// ==UserScript==
// @name 轻小说文库下载
// @namespace wenku8Haoa
// @version 2.2.2
// @description 生成分卷和全本ePub文档、ePub文档插图拖放、部分小说的在线阅读
// @author HaoaW
// @match *://www.wenku8.net/*
// @match *://www.wenku8.cc/*
// @connect wenku8.com
// @connect 777743.xyz
// @require https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/umd/full.js
// @require https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/jszip.js
// @require https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/FileSaver.js
// @icon https://www.wenku8.net/favicon.ico
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// ==/UserScript==
(function () {
'use strict';
let hrefUrl = new URL(window.location.href);
const ePubEidterCfgUID = "24A08AE1-E132-458C-9E1D-6C998F16A666";
const ImgLocationFile = "ImgLocation";
const xmlIllegalCharacters = /[\x00-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x1F]/g;
function OpenCCConver() {
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translateBody: translateBody,//翻译元素方法
setCookie: setCookie,//设置cookie
getCookie: getCookie,//读cookie
CookieDays: 7,//cookie天数
OpenCCEle: null,//开关元素
OpenCCEleClick: () => {
if (OpenCCInfo.OpenCCCookie) {
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OpenCCInfo.OpenCCEle.innerHTML = "開啟(OpenCC)";
OpenCCInfo.OpenCCEle.addEventListener("click", OpenCCInfo.OpenCCEleClick);
if (OpenCCInfo.OpenCCCookie) {
OpenCCInfo.OpenCCEle.innerHTML = "关闭(OpenCC)";
Traditionalized = OpenCC.Converter({ from: "cn", to: "tw" });
Simplized = OpenCC.Converter({ from: "tw", to: "cn" });
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tranBtn.parentElement.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" "));
OpenCCInfo.OpenCCCookie = OpenCCInfo.getCookie(OpenCCInfo.OpenCCCookieKey);
return OpenCCInfo.start;
function AppApi() {
let AppApiInfo = {
VolumeMap: new Map(),
appApiDomain: "app.wenku8.com",//app接口域名
appApiPath: "/android.php",//app接口路径
appApiLang: (info) => {
if (AppApiInfo.appApiLangDis) {
return "0";
//0 simplified Chinese;1 traditional Chinese
let rst = "0";
if ("1" == info.targetEncoding) {
rst = "1";
else if ("2" == info.targetEncoding) {
rst = "0";
return rst;
appApiGetEncrypted: (body) => {
return `appver=1.0&timetoken=${Number(new Date())}&request=${btoa(body)}`;
appApiListLoad: (xhr) => {
xhr.start = true;
let lang = AppApiInfo.appApiLang(xhr.bookInfo);
let body = `action=book&do=list&aid=${xhr.bookInfo.aid}&t=${lang}`;
body = AppApiInfo.appApiGetEncrypted(body);
method: 'POST',
url: xhr.url,
headers: { "content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8" },
data: body,
onload: function (response) {
if (response.status == 200) {
xhr.done = true;
let rspRaw = response.responseText;
let domParser = new DOMParser();
let rspXml = domParser.parseFromString(rspRaw.replaceAll(xmlIllegalCharacters, ''), "application/xml");
AppApiInfo.appApiList = rspXml;
for (let x of AppApiInfo.appApiListWait) {
} else {
xhr.XHRRetryFun(xhr, `app章节目录下载失败,重新下载;`);
onerror: () => {
xhr.XHRRetryFun(xhr, `app章节目录下载失败,重新下载;`);
appApiList: null,//章节列表docum,XML
appApiListStart: false,//章节列表已开始下载
appApiListWait: [],//等待章节列表的xhr
appApiDoList: (xhr) => {
if (!AppApiInfo.appApiListStart) {
AppApiInfo.appApiListStart = true;
let dlink = `http://${AppApiInfo.appApiDomain}${AppApiInfo.appApiPath}`;
let lXhr = { start: false, done: false, url: dlink, loadFun: AppApiInfo.appApiListLoad, VolumeIndex: xhr.VolumeIndex, bookInfo: xhr.bookInfo };
appApiLoadVolume: (xhr) => {
if (!AppApiInfo.appApiList) {
let vol;
for (vol of AppApiInfo.appApiList.getElementsByTagName("volume")) {
if (xhr.data.vid == vol.getAttribute("vid")) {
if (!vol) {
xhr.bookInfo.refreshProgress(xhr.bookInfo,`<span style="color:fuchsia;">app章节目录未找到分卷${xhr.data.vid},无法生成ePub;</span>`);
xhr.done = false;
xhr.bookInfo.XHRFail = true;
let chArr = [];
for (let ch of vol.children) {
let cid = ch.getAttribute("cid");
let cName = ch.textContent;
//let xhr = { start: false, done: false, url: dlink, loadFun: bInfo.loadVolume, VolumeIndex: VolumeIndex, data: { vid: vid, vcssText: vcssText }, bookInfo: bInfo };
let dlink = `http://${AppApiInfo.appApiDomain}${AppApiInfo.appApiPath}`;
let cXhr = { start: false, done: false, url: dlink, loadFun: AppApiInfo.appApiLoadChapter, dealVolume: xhr.dealVolume, VolumeIndex: xhr.VolumeIndex, data: { vid: xhr.data.vid, vcssText: xhr.data.vcssText, Text: xhr.data.Text, isAppApi: true, cid: cid }, bookInfo: xhr.bookInfo };
chArr.push({ cid: cid, cName: cName, content :null});
AppApiInfo.VolumeMap.set(xhr.data.vid, chArr);
xhr.done = true;
appApiLoadChapter: (xhr) => {
xhr.start = true;
let lang = AppApiInfo.appApiLang(xhr.bookInfo);
let body = `action=book&do=text&aid=${xhr.bookInfo.aid}&cid=${xhr.data.cid}&t=${lang}`;
