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Nitro Type "Updates" navigation button

There's a new nitro type page, the "Updates" page. However it doesn't have "Updates" on the navigation to go to that page. You can use this script so you can access the "Updates" page easily like any other nitro type pages.

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Nitro Type "Updates" navigation button
// @namespace
// @version      1.0
// @description  There's a new nitro type page, the "Updates" page. However it doesn't have "Updates" on the navigation to go to that page. You can use this script so you can access the "Updates" page easily like any other nitro type pages.
// @author       Ginfio
// @match*
// ==/UserScript==

window.onload=function(){var e=document.querySelector(".nav-list"),n=document.createElement("li");n.className="nav-list-item",e.appendChild(n),a=document.createElement("a"),a.href="/updates",a.className="nav-link",a.innerHTML="Updates","15px 14px";for(var t=document.querySelectorAll(".nav-link"),l=0;l<t.length;l++)t[l].style.padding="15px 14px";n.appendChild(a),""==window.location.href&&(n.className="nav-list-item is-current")};