// ==UserScript==
// @name SchoolCheats AdBlock Bypass
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 0.2
// @description a bypass for SchoolCheats adblock detection because there homo
// @author You
// @match https://schoolcheats.net/*
// @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain=schoolcheats.net
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
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Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, r) && s[r] && d.push(s[r][0]),
s[r] = 0;
for (n in i)
Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(i, n) && (t[n] = i[n]);
p && p(e);
while (d.length)
return o.push.apply(o, l || []),
function a() {
for (var t, e = 0; e < o.length; e++) {
for (var a = o[e], n = !0, r = 1; r < a.length; r++) {
var c = a[r];
0 !== s[c] && (n = !1)
n && (o.splice(e--, 1),
t = i(i.s = a[0]))
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l: !1,
exports: {}
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p.href = s;
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r[t] = 0
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n = s[t] = [e, a]
e.push(n[2] = o);
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type: "timeout",
target: u
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return Promise.all(e)
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i.c = n,
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value: "Module"
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value: !0
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8 & e)
return t;
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enumerable: !0,
value: t
2 & e && "string" != typeof t)
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i.d(a, n, function(e) {
return t[e]
.bind(null, n));
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i.n = function(t) {
var e = t && t.__esModule ? function() {
return t["default"]
: function() {
return t
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i.o = function(t, e) {
return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, e)
i.p = "/",
i.oe = function(t) {
throw console.error(t),
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o.push([0, "chunk-vendors"]),
0: function(t, e, a) {
t.exports = a("56d7")
"034f": function(t, e, a) {
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10: function(t, e) {},
11: function(t, e) {},
12: function(t, e) {},
13: function(t, e) {},
14: function(t, e) {},
"1a12": function(t, e, a) {},
2: function(t, e) {},
3: function(t, e) {},
4: function(t, e) {},
5: function(t, e) {},
"56d7": function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
var n = a("2b0e")
, r = function() {
var t = this
, e = t.$createElement
, a = t._self._c || e;
return t.loadingUser ? a("v-app", {
staticStyle: {
background: "#121212"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "mid-container"
}, [a("GridLoader", {
attrs: {
color: "#2196f3",
size: Number(200)
})], 1)]) : a("v-app", {
staticStyle: {
background: "#121212"
}, [a("Navbar"), t.adblocker ? a("div", {
staticStyle: {
background: "#121212"
}, [a("v-container", {
staticStyle: {
"margin-top": "100px"
}, [a("v-card", {
staticClass: "mx-auto my-12",
attrs: {
"max-width": "375"
}, [a("template", {
slot: "progress"
}, [a("v-progress-linear", {
attrs: {
color: "deep-purple",
height: "10",
indeterminate: ""
})], 1), a("v-img", {
attrs: {
width: "375",
src: "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/794959989634367531/849031413721989140/sad-face-transparent-background-8.png"
}), a("center", [a("h1", [t._v("Adblocker Detected")]), a("div", [t._v("Please disable your adblocker to continue to SchoolCheats")])]), a("br"), a("v-divider", {
staticClass: "mx-4"
}), a("br"), a("center", [a("v-btn", {
attrs: {
color: "red",
text: ""
on: {
click: function(e) {
return t.refresh()
}, [t._v(" I've disabled my adblocker ")])], 1)], 2)], 1)], 1) : a("div", [a("v-container", {
staticStyle: {
"margin-top": "100px"
}, [a("v-row", [a("v-col", [a("div", {
staticClass: "PapayAds_SUPER_Banner",
attrs: {
id: "1_PapayAds_SchoolCheats_TOP_Banner",
align: "center"
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staticClass: "midalign-banner",
attrs: {
id: "div-gpt-ad-1622456193177-0"
}, [a("script", {
attrs: {
type: "application/javascript"
}, [t._v(" try { googletag.cmd.push(function () { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1622456193177-0'); }); } catch (e) {} ")])])])])], 1), a("v-row", [a("v-col", [a("router-view")], 1)], 1), a("v-row", [a("v-col", [a("div", {
staticClass: "PapayAds_BOTTOM_Banner",
attrs: {
