// ==UserScript==
// @name NexusPHP PT Helper
// @name:zh-CN NexusPHP PT 助手
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/users/163820-ysc3839
// @version 0.2.1
// @description Helper script for NexusPHP based PT sites.
// @description:zh-CN 适用于基于 NexusPHP 的 PT 站的辅助脚本
// @author ysc3839
// @match *://hdhome.org/*
// @match *://bt.byr.cn/*
// @match *://tjupt.org/*
// @grant unsafeWindow
// @grant GM_addStyle
// @grant GM_setClipboard
// @run-at document-end
// ==/UserScript==
'use strict';
let domParser = null, passkey = localStorage.getItem('passkey');
* @class
* @memberof LuCI
* @hideconstructor
* @classdesc
* Slightly modified version of `LuCI.dom` (https://github.com/openwrt/luci/blob/5d55a0a4a9c338f64818ac73b7d5f28079aa95b7/modules/luci-base/htdocs/luci-static/resources/luci.js#L2080),
* which is licensed under Apache License 2.0 (https://github.com/openwrt/luci/blob/master/LICENSE).
* The `dom` class provides convenience method for creating and
* manipulating DOM elements.
const dom = {
* Tests whether the given argument is a valid DOM `Node`.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI.dom
* @param {*} e
* The value to test.
* @returns {boolean}
* Returns `true` if the value is a DOM `Node`, else `false`.
elem: function(e) {
return (e != null && typeof(e) == 'object' && 'nodeType' in e);
* Parses a given string as HTML and returns the first child node.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI.dom
* @param {string} s
* A string containing an HTML fragment to parse. Note that only
* the first result of the resulting structure is returned, so an
* input value of `<div>foo</div> <div>bar</div>` will only return
* the first `div` element node.
* @returns {Node}
* Returns the first DOM `Node` extracted from the HTML fragment or
* `null` on parsing failures or if no element could be found.
parse: function(s) {
var elem;
try {
domParser = domParser || new DOMParser();
let d = domParser.parseFromString(s, 'text/html');
elem = d.body.firstChild || d.head.firstChild;
catch(e) {}
if (!elem) {
try {
dummyElem = dummyElem || document.createElement('div');
dummyElem.innerHTML = s;
elem = dummyElem.firstChild;
catch (e) {}
return elem || null;
* Tests whether a given `Node` matches the given query selector.
* This function is a convenience wrapper around the standard
* `Node.matches("selector")` function with the added benefit that
* the `node` argument may be a non-`Node` value, in which case
* this function simply returns `false`.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI.dom
* @param {*} node
* The `Node` argument to test the selector against.
* @param {string} [selector]
* The query selector expression to test against the given node.
* @returns {boolean}
* Returns `true` if the given node matches the specified selector
* or `false` when the node argument is no valid DOM `Node` or the
* selector didn't match.
matches: function(node, selector) {
var m = this.elem(node) ? node.matches || node.msMatchesSelector : null;
return m ? m.call(node, selector) : false;
* Returns the closest parent node that matches the given query
* selector expression.
* This function is a convenience wrapper around the standard
* `Node.closest("selector")` function with the added benefit that
* the `node` argument may be a non-`Node` value, in which case
* this function simply returns `null`.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI.dom
* @param {*} node
* The `Node` argument to find the closest parent for.
* @param {string} [selector]
* The query selector expression to test against each parent.
* @returns {Node|null}
* Returns the closest parent node matching the selector or
* `null` when the node argument is no valid DOM `Node` or the
* selector didn't match any parent.
parent: function(node, selector) {
if (this.elem(node) && node.closest)
return node.closest(selector);
while (this.elem(node))
if (this.matches(node, selector))
return node;
node = node.parentNode;
return null;
* Appends the given children data to the given node.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI.dom
* @param {*} node
* The `Node` argument to append the children to.
* @param {*} [children]
* The childrens to append to the given node.
