Simple YouTube Age Restriction Bypass

Watch age restricted videos on YouTube without login and without age verification :)

目前為 2021-08-30 提交的版本,檢視 最新版本

// ==UserScript==
// @name            Simple YouTube Age Restriction Bypass
// @description     Watch age restricted videos on YouTube without login and without age verification :)
// @description:de  Schaue YouTube Videos mit Altersbeschränkungen ohne Anmeldung und ohne dein Alter zu bestätigen :)
// @description:fr  Regardez des vidéos YouTube avec des restrictions d'âge sans vous inscrire et sans confirmer votre âge :)
// @description:it  Guarda i video con restrizioni di età su YouTube senza login e senza verifica dell'età :)
// @version         2.1.4
// @author          Zerody (
// @namespace
// @supportURL
// @license         MIT
// @match *
// @match *
// @grant           none
// @run-at          document-start
// @compatible      chrome Chrome + Tampermonkey or Violentmonkey
// @compatible      firefox Firefox + Greasemonkey or Tampermonkey or Violentmonkey
// @compatible      opera Opera + Tampermonkey or Violentmonkey
// @compatible      edge Edge + Tampermonkey or Violentmonkey
// @compatible      safari Safari + Tampermonkey or Violentmonkey
// ==/UserScript==

const initUnlocker = () => {
    const PLAYER_RESPONSE_ALIASES = ["ytInitialPlayerResponse", "playerResponse"];

    // YouTube API config (Innertube).
    // The actual values will be determined later from the global ytcfg variable => setInnertubeConfigFromYtcfg()
    const INNERTUBE_CONFIG = {
        INNERTUBE_API_KEY: "AIzaSyAO_FJ2SlqU8Q4STEHLGCilw_Y9_11qcW8",
        INNERTUBE_CLIENT_VERSION: "2.20210721.00.00",
        STS: 18834, // signatureTimestamp (relevant for the cipher functions)
        LOGGED_IN: false,

    // The following proxies are currently used as fallback if the innertube age-gate bypass doesn't work...
    // You can host your own account proxy instance. See


    const nativeParse = window.JSON.parse; // Backup the original parse function
    const nativeDefineProperty = getNativeDefineProperty(); // Backup the original defineProperty function to intercept setter & getter on the ytInitialPlayerResponse
    const nativeXmlHttpOpen =;

    // Just for compatibility: Backup original getter/setter for 'ytInitialPlayerResponse', defined by other extensions like AdBlock
    let { get: chainedPlayerGetter, set: chainedPlayerSetter } = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window, "ytInitialPlayerResponse") || {};

    let wrappedPlayerResponse;
    let wrappedNextResponse;
    let lastProxiedGoogleVideoUrlParams;
    let responseCache = {};

    const Deferred = function () {
        return Object.assign(new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            this.resolve = resolve;
            this.reject = reject;
        }), this);

    const Notification = (() => {
        const isPolymer = !!window.Polymer;

        const pageLoad = new Deferred();
        const pageLoadEventName = isPolymer ? 'yt-navigate-finish' : 'state-navigateend';

        const node = isPolymer
            ? createElement('tp-yt-paper-toast')
            : createElement('c3-toast', { innerHTML: '<ytm-notification-action-renderer><div class="notification-action-response-text"></div></ytm-notification-action-renderer>' });

        const nMobileText = !isPolymer && node.querySelector('.notification-action-response-text');

        window.addEventListener(pageLoadEventName, init, { once: true });

        function init() {

        function show(message, duration = 5) {
            if (!ENABLE_UNLOCK_NOTIFICATION) return;


            function _show() {
                if (isPolymer) {
                    node.duration = duration * 1000;
                } else {
                    nMobileText.innerHTML = message;
                    node.setAttribute('dir', 'in');
                    setTimeout(() => {
                        node.setAttribute('dir', 'out');
                    }, duration * 1000 + 225);

        return { show };

    // Just for compatibility: Intercept (re-)definitions on YouTube's initial player response property to chain setter/getter from other extensions by hijacking the Object.defineProperty function
    Object.defineProperty = (obj, prop, descriptor) => {
        if (obj === window && PLAYER_RESPONSE_ALIASES.includes(prop)) {
  "Another extension tries to redefine '" + prop + "' (probably an AdBlock extension). Chain it...");

            if (descriptor?.set) chainedPlayerSetter = descriptor.set;
            if (descriptor?.get) chainedPlayerGetter = descriptor.get;
        } else {
            nativeDefineProperty(obj, prop, descriptor);