id: "3_PapayAds_SchoolCheats_BOTTOM_Banner",
align: "center"
}, [a("div", {
attrs: {
id: "div-gpt-ad-1622457256536-0"
}, [a("script", {
attrs: {
type: "application/javascript"
}, [t._v(" try { googletag.cmd.push(function () { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1622457256536-0'); }); } catch (e) {} ")])])])])], 1)], 1)], 1), a("div", {
staticClass: "text-center"
}, [a("v-snackbar", {
attrs: {
top: "",
color: t.$globals.status.color,
timeout: t.$globals.status.timeout
model: {
value: t.$globals.status.enabled,
callback: function(e) {
t.$set(t.$globals.status, "enabled", e)
expression: "$globals.status.enabled"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "text-center"
}, [t._v(" " + t._s(t.$globals.status.text) + " ")])])], 1)], 1)
, s = []
, o = a("1da1")
, c = (a("96cf"),
function() {
var t = this
, e = t.$createElement
, a = t._self._c || e;
return a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: t.loading,
expression: "loading"
staticClass: "lds-grid",
style: {
width: t.size + "px",
height: t.size + "px"
}, [a("div", {
style: [t.spinnerStyle]
}), a("div", {
style: [t.spinnerStyle]
}), a("div", {
style: [t.spinnerStyle]
}), a("div", {
style: [t.spinnerStyle]
}), a("div", {
style: [t.spinnerStyle]
}), a("div", {
style: [t.spinnerStyle]
}), a("div", {
style: [t.spinnerStyle]
}), a("div", {
style: [t.spinnerStyle]
}), a("div", {
style: [t.spinnerStyle]
, i = []
, l = (a("a9e3"),
function(t) {
var e = new RegExp(/^\d*\.?\d+(s|ms)$/);
return e.test(t)
, u = {
name: "GridLoader",
props: {
loading: {
type: Boolean,
default: !0
size: {
type: Number,
default: 80
color: {
type: String,
default: "#7f58af"
duration: {
type: String,
default: "1.2s",
validator: l
data: function() {
return {
spinnerStyle: {
background: this.color,
animationDuration: this.duration
, d = u
, p = (a("6b62"),
, h = Object(p["a"])(d, c, i, !1, null, "51959ed0", null)
, g = h.exports
, f = function() {
var t = this
, e = t.$createElement
, a = t._self._c || e;
return a("div", [a("v-app-bar", {
attrs: {
app: "",
flat: ""
}, [a("router-link", {
attrs: {
to: "/"
}, [a("v-img", {
staticClass: "shrink mr-2 d-none d-sm-flex",
staticStyle: {
bottom: "1px"
attrs: {
alt: "School Cheats",
contain: "",
src: "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/838675194213302294/838676274213945354/Untitled_1.png",
width: "284"
}), a("v-img", {
staticClass: "shrink mr-2 d-flex d-sm-none",
staticStyle: {
left: "4px"
attrs: {
alt: "School Cheats",
src: "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/794959989634367531/843427580903686144/logo2_2.png",
width: "53"
})], 1), a("v-spacer"), this.$store.state.auth.user ? a("div", [a("v-avatar", {
attrs: {
size: "45"
}, [this.$store.state.auth.user.user.discord_avatar ? a("img", {
attrs: {
src: "https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/" + this.$store.state.auth.user.user.discord_id + "/" + this.$store.state.auth.user.user.discord_avatar
}) : a("img", {
attrs: {
src: "https://cdn.discordapp.com/embed/avatars/1.png"
})]), a("span", {
staticStyle: {
"padding-left": "8px",
"padding-right": "8px",
cursor: "default"
}, [t._v(t._s(this.$store.state.auth.user.user.discord_name))]), a("v-menu", {
attrs: {
bottom: "",
left: ""
scopedSlots: t._u([{
key: "activator",
fn: function(e) {
var n = e.on
, r = e.attrs;
return [a("v-btn", t._g(t._b({
attrs: {
icon: "",
color: "white"
}, "v-btn", r, !1), n), [a("v-icon", [t._v("mdi-dots-vertical")])], 1)]
}], null, !1, 1012294362)
}, [a("v-list", {
staticClass: "nav_dropdown"
}, [a("div", {
attrs: {
id: "nav"
}, [a("v-list-item", [a("router-link", {
attrs: {
to: {
name: "Account"
}, [a("v-list-item-title", [t._v("My Account")])], 1)], 1), a("v-list-item", [a("a", {
on: {
click: function(e) {
return t.logout()
}, [a("v-list-item-title", {
staticStyle: {
color: "#d92121"
}, [t._v("Logout")])], 1)])], 1)])], 1)], 1) : t._e()], 1)], 1)
, v = []
, m = a("bc3a")
, b = a.n(m)
, y = {
name: "Navbar",
methods: {
logout: function() {
var t = this;
return Object(o["a"])(regeneratorRuntime.mark((function e() {
var a;
return regeneratorRuntime.wrap((function(e) {
while (1)
switch (e.prev = e.next) {
case 0:
return e.next = 2,
b.a.get("".concat(t.$settings.apiUrl, "/v2/user/logout"));
case 2:
a = e.sent,
a.data.error ? t.$alert("Failed to logout", "red") : window.location.href = "/";
case 4:
case "end":
return e.stop()
), e)
, k = y
, w = (a("5dfc"),
, $ = a.n(w)
, z = a("40dc")
, x = a("8212")
, _ = a("8336")
, V = a("132d")
, S = a("adda")
, C = a("8860")
, A = a("da13")
, T = a("5d23")
, R = a("e449")
, q = a("2fa4")
, j = Object(p["a"])(k, f, v, !1, null, null, null)