body = AppApiInfo.appApiGetEncrypted(body);
let msg = `${xhr.data.cName} 下载失败,重新下载;`;
method: 'POST',
url: xhr.url,
headers: { "content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8" },
data: body,
onload: function (response) {
if (response.status == 200) {
let rspRaw = response.responseText;
let chArr = AppApiInfo.VolumeMap.get(xhr.data.vid);
let ch = chArr.find(f => f.cid == xhr.data.cid);
ch.content = rspRaw;
xhr.done = true;
let vid = xhr.data.vid;
if (xhr.bookInfo.XHRDone(vid)) {
let VolumeText = '';
for (let c of chArr) {
if (!c.content) { continue; }
let cName = c.cName;
let cid = c.cid;
c.content = c.content.replace(cName, `<div class="chaptertitle"><a name="${cid}">${cName}</a></div><div class="chaptercontent">`);
c.content = c.content.replace(/\r\n/g, "<br />\r\n");
if (-1 < c.content.indexOf('<!--image-->http')) {
c.content = c.content.replaceAll('<!--image-->http', `<div class="divimage" title="http`);
c.content = c.content.replaceAll('<!--image-->', `"></div>`);
c.content += `</div>`;
VolumeText += c.content;
xhr.dealVolume(xhr, VolumeText);
} else {
xhr.XHRRetryFun(xhr, msg);
onerror: () => {
xhr.XHRRetryFun(xhr, msg);
return AppApiInfo.appApiLoadVolume;
function LoadVolume() {
let LoadVolumeInfo = {
appApiLoadVolume: AppApi(),//调用app接口下载文档
loadVolume: (xhr) => {
let navToc = xhr.bookInfo.nav_toc[xhr.VolumeIndex];
let msg = `${navToc.volumeName} 下载失败,重新下载;`;
xhr.start = true;
method: 'GET',
url: xhr.url,
onload: function (response) {
if (response.status == 200) {
xhr.done = true;
LoadVolumeInfo.dealVolume(xhr, response.responseText);
else if (404 == response.status) {
xhr.dealVolume = LoadVolumeInfo.dealVolume;
else {
xhr.XHRRetryFun(xhr, msg);
onerror: () => {
xhr.XHRRetryFun(xhr, msg);
ImagesFix: "Img",//图片文件、ID前缀
SpanFix: "Txt",//文字ID前缀
loadImg: (xhr) => {
xhr.start = true;
let msg = `${xhr.images.idName} 下载失败,重新下载;`;
method: 'GET',
url: xhr.url,
responseType: "arraybuffer",
onload: function (response) {
if (response.status == 200) {
xhr.images.content = response.response;
if (xhr.images.coverImgChk && (!xhr.bookInfo.Images.find(i => i.coverImg))) {
xhr.images.Blob = new Blob([xhr.images.content], { type: "image/jpeg" });
xhr.images.ObjectURL = URL.createObjectURL(xhr.images.Blob);
let imgEle = new Image();
imgEle.onload = () => {
xhr.images.coverImg = (imgEle.naturalHeight / imgEle.naturalWidth > 1);
xhr.done = true;
imgEle.src = xhr.images.ObjectURL;
else {
xhr.done = true;
} else {
xhr.XHRRetryFun(xhr, msg);
onerror: () => {
xhr.XHRRetryFun(xhr, msg);
dealVolume: (xhr, txt) => {
let chapterIndex = 0;
let ImagesIndex = 0;
let TextIndex = 0;
let Text = xhr.data.Text;
let navToc = Text.navToc;
let domParser = new DOMParser();
let rspHtml = domParser.parseFromString(
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<link href="../Styles/default.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
<body><div class="volumetitle"><h2>${xhr.data.vcssText}</h2></div><br /></body>
</html>`.replaceAll(xmlIllegalCharacters, '')
, "text/html");
rspHtml.body.innerHTML += txt;
if (currentEncoding != targetEncoding) {
//HTML DOM 中的 HTMLCollection 是即时更新的(live);当其所包含的文档结构发生改变时,它会自动更新。
//因此,最好是创建副本(例如,使用 Array.from)后再迭代这个数组以添加、移动或删除 DOM 节点。
let removeChild = [];
//处理章节、插图 和 contentdp
let bodyChildArr = Array.from(rspHtml.body.children);
for (let i = 0; i < bodyChildArr.length; i++) {
let child = bodyChildArr[i];
if ("UL" == child.tagName && "contentdp" == child.id) {
else if ("DIV" == child.tagName && "chaptertitle" == child.className) {
//<div class="chaptertitle"><div id="chapter_1" name="xxx"><h3>第一章</h3></div></div>
let cTitle = child.innerText;
if (child.firstChild.hasAttribute("name")) {
//let aName = child.firstChild.getAttribute("name");
let divEle = document.createElement("div");
divEle.id = `chapter_${chapterIndex}`;
//divEle.setAttribute("name", aName);
divEle.innerHTML = `<h3>${cTitle}</h3>`;
child.innerHTML = divEle.outerHTML;
if (navToc) {
chapterName: cTitle
, chapterID: divEle.id
, chapterHref: `${navToc.volumeHref}#${divEle.id}`
let txtSpan = rspHtml.createElement("span");
txtSpan.id = `${LoadVolumeInfo.SpanFix}_${divEle.id}`;
txtSpan.className = "txtDropEnable";
txtSpan.setAttribute("ondragover", "return false");
child.parentElement.insertBefore(txtSpan, child);
else if ("DIV" == child.tagName && "chaptercontent" == child.className) {
let chapterChildArr = Array.from(child.childNodes);
for (let j = 0; j < chapterChildArr.length; j++) {
let contentChild = chapterChildArr[j];
if (Node.TEXT_NODE == contentChild.nodeType && contentChild.textContent != '\n') {
let txtSpan = rspHtml.createElement("span");
txtSpan.id = `${LoadVolumeInfo.SpanFix}_${xhr.VolumeIndex}_${TextIndex}`;
txtSpan.className = "txtDropEnable";
