// ==UserScript==
// @name Civitai汉化
// @description 汉化Civitai
// @namespace Violentmonkey Scripts
// @match https://civitai.com/
// @match https://civitai.com/*
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @author Ella Maietta
// @version 1.5
// @license All Rights Reserved
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
if (!GM_getValue("userConfirmed")) {
fetchContent("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Guyungy/AIGC-knowbase/main/civitai.md", function(htmlContent) {
let overlay = document.createElement("div");
let contentContainer = document.createElement("div");
overlay.style.position = "fixed";
overlay.style.top = "0";
overlay.style.left = "0";
overlay.style.width = "100%";
overlay.style.height = "100%";
overlay.style.backgroundColor = "rgba(0,0,0,0.5)";
overlay.style.zIndex = "9999";
overlay.style.textAlign = "center";
overlay.style.paddingTop = "20%";
contentContainer.style.display = "inline-block";
contentContainer.style.backgroundColor = "white";
contentContainer.style.borderRadius = "10px";
contentContainer.style.border = "2px solid black";
contentContainer.style.padding = "20px";
let contentBox = document.createElement("div");
contentBox.innerHTML = htmlContent;
let confirmBtn = document.createElement("button");
confirmBtn.innerText = "开始使用";
confirmBtn.style.marginTop = "50px";
confirmBtn.style.fontSize = "20px";
confirmBtn.style.padding = "15px 30px";
confirmBtn.style.borderRadius = "10px";
confirmBtn.style.backgroundColor = "#2196F3";
confirmBtn.style.color = "white";
confirmBtn.style.cursor = "pointer";
confirmBtn.style.transition = "transform 0.2s";
confirmBtn.onmouseover = function() {
this.style.transform = "scale(1.05)";
confirmBtn.onmouseout = function() {
this.style.transform = "scale(1)";
confirmBtn.onclick = function() {
GM_setValue("userConfirmed", true);
const i18n = new Map([
['Get', '获取'],
['Quick Search', '快速搜索'],
['Models', '模型'],
['Images', '图片'],
['Posts', '帖子'],
['Articles', '文章'],
// 浏览方式
['Highest Rated','最高评分'],
['Most Downloaded','最多下载'],
['Most Liked','最多收藏'],
['Most Discussed','最多讨论'],
['Most Bookmarks','最多收藏'],
['Day', '日'],
['Week', '周'],
['Month', '月'],
['Year', '年'],
['All Time', '全部时间'],
['Model status', '模型状态'],
['Early Access', '早期访问'],
['Model types', '模型类型'],
['Checkpoint ', '大模型'],
['Model status', '模型类型'],
['Base model', '底模版本'],
['Clear Filters', '取消筛选'],
['View more','查看更多'],
['Upload a model','上传模型'],
['Your profile','您的个人资料'],
['My collections','我的收藏'],
['Liked models','喜欢的模型'],
['Bookmarked articles','收藏的文章'],
['Hidden models','隐藏的模型'],
['Creators you follow','您关注的创作者'],
['Download history','下载历史'],
['Dark mode','深色模式'],
['Account settings','账户设置'],
['My 图片','我的图片'],
['My Reactions','我的反应'],
['Most Reactions','最多反应'],
['Most Comments','最多评论'],
['No results found','没有找到结果'],
// 设置
['Creator Profile','创作者档案'],
['Add Link','添加链接'],
['You have not added any social links','您还没有添加任何社交链接'],
['You have not added any sponsorship links','您还没有添加任何赞助链接'],
['Browsing Settings','浏览设置'],
['Image Preferences','图片偏好设置'],
['Autoplay GIFs','自动播放GIFs'],
['Preferred Format','偏好格式'],
['Unoptimized (jpeg, png)','未优化 (jpeg, png)'],
['模式l 文件 Preferences','模型文件偏好设置'],
['Preferred Format','偏好格式'],
['Preferred Size','偏好大小'],
['Preferred FP','偏好FP'],
['Early Access Features','早期访问功能'],
['Quick Search (Beta)','快速搜索 (测试版)'],
['AI Resource Identifier','AI资源标识符'],
['Show the Civitai AIR on resources to make it easier to pull them into the Civitai Comfy Nodes.','在资源上显示Civitai AIR,以便更容易地将它们拉入Civitai Comfy Nodes.'],
['Model Card V2','模型卡片 V2'],
['A fresh style for model cards with more information and a better layout.','模型卡片的新风格,提供更多信息和更好的布局。'],
['New @mentions','新的@提及'],
['Model download milestones','模型下载里程碑'],