, U = j.exports;
$()(j, {
VAppBar: z["a"],
VAvatar: x["a"],
VBtn: _["a"],
VIcon: V["a"],
VImg: S["a"],
VList: C["a"],
VListItem: A["a"],
VListItemTitle: T["c"],
VMenu: R["a"],
VSpacer: q["a"]
var B = a("8e27")
, E = a.n(B)
, P = {
name: "App",
components: {
GridLoader: g,
Navbar: U
data: function() {
return {
connected: !1,
adblocker: !1
methods: {
refresh: function() {
window.location.href = "/"
mounted: function() {
var t = this;
return Object(o["a"])(regeneratorRuntime.mark((function e() {
return regeneratorRuntime.wrap((function(e) {
while (1)
switch (e.prev = e.next) {
case 0:
return setTimeout((function() {
try {
googletag && (t.adblocker = !1)
} catch (e) {
t.adblocker = 0
setInterval(function(){t.adblocker = false},100)
), 8e3),
e.next = 3,
case 3:
n["a"].prototype.$alert = function(e, a) {
t.$globals.status = {
text: e,
color: a,
enabled: !0
n["a"].prototype.$ad = function(e) {
t.$alert("Please watch this short ad before continuing", "blue")
t.$store.state.auth.user && (n["a"].prototype.$socket = E()("".concat(n["a"].prototype.$settings.socketUrl, "/"), {
withCredentials: !0,
path: "/_upgrade",
auth: {
token: t.$store.state.auth.user.token,
adblocker: t.adblocker
n["a"].prototype.$socket.on("connect", (function() {
t.$alert("Connected to the server", "green")
n["a"].prototype.$socket.on("connect_error", (function() {
t.$alert("Failed to connect to server, attempting to reconnect", "red"),
t.$globals.loading = !1
t.$socket.on("disconnect", (function() {
t.$alert("Disconnected from server", "red"),
t.$globals.loading = !1
t.$socket.on("notification", (function(e) {
var a = t.$traffic.decrypt(e);
t.$alert(a.text, a.color),
t.$globals.loading = !1
case 6:
case "end":
return e.stop()
), e)
created: function() {},
computed: {
loadingUser: function() {
return this.$store.getters.loadingUser
user: function() {
return this.$store.getters.user
, M = P
, D = (a("034f"),
, L = a("b0af")
, N = a("62ad")
, O = a("a523")
, G = a("ce7e")
, Q = a("8e36")
, Y = a("0fd9")
, X = a("2db4")
, I = Object(p["a"])(M, r, s, !1, null, null, null)
, H = I.exports;
$()(I, {
VApp: D["a"],
VBtn: _["a"],
VCard: L["a"],
VCol: N["a"],
VContainer: O["a"],
VDivider: G["a"],
VImg: S["a"],
VProgressLinear: Q["a"],
VRow: Y["a"],
VSnackbar: X["a"]
var Z = a("8c4f")
, W = function() {
var t = this
, e = t.$createElement
, a = t._self._c || e;
return a("v-row", {
staticStyle: {
"background-color": "#121212"
}, [a("v-col", {
attrs: {
cols: "12",
sm: "12"
}, [a("v-sheet", {
staticStyle: {
"padding-top": "20px",
"padding-bottom": "20px",
background: "transparent"
attrs: {
rounded: "lg"
}, [a("center", [a("h1", [t._v("Select Platform")])]), a("v-container", {
staticStyle: {
"max-width": "1000px"
}, [a("v-row", t._l(t.products.filter((function(t) {
return 1 == t.enabled
)), (function(t) {
return a("v-col", {
key: t.product,
attrs: {
cols: "4"
}, [a("router-link", {
attrs: {
to: t.product
}, [a("v-card", {
staticStyle: {
"border-radius": "20px",
background: "#272727"
attrs: {
height: "150",
elevation: "15"
}, [a("center", [a("v-img", {
style: t.style,
attrs: {
width: t.size,
src: t.image
})], 1)], 1)], 1)], 1)
)), 1)], 1)], 1)], 1)], 1)
, F = []
, J = {
name: "Home",
data: function() {
return {
products: [{
product: "edpuzzle",
image: "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/794959989634367531/838904828159721491/edpuzzle.png",
size: "100",
style: "top:23px;",
enabled: !0
}, {
product: "khan",
image: "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/15455",
size: "80",
style: "top:30px;",
enabled: !1
}, {
product: "gimkit",
image: "https://teacheverywhere.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/file-300x300.png",
size: "85",
style: "top:30px;",
enabled: !1
}, {
product: "kahoot",
image: "https://store-images.s-microsoft.com/image/apps.50552.d0b10cdb-335f-4f7c-9b1e-6be3648d626d.77e5b9a4-fea7-46da-bd2a-909efedf55f2.98175512-90f8-4109-9161-37e3ad20cd0f.png",
size: "80",
style: "top:35px",
enabled: !1
}, {
product: "quizlet",
image: "https://assets.quizlet.com/a/j/dist/i/brandmark/1024.ce363eb63469f80.png",
size: "80",
style: "top:35px;",
enabled: !1
}, {
product: "quizizz",
image: "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/794959989634367531/843012359764574258/quizizz.png.png",
size: "88",
style: "top:32px;",
enabled: !0
}, {
product: "blooket",
image: "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1093679004949856258/tawJl90e_400x400.png",
size: "80",
style: "top:35px;",
enabled: !0
}, {
product: "edulastic",
image: "https://gg4l.com/wp-content/uploads/edulastic.png",
size: "80",
