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Scroll with Mouse Plus

Scroll a page by simply moving the cursor up and down, without even a click!

這裡顯示腳本的所有版本。 只顯示彼此間有代碼差異的版本。

  • v2.11 2023-10-07
  • v2.11 2023-08-22

    20230822 v2.11 Fix bug when both Left and Right sides are enabled. | 修正左右两边缘都启用时的bug。

  • v2.1 2023-08-22
  • v2.1 2023-08-22

    20230822 v2.1 Add Left side activation function and configs. | 增加左边缘滚动功能和设置选项。

  • v2.0 2023-02-16
  • v2.0 2023-02-16

    20230216 v2.0 Add function that respond to horizontal scrolling, with same operation as vertical; fix scrolling speed factor algorithm; modify scrolling speed with Ctrl key pressed to fixed speed. | 增加横向滚动响应,操作和纵向完全相同;修复滚动速度因子算法;修改按住Ctrl键时的滚动速度为固定速度。

  • v1.18 2022-02-09
  • v1.18 2022-02-09
  • v1.17 2020-06-24
  • v1.17 2020-06-24