// ==UserScript==
// @name 知乎-匿名提问者标注
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 1.5.1
// @license MPL-2.0
// @description 在问题页, 标注匿名提问, 防止钓鱼
// @author C4r
// @match https://www.zhihu.com/*
// @require https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/jquery.min.js
// @grant GM_addStyle
// @grant GM.setValue
// @grant GM.getValue
// ==/UserScript==
(function () {
'use strict';
GM_addStyle(' \
.wrapper { \
margin: 102px 0;\
position: relative;\
background: #497dd0;\
margin: 4px auto;\
overflow: hidden;\
padding: 0 !important;\
-webkit-border-radius: 50px;\
-moz-border-radius: 50px;\
border-radius: 50px;\
position: relative;\
height: 26px;\
width: 110px;\
.toggle_radio > * {\
float: left;\
.toggle_radio input[type=radio]{\
display: none;\
.toggle_radio label{\
font: 90%/1.618 "Source Sans Pro";\
color: rgba(255,255,255,.9);\
z-index: 0;\
display: block;\
width: 30px;\
height: 20px;\
margin: 3px 3px;\
-webkit-border-radius: 50px;\
-moz-border-radius: 50px;\
border-radius: 50px;\
cursor: pointer;\
z-index: 1;\
/*background: rgba(0,0,0,.1);*/\
text-align: center;\
width: 30px;\
height: 20px;\
position: absolute;\
top: 3px;\
-webkit-border-radius: 15px;\
-moz-border-radius: 15px;\
border-radius: 15px;\
-webkit-transition: all .4s ease;\
-moz-transition: all .4s ease;\
-o-transition: all .4s ease;\
-ms-transition: all .4s ease;\
transition: all .4s ease;\
#AnonymousToggleOff:checked ~ .toggle_option_slider{\
background: rgba(255,255,255,.3);\
left: 3px;\
#AnonymousToggleLight:checked ~ .toggle_option_slider{\
background: rgba(255,255,255,.3);\
left: 38px;\
#AnonymousToggleTight:checked ~ .toggle_option_slider{\
background: rgba(255,255,255,.3);\
left: 75px;\
function isHome() {
return $("#TopstoryContent").length > 0
function isQuestionPage() {
return $('.QuestionPage').length > 0
function isAuthorPage() {
return $('#ProfileHeader').length > 0
function getLogURL(questionURL) {
// return new URL('log', questionURL).href
return questionURL + '/log'
function httpGetAsync(theUrl, callback) {
var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (xmlHttp.readyState == 4 && xmlHttp.status == 200)
xmlHttp.open("GET", theUrl, true); // true for asynchronous
function getAuthorUrl(logURL) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
httpGetAsync(logURL, (responseText) => {
// console.log('get response')
let repHTML = $.parseHTML(responseText)
let author = $(repHTML).find('.zm-item:last > div > a').attr('href')
if (author != undefined) {
let userInfo = {
'name': $(repHTML).find('.zm-item:last > div > a').text(),
'url': $(repHTML).find('.zm-item:last > div > a').get(0).href,
'a': $(repHTML).find('.zm-item:last > div > a').get(0).outerHTML
} else {
// console.log( '匿名提问 : ', undefined)
class Author {
constructor(url) {
this.url = url
this.name = undefined
this.avatar = undefined
this.isOrg = undefined
this.isVerified = undefined
this.ask = undefined
this.answer = undefined
// 关注了
this.following = undefined
// 关注者
this.follower = undefined
this.post = undefined
this.agree = undefined
this.score = undefined
this.scoreMarker = undefined
this.timeStamp = undefined
print() {
console.log('url : ', this.url )
console.log('name : ', this.name )
console.log('avatar : ', this.avatar )
console.log('isOrg : ', this.isOrg )
console.log('isVerified : ', this.isVerified )
console.log('ask : ', this.ask )
console.log('answer : ', this.answer )
console.log('following : ', this.following )
console.log('follower : ', this.follower )
console.log('post : ', this.post )
console.log('agree : ', this.agree )
console.log('score : ', this.score )
console.log('scoreMarker: ', this.scoreMarker )