style: "top:35px;",
enabled: !1
}, {
product: "classkick",
image: "https://static1.squarespace.com/static/52d03bb8e4b0b7de158fd152/t/5bd8b4c8aa4a994d68790d11/1540928714311/instagramlogo.png?format=1500w",
size: "80",
style: "top:35px;",
enabled: !0
components: {}
, K = J
, tt = a("8dd9")
, et = Object(p["a"])(K, W, F, !1, null, null, null)
, at = et.exports;
$()(et, {
VCard: L["a"],
VCol: N["a"],
VContainer: O["a"],
VImg: S["a"],
VRow: Y["a"],
VSheet: tt["a"]
var nt = function() {
var t = this
, e = t.$createElement
, a = t._self._c || e;
return a("v-app", [a("v-main", [a("v-container", {
staticStyle: {
"max-width": "1000px"
}, [a("center", [a("v-card", {
staticClass: "mx-auto my-12",
attrs: {
loading: t.loading,
"max-width": "374"
}, [a("v-img", {
attrs: {
height: "250",
src: "https://www.adl.org/sites/default/files/styles/cropped_img_md/public/2019-08/discord-logo.jpg?h=312fc7ac&itok=VdtY_FWF"
}), a("h2", [t._v("School Cheats")]), a("v-card-text", [a("div", [t._v("In order to use our cheats you must be in our Discord")])]), a("v-divider", {
staticClass: "mx-4"
}), a("center", [a("h2", [t._v("Please Read")])]), a("div", {
staticStyle: {
"text-align": "left",
padding: "10px"
}, [a("p", [t._v("Once authorized you will be redirected back.")]), a("p", [t._v("Once authorized you will automatically join our server.")]), a("p", [t._v("If you leave the server, you must join back in order to use our cheats.")]), a("p", [t._v("A ban from our Discord is a termination of your rights to use our cheats.")]), a("p", [t._v("Follow the rules, ask appropriate questions.")])]), a("center", [a("v-btn", {
attrs: {
color: "primary",
text: ""
on: {
click: t.login
}, [t._v(" Authorize ")])], 1)], 1)], 1)], 1)], 1)], 1)
, rt = []
, st = (a("99af"),
data: function() {
return {
loading: !1,
selection: 1,
password: ""
methods: {
login: function() {
window.location = "".concat(this.$settings.apiUrl, "/v2/discord/auth")
backupAuth: function() {
var t = this;
return Object(o["a"])(regeneratorRuntime.mark((function e() {
var a;
return regeneratorRuntime.wrap((function(e) {
while (1)
switch (e.prev = e.next) {
case 0:
if (t.password) {
e.next = 2;
return e.abrupt("return", t.$alert("A password is required", "red"));
case 2:
return e.prev = 2,
e.next = 5,
b.a.get("user/check", {
params: {
password: t.password
case 5:
if (a = e.sent,
!a.data.error) {
e.next = 8;
return e.abrupt("return", t.$alert("Couldnt find an account associated to that password", "red"));
case 8:
window.location.href = "".concat(t.$settings.apiUrl, "/v2/user/assign?token=").concat(a.data.token),
e.next = 16;
case 11:
if (e.prev = 11,
e.t0 = e["catch"](2),
429 != e.t0.response.status) {
e.next = 15;
return e.abrupt("return", t.$alert("Slow down! Youre being rate limitted, try again later.", "red"));
case 15:
return e.abrupt("return", t.$alert("An error occurred, please try again later.", "red"));
case 16:
case "end":
return e.stop()
), e, null, [[2, 11]])
, ot = st
, ct = a("99d9")
, it = a("f6c4")
, lt = Object(p["a"])(ot, nt, rt, !1, null, null, null)
, ut = lt.exports;
$()(lt, {
VApp: D["a"],
VBtn: _["a"],
VCard: L["a"],
VCardText: ct["a"],
VContainer: O["a"],
VDivider: G["a"],
VImg: S["a"],
VMain: it["a"]
var dt = function() {
var t = this
, e = t.$createElement
, a = t._self._c || e;
return a("v-app", [a("v-main", [a("v-container", {
staticStyle: {
"max-width": "1000px"
}, [a("center", [a("v-card", {
staticClass: "mx-auto my-12",
attrs: {
loading: t.loading,
"max-width": "374"
}, [a("v-img", {
attrs: {
height: "250",
src: "https://www.pngitem.com/pimgs/m/164-1646946_error-png-transparent-png.png"
}), a("br"), a("h2", [t._v("❌ Not Authorized")]), a("v-card-text", [a("div", [t._v("You are in a Discord server that is blacklisted.")])]), a("v-divider", {
staticClass: "mx-4"
}), a("center", [a("h2", [t._v("Please Read")])]), a("div", {
staticStyle: {
"text-align": "left",
padding: "10px"
}, [a("p", [t._v("Hello there!")]), a("p", [t._v(" We're sorry to inform you but a server you're in is "), a("span", {
staticStyle: {
color: "#ed4245"
}, [a("b", [t._v("stealing")])]), t._v(" credit for schoolcheats. ")]), a("p", [t._v(" In order to continue using schoolcheats, "), a("br"), a("span", {
staticStyle: {
color: "#ed4245"
}, [a("b", [t._v("You must leave the following server:")])])]), a("v-avatar", [a("v-img", {
staticStyle: {
bottom: "3px"
attrs: {
alt: "School Cheats",
contain: "",
src: "https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/819301040741941318/ff21893f8664ca51e108275971c3e0a7.png",
width: "285"
})], 1), t._v(" Hacks answers "), a("p", [a("a", {
attrs: {
