Greasy Fork 支持简体中文。
A style for forums powered by a discourse engine. It fixes minor bugs in CSS, adds a new way of highlighting active users, add a different look to spoilers on content.
這裡只顯示彼此間有代碼差異的版本。 顯示所有版本。
Epoch & Unix Timestamp fix:- era "17": GMT: Tuesday, 14 November 2023 22:13:20 - Relative: 10 minutes ago
TMP update logic for "html[class*="discourse-"].whos-online-ring body.user-page-online .collapsed-info .primary::after" based on Discourse 2.9.0.beta9
html[class*="discourse-"].whos-online-ring body.user-page-online .collapsed-info .primary::after
CSS4: 2022-2024
hotfix circle status on profiles
Fixed bug with <details> tags used in navigation of forum or notifcation system
start use var(--highlight-low-or-medium) instead random light yellow color.
little update based on engine forum 2.8.0beta1
changed idea for changing background color for code areas (now on own risk use this, because I used prefers-color-scheme instead specyfity by forums where is exist many themes)