Greasy Fork 支持简体中文。

Hide releases (categories/users) on ABB

Hide releases in specific categories or by specific users on ABB

// ==UserScript==
// @name           Hide releases (categories/users) on ABB
// @description    Hide releases in specific categories or by specific users on ABB
// @version        0.45
// @author         mseitz
// @namespace
// @license        MIT
// @require
// @grant          GM_getValue
// @grant          GM_setValue
// @match          *://*
// @match          *://*
// @icon 
// @run-at         document-idle
// ==/UserScript==

//Explanation of user values
// --blocklistCategory/blocklistUser/blocklistUserComment--
// Contains ABB categories/usernames to block. The categories/usernames are case sensitive, must be comma seperated, and must not have leading or trailing withe-space.
// The whole string must be in double quotation marks.
// Example: "user1,User2,USER3" or "Some Category, Category2,Some other category"
// --placeholderUser/placeholderCategory/placeholderUserComment--
// Determines if postings are removed completely, or if a placeholder is shown instead. Possible values (without quotation marks) are:
//  0  removes postings completely
//  1  shows a placeholder "(Posting/Comment removed by "Hide releases on ABB")"
//  2  shows a placeholder "(Posting/Comment by user XYZ removed)" or (Posting of category "Category" removed; only first matched category shown)
// --removeTrackerInfo--
// Hides the tracker information from the audiobook release table, which can become bloated when a torrent uses many trackers. Possible values (without quotation marks) are:
//  0  changes nothing
//  1  hides the tracker information

//Check for GM_set/get API
var isGMapi;
try {
  if (typeof(GM_setValue)!="undefined") {
    if (GM_getValue('test')==1) {
    } else {
  } else {
catch (e) {

//Check if user settings were set, and either set default values or read settings
var blockedUserArr;
var showRemovalUser;
var blockedCategoryArr;
var showRemovalCategory;
var blockedUserCommentArr;
var showRemovalUserComment;
var removeTrackerInfo

if (GM_getValue('blocklistUser') == null ) {
  GM_setValue('blocklistUser',"Replace this text with usernames you want to block, separated by a comma");
} else {
    blockedUserArr = GM_getValue('blocklistUser').split(",");
    unsafeWindow.console.error("UserScript \"Hide releases on ABB\" value \"blocklistUser\" must be of format \"user1,user2,user3\".");

if (GM_getValue('placeholderUser') == null ) {
} else {
    showRemovalUser = GM_getValue('placeholderUser');
    unsafeWindow.console.error("UserScript \"Hide releases on ABB\" value \"placeholderUser\" must be 0, 1, or 2.");

if (GM_getValue('blocklistCategory') == null ) {
  GM_setValue('blocklistCategory',"Replace this text with a category you want to block, separated by a comma");
} else {
    blockedCategoryArr = GM_getValue('blocklistCategory').split(",");
    unsafeWindow.console.error("UserScript \"Hide releases on ABB\" value \"blocklistCategory\" must be of format \"some category, category 2,some other category\".");

if (GM_getValue('placeholderCategory') == null ) {
} else {
    showRemovalCategory = GM_getValue('placeholderCategory');
    unsafeWindow.console.error("UserScript \"Hide releases on ABB\" value \"placeholderCategory\" must be 0, 1, or 2.");

if (GM_getValue('blocklistUserComment') == null ) {
  GM_setValue('blocklistUserComment',"Replace this text with usernames whose comments you want to block, separated by a comma");
} else {
    blockedUserCommentArr = GM_getValue('blocklistUserComment').split(",");
    unsafeWindow.console.error("UserScript \"Hide releases on ABB\" value \"blocklistUserComment\" must be of format \"user1,user2,user3\".");

if (GM_getValue('placeholderUserComment') == null ) {
} else {
    showRemovalUserComment = GM_getValue('placeholderUserComment');
    unsafeWindow.console.error("UserScript \"Hide releases on ABB\" value \"placeholderUserComment\" must be 0, 1, or 2.");

if (GM_getValue('removeTrackerInfo') == null ) {
  GM_setValue('removeTrackerInfo',"Replace this text with the number 0 or 1 to show or hide torrent tracker info");
} else {
    removeTrackerInfo = GM_getValue('removeTrackerInfo');
    unsafeWindow.console.error("UserScript \"Hide releases on ABB\" value \"removeTrackerInfo\" must be 0 or 1.");

if ( window.location.pathname.substring(1) && ! window.location.pathname.match(/\/page\/[0-9]+/) ) {