href: "https://discord.com/channels/819301040741941318",
target: "_blank"
}, [t._v("Click Here")]), t._v(" and leave their server to continue.")]), a("p", [t._v("Once you leave, you can reauthorize below")])], 1), a("center", [a("v-btn", {
attrs: {
color: "primary",
text: ""
on: {
click: t.login
}, [t._v(" Reauthorize ")])], 1)], 1)], 1)], 1)], 1)], 1)
, pt = []
, ht = {
data: function() {
return {
loading: !1,
selection: 1
methods: {
login: function() {
window.location = "https://api.schoolcheats.net/v1/discord/auth"
, gt = ht
, ft = Object(p["a"])(gt, dt, pt, !1, null, null, null)
, vt = ft.exports;
$()(ft, {
VApp: D["a"],
VAvatar: x["a"],
VBtn: _["a"],
VCard: L["a"],
VCardText: ct["a"],
VContainer: O["a"],
VDivider: G["a"],
VImg: S["a"],
VMain: it["a"]
var mt = function() {
var t = this
, e = t.$createElement
, a = t._self._c || e;
return a("v-app", [a("v-main", [a("v-container", {
staticStyle: {
"max-width": "1000px"
}, [a("v-row", [a("v-col", {
attrs: {
xs: "12",
sm: "12",
md: "12",
lg: "12"
}, [a("v-card", {
staticStyle: {
padding: "30px"
}, [a("center", [a("h2", [t._v("My Account")])]), a("v-text-field", {
attrs: {
disabled: "",
label: "Backup Auth Password"
model: {
value: t.$store.state.auth.user.user.password,
callback: function(e) {
t.$set(t.$store.state.auth.user.user, "password", e)
expression: "$store.state.auth.user.user.password"
}), a("v-btn", {
staticClass: "mr-4",
attrs: {
color: "primary",
width: "200px",
loading: t.$globals.loading
on: {
click: function(e) {
return t.regenerateToken()
}, [t._v("Regenerate Password")])], 1)], 1)], 1)], 1)], 1)], 1)
, bt = []
, yt = {
methods: {
regenerateToken: function() {
var t = this;
return Object(o["a"])(regeneratorRuntime.mark((function e() {
var a;
return regeneratorRuntime.wrap((function(e) {
while (1)
switch (e.prev = e.next) {
case 0:
return e.prev = 0,
t.$globals.loading = !0,
e.next = 4,
case 4:
if (a = e.sent,
!a.data.error) {
e.next = 7;
return e.abrupt("return", t.$alert("An error occured: ".concat(a.data.msg)));
case 7:
t.$store.state.auth.user.user.password = a.data.password,
t.$globals.loading = !1,
e.next = 17;
case 11:
if (e.prev = 11,
e.t0 = e["catch"](0),
t.$globals.loading = !1,
429 != e.t0.response.status) {
e.next = 16;
return e.abrupt("return", t.$alert("Slow down! Youre being rate limitted, try again later.", "red"));
case 16:
return e.abrupt("return", t.$alert("An error occurred, please try again later.", "red"));
case 17:
case "end":
return e.stop()
), e, null, [[0, 11]])
, kt = yt
, wt = a("8654")
, $t = Object(p["a"])(kt, mt, bt, !1, null, null, null)
, zt = $t.exports;
$()($t, {
VApp: D["a"],
VBtn: _["a"],
VCard: L["a"],
VCol: N["a"],
VContainer: O["a"],
VMain: it["a"],
VRow: Y["a"],
VTextField: wt["a"]
var xt = function() {
var t = this
, e = t.$createElement
, a = t._self._c || e;
return a("v-app", [a("v-main", {
attrs: {
color: ""
}, [a("v-container", [a("v-row", [t.$edpuzzle.loggedIn ? a("v-col", {
attrs: {
cols: "12"
}, [a("v-card", {
staticStyle: {
padding: "30px"
}, [a("v-toolbar", {
attrs: {
dark: "",
flat: ""
scopedSlots: t._u([{
key: "extension",
fn: function() {
return [a("v-tabs", {
attrs: {
grow: "",
"slider-color": "white"
model: {
value: t.$edpuzzle.currentTab,
callback: function(e) {
t.$set(t.$edpuzzle, "currentTab", e)
expression: "$edpuzzle.currentTab"
}, t._l(t.$edpuzzle.tabs, (function(e) {
return a("v-tab", {
key: e,
attrs: {
href: "#" + e
}, [a("h2", [t._v(t._s(e))])])
)), 1)]
proxy: !0
}, [a("v-btn", {
attrs: {
color: "red"
on: {
click: function(e) {
return t.logout()
}, [t._v("Logout")])], 1), "classes" == t.$edpuzzle.currentTab ? a("Classes") : t._e(), "open" == t.$edpuzzle.currentTab ? a("Open") : t._e(), "assignments" == t.$edpuzzle.currentTab ? a("Assignments") : t._e(), "answers" == t.$edpuzzle.currentTab ? a("Answers") : t._e()], 1)], 1) : a("Login")], 1)], 1)], 1)], 1)
, _t = []
, Vt = (a("d3b7"),
components: {
Login: function() {
return a.e("chunk-2d21eae7").then(a.bind(null, "d731"))
Classes: function() {
return a.e("chunk-2d0d7808").then(a.bind(null, "76a4"))
Open: function() {
return a.e("chunk-2d22bfc0").then(a.bind(null, "f0ff"))
Assignments: function() {
return a.e("chunk-2d224920").then(a.bind(null, "e164"))
Answers: function() {
return a.e("chunk-d1b43168").then(a.bind(null, "c61c"))
data: function() {
return {
logout: function() {
this.$edpuzzle.loggedIn = !1,
this.$edpuzzle.tabs = ["classes"],
this.$edpuzzle.currentTab = "classes"
mounted: function() {
var t = this;
setTimeout((function() {
t.$socket.on("edpuzzle@authentication", (function(e) {
var a = t.$traffic.decrypt(e);
if (t.$globals.loading = !1,
