3D, particles and glow effect for DigDig.IO and DigWorm.IO. Use num keys from 1 to 3 to toggle effects
這裡只顯示彼此間有代碼差異的版本。 顯示所有版本。
Fixed library links
fixed script for digworm.io
digworm.io support
Oops forgot to remove older shader stuff from onResize()
New 3d shader which doesn't make the pc glow
Fixed visible spikes glitchMobile qaulity fixed (maybe?)
Minor glitch fixes
3D effect quality fix
New particle effectRemoved translucent overlays from the game which ruin the effect
Now the game doesn't break when you are logged
Match support for server selector
Uranium glowParticles fix
Merged 3D effect scriptParticle effectKey bindings to toggle effects
Screenshot fix!