- // ==UserScript==
- // @name Prompt On New Tab
- // @namespace https://greasyfork.org/en/users/85671-jcunews
- // @version 1.2.19
- // @license GNU AGPLv3
- // @author jcunews
- // @description Display a confirmation dialog when the site wants to open a new tab, so that user has the chance to cancel or allow it to open in a new or current tab. This script won't work if the user opens a link in a new tab using web browser's "Open in a new tab", "Open in background tab", or similar which are web browser internal or browser extension features.
- // @match *://*/*
- // @grant none
- // @run-at document-start
- // ==/UserScript==
- /*
- The rejectList and allowList contains the list of source-target rules. The main purpose of these lists
- is to provide an automated action on whether opening a new tab is allowed or not. Any matching
- rejectList rule will reject the new tab to open without prompting the user. Any matching allowList rule
- will allow the new tab to open without prompting the user.
- rejectList has higher priority than allowList. Each source-target rule is an array of two values:
- *SourceURL* then *TargetURL*. *SourceURL* denotes the current tab's URL, while *TargetURL* denotes the
- new tab's URL.
- Both source and target URL values can be either a string type or a regular expression object. Each will
- be compared against the whole URL.
- If string type is used, it must match the whole URL instead of part of it. The comparison is done
- without case sensitivity (i.e. character case is ignored). A `*` wildcard can be used to match any one
- or more characters. e.g.:
- - `"*"` will match any URL.
- - `"*://www.site.com/*"` will match against `http://www.site.com/` including
- `http://www.site.com/home`.
- - `"www.site.com"` will never match against `http://www.site.com/`.
- - `"*www.site.com*"` will match against `http://www.site.com/` but also against
- `http://www.proxy.com/?url=http://www.site.com/`.
- - `"*://* /*www.site.com*"` (without the space in the middle) will match against
- `http://www.proxy.com/?url=http://www.site.com/` but not against `http://www.site.com/`.
- - `"*url=*www.site.com*"` will match against `http://www.proxy.com/?url=http://www.site.com/`
- but also against `http://www.proxy.com/?url=http://www.other.com/&alt=http://www.site.com/`.
- If regular expression object is used, it may match only part of the whole URL, depending on the regular
- expression pattern itself. The comparison is done with or without case sensitivity, depending on the
- regular expression flags.
- A source-target rule will match if the source and target URLs matches.
- */
- ((open_, submit_, wael, ele) => {
- var rejectList = [
- ["*", "*://*.doubleclick.net/*"],
- ["*", /^https?:\/\/[^.]+\.adservices?\.com\//i],
- ["*://site.com/*", /^.*?:\/\/site\.com\/(offer|popup)/i]
- ];
- var allowList = [
- ["*://www.bing.com/*", "*"],
- ["*://www.google.*/*", "*://*.google.*/*"]
- ];
- //If promptToOpenInCurrentTab is enabled, when the confirmation dialog is shown and the user chose
- //Cancel, an additional confirmation dialog will be shown to confirm whether the URL should be
- //opened in current tab or not.
