Adds more keyboard shortcuts for YouTube. The list of all new shortcuts is added into new "More Shortcuts" section on YouTube's "Keyboard shortcuts" popup which can be accessed via "?" or SHIFT+/ key (on U.S. keyboards).
這裡只顯示彼此間有代碼差異的版本。 顯示所有版本。
Fixed hotkeys for Download and Save To Playlist buttons due to site changes
Fixed Share hotkey due to site changes
Added Alt+\ (Alt+BackSlash) hotkey to focus live chat message list
Fixed broken chapter seek hotkeys due to site changes
Fixed hotkeys still functioning even though they're not supposed to any more. e.g. navigating from a video page to a user/channel page, the v hotkey for saving current video into playlist, still functions even though the video page's "Save" button is no longer visible.
Fixed broken SHIFT+V hotkey due to site changes
Update for "V" (Save video to playlist) and "N" (Download video) hotkeys to be language independent, and made them invokable even if they're tucked in as popup menu items.
Workaround for broken "V" hotkey (Save to playlist) due to site changes. Note: currently only work if site language is set to English.
Fixed hotkey for toggling chapter list due to site changes
Added \ hotkey to focus live chat input box. Added : (Shift+;) hotkey to focus comment input box.
Bug fix for previous update
Fix broken hotkey for closing replay/live chat due to site changes
Added common navigation shortcuts for Subscriptions, Feeds ("You"), History, Watch Later, Liked Videos, and Account pages
Fixed broken hotkeys due to site changes
Updated focus channel search box hotkey for site changes
Fixed ";" hotkey (focus channel/user search box) due to site changes
Added "n" hotkey for YouTube's built in "Download" button, if any. Fixed H hotkey (for Share) due to site changes
Fixed broken shortcut for toggling off chapter list due to site changes
Updated shortcuts for toggling like and dislike due to site changes
Updated shortcut for toggling replay chat due to site changes
Added SHIFT+R shortcut to toggle sponsored video list (above chapter list)
Fixed SHIFT+V hotkey due to site changes
Fixed shortcut for navigating to user/channel video tab from a video page, due to YouTube broke its own navigation function!
Fixed Like+Dislike shortcuts and Help shortcuts, due to site changes. Seriously. YouTube's script is behaving like that old Sony malware.
New shortcuts: ALT+G = Decrease video quality, ALT+H = Increase video quality, ALT+Y = Set video quality to auto
Fixed shortcuts for Like, Dislike, Share, and Save; for the new badly designed YouTube video description layout.
Added support for native chapters aka. "Auto Chapters"
Fixed subscription toggle hotkey sometimes not working
Added ";" keyboard shortcut to switch input focus to the search box on the channel/user page
Site changes update for these hotkeys: Like, Dislike, Subscribe, Subscription Notification
Fixed broken Previous Chapter hotkey when the playback is within the last chapter.
Fixed Like and Dislike hotkeys.
Updated video chapter detection method.
Made Like, Dislike, Shave and Save hotkeys language independent.