// ==UserScript==
// @name MT论坛加强插件
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 1.30.1
// @description 总之打点字上去!
// @author CokkezigenDAR
// @match *bbs.binmt.cc/*
// @grant none
// @license GNU GPLv3
// @icon https://bbs.binmt.cc/favicon.ico
// ==/UserScript==
/* 设置背景图片url */
const DefBackgroundImageUrl = "http://cdn.img.kggzs.cn/uploads/img/2022/18/202262fb262b7d4e3.jpg";
/* 是否开启替换背景图片(true开启,false关闭) */
const DefBackgroundImage = true;
/* 设置全局过度动画时长 (单位:秒) */
const DefAnimationDuration = 0.2;
/* 是否开启每日自动签到(true开启,false关闭) */
const DefAutoDaysSign = true;
(function() {
initCssStyleContent(); // css style
if (top != self) {
// Script1 子窗口
} else if (top == self) {
// Script2 主窗口
/* ---------------------public--------------------- */
function initCssStyleContent() {
/* 增加css样式 */
"@keyframes fade-in": ["0% { opacity: 0;} 100% {opacity: 1;}"]
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"*": ["animation: fade-in", "animation-duration:" + DefAnimationDuration + "s"]
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"*::selection": [
"background-color: rgba(255, 168, 219, 0.192)",
" color: rgb(226, 43, 104)"
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"a:hover": ["cursor: pointer"]
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"#mainIFrame": [
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"#thisSettings": [
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"#thisSettings:hover, #onReLoadBtn:hover": ["opacity: 1"]
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"#closeIFrame, #openNewTab, #copyUrl, #goBack, #onReLoadBtn": [
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"#loadingText": [
"animation: fade-in 0.1s 0.1s infinite alternate",
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"#loadingText>p": [
"font-weight: bold",
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"background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(bottom, #94adff, #77ffdd)",
"-webkit-background-clip: text",
"-webkit-text-fill-color: transparent"
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"#closeIFrame:hover, #openNewTab:hover, #copyUrl:hover, #goBack:hover, #onReLoadBtn:hover": [
"cursor: pointer",
"color: yellow",
"background-color: #000c2e",
"box-shadow: 0 0 8px #ffefaa"
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".boardnavr_comiis_width": ["float: left", "margin-left: -300px"]
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"#search_btn": [
"background: url(https://cdn-bbs.mt2.cn/template/comiis_mi/img/comiis_dss.png) no-repeat center",
"width: 40px",
"height: 50px",
"margin-right: 10px"
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"#search_btn:hover": ["cursor: pointer"]
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".nav_ls_bc": [
"height: 10px",
"z-index: -1",
"animation: none",
"margin-top: 30px",
"margin-left: 15px",
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"border-radius: 20px",
"background: coral",
"display: none"
function get() {
if (arguments.length != 1 && arguments.length != 2)
throw "function get(): The number of parameters must be 1 or 2";
const result = function(val, obj) {
let Elements = null;
const to = function(v = 0) {
if ((v < 0 && 0 > Elements.length - v) || v >= Elements.length || Elements == null) return null;
return Elements[v >= 0 ? v : Elements.length - v];
const all = function() { return Elements };
if (val.substring(val.length - 3) == ".id")
return obj != null ? obj.getElementById(val.substring(0, val.length - 3)) :
if (val.substring(val.length - 6) == ".class")
return new function() {
Elements = obj != null ? obj.getElementsByClassName(val.substring(0, val.length - 6)) :
this.to = to;
this.all = all;
if (val.substring(val.length - 4) == ".tag")
return new function() {
Elements = obj != null ? obj.getElementsByTagName(val.substring(0, val.length - 4)) :
this.to = to;