* When `children` is an array, then each item of the array
* will be either appended as child element or text node,
* depending on whether the item is a DOM `Node` instance or
* some other non-`null` value. Non-`Node`, non-`null` values
* will be converted to strings first before being passed as
* argument to `createTextNode()`.
* When `children` is a function, it will be invoked with
* the passed `node` argument as sole parameter and the `append`
* function will be invoked again, with the given `node` argument
* as first and the return value of the `children` function as
* second parameter.
* When `children` is is a DOM `Node` instance, it will be
* appended to the given `node`.
* When `children` is any other non-`null` value, it will be
* converted to a string and appened to the `innerHTML` property
* of the given `node`.
* @returns {Node|null}
* Returns the last children `Node` appended to the node or `null`
* if either the `node` argument was no valid DOM `node` or if the
* `children` was `null` or didn't result in further DOM nodes.
append: function(node, children) {
if (!this.elem(node))
return null;
if (Array.isArray(children)) {
for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++)
if (this.elem(children[i]))
else if (children !== null && children !== undefined)
node.appendChild(document.createTextNode('' + children[i]));
return node.lastChild;
else if (typeof(children) === 'function') {
return this.append(node, children(node));
else if (this.elem(children)) {
return node.appendChild(children);
else if (children !== null && children !== undefined) {
node.innerHTML = '' + children;
return node.lastChild;
return null;
* Replaces the content of the given node with the given children.
* This function first removes any children of the given DOM
* `Node` and then adds the given given children following the
* rules outlined below.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI.dom
* @param {*} node
* The `Node` argument to replace the children of.
* @param {*} [children]
* The childrens to replace into the given node.
* When `children` is an array, then each item of the array
* will be either appended as child element or text node,
* depending on whether the item is a DOM `Node` instance or
* some other non-`null` value. Non-`Node`, non-`null` values
* will be converted to strings first before being passed as
* argument to `createTextNode()`.
* When `children` is a function, it will be invoked with
* the passed `node` argument as sole parameter and the `append`
* function will be invoked again, with the given `node` argument
* as first and the return value of the `children` function as
* second parameter.
* When `children` is is a DOM `Node` instance, it will be
* appended to the given `node`.
* When `children` is any other non-`null` value, it will be
* converted to a string and appened to the `innerHTML` property
* of the given `node`.
* @returns {Node|null}
* Returns the last children `Node` appended to the node or `null`
* if either the `node` argument was no valid DOM `node` or if the
* `children` was `null` or didn't result in further DOM nodes.
content: function(node, children) {
if (!this.elem(node))
return null;
while (node.firstChild)
return this.append(node, children);
* Sets attributes or registers event listeners on element nodes.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI.dom
* @param {*} node
* The `Node` argument to set the attributes or add the event
* listeners for. When the given `node` value is not a valid
* DOM `Node`, the function returns and does nothing.
* @param {string|Object<string, *>} key
* Specifies either the attribute or event handler name to use,
* or an object containing multiple key, value pairs which are
* each added to the node as either attribute or event handler,
* depending on the respective value.
* @param {*} [val]
* Specifies the attribute value or event handler function to add.
* If the `key` parameter is an `Object`, this parameter will be
* ignored.
* When `val` is of type function, it will be registered as event
* handler on the given `node` with the `key` parameter being the
* event name.
* When `val` is of type object, it will be serialized as JSON and
* added as attribute to the given `node`, using the given `key`
* as attribute name.
* When `val` is of any other type, it will be added as attribute
* to the given `node` as-is, with the underlying `setAttribute()`
* call implicitely turning it into a string.
attr: function(node, key, val) {
if (!this.elem(node))
return null;
var attr = null;
if (typeof(key) === 'object' && key !== null)
attr = key;
else if (typeof(key) === 'string')
attr = {}, attr[key] = val;
for (key in attr) {
if (!attr.hasOwnProperty(key) || attr[key] == null)
switch (typeof(attr[key])) {
case 'function':
node.addEventListener(key, attr[key]);
case 'object':
node.setAttribute(key, JSON.stringify(attr[key]));
node.setAttribute(key, attr[key]);
* Creates a new DOM `Node` from the given `html`, `attr` and
* `data` parameters.