['Model like milestones','模型点赞里程碑'],
['New versions of liked models','已点赞模型的新版本'],
['New models from followed users','关注用户的新模型'],
['New reviews','新评论'],
['Review reminders','评论提醒'],
['New comments on your models','您的模型的新评论'],
['New comment responses','新的评论回复'],
['New responses to comments and reviews on your models','对您的模型的评论和评价的新回应'],
['New replies to comment threads you are in','您所在的评论线程的新回复'],
['New review responses','新的评价回应'],
['New comments on your images','您的图片的新评论'],
['New comments on your articles','您的文章的新评论'],
['Comment reaction milestones','评论反应里程碑'],
['Image reaction milestones','图片反应里程碑'],
['Article reaction milestones','文章反应里程碑'],
['New Civitai features','新的Civitai特性'],
['Article view milestones','文章查看里程碑'],
['Article like milestones','文章点赞里程碑'],
['New articles from followed users','关注用户的新文章'],
['Notifications Settings', '通知设置'],
['Email Notifications', '邮件通知'],
['Newsletter', '通讯'],
['Manage Account', '管理帐户'],
['Profile', '配置文件'],
['Newsletter', '通讯'],
['Content Moderation','内容审查'],
['Hidden Tags','隐藏标签'],
['Hidden Users','隐藏用户'],
['Mature Content','成人内容'],
['Explicit Adult Content','明确的成人内容'],
['Suggestive Content','暗示性内容'],
['Visually Disturbing','视觉上令人不安的内容'],
['Offensive Gestures','冒犯性的手势'],
['Toggle all that you are comfortable seeing','启用内容'],
['Connected Accounts','链接账号'],
['API Keys','API密钥'],
['Delete account','删除账号'],
['Delete your account','以上内容我都没读,删号,开润'],
// 其他
['Base 模式l','底模'],
['Add Review','添加评论'],
['See Reviews','查看评论'],
['About this version','版本信息'],
['Add Comment','讲俩句'],
['Add Post','发表文章'],
['Create Image Post','发表图片帖'],
// 月份
['Jan', '1月'],
['Feb', '2月'],
['Mar', '3月'],
['Apr', '4月'],
['May', '5月'],
['Jun', '6月'],
['Jul', '7月'],
['Aug', '8月'],
['Sep', '9月'],
['Oct', '10月'],
['Nov', '11月'],
['Dec', '12月'],
// 时间
['about 1 hour ago', '大约1小时前'],
['about 2 hours ago', '大约2小时前'],
['about 3 hours ago', '大约3小时前'],
['about 4 hours ago', '大约4小时前'],
['about 5 hours ago', '大约5小时前'],
['about 6 hours ago', '大约6小时前'],
['about 7 hours ago', '大约7小时前'],
['about 8 hours ago', '大约8小时前'],
['about 9 hours ago', '大约9小时前'],
['about 10 hours ago', '大约10小时前'],
['about 11 hours ago', '大约11小时前'],
['about 12 hours ago', '大约12小时前'],
['about 13 hours ago', '大约13小时前'],
['about 14 hours ago', '大约14小时前'],
['about 15 hours ago', '大约15小时前'],
['about 16 hours ago', '大约16小时前'],
['about 17 hours ago', '大约17小时前'],
['about 18 hours ago', '大约18小时前'],
['about 19 hours ago', '大约19小时前'],
['about 20 hours ago', '大约20小时前'],
['about 21 hours ago', '大约21小时前'],
['about 22 hours ago', '大约22小时前'],
['about 23 hours ago', '大约23小时前'],
['days ago', '天前'],
['Settings', '设置'],
// 新增功能
['New homepage!', '新主页!'],
['Home', '家'],
['Announcements', '公告'],
['base model','基础模型'],
const bodyObserver = new MutationObserver(mutations => {
mutations.forEach(mutation => {
mutation.addedNodes.forEach(addedNode => replaceText(addedNode))
bodyObserver.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true })
function replaceText(node) {
nodeForEach(node).forEach(htmlnode => {
i18n.forEach((value, index) => {
const textReg = new RegExp(index, 'g')
if (htmlnode instanceof Text && htmlnode.nodeValue.includes(index))
htmlnode.nodeValue = htmlnode.nodeValue.replace(textReg, value)
else if (htmlnode instanceof HTMLInputElement && htmlnode.value.includes(index))
htmlnode.value = htmlnode.value.replace(textReg, value)
function nodeForEach(node) {
const list = []
if (node.childNodes.length === 0) list.push(node)
else {
node.childNodes.forEach(child => {
if (child.childNodes.length === 0) list.push(child)
else list.push(...nodeForEach(child))
return list
function fetchContent(url, callback) {
method: "GET",
url: url,
onload: function(response) {
if (response.status === 200) {