this.all = all;
if (val.substring(val.length - 5) == ".name")
return new function() {
Elements = obj != null ? obj.getElementsByName(val.substring(0, val.length - 5)) :
this.to = to;
this.all = all;
return new function() {
this.tag = result(val + ".tag", obj);
this.class = result(val + ".class", obj);
this.id = result(val + ".id", obj);
this.name = result(val + ".name", obj);
if (arguments.length == 1) return result(arguments[0], document);
if (arguments.length == 2) return result(arguments[0], arguments[1])
function getTagA(obj) {
return get("a.tag", obj).all();
function logd(text) {
function setStyles(...obj) {
if (obj.length < 2 || obj[0] == null) return;
const css = obj[obj.length - 1];
try {
if (obj.length == 2) {
obj[0].style.cssText = css;
} else
for (var i = 0; i < obj.length - 1; i++)
obj[i].style.cssText = css;
} catch (e) {
logd("setStyles err : " + e);
function addStyles(cssText) {
const style = document.createElement("style");
style.innerText = cssText;
function MapToStyleCssText(...maps) {
var result = "";
var map = null;
for (var i = 0; i < maps.length; i++) {
map = maps[i];
for (var key in map) {
result += key + "{" + ListToCssText(map[key]) + "}";
return result;
function setStylesOnForeach(obj, css) {
for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++)
obj[i].style.cssText = css;
function setCallBackOnForeach(obj, func) {
if (obj == null) return;
for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) try { func(obj[i], i); } catch (e) {}
function foreachSetOnMouse(obj, over, out) {
for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {
obj[i].onmouseover = over;
obj[i].onmouseout = out;
function ListToCssText(...data) {
const result = function(e) {
var text = "";
for (var i = 0; i < e.length; i++)
text += e[i] + ";";
return text;
if (data.length == 1)
return result(data[0]);
else return result(data);
/* ---------------------public--------------------- */
function gotoScript1() {}
/* ---------------------Script1--------------------- */
function initWindowOnload() {
const html = get("html").tag.to();
var init = false;
const loading = function() {
// 设置背景图片
try { setBackgroundImage(DefBackgroundImageUrl); } catch (e) {}
// 替换样式
try { replaceStyle(); } catch (e) {}
// 自动签到
try { autoDaysSign(); } catch (e) {}
// 初始化子窗口
try { createIframe(); } catch (e) {}
// 重载标签加载页面
try { initLoadPage(); } catch (e) {}
// 替换搜索按钮
try { rpeSearchBtn() } catch (e) {}
window.onload = function() {
init = true;
setTimeout(function() {
if (!init) loading();
}, 800);
setTimeout(function() {
if (!init)
try { setBackgroundImage(DefBackgroundImageUrl); } catch (e) {}
}, 100);
function rpeSearchBtn() {
// 将原来的按钮隐藏
const btn = get("comiis_sousuo.id");
if (btn != null) btn.style.display = "none";
const comiis_cjpimg = get("comiis_cjpimg.class").to();
comiis_cjpimg.innerHTML = "<div id=\"search_btn\"></div>";
get("search_btn.id").onclick = () =>
function setBackgroundImage(url) {
if (!DefBackgroundImage) return;
setStyles(get("body.tag").to(), ListToCssText(
"background-image: url(" + url + ")",
"background-attachment: fixed",
"background-repeat: no-repeat",
"background-size: 100%",
"background-size: cover",
"background-position: center 0"
function setMainIFrame(url) {
if (url.search("binmt") == -1 && url.search("mt2.cn") == -1)
return window.open(url, "_blank");
url = url.replace("http", "https").replace("ss", "s");
const mainIFrame = get("mainIFrame.id");
const contentFrame = get("contentFrame.id");
const loadingText = get("loadingText.id");
mainIFrame.src = url;
contentFrame.style.display = "";
mainIFrame.style.display = "none"
loadingText.style.display = "block";
mainIFrame.onload = function() {
mainIFrame.style.display = ""
loadingText.style.display = "none";
const openNewTab = get("openNewTab.id");
const iframe_settings = get("iframe_settings.id");