t.$alert(a.msg, "red");
else {
if (t.$edpuzzle.loggedIn)
a.user.isOpenClassroomUser && (t.$edpuzzle.tabs = ["open"],
t.$edpuzzle.currentTab = "open"),
t.$edpuzzle.token = a.token,
t.$edpuzzle.classes = a.classes,
t.$edpuzzle.loggedIn = !0,
t.$alert("Login successful", "blue")
t.$socket.on("edpuzzle@assignments", (function(e) {
var a = t.$traffic.decrypt(e);
t.$globals.loading = !1,
a.error ? t.$alert("An error has occured", "red") : (t.$edpuzzle.assignments = a.assignments,
"" != t.$edpuzzle.assignmentData.assignmentURL ? t.$edpuzzle.tabs = ["open", "assignments"] : t.$edpuzzle.tabs = ["classes", "assignments"],
t.$edpuzzle.assignmentData.assignmentURL = "",
t.$edpuzzle.currentTab = "assignments")
t.$socket.on("edpuzzle@autoComplete", (function(e) {
var a = t.$traffic.decrypt(e);
t.$globals.loading = !1,
t.$alert("Auto Complete Successful", "green"),
a.questionIds.forEach((function(e) {
questionId: e
t.$edpuzzle.assignmentType = "Completed Assignment",
t.$edpuzzle.assignments.forEach((function(e) {
e.assignmentID == t.$edpuzzle.assignmentData.assignmentID && (e.turnedIn = "true")
), 500)
, St = Vt
, Ct = a("71a3")
, At = a("fe57")
, Tt = a("71d9")
, Rt = Object(p["a"])(St, xt, _t, !1, null, null, null)
, qt = Rt.exports;
$()(Rt, {
VApp: D["a"],
VBtn: _["a"],
VCard: L["a"],
VCol: N["a"],
VContainer: O["a"],
VMain: it["a"],
VRow: Y["a"],
VTab: Ct["a"],
VTabs: At["a"],
VToolbar: Tt["a"]
var jt = function() {
var t = this
, e = t.$createElement
, a = t._self._c || e;
return a("v-app", [a("v-main", {
attrs: {
color: ""
}, [a("v-container", [a("v-row", [a("v-col", {
attrs: {
cols: "12"
}, [a("v-card", {
staticStyle: {
padding: "30px"
}, [a("v-toolbar", {
attrs: {
dark: "",
flat: ""
scopedSlots: t._u([{
key: "extension",
fn: function() {
return [a("v-tabs", {
attrs: {
grow: "",
"slider-color": "white"
model: {
value: t.$blooket.currentTab,
callback: function(e) {
t.$set(t.$blooket, "currentTab", e)
expression: "$blooket.currentTab"
}, t._l(t.$blooket.tabs, (function(e) {
return a("v-tab", {
key: e,
attrs: {
href: "#" + e
}, [a("h2", [t._v(t._s(e))])])
)), 1)]
proxy: !0
}), "answers" == t.$blooket.currentTab ? a("Answers") : t._e(), "bots" == t.$blooket.currentTab ? a("Bots") : t._e()], 1)], 1)], 1)], 1)], 1)], 1)
, Ut = []
, Bt = {
components: {
Answers: function() {
return a.e("chunk-2d0e22f7").then(a.bind(null, "7e2e"))
Bots: function() {
return a.e("chunk-2d225fd4").then(a.bind(null, "e76b"))
data: function() {
return {}
mounted: function() {
var t = this;
setTimeout((function() {
t.$socket.on("blooket@answers", (function(e) {
var a = t.$traffic.decrypt(e);
t.$globals.loading = !1,
t.$blooket.answers = a.data
t.$socket.on("blooket@kick", (function(e) {
var a = t.$traffic.decrypt(e);
switch (a.method) {
case "playerList":
t.$blooket.players = a.players,
t.$alert("Generated player list", "green");
case "kickPlayer":
if ("single" == a.kickType)
), 500)
, Et = Bt
, Pt = Object(p["a"])(Et, jt, Ut, !1, null, null, null)
, Mt = Pt.exports;
$()(Pt, {
VApp: D["a"],
VCard: L["a"],
VCol: N["a"],
VContainer: O["a"],
VMain: it["a"],
VRow: Y["a"],
VTab: Ct["a"],
VTabs: At["a"],
VToolbar: Tt["a"]
var Dt = function() {
var t = this
, e = t.$createElement
, a = t._self._c || e;
return a("v-app", [a("v-main", {
attrs: {
color: ""
}, [a("v-container", [a("v-row", [a("v-col", {
attrs: {
cols: "12"
}, [a("v-card", {
staticStyle: {
padding: "30px"
}, [a("v-toolbar", {
attrs: {
dark: "",
flat: ""
scopedSlots: t._u([{
key: "extension",
fn: function() {
return [a("v-tabs", {
attrs: {
grow: "",
"slider-color": "white"
model: {
value: t.$quizizz.currentTab,
callback: function(e) {
t.$set(t.$quizizz, "currentTab", e)
expression: "$quizizz.currentTab"
}, t._l(t.$quizizz.tabs, (function(e) {
return a("v-tab", {
key: e,
attrs: {
href: "#" + e
}, [a("h2", [t._v(t._s(e))])])
)), 1)]
proxy: !0
}), "answers" == t.$quizizz.currentTab ? a("Answers") : t._e(), "bots" == t.$quizizz.currentTab ? a("Bots") : t._e()], 1)], 1)], 1)], 1)], 1)], 1)
, Lt = []
, Nt = {
components: {
Answers: function() {
return a.e("chunk-2c7259f8").then(a.bind(null, "2d78"))
Bots: function() {
return a.e("chunk-2d210231").then(a.bind(null, "b739"))
data: function() {
return {}
mounted: function() {
var t = this;
setTimeout((function() {
t.$socket.on("quizizz@answers", (function(e) {
var a = t.$traffic.decrypt(e);
t.$globals.loading = !1,
t.$quizizz.answers = a.answers,
), 500)
, Ot = Nt
, Gt = Object(p["a"])(Ot, Dt, Lt, !1, null, null, null)
, Qt = Gt.exports;
$()(Gt, {
VApp: D["a"],
VCard: L["a"],
VCol: N["a"],
VContainer: O["a"],
VMain: it["a"],
VRow: Y["a"],
VTab: Ct["a"],