    // Redefine 'ytInitialPlayerResponse' to inspect and modify the initial player response as soon as the variable is set on page load
    nativeDefineProperty(window, "ytInitialPlayerResponse", {
        set: (playerResponse) => {
            // prevent recursive setter calls by ignoring unchanged data (this fixes a problem caused by Brave browser shield)
            if (playerResponse === wrappedPlayerResponse) return;

            wrappedPlayerResponse = inspectJsonData(playerResponse);
            if (typeof chainedPlayerSetter === "function") chainedPlayerSetter(wrappedPlayerResponse);
        get: () => {
            if (typeof chainedPlayerGetter === "function") try { return chainedPlayerGetter() } catch (err) { };
            return wrappedPlayerResponse || {};
        configurable: true,

    // Also redefine 'ytInitialData' for the initial next/sidebar response
    nativeDefineProperty(window, "ytInitialData", {
        set: (nextResponse) => { wrappedNextResponse = inspectJsonData(nextResponse); },
        get: () => wrappedNextResponse,
        configurable: true,

    // Intercept to rewrite video URL's (sometimes required) = function () {
        if (arguments.length > 1 && typeof arguments[1] === "string" && arguments[1].indexOf("https://") === 0) {
            const method = arguments[0];
            const url = new URL(arguments[1]);
            const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(;

            // If the account proxy was used to retieve the video info, the following applies:
            // some video files (mostly music videos) can only be accessed from IPs in the same country as the innertube api request (/youtubei/v1/player) was made.
            // to get around this, the googlevideo URL will be replaced with a web-proxy URL in the same country (US).
            // this is only required if the "gcr=[countrycode]" flag is set in the googlevideo-url...

            function isGoogleVideo() {
                return method === "GET" &&"") > 0;

            function hasGcrFlag() {
                return urlParams.get("gcr") !== null;

            function isUnlockedByAccountProxy() {
                return urlParams.get("id") !== null && urlParams.get("id") === lastProxiedGoogleVideoUrlParams?.get("id");

            if (VIDEO_PROXY_SERVER_HOST && isGoogleVideo() && hasGcrFlag() && isUnlockedByAccountProxy()) {
                // rewrite request URL
                arguments[1] = VIDEO_PROXY_SERVER_HOST + "/direct/" + btoa(arguments[1]);

                // solve CORS errors by preventing YouTube from enabling the "withCredentials" option (not required for the proxy)
                nativeDefineProperty(this, "withCredentials", {
                    set: () => { },
                    get: () => false,

        return nativeXmlHttpOpen.apply(this, arguments);

    // Intercept, inspect and modify JSON-based communication to unlock player responses by hijacking the JSON.parse function
    window.JSON.parse = (text, reviver) => inspectJsonData(nativeParse(text, reviver));

    function inspectJsonData(parsedData) {
        // If YouTube does JSON.parse(null) or similar weird things
        if (typeof parsedData !== "object" || parsedData === null) return parsedData;

        try {
            // Unlock #1: Array based in "&pbj=1" AJAX response on any navigation (does not seem to be used anymore)
            if (Array.isArray(parsedData)) {
                const { playerResponse } = parsedData.find(e => typeof e.playerResponse === "object") || {};

                if (playerResponse && isAgeRestricted(playerResponse.playabilityStatus)) {
                    playerResponseArrayItem.playerResponse = unlockPlayerResponse(playerResponse);

                    const { response: nextResponse } = parsedData.find(e => typeof e.response === "object") || {};

                    if (isWatchNextObject(nextResponse) && !isLoggedIn() && isWatchNextSidebarEmpty(nextResponse.contents)) {
                        nextResponseArrayItem.response = unlockNextResponse(nextResponse);

            // Unlock #2: Another JSON-Object containing the 'playerResponse' (seems to be used by with &pbj=1)
            if (parsedData.playerResponse?.playabilityStatus && parsedData.playerResponse?.videoDetails && isAgeRestricted(parsedData.playerResponse.playabilityStatus)) {
                parsedData.playerResponse = unlockPlayerResponse(parsedData.playerResponse);

            // Unlock #3: Initial page data structure and response from the '/youtubei/v1/player' endpoint
            if (parsedData.playabilityStatus && parsedData.videoDetails && isAgeRestricted(parsedData.playabilityStatus)) {
                parsedData = unlockPlayerResponse(parsedData);

