A script that add Pushbullet/Telegram notifications to Panda Crazy accepted HIT queue
Run the script after opening Panda Crazy
The script allows you to receive push notifications whenever a HIT has been accepted.
For Pushbullet all you have to do is get your API Key.
To get your API Key go to the Pushbullet settings, more details here:
Insert your Pushbullet APi key and save.
Pushbullet has a limit of 500 push per month
For telegram it is necessary to create a personal bot that will be used to send messages.
To create a telegram bot you need to speak to @Botfather and follow the instructions.
Once you have created a bot you will get an API key to insert in PandaPush.
The next step is to get your chat_id, that is the ID of the chat with your newly created bot.
How to get your Telegram Chat ID:
Start a chat with your newly created bot and send him some messages.
Go to following url: https://api.telegram.org/botXXX:YYYY/getUpdates
replace XXX:YYYY with your bot token
Look for “chat”:{“id”:zzzzzzzzzz}.., zzzzzzzzzz is your chat id.
- Insert your chat_id in PandaPush
After the first push it will be necessary to accept the connection to the telegram API through a screen of your extension that will appear, I use tampermonkey
The enable button allows you to enable or disable the notifications.
This is my first script and I wrote it quickly, be free to report bugs or problems, Enjoy!
- 0.1: Initial version
- 0.2: Telegram support!
- 0.3: Small fix