txtSpan.setAttribute("ondragover", "return false");
child.insertBefore(txtSpan, contentChild);
else if ("DIV" == contentChild.tagName && "divimage" == contentChild.className) {//插图
let imgASrc = contentChild.getAttribute("title");
let imgUrl = new URL(imgASrc);
let imgPath = `Images${imgUrl.pathname}`;
let imgURL = new URL(imgASrc);
let pathNameArr = imgURL.pathname.split('/');
let imgIdName = pathNameArr[pathNameArr.length - 1];
let imgEle = document.createElement("img");
imgEle.setAttribute("loading", "lazy");
imgEle.setAttribute("src", `../${imgPath}`);
contentChild.innerHTML = imgEle.outerHTML;
let ImagesID = `${LoadVolumeInfo.ImagesFix}_${xhr.VolumeIndex}_${ImagesIndex}`;
let images = { path: `${imgPath}`, content: null, id: ImagesID, idName: imgIdName, TextId: Text.id };
//封面候补 第一卷的前两张图,高/宽 > 1
if (0 == xhr.VolumeIndex && 3 > ImagesIndex) {
images.coverImgChk = true;
let xhrImg = { start: false, done: false, url: imgASrc, loadFun: LoadVolumeInfo.loadImg, images: images, bookInfo: xhr.bookInfo };
removeChild.forEach(c => rspHtml.body.removeChild(c));
Text.content = rspHtml.body.innerHTML;
if (xhr.bookInfo.Images.length==0)
let pathArry = location.pathname.replace('novel','image').split('/');
let ImagesID = `${pathArry.findLast(e => e)}s`;
let imgASrc = `https://${LoadVolumeInfo.imgDomain}${pathArry.join('/')}`;
let imgUrl = new URL(imgASrc);
let imgPath = `Images${imgUrl.pathname}`;
let images = { path: `${imgPath}`, content: null, id: ImagesID, idName: ImagesID, TextId: "", smallCover:true };
let xhrImg = { start: false, done: false, url: imgASrc, loadFun: LoadVolumeInfo.loadImg, images: images, bookInfo: xhr.bookInfo };
return LoadVolumeInfo.loadVolume;
function EPubEidter() {
let EPubEidterInfo = {
Domain: "www.wenku8.net",
novelTable: null,
ePubEidterCfg: {
UID: ePubEidterCfgUID,
aid: article_id,
pathname: hrefUrl.pathname,
ImgLocation: []
ePubEidtImgRegExp: [/img/i, /插图/i, /插圖/i, /\.jpg/i, /\.png/i],//推测插图位置的正则
ePubEidtLink: [],
ePubEidt: false,
ePubEidtDone: false,
ePubEidterHtml: ePubEidterHtml,//编辑器html代码
ePubEidter: null,
ePubEidterLastVolumeUL: null,
ePubEidterInit: (info) => {
let downloadEleArr = document.querySelectorAll(".DownloadAll");
for (let f of downloadEleArr) {
f.style.pointerEvents = "none";
EPubEidterInfo.novelTable = document.body.getElementsByTagName("table")[0];
EPubEidterInfo.novelTable.style.display = "none";
let linkEle = document.createElement("link");
linkEle.type = "text/css";
linkEle.rel = "stylesheet";
linkEle.href = "/themes/wenku8/style.css";
let divEle = document.createElement("div");
divEle.id = "ePubEidter";
divEle.style.display = "none";
linkEle.onload = () => {
divEle.style.display = "";
divEle.innerHTML = EPubEidterInfo.ePubEidterHtml;
EPubEidterInfo.ePubEidter = divEle;
EPubEidterInfo.novelTable.parentElement.insertBefore(divEle, info.novelTable);
document.getElementById("EidterBuildBtn").addEventListener("click", EPubEidterInfo.ePubEidterDoneFun(info));
document.getElementById("EidterImportBtn").addEventListener("click", EPubEidterInfo.ePubEidterImportCfgFun(info));
document.getElementById("VolumeImg").addEventListener("drop", EPubEidterInfo.ePubEidterImgDelDropFun(info));
let cfgAreaEle = document.getElementById("CfgArea");
EPubEidterInfo.ePubEidterCfg.ImgLocation = info.ImgLocation;
cfgAreaEle.value = JSON.stringify(EPubEidterInfo.ePubEidterCfg, null, " ");
let liEleFirst = null;
let VolumeULEle = document.getElementById("VolumeUL");
VolumeULEle.innerHTML = "";
for (let i = 0; i < info.Text.length; i++) {
let text = info.Text[i];
let liEle = document.createElement("li");
let aEle = document.createElement("a");
aEle.href = "javascript:void(0);";
aEle.id = text.id;
aEle.innerText = text.volumeName;
liEle.addEventListener("click", EPubEidterInfo.ePubEidterVolumeULFun(info, text));
if (!liEleFirst) {
liEleFirst = liEle;
if (liEleFirst) {
ePubEidterDestroyer: () => {
EPubEidterInfo.ePubEidtLink.forEach(f => f.parentElement.removeChild(f));
EPubEidterInfo.novelTable = document.body.getElementsByTagName("table")[0];
EPubEidterInfo.novelTable.style.display = "";
EPubEidterInfo = null;
let downloadEleArr = document.querySelectorAll(".DownloadAll");
for (let f of downloadEleArr) {
f.style.pointerEvents = "auto";
ePubEidterDoneFun: (info) => {
return (ev) => {
ev.currentTarget.disabled = true;
info.ePubEidtDone = true;
let sendArticleEle = document.getElementById('SendArticle');
if (sendArticleEle.checked && 0 < info.ImgLocation.length) {
let cfgObj = Object.assign({}, EPubEidterInfo.ePubEidterCfg);
let imgLocJson = JSON.stringify(info.ImgLocation);
let zip = new JSZip();
zip.file(ImgLocationFile, imgLocJson, {
compression: "DEFLATE",
compressionOptions: {
level: 9
let imgLocBase64 = zip.generate({ type: "base64", mimeType: "application/zip" });