            // Equivelant of unlock #2 for sidebar/next response
            if (isWatchNextObject(parsedData.response) && !isLoggedIn() && isWatchNextSidebarEmpty(parsedData.response.contents)) {
                parsedData.response = unlockNextResponse(parsedData.response);

            // Equivelant of unlock #3 for sidebar/next response
            if (isWatchNextObject(parsedData) && !isLoggedIn() && isWatchNextSidebarEmpty(parsedData.contents)) {
                parsedData = unlockNextResponse(parsedData)
        } catch (err) {
            console.error("Simple-YouTube-Age-Restriction-Bypass-Error:", err, "You can report bugs at:");

        return parsedData;

    function isAgeRestricted(playabilityStatus) {
        if (!playabilityStatus?.status) return false;
        return !!playabilityStatus.desktopLegacyAgeGateReason || UNLOCKABLE_PLAYER_STATES.includes(playabilityStatus.status);

    function isWatchNextObject(parsedData) {
        if (!parsedData?.contents || !parsedData?.currentVideoEndpoint?.watchEndpoint?.videoId) return false;
        return !!parsedData.contents.twoColumnWatchNextResults || !!parsedData.contents.singleColumnWatchNextResults;

    function isWatchNextSidebarEmpty(contents) {
        const secondaryResults = contents.twoColumnWatchNextResults?.secondaryResults?.secondaryResults;
        if (secondaryResults?.results) return false;

        // MWEB response layout
        const singleColumnWatchNextContents = contents.singleColumnWatchNextResults?.results?.results?.contents;
        if (!singleColumnWatchNextContents) return true;

        const { itemSectionRenderer } = singleColumnWatchNextContents.find(e => e.itemSectionRenderer?.targetId === "watch-next-feed") || {};

        return !!itemSectionRenderer;

    function isLoggedIn() {

    function unlockPlayerResponse(playerResponse) {
        const videoId = playerResponse.videoDetails.videoId;
        const reason = playerResponse.playabilityStatus?.status;
        const unlockedPayerResponse = getUnlockedPlayerResponse(videoId, reason);

        // account proxy error?
        if (unlockedPayerResponse.errorMessage) {
  "Unable to unlock this video 🙁 - More information in the developer console (ProxyError)", 10);
            throw new Error(`Unlock Failed, errorMessage:${unlockedPayerResponse.errorMessage}; innertubeApiKey:${INNERTUBE_CONFIG.INNERTUBE_API_KEY}; innertubeClientName:${INNERTUBE_CONFIG.INNERTUBE_CLIENT_NAME}; innertubeClientVersion:${INNERTUBE_CONFIG.INNERTUBE_CLIENT_VERSION}`);

        // check if the unlocked response isn't playable
        if (unlockedPayerResponse.playabilityStatus?.status !== "OK") {
  `Unable to unlock this video 🙁 - More information in the developer console (playabilityStatus: ${unlockedPayerResponse.playabilityStatus?.status})`, 10);
            throw new Error(`Unlock Failed, playabilityStatus:${unlockedPayerResponse.playabilityStatus?.status}; innertubeApiKey:${INNERTUBE_CONFIG.INNERTUBE_API_KEY}; innertubeClientName:${INNERTUBE_CONFIG.INNERTUBE_CLIENT_NAME}; innertubeClientVersion:${INNERTUBE_CONFIG.INNERTUBE_CLIENT_VERSION}`);

        // if the video info was retrieved via proxy, store the URL params from the url- or signatureCipher-attribute to detect later if the requested video files are from this unlock.
        // => see isUnlockedByAccountProxy()
        if (unlockedPayerResponse.proxied && unlockedPayerResponse.streamingData?.adaptiveFormats) {
            const cipherText = unlockedPayerResponse.streamingData.adaptiveFormats.find(x => x.signatureCipher)?.signatureCipher;
            const videoUrl = cipherText ? new URLSearchParams(cipherText).get("url") : unlockedPayerResponse.streamingData.adaptiveFormats.find(x => x.url)?.url;

            lastProxiedGoogleVideoUrlParams = videoUrl ? new URLSearchParams(new URL(videoUrl).search) : null;
        }"Video successfully unlocked!");

        return unlockedPayerResponse;

    function unlockNextResponse(nextResponse) {
        const { videoId, playlistId, index: playlistIndex } = nextResponse.currentVideoEndpoint.watchEndpoint;
        const unlockedNextResponse = getUnlockedNextResponse(videoId, playlistId, playlistIndex);

