- // ==UserScript==
- // @name STS Helper
- // @author 7-elephant
- // @namespace iFantz7E.StsHelper
- // @version 2.73
- // @description In Steam Translation Server, add many features to make translate easier.
- // @match *://translation.steampowered.com/*
- // @icon https://translation.steampowered.com/public/favicon.ico
- // @run-at document-start
- // @grant GM_getValue
- // @grant GM_setValue
- // @grant GM_addStyle
- // @grant GM_setClipboard
- // @license GPL-3.0-only
- // @copyright 2014, 7-elephant
- // @supportURL https://steamcommunity.com/id/7-elephant/
- // @contributionURL https://www.paypal.me/iFantz7E
- // ==/UserScript==
- // License: GPL-3.0-only - https://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-3.0-only.html
- // Compatibility: Firefox 14+ from Mutation Observer
- // Since 4 Feb 2014
- // http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/325610
- // https://greasyfork.org/scripts/2250-sts-helper/
- (function ()
- {
- "use strict";
- // jshint multistr:true
- function initStyle()
- {
- GM_addStyle
- (" \
- /* STSH Modify CSS */ \
- body { color: #acacac; } \
- #logout { \
- position: fixed; z-index: 1001; right: 12px; top: 10px; \
- line-height: 24px; text-align: right; } \
- input[type='button'], input[type='submit'] { \
- cursor: pointer; padding: 1px 9px; } \
- input[type='button']:disabled, input[type='submit']:disabled { \
- cursor: default; color: #777; } \
- #suggestionmain > div:nth-child(4) > form:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(1) { \
- text-align: left; } \
- .lbAction > div > input[value^='SUBMIT'] { \
- width: 670px; height: 30px; border-color: #777 #333 #777 #777; } \
- .lbAction > div > input[value^='SUBMIT'][disabled] { border-color: #777; } \
- .lbAction > div > input[value^='RESUBMIT'] { \
- width: 561px; height: 30px; border-color: #777 #333 #777 #777; } \
- .lbAction > div > input[value='CANCEL'] { \
- width: 100px; height: 30px; margin-right: 5px; } \
- form.lbAction:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(2) > input:nth-child(1) { \
- width: 90%; margin-top: 5px; } \
- .suggestion .lbAction textarea { \
- max-width: 700px !important; min-height: 50px; } \
- .progress td { vertical-align: top; } \
- div#suggestions_nav { \
- z-index: 3; position: absolute; width: 440px; \
- left: 543px; top: 2px; text-align: right; line-height: 24px; \
- color: #E1E1E1; } \
- #suggestionmain .smallcopy { width: 855px; min-height: 70px; max-height: 70px; } \
- #suggestionmain .progress { margin-top: -12px; } \
- #suggestionmain > div[style='padding-left: 10px;'] { padding-left: 6px !important; } \
- #suggestions_box { margin-top: 1px !important; position: relative; z-index: 20; } \
- #suggestions_iframe { min-height: 100px !important; } \
- #keylist td:nth-child(1) > div { \
- background-image: none !important; min-height: 43px; } \
- #keylist tr:nth-child(2n) > td:nth-child(1) > div { \
- background-color: #060606 !important; } \
- #keylist tr:nth-child(2n) > td:nth-child(1) > div:hover { \
- background-color: #0D0D0D !important; } \
- #keylist td:nth-child(1) > div:hover { \
- background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center; \
- background-color: #0D0D0D !important; \
- background-image: url('./public/images/row_over.gif') !important; } \
- #keylist td.progress { \
- color: #fff; max-width: 430px; overflow: hidden; \
- text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap; } \
- .progress h1 { display: inline-block; } \
- div#suggestions_box iframe { background-color: #111 !important; } \
- .suggestions_list { border-right: 0px none; } \
- .suggestions_list:nth-child(2) { border: 0px none; } \
- .suggestion { \
- resize: both; overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: auto; \
- border: 1px solid #505050; border-top: none; \
- max-width: 953px; min-width: 200px; min-height: 50px; } \
- .suggestion:first-child { border-top: 1px solid #505050; } \
- .suggestion_signature { font-family: Verdana; margin-top: 4px; } \
- .suggestion_signature input:disabled { color: #777 !important; } \
- .lbAction input[value~='COMMENT'] { \
- vertical-align: top; margin-top: 1px; height: 52px; } \
- .lbAction input[value~='DISCUSS'] { \
- vertical-align: top; margin-top: 1px; height: 21px; top: 0px !important; } \
- #votes_container a[title='not translated'] { background-color: #333; } \
- #suggestion_value_new { min-height: 84px; max-width: 960px; min-width: 200px; overflow-y: auto; } \
- #hours > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > th:nth-child(1) { width: 106px; text-align: center; } \
- #hours > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > th:nth-child(3) { text-align: center; } \
- #hours > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > th:nth-child(4) { text-align: center; } \
- #hours > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) { padding-right: 4px; } \
- #hours > table input[name*='[remarks]'] { width: 520px; } \
- #hours > table input[name*='[hours]'] { width: 100px; } \
- #hours > table input[name*='[minutes]'] { width: 100px; } \
- #suggestions_box_outer { overflow: hidden !important; } \
- #add_to_discussion { height: 19px; min-height: 19px; } \
- .gradienttable td > div { top: 1px !important; } \
- .copysmall > td:nth-child(1) { \
- white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; \
- display: inline-block; width: 430px; direction: ltr; } \
- div:hover > table > tbody > tr.copysmall > td:nth-child(1) { \
- direction: rtl; text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #0D0D0D;} \
- #search input[type='radio'], #search input[type='checkbox'] \
- , #search button, #search label { cursor: pointer; } \
- .suggestion_error { max-width: 600px; margin-left: 80px; } \
- #country_list_id + #hidethis { display: block; margin-top: 8px; } \
- .row0:nth-child(odd), .row1:nth-child(odd), .row-1:nth-child(odd), .row-9:nth-child(odd), .row10:nth-child(odd) { \
- background-color: #161616; } \
- .row0:nth-child(even), .row1:nth-child(even), .row-1:nth-child(even), .row-9:nth-child(even), .row10:nth-child(even) { \
- background-color: #202020; } \
- .row2:nth-child(odd) { background-color: #1C2117; } \
- .row2:nth-child(even) { background-color: #22291B; } \
- #replacementstatus { \
- top: 0px !important; left: 176px !important; \
- display: block !important; opacity: 1.0 !important; } \
- a + br + #replacementstatus { left: 326px !important; } \
- #keylist_container { margin-left: 10px; } \
- img[src='<?=BASE_URL_CURRENT?>public/images/hr.gif'] { background-image: url('./public/images/hr.gif'); } \
- ");
- GM_addStyle
- (" \
- /* STSH Main CSS */ \
- .stsh_body_crop { overflow-x: hidden; } \
- .stsh_btn { width: 90px; } \
- .stsh_btn_med { min-width: 112px; } \
- .stsh_btn_long { min-width: 136px; } \
- .stsh_btn_short { min-width: 66px; } \
- .stsh_btn_right { position: relative; float: right; } \
- .stsh_text_right { \
- position: relative; float: right; \
- display: block; margin-right: 4px; text-transform: none; \
- font-size: 13px; font-style: normal; padding-top: 2px; } \
- .stsh_border_left { border-right-color: #333 !important; } \
- .stsh_border_right { border-left-color: #333 !important; } \
- .stsh_border_center { border-left-color: #333 !important; border-right-color: #333 !important; } \
- .stsh_border_top { border-bottom-color: #333 !important; } \
- .stsh_border_middle { border-top-color: #333 !important; } \
- .stsh_border_bottom { border-top-color: #333 !important; border-bottom-color: #333 !important; } \
- .stsh_suggestion_header { color: #A4B23C; } \
- .stsh_suggestion_comment:before { background-color: #E15417 !important; } \
- .stsh_suggestion_pending:before { background-color: #DDD !important; } \
- .stsh_suggestion_approved:before { background-color: #A4B23C !important; } \
- .stsh_suggestion_declined:before { background-color: #F22 !important; } \
- .stsh_suggestion_applied:before { background-color: #2EBCEB !important; } \
- .stsh_suggestion_removed:before { background-color: #777 !important; } \
- .stsh_suggestion { list-style: none; } \
- .stsh_suggestion:before { \
- content: ''; display: inline-block; position: relative; height: 6px; width: 6px; \
- border-radius: 3px; background-clip: padding-box; margin-right: -6px; \
- top: -1px; left: -12px; background-color: green; }\
- #stsh_frame { \
- text-align: center; position: fixed; z-index: 10; \
- top: 100px; left: 50%; margin-left: -322px;} \
- #stsh_frame_sub { \
- background-color: #111; width: 600px; display: inline-block; \
- padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #cf9e5f; } \
- .stsh_blue { color: #2EBCEB; } \
- .stsh_blue_light { color: #87BEED; } \
- .stsh_blue_light2 { color: #5C80A1; } \
- .stsh_blue_dark { color: #1B6A85; } \
- .stsh_green { color: #a4b23c !important; } \
- .stsh_green_dark { color: #3a482a; } \
- .stsh_red { color: #F22; } \
- .stsh_red_light { color: #4dc0f0; } \
- .stsh_white { color: #e1e1e1; } \
- .stsh_grey { color: #777 !important; } \
- .stsh_orange { color: #E15417; } \
- .stsh_orange_light { color: #CF8B37; } \
- .stsh_orange_light2 { color: #EDB687; } \
- .stsh_orange_light3 { color: #FFAA40; } \
- .stsh_orange_dark { color: #a75124; } \
- .stsh_aqua { color: #538583; } \
- .stsh_pink { color: pink; } \
- .stsh_yellow { color: #E0B816; } \
- .stsh_yellow_light { color: #E0CA70; } \
- .stsh_greenyellow_light { color: #D1E070; } \
- .stsh_purple { color: #a166f4; } \
- .stsh_border_green { border-color: #76802B !important; } \
- .stsh_border_green_left { border-color: #76802B #474D1A #76802B #76802B !important; } \
- .stsh_cursor_notallowed { cursor: not-allowed !important; } \
- .stsh_cursor_pointer { cursor: pointer !important; } \
- .stsh_cursor_default { cursor: default !important; } \
- .stsh_cursor_help { cursor: help !important; } \
- .stsh_inline { display: inline; } \
- #stsh_showing { \
- color: #CCDAD6; position: fixed; z-index: 1001; \
- right: 12px; bottom: 12px; text-align: right; line-height: 14px;} \
- #stsh_showing_current { \
- color: #CCDAD6; position: fixed; z-index: 1001; \
- right: 12px; bottom: 28px; text-align: right; line-height: 14px;} \
- .stsh_showing_counter { \
- display: inline-block; min-width: 60px; text-align: center; } \
- .stsh_showing_header { \
- color: #CCDAD6; display: inline-block; width: 135px; \
- text-align: center; padding-top: 10px; } \
- .stsh_showing_group { \
- position: fixed; z-index: 3; right: 10px; top: 74px; \
- line-height: 24px; text-align: right; } \
- .stsh_home_header { color: #CCDAD6; display: inline-block; padding-top: 10px; } \
- .stsh_home_group { \
- position: fixed; z-index: 3; right: 0px; top: 74px; \
- line-height: 24px; text-align: center; width: 164px; } \
- .stsh_home_group > div > .stsh_a_button { border-top-color: #333; border-bottom-color: #333; } \
- .stsh_home_group > div > .stsh_a_button:first-child { border-top-color: #777; } \
- .stsh_home_group > div > .stsh_a_button:last-child { border-bottom-color: #777; } \
- .stsh_home_group > div > div > .stsh_a_button { border-top-color: #333; border-bottom-color: #333; } \
- .stsh_home_group > div > div > .stsh_a_button:first-child:not(:last-child) { border-right-color: #333; } \
- .stsh_home_group > div > div > .stsh_a_button:last-child:not(:first-child) { border-left-color: #333; } \
- .stsh_home_group > div > div:first-child > .stsh_a_button { border-top-color: #777; } \
- .stsh_home_group > div > div:last-child > .stsh_a_button { border-bottom-color: #777; } \
- .stsh_home_group .stsh_a_button { cursor: pointer; } \
- .stsh_menu_group { \
- position: fixed; z-index: 3; right: 12px; top: 84px; \
- line-height: 24px; text-align: right; } \
- .stsh_group_space { margin-top: 3px; } \
- .stsh_scroll_header { \
- color: #CCDAD6; display: inline-block; width: 130px; \
- text-align: center; padding-top: 10px; } \
- #stsh_specialEvent { position: absolute; z-index: 2; right: 164px; top: 13px; } \
- @media screen and (min-width: 1500px) { \
- #stsh_specialEvent { position: fixed; } \
- } \
- .stsh_snapshot { \
- position: absolute; top: 320px; left: 790px; \
- width: 140px; text-align: center; color: #FFF; } \
- .stsh_text_comment_header { vertical-align: top; user-select: none; } \
- .stsh_text_comment { vertical-align: top; display: inline-block; max-width: 850px; user-select: text; } \
- .stsh_action_approve, .stsh_action_approve_next { color: #A4B23C; } \
- .stsh_action_decline, .stsh_action_decline_next { color: #F22; } \
- .stsh_action_apply, .stsh_action_apply_next { color: #2EBCEB; } \
- #stsh_autoApprove { vertical-align: -2px; margin-left: 15px; margin-right: 1px; } \
- .stsh_unselectable { \
- -webkit-touch-callout: none !important; \
- -webkit-user-select: none !important; \
- -khtml-user-select: none !important; \
- -moz-user-select: none !important; \
- -ms-user-select: none !important; \
- user-select: none !important; } \
- .stsh_a_button { \
- background-color: #1D1D1D; \
- font-family: tahoma,arial,helvetica,trebuchet ms,sans-serif; \
- color: #E1E1E1; font-size: 13px; border: 1px solid #777; padding: 1px 9px; } \
- .stsh_a_button:link, .stsh_a_button:hover, .stsh_a_button:active, .stsh_a_button:visited { \
- color: #E1E1E1; text-decoration: none; } \
- .stsh_a_button.stsh_btn { \
- display: inline-block; padding: 0px; \
- height: 19px; line-height: 19px; width: 88px; } \
- .stsh_a_button.stsh_btn_short { \
- display: inline-block; padding: 0px; \
- height: 19px; line-height: 19px; min-width: 54px; } \
- .stsh_a_button.stsh_btn_med { \
- display: inline-block; padding: 0px; \
- height: 19px; line-height: 19px; min-width: 110px; } \
- .stsh_a_button.stsh_btn_long { \
- display: inline-block; padding: 0px; \
- height: 19px; line-height: 19px; min-width: 134px; } \
- .stsh_lineCounter_outer { position: relative; } \
- .stsh_lineCounter { \
- position: absolute; width: 30px; left: -35px; top: -28px; \
- line-height: 28px; text-align: right; \
- color: #ACACAC; font-size: 9px; text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #111; } \
- .stsh_glossary_term { min-width: 50px; display: inline-block; } \
- .stsh_glossary_header { font-family: Verdana; } \
- .stsh_glossary_header, .stsh_glossary_header td { color: #DDD; } \
- .stsh_glossary_header *, .stsh_glossary_header td * { color: #858585; } \
- .stsh_glossary_header > tbody:nth-child(1) > tr:nth-child(1) > td:nth-child(4) { \
- width: 10px !important; } \
- .stsh_comment_img { \
- display: block; max-width: 400px; max-height: 225px; \
- margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 20px; } \
- .stsh_comment_img_zoom { cursor: zoom-in; cursor: -webkit-zoom-in; cursor: -moz-zoom-in; } \
- .stsh_hours_curDate { color: #A4B23C; } \
- .stsh_hours_curDate input { border-color: #A4B23C; } \
- .stsh_text_submit_right { \
- height: 30px; width: 214px; margin-right: 5px; border-color: #777 #777 #777 #333; } \
- .stsh_truncate { \
- white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; \
- display: inline-block; vertical-align: bottom; } \
- .stsh_token_name { max-width: 500px; } \
- .stsh_token_share { max-width: 600px; font-size: 0.8em; direction: rtl; } \
- .stsh_token_share:hover { direction: ltr; } \
- .stsh_pad { padding-left: 2px; padding-right: 2px; } \
- .stsh_pad_left { padding-left: 4px; } \
- .stsh_pad_right { padding-right: 4px; } \
- .stsh_margin_left { margin-left: 4px; } \
- .stsh_margin_right { margin-right: 4px; } \
- .stsh_hidden { display: none !important; } \
- table.gradienttable .stsh_curLang td, table.gradienttable .stsh_dst_curLang td \
- , table.gradienttable .stsh_dst_curLang th { \
- background: transparent \
- linear-gradient(to bottom, #171717 0%, rgba(71, 77, 26, 0.66) 40%, #121212 100%) \
- repeat scroll 0% 0% !important; } \
- .stsh_delta #suggestion_value_new { border-color: #1B6A85; } \
- .stsh_delta .stsh_text_submit { \
- color: #2EBCEB; border-color: #1B6A85 #083F52 #1B6A85 #1B6A85 !important; } \
- .stsh_delta .stsh_text_submit_right { \
- color: #2EBCEB; border-color: #1B6A85 #1B6A85 #1B6A85 #083F52 !important; } \
- .stsh_delta .suggestions_list, .stsh_delta .suggestion { \
- border-color: #083F52 !important; } \
- .stsh_usThem tr:nth-child(odd) { background-color: #161616; } \
- .stsh_usThem tr:nth-child(even) { background-color: #202020; } \
- .stsh_usThem_langCur { background-color: #2F3317 !important; color: #E1E1E1; } \
- .stsh_dst_curLang, table.gradienttable .stsh_dst_curLang th, .stsh_dst_curLang a { \
- color: #2ebceb; } \
- .stsh_text_trn .lbAction textarea { max-width: 450px !important; } \
- .stsh_text_trn .lbAction input[value~='COMMENT'] { height: auto; } \
- .stsh_text_trn .stsh_text_submit { width: 190px !important; } \
- .stsh_text_trn .stsh_text_submit_right { \
- width: 184px !important; margin-right: 16px !important; } \
- .stsh_text_trn .suggestion { \
- color: #858585; border-width: 1px solid; \
- margin-top: -2px; padding-top: 0px; } \
- .stsh_text_trn .stsh_counter:after { margin-top: 3px; } \
- .stsh_text_trn .suggestion_error { \
- max-width: 450px; margin-left: 0px; margin-top: 16px; margin-bottom: -14px; } \
- .stsh_text_trn #stsh_autoApprove { display: none; } \
- .stsh_text_trn .stsh_autoApprove_label { display: none; } \
- .stsh_text_trn input[value='+1'] { display: none; } \
- .stsh_text_trn #replacementstatus { left: 140px !important; } \
- .stsh_text_trn .stsh_autoReplace_notice { margin-top: 14px; padding-left: 88px; } \
- .stsh_text_org, .stsh_text_trn { \
- min-height: 21px; display: block; max-width: 470px !important; line-height: 17px; word-break: break-word; } \
- .stsh_text_org { margin-bottom: 3px; } \
- .stsh_text_org img, .stsh_text_trn img { max-width: 100%; max-height: 100%; } \
- .stsh_autoLoginOption { display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; line-height: 69px; padding-left: 30px; } \
- #stsh_autoLogin { margin-right: 0px; } \
- .stsh_moveSuggestionContainer { margin-top: -3px; } \
- #stsh_moveSuggestionBox, #stsh_moveSuggestionList { margin-right: 5px; } \
- #stsh_hoursCalc_from { width: 130px; } \
- #stsh_hoursCalc_to { width: 130px; border-right: 1px #333 solid; } \
- #stsh_hoursCalc_toNow { border-left: 1px #333 solid; } \
- .stsh_nav_prev { border-right-color: #333; } \
- .stsh_nav_next { border-left-color: #333; } \
- .stsh_nav_group { display: inline-block; } \
- .stsh_nav_group .stsh_a_button { \
- display: inline-block; text-align: center; \
- line-height: 17px; min-width: 40px; } \
- .stsh_nav_group .stsh_a_button:first-child:not(:last-child) { border-right-color: #333; } \
- .stsh_nav_group .stsh_a_button:last-child:not(:first-child) { border-left-color: #333; } \
- .stsh_nav_group .stsh_a_button:not(:first-child):not(:last-child) { \
- border-left-color: #333; border-right-color: #333; } \
- .stsh_img_min { max-width: 200px !important; height: auto !important; } \
- .stsh_showHidden { \
- display: inherit !important; background-color: #1d1d1d; padding: 1px 5px; \
- max-height: inherit !important; height: inherit !important; } \
- .stsh_discussion_header input[type='button'] { \
- padding: 1px 6px; } \
- .stsh_counter { display: inline-block; } \
- .stsh_counter[data-counter='Char: 0 :: Word: 0 :: Byte: 0'] { display: none; } \
- .stsh_counter:after { content: attr(data-counter); position: absolute; \
- margin-left: -280px; width: 278px; text-align: right; } \
- .stsh_spanStatusOrg, .stsh_spanStatusTrn { display: block; margin-top: -4px; margin-bottom: 8px; } \
- .stsh_spanStatusSug { display: block; margin-top: 8px; margin-bottom: 12px; } \
- .stsh_autoCopy_header font { color: #a4b23c !important; font-weight: normal; font-family: Verdana;} \
- .stsh_glossary_move { color: #e1e1e1; margin-left: 4px; } \
- .stsh_sametoken_file { display: inline-block; } \
- .stsh_marker { color: #777 !important; display: inline-block; } \
- .stsh_sametoken_header .stsh_marker, .stsh_text_comment .stsh_marker { color: #e1e1e1 !important; } \
- .stsh_glossary_header .insertword { display: inline-block; } \
- .stsh_glossary_header td { padding-left: 16px; padding-right: 6px; } \
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- a + br + #replacementstatus + br + .stsh_autoReplace_notice { \
- text-align: center; padding-left: 0px; } \
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- .stsh_suggestion_border_declined { border-color: #720D0D !important; } \
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- ");
- }
- var timingInit =
- {
- initNameSpace: 100,
- refreshError: 60000,
- cleanLinks: 100,
- removeHorizonScroll: 100,
- resizeTextNew: 100,
- improveGlossary: 200,
- bindLastText: 100,
- insertAtCaret: 500,
- pasteLastComment: 250,
- autoApprove: 2000,
- pasteLastSuggestion: 300,
- hideCursor: 3000,
- expandTextarea: 100,
- focusModAction: 200,
- autoReplaceText: 250,
- findNextUnmatched: 500,
- openFrame: 1000,
- improveStatistics: 100,
- autoLogin: 3000,
- authSubmit: 3000,
- bindObserverKeyList: 200,
- pageUserActivity: 100,
- disableOnClick: 100,
- reenableAfterClick: 1000,
- };
- function attachOnLoad(callback)
- {
- window.addEventListener("load", function (e)
- {
- callback();
- });
- }
- function attachOnReady(callback)
- {
- document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function (e)
- {
- callback();
- });
- }
- function insertBeforeElement(newNode, referenceNode)
- {
- referenceNode.parentNode.insertBefore(newNode, referenceNode);
- }
- function insertAfterElement(newNode, referenceNode)
- {
- referenceNode.parentNode.insertBefore(newNode, referenceNode.nextSibling);
- }
- function removeElement(node)
- {
- node.parentElement.removeChild(node);
- }
- function getByteCount(str)
- {
- str = String(str);
- var count = 0;
- for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++)
- {
- var c = str.charCodeAt(i);
- count += c < 128 ? 1 :
- c < 2048 ? 2 :
- c < 65536 ? 3 :
- c < 2097152 ? 4 :
- c < 67108864 ? 5 :
- c < 2147483648 ? 6 : 0;
- }
- return count;
- }
- function escapeRegExp(str)
- {
- if (typeof str === "string")
- {
- return str.replace(/[|\\{}()[\]^$+*?.]/g, "\\$&");
- }
- return "";
- }
- function addKey(eleListener, eleClick, keyCodes, keyName, keyTitleMode, keyModifierName, checkModifierCallback)
- {
- /*
- eleClick:
- element, query
- keyCodes:
- code, name, array
- keyTitleMode:
- 0: do nothing
- 1: append value
- 2: add title if not exist
- 4: override title
- 8: append textContent
- 16: append textContent of firstElementChild
- keyModifierName:
- Ctrl, Ctrl+Shift, Alt
- */
- keyCodes = keyCodes || [0];
- keyName = keyName || "";
- keyTitleMode = keyTitleMode || 0;
- keyModifierName = keyModifierName || "";
- if (typeof checkModifierCallback !== "function")
- {
- checkModifierCallback = function(ev)
- {
- return ev.ctrlKey && ev.shiftKey && ev.altKey;
- };
- }
- if (typeof eleClick === "string")
- {
- keyTitleMode = 0;
- }
- if (!Array.isArray(keyCodes))
- {
- keyCodes = [keyCodes];
- }
- if (eleListener && eleClick)
- {
- // apply title
- var keyTitle = keyModifierName ? keyModifierName + "+" + keyName : "";
- if (keyTitle !== "" && keyTitleMode !== 0)
- {
- if ((keyTitleMode & 1) === 1)
- {
- // 1: append value
- if (typeof eleClick.value !== "undefined")
- {
- eleClick.value += " (" + keyTitle + ")";
- }
- }
- if ((keyTitleMode & 2) === 2)
- {
- // 2: add title if not exist
- if (!eleClick.title)
- {
- eleClick.title = keyTitle;
- }
- }
- if ((keyTitleMode & 4) === 4)
- {
- // 4: override title
- eleClick.title = keyTitle;
- }
- if ((keyTitleMode & 8) === 8)
- {
- // 8: append textContent
- eleClick.textContent += " (" + keyTitle + ")";
- }
- if ((keyTitleMode & 16) === 16)
- {
- // 16: append textContent of firstElementChild
- if (eleClick.firstElementChild)
- {
- eleClick.firstElementChild.textContent += " (" + keyTitle + ")";
- }
- }
- }
- eleListener.addEventListener("keydown", function (ev)
- {
- if (checkModifierCallback(ev))
- {
- var isSameKey = false;
- for (var i = 0; i < keyCodes.length; i++)
- {
- var keyCode = keyCodes[i];
- if (typeof keyCode === "number")
- {
- isSameKey = (ev.keyCode === keyCode);
- }
- else
- {
- // Firefox 32+
- isSameKey = (typeof ev.code !== "undefined" && ev.code === keyCode)
- }
- if (isSameKey)
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (isSameKey)
- {
- ev.preventDefault();
- var eleClickCur = null;
- if (typeof eleClick === "string")