- var promptToOpenInCurrentTab = true;
- //===== CONFIGURATION END =====
- [rejectList, allowList].forEach(list => {
- list.forEach(pair => {
- pair.forEach((str, i) => {
- if (("string" === typeof str) || (str instanceof String)) {
- pair[i] = new RegExp("^" + str.replace(/([(){}\[\]\\^$.+?|])/g,
- "\\$1").replace(/([*])/g, ".*?") + "$", "i");
- }
- });
- });
- });
- function checkUrl(target, curUrl) {
- function checkUrlPair(pair) {
- return pair[0].test(curUrl) && pair[1].test(target);
- }
- curUrl = location.href;
- if (rejectList.some(checkUrlPair)) {
- return -1;
- } else if (allowList.some(checkUrlPair)) {
- return 1;
- } else return 0;
- }
- function dummy(){}
- function doWindow(w, z) {
- try {
- if (w.name) this.push(w.name);
- (w.contentWindow || w).document.querySelectorAll("iframe,frame").forEach(doWindow, this);
- } catch(z) {}
- }
- function isExistingFrameName(name, a, w, p, z) {
- if (!name) return true;
- a = ["_parent", "_self", "_top"];
- if (top !== window) {
- try {
- top.name;
- w = top;
- } catch(z) {
- w = window;
- while ((w = w.parent) && (w !== p)) {
- try {
- w.name;
- } catch(z) {
- w = null;
- }
- p = w;
- }
- w = w || p;
- }
- } else w = window;
- if (w) doWindow.call(a, w);
- return a.includes(name);
- }
- open_ = window.open;
- window.open = function(url, name) {
- var loc = {};
- if (isExistingFrameName(name)) {
- return open_.apply(this, arguments);
- } else switch (checkUrl(url)) {
- case 1:
- return open_.apply(this, arguments);
- case 0:
- if (confirm("This site wants to open a new tab.\nDo you want to allow it?\n\nURL:\n" + url)) {
- return open_.apply(this, arguments);
- } else if (
- promptToOpenInCurrentTab &&
- confirm("URL:\n" + url + "\n\nDo you want to open it in current tab instead?")
- ) {
- name = "_top";
- return open_.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- }
- return {
- document: {
- close: dummy,
- location: loc,
- open: dummy,
- write: dummy
- },
- location: loc
- };
- };
- function reject(ev) {
- if (!ev || !ev.preventDefault) return;
- ev.preventDefault();
- ev.stopPropagation();
- ev.stopImmediatePropagation();
- }
- function actionCheckUrl(ele, url, msg, ev) {
- switch (checkUrl(url)) {
- case 0:
- if (!confirm(msg + "\nDo you want to allow it?\n\nURL:\n" + url)) {
- if (
- promptToOpenInCurrentTab &&
- confirm("URL:\n" + url + "\n\nDo you want to open it in current tab instead?")
- ) {
- ele.target = "_top";
- break;
- }
- reject(ev);
- return false;
- } else break;
- case -1:
- reject(ev);
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- function onFormSubmit(ev) {
- if ((/^https?:/).test(this.action) && !isExistingFrameName(this.target) &&
- !actionCheckUrl(this, this.action, "This site wants to submit a form in a new tab.")) return;
- return submit_.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- submit_ = HTMLFormElement.prototype.submit;
- HTMLFormElement.prototype.submit = onFormSubmit;
- function windowSubmit(ev){
- if (
- !ev.defaultPrevented &&
- (/^https?:/).test(ev.target.action) && !isExistingFrameName(ev.target.target)
- ) {
- return actionCheckUrl(ev.target, ev.target.action,
- "This site wants to submit a form in a new tab.", ev);
- }
- }
- addEventListener("submit", windowSubmit);
- function onAnchorClick(ev) {
- if ((/^(?:f|ht)tps?:/).test(this.href) && !isExistingFrameName(this.target)) {
- return actionCheckUrl(this, this.href, "This site wants to open a new tab.", ev);
- }
- return;
- }
- function windowClick(ev, a){
- if (ev.button || !(a = ev.target) || ev.defaultPrevented) return;
- if (a.tagName === "A") {
- return onAnchorClick.call(a, ev);
- } else while (a = a.parentNode) {
- if (a.tagName === "A") return onAnchorClick.call(a, ev);
- }
- }
- addEventListener("click", windowClick);
- wael = window.addEventListener;
- window.addEventListener = function(type, fn) {
- var res = wael.apply(this, arguments);
- if (type === "click") {
- removeEventListener("click", windowClick);
- wael("click", windowClick);
- } else if (type === "submit") {
- removeEventListener("click", windowSubmit);
- wael("submit", windowSubmit);
- }
- return res;
- };
- })();