        // check if the unlocked response's sidebar is still empty
        if (isWatchNextSidebarEmpty(unlockedNextResponse.contents)) {
            throw new Error(`Sidebar Unlock Failed, innertubeApiKey:${INNERTUBE_CONFIG.INNERTUBE_API_KEY}; innertubeClientName:${INNERTUBE_CONFIG.INNERTUBE_CLIENT_NAME}; innertubeClientVersion:${INNERTUBE_CONFIG.INNERTUBE_CLIENT_VERSION}`);

        // Transfer WatchNextResults to original response
        if (nextResponse.contents?.twoColumnWatchNextResults?.secondaryResults) {
            nextResponse.contents.twoColumnWatchNextResults.secondaryResults = unlockedNextResponse?.contents?.twoColumnWatchNextResults?.secondaryResults;

        // Transfer mobile (MWEB) WatchNextResults to original response
        if (nextResponse.contents?.singleColumnWatchNextResults?.results?.results?.contents) {
            const unlockedWatchNextFeed = unlockedNextResponse?.contents?.singleColumnWatchNextResults?.results?.results?.contents
                ?.find(x => x.itemSectionRenderer?.targetId === "watch-next-feed");
            if (unlockedWatchNextFeed) nextResponse.contents.singleColumnWatchNextResults.results.results.contents.push(unlockedWatchNextFeed);

        // Transfer video description to original response
        const originalVideoSecondaryInfoRenderer = nextResponse.contents?.twoColumnWatchNextResults?.results?.results?.contents
            ?.find(x => x.videoSecondaryInfoRenderer)?.videoSecondaryInfoRenderer;
        const unlockedVideoSecondaryInfoRenderer = unlockedNextResponse.contents?.twoColumnWatchNextResults?.results?.results?.contents
            ?.find(x => x.videoSecondaryInfoRenderer)?.videoSecondaryInfoRenderer;

        if (originalVideoSecondaryInfoRenderer && unlockedVideoSecondaryInfoRenderer?.description)
            originalVideoSecondaryInfoRenderer.description = unlockedVideoSecondaryInfoRenderer.description;

        // Transfer mobile (MWEB) video description to original response
        const originalStructuredDescriptionContentRenderer = nextResponse.engagementPanels
            ?.find(x => x.engagementPanelSectionListRenderer)?.engagementPanelSectionListRenderer?.content?.structuredDescriptionContentRenderer?.items
            ?.find(x => x.expandableVideoDescriptionBodyRenderer);
        const unlockedStructuredDescriptionContentRenderer = unlockedNextResponse.engagementPanels
            ?.find(x => x.engagementPanelSectionListRenderer)?.engagementPanelSectionListRenderer?.content?.structuredDescriptionContentRenderer?.items
            ?.find(x => x.expandableVideoDescriptionBodyRenderer);

        if (originalStructuredDescriptionContentRenderer && unlockedStructuredDescriptionContentRenderer?.expandableVideoDescriptionBodyRenderer)
            originalStructuredDescriptionContentRenderer.expandableVideoDescriptionBodyRenderer = unlockedStructuredDescriptionContentRenderer.expandableVideoDescriptionBodyRenderer;

        return nextResponse;

    function getUnlockedPlayerResponse(videoId, reason) {
        // Check if response is cached
        if (responseCache.videoId === videoId) return responseCache.playerResponse;


        let playerResponse = useInnertubeEmbed();

        if (playerResponse?.playabilityStatus?.status !== "OK") playerResponse = useProxy();

        // Cache response for 10 seconds
        responseCache = { videoId, playerResponse };
        setTimeout(() => { responseCache = {} }, 10000);

        return playerResponse;

        // Strategy 1: Retrieve the video info by using a age-gate bypass for the innertube API
        // Source:
        function useInnertubeEmbed() {
  "Simple-YouTube-Age-Restriction-Bypass: Trying Unlock Method #1 (Innertube Embed)");
            const payload = getInnertubeEmbedPayload(videoId);
            const xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
  "POST", `/youtubei/v1/player?key=${INNERTUBE_CONFIG.INNERTUBE_API_KEY}`, false); // Synchronous!!!
            return nativeParse(xmlhttp.responseText);