* This function has multiple signatures, it can be either invoked
* in the form `create(html[, attr[, data]])` or in the form
* `create(html[, data])`. The used variant is determined from the
* type of the second argument.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI.dom
* @param {*} html
* Describes the node to create.
* When the value of `html` is of type array, a `DocumentFragment`
* node is created and each item of the array is first converted
* to a DOM `Node` by passing it through `create()` and then added
* as child to the fragment.
* When the value of `html` is a DOM `Node` instance, no new
* element will be created but the node will be used as-is.
* When the value of `html` is a string starting with `<`, it will
* be passed to `dom.parse()` and the resulting value is used.
* When the value of `html` is any other string, it will be passed
* to `document.createElement()` for creating a new DOM `Node` of
* the given name.
* @param {Object<string, *>} [attr]
* Specifies an Object of key, value pairs to set as attributes
* or event handlers on the created node. Refer to
* {@link LuCI.dom#attr dom.attr()} for details.
* @param {*} [data]
* Specifies children to append to the newly created element.
* Refer to {@link LuCI.dom#append dom.append()} for details.
* @throws {InvalidCharacterError}
* Throws an `InvalidCharacterError` when the given `html`
* argument contained malformed markup (such as not escaped
* `&` characters in XHTML mode) or when the given node name
* in `html` contains characters which are not legal in DOM
* element names, such as spaces.
* @returns {Node}
* Returns the newly created `Node`.
create: function() {
var html = arguments[0],
attr = arguments[1],
data = arguments[2],
if (!(attr instanceof Object) || Array.isArray(attr))
data = attr, attr = null;
if (Array.isArray(html)) {
elem = document.createDocumentFragment();
for (var i = 0; i < html.length; i++)
else if (this.elem(html)) {
elem = html;
else if (html.charCodeAt(0) === 60) {
elem = this.parse(html);
else {
elem = document.createElement(html);
if (!elem)
return null;
this.attr(elem, attr);
this.append(elem, data);
return elem;
* The ignore callback function is invoked by `isEmpty()` for each
* child node to decide whether to ignore a child node or not.
* When this function returns `false`, the node passed to it is
* ignored, else not.
* @callback LuCI.dom~ignoreCallbackFn
* @param {Node} node
* The child node to test.
* @returns {boolean}
* Boolean indicating whether to ignore the node or not.
* Tests whether a given DOM `Node` instance is empty or appears
* empty.
* Any element child nodes which have the CSS class `hidden` set
* or for which the optionally passed `ignoreFn` callback function
* returns `false` are ignored.
* @instance
* @memberof LuCI.dom
* @param {Node} node
* The DOM `Node` instance to test.
* @param {LuCI.dom~ignoreCallbackFn} [ignoreFn]
* Specifies an optional function which is invoked for each child
* node to decide whether the child node should be ignored or not.
* @returns {boolean}
* Returns `true` if the node does not have any children or if
* any children node either has a `hidden` CSS class or a `false`
* result when testing it using the given `ignoreFn`.