cfgObj.ImgLocation = null;
cfgObj.ImgLocationBase64 = imgLocBase64;
let cfgJson = JSON.stringify(cfgObj);
let vidSet = new Set();
let vName = [];
for (let loc of info.ImgLocation) {
if (!vidSet.has(loc.vid)) {
let nToc = info.nav_toc.find(f => loc.vid == f.vid);
if (nToc) {
let pcontent = `包含分卷列表:${vName}
let map = new Map();
map.set("ptitle", "ePub插图位置");
map.set("pcontent", pcontent);
let url = `https://${EPubEidterInfo.Domain}/modules/article/reviews.php?aid=${info.aid}`;
EPubEidterInfo.ePubEidterSend(info, url, map);
let ePubEditerClose = document.getElementById('ePubEditerClose');
ev.currentTarget.disabled = false;
if (ePubEditerClose.checked) {
ePubEidterImportCfgFun: (info) => {
return (ev) => {
ev.currentTarget.disabled = true;
let cfgAreaEle = document.getElementById("CfgArea");
let impCfg;
try { impCfg = JSON.parse(cfgAreaEle.value); } catch { }
if (impCfg
&& impCfg.UID == EPubEidterInfo.ePubEidterCfg.UID
&& impCfg.aid == EPubEidterInfo.ePubEidterCfg.aid
&& impCfg.ImgLocation
&& 0 < impCfg.ImgLocation.length
) {
for (let iCfg of impCfg.ImgLocation) {
if (info.ImgLocation.find(i =>
i.spanID == iCfg.spanID
&& i.vid == iCfg.vid
&& i.imgID == iCfg.imgID)
) {
else if (!info.Text.find(f => f.vid == iCfg.vid)) {
else {
EPubEidterInfo.ePubEidterCfg.ImgLocation = info.ImgLocation;
cfgAreaEle.value = JSON.stringify(EPubEidterInfo.ePubEidterCfg, null, " ");
if (EPubEidterInfo.ePubEidterLastVolumeUL) {
ev.currentTarget.disabled = false;
ePubEidterVolumeULFun: (info, text) => {
return (ev) => {
if (EPubEidterInfo.ePubEidterLastVolumeUL) {
EPubEidterInfo.ePubEidterLastVolumeUL.firstElementChild.style.color = "";
EPubEidterInfo.ePubEidterLastVolumeUL = ev.currentTarget;
EPubEidterInfo.ePubEidterLastVolumeUL.firstElementChild.style.color = "fuchsia";
let VolumeTextEle = document.getElementById("VolumeText");
VolumeTextEle.style.display = "none";
VolumeTextEle.innerHTML = text.content;
let imgEleMap = new Map();
let VolumeImgEle = document.getElementById("VolumeImg");
VolumeImgEle.innerHTML = "";
let volumeImgs = info.Images.filter(i => i.TextId == text.id);
for (let image of volumeImgs) {
if (!image.ObjectURL) {
image.Blob = new Blob([image.content], { type: "image/jpeg" });
image.ObjectURL = URL.createObjectURL(image.Blob);
let imgDivEle = document.createElement("div");
imgDivEle.style.float = "left";
imgDivEle.style.textAlign = "center";
imgDivEle.style.height = "155px";
imgDivEle.style.overflow = "hidden";
imgDivEle.style.margin = "0 2px";
let imgEle = document.createElement("img");
imgEle.setAttribute("imgID", image.idName);
imgEle.setAttribute("loading", "lazy");
imgEle.src = image.ObjectURL;
imgEle.height = 127;
imgEleMap.set(image.idName, imgEle);
let imgTextEle = new Text(image.id)
//<div style="float: left; text-align: center; height: 155px; overflow: hidden; margin: 0 2px;">
// <img id="Img_160408" src="./160408.jpg" border="0" height="127"><br>
let ImgULEle = document.getElementById("ImgUL");
ImgULEle.innerHTML = "";
let vLocation = info.ImgLocation.filter(i => text.vid == i.vid);
let dropEleArr = document.querySelectorAll(".txtDropEnable");
for (let dropEle of dropEleArr) {
dropEle.addEventListener("drop", EPubEidterInfo.ePubEidterImgDropFun(info, text));
let locArr;
let dImgEle;
if (vLocation && (locArr = vLocation.filter(j => j.spanID == dropEle.id))) {
for (let loc of locArr) {
if (dImgEle = imgEleMap.get(loc.imgID)) {
let divimage = document.createElement("div");
divimage.className = "divimageM";
divimage.innerHTML = dImgEle.outerHTML;
dropEle.parentNode.insertBefore(divimage, dropEle);
let dropImg = divimage.firstChild;
dropImg.id = `${loc.spanID}_${loc.imgID}`;
dropImg.addEventListener("dragstart", EPubEidterInfo.ePubEidterImgDelStartFun(info, loc));
if (!dropEle.firstElementChild || "chaptertitle" != dropEle.firstElementChild.className) {
for (let reg of EPubEidterInfo.ePubEidtImgRegExp) {
if (reg.test(dropEle.innerText)) {
let liEle = document.createElement("li");
let aEle = document.createElement("a");
aEle.href = "javascript:void(0);";
aEle.setAttribute("SpanID", dropEle.id);
aEle.innerText = dropEle.innerText.replace(/\s/g, '').substring(0, 12);
liEle.addEventListener("click", EPubEidterInfo.ePubEidterImgULFun(info, dropEle));
dropEle.style.color = "fuchsia";//fontWeight = "bold";
let ChapterULEle = document.getElementById("ChapterUL");
ChapterULEle.innerHTML = "";
let toc = info.nav_toc.find(i => i.volumeID == text.id);
for (let chapter of toc.chapterArr) {
let liEle = document.createElement("li");
let aEle = document.createElement("a");
aEle.href = "javascript:void(0);";
aEle.setAttribute("chapterID", chapter.chapterID);
aEle.innerText = chapter.chapterName;