- {
- eleClickCur = document.querySelector(eleClick);
- }
- else
- {
- eleClickCur = eleClick;
- }
- if (eleClickCur)
- {
- eleClickCur.focus();
- eleClickCur.click();
- }
- return false;
- }
- }
- }, true);
- }
- }
- function addKeyCtrl(eleListener, eleClick, keyCode, keyName, keyTitleMode)
- {
- addKey(eleListener, eleClick, keyCode, keyName, keyTitleMode, "Ctrl", function(ev)
- {
- return ev.ctrlKey && !ev.shiftKey && !ev.altKey;
- });
- }
- function addKeyCtrlShift(eleListener, eleClick, keyCode, keyName, keyTitleMode)
- {
- addKey(eleListener, eleClick, keyCode, keyName, keyTitleMode, "Ctrl+Shift", function(ev)
- {
- return ev.ctrlKey && ev.shiftKey && !ev.altKey;
- });
- }
- function addKeyAlt(eleListener, eleClick, keyCode, keyName, keyTitleMode)
- {
- addKey(eleListener, eleClick, keyCode, keyName, keyTitleMode, "Alt", function(ev)
- {
- return !ev.ctrlKey && !ev.shiftKey && ev.altKey;
- });
- }
- function addKeyCtrlEnter(form, input)
- {
- addKeyCtrl(form, input, ["Enter", 13], "Enter", 1|2);
- }
- function addKeyCtrlShiftEnter(form, input)
- {
- addKeyCtrlShift(form, input, ["Enter", 13], "Enter", 1|2);
- }
- function disableAfterClick(ele)
- {
- ele.addEventListener("click", function (e)
- {
- var ele = e.target;
- var attrClick = ele.getAttribute("onclick");
- if (attrClick && attrClick.indexOf("confirm") > -1)
- {
- // skip if has confirm
- return;
- }
- var tagName = ele.tagName;
- if (tagName === "INPUT")
- {
- // don't change color after disable
- var styleCp = window.getComputedStyle(ele);
- if (styleCp)
- {
- ele.style.setProperty("color", styleCp.color, "important");
- }
- setTimeout(function(ele)
- {
- ele.disabled = true;
- }, timingInit.disableOnClick, ele);
- setTimeout(function(ele)
- {
- ele.disabled = false;
- }, timingInit.reenableAfterClick, ele);
- }
- else if (tagName === "IMG")
- {
- setTimeout(function(ele)
- {
- ele.dataset.stshOldonclick = ele.getAttribute("onclick") || "";
- ele.removeAttribute("onclick");
- }, timingInit.disableOnClick, ele);
- setTimeout(function(ele)
- {
- ele.setAttribute("onclick", ele.dataset.stshOldonclick);
- }, timingInit.reenableAfterClick, ele);
- }
- else if (tagName === "A")
- {
- setTimeout(function(ele)
- {
- ele.dataset.stshOldonclick = ele.getAttribute("onclick") || "";
- ele.setAttribute("onclick", "return false;");
- }, timingInit.disableOnClick, ele);
- setTimeout(function(ele)
- {
- ele.setAttribute("onclick", ele.dataset.stshOldonclick);
- }, timingInit.reenableAfterClick, ele);
- }
- }, true);
- }
- function removeAllEventListeners(element)
- {
- if (element)
- {
- var clone = element.cloneNode(false);
- while (element.firstChild)
- {
- clone.appendChild(element.firstChild);
- }
- element.parentNode.replaceChild(clone, element);
- }
- }
- function focusWithoutScroll(selector)
- {
- var ele = null;
- if (selector instanceof HTMLElement)
- {
- ele = selector;
- }
- else
- {
- ele = document.querySelector(selector);
- }
- if (ele)
- {
- var x = window.scrollX;
- var y = window.scrollY;
- ele.focus();
- window.scrollTo(x, y);
- }
- }
- function scrollToId(id, offset)
- {
- scrollToElement("#" + id, offset);
- }
- function scrollToElement(selector, offset)
- {
- if (typeof offset === "undefined")
- {
- offset = -20;
- }
- var ele = null;
- if (selector)
- {
- if (selector instanceof HTMLElement)
- {
- ele = selector;
- }
- else
- {
- ele = document.querySelector(selector);
- }
- if (ele)
- {
- ele.scrollIntoView(true);
- window.scrollBy(0, offset);
- }
- }
- }
- function resizeSuggestionBox()
- {
- var script = document.createElement('script');
- script.innerHTML =
- " \
- /* STSH JS - resizeSuggestionBox */ \
- var stsh_showSuggestionsBox_start = getTimeMs(); \
- var stsh_showSuggestionsBox_itv = setIntervalCustom(function() \
- { \
- var stsh_showSuggestionsBox_isEnd = false; \
- var stsh_showSuggestionsBox_cur = getTimeMs(); \
- if (typeof showSuggestionsBox !== 'undefined') \
- { \
- showSuggestionsBox = function(url) \
- { \
- /* Edit from STS */ \
- g_suggestionsBoxIsOpen = true; \
- $('suggestions_box_outer').appear( \
- { \
- duration : 0.1 \
- } \
- ); \
- $('suggestions_iframe').setAttribute('src', url); \
- if (!Prototype.Browser.IE) \
- { \
- $('suggestions_iframe').focus(); \
- } \
- $('suggestions_iframe').style.height = (document.viewport.getHeight() * 0.99) + 'px'; \
- return false; \
- }; \
- stsh_showSuggestionsBox_isEnd = true; \
- } \
- if (stsh_showSuggestionsBox_isEnd || stsh_showSuggestionsBox_cur - stsh_showSuggestionsBox_start > 10000) \
- { \
- clearInterval(stsh_showSuggestionsBox_itv); \
- } \
- }, 300); \
- ";
- document.head.appendChild(script);
- window.addEventListener("resize", function()
- {
- var iframe = document.querySelector("#suggestions_iframe");
- if (iframe)
- {
- iframe.style.height = (window.innerHeight * 0.99) + "px";
- }
- });
- }
- function isRally()
- {
- var date = new Date();
- var year = date.getUTCFullYear();
- var month = date.getUTCMonth() + 1;
- var day = date.getUTCDate();
- if ((month > 9) || (month === 9 && day >= 22) || (month === 0 && day <= 2))
- {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- function getQueryByName(name, url)
- {
- if (!url)
- {
- url = (!window.location) ? "" : window.location.search;
- }
- name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\]");
- var regex = new RegExp("[\\?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)");
- var results = regex.exec(url);
- var retVal = "";
- if (results)
- {
- retVal = results[1].replace(/\+/g, " ");
- try
- {
- retVal = decodeURIComponent(retVal);
- }
- catch (ex)
- {
- console.error("getQueryByName", ex.message);
- }
- }
- return retVal;
- }
- function padZero(num, size)
- {
- return (1e15 + num + "").slice(-size);
- }
- function padZeroHex(num, size)
- {
- return ("00000000000000000000000" + num.toString(16)).slice(-size).toUpperCase();
- }
- function randNum(min, max)
- {
- return Math.round(Math.random() * (max - min) + min);
- }
- function isLastIndex(src, des)
- {
- if (src !== null && src !== "" && des !== null && des !== "")
- {
- if (src.lastIndexOf(des) === src.length - 1)
- {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- function isSpecialChar(ch)
- {
- var chCode = -1;
- if (typeof ch === 'number')
- {
- chCode = ch;
- }
- else
- {
- chCode = ch.charCodeAt(0);
- }
- if ((chCode > -1 && chCode < 9) // 0-8
- || (chCode > 10 && chCode < 13) // 11-12
- || (chCode > 13 && chCode < 32)) // 14-31
- {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- function hasSpecialChar(str)
- {
- var rgxSpCh = /[\u0000\u0001\u0002\u0003\u0004\u0005\u0006\u0007\u0008\u000B\u000C\u000E\u000F\u0010\u0011\u0012\u0013\u0014\u0015\u0016\u0017\u0018\u0019\u001A\u001B\u001C\u001D\u001E\u001F]+/;
- return rgxSpCh.test(str);
- }
- function checkSpecialCharMatched(str1, str2)
- {
- // return (status, numSp1, numSp2)
- // status: 0:Match, 1:NotMatch, 2:NotEqual
- str1 = str1 || "";
- str2 = str2 || "";
- var strOut1 = "";
- var strOut2 = "";
- for (var i = 0; i < str1.length; i++)
- {
- if (isSpecialChar(str1[i]))
- {
- strOut1 += str1[i];
- }
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < str2.length; i++)
- {
- if (isSpecialChar(str2[i]))
- {
- strOut2 += str2[i];
- }
- }
- var retVal = 0;
- if (strOut1 === strOut2)
- retVal = 0;
- else if (strOut1.length === strOut2.length)
- retVal = 1;
- else
- retVal = 2;
- return new Array(retVal, strOut1.length, strOut2.length);
- }
- function countDiacriticalMark(str)
- {
- str = str || "";
- var rgxDct = /[\u0300-\u036F]/g;
- var matchDct = str.match(rgxDct);
- var countDct = matchDct ? matchDct.length : 0;
- return countDct;
- }
- function countDescendantElement(ele)
- {
- var countElement = 0;
- if (ele instanceof Element)
- {
- var children = ele.children;
- countElement = children.length;
- for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++)
- {
- countElement += countDescendantElement(children[i]);
- }
- }
- return countElement;
- }
- function trimSpace(str)
- {
- if (str !== null)
- {
- return str.replace(/^[ \r\n\t]+/, "").replace(/[ \r\n\t]+$/, "");
- }
- return str;
- }
- function trimTab(str)
- {
- if (str !== null)
- {
- return str.replace(/^[\r\n\t]+/, "").replace(/[\r\n\t]+$/, ""); //.replace(/\t+<\//, "<");
- }
- return str;
- }
- function trimTabLeft(str)
- {
- if (str !== null)
- {
- return str.replace(/^[\r\n\t]+/, "");
- }
- return str;
- }
- function trimTabRight(str)
- {
- if (str !== null)
- {
- return str.replace(/[\r\n\t]+$/, "");
- }
- return str;
- }
- function trimElement(ele)
- {
- if (ele instanceof Element)
- {
- if (!ele.firstElementChild)
- {
- ele.textContent = trimTab(ele.textContent);
- }
- else
- {
- if (ele.firstChild.nodeType === document.TEXT_NODE)
- {
- ele.firstChild.textContent = trimTabLeft(ele.firstChild.textContent);
- }
- if (ele.lastChild.nodeType === document.TEXT_NODE)
- {
- ele.lastChild.textContent = trimTabRight(ele.lastChild.textContent);
- }
- }
- }
- return ele;
- }
- if (!String.prototype.endsWith)
- {
- String.prototype.endsWith = function(searchString, position)
- {
- var subjectString = this.toString();
- if (typeof position !== 'number' || !isFinite(position)
- || Math.floor(position) !== position || position > subjectString.length)
- {
- position = subjectString.length;
- }
- position -= searchString.length;
- var lastIndex = subjectString.indexOf(searchString, position);
- return lastIndex !== -1 && lastIndex === position;
- };
- }
- function reload()
- {
- var curHref = window.location.href;
- var posHashtag = curHref.indexOf("#");
- if (posHashtag > -1)
- {
- window.location = curHref.substr(0, posHashtag);
- }
- else
- {
- window.location = curHref;
- }
- }
- function getCookie(c_name)
- {
- var c_value = document.cookie;
- var c_start = c_value.indexOf(" " + c_name + "=");
- if (c_start === -1) {
- c_start = c_value.indexOf(c_name + "=");
- }
- if (c_start === -1) {
- c_value = null;
- }
- else {
- c_start = c_value.indexOf("=", c_start) + 1;
- var c_end = c_value.indexOf(";", c_start);
- if (c_end === -1) {
- c_end = c_value.length;
- }
- c_value = unescape(c_value.substring(c_start, c_end));
- }
- return c_value;
- }
- var isVisible = (function()
- {
- var stateKey;
- var eventKey;
- var keys =
- {
- hidden: "visibilitychange",
- webkitHidden: "webkitvisibilitychange",
- mozHidden: "mozvisibilitychange",
- msHidden: "msvisibilitychange"
- };
- for (stateKey in keys)
- {
- if (stateKey in document)
- {
- eventKey = keys[stateKey];
- break;
- }
- }
- return function(c)
- {
- if (c)
- {
- document.addEventListener(eventKey, c);
- }
- return !document[stateKey];
- }
- })();
- function isDstUs(year, month, day, hour)
- {
- // Support: 2007 - 2029
- // Params: 2016, 3, 1, 15 === 1 Mar 2016 15:00
- var isDst = false;
- try
- {
- var y = parseInt(year);
- var m = parseInt(month);
- var d = parseInt(day);
- var h = parseInt(hour);
- var checkDstUsa = function(dayMar, dayNov, m, d, h)
- {
- var isDst = false;
- if ((m === 3 && d >= dayMar) || (m > 3 && m < 11) || (m === 11 && d <= dayNov))
- isDst = true;
- if ((m === 3 && d === dayMar && h < 2) || (m === 11 && d === dayNov && h >= 2))
- isDst = false;
- return isDst;
- }
- if (y === 2007 || y === 2012 || y === 2018 || y === 2029)
- {
- isDst = checkDstUsa(11, 4, m, d, h);
- }
- else if (y === 2013 || y === 2019 || y === 2024)
- {
- isDst = checkDstUsa(10, 3, m, d, h);
- }
- else if (y === 2008 || y === 2014 || y === 2025)
- {
- isDst = checkDstUsa(9, 2, m, d, h);
- }
- else if (y === 2009 || y === 2015 || y === 2020 || y === 2026)
- {
- isDst = checkDstUsa(8, 1, m, d, h);
- }
- else if (y === 2010 || y === 2021 || y === 2027)
- {
- isDst = checkDstUsa(14, 7, m, d, h);
- }
- else if (y === 2011 || y === 2016 || y === 2022)
- {
- isDst = checkDstUsa(13, 6, m, d, h);
- }
- else if (y === 2017 || y === 2023 || y === 2028)
- {
- isDst = checkDstUsa(12, 5, m, d, h);
- }
- }
- catch (ex)
- {
- console.error("isDstUs", ex.message);
- }
- return isDst;
- }
- function getDateIsoUs(unixTs)
- {
- var dateUs = unixTs ? new Date(unixTs * 1000) : new Date();
- dateUs.setTime(dateUs.getTime() - (1000 * 60 * 60 * 8)); // GMT-8
- if (isDstUs(dateUs.getUTCFullYear(), dateUs.getUTCMonth() + 1, dateUs.getUTCDate(), dateUs.getUTCHours()))
- {
- dateUs.setTime(dateUs.getTime() + (1000 * 60 * 60 * 1)); // GMT-7
- }
- return dateUs.toISOString();
- }
- function getDateUs(unixTs)
- {
- return getDateIsoUs(unixTs).substr(0, 10);
- }
- function getDateTimeUs(unixTs)
- {
- var dateIso = getDateIsoUs(unixTs);
- return dateIso.substr(0, 10) + " " + dateIso.substr(11, 8);
- }
- function getTimeUs(unixTs)
- {
- return getDateIsoUs(unixTs).substr(11, 5);
- }
- function getDateIsoGmt(unixTs)
- {
- var date = unixTs ? new Date(unixTs * 1000) : new Date();
- return date.toISOString();
- }
- function getDateGmt(unixTs)
- {
- return getDateIsoGmt(unixTs).substr(0, 10);
- }
- function getTimeMs(unixTs)
- {
- return unixTs ? new Date(unixTs * 1000).getTime() : new Date().getTime();
- }
- function getUnixTimestamp(date)
- {
- return parseInt((date ? new Date(date) : new Date()).getTime() / 1000);
- }
- var pattUrlTimestamp =
- {
- type1: /\?t=[0-9]{6,}\&/g,
- type2: /\&t=[0-9]{6,}/g,
- type3: /\?t=[0-9]{6,}/g,
- type4: /\&[0-9]{6,}\&/g,
- type5: /\&$/,
- };
- function cleanUrlTimestamp(eles)
- {
- if (!eles || !eles.length)
- return;
- for (var i = 0; i < eles.length; i++)
- {
- var val = "";
- var attr = "";
- if (eles[i].tagName === "A")
- {
- attr = "href";
- }
- else if (eles[i].tagName === "FORM")
- {
- attr = "action";
- }
- else if (eles[i].tagName === "DIV")
- {
- attr = "onclick";
- }
- else if (eles[i].tagName === "INPUT")
- {
- attr = "onclick";
- if (eles[i].name === "t")
- {
- removeElement(eles[i]);
- continue;
- }
- }
- var isEdit = false;
- val = eles[i].getAttribute(attr);
- if (pattUrlTimestamp.type1.test(val))
- {
- eles[i].setAttribute(attr, val.replace(pattUrlTimestamp.type1, "?"));
- isEdit = true;
- }
- else if (pattUrlTimestamp.type2.test(val))
- {
- eles[i].setAttribute(attr, val.replace(pattUrlTimestamp.type2, ""));
- isEdit = true;
- }
- else if (pattUrlTimestamp.type3.test(val))
- {
- eles[i].setAttribute(attr, val.replace(pattUrlTimestamp.type3, ""));
- isEdit = true;
- }
- if (isEdit)
- {
- val = eles[i].getAttribute(attr);
- }
- if (pattUrlTimestamp.type4.test(val))
- {
- eles[i].setAttribute(attr, val.replace(pattUrlTimestamp.type4, "&"));
- }
- if (pattUrlTimestamp.type5.test(val))
- {
- eles[i].setAttribute(attr, val.replace(pattUrlTimestamp.type5, ""));
- }
- }
- }
- var timeoutList = [];
- var intervalList = [];
- function setTimeoutCustom(func, tm, params)
- {
- var id = setTimeout(func, tm, params);
- timeoutList.push(id);
- return id;
- }
- function clearTimeoutAll()
- {
- for (var i = 0; i < timeoutList.length; i++)
- {
- clearTimeout(timeoutList[i]);
- }
- }
- function setIntervalCustom(func, tm, params)
- {
- var id = setInterval(func, tm, params);
- intervalList.push(id);
- return id;
- }
- function clearIntervalAll()
- {
- for (var i = 0; i < intervalList.length; i++)
- {
- clearInterval(intervalList[i]);
- }
- }
- function main()
- {
- var perfStart = 0;
- if (performance && performance.now)
- {
- perfStart = performance.now();
- }
- var url = document.documentURI;
- var lang = getCookie("Language");
- var userId = "";
- var userName = "";
- if (document.body)
- {
- document.body.classList.add("stsh");
- }
- else
- {
- setTimeoutCustom(function()
- {
- if (document.body)
- {
- document.body.classList.add("stsh");
- }
- }, timingInit.initNameSpace);
- }
- // Auto refresh when error
- {
- var h1 = document.querySelector("#leftAreaContainer > h1, body > h1");
- if (h1)
- {
- var text = h1.textContent.trim();
- if (text === "Steam Translation Server - Maintenance Warning"
- || text === "Forbidden")
- {
- console.log("stsh: refresh");
- setTimeoutCustom(reload, timingInit.refreshError);
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- // Clean links
- {
- setTimeoutCustom(function()
- {
- var eles = document.querySelectorAll("a, form[action], input");
- cleanUrlTimestamp(eles);
- }, timingInit.cleanLinks);
- }
- // Fix STS URL paths
- {
- var arrQuery = ["img"];
- var arrAttr = ["src"];
- for (var j = 0; j < arrQuery.length; j++)
- {
- var eles = document.querySelectorAll(arrQuery[j]);
- for (var i = 0; i < eles.length; i++)
- {
- var attr = eles[i].getAttribute(arrAttr[j]);
- if (attr)
- {
- var attrNew = attr.replace(/<\?=BASE_URL_CURRENT\?>/g, "/");
- if (attrNew !== attr)
- {
- console.log("STS URL path is missing: " + eles[i].outerHTML);
- eles[i].setAttribute(arrAttr[j], attrNew);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Set current user
- {
- userId = GM_getValue("user", "");
- userName = GM_getValue("name", "");
- if (url.indexOf("/home.php") > -1)
- {
- var eleUser = document.querySelector("#leftAreaContainer > b > a[href^='user_activity.php?user=']");
- if (eleUser)
- {
- var user = getQueryByName("user", eleUser.href);
- if (user && userId !== user)
- {
- userId = user;
- GM_setValue("user", userId);
- }
- var name = eleUser.textContent.trim();
- if (name && userName !== name)
- {
- userName = name;
- GM_setValue("name", userName);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- var eleLogout = document.querySelector("#logout");
- if (eleLogout)
- {
- var logoutHtml =
- ' \
- <a class="stsh_a_button stsh_btn_myProfile stsh_border_left" target="_blank" \
- href="%PROFILE%" title="%NAME%">My Profile</a>\
- <input name="login_button" class="stsh_border_right" value="Logout?" \
- type="submit" onclick="return confirm(\'Logout?\');" /> \
- ';
- logoutHtml = logoutHtml
- .replace("%PROFILE%", "/user_activity.php" + (userId ? "?user=" + userId : ""))
- .replace("%NAME%", userName);
- eleLogout.innerHTML = logoutHtml;
- // Special event button
- {
- if (isRally())
- {
- var divSpecial = document.createElement("div");
- divSpecial.id = "stsh_specialEvent";
- divSpecial.innerHTML =
- ' \
- <a class="stsh_a_button" target="_blank" href="/rally.php">Year-End Rally</a> \
- ';
- eleLogout.parentElement.appendChild(divSpecial);
- }
- }
- }
- // Declare functions
- var removeStsHtmlTags = null;
- var displayHtmlTags = null;
- {
- removeStsHtmlTags = function(ele, isRemovedBrowserGenerated)
- {
- isRemovedBrowserGenerated = (typeof isRemovedBrowserGenerated === "undefined")
- ? true : !!isRemovedBrowserGenerated;
- var html = "";
- if (ele)
- {
- html = (typeof ele.dataset.stshHtml === "undefined")
- ? trimTab(ele.innerHTML) : ele.dataset.stshHtml;
- if (ele.classList.contains("stsh_text_org"))
- {
- html = html.replace(/<span style="color:#ff0000;">(.*?)<\/span>/ig, "$1")
- .replace(/<span style="color:#ffffff;">(.*?)<\/span>/ig, "$1")
- .replace(/<font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: blue">(.+?)<\/font>/ig, "$1")
- .replace(/<font face="Times New Roman">(.+?)<\/font>/ig, "$1");
- }
- else if (ele.classList.contains("stsh_text_trn"))
- {
- html = html.replace(/<span style="color:#ff0000;">(.*?)<\/span>/ig, "$1")
- .replace(/<span style="color:#ffffff;">(.*?)<\/span>/ig, "$1")
- .replace(/<font face="Times New Roman">(.+?)<\/font>/ig, "$1");
- }
- else if (ele.classList.contains("suggestion_text"))
- {
- html = html.replace(/<span style="color:red;">(.*?)<\/span>/ig, "$1")
- .replace(/<font face="Times New Roman">(.+?)<\/font>/ig, "$1");
- }
- if (isRemovedBrowserGenerated)
- {
- // Remove browser generated attributes and ending tags
- // Regex .+? is "reluctant" that means "as few characters as it can"
- html = html.replace(/="">/g, ">")
- .replace(/([^\t])\t\t\t\t<\/[^\t ]+>$/, "$1")
- .replace(/<script data-pagespeed-no-defer[\s\S]+?\/script>/ig, "")
- .replace(/ data-pagespeed-url-hash=".+?"/ig, "")
- .replace(/ onload="pagespeed.+?"/ig, "");
- }
- }
- return html;
- }
- displayHtmlTags = function(ele)
- {
- if (ele)
- {
- ele.innerHTML = (typeof ele.dataset.stshHtml === "undefined")
- ? trimTab(ele.innerHTML).replace(/\<span[^\>]+class=\"stsh_[\s\S]+?\/span\>/ig, "")
- : ele.dataset.stshHtml;
- var isSkip = false;
- var isBb = (ele.textContent.indexOf("[/") > -1);
- var isUsThem = false;
- var isReplaceNewline = true;
- var isReplaceScript = true;
- var isDisplayBr = true;
- ele.innerHTML = removeStsHtmlTags(ele, false);
- if (ele.classList.contains("stsh_text_trn"))
- {
- if (ele.classList.contains("stsh_text_trn_empty"))
- {
- isSkip = true;
- }
- }
- else if (ele.classList.contains("stsh_usThem_translation"))
- {
- isUsThem = true;
- isReplaceNewline = false;
- isReplaceScript = false;
- isDisplayBr = false;
- if (ele.innerHTML === "<i>--- Not Yet Translated ---</i>")
- {
- isSkip = true;
- }
- }
- //isReplaceScript = false;
- if (!isSkip)
- {
- ele.textContent = trimTab(ele.innerHTML);
- var newHtml = ele.innerHTML;
- if (!isBb)
- {
- if (isReplaceScript)
- {
- newHtml = newHtml
- .replace(/<script([^&]+)[\s\S]+?\/script>/ig,
- "<br><script$1>...</script><br>")
- .replace(/<style([^&]+)[\s\S]+?\/style>/ig,
- "<br><style$1>...</style><br>");
- }
- if (isReplaceNewline)
- {
- newHtml = newHtml
- .replace(/\n/ig, "\n<br>");
- }
- newHtml = newHtml
- // Remove browser generated attributes
- .replace(/="">/ig, ">")
- // Remove browser generated ending tags
- .replace(/([^\t])\t\t\t\t<\/[^\t ]+>$/i, "$1")
- .replace(/</ig, '<span class="stsh_marker"><')
- .replace(/>/ig, "></span>")
- .replace(/<li/ig, "<br><li")
- .replace(/&/ig, "&");
- if (isDisplayBr)
- {
- newHtml = newHtml
- .replace(/br([ \/]*)><\/span>/ig, "br$1></span><br>");
- }
- else
- {
- newHtml = newHtml
- .replace(/<span class="stsh_marker"><br([ \/]*)><\/span>/ig, "<br>");
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (isReplaceNewline)
- {
- newHtml = newHtml
- .replace(/\n/ig, "\n<br>");
- }
- newHtml = newHtml
- .replace(/\[/ig, '<span class="stsh_marker">[')
- .replace(/\]/ig, "]</span>")
- .replace(/<font face="Times New Roman">-<\/font>/ig, "-")
- .replace(/&nbsp;/ig, " ");
- }
- if (isUsThem)
- {
- var status = newHtml.substr(67, 8);
- //console.log(status);
- if (status === "pending)")
- {
- newHtml = '<font style="color:CF8B37">(pending)</font>' + newHtml.substr(121);
- }
- else if (status === "approved")
- {
- newHtml = '<font style="color:A4B23C">(approved)</font>' + newHtml.substr(122);
- }
- else if (status === "outdated")
- {
- newHtml = '<font style="color:FF0000">(outdated)</font>' + newHtml.substr(122);
- }
- }
- ele.innerHTML = newHtml;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // End Declare functions
- if (url.indexOf("Us_And_Them.php") > -1)
- {
- document.body && document.body.classList.add("stsh_page_usAndThem");
- var h1 = document.querySelector("#leftAreaContainer > h1:nth-child(2)");
- if (h1)
- {
- var header = h1.textContent.trim();
- var key = header.split(" ")[0];
- h1.innerHTML = header.replace(key, "<a href='/translate.php?keyonly=1&search_input="
- + encodeURIComponent(key) + "' >" + key + "</a>");
- document.title = key + " - " + document.title;
- }
- // Hilight cur lang
- {
- var eleTable = document.querySelector("#leftAreaContainer > table");
- if (eleTable)
- {
- eleTable.classList.add("stsh_usThem");
- var eleLangCur = null;
- var elesLang = eleTable.querySelectorAll("tr > td:nth-child(1) > a");
- for (var i = 1; i < elesLang.length; i++)
- {
- if (lang === elesLang[i].textContent.trim().toLowerCase())
- {
- eleLangCur = elesLang[i].parentElement.parentElement;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (eleLangCur)
- {
- eleLangCur.classList.add("stsh_usThem_langCur");
- }
- if (elesLang.length > 1)
- {
- elesLang[0].parentElement.parentElement.classList.add("stsh_usThem_langEng")
- }
- }
- }
- // Normalize
- // Add start/end marker to English text
- {
- var elesTranslation = document.querySelectorAll(
- ".stsh_usThem > tbody:nth-child(1) > tr > td:nth-child(2)");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesTranslation.length; i++)
- {
- elesTranslation[i].classList.add("stsh_usThem_translation");
- var eleFirst = elesTranslation[i].firstElementChild;
- if (eleFirst && eleFirst.textContent === "(outdated)")
- {
- // Fix STS inconsistent space
- insertAfterElement(document.createTextNode(" "), eleFirst);
- }
- }
- var container = "\"";
- var tdEng = elesTranslation.length > 1 ? elesTranslation[0] : null;
- if (tdEng)
- {
- //tdEng.innerHTML = container + tdEng.innerHTML + container;