  //Block user comment - read blocklist into array and remove or modify respective li
  for (var i = 0; i < blockedUserCommentArr.length; i++) {
    if (showRemovalUserComment == 0) {
      $('span.commentAuthor:contains(' + blockedUserCommentArr[i] + ')').closest('li').remove();
    } else if (showRemovalUserComment == 1) {
      $('span.commentAuthor:contains(' + blockedUserCommentArr[i] + ')').closest('li').replaceWith("<li class='alt'><div class='reviewBody'><div itemprop='reviewBody'><p><span style='color:#0000FF'>(Comment removed by 'Hide releases on ABB')</span></p></div></div></li>");
    } else if (showRemovalUserComment == 2) {
      $('span.commentAuthor:contains(' + blockedUserCommentArr[i] + ')').closest('li').replaceWith("<li class='alt'><div class='reviewBody'><div itemprop='reviewBody'><p><span style='color:#0000FF'>(Comment by user </span><span style='color:#FF0000'>" + blockedUserCommentArr[i] + "</span><span style='color:#0000FF'> removed)</span></p></div></div></li>");
    } else {
      unsafeWindow.console.error("UserScript \"Hide releases on ABB\" value \"showRemovalUserComment\" must be null, 0, 1, or 2.");

  //Remove tracker information from the torrent_info table
  if (removeTrackerInfo == 1) {
    } else {
      unsafeWindow.console.error("UserScript \"Hide releases on ABB\" value \"removeTrackerInfo\" must be null, 0 or 1.");

} else {

  //Block category - read blocklist into array and remove or modify respective div
  for (var j = 0; j < blockedCategoryArr.length; j++) {
    if (showRemovalCategory == 0) {
      $('div.postInfo:contains(' + blockedCategoryArr[j] + ')').parent('div').remove();
    } else if (showRemovalCategory == 1) {
      $('div.postInfo:contains(' + blockedCategoryArr[j] + ')').parent('div').replaceWith("<div class='postInfo'>(Posting removed by 'Hide releases on ABB')<br><br></div>");
    } else if (showRemovalCategory == 2) {
      $("div.postInfo:contains(" + blockedCategoryArr[j] + ")").parent().find("h2").find("a").clone().appendTo("div#content").before("<br>").append(" <span style='color:#0000FF'>(Release of category </span><span style='color:#FF0000'>" + blockedCategoryArr[j] + "</span><span style='color:#0000FF'> removed)</span><br>").wrap("<div class='blocked' style='font-size: 10px'></div>");
      $("div.postInfo:contains(" + blockedCategoryArr[j] + ")").parent('div').remove();
    } else {
      unsafeWindow.console.error("UserScript \"Hide releases on ABB\" value \"placeholderCategory\" must be null, 0, 1, or 2.");

  //Block user - read blocklist into array and remove or modify respective div
  for (var k = 0; k < blockedUserArr.length; k++) {
    if (showRemovalUser == 0) {
      $('div.postContent:contains(' + blockedUserArr[k] + ')').parent('div').remove();
    } else if (showRemovalUser == 1) {
      $('div.postContent:contains(' + blockedUserArr[k] + ')').parent('div').replaceWith("<div class='postInfo'>(Posting removed by 'Hide releases on ABB')<br><br></div>");
    } else if (showRemovalUser == 2) {
      $('div.postContent:contains(' + blockedUserArr[k] + ')').parent().find("h2").find("a").clone().appendTo('div#content').before('<br>').append(" <span style='color:#0000FF'>(Release by user </span><span style='color:#FF0000'>" + blockedUserArr[k] + "</span><span style='color:#0000FF'> removed)</span><br>").wrap("<div class='blocked' style='font-size: 10px'></div>");
      $('div.postContent:contains(' + blockedUserArr[k] + ')').parent('div').remove();
    } else {
      unsafeWindow.console.error("UserScript \"Hide releases on ABB\" value \"showRemovalUser\" must be null, 0, 1, or 2.");


//The end