// ==UserScript==
// @name mac.bid enhancer
// @description Shows the true price of an item everywhere on the site to better spend your money. Note: assumes worst case tax scenario (7%, Allegheny county) when it is sometimes 6%
// @author Mattwmaster58 <[email protected]>
// @namespace Mattwmaster58 Scripts
// @match https://*.mac.bid/*
// @version 0.3.3
// @run-at document-start
// ==/UserScript==
function _log(...args) {
return console.log("%c[MBE]", "color: green", ...args);
function _warn(...args) {
return console.log("%c[MBE]", "color: yellow", ...args);
function _debug(...args) {
return console.log("%c[MBE]", "color: gray", ...args);
const MIN_TIME_SENTINEL = 10 ** 10;
const onUrlChange = (state, title, url) => {
// todo: reset this some other way?
timeRemainingLastUpdated = MIN_TIME_SENTINEL;
_log("title change: ", state, title, url);
const urlExceptions = [[/\/account\/invoices\/\d+/, (url) => `Invoice ${url.split("/").at(-1)}`], [/\/account\/active/, () => "Awaiting Pickup"], // sometimes works, sometimes doesn't. Idk what's going on
[/\/search\?q=.*/, () => `Search ${new URLSearchParams(location.search).get("q")}`]];
const noPricePages = [// pages that have no prices on them, thus no true price observation is necessary
"/account/active", "/account/invoices", "/account/profile", "/account/membership", "/account/payment-method",]
let activatePrices = true;
for (const urlPrefix of noPricePages) {
if (url.startsWith(urlPrefix)) {
activatePrices = false;
if (activatePrices) {
// special case listeners to add up invoices
// todo: generalize this behaviour?
else if (url === "/accounts/invoices") {
let urlExcepted = false;
let newTitle;
for (const [re, func] of urlExceptions) {
if (re.test(url)) {
newTitle = func(url);
urlExcepted = true;
if (!urlExcepted) {
newTitle = /\/(?:.*\/)*([\w-]+)/.exec(url)[1].split("-").map((part) => {
return part.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + part.slice(1);
}).join(" ");
_log(`changing title from "${document.title}" to "${newTitle}"`);
document.title = newTitle;
// set onUrlChange proxy
['pushState', 'replaceState'].forEach((changeState) => {
// store original values under underscored keys (`window.history._pushState()` and `window.history._replaceState()`):
window.history['_' + changeState] = window.history[changeState];
window.history[changeState] = new Proxy(window.history[changeState], {
apply(target, thisArg, argList) {
const [state, title, url] = argList;
try {
onUrlChange(state, title, url);
} catch (e) {
return target.apply(thisArg, argList)
const USERSCRIPT_DIRTY_CLASS = "userscript-dirty";
const NO_BIDS_CLASS = "userscript-no-bids";
const NO_BIDS_CSS = `
background-color: #0061a5;
span.${NO_BIDS_CLASS} {
color: gray;
function xPathEval(path, node) {
const res = document.evaluate(path, node || document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
let nodes = [];
for (let i = 0; i < res.snapshotLength; i++) {
return nodes;
function xPathClass(className) {
return `contains(concat(" ",normalize-space(@class)," ")," ${className} ")`;
function calculateTruePrice(displayed) {
// https://www.mac.bid/terms-of-use
const LOT_FEE = 2;
// Tax is 7% in Allegheny county, 6% elsewhere,
// assume the worst b/c it would be too complicated otherwise
const TAX_RATE = 0.07
return (displayed * (1 + BUYER_PREMIUM_RATE) + LOT_FEE) * (1 + TAX_RATE);
function extractPriceFromText(text) {
return parseFloat(/\$(\d+(?:\.\d{2})?)/ig.exec(text)[1])
function round(num) {
return Math.round((num + Number.EPSILON) * 100) / 100;
function processPriceElem(node) {
// this is required even tho our xpath should avoid this, i suspect due to async nature of mutation observer
const zeroWidthSpace = '';
if (node.classList.contains(USERSCRIPT_DIRTY_CLASS) || node.innerText.includes(zeroWidthSpace)) {
if (/(.*)\$((\d+)\.?(\d{2})?)/i.test(node.textContent)) {
// noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols2
node.innerHTML = node.innerHTML.replace(/(.*)\$((\d+)(?:<small>)?(?:\.\d{2})?(?:<small>)?)/i, (_match, precedingText, displayPrice, price) => {
node.title = `true price is active - displayed price was ${price}`;
// really no reason to show site price if we know the "real" price
// return `${precedingText} ~$${Math.round(calculateTruePrice(parseFloat(price)))} <sup>($${integralPart})</sup>`;
return `${zeroWidthSpace}${precedingText} $${Math.round(calculateTruePrice(parseFloat(price)))}`;
function secondsFromTimeLeft(timeLeftStr) {
const conversions = Object.values({
day: 60 * 60 * 24, hour: 60 * 60, minute: 60, second: 1,
return /(\d{1,2})d(\d{1,2})h(\d{1,2})m(\d{1,2})s/i
.map((num, idx) => Object.values(conversions)[idx] * num)
.reduce((a, b) => a + b);
function tabTitle(prefix, suffix) {
// gets an appropriate tab title based on url
prefix = prefix || "";
suffix = suffix || "";
if (location.pathname === "/account/watchlist") {
return `${prefix} - Watchlist ${suffix}`;
} else if (/\/auction\/.*\/lot\/\d+/.test(location.pathname)) {
const itemTitle = document.querySelector(".page-title-overlap h1").textContent;
return `${prefix} - ${itemTitle} ${suffix}`;
} else {
return `${prefix} mac.bid ${suffix}`;
const Observer = (() => {
let states = {
remainingTime: false,
truePrice: false,
invoice: false,
const configs = {
truePrice: {childList: true, subtree: true},
remainingTime: {characterData: true, subtree: true},
invoice: {},
const mutationObservers = {
remainingTime: new MutationObserver((mutations) => {
// or anywhere there's a countdown?