- }
- }
- // Add scroll to
- // Add move up
- {
- var eleMenu = document.createElement("div");
- document.body.appendChild(eleMenu);
- eleMenu.innerHTML =
- ' \
- <div class="stsh_menu_group"> \
- <span class="stsh_scroll_header">Scroll To</span>\
- <br> <input value="English" \
- class="stsh_btn_long" type="button" onclick="scrollToElement(\'.stsh_usThem_langEng\', -8); return false;" > \
- <br> <input value="My lang" \
- class="stsh_btn_long" type="button" onclick="scrollToElement(\'.stsh_usThem_langCur\', -30); return false;" > \
- <div class="stsh_block_scrollToDiscussion stsh_inline"> \
- <br> <input value="Discussion" \
- class="stsh_btn_long" \
- type="button" onclick="scrollToElement(\'a[name=\\\'tokendiscussion\\\']\'); return false;" > \
- </div> \
- <br> \
- <br> <input value="Move up my lang" \
- class="stsh_btn_long stsh_btn_moveLang" type="button" onclick="return false;" > \
- <br> \
- <div class="stsh_block_displayHtml stsh_inline"> \
- <br> <input value="Display HTML tags" \
- class="stsh_btn_long stsh_btn_displayHtmlTags" type="button" onclick="return false;" > \
- <br> \
- </div> \
- <br> <input value="Refresh" \
- class="stsh_btn_long" type="button" onclick="window.location = window.location.href; return false;" /> \
- <br> \
- </div> \
- ';
- if (!document.querySelector("a[name='tokendiscussion']"))
- {
- var eleBlock = document.querySelector(".stsh_block_scrollToDiscussion");
- if (eleBlock)
- {
- eleBlock.classList.add("stsh_hidden");
- }
- }
- var eleMove = eleMenu.querySelector(".stsh_btn_moveLang");
- if (eleMove)
- {
- eleMove.addEventListener("click", function(ev)
- {
- var ele = ev.target;
- ele.disabled = true;
- var eleLangEng = document.querySelector(".stsh_usThem_langEng");
- var eleLangCur = document.querySelector(".stsh_usThem_langCur");
- if (eleLangEng && eleLangCur)
- {
- insertAfterElement(eleLangCur, eleLangEng);
- }
- });
- }
- // Sample: https://translation.steampowered.com/Us_And_Them.php?token_key_ID=21476726000412883
- var eleHtml = eleMenu.querySelector(".stsh_btn_displayHtmlTags");
- if (eleHtml)
- {
- var eleEng = document.querySelector(".stsh_usThem_langEng > .stsh_usThem_translation");
- if (eleEng.firstElementChild)
- {
- eleHtml.addEventListener("click", function(ev)
- {
- var ele = ev.target;
- ele.disabled = true;
- var elesTranslation = document.querySelectorAll(".stsh_usThem_translation");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesTranslation.length; i++)
- {
- displayHtmlTags(elesTranslation[i]);
- }
- });
- }
- else
- {
- var eleBlock = document.querySelector(".stsh_block_displayHtml");
- if (eleBlock)
- {
- eleBlock.classList.add("stsh_hidden");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- } // End Us_And_Them.php
- if (url.indexOf("suggestions.php") > -1)
- {
- document.body && document.body.classList.add("stsh_page_suggestions");
- var eleTextOrg = null;
- var eleTextTrn = null;
- var eleTextNew = null;
- var elesTextSug = null;
- var eleTextSubmit = null;
- var eleTextSubmitNext = null;
- var elesTextRemoveComment = null;
- var eleHeaderOrg = null;
- var eleHeaderTrn = null;
- // Normalize
- {
- eleTextOrg = document.querySelector(".progress > tbody > tr:last-child > td:nth-child(1)");
- if (eleTextOrg)
- {
- eleTextOrg.classList.add("stsh_text_org");
- trimElement(eleTextOrg);
- eleTextOrg.dataset.stshHtml = eleTextOrg.innerHTML;
- }
- eleTextTrn = document.querySelector(".progress > tbody > tr:last-child > td:nth-child(3)");
- if (eleTextTrn)
- {
- eleTextTrn.classList.add("stsh_text_trn");
- trimElement(eleTextTrn);
- if (eleTextTrn.textContent === "")
- {
- eleTextTrn.classList.add("stsh_text_trn_empty");
- }
- eleTextTrn.dataset.stshHtml = eleTextTrn.innerHTML;
- }
- eleTextNew = document.querySelector("#suggestion_value_new");
- elesTextSug = document.querySelectorAll(".suggestion_text");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesTextSug.length; i++)
- {
- elesTextSug[i].classList.add("stsh_text_sug");
- elesTextSug[i].dataset.stshHtml = elesTextSug[i].innerHTML;
- }
- eleTextSubmit = document.querySelector(".lbAction[name='suggestion_temp'] input[accesskey='s']");
- if (eleTextSubmit)
- {
- eleTextSubmit.classList.add("stsh_text_submit");
- if (eleTextSubmit.value.indexOf("RESUBMIT") > -1)
- {
- eleTextSubmit.classList.add("stsh_text_resubmit");
- }
- }
- eleTextSubmitNext = document.querySelector(".lbAction input[type='submit'][accesskey='a']");
- if (eleTextSubmitNext)
- {
- eleTextSubmitNext.value = "Next";
- eleTextSubmitNext.classList.add("stsh_text_submit_right");
- }
- elesTextRemoveComment = document.querySelectorAll(".suggestion_signature .lbAction[name^='mymodcomment'] a");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesTextRemoveComment.length; i++)
- {
- elesTextRemoveComment[i].removeAttribute("href");
- elesTextRemoveComment[i].classList.add("stsh_text_removeComment");
- }
- var elesTextComment = document.querySelectorAll("textarea[name='suggestion_comment']");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesTextComment.length; i++)
- {
- elesTextComment[i].nextElementSibling.classList.add("stsh_submit_comment");
- elesTextComment[i].classList.add("stsh_text_addComment");
- }
- var eleInputPrev = document.querySelector("#suggestions_nav > input[value^='Prev']");
- if (eleInputPrev)
- {
- eleInputPrev.classList.add("stsh_nav_prev");
- }
- var eleInputNext = document.querySelector("#suggestions_nav > input[value~='Next']");
- if (eleInputNext)
- {
- eleInputNext.classList.add("stsh_nav_next");
- }
- var elesApprove = document.querySelectorAll(".suggestion_signature input[value~='APPROVE']");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesApprove.length; i++)
- {
- elesApprove[i].classList.add("stsh_action_approve");
- }
- var elesDecline = document.querySelectorAll(".suggestion_signature input[value~='DECLINE']");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesDecline.length; i++)
- {
- elesDecline[i].classList.add("stsh_action_decline");
- }
- var elesApply = document.querySelectorAll(".suggestion_signature input[value~='APPLY']");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesApprove.length; i++)
- {
- elesApply[i].classList.add("stsh_action_apply");
- }
- var elesNext = document.querySelectorAll(".suggestion_signature input[value~='Next']");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesNext.length; i++)
- {
- elesNext[i].value = "Next";
- var elePrev = elesNext[i].previousElementSibling;
- if (elePrev)
- {
- if (elePrev.classList.contains("stsh_action_approve"))
- {
- elesNext[i].classList.add("stsh_action_approve_next");
- }
- else if (elePrev.classList.contains("stsh_action_decline"))
- {
- elesNext[i].classList.add("stsh_action_decline_next");
- }
- else if (elePrev.classList.contains("stsh_action_apply"))
- {
- elesNext[i].classList.add("stsh_action_apply_next");
- }
- }
- }
- var elesRemove = document.querySelectorAll(".suggestion_signature input[value='REMOVE']");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesRemove.length; i++)
- {
- elesRemove[i].classList.add("stsh_action_remove");
- elesRemove[i].classList.add("stsh_yellow_light");
- }
- var elesEdit = document.querySelectorAll("input[value='Edit']");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesEdit.length; i++)
- {
- elesEdit[i].classList.add("stsh_action_edit");
- elesEdit[i].classList.add("stsh_blue_light");
- }
- var elesRemoveMyComment = document.querySelectorAll(
- ".suggestion_signature .lbAction[name^='myFrm'] a[onclick*='.submit()']");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesRemoveMyComment.length; i++)
- {
- elesRemoveMyComment[i].removeAttribute("href");
- elesRemoveMyComment[i].classList.add("stsh_text_removeMyComment");
- }
- var elesFriendDiscuss = document.querySelectorAll(".friend_block_discussions");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesFriendDiscuss.length; i++)
- {
- var eleDiscuss = elesFriendDiscuss[i].parentElement.nextElementSibling;
- if (eleDiscuss)
- {
- eleDiscuss.classList.add("stsh_discussion");
- }
- }
- var eleSugList = document.querySelector(".suggestions_list:nth-child(2)");
- if (eleSugList)
- {
- if (eleSugList.childElementCount === 0)
- {
- eleSugList.classList.add("stsh_suggestion_list_empty");
- }
- else
- {
- for (var i = 0; i < eleSugList.children.length; i++)
- {
- if (eleSugList.children[i].querySelector(".suggestion_status_approved"))
- {
- eleSugList.children[i].classList.add("stsh_suggestion_border_approved");
- }
- else if (eleSugList.children[i].querySelector(".suggestion_status_declined"))
- {
- eleSugList.children[i].classList.add("stsh_suggestion_border_declined");
- }
- else
- {
- eleSugList.children[i].classList.add("stsh_suggestion_border_pending");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- var eleSugHistory = document.querySelector(".suggestions_list:nth-child(5)");
- if (eleSugHistory)
- {
- eleSugHistory.classList.add("stsh_suggestion_list_history");
- }
- var elesH1 = document.querySelectorAll(".progress > tbody:nth-child(2) > tr:nth-child(1) > td > h1:nth-child(1)");
- if (elesH1.length >= 2)
- {
- eleHeaderOrg = elesH1[0].parentElement;
- eleHeaderOrg.classList.add("stsh_header_org");
- eleHeaderTrn = elesH1[1].parentElement;
- eleHeaderTrn.classList.add("stsh_header_trn");
- }
- var eleSugListHeader = document.querySelector("#suggestionmain > div > h2");
- if (eleSugListHeader)
- {
- eleSugListHeader.classList.add("stsh_suggestion_list_header");
- }
- }
- // Remove horizon scroll
- {
- setTimeoutCustom(function()
- {
- var eleMain = document.querySelector("#suggestionmain");
- if (eleMain)
- {
- if (eleMain.scrollWidth < 1000)
- {
- eleMain.classList.add("stsh_body_crop");
- }
- }
- }, timingInit.removeHorizonScroll);
- }
- // Move region
- {
- if (eleTextTrn && eleTextTrn.classList.contains("stsh_text_trn_empty"))
- {
- var moveSuggestionBox = function()
- {
- var eleTextTrn = document.querySelector(".stsh_text_trn.stsh_text_trn_empty");
- if (eleTextTrn)
- {
- eleTextTrn.innerHTML = "";
- var eleTarget = document.querySelector("#suggestionmain > div:nth-child(4) > .lbAction");
- if (eleTarget)
- {
- eleTextTrn.appendChild(eleTarget);
- eleTextTrn.style.padding = "0px";
- var textarea = document.querySelector("#suggestion_value_new");
- if (textarea)
- {
- textarea.style.width = "98%";
- textarea.style.marginLeft = "0px";
- if (textarea.scrollHeight < 500)
- {
- textarea.style.height = (textarea.scrollHeight + 20) + "px";
- }
- else
- {
- textarea.style.height = "500px";
- }
- textarea.focus();
- }
- var eleTextOrg = document.querySelector(".stsh_text_org");
- if (eleTextOrg)
- {
- eleTextOrg.style.display = "table-cell";
- eleTextOrg.style.paddingTop = "6px";
- }
- }
- }
- }
- var moveSuggestionList = function()
- {
- var eleTextTrn = document.querySelector(".stsh_text_trn.stsh_text_trn_empty");
- if (eleTextTrn && eleTextTrn.textContent.trim() === "")
- {
- eleTextTrn.innerHTML = "";
- var eleTarget = document.querySelector(".suggestion");
- if (eleTarget)
- {
- eleTextTrn.appendChild(eleTarget);
- eleTextTrn.style.padding = "0px";
- }
- }
- }
- var eleDiv = document.createElement("div");
- eleDiv.classList.add("stsh_moveSuggestionContainer");
- eleTextTrn.appendChild(eleDiv);
- var eleMoveBox = document.createElement("input");
- eleMoveBox.id = "stsh_moveSuggestionBox";
- eleMoveBox.setAttribute("value", "Move Box Here");
- eleMoveBox.setAttribute("type", "button");
- eleDiv.appendChild(eleMoveBox);
- eleMoveBox.addEventListener("click", function(e)
- {
- moveSuggestionBox();
- });
- if (document.querySelector(".suggestion"))
- {
- var eleMoveList = document.createElement("input");
- eleMoveList.id = "stsh_moveSuggestionList";
- eleMoveList.setAttribute("value", "Move Suggestion Here");
- eleMoveList.setAttribute("type", "button");
- eleDiv.appendChild(eleMoveList);
- eleMoveList.addEventListener("click", function(e)
- {
- moveSuggestionList();
- });
- }
- }
- }
- // Resize suggestion textarea
- if (eleTextNew)
- {
- eleTextNew.style.width = "960px";
- eleTextNew.style.height = "64px";
- eleTextNew.style.marginLeft = "3px";
- var resizeTextNew = function(eleTextNew)
- {
- eleTextNew.focus();
- if (eleTextNew.scrollHeight < 500)
- {
- eleTextNew.style.height = (eleTextNew.scrollHeight + 20) + "px";
- }
- else
- {
- eleTextNew.style.height = "500px";
- }
- if (eleTextNew.scrollHeight > 200 && document.querySelector(".suggestion"))
- {
- eleTextNew.scrollIntoView();
- }
- };
- if (isVisible())
- {
- resizeTextNew(eleTextNew);
- }
- else
- {
- // Fix size error when inactive
- setTimeoutCustom(resizeTextNew, timingInit.resizeTextNew, eleTextNew);
- }
- }
- // Add nav menu
- {
- /* // Unknown reason
- var br = document.querySelector("form.lbAction:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(2) > br:nth-child(1)");
- if (br)
- {
- removeElement(br);
- }
- */
- var key = "";
- var eleNav = document.querySelector("div#suggestions_nav");
- if (!eleNav)
- {
- // Add when error occured
- eleNav = document.createElement("div");
- eleNav.id = "suggestions_nav";
- document.body && document.body.appendChild(eleNav);
- }
- if (eleNav)
- {
- var insert = "";
- var insertSearch = "";
- var insertView = "";
- var spliter = "_";
- var regApp = /[0-9]{4,}/;
- var aKey = document.querySelector(".smallcopy > font:nth-child(2) > a:nth-child(1)");
- if (aKey)
- {
- key = encodeURIComponent(aKey.textContent.trim());
- if (key === "token-key")
- {
- aKey = document.querySelector(".smallcopy > a:nth-child(3)");
- if (aKey)
- {
- key = encodeURIComponent(aKey.textContent.trim());
- }
- }
- if (key !== "")
- {
- document.title = key + " - " + document.title;
- if (key.split(spliter).length > 1)
- {
- if (key.indexOf("%23") === 0)
- {
- var firstSpliter = key.indexOf(spliter);
- var keySharp = key.substring(0, firstSpliter);
- insertSearch += '<a class="stsh_a_button" target="_blank" '
- + ' href="/translate.php?keyonly=1&paginationrows=1000&search_input='
- + keySharp + '">Hashtag</a>';
- }
- var lastSpliter = key.lastIndexOf(spliter);
- var keyGroup = key.substring(0, lastSpliter);
- insertSearch += '<a class="stsh_a_button" target="_blank" '
- + ' href="/translate.php?keyonly=1&paginationrows=1000&search_input='
- + keyGroup + '">Group</a>';
- }
- insertSearch += '<a class="stsh_a_button" target="_blank" '
- + ' href="/translate.php?keyonly=1&search_input='
- + key + '">Key</a>';
- }
- }
- if (eleTextOrg)
- {
- var text = encodeURIComponent(eleTextOrg.textContent.trim())
- .replace(/(%20|%09)/g,"+")
- .replace(/'/g,"\\'")
- .replace("%0A", "+")
- .replace(/\++/g, "+")
- .substr(0, 80);
- if (text.length >= 80)
- {
- // Find last space
- var last = text.lastIndexOf("+");
- last = last < 0 ? 80 : last;
- text = text.substr(0, last);
- }
- if (text.indexOf(". ") > 20)
- {
- // Find first .
- text = text.substr(0, text.indexOf(". ") + 1);
- }
- if (text.indexOf("%5C") > 10)
- {
- // Find first \
- text = text.substr(0, text.indexOf("%5C"));
- }
- /* // Unknown reason
- if (eleTextSubmit)
- {
- var elePrev = eleTextSubmit.previousElementSibling;
- if (!elePrev || elePrev.tagName !== "BR")
- {
- var eleNew = document.createElement("br");
- insertBeforeElement(eleNew, eleTextSubmit);
- }
- }
- */
- if (text !== "")
- {
- insertSearch += '<a class="stsh_a_button" target="_blank" '
- + ' href="/translate.php?keyonly=2&paginationrows=1000&search_input='
- + text + '">String</a>';
- if (eleTextSubmitNext)
- {
- var eleForm = eleTextSubmitNext.parentElement.parentElement;
- if (eleForm.tagName === "FORM")
- {
- addKeyCtrlShiftEnter(eleForm, eleTextSubmitNext);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (eleTextSubmit)
- {
- eleTextSubmitNext = document.createElement("input");
- eleTextSubmitNext.id = "stsh_text_submit_next";
- eleTextSubmitNext.classList.add("stsh_text_submit_right");
- eleTextSubmitNext.setAttribute("type", "submit");
- eleTextSubmitNext.setAttribute("value", "Next");
- eleTextSubmitNext.setAttribute("name", "submitandnext");
- insertAfterElement(eleTextSubmitNext, eleTextSubmit);
- eleTextSubmitNext.addEventListener("click", function(ev)
- {
- var textOrg = "";
- var textTrn = "";
- var textCur = "";
- var eleTextOrg = document.querySelector(".stsh_text_org");
- if (eleTextOrg)
- {
- textOrg = trimSpace(eleTextOrg.textContent);
- }
- var eleTextTrn = document.querySelector(".stsh_text_trn:not(.stsh_text_trn_empty)");
- if (eleTextTrn)
- {
- textTrn = trimSpace(eleTextTrn.textContent);
- }
- var eleTextCur = document.querySelector("#suggestion_value_new");
- if (eleTextCur)
- {
- textCur = trimSpace(eleTextCur.value);
- }
- if (textCur === "" || textOrg === textCur || textTrn === textCur)
- {
- ev.preventDefault();
- var eleTextSubmit = document.querySelector(".stsh_text_submit");
- if (eleTextSubmit)
- {
- eleTextSubmit.click();
- }
- }
- });
- var eleForm = eleTextSubmit.parentElement.parentElement;
- if (eleForm.tagName === "FORM")
- {
- addKeyCtrlShiftEnter(eleForm, eleTextSubmitNext);
- }
- }
- }
- if (eleTextSubmitNext)
- {
- var canNext = !!(document.querySelector(".stsh_nav_next:not(:disabled)"));
- if (!canNext)
- {
- // Display as disabled
- eleTextSubmitNext.classList.add("stsh_grey");
- eleTextSubmitNext.classList.add("stsh_cursor_default");
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // (text === "")
- if (eleTextNew && eleTextSubmit && !eleTextSubmit.classList.contains("stsh_text_resubmit"))
- {
- var eleNew = document.createElement("input");
- eleNew.id = "stsh_text_submit_space";
- eleNew.classList.add("stsh_text_submit_right");
- eleNew.setAttribute("type", "button");
- //eleNew.setAttribute("value", "Submit Space (Alt+0160)");
- eleNew.setAttribute("value", "Submit Empty (2 Newlines)");
- insertAfterElement(eleNew, eleTextSubmit);
- eleNew.addEventListener("click", function(ev)
- {
- var eleTextNew = document.querySelector("#suggestion_value_new");
- if (eleTextNew)
- {
- // Space char
- //eleTextNew.value = String.fromCharCode(160);
- // Two newlines result in one newline when export
- eleTextNew.value = "\n\n";
- eleTextNew.focus();
- ev.preventDefault();
- var eleTextSubmit = document.querySelector(".stsh_text_submit");
- if (eleTextSubmit)
- {
- eleTextSubmit.click();
- }
- }
- });
- }
- }
- }
- var qBranch = getQueryByName("branch");
- if (qBranch.indexOf("games") !== 0)
- {
- var app = regApp.exec(key.replace("%23", ""));
- if (app && key.indexOf("faq") < 0 && key.indexOf("glossary") < 0)
- {
- if (key.indexOf("SharedFiles_App_") === 0)
- {
- insertView += '<a class="stsh_a_button" target="_blank" '
- + ' href="https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse?appid='
- + app + '">Workshop</a>';
- }
- insertView += '<a class="stsh_a_button" target="_blank" '
- + ' href="https://steamcommunity.com/app/'
- + app + '">Community</a>'
- insertView += '<a class="stsh_a_button" target="_blank" '
- + ' href="https://store.steampowered.com/app/'
- + app + '">App</a>';
- }
- }
- if (insertSearch)
- {
- insert += ' <br> Search: <div class="stsh_nav_group"> ' + insertSearch + " </div>";
- }
- if (insertView)
- {
- insert += ' <br> View: <div class="stsh_nav_group"> ' + insertView + " </div>";
- }
- var insertBefore =
- ' \
- <input id="stsh_refresh" value="Refresh" onclick="return false;" type="button"> \
- <a class="stsh_a_button" target="_blank" href="' + url + '">Frame</a> \
- ';
- var innerNew = eleNav.innerHTML
- .replace('<input value="Previous', ' <input value="Prev')
- .replace('<input value="Close X', ' <input value="Close (ESC)');
- eleNav.innerHTML = insertBefore + innerNew + insert + " <br> ";
- var eleRefresh = document.querySelector("#stsh_refresh");
- if (eleRefresh)
- {
- eleRefresh.addEventListener("click", function()
- {
- reload();
- });
- }
- }
- }
- // Regroup glossary
- // Auto replace matched string
- {
- setTimeoutCustom(function()
- {
- var br = "<br>";
- var brSpace = " <br> ";
- var tag = "<a";
- var colon = ">: ";
- var comma = ",";
- var bracket = " (";
- var isEdit = false;
- var p = null;
- var aGls = document.querySelectorAll("a[href='glossary.php']");
- for (var i = 0; i < aGls.length; i++)
- {
- if (aGls[i].textContent.trim() === "GLOSSARY FEATURE")
- {
- p = aGls[i].parentElement;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (p)
- {
- var glosOuters = [];
- var glosInnerStart = 0;
- var countGl = 0;
- var glossaries = p.innerHTML.split(br);
- if (glossaries.length > 2)
- {
- glosOuters = [p];
- glosInnerStart = 2;
- }
- else
- {
- glosOuters = p.nextSibling.querySelectorAll("td");
- glosInnerStart = 0;
- }
- var rgxKey = />[^><]+</;
- var rgxKeyClean = /[><]+/g;
- var rgxKeyPunct = /[\(\)\[\]\:\!]/g;
- var rgxContentClean = /<[^<]*>/g;
- var textNew = "";
- var textEng = "";
- var textNewFull = "";
- var textEngFull = "";
- var isTextReplaced = false;
- var isOutdated = false;
- var eleBtnResummit = document.querySelector(".stsh_text_submit[value^='RESUBMIT']");
- if (eleBtnResummit)
- {
- isTextReplaced = true;
- }
- else
- {
- if (eleTextNew)
- {
- textNewFull = trimTab(eleTextNew.value.toLowerCase());
- textNew = textNewFull.trim();
- }
- if (textNew === "" || textNew.length > 300)
- {
- // Not replace on empty and long strings
- isTextReplaced = true;
- }
- }
- if (!isTextReplaced)
- {
- var eleTrs = document.querySelectorAll(".progress tr");
- isOutdated = (eleTrs.length >= 3);
- if (isOutdated)
- {
- textEngFull = trimTab(eleTrs[eleTrs.length - 1].firstElementChild.textContent.toLowerCase());
- textEng = textEngFull.trim();
- }
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < glosOuters.length; i++)
- {
- var glosOuter = glosOuters[i];
- var glosInners = glosOuter.innerHTML.split(br);
- isEdit = false;
- for (var j = glosInnerStart; j < glosInners.length; j++)
- {
- var glossary = glosInners[j].trim();
- if (glossary.length > 0 && glossary.indexOf(tag) === 0)
- {
- var colonIndex = glossary.indexOf(colon);
- var contentHead = glossary.substr(0, colonIndex + 3);
- var contentAll = glossary.substr(colonIndex + 3);
- var contentWords = contentAll.split(comma);
- var contentFirst = contentWords[0].trim();
- for (var k = 0; k < contentWords.length; k++)
- {
- var contentNew = contentWords[k].trim();
- var contentSub = null;
- var bracketPos = contentNew.indexOf(" (");
- if (bracketPos > -1)
- {
- contentSub = contentNew.substr(bracketPos);
- contentNew = contentNew.substr(0, bracketPos);
- }
- contentNew = " <span id='stsh_gls_" + countGl
- + "' onclick='clickToSelect(this)'>"
- + contentNew + "</span>";
- //+ "<span style='color: white; cursor: pointer;'>^</span>";
- if (contentSub)
- {
- contentNew += "<span "
- + "onclick='clickToSelect(this.previousElementSibling)'>"
- + contentSub + "</span>";
- }
- contentWords[k] = contentNew;
- countGl++;
- }
- if (!isTextReplaced)
- {
- var keys = contentHead.match(rgxKey);
- if (keys && keys.length > 0)
- {
- var key = keys[0].replace(rgxKeyClean, "").trim().toLowerCase();
- var contentClean = contentFirst.replace(rgxContentClean, "");
- var contentLower = contentClean.toLowerCase();
- var textCur = "";
- if (key === textNew.replace(rgxKeyPunct, ""))
- {
- textCur = textNewFull;
- }
- else if (key === textEng.replace(rgxKeyPunct, ""))
- {
- textCur = textEngFull;
- }
- if (textCur !== "" && key !== contentLower)
- {
- if (eleTextNew)
- {
- var rgxReplace = new RegExp(key, "i");
- eleTextNew.value = textCur.replace(rgxReplace, contentClean);
- isTextReplaced = true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- glosInners[j] = contentHead + contentWords.join(comma);
- isEdit = true;
- }
- }
- if (isEdit && false)
- {
- // old feature
- glosOuter.innerHTML = glosInners.join(brSpace);
- }
- }
- }
- }, timingInit.improveGlossary);
- }
- // Insert clicked word in last textarea
- {
- var eleTextLast = null;
- setTimeoutCustom(function()
- {
- if (document.activeElement && document.activeElement.tagName === "TEXTAREA")
- {
- eleTextLast = document.activeElement;
- }
- var elesText = document.querySelectorAll
- (" \
- #suggestion_value_new \
- , .stsh_text_addComment \
- , #add_to_discussion \
- , textarea[name^='autoreplace'] \
- , .stsh_autoReplace_text \
- ");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesText.length; i++)
- {
- elesText[i].addEventListener('focus', function(ev)
- {
- eleTextLast = ev.target;
- });
- }
