// ==UserScript==
// @name Wrong Country Streak Counter
// @version 1.0.0
// @description Adds a country streak counter to the GeoGuessr website
// @match https://www.geoguessr.com/*
// @author victheturtle#5159, DeSlagen
// @license MIT
// @grant none
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/1223042
// ==/UserScript==
const AUTOMATIC = true;
// ^^^^ Replace with false for a manual counter
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Replace INSERT_BIGDATACLOUD_API_KEY_HERE with your API key (keep the quote marks)
// THIS IS OPTIONAL: if you don't provide an API key, the script will use another method to get the country
const CountryDict = {
AF: 'AF',
AX: 'FI', // Aland Islands
AL: 'AL',
DZ: 'DZ',
AS: 'US', // American Samoa
AD: 'AD',
AO: 'AO',
AI: 'GB', // Anguilla
AQ: 'AQ', // Antarctica
AG: 'AG',
AR: 'AR',
AM: 'AM',
AW: 'NL', // Aruba
AU: 'AU',
AT: 'AT',
AZ: 'AZ',
BS: 'BS',
BH: 'BH',
BD: 'BD',
BB: 'BB',
BY: 'BY',
BE: 'BE',
BZ: 'BZ',
BJ: 'BJ',
BM: 'GB', // Bermuda
BT: 'BT',
BO: 'BO',
BQ: 'NL', // Bonaire, Sint Eustatius, Saba
BA: 'BA',
BW: 'BW',
BV: 'NO', // Bouvet Island
BR: 'BR',
IO: 'GB', // British Indian Ocean Territory
BN: 'BN',
BG: 'BG',
BF: 'BF',
BI: 'BI',
KH: 'KH',
CM: 'CM',
CA: 'CA',
CV: 'CV',
KY: 'UK', // Cayman Islands
CF: 'CF',
TD: 'TD',
CL: 'CL',
CN: 'CN',
CX: 'AU', // Christmas Islands
CC: 'AU', // Cocos (Keeling) Islands
CO: 'CO',
KM: 'KM',
CG: 'CG',
CD: 'CD',
CK: 'NZ', // Cook Islands
CR: 'CR',
CI: 'CI',
HR: 'HR',
CU: 'CU',
CW: 'NL', // Curacao
CY: 'CY',
CZ: 'CZ',
DK: 'DK',
DJ: 'DJ',
DM: 'DM',
DO: 'DO',
EC: 'EC',
EG: 'EG',
SV: 'SV',
GQ: 'GQ',
ER: 'ER',
EE: 'EE',
ET: 'ET',
FK: 'GB', // Falkland Islands
FO: 'DK', // Faroe Islands
FJ: 'FJ',
FI: 'FI',
FR: 'FR',
GF: 'FR', // French Guiana
PF: 'FR', // French Polynesia
TF: 'FR', // French Southern Territories
GA: 'GA',
GM: 'GM',
GE: 'GE',
DE: 'DE',
GH: 'GH',
GI: 'UK', // Gibraltar
GR: 'GR',
GL: 'DK', // Greenland
GD: 'GD',
GP: 'FR', // Guadeloupe
GU: 'US', // Guam
GT: 'GT',
GG: 'GB', // Guernsey
GN: 'GN',
GW: 'GW',
GY: 'GY',
HT: 'HT',
HM: 'AU', // Heard Island and McDonald Islands
VA: 'VA',
HN: 'HN',
HK: 'CN', // Hong Kong
HU: 'HU',
IS: 'IS',
IN: 'IN',
ID: 'ID',
IR: 'IR',
IQ: 'IQ',
IE: 'IE',
IM: 'GB', // Isle of Man
IL: 'IL',
IT: 'IT',
JM: 'JM',
JP: 'JP',
JE: 'GB', // Jersey
JO: 'JO',
KZ: 'KZ',
KE: 'KE',
KI: 'KI',
KR: 'KR',
KW: 'KW',
KG: 'KG',
LA: 'LA',
LV: 'LV',
LB: 'LB',
LS: 'LS',
LR: 'LR',
LY: 'LY',
LI: 'LI',
LT: 'LT',
LU: 'LU',
MO: 'CN', // Macao
MK: 'MK',
MG: 'MG',
MW: 'MW',
MY: 'MY',
MV: 'MV',
ML: 'ML',
MT: 'MT',
MH: 'MH',
MQ: 'FR', // Martinique
MR: 'MR',
MU: 'MU',
YT: 'FR', // Mayotte
MX: 'MX',
FM: 'FM',
MD: 'MD',
MC: 'MC',
MN: 'MN',
ME: 'ME',
MS: 'GB', // Montserrat
MA: 'MA',
MZ: 'MZ',
MM: 'MM',
NA: 'NA',
NR: 'NR',
NP: 'NP',
NL: 'NL',
AN: 'NL', // Netherlands Antilles
NC: 'FR', // New Caledonia
NZ: 'NZ',
NI: 'NI',
NE: 'NE',
NG: 'NG',
NU: 'NZ', // Niue
NF: 'AU', // Norfolk Island
MP: 'US', // Northern Mariana Islands
NO: 'NO',
OM: 'OM',
PK: 'PK',
PW: 'PW',
PS: 'IL', // Palestine
PA: 'PA',
PG: 'PG',
PY: 'PY',
PE: 'PE',
PH: 'PH',
PN: 'GB', // Pitcairn
PL: 'PL',
PT: 'PT',
PR: 'US', // Puerto Rico
QA: 'QA',
RE: 'FR', // Reunion
RO: 'RO',
RU: 'RU',
RW: 'RW',
BL: 'FR', // Saint Barthelemy
SH: 'GB', // Saint Helena