liEle.addEventListener("click", EPubEidterInfo.ePubEidterChapterULFun(info, chapter));
VolumeTextEle.style.display = "";
VolumeTextEle.scroll({ top: 0 });
VolumeImgEle.scroll({ top: 0 });
ePubEidterImgDropFun: (info, text) => {
return (ev) => {
const data = ev.dataTransfer.getData("text/html");
let divimage = document.createElement("div");
divimage.className = "divimageM";
divimage.innerHTML = data;
let dropImg = divimage.firstChild;
let imgLocation = { "vid": text.vid, "spanID": ev.currentTarget.id, "imgID": dropImg.getAttribute("imgID") };
if (info.ImgLocation.find(i =>
i.spanID == imgLocation.spanID
&& i.vid == imgLocation.vid
&& i.imgID == imgLocation.imgID)
) {
else {
ev.currentTarget.parentNode.insertBefore(divimage, ev.currentTarget);
dropImg.id = `${imgLocation.spanID}_${imgLocation.imgID}`;
dropImg.addEventListener("dragstart", EPubEidterInfo.ePubEidterImgDelStartFun(info, imgLocation));
EPubEidterInfo.ePubEidterCfg.ImgLocation = info.ImgLocation;
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cfgAreaEle.value = JSON.stringify(EPubEidterInfo.ePubEidterCfg, null, " ");
ePubEidterChapterULFun: (info, chapter) => {
return (ev) => {
let VolumeTextEle = document.getElementById("VolumeText");
let target = document.getElementById(chapter.chapterID);
top: target.offsetTop,
behavior: 'smooth'
ePubEidterImgULFun: (info, dropEle) => {
return (ev) => {
let VolumeTextEle = document.getElementById("VolumeText");
top: dropEle.offsetTop - 130,
behavior: 'smooth'
ePubEidterSend: (info, url, map) => {
let iframeEle = document.createElement("iframe");
iframeEle.style.display = 'none';
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let iDocument = iframeEle.contentWindow.document;
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inputEle.value = mv;
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subEle.type = "submit";
subEle.name = "submit";
subEle.value = "submit";
ePubEidterImgDelDropFun: (info) => {
return (ev) => {
let vid = ev.dataTransfer.getData("vid");
let spanID = ev.dataTransfer.getData("spanID");
let imgID = ev.dataTransfer.getData("imgID");
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if (fromEle && "divimageM" == fromEle.parentElement.className) {
info.ImgLocation =
info.ImgLocation.filter(i => !(i.spanID == spanID && i.vid == vid && i.imgID == imgID));
EPubEidterInfo.ePubEidterCfg.ImgLocation = info.ImgLocation;
let cfgAreaEle = document.getElementById("CfgArea");
cfgAreaEle.value = JSON.stringify(EPubEidterInfo.ePubEidterCfg, null, " ");
ePubEidterImgDelStartFun: (info, imgLocation) => {
return (ev) => {
ev.dataTransfer.setData("vid", imgLocation.vid);
ev.dataTransfer.setData("spanID", imgLocation.spanID);
ev.dataTransfer.setData("imgID", imgLocation.imgID);
ev.dataTransfer.setData("fromID", ev.srcElement.id);
return [EPubEidterInfo.ePubEidterInit, EPubEidterInfo.ePubEidterCfg];
function XHRDownloader() {
let XHRDownloaderInfo = {
XHRFail: false,//下载失败,不生成ePub
XHRRetry: 3,//xhr重试次数
XHRRetryFun: (xhr, msg) => {
if (XHRDownloaderInfo.XHRFail) { return; }
if (
|| 0 == XHRDownloaderInfo.XHRRetry
|| xhr.XHRRetryCount < XHRDownloaderInfo.XHRRetry
) {
xhr.XHRRetryCount = (xhr.XHRRetryCount ?? 0) + 1;
else {
XHRDownloaderInfo.XHRFail = true;
xhr.bookInfo.refreshProgress(xhr.bookInfo, `<span style="color:fuchsia;">超出最大重试次数,下载失败,无法生成ePub;</span>`);
XHRArr: [],//下载请求;[{start:false,done:false,url:,loadFun:,data:,bookInfo:bInfo}]
XHRAdd: (xhr) => {
xhr.XHRRetryFun = xhr.XHRRetryFun ?? XHRDownloaderInfo.XHRRetryFun;
XHRDone: (vid) => {
let arr = XHRDownloaderInfo.XHRArr;
if (vid) {
arr = arr.filter(f => f.data && f.data.vid && vid == f.data.vid);
return arr.every(e => e.done);
return [XHRDownloaderInfo.XHRAdd, XHRDownloaderInfo.XHRDone ];
function Builder() {
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manifestItemAdd: (id, href, mediaType) => {
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item.setAttribute("media-type", mediaType);
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spineItemAdd: (idref) => {
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spine = doc.createElement("spine");
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itemref.setAttribute("idref", idref);
return itemref;
manifestSpineItemAdd: (id, href, mediaType) => {
let item = BuilderInfo.manifestItemAdd(id, href, mediaType);
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return [item, itemref];
buildEpub: (info) => {
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info.refreshProgress(info, `开始生成ePub;`);
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zip.file("META-INF/container.xml", BuilderInfo.container_xml);
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let paraser = new DOMParser()
