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UR Editor Profile Viewer

Changes the editor names in URs to a link direct to the editor profile.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         UR Editor Profile Viewer
// @namespace    Dude495
// @version      2020.03.25.01
// @description  Changes the editor names in URs to a link direct to the editor profile.
// @author       Dude495
// @include      /^https:\/\/(www|beta)\.waze\.com\/(?!user\/)(.{2,6}\/)?editor\/?.*$/
// @require
// @license      GNU GPLv3
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==
// HUGE Thanks to Joyriding & MoM for their patience and helping me learn to the basics and walk me through my first script!!!

(async function() {
    'use strict';
    var VERSION = GM_info.script.version;
    var SCRIPT_NAME =;
    var UPDATE_ALERT = false;
    var UPDATE_NOTES = [
        SCRIPT_NAME + ' has been updated to v' + VERSION,
        '* WazeWrap version bump.'

    if (UPDATE_ALERT) {
        SCRIPT_NAME = SCRIPT_NAME.replace( /\s/g, '') + VERSION;
        if (localStorage.getItem(SCRIPT_NAME) !== VERSION) {
            localStorage.setItem(SCRIPT_NAME, VERSION);
    function EPV() {
        var i;
        for (i = 0; i < $('span.username').length; i++) {
            if ($('span.username')[i].textContent.includes('(')) {
                var epvusername = $('span.username')[i].textContent.match(/(.*)\(\d\)/);
                var username = epvusername[1];
                var profilelink = '<a href="' + username + '" target="_blank">' + epvusername[0] + '</a>';
                $('span.username')[i].innerHTML = profilelink;
    function PURPM() {
        if ($('#panel-container > div > > div > div.body > div.scrollable > div > div.add-details > div.small.user')[0].childNodes[1].textContent.includes('(')) {
            var center =,;
            var LON = center.lon;
            var LAT =;
            var ZOOM =;
            var ENVL = $('#sidepanel-prefs > div > div > form > div:nth-child(4) > select')[0].value;
            var ENV = $('#env-select > div > select')[0].value;
            if ($('#landmark-edit-general > ul > li:nth-child(2)')[0] !== undefined) {
                let VenueID = $('#landmark-edit-general > ul > li:nth-child(2)')[0].textContent.match(/([0-9].*)/)[1];
                var PermaLink = encodeURIComponent('' + ENVL + '/editor?env=' + ENV + '&lon=' + LON + '&lat=' + LAT + '&zoom=' + ZOOM + '&venues=' + VenueID);
            } else {
                PermaLink = encodeURIComponent('' + ENVL + '/editor?env=' + ENV + '&lon=' + LON + '&lat=' + LAT + '&zoom=' + ZOOM);
            var epvusername = $('#panel-container > div > > div > div.body > div.scrollable > div > div.add-details > div.small.user')[0].childNodes[1].textContent.match(/(.*)\(\d\)/);
            var username = epvusername[1];
            var profilelink = '  <a href="' + username + '&subject=About This Place Update Request&message=[url=' + PermaLink + ']PermaLink[/url] " target="_blank">(PM)</a>';
            $('#panel-container > div > > div > div.body > div.scrollable > div > div.add-details > div.small.user')[0].innerHTML += profilelink;
    function init() {
        var mo = new MutationObserver(mutations => {
            mutations.forEach(m => m.addedNodes.forEach(node => {
                if ($(node).hasClass('conversation-view') || $(node).hasClass('map-comment-feature-editor')) EPV();
                else if ($(node).hasClass('place-update-edit')) PURPM();
        mo.observe(document.querySelector('#panel-container'), {childList: true, subtree:true});
        mo.observe($('#edit-panel .contents')[0], {childList:true, subtree:true});
    function bootstrap() {
        if (W && W.loginManager && W.loginManager.user && ($('#panel-container').length || $('span.username').length >= 1)) {
            console.log(, 'Initialized');
        } else {
            console.log(, 'Bootstrap failed.  Trying again...');
            window.setTimeout(() => bootstrap(), 500);