console.log('timeStamp : ', this.timeStamp )
updateAuthorFromPage(pageHTML) {
this.name = $(pageHTML).find('.ProfileHeader-name').text()
this.avatar = $(pageHTML).find('img.Avatar').attr('src')
this.ask = parseInt($(pageHTML).find('.Profile-mainColumn li.Tabs-item[aria-controls="Profile-asks"] span').text())
this.answer = parseInt($(pageHTML).find('.Profile-mainColumn li.Tabs-item[aria-controls="Profile-answers"] span:eq(0)').text())
+ parseInt($(pageHTML).find('.Profile-mainColumn li.Tabs-item[aria-controls="Profile-answers"] span:eq(1)').text())
this.post = parseInt($(pageHTML).find('.Profile-mainColumn li.Tabs-item[aria-controls="Profile-posts"] span').text())
this.following = parseInt($(pageHTML).find('.FollowshipCard a:eq(0) .NumberBoard-itemValue').attr('title'))
this.follower = parseInt($(pageHTML).find('.FollowshipCard a:eq(1) .NumberBoard-itemValue').attr('title'))
let arrayAgree = $($(pageHTML).find('.Zi--Like').closest('.css-12ofpn8').find('.css-vurnku').contents().get(0)).text().match(/\d+/g)
if (arrayAgree) {
this.agree = parseInt(arrayAgree.join(''))
} else {
this.agree = 0
// this.agree = parseInt($($(pageHTML).find('.Zi--Like').closest('.css-12ofpn8').find('.css-vurnku').contents().get(0)).text().match(/\d+/g).join(''))
this.timeStamp = Date.now()
// this.print()
* 评估作者
* @returns 1-10
evaluateAuthor() {
let score = 5
if( this.isBanned() ){
this.score = 1
this.scoreMarker = '🔥'
if(this.answer > 5 || this.ask > 5 ){
if (this.agree >= 1.1 * this.answer) {
score = score + 1 // Math.ceil( this.agree/this.answer )
// console.log('agree up')
} else if (this.agree <= 0.2 * this.answer) {
score = score - 2
// console.log('agree down')
} else if (this.agree <= 0.5 * this.answer) {
score = score - 1
if (this.answer >= 2. * this.ask) {
score = score + 1
// console.log('answer up')
} else if (this.answer <= 0.5 * this.ask) {
score = score - 3
} else if (this.answer <= 0.7 * this.ask) {
score = score - 2
} else if (this.answer <= 1. * this.ask) {
score = score - 1
if (this.follower < 10) {
score = score - 1
// console.log('follower up')
if (this.follower < 100) {
score = score - 1
// console.log('follower up')
if (this.follower >= 100) {
score = score + 1
// console.log('follower up')
if (this.follower >= 1000) {
score = score + 2
if (score > 10) {
score = 10
} else if (score < 1) {
score = 1
this.score = score
if (this.score > 6) {
this.scoreMarker = '☼'
} else if (this.score < 4) {
this.scoreMarker = '🔥'
} else {
this.scoreMarker = '☉'
return (
|| isNaN(this.ask)
|| isNaN(this.agree)
|| isNaN(this.follower)
|| isNaN(this.following))
toJSON() {
return {
'url' : this.url ,
'name' : this.name ,
'avatar' : this.avatar ,
'isOrg' : this.isOrg ,
'isVerified' : this.isVerified ,
'ask' : this.ask ,
'answer' : this.answer ,
'following' : this.following ,
'follower' : this.follower ,
'post' : this.post ,
'agree' : this.agree ,
'score' : this.score ,
'scoreMarker': this.scoreMarker,
'timeStamp' : this.timeStamp
fromJSON(json) {
this.url = json['url' ]
this.name = json['name' ]
this.avatar = json['avatar' ]
this.isOrg = json['isOrg' ]
this.isVerified = json['isVerified' ]
this.ask = json['ask' ]
this.answer = json['answer' ]
this.following = json['following' ]
this.follower = json['follower' ]
this.post = json['post' ]
this.agree = json['agree' ]
this.score = json['score' ]
this.scoreMarker= json['scoreMarker' ]
this.timeStamp = json['timeStamp' ]
store() {
if(this.isBanned() ){
let allData = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('zhihu-Anonymous') || '{}')
if (allData['author'] == undefined || allData['author'][this.url] == undefined ) {
allData['author'][this.url] = this.toJSON()