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zip.file("OEBPS/Other/ePubEidterCfg.json", cfgJson);
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zip.file(`OEBPS/${BuilderInfo.defaultCSS.path}`, BuilderInfo.defaultCSS.content);
//<ol><li><a href="Volume_0.xhtml">第一卷</a><ol><li><a href="Volume_0.xhtml#chapter_1">第一章</a></li></ol></li></ol>
let domParser = new DOMParser();
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for (let t of info.nav_toc) {
let vAEle = navXhtmlDoc.createElement("a");
vAEle.href = t.volumeHref;
vAEle.innerText = t.volumeName;
let vLiEle = navXhtmlDoc.createElement("li");
if (t.chapterArr && 0 < t.chapterArr.length) {
let vOlEle = navXhtmlDoc.createElement("ol");
for (let c of t.chapterArr) {
let cAEle = navXhtmlDoc.createElement("a");
cAEle.href = c.chapterHref;
cAEle.innerText = c.chapterName;
let cLiEle = navXhtmlDoc.createElement("li");
let nav_xhtml = `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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let [item, itemref] = BuilderInfo.manifestSpineItemAdd(
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item.setAttribute("properties", "nav");
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zip.file(`OEBPS/${BuilderInfo.nav_xhtml.path}`, nav_xhtml);
for (let t of info.Text) {
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let domParser = new DOMParser();
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<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<link href="../Styles/default.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
</html>`.replaceAll(xmlIllegalCharacters, '')
, "text/html");
rspHtml.body.innerHTML = t.content;
let vLocation = info.ImgLocation.filter(i => t.vid == i.vid);
let volumeImgs = info.Images.filter(i => i.TextId == t.id);
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imgEle.setAttribute("loading", "lazy");
imgEle.setAttribute("src", `../${dImg.path}`);
divimage.innerHTML = imgEle.outerHTML;
dropEle.parentNode.insertBefore(divimage, dropEle);
dropEle.parentNode.insertBefore(dropEle.firstChild, dropEle);
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rspXHtml.firstChild.setAttribute("xmlns:epub", "http://www.idpf.org/2007/ops");
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<!DOCTYPE html>
zip.file(`OEBPS/${t.path}`, tContent);
for (let t of info.Images) {
BuilderInfo.manifestItemAdd(t.id, t.path, "image/jpeg");
zip.file(`OEBPS/${t.path}`, t.content, { binary: true });
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coverImg = info.Images.find(i => i.coverImgChk);
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coverImg = info.Images.find(i => i.smallCover);
if (coverImg) {
coverMeta = `<meta name="cover" content="${coverImg.id}" />`;
let uuid = self.crypto.randomUUID();
let createTime = new Date().toISOString();
createTime = `${createTime.split(".")[0]}Z`;
//<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
content_opf = `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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zip.file("OEBPS/content.opf", content_opf);
let epubName = `${info.title}.${info.nav_toc[0].volumeName}`;
if (1 < info.nav_toc.length) {
epubName = epubName + '-' + info.nav_toc[info.nav_toc.length - 1].volumeName;
saveAs(zip.generate({ type: "blob", mimeType: "application/epub+zip" }), `${epubName}.epub`);
info.refreshProgress(info, `ePub生成完成,文件名:${epubName}.epub;`);
else {
return BuilderInfo.buildEpub;
function RefreshLog() {
let LogInfo = {
progressEle: null,//进度、日志 元素;{txt:,img:,err:}
refreshProgress: (info,err) => {
if (!LogInfo.progressEle) {
LogInfo.progressEle = {};
LogInfo.progressEle.txt = document.createElement("span");
LogInfo.progressEle.img = document.createElement("span");
LogInfo.progressEle.err = document.createElement("span");
let logDiv = document.createElement('div');
document.body.insertBefore(logDiv, document.getElementById('title'));
if (err) { LogInfo.progressEle.err.innerHTML = err + LogInfo.progressEle.err.innerHTML; }
let txtProgress = info.Text.filter((value) => { return value.content; }).length;
LogInfo.progressEle.txt.innerText = `${txtProgress}/${info.Text.length}`;
if (txtProgress == info.Text.length) {
let imgProgress = info.Images.filter((value) => { return value.content; }).length;
LogInfo.progressEle.img.innerText = `${imgProgress}/${info.Images.length}`;
return LogInfo.refreshProgress;
function EpubBuilder() {
let bInfo = {
XHRAdd: null,
XHRDone: null,
ePubEidterInit: null,
ePubEidterCfg: null,
buildEpub: Builder(),
loadVolume: LoadVolume(),//下载章节方法
refreshProgress: RefreshLog(),
start: (e) => {
[bInfo.XHRAdd, bInfo.XHRDone] = XHRDownloader();
let ePubEidt = e.target.getAttribute("ePubEidt");
if (ePubEidt && "true" == ePubEidt) {
bInfo.ePubEidt = true;