- }, timingInit.bindLastText);
- setTimeoutCustom(function()
- {
- var elesInsert = document.querySelectorAll(".insertword");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesInsert.length; i++)
- {
- removeAllEventListeners(elesInsert[i]);
- }
- var insertAtCaret = function(txtarea, text)
- {
- // Edit from STS
- var scrollPos = txtarea.scrollTop;
- var strPos = 0;
- var strLength = 0;
- var br = ((txtarea.selectionStart || txtarea.selectionStart === 0) ? "ff" : (document.selection ? "ie" : false));
- if (br === "ie")
- {
- txtarea.focus();
- var range = document.selection.createRange();
- range.moveStart('character', -txtarea.value.length);
- strPos = range.text.length;
- }
- else if (br === "ff")
- {
- strPos = txtarea.selectionStart;
- strLength = txtarea.selectionEnd - txtarea.selectionStart;
- }
- var front = (txtarea.value).substring(0, strPos);
- var back = (txtarea.value).substring(strPos + strLength, txtarea.value.length);
- txtarea.value = front + text + back;
- strPos = strPos + text.length;
- if (br === "ie")
- {
- txtarea.focus();
- var range = document.selection.createRange();
- range.moveStart('character', -txtarea.value.length);
- range.moveStart('character', strPos);
- range.moveEnd('character', 0);
- range.select();
- }
- else if (br === "ff")
- {
- txtarea.selectionStart = strPos;
- txtarea.selectionEnd = strPos;
- txtarea.focus();
- }
- txtarea.scrollTop = scrollPos;
- }
- elesInsert = document.querySelectorAll(".insertword");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesInsert.length; i++)
- {
- //elesInsert[i].classList.add("stsh_unselectable");
- elesInsert[i].addEventListener("click", function(ev)
- {
- if (eleTextLast)
- {
- insertAtCaret(eleTextLast , ev.target.textContent.trim());
- }
- });
- }
- }, timingInit.insertAtCaret);
- }
- // Restyle glossary
- {
- var eleP = null;
- var elesA = document.querySelectorAll("a[href='glossary.php']");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesA.length; i++)
- {
- if (elesA[i].textContent.trim() === "GLOSSARY FEATURE")
- {
- eleP = elesA[i].parentElement;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (eleP)
- {
- var nodeText = eleP.firstElementChild.nextSibling;
- if (nodeText.nodeType === document.TEXT_NODE)
- {
- var ele = document.createElement("span");
- ele.textContent = nodeText.textContent;
- removeElement(nodeText);
- insertAfterElement(ele, eleP.firstElementChild);
- }
- var eleHead;
- if (eleP.nextElementSibling.tagName === "TABLE")
- {
- eleHead = eleP.nextElementSibling;
- }
- else
- {
- eleHead = eleP;
- }
- eleHead.classList.add("stsh_glossary_header");
- var elesTerm = eleHead.querySelectorAll(
- "a[href*='//translation.steampowered.com/translate.php?search_input=']");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesTerm.length; i++)
- {
- elesTerm[i].classList.add("stsh_glossary_term");
- // Clean glossary links
- {
- var href = elesTerm[i].href;
- var hrefNew = href.replace("http://", "//")
- .replace(/\?search_input=([^"])([^&]+)&keyonly=0&listfilter=0&listsort=0&liststatus=0&paginationrows=50/i
- , '\?keyonly=2&paginationrows=1000&search_input="$1$2"');
- elesTerm[i].href = hrefNew;
- }
- }
- {
- var eleSpan = null;
- if (eleHead.tagName === "TABLE")
- {
- eleSpan = eleHead.previousElementSibling.querySelector("span");
- }
- else
- {
- eleSpan = eleHead.querySelector("span");
- }
- eleSpan.textContent = eleSpan.textContent
- .replace(" (click to copy to top)", "");
- eleSpan.title = "Click to copy to suggestion or comment";
- eleSpan.classList.add("stsh_cursor_help");
- eleSpan.classList.add("stsh_glossary_help");
- }
- }
- var eleTd = document.querySelector(".stsh_glossary_header \
- > tbody:nth-child(1) > tr:nth-child(1) > td:nth-child(4)");
- if (eleTd)
- {
- if (eleTd.childElementCount === 0)
- {
- removeElement(eleTd);
- }
- }
- }
- // Restyle same token
- {
- /* // Unknown reason
- var p = document.querySelector("#suggestionmain > div:nth-child(5) > p:nth-child(4)");
- if (p)
- {
- for (var i = 0; i < p.childNodes.length; i++)
- {
- var child = p.childNodes[i];
- if (child.nodeName === "#text")
- {
- child.nodeValue = child.nodeValue.trim();
- }
- }
- }
- */
- var widthMax = 0;
- var elesFile = document.querySelectorAll(
- "#suggestionmain > div > p > a[href*='/translate.php?keyonly=1&search_input=']");
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- {
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- {
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- }
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- {
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- eleHeader.innerHTML = eleHeader.innerHTML.replace(
- "<--- currently in view above",
- '<span class="stsh_blue_light stsh_sametoken_current"><--- currently in view above</span>');
- }
- }
- // Auto link http
- // Format comment
- // Show images
- {
- var countSugStatus = document.querySelectorAll(
- ".suggestions_list span[class^='suggestion_status_']").length;
- var rgxUrl = /https?:[^ "]+/ig;
- var rgxHostUrl = /^https?:\/\/translation\.steampowered\.com\//i;
- var hostReplace = "/";
- var eleComments = document.querySelectorAll
- (" \
- .suggestion_signature > i:nth-child(3) \
- , .suggestion_signature div:nth-child(1) > i:nth-child(4) \
- , .suggestion_signature div:nth-child(1) > i:nth-child(6) \
- , *[class^='row'] > td:nth-child(2) \
- ");
- for (var i = 0; i < eleComments.length; i++)
- {
- var comment = eleComments[i].innerHTML + " ";
- if (comment.indexOf("<a") === -1)
- {
- var commentUrls = comment.match(rgxUrl) || [];
- for (var j = 0; j < commentUrls.length; j++)
- {
- var urlDecode = commentUrls[j];
- try
- {
- urlDecode = decodeURIComponent(commentUrls[j])
- .replace(/#/g, "%23").replace(/&/g, "&");
- //console.log(urlDecode);
- if (countSugStatus === 0 && rgxHostUrl.test(urlDecode))
- {
- var query = getQueryByName("search_input", urlDecode);
- if (query !== "")
- {
- urlDecode = query;
- }
- else
- {
- urlDecode = urlDecode.replace(rgxHostUrl, hostReplace);
- }
- }
- }
- catch (ex)
- {
- console.error("FormatComment", ex.message);
- }
- var commentUrl = commentUrls[j] + " ";
- comment = comment.replace(commentUrl, "<a target='_blank' href='"
- + commentUrls[j] + "' >" + urlDecode + "</a> ");
- }
- }
- comment = comment.trim();
- var commentHead = "";
- var commentFoot = "";
- if (comment.indexOf("Comment:") === 0)
- {
- eleComments[i].classList.add("stsh_text_comment_header");
- comment = comment.substr(9);
- commentHead = "Comment: <span class='stsh_text_comment'>";
- commentFoot = "</span>";
- }
- else
- {
- var indexHead = comment.indexOf(":</font>");
- if (indexHead > -1)
- {
- commentHead = comment.substr(0, indexHead + 8);
- comment = comment.substr(indexHead + 8);
- }
- }
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- .replace(/([ \n])([\/~]{1,})([ \n])/g, "$1<span class='stsh_white stsh_pad'>$2</span>$3")
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- //.replace(/ \//g, " <span class='stsh_white stsh_pad'>/</span>")
- .replace(/(\-+)\>\;/g, "<span class='stsh_white stsh_pad'>$1></span>")
- .replace(/ > /g, " <span class='stsh_white stsh_pad'>></span> ")
- .replace(/(\-{2,})([^\&])/g, "<span class='stsh_white stsh_pad'>$1</span>$2")
- //.replace(/([^<>,]+)(\, +)([^<>,]+)/g, "$1<span class='stsh_white stsh_pad'>$2</span>$3")
- //.replace(/([^<>,]+)(\, +)([^<>,]+)/g, "$1<span class='stsh_white stsh_pad'>$2</span>$3")
- .replace(/\| /g, "<span class='stsh_white stsh_pad'>| </span>")
- .replace(/ \* /g, " <span class='stsh_white stsh_pad'>*</span> ")
- .replace(/ \.\.\.([ \n])/g, " <span class='stsh_white stsh_pad'>...</span>$1")
- .replace(/\n/g, "<br>")
- .replace(/Past application on (.{20})/g,
- "<span class='stsh_white stsh_pad'><br>Past application on $1</span>");
- eleComments[i].innerHTML = commentHead + comment + commentFoot;
- var eleAs = eleComments[i].querySelectorAll("a");
- for (var j = 0; j < eleAs.length; j++)
- {
- var href = eleAs[j].getAttribute("href");
- if (href.indexOf("#") > -1)
- {
- eleAs[j].setAttribute("href", href.replace(/\#/g,"%23"));
- }
- }
- //if (comment.indexOf("Comment:") !== 0)
- {
- // Discussion comment
- var rgxImg = /(\.(jpg|png|gif)|\/ugc\/)/i;
- var rgxImgur = /^https?:\/\/imgur\.com\/([a-z0-9]+)\/?$/i;
- var rgxLongUrl = /^https?\:\/\/translation\.steampowered\.com\/translate\.php\?search_input\=/i;
- var elesA = eleComments[i].querySelectorAll("a");
- for (var j = 0; j < elesA.length; j++)
- {
- var href = elesA[j].getAttribute("href");
- if (rgxImgur.test(href))
- {
- href = href.replace(rgxImgur, "https://i.imgur.com/$1.png");
- }
- if (rgxImg.test(href))
- {
- if (elesA[j].querySelectorAll("img").length === 0)
- {
- var ele = document.createElement("img");
- ele.classList.add("stsh_comment_img");
- ele.setAttribute("src", href);
- ele.setAttribute("title", href);
- ele.dataset.modeNext = "unmin";
- insertAfterElement(ele, elesA[j]);
- if (ele.naturalWidth === 0 || ele.naturalWidth > 400 || ele.naturalHeight > 225)
- {
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- {
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- var mode = "min";
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- {
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- eleTarget.dataset.modeNext = "unmin";
- }
- else
- {
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- {
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- }
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- if (isHorizontal)
- {
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- {
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- ? eleTarget.naturalWidth + "px" : "850px";
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- ? eleTarget.naturalWidth + "px" : "400px";
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- ? eleTarget.naturalHeight + "px" : "225px";
- }
- }
- });
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- var content = elesA[j].textContent;
- if (rgxLongUrl.test(content))
- {
- //console.log(elesA[j]);
- if (!elesA[j].parentElement.parentElement.parentElement
- .querySelector(".suggestion_signature .lbAction[name^='mymodcomment']"))
- {
- elesA[j].textContent = content.replace(rgxLongUrl, "").replace(/\+/g, " ");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Add space between comment and button
- {
- var elesAction = document.querySelectorAll(".stsh_action_remove, .stsh_action_edit");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesAction.length; i++)
- {
- if (elesAction[i].previousElementSibling
- && elesAction[i].previousElementSibling.previousElementSibling
- && elesAction[i].previousElementSibling.previousElementSibling
- .classList.contains("stsh_text_comment_header"))
- {
- insertBeforeElement(document.createElement("br"), elesAction[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- // Restyle token info
- {
- var divIntro = document.querySelector("#suggestionmain > div.smallcopy");
- if (divIntro)
- {
- var qBranch = getQueryByName("branch");
- var htmlEdit = "You are editing";
- var htmlEditReplace = "";
- var htmlToken = "Token <";
- var htmlTokenReplace = "Token: <";
- var htmlToken2 = "token-key";
- var htmlToken2Replace = "Token";
- var htmlLiveLinkMoved =
- '\
- <font style="color:red;">This FAQ likely does not exist anymore!</font>\
- The generated <a href="https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref="\
- target="_blank">live link</a> seems dead or is redirecting.\
- ';
- var htmlLiveLinkMovedReplace =
- '\
- <font class="stsh_red stsh_cursor_help"\
- title="The generated live link seems dead or is redirecting.">\
- This FAQ likely does not exist anymore!</font>\
- ';
- var htmlLiveLinkMovedWithLiveLink =
- '\
- <font style="color:red;">This FAQ likely does not exist anymore!</font> The generated \
- <a href="https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=\
- ';
- var htmlLiveLinkMovedWithLiveLinkReplace =
- '<a href="https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=';
- var htmlLiveLinkMovedWithLiveLink2 =
- '" target="_blank">live link</a> seems dead or is redirecting.';
- var htmlLiveLinkMovedWithLiveLink2Replace =
- '\
- " target="_blank">Live link</a> - \
- <font class="stsh_red stsh_cursor_help"\
- title="The generated live link seems dead or is redirecting.">\
- This FAQ likely does not exist anymore!</font>';
- var htmlLiveLink = 'target="_blank">Live link';
- var htmlLiveLinkReplace = 'target="_blank">Live link'; // Change in condition
- var htmlFile = " of <";
- var htmlFileReplace =
- ' <br>File: <font class="stsh_info_file stsh_blue" onclick="clickToSelect(this)">' + qBranch + '</font> >> <';
- var htmlFrom = "<br>Added on <";
- var htmlFromReplace = " Added: <";
- var htmlUpdated = ">. Updated on <";
- var htmlUpdatedReplace = "> Updated: <";
- var htmlUpdated2 = "<br> Updated on <";
- var htmlUpdated2Replace = " Updated: <";
- var htmlSugg = 'You have <font style="';
- var htmlSuggReplace =
- 'You have <font title="Enter and submit new suggestions below. Do not alter HTML tags or variables." class="stsh_cursor_help" style="';
- var htmlIntro =
- "Enter and submit new suggestions below. Do not alter HTML tags or variables.";
- var htmlIntroReplace =
- ' \
- \
- <a href="mailto:translationserver@valvesoftware.com" \
- title="Please report token issues by posting a TOKEN DISCUSSION \r\nor email to translationserver@valvesoftware.com" \
- class="stsh_cursor_help">\
- <font class="stsh_white">Report Tokens</font></a>\
- ';
- var htmlContact =
- '\
- <br>Please report token issues by posting a <font style="color:#a4b23c;">TOKEN DISCUSSION</font> tagged\
- <input style="border:none; color:#FFFFFF; background-color:#111111; cursor:pointer;"\
- onclick="tosts(\'truncated\')" value="[sts_admin][truncated]" type="button">or\
- <input style="border:none; color:#FFFFFF; background-color:#111111; cursor:pointer;"\
- onclick="tosts(\'typo\');" value="[sts_admin][typo]" type="button">or\
- <input style="border:none; color:#FFFFFF; background-color:#111111; cursor:pointer;"\
- onclick="tosts(\'unlockpls\')" value="[sts_admin][unlockpls]" type="button">or by \
- <a href="mailto:translationserver@valvesoftware.com">email</a>.\
- ';
- var htmlContactReplace = '';
- var htmlContact2 =
- '\
- <br>Please report token issues by posting a <font style="color:#a4b23c;">TOKEN DISCUSSION</font> tagged\
- <input style="border:none; color:#FFFFFF; background-color:#111111; cursor:pointer;" type="button"\
- onclick="tosts(\'truncated\')" value="[sts_admin][truncated]">or\
- <input style="border:none; color:#FFFFFF; background-color:#111111; cursor:pointer;" type="button"\
- onclick="tosts(\'typo\');" value="[sts_admin][typo]">or\
- <input style="border:none; color:#FFFFFF; background-color:#111111; cursor:pointer;" type="button"\
- onclick="tosts(\'unlockpls\')" value="[sts_admin][unlockpls]">or by \
- <a href="mailto:translationserver@valvesoftware.com">email</a>.\
- ';
- var htmlContact2Replace = '';
- var rgxTestEmail =
- /<br><font style="color:#a4b23c;">This is part of email message .+ - you can test it by following this link:<\/font> /i;
- var htmlTestEmailReplace = '';
- var rgxTestEmail2 =
- /<a href="test_email\.php\?filename=.+\&lang=[a-z]+" target="_blank">Test<\/a>/i;
- var htmlTestEmail2Replace = '';
- var htmlsTestEmail = rgxTestEmail.exec(divIntro.innerHTML);
- if (htmlsTestEmail)
- {
- var htmlTestEmail = htmlsTestEmail[0]
- .replace('<br><font style="color:#a4b23c;">This is part of email message ', "")
- .replace(' - you can test it by following this link:</font> ', "");
- var htmlTestEmail2 = "";
- var htmlsTestEmail2 = rgxTestEmail2.exec(divIntro.innerHTML);
- if (htmlsTestEmail2)
- {
- htmlTestEmail2 = htmlsTestEmail2[0].replace('<a href="', "")
- .replace('" target="_blank">Test</a>', "");
- }
- htmlIntroReplace += ' Test: <a href="' + htmlTestEmail2
- + '" title="You can test email by following this link." target="_blank">'
- + htmlTestEmail + '</a>';
- }
- if (key !== "")
- {
- htmlIntroReplace +=
- ' \
- <br>Share: \
- <font class="stsh_token_share stsh_green stsh_truncate" onclick="clickToSelect(this)">\
- https://translation.steampowered.com/translate.php?search_input=' + key + '\
- </font> <br>\
- ';
- }
- var urlLiveLink = "https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=";
- var eleLiveLink = divIntro.querySelector("a[href^='" + urlLiveLink + "']");
- if (eleLiveLink)
- {
- htmlLiveLinkReplace = 'target="_blank" title="Live link">'
- + eleLiveLink.getAttribute("href").replace(urlLiveLink, "");
- }
- var isComplete = (divIntro.innerHTML.indexOf(htmlContact) > -1);
- divIntro.innerHTML = divIntro.innerHTML
- .replace(htmlEdit, htmlEditReplace)
- .replace(htmlToken, htmlTokenReplace)
- .replace(htmlToken2, htmlToken2Replace)
- .replace(htmlLiveLinkMoved, htmlLiveLinkMovedReplace)
- .replace(htmlLiveLinkMovedWithLiveLink, htmlLiveLinkMovedWithLiveLinkReplace)
- .replace(htmlLiveLinkMovedWithLiveLink2, htmlLiveLinkMovedWithLiveLink2Replace)
- .replace(htmlLiveLink, htmlLiveLinkReplace)
- .replace(htmlFile, htmlFileReplace)
- .replace(htmlFrom, htmlFromReplace)
- .replace(htmlUpdated, htmlUpdatedReplace)
- .replace(htmlUpdated2, htmlUpdated2Replace)
- .replace(htmlSugg, htmlSuggReplace)
- .replace(htmlIntro, htmlIntroReplace)
- .replace(htmlContact, htmlContactReplace)
- .replace(htmlContact2, htmlContact2Replace)
- .replace(rgxTestEmail, htmlTestEmailReplace)
- .replace(rgxTestEmail2, htmlTestEmail2Replace)
- .trim();
- var eleToken = document.querySelector("a[href^='Us_And_Them.php?']");
- if (eleToken)
- {
- if (eleToken.textContent !== "Token")
- {
- eleToken.classList.add("stsh_token_name");
- eleToken.classList.add("stsh_truncate");
- }
- }
- if (!isComplete)
- {
- var stsh_introReplace_start = getTimeMs();
- var stsh_introReplace_itv = setIntervalCustom(function(params)
- {
- var divIntro = params[0];
- var htmlContact = params[1];
- var htmlContactReplace = params[2];
- var stsh_introReplace_isEnd = false;
- var stsh_introReplace_cur = getTimeMs();
- if (divIntro.innerHTML.indexOf(htmlContact) > -1)
- {
- divIntro.innerHTML = divIntro.innerHTML
- .replace(htmlContact, htmlContactReplace);
- stsh_introReplace_isEnd = true;
- }
- if (stsh_introReplace_isEnd || stsh_introReplace_cur - stsh_introReplace_start > 10000)
- {
- clearInterval(stsh_introReplace_itv);
- }
- }, 100, [divIntro, htmlContact, htmlContactReplace]);
- }
- }
- }
- // Restyle token discussion
- {
- var eleDiscuss = document.querySelector("a[name='tokendiscussion']");
- if (eleDiscuss)
- {
- var htmlHeader = "TOKEN DISCUSSION (keep global comments English please!):";
- var htmlHeaderReplace = "TOKEN DISCUSSION:";
- var eleHeader = eleDiscuss.nextElementSibling;
- if (eleHeader)
- {
- eleHeader.setAttribute("title", "Keep global comments English please!");
- eleHeader.classList.add("stsh_cursor_help");
- eleHeader.textContent = eleHeader.textContent.replace(htmlHeader, htmlHeaderReplace);
- }
- var eleParent = eleDiscuss.parentElement;
- eleParent.classList.add("stsh_discussion_header");
- if (eleParent.nextElementSibling)
- {
- eleParent.nextElementSibling.classList.add("stsh_discussion_section");
- }
- var elesInput = document.querySelectorAll("input[value='[stsadmin]']");
- if (elesInput.length === 2)
- {
- removeElement(elesInput[1]);
- }
- var eleSpan = document.createElement("span");
- eleSpan.innerHTML =
- '\
- <input style="border:none; color:#888888; background-color:#111111; cursor:pointer;"\
- onclick="tosts(\'truncated\')" value="[sts_admin][truncated]" type="button">\
- <input style="border:none; color:#888888; background-color:#111111; cursor:pointer;"\
- onclick="tosts(\'typo\');" value="[sts_admin][typo]" type="button">\
- <input style="border:none; color:#888888; background-color:#111111; cursor:pointer;"\
- onclick="tosts(\'unlockpls\')" value="[sts_admin][unlockpls]" type="button">\
- ';
- eleParent.appendChild(eleSpan);
- }
- var eleAutoCopy = document.querySelector("#autocopy");
- if (eleAutoCopy)
- {
- var eleAutoCopyHeader = eleAutoCopy.previousElementSibling;
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- eleAutoCopyHeader.firstElementChild.firstElementChild.textContent = "AUTO-REPLACEMENT";
- eleAutoCopy.appendChild(document.createElement("br"));
- }
- var eleTableDiscuss = null;
- var eleFriendDiscuss = document.querySelector(".friend_block_discussions");
- if (eleFriendDiscuss)
- {
- if (eleAutoCopy)
- {
- insertBeforeElement(document.createElement("br"), eleAutoCopy.previousElementSibling);
- }
- eleTableDiscuss = eleFriendDiscuss.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement;
- if (eleTableDiscuss.tagName === "TABLE")
- {
- eleTableDiscuss.classList.add("stsh_discussion_table");
- }
- }
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- for (var i = 0; i < elesDiscuss.length; i++)
- {
- var nodesChild = elesDiscuss[i].childNodes;
- if (nodesChild.length > 2)
- {
- var arrNode = [];
- for (var j = 3; j < nodesChild.length; j++)
- {
- arrNode.push(nodesChild[j]);
- }
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- eleDiv.classList.add("stsh_discussion_text");
- for (var j = 0; j < arrNode.length; j++)
- {
- eleDiv.appendChild(arrNode[j]);
- }
- elesDiscuss[i].appendChild(eleDiv);
- eleDiv.classList.add("stsh_discussion_text_long");
- }
- }
- }
- // Decode URI in discussion
- {
- var elesA = document.querySelectorAll(".stsh_discussion_text > a[href*='%']");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesA.length; i++)
- {
- if (elesA[i].childElementCount === 0)
- {
- try
- {
- elesA[i].textContent = decodeURIComponent(elesA[i].textContent);
- }
- catch (ex)
- {
- console.error("DecodeUriDiscussion", ex.message);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Move up glossary
- {
- var moveUpGlossary = function()
- {
- var eleDiscuss = document.querySelector(".stsh_discussion_header");
- if (eleDiscuss)
- {
- var eleGlosGroup = document.createElement("div");
- eleGlosGroup.classList.add("stsh_glossary_group");
- insertBeforeElement(eleGlosGroup, eleDiscuss);
- var eleHead = document.querySelector(".stsh_glossary_header");
- if (eleHead)
- {
- if (!(eleHead.childNodes.length === 5
- && eleHead.childNodes[4].nodeType === document.TEXT_NODE
- && eleHead.childNodes[4].nodeValue === "No results"))
- {
- eleGlosGroup.appendChild(document.createElement("br"));
- if (eleHead.tagName === "TABLE")
- {
- eleGlosGroup.appendChild(eleHead.previousElementSibling);
- }
- eleGlosGroup.appendChild(eleHead);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- var eleAutoCopy = document.querySelector(".stsh_autoCopy_header");
- if (eleAutoCopy)
- {
- var eleHead = document.querySelector(".stsh_glossary_header");
- if (eleHead)
- {
- insertAfterElement(eleAutoCopy.nextElementSibling, eleHead);
- insertAfterElement(eleAutoCopy, eleHead);
- insertAfterElement(document.createElement("br"), eleHead);
- insertAfterElement(document.createElement("br"), eleAutoCopy.nextElementSibling);
- }
- }
- var eleFriendDiscuss = document.querySelector(".friend_block_discussions");
- if (!eleFriendDiscuss)
- {
- moveUpGlossary();
- }
- else
- {
- var eleHelp = document.querySelector(".stsh_glossary_help");
- if (eleHelp)
- {
- var eleBtn = document.createElement("input");
- eleBtn.classList.add("stsh_glossary_move");
- eleBtn.setAttribute("type", "button");
- eleBtn.setAttribute("onclick", "return false;");
- eleBtn.value = "Move up";
- eleBtn.title = "Glossary is displayed below when discussion is active. "
- + "\nClick here to move glossary up.";
- insertAfterElement(eleBtn, eleHelp);
- eleBtn.addEventListener("click", function(ev)
- {
- var eleTarget = ev.target;
- eleTarget.classList.add("stsh_hidden");
- moveUpGlossary();
- });
- }
- }
- }
- // Add shortcut keys
- {
- var elesForm = document.querySelectorAll(".lbAction");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesForm.length; i++)
- {
- var eleForm = elesForm[i];
- var eleSubmit = eleForm.querySelector("input[type='submit']:not([name='admindecision'])");
- if (eleSubmit)
- {
- addKeyCtrlEnter(eleForm, eleSubmit);
- }
- }
- var elesInputApplyNext = document.querySelectorAll(".stsh_action_apply_next:not([disabled])");
- if (elesInputApplyNext.length > 0)
- {
- var eleBind = elesInputApplyNext[0];
- eleBind.title = "Should remove all other suggestions then APPROVE and APPLY."