KN: 'KN',
LC: 'LC',
MF: 'FR', // Saint Martin
PM: 'FR', // Saint Pierre and Miquelon
VC: 'VC',
WS: 'WS',
SM: 'SM',
ST: 'ST',
SA: 'SA',
SN: 'SN',
RS: 'RS',
SC: 'SC',
SL: 'SL',
SG: 'SG',
SX: 'NL', // Sint Maarten
SK: 'SK',
SI: 'SI',
SB: 'SB',
SO: 'SO',
ZA: 'ZA',
GS: 'GB', // South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
ES: 'ES',
LK: 'LK',
SD: 'SD',
SR: 'SR',
SJ: 'NO', // Svalbard and Jan Mayen
SZ: 'SZ',
SE: 'SE',
CH: 'CH',
SY: 'SY',
TW: 'TW', // Taiwan
TJ: 'TJ',
TZ: 'TZ',
TH: 'TH',
TL: 'TL',
TG: 'TG',
TK: 'NZ', // Tokelau
TO: 'TO',
TT: 'TT',
TN: 'TN',
TR: 'TR',
TM: 'TM',
TC: 'GB', // Turcs and Caicos Islands
TV: 'TV',
UG: 'UG',
UA: 'UA',
AE: 'AE',
GB: 'GB',
US: 'US',
UM: 'US', // US Minor Outlying Islands
UY: 'UY',
UZ: 'UZ',
VU: 'VU',
VE: 'VE',
VN: 'VN',
VG: 'GB', // British Virgin Islands
VI: 'US', // US Virgin Islands
WF: 'FR', // Wallis and Futuna
EH: 'MA', // Western Sahara
YE: 'YE',
ZM: 'ZM',
ZW: 'ZW'
const ERROR_RESP = -1000000;
let streak = parseInt(sessionStorage.getItem("Streak") || 0, 10);
function checkGameMode() {
return location.pathname.includes("/game/") || location.pathname.includes("/challenge/");
var style = document.createElement("style");
style.sheet.insertRule("div[class*='round-result_distanceIndicatorWrapper__'] { animation-delay: 0s, 0s; animation-duration: 0s, 0s; grid-area: 1 / 1 / span 1 / span 1; margin-right: 28px }")
style.sheet.insertRule("div[class*='round-result_actions__'] { animation-delay: 0s; animation-duration: 0s; grid-area: 2 / 1 / span 1 / span 3; margin: 0px; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px }")
style.sheet.insertRule("div[class*='round-result_pointsIndicatorWrapper__'] { animation-delay: 0s, 0s; animation-duration: 0s, 0s; grid-area: 1 / 2 / span 1 / span 1; margin-right: 28px }")
style.sheet.insertRule("div[class*='map-pin_largeMapPin__'] { height: 2rem; width: 2rem; margin-left: -1rem; margin-top: -1rem }")
style.sheet.insertRule("p[class*='round-result_label__'] { display: none }")
style.sheet.insertRule("div[class*='results-confetti_wrapper__'] { visibility: hidden }")
style.sheet.insertRule("div[class*='round-result_wrapper__'] { align-self: center; display: grid; flex-wrap: wrap }")
style.sheet.insertRule("div[class*='result-layout_contentNew__'] { display: flex; justify-content: center }")
style.sheet.insertRule("p[class*='standard-final-result_spacebarLabel__'] { display: none }")
style.sheet.insertRule("div[class*='standard-final-result_wrapper__'] { align-items: normal; justify-content: center }")
style.sheet.insertRule("div[class*='round-result_topPlayersButton__'] { position: absolute; bottom: 9rem }")
style.sheet.insertRule("div[class*='shadow-text_positiveTextShadow_CUSTOM_1_'] { text-shadow: 0 .25rem 0 var(--ds-color-black-50),.125rem .125rem .5rem var(--ds-color-green-50),0 -.25rem .5rem var(--ds-color-green-50),-.25rem .5rem .5rem #77df9b,0 0.375rem 2rem var(--ds-color-green-50),0 0 0 var(--ds-color-green-50),0 0 1.5rem rgba(161,155,217,.65),.25rem .25rem 1rem var(--ds-color-green-50) }")
style.sheet.insertRule("div[class*='shadow-text_negativeTextShadow_CUSTOM_1_'] { text-shadow: 0 .25rem 0 var(--ds-color-black-50),.125rem .125rem .5rem var(--ds-color-red-50),0 -.25rem .5rem var(--ds-color-red-50),-.25rem .5rem .5rem #b45862,0 0.375rem 2rem var(--ds-color-red-50),0 0 0 var(--ds-color-red-50),0 0 1.5rem rgba(161,155,217,.65),.25rem .25rem 1rem var(--ds-color-red-50) }")