[bInfo.ePubEidterInit, bInfo.ePubEidterCfg] = EPubEidter();
let vcssEle = null;
let DownloadAll = e.target.getAttribute("DownloadAll");
if (DownloadAll && "true" == DownloadAll) {
vcssEle = document.querySelectorAll(".vcss");
else {
vcssEle = [e.target.parentElement];
for (let VolumeIndex = 0; VolumeIndex < vcssEle.length; VolumeIndex++) {
let vcss = vcssEle[VolumeIndex];
let vid = vcss.getAttribute("vid");
let vid1 = vcss.parentElement.nextElementSibling.getElementsByTagName('a')[0].getAttribute('href').split('.')[0];
//let vid = vcss.getAttribute("vid");
let vcssText = vcss.childNodes[0].textContent;
let navToc = bInfo.nav_toc[VolumeIndex] = {
volumeName: vcssText
, vid: vid
, volumeID: `${bInfo.VolumeFix}_${VolumeIndex}`
, volumeHref: `${bInfo.VolumeFix}_${VolumeIndex}.xhtml`
, chapterArr: []
let Text = {
path: `Text/${navToc.volumeHref}`
, content: ""
, id: navToc.volumeID
, vid: vid
, volumeName: vcssText
Text.navToc = navToc;
bInfo.Text[VolumeIndex] = Text;
let dlink = `https://${bInfo.dlDomain}/pack.php?aid=${bInfo.aid}&vid=${vid1}`;
let xhr = { start: false, done: false, url: dlink, loadFun: bInfo.loadVolume, VolumeIndex: VolumeIndex, data: { vid: vid, vcssText: vcssText, Text: Text }, bookInfo: bInfo };
if (bInfo.ImgLocationCfgRef && 0 < bInfo.ImgLocationCfgRef.length) {
for (let cfgRef of bInfo.ImgLocationCfgRef) {
if (ePubEidterCfgUID == cfgRef.UID
&& bInfo.aid == cfgRef.aid
&& cfgRef.ImgLocation
&& 0 < cfgRef.ImgLocation.length
) {
for (let loc of cfgRef.ImgLocation) {
if (loc.vid && loc.spanID && loc.imgID
&& bInfo.Text.find(f => f.vid == loc.vid)
) {
if (!bInfo.ImgLocation.find(f =>
f.vid == loc.vid
&& f.spanID == loc.spanID
&& f.imgID == loc.imgID
)) {
if (bInfo.ePubEidterCfg && bInfo.ImgLocation && 0 < bInfo.ImgLocation.length) {
bInfo.ePubEidterCfg.ImgLocation = bInfo.ImgLocation;
nav_toc: [],//导航菜单,第一层分卷,第二层章节{volumeName:,volumeID:,volumeHref:,chapterArr:[{chapterName:,chapterID:,chapterHref:}]}
Text: [],//下载后生成的XHTML;{path:`Text/${volumeHref}`,content:}
Images: [],//下载的图片;{path:`Images/${url.pathname}`,content:}
VolumeFix: "Volume",//分卷文件、ID前缀
dlDomain: "dl.wenku8.com",
ImgLocationCfgRef: ImgLocationCfgRef,//读取到的配置
ImgLocation: [],//插图位置记录{vid:,spanID:,imgID:}
targetEncoding: targetEncoding,// 1: 繁體中文, 2: 简体中文
aid: article_id,//本书编号 article_id
title: document.getElementById("title").childNodes[0].textContent, //标题
creator: document.getElementById('info').innerText,//作者
bookUrl: self.location.href,
return bInfo;
if ('undefined' == typeof chapter_id || undefined === chapter_id) { }
else {
//本书编号 article_id
//目录页面章节id定义为 '0'
if ('0' == chapter_id) {//在章节名之后添加下载链接
let titleEle = document.querySelector("#title");
let aname = titleEle.innerText;
//targetEncoding 1: 繁體中文, 2: 简体中文
let charsetDL = 'utf-8';
let charsetDLAll = 'utf8';
if ('1' == targetEncoding) {
charsetDL = 'big5';
charsetDLAll = 'big5';
let DLink = `https://dl.wenku8.com/down.php?type=${charsetDLAll}&id=${article_id}&fname=${aname}`;
let aEle = document.createElement("a");
aEle.href = DLink;
aEle.innerText = ` 全本文本下载(${charsetDLAll})`;
//添加 ePub下载(全本)
let aEleEpub = document.createElement("a");
aEleEpub.className = "DownloadAll";
aEleEpub.setAttribute("DownloadAll", "true");
aEleEpub.innerText = " ePub下载(全本)";
aEleEpub.href = "javascript:void(0);";
aEleEpub.addEventListener("click", (e) => EpubBuilder().start(e));
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allaEpubEleEdt.setAttribute("DownloadAll", "true");
allaEpubEleEdt.innerText = " (调整插图)";
allaEpubEleEdt.href = "javascript:void(0);";
allaEpubEleEdt.addEventListener("click", (e) => EpubBuilder().start(e));
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let vname = vcss.innerText;
let vid = vcss.getAttribute("vid");
let dlink = `https://dl.wenku8.com/packtxt.php?aid=${article_id}&vid=${vid}&aname=${aname}&vname=${vname}&charset=${charsetDL}`;
let aEle = document.createElement("a");
aEle.href = dlink;
aEle.innerText = ` 文本下载(${charsetDL})`;
//添加 ePub下载(分卷)
let aEleEpub = document.createElement("a");
aEleEpub.href = "javascript:void(0);";
aEleEpub.innerText = " ePub下载(本卷)";
aEleEpub.addEventListener("click", (e) => EpubBuilder().start(e));
let aEleEpubEdt = document.createElement("a");
aEleEpubEdt.href = "javascript:void(0);";
aEleEpubEdt.innerText = " (调整插图)";
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aEleEpubEdt.addEventListener("click", (e) => EpubBuilder().start(e));
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targetEncoding: targetEncoding,
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appApiLang: () => {
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return "0";
//0 simplified Chinese;1 traditional Chinese
let rst = "0";
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rst = "1";