- if (document.querySelectorAll(".stsh_action_remove").length === 1)
- {
- addKeyAlt(document, eleBind, ["KeyI", 73, "KeyD", 68], "I", 1); // I D
- disableAfterClick(eleBind);
- }
- }
- var elesInputApprove = document.querySelectorAll(".stsh_action_approve");
- if (elesInputApprove.length > 0)
- {
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- addKeyAlt(document, eleBind, ["BracketLeft", 219, "KeyO", 79, "KeyA", 65], "O", 2); // [ O A
- disableAfterClick(eleBind);
- }
- var eleInputApproveNext = document.querySelector(".stsh_action_approve_next");
- if (eleInputApproveNext)
- {
- var eleBind = null;
- if (!eleInputApproveNext.disabled)
- {
- // Can go next
- if (elesInputApprove.length === 1)
- {
- // Go next if only 1 suggestion
- if (document.querySelector(".suggestion_status_approved"))
- {
- // Don't go next if 1 or more approved suggestion
- eleBind = elesInputApprove[0];
- }
- else
- {
- eleBind = eleInputApproveNext;
- }
- }
- else if (elesInputApprove.length > 1)
- {
- // Only approve if more than 1 suggestion
- eleBind = elesInputApprove[0];
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // Can't go next
- if (elesInputApprove.length > 0)
- {
- eleBind = elesInputApprove[0];
- }
- }
- if (eleBind)
- {
- addKeyAlt(document, eleBind, ["BracketRight", 221, 171, "KeyP", 80, "KeyS", 83]); // ] P S
- addKeyCtrl(document, eleBind, ["Backslash", 220, "Insert", 45], "Ins", 1|2); // Backslash, INS
- disableAfterClick(eleBind);
- }
- }
- var eleInputDecline = document.querySelector(".stsh_action_decline");
- if (eleInputDecline)
- {
- var eleBind = eleInputDecline;
- var titleMode = 1|2;
- if (eleInputDecline.name === "admindecision")
- {
- titleMode = 2;
- }
- addKeyCtrl(document, eleBind, ["Delete", 46], "Del", titleMode); // DEL
- disableAfterClick(eleBind);
- var eleInputDeclineNext = eleInputDecline.nextElementSibling;
- if (eleInputDeclineNext && eleInputDeclineNext.value.indexOf("Next") > -1
- && !eleInputDeclineNext.disabled)
- {
- var eleBind = eleInputDeclineNext;
- addKeyCtrlShift(document, eleBind, ["Delete", 46], "Del", 2); // DEL
- disableAfterClick(eleBind);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- var eleReconsider = document.querySelector(".suggestion_status_approved > a, .suggestion_status_declined > a");
- if (eleReconsider)
- {
- if (eleReconsider.parentElement.classList.contains("suggestion_status_approved"))
- {
- var elesReconsiderApprove = document.querySelectorAll(".suggestion_status_approved > a");
- if (elesReconsiderApprove.length > 0)
- {
- // Bind to last approve
- var eleBind = elesReconsiderApprove[elesReconsiderApprove.length - 1];
- addKeyCtrl(document, eleBind, ["Delete", 46], "Del", 2|16); // DEL
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (!eleReconsider.parentElement.parentElement
- .querySelector(".suggestion_signature .lbAction[name^='mymodcomment']"))
- {
- var eleBind = eleReconsider;
- addKeyAlt(document, eleBind, ["BracketRight", 221, 171, "KeyP", 80, "KeyS", 83]); // ] P S
- addKeyCtrl(document, eleBind, ["Backslash", 220, "Insert", 45], "Ins", 2|16); // Backslash INS
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (elesTextRemoveComment.length > 0)
- {
- // Remove last comment
- var i = elesTextRemoveComment.length - 1;
- var eleBind = elesTextRemoveComment[i];
- addKeyCtrl(document, eleBind, ["Backspace", 8], "Bksp", 2|16); // Backspace
- }
- var eleInputPrev = document.querySelector(".stsh_nav_prev");
- if (eleInputPrev)
- {
- var eleBind = eleInputPrev;
- addKeyCtrl(document, eleBind, ["BracketLeft", 219], "[", 1|2); // [
- disableAfterClick(eleBind);
- // Remove space
- removeElement(eleBind.nextSibling);
- }
- var eleInputNext = document.querySelector(".stsh_nav_next");
- if (eleInputNext)
- {
- var eleBind = eleInputNext;
- addKeyCtrl(document, eleBind, ["BracketRight", 221, 171], "]", 1|2); // ]
- disableAfterClick(eleBind);
- }
- }
- // Check special chars
- // Check combining diacritical marks
- // Check HTML elements count
- {
- if (eleHeaderOrg && eleHeaderTrn)
- {
- if (eleTextOrg && eleTextTrn)
- {
- var strOrg = trimTab(eleTextOrg.textContent);
- var strTrn = "";
- if (!eleTextTrn.classList.contains("stsh_text_trn_empty"))
- {
- strTrn = trimTab(eleTextTrn.textContent);
- }
- var elesSug = elesTextSug;
- // Check special chars
- {
- var statusTrnArr = checkSpecialCharMatched(strOrg, strTrn);
- var statusTrnMatched = statusTrnArr[0];
- var spOrg = statusTrnArr[1];
- var spTrn = statusTrnArr[2];
- if (spOrg > 0 || spTrn > 0)
- {
- var spTitle = "Please check special chars by pressing Display special chars button.";
- var spanSpOrg = document.createElement("span");
- spanSpOrg.id = "stsh_spanSpOrg";
- spanSpOrg.classList.add("stsh_spanStatusOrg");
- spanSpOrg.classList.add("stsh_blue");
- spanSpOrg.classList.add("stsh_cursor_help");
- spanSpOrg.title = spTitle;
- spanSpOrg.innerHTML = " SpecialChar: " + spOrg;
- eleHeaderOrg.appendChild(spanSpOrg);
- // Translated
- if (strTrn !== "")
- {
- var spanSpTrn = document.createElement("span");
- spanSpTrn.id = "stsh_spanSpTrn";
- spanSpTrn.classList.add("stsh_spanStatusTrn");
- spanSpTrn.classList.add("stsh_cursor_help");
- spanSpTrn.title = spTitle;
- if (statusTrnMatched === 0)
- {
- spanSpTrn.classList.add("stsh_green");
- }
- else
- {
- spanSpTrn.classList.add("stsh_red");
- spanSpTrn.classList.add("stsh_status_unmatched");
- }
- var outputTrn = " SpecialChar: " + spTrn;
- if (statusTrnMatched === 0)
- {
- outputTrn += " (Matched)";
- }
- else if (statusTrnMatched === 1)
- {
- outputTrn += " (Order not matched)";
- }
- else
- {
- outputTrn += " (Not matched)";
- }
- spanSpTrn.innerHTML = outputTrn;
- eleHeaderTrn.appendChild(spanSpTrn);
- }
- // Suggested
- for (var i = 0; i < elesSug.length; i++)
- {
- var eleSug = elesSug[i];
- var strSug = trimSpace(eleSug.textContent);
- var statusSugArr = checkSpecialCharMatched(strOrg, strSug);
- var statusSugMatched = statusSugArr[0];
- var spSug = statusSugArr[2];
- var spanSpSug = document.createElement("span");
- spanSpSug.classList.add("stsh_spanSpSug");
- spanSpSug.classList.add("stsh_spanStatusSug");
- spanSpSug.classList.add("stsh_cursor_help");
- spanSpSug.title = spTitle;
- if (statusSugMatched === 0)
- {
- spanSpSug.classList.add("stsh_green");
- spanSpSug.classList.add("stsh_status_matched");
- }
- else
- {
- spanSpSug.classList.add("stsh_red");
- spanSpSug.classList.add("stsh_status_unmatched");
- }
- var outputSug = " SpecialChar: " + spSug;
- if (statusSugMatched === 0)
- {
- outputSug += " (Matched)";
- }
- else if (statusSugMatched === 1)
- {
- outputSug += " (Order not matched)";
- }
- else
- {
- outputSug += " (Not matched)";
- }
- spanSpSug.innerHTML = outputSug;
- insertBeforeElement(spanSpSug, eleSug);
- }
- }
- }
- // Check diacritical marks
- {
- var hasDct = false;
- // Translated
- var dctTrn = countDiacriticalMark(strTrn);
- if (dctTrn > 0)
- {
- hasDct = true;
- }
- var countsSug = [];
- // Suggested
- for (var i = 0; i < elesSug.length; i++)
- {
- var eleSug = elesSug[i];
- var strSug = trimSpace(eleSug.textContent);
- var dctSug = countDiacriticalMark(strSug);
- if (dctSug > 0)
- {
- hasDct = true;
- }
- countsSug.push(dctSug);
- }
- if (hasDct)
- {
- var dctTitleGood = "Combining Diacritical Marks not found. \nThis is good typing method.";
- var dctTitleBad = "Combining Diacritical Marks found. \nPlease change typing method.";
- var spanDctTrn = document.createElement("span");
- spanDctTrn.id = "stsh_spanDctTrn";
- spanDctTrn.classList.add("stsh_spanStatusTrn");
- spanDctTrn.classList.add("stsh_cursor_help");
- if (dctTrn > 0)
- {
- spanDctTrn.classList.add("stsh_red");
- spanDctTrn.classList.add("stsh_status_unmatched");
- spanDctTrn.title = dctTitleBad;
- }
- else
- {
- spanDctTrn.classList.add("stsh_green");
- spanDctTrn.title = dctTitleGood;
- }
- var outputDctTrn = " DiacriticalMark: " + dctTrn;
- spanDctTrn.innerHTML = outputDctTrn;
- eleHeaderTrn.appendChild(spanDctTrn);
- for (var i = 0; i < elesSug.length; i++)
- {
- var eleSug = elesSug[i];
- var dctSug = countsSug[i];
- var spanDctSug = document.createElement("span");
- spanDctSug.classList.add("stsh_spanDctSug");
- spanDctSug.classList.add("stsh_spanStatusSug");
- spanDctSug.classList.add("stsh_cursor_help");
- if (dctSug > 0)
- {
- spanDctSug.classList.add("stsh_red");
- spanDctSug.classList.add("stsh_status_unmatched");
- spanDctSug.title = dctTitleBad;
- }
- else
- {
- spanDctSug.classList.add("stsh_green");
- spanDctSug.title = dctTitleGood;
- }
- var outputDctSug = " DiacriticalMark: " + dctSug;
- spanDctSug.innerHTML = outputDctSug;
- insertBeforeElement(spanDctSug, eleSug);
- }
- }
- }
- // Check HTML elements count
- // Sample: https://translation.steampowered.com/translate.php?search_input=%23Email_Partner_KeyRequest_Doc_Instructions
- // Sample: https://translation.steampowered.com/translate.php?search_input=turret.sp_sabotage_factory_defect
- {
- var hasElement = false;
- var queryCount = ':not([style="color:red;"])'
- + ':not([style="color:#ff0000;"])'
- + ':not([style="color:#ffffff;"])'
- + ':not([style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: blue"])'
- + ':not([face="Times New Roman"])'
- + ':not([data-pagespeed-no-defer])';
- var countEleOrg = eleTextOrg.querySelectorAll(queryCount).length;
- var countEleTrn = -1; // -1 means Not Translated
- if (!eleTextTrn.classList.contains("stsh_text_trn_empty"))
- {
- countEleTrn = eleTextTrn.querySelectorAll(queryCount).length;
- }
- var countsSug = [];
- // Suggested
- var elesSug = elesTextSug;
- for (var i = 0; i < elesSug.length; i++)
- {
- var eleSug = elesSug[i];
- var countEle = eleSug.querySelectorAll(queryCount).length;;
- if (countEle > 0)
- {
- hasElement = true;
- }
- countsSug.push(countEle);
- }
- hasElement = hasElement || countEleOrg > 0 || countEleTrn > 0;
- if (hasElement)
- {
- var countTitleGood = "You can check HTML elements by pressing Display HTML tags button. "
- + "\nSome tags and attributes were generated or removed by STS "
- + "\n(such as <script>, <br> and <img> tags). "
- + "\nIf you can submit, then it's OK.";
- var countTitleBad = "HTML elements count not matched. \n" + countTitleGood;
- var spanCountOrg = document.createElement("span");
- spanCountOrg.id = "stsh_spanCountEleOrg";
- spanCountOrg.classList.add("stsh_spanStatusOrg");
- spanCountOrg.classList.add("stsh_blue");
- spanCountOrg.classList.add("stsh_cursor_help");
- spanCountOrg.title = countTitleGood;
- spanCountOrg.innerHTML = " HtmlElementCount: " + countEleOrg;
- eleHeaderOrg.appendChild(spanCountOrg);
- // Translated
- if (countEleTrn > -1)
- {
- var spanCountTrn = document.createElement("span");
- spanCountTrn.id = "stsh_spanCountEleTrn";
- spanCountTrn.classList.add("stsh_spanStatusTrn");
- spanCountTrn.classList.add("stsh_cursor_help");
- var outputTrn = " HtmlElementCount: " + countEleTrn;
- if (countEleOrg === countEleTrn)
- {
- spanCountTrn.classList.add("stsh_green");
- spanCountTrn.title = countTitleGood;
- outputTrn += (countEleOrg > 0) ? " (Matched)" : "";
- }
- else
- {
- spanCountTrn.classList.add("stsh_blue");
- spanCountTrn.classList.add("stsh_status_unmatched");
- spanCountTrn.title = countTitleBad;
- outputTrn += (countEleOrg > 0) ? " (Not matched)" : "";
- }
- spanCountTrn.innerHTML = outputTrn;
- eleHeaderTrn.appendChild(spanCountTrn);
- }
- // Suggested
- for (var i = 0; i < elesSug.length; i++)
- {
- var eleSug = elesSug[i];
- var countEleSug = countsSug[i];
- var spanCountSug = document.createElement("span");
- spanCountSug.classList.add("stsh_spanCountEleSug");
- spanCountSug.classList.add("stsh_spanStatusSug");
- spanCountSug.classList.add("stsh_cursor_help");
- var outputSug = " HtmlElementCount: " + countEleSug;
- if (countEleOrg === countEleSug)
- {
- spanCountSug.classList.add("stsh_green");
- spanCountSug.title = countTitleGood;
- outputSug += (countEleOrg > 0) ? " (Matched)" : "";
- }
- else
- {
- spanCountSug.classList.add("stsh_blue");
- spanCountSug.classList.add("stsh_status_unmatched");
- spanCountSug.title = countTitleBad;
- outputSug += (countEleOrg > 0) ? "/" + countEleOrg + " (Not matched)" : "";
- }
- spanCountSug.innerHTML = outputSug;
- insertBeforeElement(spanCountSug, eleSug);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Display newlines
- // Display spaces
- // Display specialChars
- // Display HTML tags
- // Display hidden contents
- // Minimize images
- {
- var eleSugListHeader = document.querySelector(".stsh_suggestion_list_header");
- if (eleSugListHeader && eleTextOrg && eleTextTrn)
- {
- var htmlOrg = eleTextOrg.dataset.stshHtml;
- var htmlTrn = eleTextTrn.classList.contains("stsh_text_trn_empty") ? "" : eleTextTrn.dataset.stshHtml;
- var elesSug = elesTextSug;
- var eleGroup = null;
- var elesBtn = [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]
- var enableDisplay = false;
- var enableNewline = false;
- var enableSpace = false;
- var enableSpecialChar = false;
- var enableHtmlTag = false;
- var enableHidden = false;
- var enableMinImg = false;
- var rgxSpaceTagOpen = /(<[^\/][^>]+>)( +)([^< \r\n])/g;
- var rgxSpaceTagClose = /([^> \r\n])( +)(<\/[^>]+>)/g;
- var hasNewline = function(html)
- {
- return html.indexOf("\n") > -1 || html.indexOf("\\n") > -1;
- }
- var hasSpace = function(html)
- {
- return html.indexOf(" ") === 0 || isLastIndex(html, " ")
- || rgxSpaceTagOpen.test(html) || rgxSpaceTagClose.test(html);
- }
- var hasHtmlTag = function(html)
- {
- return html.indexOf("<") > -1 || html.indexOf("[/") > -1;
- }
- var hasHidden = function(eleTextOrg, eleTextTrn, elesSug)
- {
- var returnValue = false;
- returnValue = !!(eleTextOrg.querySelector("*[style='display: none;']")
- || eleTextTrn.querySelector("*[style='display: none;']"));
- if (!returnValue)
- {
- if (elesSug.length > 0)
- {
- returnValue = !!(elesSug[0].querySelector("*[style='display: none;']"));
- }
- }
- if (returnValue)
- {
- var countHidden = 0;
- var elesHidden = eleTextOrg.querySelectorAll("*[style='display: none;']");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesHidden.length; i++)
- {
- if (elesHidden[i].childElementCount > 1
- || (elesHidden[i].firstElementChild
- && elesHidden[i].firstElementChild.tagName !== "STYLE"))
- {
- countHidden++;
- break;
- }
- }
- returnValue = countHidden > 0;
- }
- if (!returnValue)
- {
- returnValue = !!(eleTextOrg.querySelector(".collapse, .dropdown-before")
- || eleTextTrn.querySelector(".collapse, .dropdown-before"));
- }
- return returnValue;
- }
- var hasImage = function(eleTextOrg, eleTextTrn)
- {
- return !!(eleTextOrg.querySelector("img") || eleTextTrn.querySelector("img"));
- }
- enableNewline = hasNewline(htmlOrg) || hasNewline(htmlTrn);
- enableSpace = hasSpace(htmlOrg) || hasSpace(htmlTrn);
- enableSpecialChar = hasSpecialChar(htmlOrg) || hasSpecialChar(htmlTrn);
- enableHtmlTag = hasHtmlTag(htmlOrg) || hasHtmlTag(htmlTrn);
- enableHidden = hasHidden(eleTextOrg, eleTextTrn, elesSug);
- enableMinImg = hasImage(eleTextOrg, eleTextTrn);
- for (var i = 0; i < elesSug.length; i++)
- {
- var htmlSug = elesSug[i].dataset.stshHtml;
- enableNewline = enableNewline || hasNewline(htmlSug);
- enableSpace = enableSpace || hasSpace(htmlSug);
- enableSpecialChar = enableSpecialChar || hasSpecialChar(htmlSug);
- }
- enableDisplay = enableNewline || enableSpace || enableSpecialChar
- || enableHtmlTag || enableHidden || enableMinImg;
- if (enableDisplay)
- {
- elesBtn[0] = document.createElement("input");
- elesBtn[0].id = "stsh_btn_restoreContents";
- elesBtn[0].classList.add("stsh_btn_right");
- elesBtn[0].classList.add("stsh_margin_left");
- elesBtn[0].setAttribute("type", "button");
- elesBtn[0].setAttribute("value", "Restore contents");
- elesBtn[0].setAttribute("title", "Restore original contents");
- elesBtn[0].disabled = true;
- eleSugListHeader.appendChild(elesBtn[0]);
- var restoreContents = function(ele)
- {
- if (ele)
- {
- ele.innerHTML = ele.dataset.stshHtml;
- }
- };
- elesBtn[0].addEventListener("click", function(ev)
- {
- var eleTarget = ev.target;
- eleTarget.disabled = true;
- for (var i = 1; i < elesBtn.length; i++)
- {
- if (elesBtn[i])
- {
- elesBtn[i].disabled = false;
- elesBtn[i].focus();
- }
- }
- var topOld = Math.floor(eleTarget.getBoundingClientRect().top) || 0;
- var eleTextOrg = document.querySelector(".stsh_text_org");
- var eleTextTrn = document.querySelector(".stsh_text_trn:not(.stsh_text_trn_empty)");
- restoreContents(eleTextOrg);
- restoreContents(eleTextTrn);
- var elesSug = document.querySelectorAll(".suggestion_text");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesSug.length; i++)
- {
- var eleSug = elesSug[i];
- restoreContents(eleSug);
- }
- var topNew = Math.floor(eleTarget.getBoundingClientRect().top) || 0;
- if (topOld !== topNew)
- {
- window.scrollBy(0, topNew - topOld);
- }
- });
- eleGroup = document.createElement("div");
- eleGroup.classList.add("stsh_group_display");
- eleGroup.classList.add("stsh_btn_right");
- eleSugListHeader.appendChild(eleGroup);
- }
- // Display newlines
- if (enableNewline)
- {
- elesBtn[1] = document.createElement("input");
- elesBtn[1].id = "stsh_btn_displayNewlines";
- elesBtn[1].classList.add("stsh_btn_right");
- elesBtn[1].classList.add("stsh_btn_display");
- elesBtn[1].setAttribute("type", "button");
- elesBtn[1].setAttribute("value", "Newlines");
- elesBtn[1].setAttribute("title", "Display newlines (\\n and <br>)");
- eleGroup.appendChild(elesBtn[1]);
- var displayNewlines = function(ele)
- {
- if (ele)
- {
- ele.innerHTML = ele.dataset.stshHtml
- .replace(/\<span[^\>]+class=\"stsh_[\s\S]+?\/span\>/ig, "")
- .replace(/\n/g, "\n<br>")
- .replace(/(\\r)? *\\n/g, ' <span class="stsh_marker">$&</span><br>')
- .replace(/\<br\>[\s]+/g, "<br> ");
- }
- };
- elesBtn[1].addEventListener("click", function(ev)
- {
- var eleTarget = ev.target;
- eleTarget.disabled = true;
- for (var i = 0; i < elesBtn.length; i++)
- {
- if (elesBtn[i] && elesBtn[i] !== eleTarget)
- {
- elesBtn[i].disabled = false;
- }
- }
- elesBtn[0].focus();
- var topOld = Math.floor(eleTarget.getBoundingClientRect().top) || 0;
- var eleTextOrg = document.querySelector(".stsh_text_org");
- var eleTextTrn = document.querySelector(".stsh_text_trn:not(.stsh_text_trn_empty)");
- displayNewlines(eleTextOrg);
- displayNewlines(eleTextTrn);
- var elesSug = document.querySelectorAll(".suggestion_text");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesSug.length; i++)
- {
- var eleSug = elesSug[i];
- displayNewlines(eleSug);
- }
- var topNew = Math.floor(eleTarget.getBoundingClientRect().top) || 0;
- if (topOld !== topNew)
- {
- window.scrollBy(0, topNew - topOld);
- }
- });
- }
- // Display spaces
- // Sample: Use regexp ^[ ]+[^/W]|[^/W][ ]+$ to search
- // Sample: https://translation.steampowered.com/translate.php?search_input=portal_lyrics_17
- // Sample: https://translation.steampowered.com/translate.php?search_input=portal_lyrics_23
- if (enableSpace)
- {
- elesBtn[2] = document.createElement("input");
- elesBtn[2].id = "stsh_btn_displaySpaces";
- elesBtn[2].classList.add("stsh_btn_right");
- elesBtn[2].classList.add("stsh_btn_display");
- elesBtn[2].setAttribute("type", "button");
- elesBtn[2].setAttribute("value", "Spaces");
- elesBtn[2].setAttribute("title", "Strings may have leading or trailing spaces.");
- eleGroup.appendChild(elesBtn[2]);
- var displaySpaces = function(ele)
- {
- if (ele)
- {
- ele.innerHTML = ele.dataset.stshHtml
- .replace(/(^ +| +$)/g, function(match, p1)
- {
- return '<span class="stsh_marker">' + p1.replace(/ /g,"_") + '</span>';
- })
- .replace(rgxSpaceTagOpen, function(match, p1, p2, p3)
- {
- return p1 + '<span class="stsh_marker">' + p2.replace(/ /g,"_") + '</span>' + p3;
- })
- .replace(rgxSpaceTagClose, function(match, p1, p2, p3)
- {
- return p1 + '<span class="stsh_marker">' + p2.replace(/ /g,"_") + '</span>' + p3;
- });
- }
- }
- elesBtn[2].addEventListener("click", function(ev)
- {
- var eleTarget = ev.target;
- eleTarget.disabled = true;
- for (var i = 0; i < elesBtn.length; i++)
- {
- if (elesBtn[i] && elesBtn[i] !== eleTarget)
- {
- elesBtn[i].disabled = false;
- }
- }
- elesBtn[0].focus();
- var topOld = Math.floor(eleTarget.getBoundingClientRect().top) || 0;
- var eleTextOrg = document.querySelector(".stsh_text_org");
- var eleTextTrn = document.querySelector(".stsh_text_trn:not(.stsh_text_trn_empty)");
- displaySpaces(eleTextOrg);
- displaySpaces(eleTextTrn);
- var elesSug = document.querySelectorAll(".suggestion_text");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesSug.length; i++)
- {
- var eleSug = elesSug[i];
- displaySpaces(eleSug);
- }
- var topNew = Math.floor(eleTarget.getBoundingClientRect().top) || 0;
- if (topOld !== topNew)
- {
- window.scrollBy(0, topNew - topOld);
- }
- });
- }
- // Display specialChars
- // Sample: https://translation.steampowered.com/translate.php?search_input=Item_Traded
- if (enableSpecialChar)
- {
- elesBtn[3] = document.createElement("input");
- elesBtn[3].id = "stsh_btn_displaySpecialChars";
- elesBtn[3].classList.add("stsh_btn_right");
- elesBtn[3].classList.add("stsh_btn_display");
- elesBtn[3].setAttribute("type", "button");
- elesBtn[3].setAttribute("value", "Special chars");
- elesBtn[3].setAttribute("title", "Special chars usually use in Valve games as color symbols.");
- eleGroup.appendChild(elesBtn[3]);
- var replaceSpecialChars = function(str, unicodeNumber)
- {
- var rgx = new RegExp("\\u" + padZeroHex(unicodeNumber, 4), "g");
- return str.replace(rgx, '<span class="stsh_marker">[' + padZeroHex(unicodeNumber, 2) + ']</span>');
- }
- var displaySpecialChars = function(ele)
- {
- if (ele)
- {
- var strInner = (typeof ele.dataset.stshHtml === "undefined")
- ? trimTab(ele.innerHTML) : ele.dataset.stshHtml;
- for (var i = 0; i < 32; i++)
- {
- if (hasSpecialChar(strInner))
- {
- if (isSpecialChar(i))
- {
- strInner = replaceSpecialChars(strInner, i);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- ele.innerHTML = strInner;
- }
- }
- elesBtn[3].addEventListener("click", function(ev)
- {
- var eleTarget = ev.target;
- eleTarget.disabled = true;
- for (var i = 0; i < elesBtn.length; i++)
- {
- if (elesBtn[i] && elesBtn[i] !== eleTarget)
- {
- elesBtn[i].disabled = false;
- }
- }
- elesBtn[0].focus();
- var topOld = Math.floor(eleTarget.getBoundingClientRect().top) || 0;
- var eleTextOrg = document.querySelector(".stsh_text_org");
- var eleTextTrn = document.querySelector(".stsh_text_trn:not(.stsh_text_trn_empty)");
- displaySpecialChars(eleTextOrg);
- displaySpecialChars(eleTextTrn);
- var elesSug = document.querySelectorAll(
- ".suggestion_text, .stsh_sametoken_header .insertword, .stsh_text_comment");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesSug.length; i++)
- {
- var eleSug = elesSug[i];
- displaySpecialChars(eleSug);
- }
- var topNew = Math.floor(eleTarget.getBoundingClientRect().top) || 0;
- if (topOld !== topNew)
- {
- window.scrollBy(0, topNew - topOld);
- }
- });
- }
- // Display HTML tags
- if (enableHtmlTag)
- {
- elesBtn[4] = document.createElement("input");
- elesBtn[4].id = "stsh_btn_displayHtmlTags";
- elesBtn[4].classList.add("stsh_btn_right");
- elesBtn[4].classList.add("stsh_btn_display");
- elesBtn[4].setAttribute("type", "button");
- elesBtn[4].setAttribute("value", "HTML tags");
- elesBtn[4].setAttribute("title"
- , "Some closing tags and attributes were autogenerated by web browser.");
- eleGroup.appendChild(elesBtn[4]);
- elesBtn[4].addEventListener("click", function(ev)
- {
- var eleTarget = ev.target;
- eleTarget.disabled = true;
- for (var i = 0; i < elesBtn.length; i++)
- {
- if (elesBtn[i] && elesBtn[i] !== eleTarget)
- {
- elesBtn[i].disabled = false;
- }
- }
- elesBtn[0].focus();
- var topOld = Math.floor(eleTarget.getBoundingClientRect().top) || 0;
- var eleTextOrg = document.querySelector(".stsh_text_org");
- var eleTextTrn = document.querySelector(".stsh_text_trn:not(.stsh_text_trn_empty)");
- displayHtmlTags(eleTextOrg);
- displayHtmlTags(eleTextTrn);
- var elesSug = document.querySelectorAll(".suggestion_text");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesSug.length; i++)
- {
- var eleSug = elesSug[i];
- displayHtmlTags(eleSug);
- }
- var topNew = Math.floor(eleTarget.getBoundingClientRect().top) || 0;
- if (topOld !== topNew)
- {
- window.scrollBy(0, topNew - topOld);
- }
- });
- }
- // Display hidden contents
- // Sample: https://translation.steampowered.com/translate.php?search_input=faq_4181_answer
- if (enableHidden)
- {
- elesBtn[5] = document.createElement("input");
- elesBtn[5].id = "stsh_btn_displayHidden";
- elesBtn[5].classList.add("stsh_btn_right");
- elesBtn[5].classList.add("stsh_btn_display");
- elesBtn[5].setAttribute("type", "button");
- elesBtn[5].setAttribute("value", "Hidden contents");
- elesBtn[5].setAttribute("title", "Toggle show/hide contents that hidden by CSS."
- + " \nHidden contents shown in gray boxes.");
- elesBtn[5].dataset.modeNext = "show";
- eleGroup.appendChild(elesBtn[5]);
- var showHidden = function(ele, mode)
- {
- if (ele)
- {
- if (mode === "show")
- {
- var elesHidden = ele.querySelectorAll(
- "*[style='display: none;'], .collapse, .dropdown-before");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesHidden.length; i++)
- {
- elesHidden[i].classList.add("stsh_showHidden");
- }
- }
- else
- {
- var elesHidden = ele.querySelectorAll(".stsh_showHidden");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesHidden.length; i++)
- {
- elesHidden[i].classList.remove("stsh_showHidden");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- elesBtn[5].addEventListener("click", function(ev)
- {
- var eleTarget = ev.target;
- var mode = "show";
- if (eleTarget.dataset.modeNext === "show")
- {
- mode = "show";
- eleTarget.dataset.modeNext = "hide";
- }
- else
- {
- mode = "hide";
- eleTarget.dataset.modeNext = "show";
- }
- var topOld = Math.floor(eleTarget.getBoundingClientRect().top) || 0;
- var eleTextOrg = document.querySelector(".stsh_text_org");
- var eleTextTrn = document.querySelector(".stsh_text_trn:not(.stsh_text_trn_empty)");
- showHidden(eleTextOrg, mode);
- showHidden(eleTextTrn, mode);
- var elesSug = document.querySelectorAll(".suggestion_text");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesSug.length; i++)
- {
- var eleSug = elesSug[i];
- showHidden(eleSug, mode);
- }
- var topNew = Math.floor(eleTarget.getBoundingClientRect().top) || 0;
- if (topOld !== topNew)
- {
- window.scrollBy(0, topNew - topOld);
- }
- });
- }
- // Minimize images
- // Sample: https://translation.steampowered.com/translate.php?search_input=faq_4192_answer
- if (enableMinImg)
- {
- elesBtn[6] = document.createElement("input");
- elesBtn[6].id = "stsh_btn_minimizeImages";
- elesBtn[6].classList.add("stsh_btn_right");
- elesBtn[6].classList.add("stsh_btn_display");
- elesBtn[6].setAttribute("type", "button");
- elesBtn[6].setAttribute("value", "Minimize images");
- elesBtn[6].setAttribute("title", "Toggle reduced/normal image sizes");
- elesBtn[6].dataset.modeNext = "min";
- eleGroup.appendChild(elesBtn[6]);
- var minimizeImages = function(ele, mode)
- {
- if (ele)
- {
- if (mode === "min")
- {
- var elesImg = ele.querySelectorAll("img:not(.stsh_img_min)");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesImg.length; i++)
- {
- elesImg[i].classList.add("stsh_img_min");
- }
- }
- else
- {
- var elesImg = ele.querySelectorAll("img.stsh_img_min");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesImg.length; i++)
- {
- elesImg[i].classList.remove("stsh_img_min");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- elesBtn[6].addEventListener("click", function(ev)
- {
- var eleTarget = ev.target;
- var mode = "min";
- if (eleTarget.dataset.modeNext === "min")
- {
- mode = "min";
- eleTarget.dataset.modeNext = "unmin";
- }
- else
- {
- mode = "unmin";
- eleTarget.dataset.modeNext = "min";
- }
- var topOld = Math.floor(eleTarget.getBoundingClientRect().top) || 0;
- var eleTextOrg = document.querySelector(".stsh_text_org");
- var eleTextTrn = document.querySelector(".stsh_text_trn:not(.stsh_text_trn_empty)");
- minimizeImages(eleTextOrg, mode);
- minimizeImages(eleTextTrn, mode);
- var elesSug = document.querySelectorAll(".suggestion_text");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesSug.length; i++)
- {
- var eleSug = elesSug[i];
- minimizeImages(eleSug, mode);
- }
- var topNew = Math.floor(eleTarget.getBoundingClientRect().top) || 0;
- if (topOld !== topNew)
- {
- window.scrollBy(0, topNew - topOld);
- }
- });
- }
- if (enableDisplay)
- {
- var eleDiv = document.createElement("div");
- eleDiv.classList.add("stsh_text_right");
- eleDiv.classList.add("stsh_margin_right");
- eleDiv.textContent = "Display:";
- eleSugListHeader.appendChild(eleDiv);
- }
- }
- }
- // Open comment when decline
- // Paste last comment
- {
- var countComment = 0;
- var elesComment = [];
- var countSug = document.querySelectorAll(".suggestions_list .suggestion").length;
- if (countSug > 0)
- {
- var textOrg = "";
- if (eleTextOrg)
- {
- textOrg = eleTextOrg.dataset.stshHtml.substr(0, 3000).toLowerCase();
- }
- var isSameTextOrg = textOrg === GM_getValue("textLastOrg_Comment", "");
- var textLastCur = GM_getValue("textLastCur_Comment", "");
- var isSetComment = false;
- var countSugDeclined = document.querySelectorAll(
- ".suggestions_list span[class='suggestion_status_declined']").length;
- if (countSug !== countSugDeclined)
- {
- var elesSugCheck = document.querySelectorAll(".suggestions_list span[class^='suggestion_status_']");
- if (countSug === elesSugCheck.length)
- {
- var eleSugDeclined = document.querySelector(".suggestions_list span[class='suggestion_status_declined']");
- if (eleSugDeclined && eleSugDeclined === elesSugCheck[0] && eleSugDeclined.querySelector("a"))
- {
- countSugDeclined = countSug;
- }
- }
- }
- if (countSug === countSugDeclined)
- {
- var elesSugA = document.querySelectorAll(".suggestions_list span[class^='suggestion_status_'] a");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesSugA.length; i++)
- {
- var eleComment = elesSugA[i].parentElement.parentElement.nextSibling;
- if (eleComment.nodeName === "DIV" && eleComment.classList.contains("copy"))
- {
- if (elesSugA[i].parentElement.classList.contains("suggestion_status_declined"))
- {
- countComment++;
- elesComment.push(eleComment);
- }
- }
- }
- if (countComment === elesSugA.length)
- {
- var isFocus = false;
- for (var i = 0; i < elesComment.length; i++)
- {
- elesComment[i].style.display = "block";
- if (!isFocus)
- {
- var eleTxt = elesComment[i].querySelector(".stsh_text_addComment");
- if (eleTxt)
- {
- eleTxt.focus();
- // Auto paste last comment
- {
- if (isSameTextOrg)
- {
- if (textLastCur !== "")
- {
- eleTxt.value = textLastCur;
- isSetComment = true;
- }
- setTimeoutCustom(function(ele)
- {
- // paste again after script ran
- if (ele)
- {
- var textLastCur = GM_getValue("textLastCur_Comment", "");
- if (textLastCur !== "")
- {
- ele.value = textLastCur;
- //ele.selectionStart = 0;
- //ele.selectionEnd = ele.value.length;
- }
- }
- }, timingInit.pasteLastComment, eleTxt);
- }
- }
- /*
- // Typonion
- var eleSugOuter = elesComment[i].parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement;
- if (eleSugOuter.classList.contains("suggestion"))
- {
- var eleOnion = eleSugOuter.querySelector(".suggestion_text font[style='color:#01ec00;']");
- if (eleOnion)
- {
- eleTxt.value = "onion";
- }
- }
- */
- var eleSugComment = elesComment[i].parentElement
- .parentElement.parentElement.querySelector(".stsh_text_comment font");
- if (eleSugComment && eleSugComment.textContent.trim() ==
- "ATTENTION - English string was updated. This suggestion might be outdated.")