// remark: i think this covers 99% of where it's useful already AFAICT
let minTimeText = "";
if (location.pathname === "/account/watchlist" || /\/auction\/.*\/lot\/\d+/.test(location.pathname)) {
let countdownMutationOccurred = false;
.map((mut) => {
const parent = mut.target.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement;
if (Array.from(parent.classList).includes("cz-countdown")) {
countdownMutationOccurred = true;
let m;
if ((m = secondsFromTimeLeft(parent.textContent)) < minTime) {
minTime = m;
numUpdatedSinceLastMinTimeUpdate = 0;
// we would like to see the two most significant digits
// eg: 2d19h7m11s → 2d19h
minTimeText = /^(?:0[dhms])*((?:[1-9]\d?[dhms]){1,2})/i.exec(parent.textContent)[1];
document.title = tabTitle(minTimeText);
if (countdownMutationOccurred) {
// todo: theoretically handles the handover on the *next* cycle of text change instead of instantly
// we would expect a perfect cycle of timer updates to never generate more mutations than the amount of timers
// present on the page. however, the async nature of timers and the fact that multiple mutation
// events are generated when a timer decrease causes unit rollover (eg 1d0h0m0s → 0d23h59m59s will be 4)
// means it makes more sense to have a 2*number of timers on page before abandoning
// a timer as stale or inaccurate. This detections should occur withing ~2s even with the improved cushion
// additionally, if minTime is <= 1, the auction has ended and will be removed imminently
// this means that there should be a longer item on the wl,
// let it naturally take over in the course of the loop
if (minTime <= 1 || numUpdatedSinceLastMinTimeUpdate > document.querySelectorAll("[data-countdown]").length * 2) {
truePrice: new MutationObserver((mutations) => {
const USERSCRIPT_NOT_DIRTY_CLASS_SELECTOR = `[not(contains(concat(" ",normalize-space(@class)," ")," ${USERSCRIPT_DIRTY_CLASS} "))]`;
let xPathEvalCallback = (element) => {
// the xpathClass btn are necessary because those are added later, otherwise we're operating on old elements
return xPathEval(
// current bid, green buttons
`.//a[${xPathClass("btn")}][starts-with(., 'Current Bid')]${USERSCRIPT_NOT_DIRTY_CLASS_SELECTOR}`,
// current bid, green buttons (yes, theres almost 2 of the exact same ones here
`.//div[${xPathClass("btn")}][starts-with(., 'Current Bid')]${USERSCRIPT_NOT_DIRTY_CLASS_SELECTOR}`,
// bid page model, big price
// bid amount dropdown
// status indicator when you have highest bid
`.//p[${xPathClass("alert")}][starts-with(., " YOU'RE WINNING ")]`,
// different status indicator that uses slightly different wording
`.//p[${xPathClass("alert")}][starts-with(., ' You are WINNING ')]`,
// popup notification telling you you bid
].join(" | ")
, element);
const matchingElems = [...(new Set(mutations
.map((rec) => {
if (rec.addedNodes.length === 0) {
return rec.target;
return Array.from(rec.addedNodes)
// if we try to modify the nodes right away, we get some weird react errors
// so instead, we use setTimeout(..., 0) to yield to the async event loop, letting react do its react things
// and immediately executing this when react is done doing its things
if (matchingElems) {
setTimeout(() => {
for (const elem of matchingElems) {
}, 0);
invoice: new MutationObserver((mutations) => {
for (const mut of mutations) {
function setObserver(key, state) {
const stateKey = `${key}Active`;
_debug(`${key}=${states[stateKey]}, setting to ${state}`);
if (states[stateKey] !== state) {
states[stateKey] = state;
if (state) {
mutationObservers[key].observe(document.body, configs[key]);
} else {
function activateTruePriceObserver() {
setObserver("truePrice", true);
setObserver("remainingTime", true);
function deactivateTruePriceObserver() {
setObserver("truePrice", false);
setObserver("remainingTime", false);
function activateInvoiceObserver() {
setObserver("invoice", true)
function deactivateInvoiceObserver() {
setObserver("invoice", false);
let minTime = MIN_TIME_SENTINEL;
let numUpdatedSinceLastMinTimeUpdate = 0;
const bodyObserver = new MutationObserver(function () {
if (document.body) {
_log("document.body found, attaching mutation observers");
// sets the title on initial page load
onUrlChange(null, document.title, location.pathname);
return {
Observer.bodyObserver.observe(document.documentElement, {childList: true});