Greasy Fork 支持简体中文。



// ==UserScript==
// @name         Magi搜索-白
// @namespace
// @version      1.1
// @description  Magi搜索修改为白色主色调
// @author       Shillber
// @include      *://*
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==
/*Magi搜索进化 */
(function () {
  /* 执行判断 */
  const key = encodeURIComponent('修改谷花泰的插件:纯净苍穹');
  if (window[key]) {
  window[key] = true;

  class FuckAD {
    constructor(configs) {
      this._configs = configs;

       * config里的配置解释
       * {
       *   正则匹配的域名数组
       *   sites: [''],
       *   移除的节点数组
       *   remove: ['#id'],
       *   display隐藏的节点数组
       *   displayNone: ['#id'],
       *   visibility隐藏的节点数组
       *   visibilityHidden: ['#id'],
       *   额外的css
       *   style: `
       *   body {
       *     background-color: #000;
       *   }
       *   `,
       *   额外的函数执行
       *   others() {
       *     console.log('others: 哈哈');
       *   }
       * }

      /* 初始化 */
     * 初始化
    init() {
      const that = this;
      /* 所有要移除的节点 */
      let remove = [];
      /* 总体style */
      let style = '';
      /* 要执行的其它函数集 */
      let others = [];

      /* 统计 */
      this._configs.forEach(config => {
        const canLoad = that.siteInList(config.sites);
        if (canLoad) {
          remove = remove.concat(config.remove);
          style += ( || '');
          style += (that.letSelectorsDisplayNone(config.displayNone));
          style += (that.letSelectorsVisibilityHidden(config.visibilityHidden));
          config.others && (others = others.concat(config.others));

      /* 添加style */

      /* 执行others内所有函数 */
      try {
        others.forEach(func => {
      } catch (err) {
        console.error('via: others function run error', err);

      /* 监听dom,确保节点移除 */
      if (remove && remove.length > 0) {
          targetNode: document.documentElement,
          config: {
            attributes: false
          callback(mutations, observer) {
     * 监听dom节点加载函数
    observe({ targetNode, config = {}, callback = () => { } }) {
      if (!targetNode) {

      config = Object.assign({
        attributes: true,
        childList: true,
        subtree: true
      }, config);

      const observer = new MutationObserver(callback);
      observer.observe(targetNode, config);
     * 添加style 
    addStyle(style = '') {
      const styleElm = document.createElement('style');
      styleElm.innerHTML = style;
     * 选择节点,返回节点数组
    selectNodes(selector) {
      if (!selector) {
        return [];
      const nodes = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
      return nodes;
     * 判断网站是否在名单内 
    siteInList(sites) {
      const hostname = window.location.hostname;
      const result = sites.some(site => {
        if (hostname.match(site)) {
          return true;
        return false;
      return result;
     * 移除多个节点
    removeNodes(nodes = []) {
      Array.from(nodes, node => {
     * 根据selector数组移除多个节点
    removeNodesBySelectors(selectors = []) {
      let nodeArr = [];
      selectors.forEach(selector => {
        const nodes = this.selectNodes(selector);
        if (nodes && nodes.length > 0) {
          nodeArr = nodeArr.concat(Array.from(nodes));
     * 根据css选择器生成style
    generateStyleBySelectors(selectors = [], customStyle = `{}`) {
      if (!selectors || selectors.length === 0) {
        return '';
      let style = '';
      selectors.forEach(selector => {
        if (selector) {
          style += `
          ${selectors} ${customStyle}
      return style;
     * 让数组里的选择器全部 display: none
    letSelectorsDisplayNone(selectors = []) {
      return this.generateStyleBySelectors(selectors, `{
        display: none!important;
     * 让数组里的选择器全部 visibility: hidden
    letSelectorsVisibilityHidden(selectors = []) {
      return this.generateStyleBySelectors(selectors, `{
        visibility: hidden!important;

  new FuckAD([
      sites: [''],
      style: `
          /*! normalize.css v8.0.0 | MIT License | */
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input[type="search"]::-webkit-search-cancel-button {
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#content>footer {
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#header h1 {
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#header .icon-magi {
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@media screen and (max-width:759px) {
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#search-submit {
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body[data-layout="result"] #more {
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@media screen and (min-width:760px) {
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#intro {
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#intro>a {
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#showcase>ul *[data-fade] {
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#showcase>ul>li>a {
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#showcase>ul>li>a:visited h5 {
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#showcase>ul>li>div>span {
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#showcase>ul>li>div>a {
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@keyframes home-slidein {
	0% {
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		transform: translateY(20px)

	10% {
		opacity: 0;
		transform: translateY(20px)

	100% {
		opacity: 1;
		transform: translateY(0)

@-webkit-keyframes home-shine {
	from {
		background-position: -200px

	to {
		background-position: 200px

@keyframes home-slidedown {
	0% {
		opacity: 0;
		transform: translateY(-40px)

	100% {
		opacity: 1;
		transform: translateY(0)

#footer {
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	color: #000;
	text-align: center

@media screen and (min-width:760px) {
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		transition: margin-left .2s

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		margin-left: calc(50% - 36rem * .5)

	body[data-layout="result"] #footer {
		margin-left: 10rem

#footer a {
	text-decoration: none

#footer span:not(:last-child) {
	margin-right: .75rem

#footer .icon-peaklabs {
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#footer div:last-child {
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	color: #626266;
	transform: scale(.833);
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body[data-layout="result"] #footer div:last-child {
	display: none

body[data-layout="home"] #footer {
	animation: 1.4s ease 0s footer-slidein

@keyframes footer-slidein {
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	30% {
		opacity: 0;
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	100% {
		opacity: 1;
		transform: translateY(0)

