在您安裝前,Greasy Fork希望您了解本腳本包含“可能不受歡迎的功能”,可能幫助腳本的作者獲利,而不能給你帶來任何收益。
作者從這份腳本獲得佣金, 例如透過重寫連結或提供優惠券代碼以加入推薦或附屬代碼
Referral-Link is in this Script integrated.
Open and close Framed and Frameless Ads with Overlay for settings
Go to the Ad page and it start after reloading the page.
Framed Ads: It opens the first aviable site in the list and stay on it, when one site is completed it starts with the Next.
When all sites completed it goes to Framless Ads.
Frameless Ads: It opens and close site by site.
When all sites completed it close coinpayu or go after 3 hour to Framless Ads and begin from new.
You can activate and deactivate the functions in the Overlay as desired.