement != null && !(nextElement.tagName == "DIV" && nextElement.childElementCount == 2 && nextElement.classList.contains('half-width'))){
        //If it is a stat boost...
        if (nextElement.innerText.startsWith(`${activePet} gained `)) {
            statBoost = nextElement.innerText.match(/ of .+/g)[0].replace(' of ','').trim();
            url += '&entry.2021892051=' + statBoost
        //If it is an item...
        else if (nextElement.innerText.startsWith('You get ')) {
            itemReward = encodeURIComponent(nextElement.innerText.replace('You get ','').slice(0,-2).trim());
            url += '&entry.1829837696=' + itemReward;
        //If it's codestones...
        else if (nextElement.innerText.includes('a sack of codestones')) {
            url += '&entry.558379744=Codestones'
        //If it's neopoints...
        else if (nextElement.innerText.startsWith('You also get ')) {
            neopoints = Number(nextElement.innerText.match(/(?! )\d*,?\d+(?= Neopoints!)/)[0].replaceAll(',',''))
            url += '&entry.1736384931=' + neopoints
        nextElement = nextElement.nextElementSibling;
    nextElement.insertAdjacentElement('beforebegin', submitDiv)
    return url;

function brainTreeRewards() {
    const wholeElement = document.querySelector('div.flex-column.big-gap')
    if (wholeElement == undefined || wholeElement.innerText.startsWith('Thank you, you are correct!') == false) {
        return '';
    returnButton = document.querySelector('input.form-control[type="button"][value="Return to Haunted Woods"]');
    returnButton.disabled = true;
    let itemElement = wholeElement.children[3];

    itemElement.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', submitDiv)
    let itemReward = itemElement.innerText.slice(0,-2);
    return `${itemReward}`

//Only run if no quest items are NO. So exit if there's a single NO.
let noNo = false;
const itemList = document.querySelectorAll('.quest-text strong:nth-child(2)')
//ALso get the items that were requested.
let itemsRequested = {item0:"",item1:"",item2:"",item3:""}

//Loop through each quest item to check if already got.
for (let i = 0; i < itemList.length; i++) {
    if (itemList[i].innerText === "NO") {
        noNo = true;
    else {
        itemsRequested['item'+i] = itemList[i].previousElementSibling.innerText;

//If all the items have been gotten then the quest is done, so continue.
if (noNo == false) {
    if (window.location.href == '') {
        formLink = taeliaRewards();
    else if (window.location.href == '') {
        formLink = ednaRewards();
    else if (window.location.href == '') {
        formLink = esoRewards();
    else if (window.location.href == '') {
        formLink = kitchenRewards();
    else if (window.location.href == '') {
        formLink = brainTreeRewards();

    if (formLink != '') {
        if (giveUsername) {
            formLink += '&entry.1732136035=' + document.querySelector('#userinfo a[href*="userlookup/?user="]').innerText.trim();
        //Add the requested quest items.
        if (itemsRequested.item0 != "") {
            formLink += '&entry.669064702=' + itemsRequested.item0;
        if (itemsRequested.item1 != "") {
            formLink += '&entry.1797043340=' + itemsRequested.item1;
        if (itemsRequested.item2 != "") {
            formLink += '&entry.1426587972=' + itemsRequested.item2;
        if (itemsRequested.item3 != "") {
            formLink += '&entry.1031263455=' + itemsRequested.item3;

        let opts = {
            mode: "no-cors",
            //redirect: "follow",
            referrer: "no-referrer",
            headers: {
                'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',

        let response = fetch(formLink, opts)
        .then(response => {
            // handle the response
            console.log("Quest Data Submitted");
            submitDiv.innerHTML = '<a href="" style="color:green; text-decoration: underline">Quest Data Submitted!</a>';
            returnButton.disabled = false;
        .catch(error => {
            // handle the error
            console.log("Error: " + error);
            returnButton.disabled = false;
            submitDiv.innerHTML = `Failed to submit quest data: ${error}`;
   = "red"