localStorage.setItem('zhihu-Anonymous', JSON.stringify(allData))
} else {
if ( (this.timeStamp - allData['author'][this.url]['timeStamp']) > 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) {
allData['author'][this.url] = this.toJSON()
// console.log(this.toJSON())
// localStorage.setItem('zhihu-Anonymous', JSON.stringify(allData))
get() {
let allData = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('zhihu-Anonymous') || '{}')
// console.log(allData)
if (allData['author'] == undefined) {
return false
} else {
if (allData['author'][this.url]){
this.fromJSON( allData['author'][this.url])
return true
return false
* @param {str} authorUrl 作者页链接
* https://www.zhihu.com/org/guan-cha-zhe-wang-31 <- 官方帐号
* https://www.zhihu.com/people/liaoxuefeng <- 个人帐号
* @returns {Author} author
function getAuthorInfoDetail(authorUrl) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let author = new Author(authorUrl)
// console.log('author exist ', author.name)
httpGetAsync(authorUrl, (responseText) => {
let repHTML = $.parseHTML(responseText)
function topic() {
return '\
<div class="Tag QuestionTopic" data-za-detail-view-path-module="TopicItem" data-za-extra-module="{"card":{"content":{"type":"Topic","token":"19962846"}}}">\
<span class="Tag-content">\
<a class="TopicLink" href="//www.zhihu.com/topic/19962846" target="_blank">\
<div class="Popover"><div id="Popover4-toggle" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false" aria-owns="Popover4-content">匿名提问</div>\
function noteQuestionPage(content, jump) {
return '\
<div class="Labels LabelContainer" AnonymousNote>\
<div class="Labels-item">\
<div class="PositiveLabel">\
<div class="PositiveLabelLayout">\
<div class="PositiveLabelLayout-bar">\
<div class="PositiveLabelBar PositiveLabelBar--link PositiveLabelBar--special" data-za-detail-view-path-module="Content" data-za-detail-view-path-module_name="">\
<div class="PositiveLabelBar-content">\
<div class="PositiveLabelBar-main">\
<span class="PositiveLabelBar-title">'+ content + '</span>\
<div class="PositiveLabelBar-side">'+ jump + '</div>\
function addNoteQuestionPage(content, jump) {
if ($('[AnonymousNote]').length > 0) {
$('[AnonymousNote] .PositiveLabelBar-title').empty()
$('[AnonymousNote] .PositiveLabelBar-title').append(content)
$('[AnonymousNote] .PositiveLabelBar-side').empty()
$('[AnonymousNote] .PositiveLabelBar-side').append(jump)
} else {
// console.log('插入')
$('.QuestionHeader h1.QuestionHeader-title').after(noteQuestionPage(content, jump));
function loadHotlist() {
let num_section = $('.HotList-list section').length
let arrayHide = new Array(num_section)
$('.HotList-list section').each((index, section) => {
arrayHide[index] = new Promise(resolveHide => {
if ($(section).find('[AnonymousNote]').length == 0) {
// if($(section).find('[AnonymousNote]').length == 0 ){
let questionURL = $(section).find('.HotItem-content a').attr('href')
let logURL = getLogURL(questionURL)
if (logURL.includes('question')) {
if ($(section).find('[AnonymousNote][checking]').length == 0) {
$(section).find('.HotItem-metrics').append('<span class="HotItem-action" AnonymousNote checking> 🔍 👤 </span>')
getAuthorUrl(logURL).then(authorInfo => {
if (authorInfo == undefined) {
if ($(section).find('[AnonymousNote]').length > 0) {
$(section).find('[AnonymousNote]').append('<span class="HotItem-action" AnonymousNote done title="匿名提问"><a class="Profile-lightItem" valueAuthor score="0" title="powered by C4r" href="https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/269994286">👻 匿名 </a></span>')
$(section).find('[AnonymousNote]').attr('done', '')
} else {
