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YouTube iFrame AdBlocker

Bypass YouTube's ad-blocker detection by dynamically replacing the video player with an iframe.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         YouTube iFrame AdBlocker
// @namespace    Booth-Stash
// @license      MIT
// @version      1.0
// @description  Bypass YouTube's ad-blocker detection by dynamically replacing the video player with an iframe.
// @author       JordanRO2
// @match*
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';

    // Utility functions
    function getAutoplayState() {
        return localStorage.getItem('autoplayNext') === 'true';

    function setAutoplayState(state) {
        localStorage.setItem('autoplayNext', state.toString());

    function toggleAutoplayState(button) {
        const autoplayNext = !getAutoplayState();
        button.title = autoplayNext ? 'Autoplay is on' : 'Autoplay is off';
        button.setAttribute('aria-label', autoplayNext ? 'Autoplay is on' : 'Autoplay is off');
        button.querySelector('.ytp-autonav-toggle-button').setAttribute('aria-checked', autoplayNext.toString());
        return autoplayNext;

    function isVideoEnded(iframeDoc) {
        return iframeDoc.querySelector('.html5-endscreen.ytp-show-tiles') !== null;

    // Main script
    function replaceElement(oldElement) {
        const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(;
        const videoId = urlParams.get('v');

        if (!videoId) {
            console.error('Video ID not found in URL');

        console.log(`Video ID: ${videoId}`);
        console.log('Old element found');

        const newElement = document.createElement('iframe');
        newElement.width = "100%";
        newElement.height = "100%";
        newElement.src = `${videoId}?autoplay=1`;
        newElement.title = "YouTube video player";
        newElement.frameBorder = "0";
        newElement.allow = "accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share";
        newElement.allowFullscreen = true;

        oldElement.parentNode.replaceChild(newElement, oldElement);
        console.log('Element replaced successfully');

        newElement.onload = () => {
            const iframeDoc = newElement.contentDocument;

            const refButton = iframeDoc.querySelector('.ytp-subtitles-button');
            const youtubeButton = iframeDoc.querySelector('.ytp-youtube-button');

            if (youtubeButton) {
            } else {
                console.error('YouTube button not found');

            if (refButton) {
                const autoPlayButton = document.createElement('button');
                autoPlayButton.className = 'ytp-button';
                autoPlayButton.setAttribute('data-priority', '2');
                autoPlayButton.setAttribute('data-tooltip-target-id', 'ytp-autonav-toggle-button');
                autoPlayButton.title = getAutoplayState() ? 'Autoplay is on' : 'Autoplay is off';
                autoPlayButton.setAttribute('aria-label', getAutoplayState() ? 'Autoplay is on' : 'Autoplay is off');
                autoPlayButton.innerHTML = `
                    <div class="ytp-autonav-toggle-button-container">
                        <div class="ytp-autonav-toggle-button" aria-checked="${getAutoplayState().toString()}"></div>

                refButton.parentNode.insertBefore(autoPlayButton, refButton.nextSibling);

                autoPlayButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
                    const isAutoplayOn = toggleAutoplayState(autoPlayButton);
                    if (isAutoplayOn && isVideoEnded(iframeDoc)) {
            } else {
                console.error('Reference button not found');

            const endScreenObserver = new MutationObserver((mutations) => {
                for (const mutation of mutations) {
                    if ('ytp-show-tiles') && getAutoplayState()) {

            endScreenObserver.observe(iframeDoc, { attributes: true, subtree: true, attributeFilter: ['class'] });

    function playNextVideo() {
        const rendererElements = document.querySelectorAll('ytd-compact-video-renderer');
        for (let rendererElement of rendererElements) {
            if (!rendererElement.querySelector('ytd-compact-radio-renderer')) {
                const nextVideoLink = rendererElement.querySelector('a#thumbnail');
                if (nextVideoLink && nextVideoLink.href) {
                    const autoplayURL = new URL(nextVideoLink.href);
                    autoplayURL.searchParams.set('autoplay', '1');
                    console.log(`Found next video link: ${autoplayURL.href}`);
                    window.location.href = autoplayURL.href;
        console.error('Next video link not found');

    const observer = new MutationObserver((mutationsList) => {
        for (let mutation of mutationsList) {
            if (mutation.addedNodes.length) {
                for (let node of mutation.addedNodes) {
                    if (node.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'ytd-enforcement-message-view-model') {

    observer.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true });