isEmpty: function(node, ignoreFn) {
for (var child = node.firstElementChild; child != null; child = child.nextElementSibling)
if (!child.classList.contains('hidden') && (!ignoreFn || !ignoreFn(child)))
return false;
return true;
function E() { return dom.create.apply(dom, arguments); }
function override(object, method, newMethod) {
const original = object[method];
object[method] = function(...args) {
return newMethod.apply(this, [original.bind(this)].concat(args));
Object.assign(object[method], original);
function getTorrentURL(url) {
const u = new URL(url);
const id = u.searchParams.get('id');
u.pathname = '/download.php';
u.hash = '';
u.search = '';
u.searchParams.set('id', id);
u.searchParams.set('passkey', passkey);
return u.href;
function savePasskeyFromUrl(url) {
passkey = new URL(url).searchParams.get('passkey');
if (passkey)
localStorage.setItem('passkey', passkey);
function addListSelect(trlist) {
trlist[0].prepend(E('td', {
class: 'colhead',
align: 'center'
}, '链接'));
trlist[0].prepend(E('td', {
class: 'colhead',
align: 'center',
style: 'padding: 0px'
}, E('button', {
class: 'btn',
style: 'font-size: 9pt;',
click: function() {
if (!passkey) {
alert('No passkey!');
let text = '';
for (let i of this.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.getElementsByClassName('my_selected')) {
text += getTorrentURL(i.getElementsByTagName('a')[1].href) + '\n';
this.innerHTML = '已复制';
}, '复制')));
let mousedown = false;
for (var i = 1; i < trlist.length; ++i) {
const seltd = E('td', {
class: 'rowfollow nowrap',
style: 'padding: 0px;',
align: 'center',
mousedown: function(e) {
mousedown = true;
mouseenter: function() {
if (mousedown)
}, E('input', {
type: 'checkbox',
style: 'zoom: 1.5;',
click: function() {
mousedown: function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); }
const copytd = seltd.cloneNode();
copytd.append(E('button', {
class: 'btn',
click: function() {
if (!passkey) {
alert('No passkey!');
this.innerHTML = '已复制';
}, '复制'));
document.addEventListener('mouseup', function(e) {
if (mousedown) {
mousedown = false;
function modifyAnchor(a, url) {
a.href = url;
a.addEventListener('click', function(ev) {
if (!this.getAttribute('data-copied')) {
this.setAttribute('data-copied', '1');
this.parentElement.previousElementSibling.innerHTML += '(已复制)';
(function() {
.my_selected { background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); }
td.rowfollow button { font-size: 9pt; }
switch (location.pathname) {
case '/torrents.php': {
const trlist = document.querySelectorAll('.torrents > tbody > tr');
case '/details.php': {
let dlAnchor = document.getElementById('direct_link'); // tjupt.org
if (!dlAnchor) {
var trlist = document.querySelectorAll('#outer > h1 + table > tbody > tr');
const names = ['种子链接'];
for (let i of trlist) {
const name = i.firstElementChild.innerText;
if (names.includes(name)) {
dlAnchor = i.lastElementChild.firstElementChild;
if (dlAnchor) {
const url = dlAnchor.getAttribute('href') || dlAnchor.getAttribute('data-clipboard-text'); // hdhome.org || tjupt.org
modifyAnchor(dlAnchor, url);
} else {
let text = '没有 passkey, 点此打开控制面板获取 passkey';
let url = null;
if (passkey) {
url = getTorrentURL(location);
const u = new URL(url);
u.searchParams.set('passkey', '***');
text = u.href;
const a = E('a', { href: '/usercp.php' }, text);
if (url)
modifyAnchor(a, url);
trlist[0].insertAdjacentElement('afterend', E('tr', [
E('td', {
class: 'rowhead nowrap',
valign: 'top',
align: 'right'
}, '种子链接'),
E('td', {
class: 'rowfollow',
valign: 'top',
align: 'left'
}, a)
case '/usercp.php': {
const url = new URL(location);
if(!url.searchParams.get('action')) {
const names = ['passkey', '密钥'];
for (let i of document.querySelectorAll('#outer > .main + table tr')) {
const name = i.firstElementChild.innerText;
if (names.includes(name)) {
passkey = i.lastElementChild.innerText;
i.lastElementChild.innerHTML += ' (已获取)';
if (passkey)
localStorage.setItem('passkey', passkey);
case '/userdetails.php': {
override(unsafeWindow, 'getusertorrentlistajax', function(original, userid, type, blockid) {
if (original(userid, type, blockid)) {
const blockdiv = document.getElementById(blockid);
return true;
return false;