FSFE Affiliate Programs + extras (auto-SSL...)

Modify Amazon links to support the FSFE, always use SSL and shorten links

目前為 2018-12-03 提交的版本,檢視 最新版本

// ==UserScript==
// @name           FSFE Affiliate Programs + extras (auto-SSL...)
// @namespace      https://git.fsfe.org/FSFE/affiliate-script
// @description    Modify Amazon links to support the FSFE, always use SSL and shorten links
// @version        0.5

// Contains the getASIN()-function from:
// https://userscripts-mirror.org/scripts/review/3284 by Jim Biancolo

// @include       *://www.amazon.de/*
// @include       *://www.amazon.com/*
// @include       *://www.amazon.co.uk/*
// @include       *://www.amazon.ca/*
// @include       *://www.amazon.fr/*

// @license       GPL-3.0-or-later
// see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0-standalone.html
// @author Hannes Hauswedell (original author), Max Mehl (maintainer)
// @homepage https://git.fsfe.org/FSFE/affiliate-script
// ==/UserScript==

function getASIN(href) {
    var asinMatch;
    asinMatch = href.match(/\/exec\/obidos\/ASIN\/(\w{10})/i);
    if (!asinMatch) { asinMatch = href.match(/\/gp\/product\/(\w{10})/i); }
    if (!asinMatch) { asinMatch = href.match(/\/exec\/obidos\/tg\/detail\/\-\/(\w{10})/i); }
    if (!asinMatch) { asinMatch = href.match(/\/dp\/(\w{10})/i); }
    if (!asinMatch) { return null; }
    return asinMatch[1];

    var links = document.getElementsByTagName("a");

    for (i = 0; i < links.length; i++) 
        var curLink = links[i].href;

        // AMAZON
        if (curLink.match(/https?\:\/\/(www\.)?amazon\./i))
            var affiliateID = '';
            var host = '';
            if (curLink.match(/amazon\.de/i))
                host = 'amazon.de';
                affiliateID = 'fsfe-21';
            else if (curLink.match(/amazon\.co\.uk/i))
                host = 'amazon.co.uk';
                affiliateID = 'fsfe05-21';
            else if (curLink.match(/amazon\.ca/i))
                host = 'amazon.ca';
                affiliateID = 'fsfe-20';
            else if (curLink.match(/amazon\.fr/i))
                host = 'amazon.fr';
                affiliateID = 'fsfeurope-21';
            else if (curLink.match(/amazon\.com/i))
                host = 'amazon.com';
                affiliateID = 'freesoftfoune-20';

            var asin = getASIN(curLink);
            if (affiliateID != '')
                if (asin != null)
                    links[i].setAttribute("href", "https://www."+host+"/dp/" + asin + "/?tag="+affiliateID);
//                 else
//                     links[i].setAttribute("href", curLink + "?tag="+affiliateID);