- {
- eleTxt.value = "outdated";
- isSetComment = true;
- }
- isFocus = true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (isSameTextOrg && !isSetComment && textLastCur !== "")
- {
- // paste last comment to all hidden comment inputs
- var elesTxt = document.querySelectorAll(".stsh_text_addComment");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesTxt.length; i++)
- {
- elesTxt[i].value = textLastCur;
- isSetComment = true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Convert time
- {
- var rgxTime = /\d{2}-\d{2}-\d{4}, \d{2}:\d{2} [AP]M/;
- var months = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'];
- var eleFriends = document.querySelectorAll(".friend_block_avatar, .stsh_discussion, .suggestions_list");
- for (var i = 0; i < eleFriends.length; i++)
- {
- var nodes = [];
- if (eleFriends[i].classList.contains("friend_block_avatar"))
- {
- nodes = eleFriends[i].childNodes;
- if (nodes.length === 1)
- {
- // Correct HTML tags that auto generated
- nodes = eleFriends[i].childNodes[0].childNodes;
- }
- }
- else if (eleFriends[i].classList.contains("stsh_discussion"))
- {
- nodes = eleFriends[i].childNodes[2].childNodes;
- }
- else if (eleFriends[i].classList.contains("suggestions_list"))
- {
- if (!eleFriends[i].querySelector(".suggestion"))
- {
- nodes = eleFriends[i].childNodes;
- }
- }
- for (var j = 0; j < nodes.length; j++)
- {
- var nodeVal = nodes[j].nodeValue;
- if (nodeVal)
- {
- var dateTimes = rgxTime.exec(nodeVal);
- if (dateTimes)
- {
- var dateTime = dateTimes[0];
- var month = dateTime.substr(0, 2);
- var day = dateTime.substr(3, 2);
- var year = dateTime.substr(6, 4);
- var hour = dateTime.substr(12, 2);
- var minute = dateTime.substr(15, 2);
- var period = dateTime.substr(18, 2);
- if (period === "AM")
- {
- if (hour === "12")
- {
- hour = "00"
- }
- }
- else if (period === "PM")
- {
- hour = parseInt(hour) + 12;
- if (hour === 24)
- {
- hour = 12;
- }
- }
- var dateTimeStd = year + "-" + month + "-" + day;
- if (isDstUs(year, month, day, hour))
- {
- dateTimeStd += "T" + hour + ":" + minute + ":00-0700";
- }
- else
- {
- dateTimeStd += "T" + hour + ":" + minute + ":00-0800";
- }
- var dateStd = new Date(dateTimeStd);
- if (dateStd.toLocaleString() !== "Invalid Date")
- {
- var gmt = dateStd.getTimezoneOffset() / 60 * -1;
- var gmtStr = " GMT";
- if (gmt > 0)
- {
- gmtStr += "+" + gmt;
- }
- else if (gmt < 0)
- {
- gmtStr += "-" + gmt;
- }
- var dateNew = dateStd.getDate()
- + " " + months[dateStd.getMonth()]
- + " " + dateStd.getFullYear()
- + ", " + padZero(dateStd.getHours(), 2)
- + ":" + padZero(dateStd.getMinutes(), 2)
- + gmtStr;
- //console.log("Time: " + dateTimeStd);
- //console.log("Time: " + dateTime + " -> " + dateNew);
- //var dateNew2 = dateStd.toLocaleString() + gmtStr;
- //console.log("Time: " + dateTime + " -> " + dateNew2);
- var nodeValBegin = nodeVal.substr(0, nodeVal.indexOf(dateTime));
- var nodeValEnd = nodeVal.substr(nodeVal.indexOf(dateTime) + dateTime.length);
- nodes[j].nodeValue = nodeValBegin;
- var ele = document.createElement("span");
- ele.classList.add("stsh_time_convert");
- ele.classList.add("stsh_cursor_help");
- ele.setAttribute("title", dateTime);
- ele.textContent = dateNew;
- insertAfterElement(ele, nodes[j]);
- if (nodeValEnd !== "")
- {
- insertAfterElement(document.createTextNode(nodeValEnd), ele);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- console.log("Invalid Date: " + dateTimeStd);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Fix STS PM functions
- {
- var elesSpan = document.querySelectorAll(".friend_block_avatar > span[onclick^='totranslator']");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesSpan.length; i++)
- {
- var eleUser = elesSpan[i].parentElement.firstElementChild;
- if (eleUser.tagName === "A")
- {
- var execUser = /user=([0-9]+)/i.exec(eleUser.getAttribute("href"));
- if (execUser && execUser.length === 2)
- {
- var attrClick = elesSpan[i].getAttribute("onclick");
- var execTranslator = /totranslator\('([0-9]+)'\)/i.exec(attrClick);
- if (execTranslator && execTranslator.length === 2)
- {
- if (execUser[1] !== execTranslator[1])
- {
- elesSpan[i].setAttribute("onclick", "totranslator('" + execUser[1] + "')");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Add Steam profile links
- {
- var elesSpan = document.querySelectorAll("span[title='Send this user a private message']");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesSpan.length; i++)
- {
- var attrClick = elesSpan[i].getAttribute("onclick");
- var execTranslator = /totranslator\('([0-9]+)'\)/i.exec(attrClick);
- if (execTranslator && execTranslator.length === 2)
- {
- var ele = document.createElement("a");
- ele.classList.add("stsh_steamProfile");
- ele.setAttribute("target", "_blank");
- ele.setAttribute("title", "View Steam profile");
- ele.setAttribute("href", "https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/" + execTranslator[1]);
- var name = "Steam";
- var eleParent = elesSpan[i].parentElement;
- if (eleParent.classList.contains("friend_block_avatar"))
- {
- var eleImg = eleParent.querySelector("a[href^='user_activity.php'] > img");
- if (eleImg && eleImg.title && eleImg.title.trim())
- {
- name = eleImg.title.trim();
- }
- }
- else if (eleParent.tagName === "TD")
- {
- var eleImg = eleParent.parentElement.querySelector(
- "td > .friend_block_discussions > a[href^='user_activity.php'] > img");
- if (eleImg && eleImg.title && eleImg.title.trim())
- {
- name = eleImg.title.trim();
- }
- }
- ele.textContent = " " + name + " ";
- var eleNext = elesSpan[i].nextSibling;
- if (eleNext && eleNext.textContent.trim() === "")
- {
- eleNext.textContent = " | ";
- }
- insertAfterElement(ele, elesSpan[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- // Add auto approve
- {
- if (elesInputApprove.length > 0 && document.querySelector(".stsh_action_approve_next"))
- {
- var eleInput = document.createElement("input");
- eleInput.id = "stsh_autoApprove";
- eleInput.setAttribute("type", "checkbox");
- eleInput.setAttribute("value", "auto");
- var eleLabel = document.createElement("label");
- eleLabel.classList.add("stsh_autoApprove_label");
- eleLabel.classList.add("stsh_unselectable");
- eleLabel.setAttribute("for", "stsh_autoApprove");
- eleLabel.setAttribute("title", "Please use with care!");
- eleLabel.textContent = " Auto Approve Next ";
- elesInputApprove[0].parentElement.appendChild(eleInput);
- elesInputApprove[0].parentElement.appendChild(eleLabel);
- var autoApprove = function()
- {
- console.log("AutoApprove: Next in " + timingInit.autoApprove + "ms");
- setTimeoutCustom(function ()
- {
- var eleCheck = document.querySelector("#stsh_autoApprove");
- if (eleCheck && eleCheck.checked)
- {
- var isClicked = false;
- var ele = document.querySelector(".stsh_action_approve_next");
- if (ele && !ele.disabled && isVisible())
- {
- var isSkip = false;
- var eleSugComment = ele.parentElement
- .parentElement.parentElement.querySelector(".stsh_text_comment font");
- if (eleSugComment && eleSugComment.textContent.trim() ==
- "ATTENTION - English string was updated. This suggestion might be outdated.")
- {
- isSkip = true;
- }
- if (!isSkip)
- {
- var eleStatusUnmatched = document.querySelector(".stsh_spanSpSug.stsh_status_unmatched");
- if (eleStatusUnmatched)
- {
- isSkip = true;
- }
- }
- if (!isSkip)
- {
- isClicked = true;
- GM_setValue("timeAutoApproveLast", getUnixTimestamp());
- ele.click();
- }
- }
- if (!isClicked)
- {
- eleCheck.checked = false;
- GM_setValue("isAutoApprove", "false");
- }
- }
- }, timingInit.autoApprove);
- }
- var tmDiff = getUnixTimestamp() - GM_getValue("timeAutoApproveLast", 0);
- if (tmDiff > 120)
- {
- // > 120s
- eleInput.checked = false;
- GM_setValue("isAutoApprove", "false");
- }
- if (window !== window.parent)
- {
- var eleOuter = window.parent.document.querySelector("#suggestions_box_outer");
- if (eleOuter)
- {
- if (eleOuter.style.display === "none")
- {
- // Closed iFrame
- eleInput.checked = false;
- GM_setValue("isAutoApprove", "false");
- }
- }
- }
- if (GM_getValue("isAutoApprove", 0) === "true")
- {
- eleInput.checked = true;
- autoApprove();
- var uncheckAutoApprove = function (ev)
- {
- var eleTarget = ev.target;
- if (eleTarget.id !== "stsh_autoApprove"
- && !eleTarget.classList.contains("stsh_autoApprove_label")
- && !eleTarget.classList.contains("stsh_action_approve_next"))
- {
- // Skip auto click
- var eleAuto = document.querySelector("#stsh_autoApprove");
- if (eleAuto)
- {
- console.log("AutoApprove: Stop");
- eleAuto.checked = false;
- GM_setValue("isAutoApprove", "false");
- document.removeEventListener("click", uncheckAutoApprove);
- }
- }
- };
- // Stop with any clicked
- document.addEventListener("click", uncheckAutoApprove);
- }
- eleInput.addEventListener("click", function (e)
- {
- var ele = e.target;
- if (ele.checked)
- {
- GM_setValue("isAutoApprove", "true");
- autoApprove();
- }
- else
- {
- GM_setValue("isAutoApprove", "false");
- }
- });
- }
- }
- // Warn when remove
- // Suggest to remove
- // Add remove & next
- {
- var canNext = !!(document.querySelector(".stsh_nav_next:not(:disabled)"));
- var elesRemove = document.querySelectorAll(".stsh_action_remove");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesRemove.length; i++)
- {
- var isDisabled = false;
- var oldClick = elesRemove[i].getAttribute("onclick");
- if (oldClick && oldClick.indexOf("location.href") === 0)
- {
- var eleSug = elesRemove[i].parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement;
- if (eleSug.classList.contains("suggestion"))
- {
- /*
- // Typonion
- var eleOnion = eleSug.querySelector(".suggestion_text font[style='color:#01ec00;']");
- if (eleOnion)
- {
- var newClick = "if (!confirm(\"Warning: You will delete your onion. Press Cancel to go back.\")) return false; "
- + oldClick;
- elesRemove[i].setAttribute("onclick", newClick);
- elesRemove[i].setAttribute("title", "Do not remove your onion!");
- elesRemove[i].classList.add("stsh_grey");
- elesRemove[i].classList.add("stsh_cursor_notallowed");
- }
- else
- */
- {
- var eleModComment = elesRemove[i].parentElement.querySelector(".stsh_text_comment_header");
- if (eleModComment)
- {
- // Mod commented, suggest to do not remove
- var newClick = "if (!confirm(\"Warning: You should not remove this suggestion."
- + " Press OK if you really want.\")) return false; "
- + oldClick;
- elesRemove[i].setAttribute("onclick", newClick);
- elesRemove[i].setAttribute("title",
- "Your suggestion has a mod's comment! \nShould not remove this suggestion.");
- elesRemove[i].classList.add("stsh_grey");
- elesRemove[i].classList.add("stsh_cursor_notallowed");
- isDisabled = true;
- }
- else
- {
- var eleUserComment = elesRemove[i].parentElement.parentElement.parentElement
- .querySelector(".stsh_text_comment_header");
- if (eleUserComment)
- {
- // User commented
- var comment = eleUserComment.textContent.trim();
- if (comment.indexOf("ATTENTION - English string was updated.") > -1)
- {
- // Outdated, suggest to edit and remove
- elesRemove[i].setAttribute("title",
- "Please edit and remove this outdated suggestion.");
- elesRemove[i].classList.add("stsh_green");
- elesRemove[i].classList.add("stsh_border_green");
- isDisabled = true;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!isDisabled)
- {
- var eleDeclined = elesRemove[i].parentElement.querySelector(".suggestion_status_declined");
- if (eleDeclined)
- {
- // Declined without comment, suggest to remove
- elesRemove[i].setAttribute("title",
- "Please remove this suggestion to save admin time.");
- elesRemove[i].classList.add("stsh_green");
- elesRemove[i].classList.add("stsh_border_green");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Add remove & next
- {
- elesRemove[i].classList.add("stsh_border_left");
- var eleNext = elesRemove[i].nextElementSibling;
- if (!eleNext || eleNext.value !== "Next")
- {
- eleNext = document.createElement("input");
- insertAfterElement(eleNext, elesRemove[i]);
- }
- eleNext.value = "Next";
- eleNext.classList.add("stsh_action_remove_next");
- eleNext.classList.add("stsh_border_right");
- eleNext.setAttribute("type", "button");
- if (canNext && !isDisabled)
- {
- eleNext.title = "Remove & Next";
- eleNext.classList.add("stsh_yellow_light");
- if (!eleNext.getAttribute("onclick"))
- {
- var onclick = elesRemove[i].getAttribute("onclick")
- .replace("';", "&ynext=true';");
- eleNext.setAttribute("onclick", onclick);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- eleNext.disabled = true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Suggest to decline outdated
- {
- if (document.querySelector(".stsh_action_approve"))
- {
- var elesAttention = document.querySelectorAll(".stsh_text_comment > font > i > b");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesAttention.length; i++)
- {
- if (elesAttention[i].textContent.trim()
- === "ATTENTION - English string was updated. This suggestion might be outdated.")
- {
- var eleAction = elesAttention[i]
- .parentElement.parentElement
- .parentElement.parentElement
- .nextElementSibling;
- var eleApprove = eleAction.querySelector(".stsh_action_approve");
- var eleApproveNext = null;
- var eleDecline = null;
- if (eleApprove)
- {
- eleApproveNext = eleApprove.nextElementSibling;
- var oldClick = eleApprove.getAttribute("onclick");
- if (oldClick && oldClick.indexOf("location.href") === 0)
- {
- var newClick = "if (!confirm(\"Warning: Please decline outdated suggestion."
- + " Press OK if you really want to approve.\")) return false; "
- + oldClick;
- eleApprove.setAttribute("onclick", newClick);
- eleApprove.setAttribute("title", "Please decline outdated suggestion.");
- eleApprove.classList.add("stsh_grey");
- eleApprove.classList.add("stsh_cursor_notallowed");
- }
- }
- if (eleApproveNext)
- {
- eleDecline = eleApproveNext.nextElementSibling;
- if (!eleApproveNext.disabled)
- {
- var oldClick = eleApproveNext.getAttribute("onclick");
- if (oldClick && oldClick.indexOf("location.href") === 0)
- {
- var newClick = "if (!confirm(\"Warning: Please decline outdated suggestion."
- + " Press OK if you really want to approve.\")) return false; "
- + oldClick;
- eleApproveNext.setAttribute("onclick", newClick);
- eleApproveNext.setAttribute("title", "Please decline outdated suggestion.");
- eleApproveNext.classList.add("stsh_grey");
- eleApproveNext.classList.add("stsh_cursor_notallowed");
- }
- }
- }
- if (eleDecline)
- {
- eleDecline.setAttribute("title", "Please decline outdated suggestion.");
- eleDecline.classList.add("stsh_green");
- eleDecline.classList.add("stsh_border_green_left");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Clean language markers that link to Steam
- {
- var rgxLang = /[\?&]l=[a-z]+$/i;
- var elesDiscussText = document.querySelectorAll(".stsh_discussion_text");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesDiscussText.length; i++)
- {
- var elesA = elesDiscussText[i].querySelectorAll("a[href*='steam']");
- for (var j = 0; j < elesA.length; j++)
- {
- var href = elesA[j].getAttribute("href");
- if (rgxLang.test(href))
- {
- elesA[j].setAttribute("href", href.replace(rgxLang, ""));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Auto paste last suggestion
- {
- if (!/edit/i.test(getQueryByName("action")))
- {
- if (eleTextOrg)
- {
- var textOrg = eleTextOrg.dataset.stshHtml.toLowerCase();
- var textLastCur = "";
- if (textOrg === GM_getValue("textLastOrg", ""))
- {
- textLastCur = GM_getValue("textLastCur", "");
- }
- else if (textOrg === GM_getValue("textLastOrg_Comment", ""))
- {
- //textLastCur = GM_getValue("textLastCur_Comment", "");
- }
- var eleTextCur = document.querySelector("#suggestion_value_new");
- if (eleTextCur)
- {
- if (textLastCur !== "")
- {
- eleTextCur.value = textLastCur;
- }
- }
- if (textLastCur !== "")
- {
- setTimeoutCustom(function(textLastCur)
- {
- var eleTextCur = document.querySelector("#suggestion_value_new");
- if (eleTextCur)
- {
- eleTextCur.value = textLastCur;
- }
- }, timingInit.pasteLastSuggestion, textLastCur);
- }
- }
- }
- var elesTextSubmit = document.querySelectorAll(".stsh_text_submit, #stsh_text_submit_next");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesTextSubmit.length; i++)
- {
- elesTextSubmit[i].addEventListener("click", function()
- {
- var eleTextOrg = document.querySelector(".stsh_text_org");
- if (eleTextOrg)
- {
- var textOrg = eleTextOrg.dataset.stshHtml;
- if (textOrg.length < 3000)
- {
- var eleTextCur = document.querySelector("#suggestion_value_new");
- if (eleTextCur)
- {
- var textCur = eleTextCur.value;
- GM_setValue("textLastOrg", textOrg.toLowerCase());
- GM_setValue("textLastCur", textCur);
- //console.log("Store suggestion: " + textOrg.length);
- }
- }
- }
- });
- }
- }
- // Auto store last comment
- {
- //console.log("textLastOrg_Comment: " + GM_getValue("textLastOrg_Comment", ""));
- //console.log("textLastCur_Comment: " + GM_getValue("textLastCur_Comment", ""));
- var storeLastComment = function(eleTextComment, isRemoved)
- {
- if (eleTextComment)
- {
- var eleTextOrg = document.querySelector(".stsh_text_org");
- if (eleTextOrg)
- {
- var textOrg = eleTextOrg.dataset.stshHtml.substr(0, 3000).toLowerCase();
- if (isRemoved)
- {
- if (textOrg === GM_getValue("textLastOrg_Comment", ""))
- {
- // When remove comment, don't store if original text is the same
- return;
- }
- }
- var textCur = trimSpace(eleTextComment.value || eleTextComment.textContent);
- if (textCur !== "outdated")
- {
- GM_setValue("textLastOrg_Comment", textOrg);
- GM_setValue("textLastCur_Comment", textCur);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < elesTextRemoveComment.length; i++)
- {
- elesTextRemoveComment[i].addEventListener("click", function(ev)
- {
- var target = null;
- if (ev.target.tagName === "FONT")
- {
- target = ev.target.parentElement;
- }
- else
- {
- target = ev.target;
- }
- var eleTextComment = target
- .parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement
- .querySelector(".stsh_text_comment");
- storeLastComment(eleTextComment, true);
- });
- }
- var elesSubmitComment = document.querySelectorAll(".stsh_submit_comment");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesSubmitComment.length; i++)
- {
- elesSubmitComment[i].addEventListener("click", function(ev)
- {
- var eleTextComment = ev.target.previousElementSibling;
- if (eleTextComment.tagName !== "TEXTAREA")
- {
- eleTextComment = eleTextComment.previousElementSibling;
- }
- storeLastComment(eleTextComment, false);
- });
- }
- }
- // Mark showing
- {
- var eleStatus = window.parent.document.querySelector("#stsh_showing_random");
- if (eleStatus)
- {
- eleStatus.dataset.random = getTimeMs();
- }
- }
- // Delta
- {
- var eleFile = document.querySelector(".stsh_info_file");
- if (eleFile)
- {
- if (eleFile.textContent.trim() === "STEAM/DELTA")
- {
- document.body && document.body.classList.add("stsh_delta");
- }
- }
- }
- // Hide cursor when typing
- // Expand textarea when typing
- {
- var tmTextChange = 0;
- var autoHideCursor = function(ele)
- {
- if (ele)
- {
- ele.addEventListener("input", function(ev)
- {
- var ele = ev.target;
- ele.style.setProperty("cursor", "none", "important");
- clearTimeout(tmTextChange);
- tmTextChange = setTimeoutCustom(function(ele)
- {
- ele.style.setProperty("cursor", "auto", "important");
- }, timingInit.hideCursor, ele);
- });
- ele.addEventListener("mousemove", function(ev)
- {
- var ele = ev.target;
- clearTimeout(tmTextChange);
- ele.style.setProperty("cursor", "auto", "important");
- });
- }
- }
- var autoExpandEvent = function(ev)
- {
- var ele = ev.target;
- var maxHeight = ele.param_MaxHeight;
- var styleHeight = parseInt(ele.style.height)
- || parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(ele).height)
- || maxHeight;
- var heightDiff = ele.scrollHeight - styleHeight;
- //console.log("ele.scrollHeight:"+ele.scrollHeight+", styleHeight:"+styleHeight+", heightDiff:"+heightDiff);
- // When press a button
- // Chrome: heightDiff === 4
- // Firefox: heightDiff === 0
- if ((heightDiff > 0 && heightDiff !== 4) && ele.scrollHeight < maxHeight)
- {
- ele.style.height = (ele.scrollHeight + 2) + "px";
- }
- else if (ele.scrollHeight > maxHeight && ele.scrollHeight - maxHeight < 100)
- {
- ele.style.height = maxHeight + "px";
- }
- }
- var autoExpandEventTextarea = function(ele, maxHeight)
- {
- if (ele)
- {
- ele.param_MaxHeight = maxHeight;
- ele.addEventListener("input", autoExpandEvent);
- ele.addEventListener("keyup", autoExpandEvent);
- }
- }
- setTimeoutCustom(function()
- {
- var elesTextarea = document.querySelectorAll("textarea");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesTextarea.length; i++)
- {
- autoExpandEventTextarea(elesTextarea[i], 500);
- autoHideCursor(elesTextarea[i]);
- }
- }, timingInit.expandTextarea);
- }
- // Focus on mod action
- {
- var elesFormRemoveComment = document.querySelectorAll(".suggestion_signature .lbAction[name^='mymodcomment']");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesFormRemoveComment.length; i++)
- {
- var action = elesFormRemoveComment[i].getAttribute("action");
- if (action.indexOf("#stsh_modcomment") < 0)
- {
- elesFormRemoveComment[i].setAttribute("action", action + "#stsh_modcomment");
- }
- }
- var elesSubmitComment = document.querySelectorAll(
- ".suggestion_signature > div > div > .copy > form > div > .stsh_submit_comment");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesSubmitComment.length; i++)
- {
- var eleForm = elesSubmitComment[i].parentElement.parentElement;
- if (eleForm.tagName === "FORM")
- {
- var action = eleForm.getAttribute("action");
- if (action.indexOf("#stsh_modcomment") < 0)
- {
- eleForm.setAttribute("action", action + "#stsh_modcomment");
- }
- }
- }
- if (/reconsider|approve|decline/i.test(getQueryByName("action")) || url.indexOf("#stsh_modcomment") > -1)
- {
- setTimeoutCustom(function()
- {
- if (eleTextNew && eleTextOrg)
- {
- if (eleTextNew.scrollHeight > 480 || eleTextOrg.scrollHeight > 480)
- {
- scrollToElement(".suggestions_list", -40);
- }
- else if (eleTextNew.scrollHeight > 120 || eleTextOrg.scrollHeight > 200)
- {
- var elesEdit = document.querySelectorAll(".stsh_action_edit");
- if (elesEdit.length > 1)
- {
- scrollToElement(".suggestions_list", -40);
- }
- }
- }
- }, timingInit.focusModAction);
- }
- }
- // Add char, word and byte count
- {
- var countCharWordByte = function(ele)
- {
- var countChar = 0;
- var countWord = 0;
- var countByte = 0;
- if (ele)
- {
- var text = ele.value || (ele.value === "" ? "" : ele.textContent);
- countChar = text.length;
- var arrWord = trimSpace(text).split(/\s+/);
- if (arrWord.length === 1)
- {
- if (trimSpace(arrWord[0]).length > 0)
- {
- countWord = 1;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- countWord = arrWord.length;
- }
- countByte = getByteCount(text);
- }
- return "Char: " + countChar + " :: Word: " + countWord + " :: Byte: " + countByte;
- }
- var elesText = document.querySelectorAll("#suggestion_value_new, .stsh_text_addComment, #add_to_discussion");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesText.length; i++)
- {
- var eleCounter = document.createElement("div");
- eleCounter.classList.add("stsh_counter");
- eleCounter.classList.add("stsh_blue_light");
- eleCounter.classList.add("stsh_cursor_help");
- eleCounter.dataset.counter = countCharWordByte(elesText[i]);
- eleCounter.title = "Chars and words are approximate values. "
- + "\nYou should add a comment or a discussion using less than 1020 bytes.";
- insertAfterElement(eleCounter, elesText[i]);
- elesText[i].addEventListener("input", function(ev)
- {
- var eleTarget = ev.target;
- var eleCounter = eleTarget.nextElementSibling;
- if (eleCounter && eleCounter.classList.contains("stsh_counter"))
- {
- eleCounter.dataset.counter = countCharWordByte(eleTarget);
- }
- });
- }
- /*elesText = document.querySelectorAll(".stsh_text_org, .stsh_text_trn:not(.stsh_text_trn_empty), .suggestion_text");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesText.length; i++)
- {
- ////
- }*/
- }
- // Warn before closing frame
- {
- if (window !== window.parent)
- {
- var eleOuter = window.parent.document.querySelector("#suggestions_box_outer");
- if (eleOuter)
- {
- eleOuter.dataset.stshTextEdited = "false";
- eleOuter.title = "";
- var markEdited = function(ev)
- {
- if (!ev.ctrlKey && !ev.altKey)
- {
- if (eleOuter && eleOuter.dataset)
- {
- eleOuter.dataset.stshTextEdited = "true";
- eleOuter.title = "When some texts were edited. \nYou must double click to close suggestion box.";
- removeEventsMarkEdited();
- }
- }
- };
- var removeEventsMarkEdited = function()
- {
- var elesText = document.querySelectorAll("#suggestion_value_new, .stsh_text_addComment, #add_to_discussion");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesText.length; i++)
- {
- elesText[i].removeEventListener("keydown", markEdited);
- }
- };
- var elesText = document.querySelectorAll("#suggestion_value_new, .stsh_text_addComment, #add_to_discussion");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesText.length; i++)
- {
- elesText[i].addEventListener("keydown", markEdited);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Open auto replace form when applied
- {
- var eleStatus = document.querySelector("#replacementstatus");
- if (eleStatus)
- {
- var eleAutoCopy = document.querySelector("#autocopy");
- if (eleAutoCopy)
- {
- eleAutoCopy.style.display = "";
- }
- }
- }
- // Add auto-replacement for suggestion box
- {
- var eleAutoCopy = document.querySelector("#autocopy");
- if (eleAutoCopy)
- {
- var eleBlock = null;
- var eleHeader = null;
- var eleForm = null;
- var eleInstruction = null;
- var eleMarker = null;
- var eleDefine = null;
- var eleMore = null;
- var eleEnabled = null;
- var eleEnabledLabel = null;
- var eleEnabledContent = null;
- var eleCase = null;
- var eleCaseLabel = null;
- var eleCaseContent = null;
- var eleRgx = null;
- var eleRgxLabel = null;
- var eleRgxContent = null;
- var addAutoReplaceText = function(eleMarker, textOrg, textDef)
- {
- textOrg = (typeof textOrg !== "undefined") ? textOrg : "";
- textDef = (typeof textDef !== "undefined") ? textDef : "";
- if (eleMarker)
- {
- var eleTextOrg = document.createElement("textarea");
- eleTextOrg.classList.add("stsh_autoReplace_text");
- eleTextOrg.classList.add("stsh_autoReplace_text_org");
- eleTextOrg.setAttribute("rows", "1");
- eleTextOrg.setAttribute("placeholder", "Your language or english text to be autoreplaced");
- eleTextOrg.value = textOrg;
- var eleTextDef = document.createElement("textarea");
- eleTextDef.classList.add("stsh_autoReplace_text");
- eleTextDef.classList.add("stsh_autoReplace_text_def");
- eleTextDef.setAttribute("rows", "1");
- eleTextDef.setAttribute("placeholder", "Translation");
- eleTextDef.value = textDef;
- insertBeforeElement(eleTextOrg, eleMarker);
- insertBeforeElement(document.createTextNode(" "), eleMarker);
- insertBeforeElement(eleTextDef, eleMarker);
- insertBeforeElement(document.createElement("br"), eleMarker);
- }
- }
- // Add elements
- {
- eleBlock = document.createElement("div");
- eleBlock.classList.add("stsh_autoReplace_block");