style.sheet.insertRule("a[href*='github'] { display: none }");
function addStreakStatusBar() {
const status_length = document.getElementsByClassName(cn("status_section__")).length;
if (document.getElementById("country-streak") == null && status_length >= 3) {
const newDiv = document.createElement("div");
newDiv.className = cn('status_section__');
newDiv.innerHTML = `<div class="${cn("status_label__")}">Streak</div>
<div id="country-streak" class="${cn("status_value__")}">${streak}</div>`;
const statusBar = document.getElementsByClassName(cn("status_inner__"))[0];
statusBar.insertBefore(newDiv, statusBar.children[3]);
const newFormat = (streak, positive) => `
<div class="${cn("round-result_distanceUnitIndicator__")}">
<div class="${cn("shadow-text_root__")} shadow-text_${(!positive || streak == 0) ? "negative" : "positive"}TextShadow_CUSTOM_1_ ${cn("shadow-text_sizeSmallMedium__")}">${(!positive) ? "Lost at" : "Streak"} </div>
<div class="${cn("shadow-text_root__")} shadow-text_${(!positive || streak == 0) ? "negative" : "positive"}TextShadow_CUSTOM_1_ ${cn("shadow-text_sizeSmallMedium__")}">
const newFormatSummary = (streak, positive) => `
<div class="${cn("round-result_distanceUnitIndicator__")}">
<div class="${cn("shadow-text_root__")} shadow-text_${(!positive || streak == 0) ? "negative" : "positive"}TextShadow_CUSTOM_1_ ${cn("shadow-text_sizeSmallMedium__")}">${(!positive) ? "Wrong streak at" : "Country streak"} </div>
<div class="${cn("shadow-text_root__")} shadow-text_${(!positive || streak == 0) ? "negative" : "positive"}TextShadow_CUSTOM_1_ ${cn("shadow-text_sizeSmallMedium__")}">
function addStreakRoundResult() {
if (document.getElementById("country-streak2") == null && !!document.querySelector('div[class*="round-result_distanceIndicatorWrapper__"]')) {
const newDiv = document.createElement("div");
newDiv.innerHTML = `<div id="country-streak2" class="${cn("round-result_distanceWrapper__")}">${newFormat(streak, true)}</div>`;
newDiv.style = "grid-area: 1 / 3 / span 1 / span 1; ";
function addStreakGameSummary() {
if (document.getElementById("country-streak3") == null && !!document.querySelector('div[class*="result-overlay_overlayTotalScore__"]')
/*&& !document.querySelector('div[class*="result-overlay_overlayQuickPlayProgress__"]')*/) {
const newDiv = document.createElement("div");
newDiv.innerHTML = `<div id="country-streak3" class="${cn("round-result_distanceWrapper__")}">${newFormatSummary(streak, true)}</div>`;
newDiv.style = "display: flex; align-items: center;";
const totalScore = document.querySelector('div[class*="result-overlay_overlayTotalScore__"]');
totalScore.parentNode.insertBefore(newDiv, totalScore.parentNode.children[1]);
totalScore.style.marginTop = "10px";
function updateStreak(newStreak) {
if (newStreak === ERROR_RESP) {
if (document.getElementById("country-streak2") != null && !!document.querySelector('div[class*="round-result_distanceIndicatorWrapper__"]')) {
document.getElementById("country-streak2").innerHTML = "";
sessionStorage.setItem("Wrong Streak", newStreak);