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rst = "0";
return rst;
appApiGetEncrypted: (body) => {
return `appver=1.0&timetoken=${Number(new Date())}&request=${btoa(body)}`;
appApiLoadChapter: (xhr) => {
xhr.start = true;
let lang = appApi.appApiLang(xhr.bookInfo);
let body = `action=book&do=text&aid=${xhr.bookInfo.aid}&cid=${xhr.data.cid}&t=${lang}`;
body = appApi.appApiGetEncrypted(body);
let msg = `${xhr.data.cName} 下载失败,重新下载;`;
method: 'POST',
url: xhr.url,
headers: { "content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8" },
data: body,
onload: function (response) {
if (response.status == 200) {
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rspRaw += `</div>`;
content.innerHTML = rspRaw;
xhr.done = true;
} else {
xhr.XHRRetryFun(xhr, msg);
onerror: () => {
xhr.XHRRetryFun(xhr, msg);
XHRAdd: null,
refreshProgress: (info, err) => {
if (err) { content.innerHTML = err + content.innerHTML; }
translateBody: translateBody,
let bookInfo = { aid: article_id, refreshProgress: appApi.refreshProgress };
[bookInfo.XHRAdd] = XHRDownloader();
let dlink = `http://${appApi.appApiDomain}${appApi.appApiPath}`;
let xhr = { start: false, done: false, url: dlink, loadFun: appApi.appApiLoadChapter, data: { cid: chapter_id }, bookInfo: bookInfo };
content.innerHTML = '正在下载,请稍候...';
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try {
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catch (e) {
if (locCfg
&& ePubEidterCfgUID == locCfg.UID
&& locCfg.aid
&& locCfg.pathname
&& (locCfg.ImgLocationBase64 ||(locCfg.ImgLocation && 0 < locCfg.ImgLocation.length))
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const ridCfg = hrefUrl.searchParams.get('rid');
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for (let aEle of yidDivEle.getElementsByTagName('a')) {
yid = aEle.getAttribute("name");
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try {
locCfg = JSON.parse(codeJson);
catch (e) {
if (locCfg.ImgLocationBase64) {
let zip = new JSZip();
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zip.load(locCfg.ImgLocationBase64, { base64: true });
let fileArry = zip.file(ImgLocationFile)._data.getContent();
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locCfg.ImgLocation = ImgLocation;
if (locCfg
&& ePubEidterCfgUID == locCfg.UID
&& locCfg.aid
&& locCfg.pathname
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&& 0 < locCfg.ImgLocation.length
) {
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<h2><a href= "#toc">目录</a></h2>
const container_xml = `<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<container version="1.0" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:container">
<rootfile full-path="OEBPS/content.opf" media-type="application/oebps-package+xml" />
const ePubEidterHtml = `
<div class="main" style="width: 1200px;">
<!--左 章节-->
<div id="left">
<div class="block" style="min-height: 230px;">
<div class="blocktitle">
<span class="txt">操作设置</span>
<span class="txtr"></span>
<div class="blockcontent">
<div style="padding-left:10px">
<ul class="ulrow">
<label for="SendArticle">将配置发送到书评:</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="SendArticle" />
<label for="ePubEditerClose">生成后自动关闭:</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="ePubEditerClose" checked="true" />
<textarea id="CfgArea" class="textarea"></textarea>
<li><input type="button" id="EidterImportBtn" class="button" value="导入配置" /></li>
<li><input type="button" id="EidterBuildBtn" class="button" value="生成ePub" /></li>
<div class="cb"></div>
<div class="block" style="min-height: 230px;">
<div class="blocktitle">
<span class="txt">分卷</span>
<span class="txtr"></span>
<div class="blockcontent">
<div style="padding-left:10px">
<ul id="VolumeUL" class="ulrow">
<div class="cb"></div>
<!--左 章节-->
<div id="left">
<div class="block" style="min-height: 230px;">
<div class="blocktitle">
<span class="txt">推测插图位置</span>
<span class="txtr"></span>
<div class="blockcontent">
<div style="padding-left:10px">
<ul id="ImgUL" class="ulrow">
<div class="cb"></div>
<div class="block" style="min-height: 230px;">
<div class="blocktitle">
<span class="txt">章节</span>
<span class="txtr"></span>
<div class="blockcontent">
<div style="padding-left:10px">
<ul id="ChapterUL" class="ulrow">
<div class="cb"></div>
<!--右 内容-->
<div id="centerm">
<div id="content">
<table class="grid" width="100%" align="center">
<td width="4%" align="center"><span style="font-size:16px;">分<br>卷<br>插<br>图</span></td>
<div ondragover="return false" id="VolumeImg" style="height:155px;overflow:auto">
<table class="grid" width="100%" align="center">
<div id="VolumeText" style="height:500px;overflow: hidden scroll ;max-width: 900px;">
// Your code here...