shorts is a shit, fuck you youtube
目前為 2023-08-22 提交的版本,檢視 最新版本。
這裡只顯示彼此間有代碼差異的版本。 顯示所有版本。
fix: update shorts pattern
fix: env typo
fix: firefox trustedTypes
fix: TrustedHTML assignment
fix typo & add hide rule
add support
add hide rule
fix little bug
fix bug
fill the empty cells on the subscriptions page 😎💪
yt is changed their render way in subscriptions pageshorts won't hide perfectly😥
add more css hide
hide ytd-shelf-renderer if includes shorts
(speed up redirection)^2
speed up redirection
(fix bug)^3
(fix bug)^2
optimize & fix bug
add MenuCommand