$(section).find('.HotItem-metrics').append('<span class="HotItem-action" AnonymousNote done title="匿名提问"><a class="Profile-lightItem" valueAuthor score="0" title="powered by C4r" href="https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/269994286">👻 匿名 </a></span>')
if ($('[AnonymousToggle]').length > 0 && ($('#AnonymousToggleTight').prop('checked') || $('#AnonymousToggleLight').prop('checked'))) {
} else {
} else {
// console.log('找到题主 : ', authorInfo)
if ($(section).find('[AnonymousNote]').length > 0) {
$(section).find('[AnonymousNote]').append(' 👤 ' + authorInfo.a + ' <a class="Profile-lightItem" valueAuthor >🔍</a>')
$(section).find('[AnonymousNote]').attr('done', '')
} else {
$(section).find('.HotItem-metrics').append('<span class="HotItem-action" AnonymousNote done title="题主"> 👤 ' + authorInfo.a + ' <a class="Profile-lightItem" valueAuthor>🔍</a> </span>')
getAuthorInfoDetail(authorInfo.url).then(author => {
if ($(section).find('[AnonymousNote] [valueAuthor]').length > 0) {
$(section).find('[AnonymousNote] [valueAuthor]').remove()
$(section).find('[AnonymousNote]').append('<a class="Profile-lightItem" valueAuthor score="' + author.score.toString() + '" title="score : ' + author.score.toString() + ' by C4r" href="https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/269994286">' + author.scoreMarker + '</a>')
if ($('[AnonymousToggle]').length > 0 && $('#AnonymousToggleTight').prop('checked') && author.score < 4) {
} else {
} else {
} else {
Promise.all(arrayHide).then((values) => {
// console.log(num_section, ' hide ', values)
let countHide = values.filter(isHide => isHide).length
if (countHide > 0) {
$('div[AnonymousToggleCount]').text('-' + countHide.toString())
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);
} else {
function callbackHotList(mutationsList) {
if ($('.HotList-list').length > 0) {
// console.log('refresh author info...')
let count = 0
for (let mutation of mutationsList) {
if ($(mutation.target).find('[AnonymousNote]').length == 0
&& $(mutation.target).find('.HotItem-content a').attr('href').includes('question')) {
count = count + 1
if (count > 0) {
$(document).on('click', '[AnonymousToggle]', () => {
let countHide = 0
let countShow = 0
if ($('#AnonymousToggleLight').prop('checked')) {
GM.setValue("zhihu-AnonymousToggle", 1)
$('.HotList-list section').each((index, section) => {
if ($(section).find('[AnonymousNote]').length > 0) {
if ($(section).find('[valueAuthor]') && parseInt($(section).find('[valueAuthor]').attr('score')) == 0) {
countHide = countHide + 1
} else {
countShow = countShow + 1
$('div[AnonymousToggleCount]').text('-' + countHide.toString())
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);
} else if ($('#AnonymousToggleTight').prop('checked')) {
GM.setValue("zhihu-AnonymousToggle", 2)
$('.HotList-list section').each((index, section) => {
if ($(section).find('[AnonymousNote]').length > 0) {
if ($(section).find('[valueAuthor]') && parseInt($(section).find('[valueAuthor]').attr('score')) < 4) {
countHide = countHide + 1
$('div[AnonymousToggleCount]').text('-' + countHide.toString())
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);
} else {
// if($('#AnonymousToggleOff').prop('checked')){
GM.setValue("zhihu-AnonymousToggle", 0)
$('.HotList-list section').each((index, section) => {
if ($(section).find('[AnonymousNote]').length > 0) {
if ($(section).find('[valueAuthor]') && $(section).is(":hidden")) {
countShow = countShow + 1
$('div[AnonymousToggleCount]').text('+' + countShow.toString())
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);
let c4rHTML = '<svg version="1.0" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"\
width="12.000000pt" height="12.000000pt" viewBox="0 0 500.000000 500.000000"\
preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet">\
<g transform="translate(0.000000,500.000000) scale(0.100000,-0.100000)"\
fill="#000000" stroke="none">\
<path d="M3125 4985 c-337 -63 -703 -242 -1077 -527 -570 -434 -1157 -1137\
-1467 -1757 -100 -198 -183 -442 -216 -630 -19 -109 -19 -315 0 -404 44 -207\
196 -374 412 -451 141 -50 221 -61 438 -61 286 1 470 33 850 147 293 88 301\
92 447 245 68 70 142 147 166 171 33 33 43 49 40 70 l-3 27 -250 9 c-185 6\
-265 5 -310 -3 -33 -7 -170 -48 -304 -93 -270 -88 -376 -114 -520 -128 -100\
-9 -241 0 -326 21 -53 13 -119 67 -145 120 -112 219 73 755 462 1338 581 870\
1323 1498 1887 1596 102 18 148 19 271 3 110 -13 137 -9 183 32 63 55 70 155\
17 223 -39 49 -88 60 -290 63 -133 2 -208 -1 -265 -11z"/>\
<path d="M2874 2941 c-37 -16 -64 -60 -64 -106 0 -31 14 -68 54 -146 115 -221\
186 -497 216 -836 11 -119 10 -123 -13 -170 -84 -166 -208 -603 -263 -922 -34\
-197 -43 -447 -20 -546 33 -138 109 -215 213 -215 50 0 57 3 103 46 110 103\
190 338 264 775 45 263 66 465 66 634 0 154 5 168 103 315 164 247 316 385\
472 426 105 29 276 11 414 -43 36 -14 89 -28 117 -30 46 -4 53 -2 82 27 28 28\
32 38 32 87 0 55 -1 56 -61 114 -86 83 -188 147 -288 183 -74 26 -100 30 -191\
30 -124 0 -198 -17 -316 -74 -109 -53 -229 -143 -341 -257 l-92 -93 -11 42\
c-33 128 -98 294 -176 451 -68 135 -145 266 -173 291 -23 21 -95 30 -127 17z"/>\
// fresh data
* zhihu-Anonymous :{
* lastFreshTimeStamp : sec
* author :{
* url : author class
* ...
* }
* question :{
* url : { timeStamp: sec; author : url}
* }
* }
let allData = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('zhihu-Anonymous') || '{}')
if (allData['lastFreshTimeStamp'] == undefined) {
allData['lastFreshTimeStamp'] = Date.now()
allData['author'] = {}
allData['question'] = {}
localStorage.setItem('zhihu-Anonymous', JSON.stringify(allData))
} else {
let nowTimeStamp = Date.now()
if (nowTimeStamp - allData['lastFreshTimeStamp'] > 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) {
let authorList = {}
for (let authorValue of Object.values(allData['author'])) {
if (nowTimeStamp - authorValue['timeStamp'] < 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) {
authorList[authorValue['url']] = authorValue
let questionList = {}
for (let [qKey, qValue] of Object.entries(allData['question'])) {
if (nowTimeStamp - qValue['timeStamp'] < 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) {
questionList[qKey] = qValue
allData['author'] = authorList
allData['question'] = questionList
allData['lastFreshTimeStamp'] = nowTimeStamp
localStorage.setItem('zhihu-Anonymous', JSON.stringify(allData))
$(document).ready(() => {
if (isHome()) {
GM.getValue("zhihu-AnonymousToggle", 0).then((anonymousToggle) => {
if ($('[AnonymousToggle]').length > 0) {
switch (anonymousToggle) {
case 0:
$('#AnonymousToggleOff').prop('checked', true);
case 1:
$('#AnonymousToggleLight').prop('checked', true);
case 2:
$('#AnonymousToggleTight').prop('checked', true);
} else {
'<div class="wrapper" AnonymousToggle><div AnonymousToggleCount class="Popover" style="color: #497dd0;">🏃</div>\
<div class="Popover toggle_radio">\
<input type="radio" class="toggle_option" id="AnonymousToggleOff" name="toggle_option" '+ (anonymousToggle == 0 ? 'checked' : '') + '>\
<input type="radio" class="toggle_option" id="AnonymousToggleLight" name="toggle_option" '+ (anonymousToggle == 1 ? 'checked' : '') + '>\
<input type="radio" class="toggle_option" id="AnonymousToggleTight" name="toggle_option" '+ (anonymousToggle == 2 ? 'checked' : '') + '>\
<label for="AnonymousToggleOff" title="关闭问题过滤" ><p>'+ c4rHTML + '</p></label>\
<label for="AnonymousToggleLight" title="隐藏匿名问题" ><p>👻</p></label>\