VTabs: At["a"],
VToolbar: Tt["a"]
var Yt = function() {
var t = this
, e = t.$createElement
, a = t._self._c || e;
return a("v-app", [a("v-main", {
attrs: {
color: ""
}, [a("v-container", [a("v-row", [a("v-col", {
attrs: {
cols: "12"
}, [a("v-card", {
staticStyle: {
padding: "30px"
}, [a("center", [a("h2", [t._v("Instructions: When on a classkick assignment paste the script into the developer console")]), a("br"), a("v-btn", {
attrs: {
color: "primary"
on: {
click: function(e) {
return t.copyScript()
}, [t._v("Copy Script To Clipboard")]), a("br"), a("br"), a("input", {
attrs: {
type: "hidden",
id: "classkick-code"
domProps: {
value: t.classkickCode
}), a("v-img", {
attrs: {
"max-width": "80%",
src: "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/794959989634367531/835567788306726912/unknown.png"
})], 1)], 1)], 1)], 1)], 1)], 1)], 1)
, Xt = []
, It = {
components: {},
data: function() {
return {
classkickCode: 'fetch("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/varedz/classkick/main/bundle.js").then((res) => res.text().then((t) => eval(t)))'
methods: {
copyScript: function() {
var t = document.querySelector("#classkick-code");
t.setAttribute("type", "text"),
try {
var e = document.execCommand("copy")
, a = e ? "successfully" : "unsuccessfully";
alert("Code was copied " + a)
} catch (n) {
alert("Oops, unable to copy")
t.setAttribute("type", "hidden"),
mounted: function() {}
, Ht = It
, Zt = Object(p["a"])(Ht, Yt, Xt, !1, null, null, null)
, Wt = Zt.exports;
$()(Zt, {
VApp: D["a"],
VBtn: _["a"],
VCard: L["a"],
VCol: N["a"],
VContainer: O["a"],
VImg: S["a"],
VMain: it["a"],
VRow: Y["a"]
var Ft = a("2f62")
, Jt = a("0e44")
, Kt = {
user: null,
guilds: null,
loadingUser: !1,
loadingGuilds: !1
, te = {
loadingUser: function(t, e) {
t.loadingUser = e
getUser: function(t, e) {
t.user = e
loadingGuilds: function(t, e) {
t.loadingGuilds = e
getGuilds: function(t, e) {
t.guilds = e
, ee = {
getUser: function(t) {
var e = t.commit;
return e("loadingUser", !0),
b.a.get("user/me").then((function(t) {
"Unauthenticated" != t.data.msg ? e("getUser", t.data) : e("getUser", null),
e("loadingUser", !1)
)).catch((function(t) {
return "Error: Network Error" == t.toString() ? window.location.href = "".concat(n["a"].prototype.$settings.apiUrl) : console.log(t.toString())
getGuilds: function(t) {
var e = t.commit;
return e("loadingGuilds", !0),
b.a.get("user/guilds").then((function(t) {
"rate-limited" != t.data.msg ? e("getGuilds", t.data) : e("getGuilds", null),
e("loadingGuilds", !1)
)).catch((function(t) {
return console.log(t)
, ae = {
user: function(t) {
return t.user
loadingUser: function(t) {
return t.loadingUser
guilds: function(t) {
return t.guilds
loadingGuilds: function(t) {
return t.loadingGuilds
, ne = {
state: Kt,
getters: ae,
actions: ee,
mutations: te
var re = new Ft["a"].Store({
modules: {
auth: ne
plugins: [Object(Jt["a"])()]
var se = [{
path: "/",
name: "Home",
component: at
}, {
path: "/login",
name: "Login",
component: ut
}, {
path: "/account",
name: "Account",
component: zt,
meta: {
requiresAuth: !0
}, {
path: "/edpuzzle",
name: "Edpuzzle",
component: qt,
meta: {
requiresAuth: !0
}, {
path: "/blooket",
name: "Blooket",
component: Mt,
meta: {
requiresAuth: !0
}, {
path: "/classkick",
name: "Classkick",
component: Wt,
meta: {
requiresAuth: !0
}, {
path: "/quizizz",
name: "Quizizz",
component: Qt,
meta: {
requiresAuth: !0
}, {
path: "/blacklisted",
name: "Blacklisted",
component: vt
, oe = new Z["a"]({
mode: "history",
base: "/",
routes: se
oe.beforeEach(function() {
var t = Object(o["a"])(regeneratorRuntime.mark((function t(e, a, n) {
var r, s;
return regeneratorRuntime.wrap((function(t) {
while (1)
switch (t.prev = t.next) {
case 0:
if (!e.matched.some((function(t) {
return t.meta.requiresAuth
))) {
t.next = 9;
if (r = re.state.auth.user,
s = !1,
null == r || "Unauthorized" == r.msg || 0 == r.authorized ? n({
name: "Login"
}) : s = !0,
s) {
t.next = 6;
return t.abrupt("return", n({
name: "Login"
case 6:
1 == r.blacklisted ? n({
name: "Blacklisted"
}) : n(),
t.next = 10;
case 9:
case 10:
case "end":
return t.stop()
), t)
return function(e, a, n) {
return t.apply(this, arguments)
var ce = oe
, ie = a("f309");
var le = new ie["a"]({
theme: {
dark: !0,
themes: {
dark: {
primary: "#2196F3"
, ue = {
install: function(t) {
t.prototype.$globals = new t({
data: {
status: {
text: "",
color: "",
enabled: !1,
timeout: 2500
loading: !1
, de = {
install: function(t) {
t.prototype.$edpuzzle = new t({
data: {
username: "",
password: "",
token: "",
loggedIn: !1,
user: null,
classes: null,
assignments: null,
answers: null,
