Greasy Fork 支持简体中文。
Control the content displayed in your activity feeds
這裡顯示腳本的所有版本。 只顯示彼此間有代碼差異的版本。
### Fixes- Config validator rejects 'gifs' option in linked conditions[1.8.3]### Features- Add option to remove activities with gifs### Changes- Remove image option no longer removes gifs
### Features- Add option to remove activities with gifs### Changes- Remove image option no longer removes gifs
### Features- Added option to run the script on the home feed of not logged-in users
### Fixes- Resolved an issue with linkedConditions not behaving correctly when the array includes both strings and arrays.- Fixed a bug where linkedConditions were not functioning correctly when reverseConditions were enabled, along with other conditions.### Changes- Changed name and description.- Changed the order of remove conditions in config.
### Features- Added filter for activities containing only text- Added option to reverse filter conditions- containsStrings now supports two-dimensional arrays### Changes- Restructured the configuration object
- [FEATURE] remove activities containing images- [FEATURE] remove activities containing videos- [FEATURE] specify groups of conditions to be checked together
- [FEATURE] option to remove activities containing custom strings- [BUGFIX] cancel button appearing when it's not supposed to
- [FEATURE] Configure the feeds on which the script should run- [BUGFIX] Fixed null calls on the home feed
- [FEATURE] added config validation- [REFACTOR] better performance and readability
- [FEATURE] added "Cancel"-button to stop loading more activities- [FEATURE] updated to work on all activity-feeds on the site
- [FEATURE] added feature to automatically trigger DOM events when the site stops loading new elements, so no user input is required anymore until the targetLoadCount of entries is reached.
- Changed match url to also apply to manga