<label for="AnonymousToggleTight" title="隐藏匿名和低质问题"><p>🔥</p></label>\
<div class="toggle_option_slider">\
}).catch((error) => {
// console.log('AnonymousToggle error ',error )
// 热榜
if ($('.HotList-list').length > 0) {
let observerHotList = new MutationObserver(callbackHotList)
subtree: true, childList: false, characterData: false, attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['data-za-detail-view-path-module'],
attributeOldValue: false, characterDataOldValue: false
} else if (isQuestionPage()) {
let questionURL = $('.QuestionPage >meta[itemprop="url"]').attr('content')
let logURL = getLogURL(questionURL)
if ($('.QuestionAuthor').length == 0) {
// console.log('问题页 ', logURL)
addNoteQuestionPage('读取日志中...', '<a href=' + logURL + '>问题日志</a>')
getAuthorUrl(logURL).then(authorInfo => {
if (authorInfo == undefined) {
addNoteQuestionPage('<a class="Profile-lightItem" valueAuthor title="powered by C4r" href="https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/269994286"> ⚠ 注意 : 这是一篇匿名提问 👻 </a>', '<a href=' + logURL + '>问题日志</a>')
let oText = $('.PageHeader h1.QuestionHeader-title').text()
$('.PageHeader h1.QuestionHeader-title').text('👻 ' + oText)
} else {
// console.log('找到题主 : ', authorInfo)
addNoteQuestionPage('👤 ' + authorInfo.a + ' <a class="Profile-lightItem" valueAuthor >🔍</a>', '<a href=' + logURL + '>问题日志</a>')
// let oText = $('.PageHeader h1.QuestionHeader-title').text()
// $('.PageHeader h1.QuestionHeader-title').text('👤 ' + oText)
getAuthorInfoDetail(authorInfo.url).then(author => {
'👤 ' + authorInfo.a +
'<a class="Profile-lightItem" valueAuthor title="score : ' + author.score.toString() + ' by C4r" href="https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/269994286">' + author.scoreMarker + '</a>',
'<a href=' + logURL + '>问题日志</a>')
let oText = $('.PageHeader h1.QuestionHeader-title').text()
$('.PageHeader h1.QuestionHeader-title').text(author.scoreMarker + oText)
} else {
$('.QuestionAuthor').append('<a href=' + logURL + '>问题日志</a>')
$('.QuestionAuthor div.AuthorInfo-content').append(' <a class="Profile-lightItem" valueAuthor >🔍</a>')
getAuthorUrl(logURL).then(authorInfo => {
getAuthorInfoDetail(authorInfo.url).then(author => {
if ($('.QuestionAuthor div.AuthorInfo-content [valueAuthor]').length > 0) {
$('.QuestionAuthor div.AuthorInfo-content [valueAuthor]').remove()
$('.QuestionAuthor div.AuthorInfo-content').append('<a class="Profile-lightItem" valueAuthor title="score : ' + author.score.toString() + ' by C4r" href="https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/269994286">' + author.scoreMarker + '</a>')
let oText = $('.PageHeader h1.QuestionHeader-title').text()
$('.PageHeader h1.QuestionHeader-title').text(author.scoreMarker + oText)
} else if (isAuthorPage()) {
'<a class="Profile-lightItem" valueAuthor title="powered by C4r" href="https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/269994286"><span class="Profile-lightItemName">题主估分</span><span class="Profile-lightItemValue">🖩</span></a>')
let author = new Author(window.location.href)
if(! author.get()){
// console.log('not found author')
// console.log('author exist ')
// author.print()
// console.log('分数 : ',author.evaluateAuthor())
// append score
let scoreString = author.score.toString() + author.scoreMarker
if ($('[valueAuthor]').length > 0) {
$('[valueAuthor] .Profile-lightItemValue').text(scoreString)
} else {
'<a class="Profile-lightItem" valueAuthor title="powered by C4r" href="https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/269994286"><span class="Profile-lightItemName">题主估分</span><span class="Profile-lightItemValue">' + scoreString + '</span></a>')