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Super-phrase - automatic "phrase search" on DuckDuckGo.

Adds a verbatim tick-box to the DuckDuckGo search bar.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Super-phrase - automatic "phrase search" on DuckDuckGo.
// @namespace
// @version      1.2
// @description  Adds a verbatim tick-box to the DuckDuckGo search bar.
//               When ticked, anything typed in the box is auto-wrapped 
//               in quote marks and thus "searched as a phrase".
//		 Works on main home-page only. Use to form your initial phrase,
//               then you add additional search keywords and knock-outs in the 
//               search-box on the results page.
// @author       Josef Andersson, under paid contract to myself.
// @author       Working regex for "phrase wrapping" then supplied to me by 
//               Fechinsir on Fivver, again under paid contract to myself.
// @match*

// @run-at       document-end
// ==/UserScript==

if (location.pathname === '/') {
    const test = document.getElementById('content_homepage');
    if (test == null) {

    let form = document.getElementById('search_form_homepage');
    let input = form.querySelector('input');

    form.addEventListener('submit', ev => {
        if (localStorage.getItem('forceVerbatim') === 'true') {
            input.value = input.value.replace(/(^.*$)/g, '"$1"');
    }, {
        capture: true

    const div = document.createElement('div');
    const label = document.createElement('label');
    const checkbox = document.createElement('input');
    label.innerText = 'Verbatim';
    label.htmlFor = 'forceVerbatim' = 'forceVerbatim';
    checkbox.type = 'checkbox';
    checkbox.checked = localStorage.getItem('forceVerbatim') === 'true';
    Object.assign(, { margin:'-30px -3px 0 0', color:'#888', fontSize:'.8em', textAlign:'right' });
    Object.assign(, {})

    form.parentElement.insertBefore(div, form);

    checkbox.addEventListener('change', _ => {
        localStorage.setItem('forceVerbatim', checkbox.checked);