if (url.search("binmt.cc/doc/") != -1 || url.search("sitemap.xml") != -1 ||
url.search("goto.jsp") != -1 || url.search("/guide/") != -1 || url == "https://mt2.cn/") {
contentFrame.style.backgroundColor = "#00000000"
iframe_settings.style.position = "initial";
iframe_settings.style.bottom = "0";
openNewTab.style.display = "block";
openNewTab.onclick = function() {
window.open(mainIFrame.src, "_blank");
} else {
iframe_settings.style.position = "";
openNewTab.style.display = "none";
iframe_settings.style.top = "";
contentFrame.style.backgroundColor = ""
iframe_settings.style.bottom = "";
function replaceStyle() {
try {
{ // 头部导航栏
const comiis_nv = get("comiis_nv.id");
const comiis_nvdiv = get("comiis_nvdiv.class").to();
/* 去除默认高度的限制 */
comiis_nvdiv.style.height = "80px";
comiis_nv.style.height = "auto";
/* 重定义背景外宽距以及背景圆角 */
comiis_nv.style.margin = "10px 20px 10px 20px";
comiis_nv.style.width = "98%";
comiis_nv.style.borderRadius = "25px";
const comiis_nvbox = get("comiis_nvbox.class").to();
/* 替换导航栏项目原来的背景颜色 */
get("a.tag", comiis_nvbox).all(),
const nav_ls = get("li.tag", comiis_nvbox).all();
setCallBackOnForeach(nav_ls, (e, n) => {
if (n < 1) return;
const nav_ls_bc = document.createElement("div");
nav_ls_bc.className = "nav_ls_bc";
const aNavItem = get("a.tag", e).to();
const notCan = (() => {
const thisUrl = window.location.href;
return (thisUrl == aNavItem.href || (n == 1 &&
thisUrl.replaceAll("/", "").endsWith("bbs.binmt.cc")) || (
n == 1 && thisUrl.search("forum.php") != -1 &&
!thisUrl.replaceAll("/", "").endsWith("mod=guide")
)) && thisUrl.search("mod=viewthread") == -1;
if (notCan) {
aNavItem.style.color = "";
aNavItem.style.fontWeight = "bold";
aNavItem.style.textShadow = "1px 2px black";
aNavItem.style.fontSize = "20px";
aNavItem.style.letterSpacing = "2px";
nav_ls_bc.style.display = "block";
e.onmouseover = (e) => {
if (notCan) return;
const text = e.path[0];
const bac = e.path[1];
text.style.color = "";
text.style.fontWeight = "bold";
text.style.textShadow = "1px 2px black";
text.style.fontSize = "20px";
text.style.letterSpacing = "2px";
bac.style.background = "";
nav_ls_bc.style.display = "block";
nav_ls_bc.style.backgroundColor = "#0084ff";
e.onmouseout = (e) => {
if (notCan) return;
const text = e.path[0];
const bac = e.path[1];
text.style.color = "";
text.style.fontWeight = "";
text.style.fontSize = "";
bac.style.background = ""
text.style.textShadow = "";
nav_ls_bc.style.display = "";
text.style.letterSpacing = "";
nav_ls_bc.style.backgroundColor = "";
} {
try {
const comiis_rollzbox = get("comiis_rollzbox.class").to();
setStyles(comiis_rollzbox, "padding-top:10px");
get("div.tag", comiis_rollzbox).all(),
function(e, n) {
try {
e.style.backgroundColor = "#ffffff70";
} catch (e) {}
} catch (e) {}
} catch (e) {
logd("replaceStyle err : " + e);
function autoDaysSign() {
if (!DefAutoDaysSign) return;
try {
const JD_sign = get("JD_sign.id");
if (JD_sign == null) return;
if (((JD_sign.childNodes[1].innerHTML).replace(/\s*/g, "")) === "签到") {
} else {
} catch (e) {
logd("签到失败? " + e);
function createIframe() {
const contentFrame = document.createElement("div");
const mainIFrame = document.createElement("iframe");
const iframe_settings = document.createElement("div");
iframe_settings.innerHTML = "<p id=\"closeIFrame\"> × </p>" +
"<p id=\"openNewTab\" style=\"display: none\">新建标签打开</p>";
iframe_settings.id = "iframe_settings";
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contentFrame.id = "contentFrame";
mainIFrame.frameborder = "0";
contentFrame.style.display = "none";
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loadingText.id = "loadingText";
loadingText.innerHTML = "<p>LOADING...</p>";
get("closeIFrame.id").onclick = function() {
get("contentFrame.id").style.display = "none";
function initLoadPage() {
const rep = function(e) {
if (e.innerText == "发消息" || e.innerText == "记录" || e.innerText == "[记录]") return;
