Greasy Fork 支持简体中文。

知乎页面优化 | 热榜类别优化展示


// ==UserScript==
// @name         知乎页面优化 | 热榜类别优化展示
// @namespace
// @version      5.1
// @description  知乎热榜分类展示,美化分类展示效果,快速了解感兴趣内容!
// @author       xy
// @match        *://*
// @icon         
// @grant        none
// @license      MIT
// ==/UserScript==

console.log('Hi ZhiHu ~~');

// 首页样式重写
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class Svg {
    static getSvg(name, color = '', width = 16, height = 16) {
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        switch (name) {
            case 'calendar-heart-fill':
                svg = `
                    <svg style="${color}" xmlns="" width="${width}" height="${height}" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-calendar-heart-fill" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
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        return svg;

class RectMessage {
    constructor(right, top) {
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    addStyle() {
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    display(title, content, parentNode) {
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class Zhihu {
    constructor() {
        this.rightElementClassName = 'css-1qyytj7';
        this.rectMessage = new RectMessage();

        this.category = '';

     * 全局样式
    addStyle() {
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    hotDetector() {

     * 移除热榜右边元素
    removeRightElement() {
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            rightElement.innerHTML = '';

    constructDetectorDisplay(className) {
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        boxDivElement.className = 'right-content';

        // icon区域
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        iconElement.className = 'zhihu-icon';
        iconElement.innerHTML = `
        <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" 
        t="1677934993353" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1152 1024" version="1.1" p-id="3996" 
         height="26"><path d="M1067.3408 812.7488V145.7152c17.664 0 34.688 6.784 47.104 19.0464 12.4672 12.288 19.5584 28.8256 19.5584 46.0288v661.8624c0 51.6608-33.1264 135.3472-133.376 126.9248-70.5792-5.8112-75.1616-8.32-134.7584-7.3216-58.2912 0.9984-139.9808-0.9984-212.992 15.744 40.9088-33.3312 100.736-56.9088 140.3648-65.0752 39.4752-8.2944 88.9088-11.904 146.944-14.0032 73.6768-2.5856 127.1552-56.6528 127.1552-116.1216v-0.0512z m-1000.4992 0c0 53.6832 40.6016 113.0752 128.5632 116.1728 58.112 2.0992 94.464 8.2944 145.664 14.0032 51.2 5.6064 100.48 31.8208 141.3376 65.0752-73.0112-16.768-148.608-15.744-214.144-15.744-51.5584 0-60.544 7.3216-134.784 7.3216-87.4752 0-133.4784-77.2352-133.4784-126.976V210.6368c0-35.9424 29.8496-65.0496 66.7136-65.0496v667.1616h0.128z" fill="#98CCFF" p-id="3997"/><path d="M907.3408 0.0512c10.88 0 21.8112 0.4608 32.7424 1.4592 34.304 3.072 60.5696 31.232 60.4672 64.8448v731.0336c0 35.072-28.5184 63.6928-64.256 64.9472-64.6912 2.3552-119.552 10.752-164.4032 25.4208-58.7776 19.2-116.0704 54.0672-171.52 104.3712V174.6944c40.96-68.6848 98.2528-117.888 171.52-147.7632a359.4752 359.4752 0 0 1 135.3984-26.88h0.0512zM226.8928 0c46.08 0 91.136 9.0368 135.3728 26.9312 73.2672 29.7472 130.56 79.104 171.52 147.7632V992.256c-55.424-50.432-112.7168-85.2736-171.52-104.3712-44.8256-14.4896-99.584-23.04-164.352-25.2928-35.84-1.2544-64.256-30.0288-64.128-65.0752V66.3808c0-33.664 26.1376-61.6448 60.4416-64.768C205.0304 0.512 215.9616 0 226.8928 0z" fill="#0381FE" p-id="3998"/></svg>

        // 类别按钮选择区域
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        categories.set('军事', '战争|军事|核武器|同盟|和平|北约|俄乌|坦克|击落|武力|洲际导弹|导弹');
        categories.set('经济', '经济|股[市票]|A.*?股|GDP|[沪深]指|IMF|利率');
        categories.set('医疗', '医[疗院生]|药[物品水]?');
        categories.set('数码', '手机|iphone|苹果手机|苹果手表|小米|oppo|vivo|华为|耳机|笔记本');
        categories.set('科技', 'chatgpt|ai|人工智能|深度学习|硅谷|语言模型|科学');

