// ==UserScript==
// @name 浏览器就有知乎点击记录、以及软文广告相关关键词屏蔽
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 0.2
// @license GPL
// @description try to take over the world!
// @author Zjsxwc
// @match https://www.zhihu.com/
// @match https://www.zhihu.com/*
// @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=zhihu.com
// @grant none
// @require https://static.hdslb.com/js/jquery.min.js
// @require https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/underscore.js/1.13.6/underscore-umd-min.js
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
window.pushTheZhihuHistory = function(data) {
let title = data.title;
let url = data.url;
const nurl = new URL(url);
document.title = title;
history.pushState({}, "", nurl);
function hookClick() {
let p = $(elem).parent();
let title = p.find("h2").text();
if (!title) {console.log("no title");return;}
let m = p.find("meta[itemprop='url']")[1];
if (!m) {
m = p.find("meta[itemprop='url']")[0];
let url = $(m).attr("content");
if (!url) {console.log("no url");return;}
if (url.indexOf("zhuanlan.zhihu.com") > -1) {
url = "https://www.zhihu.com/?url=" + url;
//url = "https://link.zhihu.com/?target=" + encodeURIComponent(url);
if (url.indexOf("https") === -1) {
url = "https:" + url;
let data = {title:title, url:url};
data = JSON.stringify(data);
$(elem).attr("onclick", "javascript:pushTheZhihuHistory("+data+");");
hookClick = _.debounce(hookClick, 1000);
// 广告相关关键词屏蔽
// 黑名单的分组
let blacklist = {
"电子产品": [
"手机 and 推荐 and 购买",
"手机 and 哪个好",
"拼多多 and 赚",
"AR and 眼镜"
"健康和美容": [
"鼾 or 呼噜",
"工作和学习": ["教程", "做抖音", "做自媒体", "兼职", "副业"],
"其他": [
"测评 or 横评",
"赚到 and 万元",
"为什么 and 没 and 效果",
"! or 就够了",
// 词法分析
function tokenize(expression) {
return expression.split(/(and|or|\(|\))/).map(e => e.trim()).filter(e => e);
// 语法分析
function parse(tokens) {
function parseExpression() {
let node = parseTerm();
while (tokens[0] === "and") {
let right = parseTerm();
node = { type: "AND", left: node, right: right };
return node;
function parseTerm() {
let node = parseFactor();
while (tokens[0] === "or") {
let right = parseFactor();
node = { type: "OR", values: [node, right] };
return node;
function parseFactor() {
let token = tokens.shift();
if (token === "(") {
let node = parseExpression();
tokens.shift(); // pop ")"
return node;
return token;
return parseExpression();
// 逻辑表达式的求值
function evaluate(node, content) {
if (node.type === "AND") {
return evaluate(node.left, content) && evaluate(node.right, content);
} else if (node.type === "OR") {
return evaluate(node.values[0], content) || evaluate(node.values[1], content);
} else {
return content.includes(node);
function matchesExpression(expression, content) {
let tokens = tokenize(expression);
let ast = parse(tokens);
return evaluate(ast, content);
// 黑名单检查
function matchesBlacklist(content) {
content = content.toLowerCase();
for (let category in blacklist) {
for (let item of blacklist[category]) {
if (matchesExpression(item, content)) {
return [true, item];
return [false, null];
// 移除广告内容的函数
function removeAds(){
$('.Topstory-recommend .Card.TopstoryItem-isRecommend').each(function() {
// if($(this).find('button').filter((i,e)=>$(e).text() == '添加评论').length>0){
// $(this).remove();
// console.log('Removed:' + $(this).find('h2.ContentItem-title a').text() + ' by rule: no comment')
// return;
// }
let ct = $(this).find('h2.ContentItem-title a').text();
var r = matchesBlacklist(ct);
if (ct && r[0]) {
console.log('hide:' + ct + ' by rule: ' + r[1])
removeAds = _.debounce(removeAds, 1000);
// 调用定时器来定期移除广告
}, 200);
$(".css-1fsnuue").bind("DOMSubtreeModified", function() {