if (e.href == "javascript:;") return;
const url = e.href;
if (url.length < 1) return;
e.onclick = function() {
return false
{ // 导航栏内容
try {
const comiis_nvbox = get("comiis_nvbox.class").to();
setCallBackOnForeach(get("li.tag", comiis_nvbox).all(), (e, n) => {
if (n <= 1) return;
rep(get("a.tag", e).to());
} catch (e) {}
try {
rep(get("a.tag", get("comiis_key.id")).to());
} catch (e) {}
try {
const comiis_key_menu = get("comiis_key_menu.id");
setCallBackOnForeach(get("a.tag", comiis_key_menu).all(), (e, n) => rep(e));
} catch (e) {}
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try {
setCallBackOnForeach(get("comiis_vrx.class").all(), (e, n) => {
setCallBackOnForeach(getTagA(e), (e, n) => rep(e));
} catch (e) {}
try {
setCallBackOnForeach(getTagA(get("fl.class").to()), (e, n) => rep(e));
} catch (e) {}
try {
setCallBackOnForeach(getTagA(get("y.class", get("pt.id")).to()), (e, n) => rep(e));
} catch (e) {}
try {
setCallBackOnForeach(getTagA(get("ul.tag", get("online.id")).to()), (e, n) => rep(e));
} catch (e) {}
try { // 导读界面
setCallBackOnForeach(get("bm_c.class").all(), (e, n) => {
setCallBackOnForeach(getTagA(e), (e, n) => rep(e));
} catch (e) {}
try { // 收藏界面
setCallBackOnForeach(getTagA(get("favorite_ul.id")), (e, n) => rep(e));
} catch (e) {}
} { // 右边部分
setCallBackOnForeach(getTagA(get("comiis_rollbox.id")), (e, n) => rep(e));
} { // 最底部
try {
setCallBackOnForeach(getTagA(get("newspecial_menu.id")), (e, n) => rep(e));
} catch (e) {}
try {
rep(get("a.tag", get("y.class", get("bar.class").to()).to()).to());
rep(get("a.tag", get("pnpost.class").to()).to());
} catch (e) {}
try {
setCallBackOnForeach(getTagA(get("frt.id")), (e, n) => rep(e));
} catch (e) {}
/* ---------------------Script1--------------------- */
function gotoScript2() {} // 子窗口
/* ---------------------Script2--------------------- */
function initContent() {
addStyles(".comiis_wide.ct2.mn{width: 100%}");
addStyles("html{width: display:none;}");
const html = get("html").tag.to();
const thisSettings = document.createElement("div");
thisSettings.innerHTML = "<p id=\"onReLoadBtn\">刷新</p>" +
"<p id=\"goBack\"> < </p>" +
"<p id=\"openNewTab\">新建标签打开</p>" +
"<p id=\"copyUrl\">复制链接</p>";
thisSettings.id = "thisSettings";
const loadingText = document.createElement("div");
loadingText.id = "loadingText";
loadingText.innerHTML = "<p>LOADING....</p>";
loadingText.style.display = "block";
const openNewTab = get("openNewTab.id");
const copyUrl = get("copyUrl.id");
const goBack = get("goBack.id");
const reLoad = get("onReLoadBtn.id");
openNewTab.onclick = function() {
window.open(window.location.href, "_blank");
copyUrl.onclick = function() {
const input = document.createElement("input");
const text = "标题:" + document.title +
",链接:" + window.location.href +
input.setAttribute("value", text);
copyUrl.innerText = text + "-> 复制成功!";
setTimeout(function() {
copyUrl.innerText = "复制链接";
}, 3000);
goBack.onclick = function() {
reLoad.onclick = function() {
setTimeout(function() {
/* 设置加载动画超时隐藏 */
loadingText.style.display = "none";
}, 3000);
window.onload = function() {
try { setStyles(get("body.tag").to(), "background: #fffffff0"); } catch (e) {}
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loadingText.style.display = "none";
html.style.display = "block";
function initOverload() {
setCallBackOnForeach(get("a.tag").all(), (e, n) => {
if (e.innerText == "[复制链接]" || e.innerText == "发消息" ||
e.innerText == "记录" || e.innerText == "[记录]") return;
if (e.href == "javascript:;") return;
const url = e.href.replace("http", "https").replace("ss", "s");
e.onclick = function() {
if ((url.search("binmt") != -1 || url.search("mt2.cn") != -1) && url.search("mod=attachment") == -1)
window.location.href = url; // 站内地址可以继续使用子窗口访问
else window.open(url, "_blank"); // 站外的地址新建标签页打开
return false;
/* ---------------------Script2--------------------- */