attempt: null,
assignmentData: {
assignmentURL: "",
classID: "",
assignmentID: "",
mediaID: "",
attemptID: ""
tabs: ["classes"],
currentTab: "classes",
videoID: "",
videoSource: ""
, pe = {
install: function(t) {
t.prototype.$blooket = new t({
data: {
loggedIn: !1,
username: "",
password: "",
gamePin: "",
gameURL: "",
token: "",
botAmount: "",
botName: "",
playerName: "",
players: [],
answers: null,
tabs: ["answers", "bots"],
currentTab: "answers"
, he = {
install: function(t) {
t.prototype.$quizizz = new t({
data: {
answers: null,
gamePin: "",
botAmount: "",
botName: "",
search: "",
filteredAnswers: [],
tabs: ["answers", "bots"],
currentTab: "answers"
, ge = a("3452")
, fe = a.n(ge)
, ve = {
install: function(t) {
t.prototype.$traffic = new t({
data: {
calculate: "u+q*",
abbreviater: "$SKqZXunRJMh%y$Cn6z*K&%SRBAuLBfqn5s+Vg9#f!$m-t!*JSrfZR6fttP6wAaR33#s&_7abRXdwm*",
alternative: "qz!4*yBf9j_T+9eG=2rf$bT6qztaR6bU7VHa_E@3z*jsxxSVYMYE?",
twimg: "!QmEh&t3@jPz-5xuc8pRqTt-6SLeMu4pUALfee!L4cbU_3r_TMsk+MMS7bW_RqVmQD@E=8A+",
ratelimit: "jWpsjGKNVdQzKn7kh225w8?s7FVH%6y--##Q2&UCh8sJ$gVrZbv+dD53PzF5Y-en+B6@B%27^c43",
handy: "-DWPW&xkXBCq+s%XNBj*yHGrk^DnYW%gXterZmP^qZr+P4UVB%#2PYxCNGbZ=XrHcQdVwFrdc&NJVtPw+eBEjnxZL#?s6*scv%DE!vKb8n@8ZZ?8VGuQ8U#F!2=V#DGxY44e@YCS6pv83DHtAnx#QL5CZ8!3%",
google: "^mBeuwt4Qx%EpxyEbgZ5Pz^Cec!Vr4$-YUaUb3Rvx&eRX!#%$6+ajAEHn&tD!Wj%!RNug$yQ&nW%vY5KWRxDY?NyNCXQ7!QUExU4aH",
aes: "Bv!+A%hTU8MufCvxaQ_RWvLWzh!*L2WtZXH9^5=+r?^t!#Zjm#&D88yH&2ThNv6KfDHaC+",
key: "QM35c@yR%se+%L=n5hZdnZAeG4_pbXPd+g_N=uV6Th7QDT#M@Hmj2xMTne$9KxpxXbcGB3ZLk_",
values: "msfBdz%7x7$dQ?*x7UYGxzaw*B3jLNpTXJ-Bku^Mg2hCK_CR5b58Pz3te=AC$T7_cDL",
main: "%?Pma%hQsFjyY?tcYMCqwtJ_-T86^JQfC@rMs_%JN6AAbZjX_Xpj^9yqCcbS@z?5tnnH4Sk7hVBg3dgyLnNkN*jmdap4LMKpFg?S_KZyHpD6^@Pg&_X7P@YAMEhC%PgPYfsKBRERQT*^p=zaQstpC^NE_ue2bG2AydLWs_",
van: "T-3%Wt$VbPUV!RQ$xE6=kDxdMdG*9Su^7#L=-b6CtCt&k43%2v8BsLg22%pv@KF8?w3g^My*d+yRRyqQt_MM?TvVy3HcT9kQVk+gGTu!F&ubE*ZRJwMZGzsRa-LxyN+gGv+WwC^PkBp%MtUz5T&p2#tuBXZ-YDT#m^zPhDT@+!e^Rs!SXv9#S8XsMQ58Tu3L5NKN@vZ-9zKh?cEfX6Ae^k8TzZ^H$Xk%3Sg#GTr$tR?Dqr!sNdfZeucrENbfgmpjb-cc^vJzsG7Y^JvD57uA--FV?eCGpg!!$j7P?YeVBG#e^gVS7LTMu7DA@QP!$p2TYB@fvpYC#5QNn_Ygw$^rmVzUhNQ=42bEbvKvE%j7*qaDx$F8E^wqsqkSRJ9rUp+G_esN?SwuWUq6b%wMjPz2+Hp7vQTWer?x=yYCbX!xPS-=Q6enX3ebNqAq$cCpju3meD!",
delivr: "zU@!+pqSGsw6LTkH^nd-SqxCafQxRwytmPJ$AQ7KMN?bS%3&6$6@EKp&MFdU@93q$?-bnqAc#adre&r4#pcDu&+Ka*@a^WcbLDqRq+U@UD6!nqQ^ma*t2%2kHR_aeHssBYm4#d5JnG+A39R*emmgMW%N5JRjYSVvu2+v7q&%_qYj#t-XF&ju@sd4BPUcq-fAXFEQ7X7_*7#JRZH&+^*##Ey-9MKaYh8v=A!@+k$+qq^C9S?awP275kARL+aXY8fWUkGhN=JCt95XvRRsqM67qS8AG894@3M48y@G8fS25X6bfnusdexv2r$9Ld7zR%4p^*vqMU_-&4nh9x^kVajskSEtjp#7FH%jPDY5br+g@REDUEg*!Q9+E6tSu=ghHxD2pR^B87m97&sCR#2sux$zy6a7Ny+rtBgHSZ6!KqhgkJeVV^Q^9yt$exkMDBC*kqs9JR@F#YM?FTBw4e^?gt-?9BTDRps5H6dV@_5Rjdd9S7^Et9+Wp773zz5",
atlas: "5U!RQ?fjPcf=!-yPeT5Fygc!Wt-Yud@T^*$mq25#Zn=3r^nv7L@b*bA&Sg&f-wC3kaZkKXXN_my_zpM36@gYBb5qY#zrALMzTXXxmzfWwAjVtnBpxz=Mx34$2=7kM*3+^VbK3cQAV29fwG**6ze^v8N?5cz#crfA7M=BpeDhf7nWLg"
methods: {
encrypt: function(t) {
var e = JSON.stringify(t)
, a = fe.a.AES.encrypt(e, "".concat(this.calculate).concat(this.abbreviater).concat(this.alternative).concat(this.twimg).concat(this.ratelimit).concat(this.handy).concat(this.google).concat(this.aes).concat(this.key).concat(this.values).concat(this.main).concat(this.van).concat(this.delivr).concat(this.atlas)).toString();
return a
decrypt: function(t) {
return JSON.parse(fe.a.AES.decrypt(t, "".concat(this.calculate).concat(this.abbreviater).concat(this.alternative).concat(this.twimg).concat(this.ratelimit).concat(this.handy).concat(this.google).concat(this.aes).concat(this.key).concat(this.values).concat(this.main).concat(this.van).concat(this.delivr).concat(this.atlas)).toString(fe.a.enc.Utf8))
n["a"].config.devtools ? n["a"].prototype.$settings = {
webUrl: "https://dev.schoolcheats.net",
apiUrl: "https://sf-api.schoolcheats.net",
socketUrl: "https://socket.schoolcheats.net"
} : n["a"].prototype.$settings = {
webUrl: "https://schoolcheats.net",
apiUrl: "https://sf-api.schoolcheats.net",
socketUrl: "https://socket.schoolcheats.net"
b.a.defaults.withCredentials = !0,
b.a.defaults.baseURL = "".concat(n["a"].prototype.$settings.apiUrl, "/v2/"),
n["a"].config.productionTip = !1,
new n["a"]({
router: ce,
vuetify: le,
store: re,
render: function(t) {
return t(H)
"5dfc": function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
6: function(t, e) {},
"6b62": function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
7: function(t, e) {},
8: function(t, e) {},
"85ec": function(t, e, a) {},
9: function(t, e) {},
"94f6": function(t, e, a) {}