        // Strategy 2: Retrieve the video info from an account proxy server.
        // See
        function useProxy() {
  "Simple-YouTube-Age-Restriction-Bypass: Trying Unlock Method #2 (Account Proxy)");
            const xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
  "GET", ACCOUNT_PROXY_SERVER_HOST + `/getPlayer?videoId=${encodeURIComponent(videoId)}&reason=${encodeURIComponent(reason)}&clientName=${INNERTUBE_CONFIG.INNERTUBE_CLIENT_NAME}&clientVersion=${INNERTUBE_CONFIG.INNERTUBE_CLIENT_VERSION}&signatureTimestamp=${INNERTUBE_CONFIG.STS}`, false); // Synchronous!!!
            const playerResponse = nativeParse(xmlhttp.responseText);
            playerResponse.proxied = true;
            return playerResponse;

    function getUnlockedNextResponse(videoId, playlistId, playlistIndex) {

        // Retrieve the video info by using a age-gate bypass for the innertube API
        // Source:"Simple-YouTube-Age-Restriction-Bypass: Trying Sidebar Unlock Method (Innertube Embed)");
        const payload = getInnertubeEmbedPayload(videoId, playlistId, playlistIndex);
        const xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", `/youtubei/v1/next?key=${INNERTUBE_CONFIG.INNERTUBE_API_KEY}`, false); // Synchronous!!!
        return nativeParse(xmlhttp.responseText);

    function getInnertubeEmbedPayload(videoId, playlistId, playlistIndex) {
        const data = {
            context: {
                client: {
                    clientName: INNERTUBE_CONFIG.INNERTUBE_CLIENT_NAME.replace('_EMBEDDED_PLAYER', ''),
                    clientVersion: INNERTUBE_CONFIG.INNERTUBE_CLIENT_VERSION,
                    clientScreen: "EMBED",
                thirdParty: {
                    embedUrl: "",
            playbackContext: {
                contentPlaybackContext: {
                    signatureTimestamp: INNERTUBE_CONFIG.STS,

        // Append client info from INNERTUBE_CONTEXT
        if (typeof INNERTUBE_CONFIG.INNERTUBE_CONTEXT?.client === "object") {
            data.context.client = {, ...INNERTUBE_CONFIG.INNERTUBE_CONTEXT.client };

        return data;

    // to avoid version conflicts between client and server response, the current YouTube version config will be determined
    function setInnertubeConfigFromYtcfg() {
        if (!window.ytcfg) {
            console.warn("Simple-YouTube-Age-Restriction-Bypass: Unable to retrieve global YouTube configuration (window.ytcfg). Using old values...");

        for (const key in INNERTUBE_CONFIG) {
            const value = window.ytcfg.data_?.[key] ?? window.ytcfg.get?.(key);
            if (value !== undefined && value !== null) {
                INNERTUBE_CONFIG[key] = value;
            } else {
                console.warn(`Simple-YouTube-Age-Restriction-Bypass: Unable to retrieve global YouTube configuration variable '${key}'. Using old value...`);

    // Some extensions like AdBlock override the Object.defineProperty function to prevent a redefinition of the 'ytInitialPlayerResponse' variable by YouTube.
    // But we need to define a custom descriptor to that variable to intercept its value. This behavior causes a race condition depending on the execution order with this script :(
    // This function tries to restore the native Object.defineProperty function...
    function getNativeDefineProperty() {
        // Check if the Object.defineProperty function is native (original)
        if (Object.defineProperty?.toString().indexOf("[native code]") > -1) {
            return Object.defineProperty;

        // if the Object.defineProperty function is already overidden, try to restore the native function from another window...
        const tempFrame = createElement("iframe", { style: `display: none;` });

        const nativeDefineProperty = tempFrame?.contentWindow?.Object?.defineProperty;


        if (nativeDefineProperty) {
  "Simple-YouTube-Age-Restriction-Bypass: Overidden Object.defineProperty function successfully restored!");
            return nativeDefineProperty;
        } else {
            console.warn("Simple-YouTube-Age-Restriction-Bypass: Unable to restore the original Object.defineProperty function");
            return Object.defineProperty;

    function createElement(tagName, options) {
        const node = document.createElement(tagName);
        options && Object.assign(node, options);
        return node;

// Just a trick to get around the sandbox restrictions in Firefox / Greasemonkey
// Greasemonkey => Inject code into the main window
// Tampermonkey & Violentmonkey => Execute code directly
if (typeof GM_info === "object" && GM_info.scriptHandler === "Greasemonkey") {
    window.eval("(" + initUnlocker.toString() + ")();");
} else {