- insertAfterElement(eleBlock, eleAutoCopy);
- eleHeader = document.createElement("div");
- eleHeader.classList.add("stsh_autoReplace_header");
- eleHeader.classList.add("stsh_green");
- eleHeader.classList.add("stsh_cursor_pointer");
- eleHeader.setAttribute("onclick", "$('.stsh_autoReplace_form').toggle('blind', 300);");
- eleBlock.appendChild(document.createElement("br"));
- eleBlock.appendChild(eleHeader);
- eleForm = document.createElement("form");
- eleForm.classList.add("stsh_form");
- eleForm.classList.add("stsh_autoReplace_form");
- eleForm.style.display = "none";
- eleBlock.appendChild(eleForm);
- eleInstruction = document.createElement("div");
- eleInstruction.classList.add("stsh_autoReplace_instruction");
- eleInstruction.innerHTML =
- " \
- Auto-replacements for current text in suggestion box. These will replace anything in your current text in suggestion box. \
- <br> You can use these to replace translated strings that you need to correct them. \
- These will be processed after other replacements applied. \
- <br> You can enable/disable replacements, case-sensitive mode and RegExp mode by using checkboxes below. \
- ";
- eleForm.appendChild(eleInstruction);
- eleForm.appendChild(document.createElement("br"));
- eleMarker = document.createElement("div");
- eleMarker.classList.add("stsh_autoReplace_marker");
- eleForm.appendChild(eleMarker);
- eleDefine = document.createElement("input");
- eleDefine.classList.add("stsh_autoReplace_define");
- eleDefine.setAttribute("onclick", "return false;");
- eleDefine.type = "submit";
- eleDefine.value = "Define";
- eleDefine.title = "Define auto-replacements and refresh this page";
- eleMore = document.createElement("input");
- eleMore.classList.add("stsh_autoReplace_more");
- eleMore.setAttribute("onclick", "return false;");
- eleMore.type = "button";
- eleMore.value = "Add More";
- eleMore.title = "Add a new auto-replacement";
- // Checkbox enabled
- {
- eleEnabled = document.createElement("input");
- eleEnabled.classList.add("stsh_autoReplace_enabled");
- eleEnabled.setAttribute("type", "checkbox");
- eleEnabled.setAttribute("value", "true");
- eleEnabledLabel = document.createElement("label");
- eleEnabledLabel.classList.add("stsh_checkbox_label");
- eleEnabledLabel.classList.add("stsh_autoReplace_enabled_label");
- eleEnabledLabel.classList.add("stsh_unselectable");
- eleEnabledLabel.classList.add("stsh_cursor_pointer");
- eleEnabledContent = document.createElement("span");
- eleEnabledContent.textContent = " Enable Auto-replacements";
- eleEnabledLabel.appendChild(eleEnabled);
- eleEnabledLabel.appendChild(eleEnabledContent);
- }
- // Checkbox case
- {
- eleCase = document.createElement("input");
- eleCase.classList.add("stsh_autoReplace_case");
- eleCase.setAttribute("type", "checkbox");
- eleCase.setAttribute("value", "true");
- eleCaseLabel = document.createElement("label");
- eleCaseLabel.classList.add("stsh_checkbox_label");
- eleCaseLabel.classList.add("stsh_autoReplace_case_label");
- eleCaseLabel.classList.add("stsh_unselectable");
- eleCaseLabel.classList.add("stsh_cursor_pointer");
- eleCaseContent = document.createElement("span");
- eleCaseContent.textContent = " Case-sensitive";
- eleCaseLabel.appendChild(eleCase);
- eleCaseLabel.appendChild(eleCaseContent);
- }
- // Checkbox regexp
- {
- eleRgx = document.createElement("input");
- eleRgx.classList.add("stsh_autoReplace_rgx");
- eleRgx.setAttribute("type", "checkbox");
- eleRgx.setAttribute("value", "true");
- eleRgxLabel = document.createElement("label");
- eleRgxLabel.classList.add("stsh_checkbox_label");
- eleRgxLabel.classList.add("stsh_autoReplace_rgx_label");
- eleRgxLabel.classList.add("stsh_unselectable");
- eleRgxLabel.classList.add("stsh_cursor_pointer");
- eleRgxContent = document.createElement("span");
- eleRgxContent.textContent = " Use RegExp";
- eleRgxLabel.appendChild(eleRgx);
- eleRgxLabel.appendChild(eleRgxContent);
- }
- eleForm.appendChild(document.createElement("br"));
- eleForm.appendChild(eleDefine);
- eleForm.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" "));
- eleForm.appendChild(eleMore);
- eleForm.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" "));
- eleForm.appendChild(eleEnabledLabel);
- eleForm.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" "));
- eleForm.appendChild(eleCaseLabel);
- eleForm.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" "));
- eleForm.appendChild(eleRgxLabel);
- eleForm.appendChild(document.createElement("br"));
- eleForm.appendChild(document.createElement("br"));
- } // Add elements
- // Bind events
- {
- var defineAutoReplaceText = function()
- {
- var objText = {};
- var elesTextOrg = document.querySelectorAll(".stsh_autoReplace_text_org");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesTextOrg.length; i++)
- {
- var eleTextOrg = elesTextOrg[i];
- var eleTextDef = eleTextOrg.nextElementSibling;
- var textOrg = eleTextOrg.value;
- var textDef = eleTextDef.value;
- var index = "text" + i;
- objText[index] = {};
- objText[index].textOrg = textOrg;
- objText[index].textDef = textDef;
- }
- GM_setValue("autoReplace_text", objText);
- reload();
- };
- eleDefine.addEventListener("click", defineAutoReplaceText);
- eleMore.addEventListener("click", function()
- {
- var eleMarker = document.querySelector(".stsh_autoReplace_marker");
- addAutoReplaceText(eleMarker);
- });
- eleEnabled.addEventListener("click", function (ev)
- {
- var ele = ev.target;
- GM_setValue("autoReplace_enabled", ele.checked ? "true" : "false");
- });
- eleCase.addEventListener("click", function (ev)
- {
- var ele = ev.target;
- GM_setValue("autoReplace_case", ele.checked ? "true" : "false");
- });
- eleRgx.addEventListener("click", function (ev)
- {
- var ele = ev.target;
- GM_setValue("autoReplace_rgx", ele.checked ? "true" : "false");
- });
- addKeyCtrlEnter(eleForm, eleDefine);
- } // Bind events
- // User defined value
- {
- var valEnabled = GM_getValue("autoReplace_enabled", 0);
- if (valEnabled === "true")
- {
- eleEnabled.checked = true;
- }
- var valCase = GM_getValue("autoReplace_case", 0);
- if (valCase === "true")
- {
- eleCase.checked = true;
- }
- var valRgx = GM_getValue("autoReplace_rgx", 0);
- if (valRgx === "true")
- {
- eleRgx.checked = true;
- }
- var autoReplaceTextCount = 4;
- var objText = GM_getValue("autoReplace_text", 0);
- if (!objText)
- {
- objText = {};
- }
- else
- {
- for (var i = Object.keys(objText).length - 1; i > autoReplaceTextCount - 1; i--)
- {
- var index = "text" + i;
- if (objText[index].textOrg !== "" || objText[index].textDef !== "")
- {
- autoReplaceTextCount = i + 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- // Auto replace text
- if (valEnabled === "true")
- {
- var isTextReplaced = false;
- // Skip this
- /*
- if (document.referrer === document.documentURI)
- {
- isTextReplaced = true;
- }
- */
- if (!isTextReplaced && getQueryByName("action"))
- {
- isTextReplaced = true;
- }
- if (!isTextReplaced)
- {
- var eleError = document.querySelector(".suggestion_error");
- if (eleError && eleError.textContent.trim() !== "")
- {
- isTextReplaced = true;
- }
- }
- if (!isTextReplaced)
- {
- var eleBtnResummit = document.querySelector(".stsh_text_submit[value^='RESUBMIT']");
- if (eleBtnResummit)
- {
- isTextReplaced = true;
- }
- }
- if (!isTextReplaced)
- {
- setTimeoutCustom(function(objText)
- {
- var isTextReplaced = false;
- var isRgx = (GM_getValue("autoReplace_rgx") === "true");
- var isCase = (GM_getValue("autoReplace_case") === "true");
- var keysText = Object.keys(objText);
- for (var i = 0; i < keysText.length; i++)
- {
- var textOrg = objText[keysText[i]].textOrg;
- if (textOrg !== "")
- {
- var textDef = objText[keysText[i]].textDef;
- var eleTextNew = document.querySelector("#suggestion_value_new");
- if (eleTextNew)
- {
- var textOld = eleTextNew.value;
- var textNew = "";
- var rgxOrg = null;
- var rgxFlag = isCase ? "g" : "ig";
- if (isRgx)
- {
- rgxOrg = new RegExp(textOrg, rgxFlag);
- }
- else
- {
- rgxOrg = new RegExp(escapeRegExp(textOrg), rgxFlag);
- }
- textNew = textOld.replace(rgxOrg, textDef);
- if (textOld !== textNew)
- {
- isTextReplaced = true;
- eleTextNew.value = textNew;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (isTextReplaced)
- {
- var eleForm = document.querySelector(".stsh_autoReplace_form");
- if (eleForm)
- {
- eleForm.style.display = "";
- }
- if (eleTextSubmit)
- {
- var eleDiv = document.createElement("div");
- eleDiv.classList.add("stsh_autoReplace_notice");
- eleDiv.classList.add("stsh_orange_light3");
- eleDiv.textContent = "Auto-replacement for suggestion applied!";
- eleTextSubmit.parentElement.appendChild(eleDiv);
- }
- }
- }, timingInit.autoReplaceText, objText);
- }
- }
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < autoReplaceTextCount; i++)
- {
- var textOrg = "";
- var textDef = "";
- var index = "text" + i;
- if (typeof objText[index] !== "undefined")
- {
- textOrg = objText[index].textOrg;
- textDef = objText[index].textDef;
- }
- addAutoReplaceText(eleMarker, textOrg, textDef);
- }
- // Add one more empty row
- addAutoReplaceText(eleMarker);
- } // User defined value
- }
- } // Add auto-replacement for suggestion box
- // Add scroll to top
- // Find next unmatched
- {
- var eleInvert = document.querySelector("input[value='Invert display']");
- if (eleInvert)
- {
- eleInvert.value = "Invert Display";
- // Add scroll to top
- {
- var eleScroll = document.createElement("input");
- eleScroll.classList.add("stsh_scrollToTop");
- eleScroll.setAttribute("onclick", "return false;");
- eleScroll.type = "button";
- eleScroll.value = "Scroll to Top";
- eleScroll.addEventListener("click", function (ev)
- {
- window.scrollTo(0, 0);
- });
- var eleContainer = document.createElement("div");
- eleContainer.classList.add("stsh_bottom_container");
- eleContainer.classList.add("stsh_inline");
- eleContainer.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" "));
- eleContainer.appendChild(eleScroll);
- insertAfterElement(eleContainer, eleInvert);
- }
- // Find next unmatched
- // Sample: https://translation.steampowered.com/translate.php?paginationrows=1000&search_input=%01
- {
- var eleUnmatched = document.createElement("input");
- eleUnmatched.classList.add("stsh_nextUnmatched");
- eleUnmatched.setAttribute("type", "checkbox");
- eleUnmatched.setAttribute("value", "true");
- var eleUnmatchedLabel = document.createElement("label");
- eleUnmatchedLabel.classList.add("stsh_checkbox_label");
- eleUnmatchedLabel.classList.add("stsh_nextUnmatched_label");
- eleUnmatchedLabel.classList.add("stsh_unselectable");
- eleUnmatchedLabel.classList.add("stsh_cursor_pointer");
- eleUnmatchedLabel.title =
- "Find next unmatched for special chars, combining diacritical marks, \nand HTML elements count. "
- + "\nClick any position to stop finding.";
- var eleUnmatchedContent = document.createElement("span");
- eleUnmatchedContent.classList.add("stsh_nextUnmatched_content");
- eleUnmatchedContent.textContent = " Find Next Unmatched";
- eleUnmatchedLabel.appendChild(eleUnmatched);
- eleUnmatchedLabel.appendChild(eleUnmatchedContent);
- eleContainer.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" "));
- eleContainer.appendChild(eleUnmatchedLabel);
- var findNextUnmatched = function(isInitial)
- {
- isInitial = isInitial || false;
- console.log("FindNextUnmatched: In " + timingInit.findNextUnmatched + "ms");
- setTimeoutCustom(function()
- {
- var eleUnmatched = document.querySelector(".stsh_nextUnmatched");
- if (eleUnmatched && eleUnmatched.checked)
- {
- var isClicked = false;
- var eleNext = document.querySelector(".stsh_nav_next:not(:disabled)");
- if (eleNext)
- {
- if (!isInitial)
- {
- var eleStatusUnmatched = document.querySelector(".stsh_status_unmatched");
- if (eleStatusUnmatched)
- {
- isClicked = false;
- if (eleStatusUnmatched.classList.contains("stsh_spanStatusTrn"))
- {
- if (document.querySelector(".stsh_spanStatusSug.stsh_status_matched"))
- {
- isClicked = true;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- isClicked = true;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- isClicked = true;
- }
- }
- if (!isClicked)
- {
- eleUnmatched.checked = false;
- GM_setValue("nextUnmatched", "false");
- }
- else
- {
- GM_setValue("timeNextUnmatchedLast", getUnixTimestamp());
- eleNext.click();
- }
- }
- }, timingInit.findNextUnmatched);
- }
- var tmDiff = getUnixTimestamp() - GM_getValue("timeNextUnmatchedLast", 0);
- if (tmDiff > 10)
- {
- // > 10s
- eleUnmatched.checked = false;
- GM_setValue("nextUnmatched", "false");
- }
- if (window !== window.parent)
- {
- var eleOuter = window.parent.document.querySelector("#suggestions_box_outer");
- if (eleOuter)
- {
- if (eleOuter.style.display === "none")
- {
- // Closed iFrame
- eleUnmatched.checked = false;
- GM_setValue("nextUnmatched", "false");
- }
- }
- }
- if (GM_getValue("nextUnmatched", 0) === "true")
- {
- eleUnmatched.checked = true;
- findNextUnmatched();
- var uncheckFindNextUnmatched = function (ev)
- {
- var eleTarget = ev.target;
- if (eleTarget.id !== "stsh_btn_displaySpecialChars"
- && !eleTarget.classList.contains("stsh_nextUnmatched")
- && !eleTarget.classList.contains("stsh_nextUnmatched_content")
- && !eleTarget.classList.contains("stsh_nav_next"))
- {
- // Skip auto click
- var eleUnmatched = document.querySelector(".stsh_nextUnmatched");
- if (eleUnmatched)
- {
- console.log("FindNextUnmatched: Stop");
- eleUnmatched.checked = false;
- GM_setValue("nextUnmatched", "false");
- document.removeEventListener("click", uncheckFindNextUnmatched);
- }
- }
- };
- // Stop finding with any clicked
- document.addEventListener("click", uncheckFindNextUnmatched);
- // Display specialChars
- var eleSpecialChars = document.querySelector("#stsh_btn_displaySpecialChars");
- if (eleSpecialChars)
- {
- eleSpecialChars.click();
- }
- }
- eleUnmatched.addEventListener("click", function (ev)
- {
- var eleTarget = ev.target;
- if (eleTarget.checked)
- {
- GM_setValue("nextUnmatched", "true");
- findNextUnmatched(true);
- }
- else
- {
- GM_setValue("nextUnmatched", "false");
- }
- });
- }
- }
- }
- // Add copy button
- {
- if (eleTextSubmit)
- {
- var eleInput = document.createElement("input");
- eleInput.classList.add("stsh_copy_new");
- eleInput.type = "button";
- eleInput.value = "Copy";
- eleInput.title = "Copy current suggestion to clipboard";
- insertAfterElement(eleInput, eleTextSubmit);
- eleInput.addEventListener("click", function()
- {
- var eleTextNew = document.querySelector("#suggestion_value_new");
- if (eleTextNew)
- {
- GM_setClipboard(eleTextNew.value);
- focusWithoutScroll(eleTextNew);
- }
- });
- }
- var titleExtra = "\nSome tags and attributes were generated or removed by STS. "
- + "\nSingle quote ' may be changed to double quote \" "
- + "\n and double quote \" may be added for attribute values by browser. ";
- var elesEdit = document.querySelectorAll(".stsh_action_edit");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesEdit.length; i++)
- {
- var eleInput = document.createElement("input");
- eleInput.classList.add("stsh_copy_sug");
- eleInput.classList.add("stsh_blue_light");
- eleInput.type = "button";
- eleInput.value = "Copy";
- eleInput.title = "Copy this suggestion to clipboard. " + titleExtra;
- insertBeforeElement(eleInput, elesEdit[i]);
- eleInput.addEventListener("click", function(ev)
- {
- var eleTarget = ev.target;
- var eleSug = eleTarget.parentElement.parentElement
- .parentElement.parentElement
- .querySelector(".stsh_text_sug");
- if (eleSug)
- {
- var html = removeStsHtmlTags(eleSug);
- if (html)
- {
- GM_setClipboard(html);
- focusWithoutScroll("#suggestion_value_new");
- }
- }
- });
- }
- if (eleHeaderOrg)
- {
- var eleInput = document.createElement("input");
- eleInput.classList.add("stsh_copy_org");
- eleInput.type = "button";
- eleInput.value = "Copy";
- eleInput.title = "Copy original string to clipboard. " + titleExtra;
- insertAfterElement(eleInput, eleHeaderOrg.firstElementChild);
- eleInput.addEventListener("click", function(ev)
- {
- var eleTextOrg = document.querySelector(".stsh_text_org");
- if (eleTextOrg)
- {
- var html = removeStsHtmlTags(eleTextOrg);
- if (html)
- {
- GM_setClipboard(html);
- focusWithoutScroll("#suggestion_value_new");
- }
- }
- });
- }
- if (eleHeaderTrn && eleTextTrn && !eleTextTrn.classList.contains("stsh_text_trn_empty"))
- {
- var eleInput = document.createElement("input");
- eleInput.classList.add("stsh_copy_trn");
- eleInput.type = "button";
- eleInput.value = "Copy";
- eleInput.title = "Copy translated string to clipboard. " + titleExtra;
- insertAfterElement(eleInput, eleHeaderTrn.firstElementChild);
- eleInput.addEventListener("click", function(ev)
- {
- var eleTextTrn = document.querySelector(".stsh_text_trn:not(.stsh_text_trn_empty)");
- if (eleTextTrn)
- {
- var html = removeStsHtmlTags(eleTextTrn);
- if (html)
- {
- GM_setClipboard(html);
- focusWithoutScroll("#suggestion_value_new");
- }
- }
- });
- }
- }
- // Add border to related action
- {
- if (userName)
- {
- var eleSugHistory = document.querySelector(".stsh_suggestion_list_history");
- if (eleSugHistory)
- {
- var isRelated = false;
- var strName = "by " + userName + " ";
- eleSugHistory.innerHTML = eleSugHistory.innerHTML.replace("<br>String: ",
- '<br><span class="stsh_suggestion_list_history_header">String: </span>');
- for (var i = 0; i < eleSugHistory.childNodes.length; i++)
- {
- var node = eleSugHistory.childNodes[i];
- if (node.nodeType === document.TEXT_NODE)
- {
- var index = (node.textContent + " ").indexOf(strName);
- if (index > -1 && index < 12)
- {
- isRelated = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (isRelated)
- {
- eleSugHistory.classList.add("stsh_suggestion_list_history_related");
- var eleDiv = document.createElement("div");
- eleDiv.innerHTML = eleSugHistory.innerHTML
- .replace(new RegExp("by (" + escapeRegExp(userName) + ")", "g")
- , function(match, p1, offset, string)
- {
- return 'by <span class="stsh_profile_name stsh_blue_light2 stsh_cursor_help"'
- + ' title="This string is related with your action.">'
- + p1.replace(/\</g, "<") + '</span>';
- });
- eleSugHistory.innerHTML = eleDiv.innerHTML;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- } // End suggestions.php
- if (url.indexOf("translate.php") > -1)
- {
- document.body && document.body.classList.add("stsh_page_translate");
- var searchText = getQueryByName("search_input");
- if (searchText !== "")
- {
- if (searchText.indexOf("SUGGESTIONS FROM: ") === 0)
- {
- document.title = searchText.replace("SUGGESTIONS FROM: ", "") + " - " + document.title;
- }
- else if (searchText.indexOf("REVIEWS FROM: ") === 0)
- {
- document.title = searchText.replace("REVIEW: ", "") + " - " + document.title;
- }
- else
- {
- document.title = searchText + " - " + document.title;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- var fileID = getQueryByName("file_ID");
- if (fileID !== "")
- {
- var eleFile = document.querySelector("#leftAreaContainer label[for='chosenfile']");
- if (eleFile)
- {
- var file = eleFile.textContent.trim();
- if (file.indexOf("Limit search results to CURRENT FILE: ") === 0)
- {
- file = file.replace("Limit search results to CURRENT FILE: ", "");
- var fileNew = file.split("#").reverse().join(" # ").trim();
- document.title = fileNew + " - " + document.title;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- var eleInput = document.querySelector("#search_input");
- if (eleInput)
- {
- var valInput = eleInput.value.trim();
- if (valInput.indexOf("SUGGESTIONS FROM: ") === 0)
- {
- document.title = valInput.replace("SUGGESTIONS FROM: ", "") + " - " + document.title;
- }
- else if (valInput.indexOf("REVIEWS FROM: ") === 0)
- {
- document.title = valInput.replace("REVIEWS FROM: ", "REVIEW: ") + " - " + document.title;
- }
- else if (valInput === "---DAYLIGHT SAVINGS BATTLE---")
- {
- document.title = "DAYLIGHT SAVINGS BATTLE - " + document.title;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- var outer = document.querySelector("#suggestions_box_outer");
- if (outer)
- {
- outer.setAttribute("onclick", "doubleClickHideSuggestion(this);");
- outer.dataset.stshHideSuggestion = 0;
- outer.dataset.stshTextEdited = "false";
- }
- var divBtn = document.createElement("div");
- document.body.appendChild(divBtn);
- divBtn.innerHTML =
- ' \
- <div class="stsh_showing_group"> \
- <span class="stsh_showing_header">Hide</span>\
- <br> <input id="stsh_showing_keyApp" value="App" data-hidekey="0" class="stsh_btn_short stsh_showing_key" type="button" /> \
- <input id="stsh_showing_keyGame" value="Game" data-hidekey="1" class="stsh_btn_short stsh_showing_key" type="button" /> \
- <br> <input id="stsh_showing_keyFaq" value="FAQ" data-hidekey="2" class="stsh_btn_short stsh_showing_key" type="button" /> \
- <input id="stsh_showing_keySupport" value="Support" data-hidekey="3" class="stsh_btn_short stsh_showing_key" type="button" /> \
- <br> <input id="stsh_showing_keyPromo" value="Promo" data-hidekey="4" class="stsh_btn_short stsh_showing_key" type="button" /> \
- <input id="stsh_showing_keyEmail" value="Email" data-hidekey="5" class="stsh_btn_short stsh_showing_key" type="button" /> \
- <br> \
- <br> <input id="stsh_showing_strNotMatch" value="Hide not similar" data-hidestr="0" class="stsh_btn_long stsh_showing_str" type="button" /> \
- <br> <input id="stsh_showing_strLong" value="Hide very long" data-hidestr="1" class="stsh_btn_long stsh_showing_str" type="button" /> \
- \
- <br> <span class="stsh_showing_header">Hide Suggestions</span>\
- <br> <input id="stsh_showing_notTranslated" value="Not Translated (0)" data-hidestatus="0" class="stsh_btn_long stsh_showing_status" type="button" /> \
- <br> <input id="stsh_showing_suggested" value="Suggested (0)" data-hidestatus="1" class="stsh_btn_long stsh_showing_status" type="button" /> \
- <br> <input id="stsh_showing_resuggested" value="Resuggested (0)" data-hidestatus="2" class="stsh_btn_long stsh_showing_status" type="button" /> \
- <br> <input id="stsh_showing_approved" value="Approved (0)" data-hidestatus="3" class="stsh_btn_long stsh_showing_status" type="button" /> \
- <br> <input id="stsh_showing_declined" value="Declined (0)" data-hidestatus="4" class="stsh_btn_long stsh_showing_status" type="button" /> \
- <br> <input id="stsh_showing_translated" value="Translated (0)" data-hidestatus="5" class="stsh_btn_long stsh_showing_status" type="button" /> \
- \
- <br> <span class="stsh_showing_header">Sort by</span>\
- <br> <input id="stsh_sort_key" value="Key" data-sort="0" class="stsh_btn_short stsh_sort" type="button" /> \
- <input id="stsh_sort_string" value="String" data-sort="1" class="stsh_btn_short stsh_sort" type="button" /> \
- <br> <input id="stsh_sort_word" value="Word" data-sort="2" class="stsh_btn_short stsh_sort" type="button" /> \
- <input id="stsh_sort_length" value="Length" data-sort="3" class="stsh_btn_short stsh_sort" type="button" /> \
- <br> \
- <br> <input id="stsh_showing_refresh" value="Refresh" class="stsh_btn" type="button" onclick="hideSuggestionsBox(); return false;" /> \
- <br> <input id="stsh_showing_all" value="Show All" class="stsh_btn" type="button" /> \
- <br> \
- </div> \
- <div id="stsh_showing_current"></div> \
- <div id="stsh_showing"></div> \
- ';
- // Count showing
- var countShowing = function()
- {
- var trKeys = document.querySelectorAll("#keylist > table:nth-child(1) > tbody:nth-child(1) > tr");
- var countAll = document.querySelectorAll("#keylist .copysmall").length;
- var countShow = 0;
- var countSuggest = 0;
- var countResuggest = 0;
- var countApprove = 0;
- var countDecline = 0;
- var countNotTranslated = 0;
- var countTranslated = 0;
- var txtApprove = "ready for Admin";
- var txtDecline = "ready for removal";
- var txtSuggest = "suggestion";
- for (var i = 0; i < trKeys.length; i++)
- {
- if (!trKeys[i].classList.contains("stsh_hidden"))
- {
- var eleCounter = trKeys[i].querySelector("tr.copysmall > td:nth-child(3)");
- if (eleCounter)
- {
- countShow++;
- var txtCounter = eleCounter.textContent.trim();
- if (txtCounter.indexOf(txtApprove) > -1)
- {
- countApprove++;
- }
- else if (txtCounter.indexOf(txtDecline) > -1)
- {
- countDecline++;
- }
- else if (txtCounter.indexOf(txtSuggest) > -1)
- {
- var eleNotTranslated = trKeys[i].querySelector("span.token_nottranslated");
- if (eleNotTranslated)
- {
- countSuggest++;
- }
- else
- {
- countResuggest++;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- var eleNotTranslated = trKeys[i].querySelector("span.token_nottranslated");
- if (eleNotTranslated)
- {
- countNotTranslated++;
- }
- else
- {
- countTranslated++;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- var eleTd = trKeys[i].querySelector("td");
- if (eleTd)
- {
- if (eleTd.textContent.trim() === "")
- {
- removeElement(trKeys[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- var eleShowing = document.querySelector("#stsh_showing");
- if (eleShowing)
- {
- var newHtml = "Showing: <span class=\"stsh_showing_counter\">" + countShow + " of " + countAll + "</span>"
- + "<!-- " + countNotTranslated + ", " + countSuggest + ", " + countResuggest
- + ", " + countApprove + ", " + countDecline + ", " + countTranslated + " -->";
- if (eleShowing.innerHTML !== newHtml)
- {
- eleShowing.innerHTML = newHtml;
- var elesBtnShowingStatus = document.querySelectorAll(".stsh_showing_status");
- if (elesBtnShowingStatus.length === 6)
- {
- var counterArr = [countNotTranslated, countSuggest, countResuggest
- , countApprove, countDecline, countTranslated ];
- var counterTextArr = ["Not Translated", "Suggested", "Resuggested"
- , "Approved", "Declined", "Translated" ];
- for (var i = 0; i < elesBtnShowingStatus.length; i++)
- {
- elesBtnShowingStatus[i].value = counterTextArr[i] + " ("+ counterArr[i] +")" ;
- };
- }
- }
- }
- var eleShowingCur = document.querySelector("#stsh_showing_current");
- if (eleShowingCur)
- {
- var eleOuter = document.querySelector("#suggestions_box_outer");
- if (eleOuter)
- {
- if (eleOuter.style.display !== "none")
- {
- if (eleShowingCur.style.display !== "initial")
- eleShowingCur.style.display = "initial";
- var eleIframe = document.querySelector("#suggestions_iframe");
- if (eleIframe)
- {
- var iUrl = eleIframe.contentWindow.location.href;
- var listId = parseInt(getQueryByName("list_id", iUrl)) || 0;
- listId += 1;
- var newHtml = "Current: <span class=\"stsh_showing_counter\">" + listId + " of " + countShow + "</span>";
- if (eleShowingCur.innerHTML !== newHtml)
- {
- eleShowingCur.innerHTML = newHtml;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (eleShowingCur.style.display !== "none")
- {
- eleShowingCur.style.display = "none";
- eleShowingCur.innerHTML = "";
- }
- }
- }
- }
- };
- countShowing();
- // Waiting for iframe
- {
- var obTarget_countRand = document.createElement("div");
- obTarget_countRand.id = "stsh_showing_random";
- obTarget_countRand.dataset.random = "0";
- document.body.appendChild(obTarget_countRand);
- var obMu_countRand = new MutationObserver(function(mutations)
- {
- mutations.forEach(function(mutation)
- {
- countShowing();
- });
- });