#search-suggestions {
	position: relative;
	z-index: 1;
	padding-top: .2rem;
	margin-top: -0.2rem;
	color: #0A0A0F;
	background-color: #FFF;
	box-shadow: 0 1px 1px 1px #EEE;
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	overflow: hidden;
	display: none

#search-wrapper[data-focus=true] #search-suggestions {
	display: block

#search-suggestions li {
	cursor: pointer;
	padding: .5rem .5rem

#search-suggestions li[data-active=true] {
	color: #000;
	background-color: #FAFAFA

#search-suggestions li:first-child {
	margin-top: .5rem

.gauge {
	display: inline-block;
	background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf8,%3Csvg version='1.1' xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 32 32'%3E%3Cpath stroke-width='2' fill='none' stroke='%233E3E42' d='M16 1 a 15 15 0 0 1 0 30 a 15 15 0 0 1 0 -30'/%3E%3C/svg%3E");
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	background-size: contain;
	background-position: center

.gauge>path {
	fill: none;
	stroke: #000;
	stroke-width: 2;
	stroke-linecap: round;
	animation: progress 1s ease-out forwards

.gauge>path[data-color="green"] {
	stroke: #40AE36

.gauge>path[data-color="yellow"] {
	stroke: #F5980C

.gauge>path[data-color="red"] {
	stroke: #F5473E

.gauge>text {
	fill: #000;
	font-size: inherit;
	text-anchor: middle

@keyframes progress {
	0% {
		stroke-dasharray: 0 100

.card {
	color: #000;
	background-color: #FAFAFA;
	padding: .5rem .5rem;
	margin-bottom: .75rem;
	border-radius: .2rem;
	overflow-wrap: break-word;
	word-wrap: break-word;
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	word-break: break-all;
	word-break: break-word;
	-ms-hyphens: auto;
	-moz-hyphens: auto;
	-webkit-hyphens: auto;
	hyphens: auto

@media screen and (min-width:760px) {
	.card {
		font-size: .8125rem

@media screen and (max-width:759px) {
	.card {
		font-size: .875rem

.card[data-type="warn"] {
	font-size: .9375rem;
	color: #0A0A0F;
	background-color: #FFD862;
	text-align: center

.card[data-type="next"] {
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337.4 94.4 335.2 98.4 332.2 101.9 328.3 104.8 324.5 107.7 319.9 109.9 314.5 111.5 309.1 113.1 303.2 113.9 296.8 113.9 294.5 113.9 292 113.7 289.5 113.2 287.1 112.8 284.9 112.3 283.1 111.8 281.3 113.2 279.7 114.9 278.5 116.9 277.3 118.8 276.7 120.7 276.7 122.7 276.7 124.6 277.7 126.1 279.8 127.3 281.9 128.5 284.8 129.1 288.5 129.2 L323.5 130.7 C329.1 131 333.7 131.6 337.4 132.7 341.2 133.8 344.1 135.2 346.4 137 348.6 138.8 350.2 141 351.1 143.5 352 146 352.4 148.8 352.4 151.8 352.4 157.3 351.2 162.3 348.6 166.8 346.1 171.2 342.4 175 337.5 178.2 332.7 181.3 326.8 183.7 319.9 185.4 313 187.1 305.2 188 296.4 188 280.9 188 269.2 186.2 261.5 182.7 253.8 179.2 250 174.5 250 168.7 250 166.1 250.6 163.6 251.9 161.2 253.2 158.8 254.8 156.5 256.8 154.3 258.9 152.1 261.1 150 263.6 148 266 146 268.5 144 270.9 142.2 269.1 141.6 267.5 141 266 140.2 264.5 139.5 263.2 138.6 262.1 137.6 261 136.7 260.2 135.6 259.5 134.5 258.9 133.3 258.6 132.1 258.6 130.7 258.6 128.8 259.1 126.8 260.1 124.8 261.1 122.8 262.4 120.8 264.2 119 265.9 117.1 268 115.4 270.3 113.8 272.6 112.3 275.1 111 277.7 110 271.3 107.3 266.4 103.5 262.8 98.7 259.2 93.9 257.4 88.3 257.4 82 257.4 77.4 258.5 73 260.6 68.9 262.8 64.8 265.7 61.2 269.4 58.1 273.1 55 277.5 52.6 282.6 50.8 287.7 49 293.1 48.1 298.9 48.1 301.7 48.1 304.5 48.3 307.3 48.7 310 49.1 312.6 49.6 314.9 50.2 317.3 50.8 319.4 51.5 321.3 52.3 323.1 53.2 324.5 54 325.5 55 Z M276.7 143.7 C275.3 144.7 274 145.9 273 147.2 271.9 148.5 271 149.8 270.3 151.3 269.6 152.7 269 154.1 268.6 155.6 268.2 157 268.1 158.4 268.1 159.7 268.1 161.8 268.8 163.8 270.3 165.7 271.8 167.7 274 169.4 277 170.8 279.9 172.3 283.6 173.5 288.1 174.3 292.5 175.2 297.7 175.7 303.7 175.7 309.9 175.7 315.5 175.2 320.5 174.2 325.5 173.2 329.7 171.8 333.2 170.2 336.6 168.6 339.3 166.7 341.1 164.7 342.9 162.7 343.8 160.7 343.8 158.6 343.8 154.4 341.7 151.3 337.5 149.4 333.3 147.4 327.6 146.5 320.4 146.5 315.8 146.5 311.3 146.4 306.6 146.2 302 146 297.7 145.7 293.7 145.4 289.7 145.1 286.1 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