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            categoryButtonElement.className = 'category-button';
            categoryButtonElement.type = 'button';
            categoryButtonElement.innerHTML = category;

            categoryElementMap.set(categoryButtonElement, {regx: value, category});

        for (let [element, obj] of categoryElementMap) {
            element.addEventListener('click', () => {
                Array.from(categoryElementMap.keys()).forEach(item => item.className = 'category-button');
                element.className = 'category-button category-active';
                this.category = obj.category;


        // 探测内容区
        this.titleBoxElement = document.createElement('div');
        this.titleBoxElement.className = 'title-box';

        // 默认展示
        Array.from(categoryElementMap.keys())[0].className = 'category-button category-active';

    getDetectContent(regx) {
        regx = new RegExp(regx, 'gi');

        const hotItemList = document.querySelectorAll('.HotItem-content');
        const titleList = [];

        hotItemList.forEach((hotItem, index) => {
            let title = hotItem.querySelector('h2[class="HotItem-title"]').innerText;
            let hotMetrics = hotItem.querySelector('div[class="HotItem-metrics HotItem-metrics--bottom"],div[class="HotItem-metrics"] ').innerText
            hotMetrics = hotMetrics.match(/\d+.*?万热度/)
            // let excerpt = hotItem.querySelector('p[class="HotItem-excerpt"]');
            // excerpt = excerpt && excerpt.innerText;
            let content = title + '';

            if (content.match(regx)) {
                title = title.replace(regx, '<span class="search-text">$&</span>')
                let hotItemObj = {};
                hotItemObj.index = index + 1;
                hotItemObj.title = title;
                hotItemObj.element = hotItem;
       = hotMetrics[0];


    constructHotContent(titleList) {
        this.titleBoxElement.innerHTML = '';
        // let rectMessage = new RectMessage(this.titleBoxElement);
        if (!titleList.length) {
            // this.titleBoxElement.innerHTML = `<div class="oops">oops, 暂无内容</div>`;
            this.rectMessage.display('oops', `${this.category}区暂无内容`, this.titleBoxElement);

        titleList.forEach((title, idx) => {
            let hotItemDivElement = document.createElement('div');
            hotItemDivElement.className = 'hot-select-item';
            hotItemDivElement.setAttribute('style', `--title-i: ${idx}; opacity: 0`)
            hotItemDivElement.addEventListener('click', () => title.element.scrollIntoView());

            let indexDivElement = document.createElement('div');
            indexDivElement.className = 'index-div';
            indexDivElement.innerHTML = `<div class="index-text">${title.index}</div>`;
            let hotMetricsDiv = document.createElement('div');
            hotMetricsDiv.className = 'hot-metrics';
            hotMetricsDiv.innerHTML = `<svg width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="ZDI ZDI--FireFill24 css-15ro776" fill="currentColor"><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M14.602 21.118a8.89 8.89 0 0 0 3.72-2.232 8.85 8.85 0 0 0 2.618-6.31c0-.928-.14-1.836-.418-2.697a8.093 8.093 0 0 0-1.204-2.356s.025.035-.045-.055-.1-.115-.1-.115c-.955-1.078-1.504-1.984-1.726-2.854-.06-.232-.138-.88-.22-1.824L17.171 2l-.681.02c-.654.018-1.089.049-1.366.096a7.212 7.212 0 0 0-3.77 1.863 6.728 6.728 0 0 0-1.993 3.544l-.088.431-.182-.4a5.032 5.032 0 0 1-.326-.946 71.054 71.054 0 0 1-.204-.916l-.199-.909-.833.42c-.52.263-.862.462-1.076.624a8.588 8.588 0 0 0-2.5 2.976 8.211 8.211 0 0 0-.888 3.723c0 2.402.928 4.657 2.616 6.35a8.87 8.87 0 0 0 3.093 2.027c-.919-.74-1.593-1.799-1.76-3.051-.186-.703.05-2.352.849-2.79 0 1.938 2.202 3.198 4.131 2.62 2.07-.62 3.07-2.182 2.773-5.688 1.245 1.402 1.65 2.562 1.838 3.264.603 2.269-.357 4.606-2.003 5.86Z" clip-rule="evenodd"></path></svg>`;
            let hotMetricSpan = document.createElement('span');
            hotMetricSpan.innerText =;

            let titleDivElement = document.createElement('div');
            titleDivElement.className = 'title-div'
            titleDivElement.innerHTML = `<span>${title.title}</span>`;


const zhihu = new Zhihu();

let intervalID = setInterval(() => {
    if (location.href === '') {
}, 1000);

setInterval(() => {
    if (location.href === '') {
        let rightElement = document.querySelector('.right-content');
        if (rightElement) {
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        if (rightElement) {
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}, 1000);