if (!(streak > 0 && newStreak == 0)) {
sessionStorage.setItem("StreakBackup", newStreak);
if (document.getElementById("country-streak") != null) {
document.getElementById("country-streak").innerHTML = newStreak;
if (document.getElementById("country-streak2") != null) {
document.getElementById("country-streak2").innerHTML = newFormat(newStreak, true);
if (newStreak == 0 && streak > 0) {
document.getElementById("country-streak2").innerHTML = newFormat(streak, false);
if (document.getElementById("country-streak3") != null) {
document.getElementById("country-streak3").innerHTML = newFormatSummary(newStreak, true);
if (newStreak == 0 && streak > 0) {
document.getElementById("country-streak3").innerHTML = newFormatSummary(streak, false);
streak = newStreak;
async function getCountryCode(coords) {
if (coords[0] <= -85.05) return 'AQ';
if (API_Key.toLowerCase().match("^(bdc_)?[a-f0-9]{32}$") != null) {
const api = "https://api.bigdatacloud.net/data/reverse-geocode?latitude="+coords.lat+"&longitude="+coords.lng+"&localityLanguage=en&key="+API_Key;
return await fetch(api)
.then(res => (res.status !== 200) ? ERROR_RESP : res.json())
.then(out => (out === ERROR_RESP) ? ERROR_RESP : CountryDict[out.countryCode]);
} else {
const api = `https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/reverse.php?lat=${coords.lat}&lon=${coords.lng}&zoom=21&format=jsonv2&accept-language=en`;
return await fetch(api)
.then(res => (res.status !== 200) ? ERROR_RESP : res.json())
.then(out => (out === ERROR_RESP) ? ERROR_RESP : CountryDict[out?.address?.country_code?.toUpperCase()]);
let lastGuess = { lat: 91, lng: 0 };
function check() {
const gameTag = location.href.substring(location.href.lastIndexOf('/') + 1)
let apiUrl = "https://www.geoguessr.com/api/v3/games/"+gameTag;
if (location.pathname.includes("/challenge/")) {
apiUrl = "https://www.geoguessr.com/api/v3/challenges/"+gameTag+"/game";
.then(res => res.json())
.then((out) => {
const guessCounter = out.player.guesses.length;
const round = out.rounds[guessCounter-1];
const guess = out.player.guesses[guessCounter-1];
if (guess.lat == lastGuess.lat && guess.lng == lastGuess.lng) return;
lastGuess = guess;
Promise.all([getCountryCode(guess), getCountryCode(round)]).then(codes => {
if (codes[0] == ERROR_RESP || codes[1] == ERROR_RESP) {
} else if (codes[0] == codes[1]) {
} else {
updateStreak(streak + 1);
}).catch(err => { throw err });
function doCheck() {
if (!document.querySelector('div[class*="result-layout_root__"]')) {
sessionStorage.setItem("Checked", 0);
} else if ((sessionStorage.getItem("Checked") || 0) == 0) {
sessionStorage.setItem("Checked", 1);
let lastDoCheckCall = 0;
new MutationObserver(async (mutations) => {
if (!checkGameMode() || lastDoCheckCall >= (Date.now() - 50)) return;
lastDoCheckCall = Date.now();
await scanStyles()
if (AUTOMATIC) doCheck();
}).observe(document.body, { subtree: true, childList: true });
document.addEventListener('keypress', (e) => {
if (e.key == '1') {
updateStreak(streak + 1);
} else if (e.key == '2') {
updateStreak(streak - 1);
} else if (e.key == '8') {
const streakBackup = parseInt(sessionStorage.getItem("StreakBackup") || 0, 10);
updateStreak(streakBackup + 1);
} else if (e.key == '0') {
sessionStorage.setItem("StreakBackup", 0);