- var obConfig_countRand = { attributes: true, attributeFilter: ["data-random"] };
- obMu_countRand.observe(obTarget_countRand, obConfig_countRand);
- }
- // End Count showing
- // Line Counter
- var addLineCounter = function()
- {
- var elesCounter = document.querySelectorAll(".stsh_lineCounter");
- if (elesCounter.length > 0)
- {
- var j = 1;
- for (var i = 0; i < elesCounter.length; i++)
- {
- if (!elesCounter[i].parentElement.parentElement.parentElement
- .parentElement.classList.contains("stsh_hidden"))
- {
- if (elesCounter[i].textContent.trim() != j)
- {
- // Compare string with int using loose equality
- elesCounter[i].textContent = j;
- }
- j++;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- var elesDiv = document.querySelectorAll("#keylist td:nth-child(1) > div");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesDiv.length; i++)
- {
- var eleNew = document.createElement("span");
- eleNew.classList.add("stsh_lineCounter_outer");
- eleNew.innerHTML =
- ' <span class="stsh_lineCounter"> ' + (i + 1) + ' </span> ';
- elesDiv[i].appendChild(eleNew);
- }
- }
- };
- addLineCounter();
- // End Line Counter
- // Hide & sort suggestions
- {
- var hideStatus = function(mode)
- {
- /*
- mode:
- 0: notTranslated
- 1: suggested
- 2: resuggested
- 3: approved
- 4: declined
- 5: translated
- */
- //console.log("hideStatus: " + mode);
- if (mode < 0 || mode > 5) return;
- var display = "none";
- var txtApprove = "ready for Admin";
- var txtDecline = "ready for removal";
- var txtSuggest = "suggestion";
- var trKeys = document.querySelectorAll("#keylist > table:nth-child(1) > tbody:nth-child(1) > tr");
- for (var i = 0; i < trKeys.length; i++)
- {
- if (!trKeys[i].classList.contains("stsh_hidden"))
- {
- var curMode = -1;
- var eleCounter = trKeys[i].querySelector("tr.copysmall > td:nth-child(3)");
- if (eleCounter)
- {
- var txtCounter = eleCounter.textContent.trim();
- if (txtCounter.indexOf(txtApprove) > -1)
- {
- curMode = 3; // Approved
- }
- else if (txtCounter.indexOf(txtDecline) > -1)
- {
- curMode = 4; // Declined
- }
- else if (txtCounter.indexOf(txtSuggest) > -1)
- {
- var eleNotTranslated = trKeys[i].querySelector("span.token_nottranslated");
- if (eleNotTranslated)
- {
- curMode = 1; // Suggested
- }
- else
- {
- curMode = 2; // Resuggested
- }
- }
- else
- {
- var eleNotTranslated = trKeys[i].querySelector("span.token_nottranslated");
- if (eleNotTranslated)
- {
- curMode = 0; // Not Translated
- }
- else
- {
- curMode = 5; // Translated
- }
- }
- }
- if (curMode === mode)
- {
- trKeys[i].classList.add("stsh_hidden");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- var sortKey = function(mode)
- {
- /*
- mode:
- 0: key
- 1: string
- 2: word
- 3: length
- */
- if (mode < 0) return;
- var keyArr = [];
- var valArr = [];
- var dot = "...";
- var dotLengthMinus = 0 - dot.length;
- var strNotTranslated = "NOT TRANSLATED";
- var strTr = "";
- var rgxAlphabet = /[a-z0-9]/i;
- var eleKeys = document.querySelectorAll
- (" \
- #keylist > table:nth-child(1) \
- > tbody:nth-child(1) > tr > td:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1) \
- > table:nth-child(1) > tbody:nth-child(2) > tr:nth-child(1) > td:nth-child(1) \
- ");
- for (var i = 0; i < eleKeys.length; i++)
- {
- try
- {
- /*
- key:
- tr: is translated
- sg: is suggested
- dt: has dot
- sb: spacebar count
- sc: special char count
- sp: has special char
- ln: length
- lt: length translated
- st: spacebar count translated
- */
- var dot = "...";
- var dotLengthMinus = 0 - dot.length;
- var isDot = false;
- var isSuggested = false;
- var isTranslated = false;
- var key = eleKeys[i].textContent.trim() + " ";
- var str = "";
- if (mode !== 0)
- {
- str = eleKeys[i].parentElement.nextSibling.nextSibling.firstElementChild.textContent.trim();
- isDot = (str.substr(dotLengthMinus) === dot);
- isSuggested = (eleKeys[i].nextElementSibling.nextElementSibling.textContent.trim() !== "");
- strTr = eleKeys[i].parentElement.nextElementSibling.lastElementChild.textContent.trim();
- isTranslated = (strTr !== strNotTranslated);
- }
- if (mode === 0)
- {
- // mode: key
- if (key.indexOf("GLOSSARY") === 0)
- {
- key = "0" + key;
- }
- }
- if (mode === 1)
- {
- // mode: string
- key = (isTranslated ? "tr00_ " : "tr99_ ") + strTr
- + (isSuggested ? " _sg00" : " _sg99") + " ___ " + key;
- if (str.length > 0 && !rgxAlphabet.test(str[0]))
- {
- key = "zzzzz" + str + " ___ " + key;
- }
- else
- {
- key = str + " ___ " + key;
- }
- }
- else if (mode === 2)
- {
- // mode: word
- key = (isTranslated ? "tr00_" : "tr99_")
- + "st" + padZero(strTr.split(" ").length, 2) + "_"
- + "lt" + padZero(strTr.length, 3) + " "
- + strTr + (isSuggested ? " _sg00" : " _sg99") + " ___ " + key;
- key = (isDot ? "dt99_" : "dt00_")
- + "sb" + padZero(str.split(" ").length, 2)
- + "_sc" + padZero(str.split(/[^a-z0-9 ]/i).length, 2)
- + " ___ " + str + " ___ " + key;
- }
- else if (mode === 3)
- {
- // length
- var length = 0;
- if (str[0] === "<" || str[0] === "[")
- {
- length = str.length + 800;
- }
- else if (str.indexOf("<") > 0 || str.indexOf("[") > 0)
- {
- length = str.length + 600;
- }
- else
- {
- length = str.length;
- }
- key = (isTranslated ? "tr00_" : "tr99_") + "lt" + padZero(strTr.length, 3) + " "
- + strTr + (isSuggested ? " _sg00" : " _sg99") + " ___ " + key;
- key = (isDot ? "dt99_" : "dt00_")
- + "sp" + (str.split(/[^a-z0-9]/i).length > 1 ? "99_" : "00_")
- + "ln" + padZero(length, 3)
- + " ___ " + str + " ___ " + key;
- }
- key = key.toLowerCase();
- keyArr.push(key);
- var eleParent = eleKeys[i].parentElement.parentElement.parentElement
- .parentElement.parentElement.parentElement;
- //eleParent.dataset.stshKey = key;
- //console.log("Key: " + key);
- valArr[key] = eleParent.outerHTML.trim();
- }
- catch (ex)
- {
- console.error("sortKey", ex.message);
- }
- }
- var keyArrTmp = keyArr.slice();
- keyArr.sort();
- var isSame = true;
- for (var i = 0; i < keyArr.length; i++)
- {
- if (keyArr[i] !== keyArrTmp[i])
- {
- isSame = false;
- }
- }
- if (!isSame)
- {
- var eleTable = document.querySelector("#keylist > table:nth-child(1) > tbody:nth-child(1)");
- if (eleTable)
- {
- var newInner = "";
- for (var i = 0; i < keyArr.length; i++)
- {
- newInner += valArr[keyArr[i]];
- }
- eleTable.innerHTML = newInner;
- }
- }
- }
- var activeHideStatus = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
- // notTranslated, suggested, resuggested, approved, declined, translated
- var activeHideKey = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
- // app, game, faq, support, promo, email
- var activeHideStr = [0, 0];
- // notMatch, long
- var activeSort = -1;
- var eleBtnShowAll = document.querySelector("#stsh_showing_all");
- if (eleBtnShowAll)
- {
- eleBtnShowAll.addEventListener("click", function()
- {
- var elesBtnShowing = document.querySelectorAll(
- ".stsh_showing_status, .stsh_showing_key, .stsh_showing_str");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesBtnShowing.length; i++)
- {
- elesBtnShowing[i].disabled = false;
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < activeHideStatus.length; i++)
- {
- activeHideStatus[i] = 0;
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < activeHideKey.length; i++)
- {
- activeHideKey[i] = 0;
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < activeHideStr.length; i++)
- {
- activeHideStr[i] = 0;
- }
- activeSort = -1;
- hideKey(-1); // Show all
- countShowing();
- });
- }
- var elesBtnShowingStatus = document.querySelectorAll(".stsh_showing_status");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesBtnShowingStatus.length; i++)
- {
- elesBtnShowingStatus[i].addEventListener("click", function(ev)
- {
- var mode = parseInt(ev.target.dataset.hidestatus) || 0;
- activeHideStatus[mode] = 1;
- hideStatus(mode);
- ev.target.disabled = true;
- });
- }
- var obTarget_hider = document.querySelector("#keylist_container");
- if (obTarget_hider)
- {
- var obMu_hider = new MutationObserver(function(mutations)
- {
- mutations.forEach(function(mutation)
- {
- //console.log("obMu_hider");
- for (var i = 0; i < activeHideStatus.length; i++)
- {
- if (activeHideStatus[i] === 1)
- {
- hideStatus(i);
- }
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < activeHideKey.length; i++)
- {
- if (activeHideKey[i] === 1)
- {
- hideKey(i);
- }
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < activeHideStr.length; i++)
- {
- if (activeHideStr[i] === 1)
- {
- hideStr(i);
- }
- }
- sortKey(activeSort);
- });
- });
- var obConfig_hider = { childList: true };
- obMu_hider.observe(obTarget_hider, obConfig_hider);
- }
- var elesBtnSort = document.querySelectorAll(".stsh_sort");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesBtnSort.length; i++)
- {
- elesBtnSort[i].addEventListener("click", function(ev)
- {
- var mode = parseInt(ev.target.dataset.sort) || 0;
- activeSort = mode;
- sortKey(activeSort);
- });
- }
- var setVisibleKey = function(startKey, visible)
- {
- // Use ("", true) to show all
- startKey = startKey.toLowerCase();
- var display = visible !== true ? "none" : "";
- var eleKeys = document.querySelectorAll
- (" \
- #keylist > table:nth-child(1) \
- > tbody:nth-child(1) > tr > td:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1) \
- > table:nth-child(1) > tbody:nth-child(2) > tr:nth-child(1) > td:nth-child(1) \
- ");
- for (var i = 0; i < eleKeys.length; i++)
- {
- try
- {
- if (eleKeys[i].textContent.trim().toLowerCase().indexOf(startKey) > -1)
- {
- var eleTarget = eleKeys[i].parentElement.parentElement.parentElement
- .parentElement.parentElement.parentElement;
- if (visible && eleTarget.classList.contains("stsh_hidden"))
- {
- eleTarget.classList.remove("stsh_hidden");
- }
- else if (!visible && !eleTarget.classList.contains("stsh_hidden"))
- {
- eleTarget.classList.add("stsh_hidden");
- }
- }
- }
- catch (ex)
- {
- console.error("setVisibleKey", ex.message);
- }
- }
- }
- var hideKey = function(mode)
- {
- /*
- mode:
- -1: showAll
- 0: app
- 1: game
- 2: faq
- 3: support
- 4: promo
- 5: email
- */
- if (mode === -1) // showAll
- {
- setVisibleKey("", true);
- }
- else if (mode === 0) // app
- {
- setVisibleKey("# storefront_english_apps.txt #", false);
- setVisibleKey("# storefront_english_main.txt # #app_", false);
- setVisibleKey("# community_english.txt # SharedFiles_App_", false);
- setVisibleKey("# appmgmt_english.txt #", false);
- setVisibleKey("STEAM/VR", false);
- }
- else if (mode === 1) // game
- {
- setVisibleKey("GAMES/", false);
- setVisibleKey("TF_", false);
- }
- else if (mode === 2) // faq
- {
- setVisibleKey("# support_faq_english.txt #", false);
- }
- else if (mode === 3) // support
- {
- setVisibleKey("# supportui_english.txt #", false);
- setVisibleKey("# help_english.txt #", false);
- }
- else if (mode === 4) // promo
- {
- setVisibleKey("#promo", false);
- setVisibleKey("#hardware", false);
- setVisibleKey("ControllerBinding", false);
- setVisibleKey("Library_Controller", false);
- setVisibleKey("STEAM/HARDWARE", false);
- setVisibleKey("STEAM/DELTA", false);
- setVisibleKey("GAMES/KILLINGFLOOR2", false);
- }
- else if (mode === 5) // email
- {
- setVisibleKey("#email", false);
- }
- }
- var elesBtnShowingKey = document.querySelectorAll(".stsh_showing_key");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesBtnShowingKey.length; i++)
- {
- elesBtnShowingKey[i].addEventListener("click", function(ev)
- {
- var mode = parseInt(ev.target.dataset.hidekey) || 0;
- activeHideKey[mode] = 1;
- hideKey(mode);
- ev.target.disabled = true;
- });
- }
- var hideStr = function(mode)
- {
- /*
- mode:
- 0: notMatch
- 1: long
- */
- if (mode === 0) // notMatch
- {
- var searchStr = decodeURIComponent(getQueryByName("search_input")).replace(/\\+/g," ").trim();
- searchStr = searchStr.toLowerCase();
- var eleStrs = document.querySelectorAll
- (" \
- #keylist \
- > table:nth-child(1) > tbody:nth-child(1) > tr > td:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1) \
- > table:nth-child(1) > tbody:nth-child(2) > tr:nth-child(2) \
- ");
- for (var i = 0; i < eleStrs.length; i++)
- {
- try
- {
- var valStr = eleStrs[i].children[0].textContent.trim().toLowerCase();
- var valTrn = eleStrs[i].children[2].textContent.trim().toLowerCase();
- if (valStr !== searchStr && valTrn !== searchStr)
- {
- var eleTarget = eleStrs[i].parentElement.parentElement
- .parentElement.parentElement.parentElement;
- if (!eleTarget.classList.contains("stsh_hidden"))
- {
- eleTarget.classList.add("stsh_hidden");
- }
- }
- }
- catch (ex)
- {
- console.error("hideStrNotMatch", ex.message);
- }
- }
- }
- else if (mode === 1) // long
- {
- var dot = "...";
- var dotLengthMinus = 0 - dot.length;
- var eleStrs = document.querySelectorAll
- (" \
- #keylist \
- > table:nth-child(1) > tbody:nth-child(1) > tr > td:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1) \
- > table:nth-child(1) > tbody:nth-child(2) > tr:nth-child(2) > td:nth-child(1) \
- ");
- for (var i = 0; i < eleStrs.length; i++)
- {
- try
- {
- var valStr = eleStrs[i].textContent.trim();
- if (valStr.substr(dotLengthMinus) === dot)
- {
- var eleTarget = eleStrs[i].parentElement.parentElement
- .parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement;
- if (!eleTarget.classList.contains("stsh_hidden"))
- {
- eleTarget.classList.add("stsh_hidden");
- }
- }
- }
- catch (ex)
- {
- console.error("hideStrLong", ex.message);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- var elesBtnShowingStr = document.querySelectorAll(".stsh_showing_str");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesBtnShowingStr.length; i++)
- {
- elesBtnShowingStr[i].addEventListener("click", function(ev)
- {
- var mode = parseInt(ev.target.dataset.hidestr) || 0;
- activeHideStr[mode] = 1;
- hideStr(mode);
- ev.target.disabled = true;
- });
- }
- } // End Hide & sort suggestions
- resizeSuggestionBox();
- // Add Frame button when iframe load failed
- {
- var obTarget_ifrm = document.querySelector("#suggestions_iframe");
- if (obTarget_ifrm)
- {
- var obMu_ifrm = new MutationObserver(function(mutations)
- {
- mutations.forEach(function(mutation)
- {
- var divFrame = document.querySelector("#stsh_frame");
- if (!divFrame)
- {
- var divOuter = document.querySelector("#suggestions_box_outer");
- if (divOuter)
- {
- divFrame = document.createElement("div");
- divFrame.id = "stsh_frame";
- divOuter.appendChild(divFrame);
- }
- }
- if (divFrame)
- {
- var ifrm = document.querySelector("#suggestions_iframe");
- if (ifrm)
- {
- var src = ifrm.getAttribute("src");
- var token = getQueryByName("token_key", src);
- divFrame.innerHTML =
- ' \
- <br><br> \
- <div id="stsh_frame_sub"> \
- Token: <span class="stsh_blue">' + token + '</span> \
- <br><br> \
- <a class="stsh_a_button" target="_blank" href="' + src + '">Frame</a> \
- <br><br> \
- This frame may be blocked by ad blocker software. \
- <br> \
- Please whitelist https://translation.steampowered.com to prevent this missing frame. \
- </div> \
- ';
- }
- }
- });
- });
- var obConfig_ifrm = { attributes: true, attributeFilter: ["src"] };
- obMu_ifrm.observe(obTarget_ifrm, obConfig_ifrm);
- }
- }
- // Open frame if only one string
- {
- setTimeoutCustom(function()
- {
- var elesCopy = document.querySelectorAll("#keylist .copysmall");
- if (elesCopy.length === 1)
- {
- var eleDiv = elesCopy[0].parentElement.parentElement.parentElement;
- if (eleDiv.tagName === "DIV")
- {
- if (!isVisible())
- {
- eleDiv.click();
- }
- }
- }
- }, timingInit.openFrame);
- }
- // Fix STS search options
- {
- for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++)
- {
- var elesSort = document.querySelectorAll("#search #sort" + i);
- if (elesSort.length === 2)
- {
- elesSort[1].id = "status" + i;
- }
- }
- var elesLabel = document.querySelectorAll("#search label[for='sort0']");
- if (elesLabel.length === 2)
- {
- elesLabel[1].setAttribute("for", "status0");
- }
- var eleLabelEntire = document.querySelector("label[for='keys']");
- if (eleLabelEntire && eleLabelEntire.textContent.trim() === "ENTIRE DB")
- {
- eleLabelEntire.setAttribute("for", "all");
- }
- }
- // Add date navigation
- {
- var eleInput = document.querySelector("input#search_input");
- if (eleInput)
- {
- var date = "";
- var valInput = eleInput.value.trim();
- if (valInput.indexOf("DATE: ") === 0)
- {
- date = valInput.replace("DATE: ", "");
- }
- var eleBtn = document.querySelector("button#search_input");
- if (eleBtn)
- {
- if (!date)
- {
- if (eleBtn.value.indexOf("DATE: ") === 0)
- {
- date = eleBtn.value.replace("DATE: ", "");
- }
- }
- if (date)
- {
- eleBtn.classList.add("stsh_date_cur");
- eleBtn.title = eleBtn.value.replace("DATE: ", "");
- eleBtn.textContent = "TODAY";
- eleBtn.removeAttribute("id");
- eleBtn.removeAttribute("name");
- var eleDiv = document.createElement("div");
- eleDiv.classList.add("stsh_date_group");
- if (eleBtn.previousSibling.nodeType === document.TEXT_NODE)
- {
- // Remove all
- removeElement(eleBtn.previousSibling);
- }
- insertAfterElement(eleDiv, eleBtn.previousElementSibling);
- eleDiv.appendChild(eleBtn);
- // Calc prev and next date
- {
- var ts = getUnixTimestamp(date);
- var sDay = 86400;
- var datePrev = getDateGmt(ts - sDay);
- var dateNext = getDateGmt(ts + sDay);
- var eleBtnLeft = document.createElement("button");
- eleBtnLeft.classList.add("stsh_date_prev");
- eleBtnLeft.setAttribute("type", "submit");
- eleBtnLeft.value = "DATE: " + datePrev;
- eleBtnLeft.title = datePrev;
- eleBtnLeft.textContent = "<<";
- insertBeforeElement(eleBtnLeft, eleBtn);
- var eleBtnRight = document.createElement("button");
- eleBtnRight.classList.add("stsh_date_next");
- eleBtnRight.setAttribute("type", "submit");
- eleBtnRight.value = "DATE: " + dateNext;
- eleBtnRight.title = dateNext;
- eleBtnRight.textContent = ">>";
- insertAfterElement(eleBtnRight, eleBtn);
- var applyInputDate = function(ev)
- {
- var eleTarget = ev.target;
- var eleInput = document.querySelector("input#search_input");
- if (eleInput)
- {
- eleInput.value = eleTarget.value;
- }
- };
- eleBtn.addEventListener("click", applyInputDate);
- eleBtnLeft.addEventListener("click", applyInputDate);
- eleBtnRight.addEventListener("click", applyInputDate);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Add shortcut keys for pagination
- var bindPagination = function()
- {
- var elesPrev = document.querySelectorAll(".pagination > a:first-child");
- if (elesPrev.length === 2)
- {
- elesPrev[0].textContent = "Prev";
- elesPrev[1].textContent = "Prev";
- addKeyCtrl(document, elesPrev[0], ["BracketLeft", 219], "[", 2|8); // [
- disableAfterClick(elesPrev[0]);
- }
- var elesNext = document.querySelectorAll(".pagination > a:last-child");
- if (elesNext.length === 2)
- {
- elesNext[0].textContent = "Next";
- elesNext[1].textContent = "Next";
- addKeyCtrl(document, elesNext[0], ["BracketRight", 221, 171], "]", 2|8); // ]
- disableAfterClick(elesNext[0]);
- }
- };
- bindPagination();
- // Clean pagination urls
- var cleanPagination = function()
- {
- var elesPage = document.querySelectorAll(".pagination > a");
- cleanUrlTimestamp(elesPage);
- };
- cleanPagination();
- // Bind observer for keyList
- {
- var obTarget_keyList = document.querySelector("#keylist_container");
- if (obTarget_keyList)
- {
- var tmOb_keyList = -1;
- var obMu_keyList = new MutationObserver(function(mutations)
- {
- mutations.forEach(function(mutation)
- {
- if ((mutation.type !== "attributes"
- || mutation.target.tagName === "TR")
- && mutation.target.tagName !== "A")
- {
- clearTimeout(tmOb_keyList);
- tmOb_keyList = setTimeoutCustom(function(mutation)
- {
- countShowing();
- addLineCounter();
- bindPagination();
- cleanPagination();
- //console.log("keyList: " + tmOb_keyList);
- }, timingInit.bindObserverKeyList, mutation);
- }
- });
- });
- var obConfig_keyList = { childList: true, subtree: true, attributes: true, attributeFilter: ["class"] };
- obMu_keyList.observe(obTarget_keyList, obConfig_keyList);
- }
- }
- } // End translate.php
- if (url.indexOf("user_activity.php") > -1)
- {
- document.body && document.body.classList.add("stsh_page_userActivity");
- setTimeoutCustom(function()
- {
- var isMyProfile = false;
- // Resolve mixed content
- {
- var hostTag =
- [
- ["img", "src"],
- ["img", "src"],
- ["img", "src"],
- ["a", "href"],
- ["a", "href"],
- ];
- var hostOld =
- [
- "http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/",
- "http://media.steampowered.com/",
- "http://cdn.edgecast.steamstatic.com/",
- "http://steamcommunity.com/",
- "http://translation.steampowered.com",
- ];
- var hostReplace =
- [
- "https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/",
- "https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/",
- "https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/",
- "https://steamcommunity.com/",
- "https://translation.steampowered.com",
- ];
- for (var j = 0; j < hostOld.length; j++)
- {
- var eles = document.querySelectorAll(hostTag[j][0] + "[" + hostTag[j][1] + "^='" + hostOld[j] + "']");
- for (var i = 0; i < eles.length; i++)
- {
- eles[i].setAttribute(hostTag[j][1]
- , eles[i].getAttribute(hostTag[j][1]).replace(hostOld[j], hostReplace[j]));
- }
- }
- }
- // Check current profile is my profile or not
- {
- if (userId)
- {
- var userPage = getQueryByName("user", url);
- if (userId === userPage)
- {
- isMyProfile = true;
- }
- }
- if (!isMyProfile)
- {
- var eleASug = document.querySelector(".friend_block_avatar > a[href*='//translation.steampowered.com/translate.php'");
- if (eleASug && eleASug.textContent.trim() === "YOUR SUGGESTIONS")
- {
- isMyProfile = true;
- }
- }
- if (!isMyProfile)
- {
- if (document.querySelector("#moderator_announcement"))
- {
- isMyProfile = true;
- }
- }
- }
- var user = "";
- var eleAvatar = document.querySelector(".friend_block_avatar > a[href^='https://steamcommunity.com']");
- if (eleAvatar)
- {
- if (eleAvatar.href.indexOf("https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/") === 0)
- {
- user = eleAvatar.href.replace("https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/", "");
- }
- var name = eleAvatar.firstElementChild.getAttribute("title");
- if (name === "")
- {
- name = user;
- }
- document.title = name + " - " + document.title;
- }
- var stsh_activityAddLink_start = getTimeMs();
- var stsh_activityAddLink_itv = setIntervalCustom(function(user)
- {
- // Add more links in user activity
- var stsh_activityAddLink_isEnd = false;
- var stsh_activityAddLink_cur = getTimeMs();
- var h3s = document.querySelectorAll("#leftAreaContainer h3");
- if (h3s.length === 2)
- {
- var td = h3s[1].parentElement;
- var matchArr = td.innerHTML.match(/<\/h3>.+<br>/i);
- if (matchArr)
- {
- var name = matchArr[0]
- .replace("</h3>-", "")
- .replace("-<br>", "")
- .replace("<br>", "")
- .trim();
- if (name === "")
- {
- name = user;
- }
- if (name === "")
- {
- name = "Steam";
- }
- var tagNew = "";
- if (user === "")
- {
- tagNew =
- "\
- </h3>\
- <a id='stsh_sectionId' class='stsh_blue' target='_blank' href='https://steamcommunity.com/my'>\
- " + name + "</a>, \
- <a class='stsh_green' target='_blank' href='/WhereIsEsty.php'>Esty</a><br><br>\
- ";
- }
- else
- {
- tagNew =
- "\
- </h3>\
- <a id='stsh_sectionId' class='stsh_blue' target='_blank' href='https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/" + user + "'>\
- " + name + "</a>, \
- <a class='stsh_green' target='_blank' href='/WhereIsEsty.php?collectionof=" + user + "'>Esty</a>\
- "
- /*
- // Typonion
- + ", <a class='stsh_green' target='_blank' href='/translate.php?user="
- + user + "&onionhunter=1&liststatus=1'>Onion</a>
- */
- + " <br><br> ";
- }
- td.innerHTML = td.innerHTML.replace(/<\/h3>.+<br>/i, tagNew);
- stsh_activityAddLink_isEnd = true;
- }
- if (stsh_activityAddLink_isEnd || stsh_activityAddLink_cur - stsh_activityAddLink_start > 10000)
- {
- clearInterval(stsh_activityAddLink_itv);
- }
- }
- }, 300, user);
- var countWord = "";
- var countSugg = "";
- var inputDials = document.querySelectorAll("#leftAreaContainer input.dial");
- if (inputDials.length === 2)
- {
- countWord = inputDials[0].getAttribute("title").replace("words", "").trim();
- countSugg = inputDials[1].getAttribute("title").replace("suggestions", "").trim();
- }
- var tdCount = document.querySelector("#leftAreaContainer td[align='left']");
- if (tdCount)
- {
- tdCount.innerHTML =
- '\
- <div class="stsh_profile_count stsh_profile_count_word">Word: ' + countWord + '</div> \
- <div class="stsh_profile_count stsh_profile_count_sugg">Suggestion: ' + countSugg + '</div>\
- ';
- }
- var sug = document.body.textContent;
- var regComment = /VIEW COMMENT/g;
- var regSuggest = /VIEW SUGGESTION/g;
- var strComment = "...RECEIVED A MODERATOR COMMENT";
- var strPending = "...ARE PENDING";
- var strApproved = "...WERE APPROVED";
- var strDeclined = "...WERE DECLINED";
- var strApplied = "...HAVE BEEN APPLIED WITHIN THE LAST 14 DAYS";
- var strRemoved = "...HAVE BEEN REMOVED WITHIN THE LAST 14 DAYS";
- var startComment = sug.indexOf(strComment);
- var startPending = sug.indexOf(strPending);
- var startApproved = sug.indexOf(strApproved);
- var startDeclined = sug.indexOf(strDeclined);
- var startApplied = sug.indexOf(strApplied);
- var startRemoved = sug.indexOf(strRemoved);
- var sugComment = sug.substring(startComment,startPending);
- var sugPending = sug.substring(startPending,startApproved);
- var sugApproved = sug.substring(startApproved,startDeclined);
- var sugDeclined = sug.substring(startDeclined,startApplied);
- var sugApplied = sug.substring(startApplied,startRemoved);
- var sugRemoved = sug.substring(startRemoved);
- var countComment = (sugComment.match(regComment) || []).length;
- var countPending = (sugPending.match(regSuggest) || []).length;
- var countApproved = (sugApproved.match(regSuggest) || []).length;
- var countDeclined = (sugDeclined.match(regSuggest) || []).length;
- var countApplied = (sugApplied.match(regSuggest) || []).length;
- var countRemoved = (sugRemoved.match(regSuggest) || []).length;
- var divBtn = document.createElement("div");
- document.body.appendChild(divBtn);
- divBtn.innerHTML =
- ' \
- <div class="stsh_menu_group"> \
- <input id="stsh_btnToProgress" value="To Progress" class="stsh_btn_long" type="button" \
- onclick="scrollToId(\'stsh_sectionId\', -50); return false;" /><br> \
- \
- <span class="stsh_scroll_header">Scroll To</span>\
- <li class="stsh_suggestion_btn stsh_suggestion stsh_suggestion_comment"><input value="Comment (' + countComment + ')" \
- class="stsh_btn_long" type="button" onclick="scrollToId(\'stsh_sectionComment\'); return false;" ></li> \
- <li class="stsh_suggestion_btn stsh_suggestion stsh_suggestion_pending"><input value="Pending (' + countPending + ')" \
- class="stsh_btn_long" type="button" onclick="scrollToId(\'stsh_sectionPending\'); return false;" ></li> \
- <li class="stsh_suggestion_btn stsh_suggestion stsh_suggestion_approved"><input value="Approved (' + countApproved + ')" \
- class="stsh_btn_long" type="button" onclick="scrollToId(\'stsh_sectionApproved\'); return false;" ></li> \
- <li class="stsh_suggestion_btn stsh_suggestion stsh_suggestion_declined"><input value="Declined (' + countDeclined + ')" \
- class="stsh_btn_long" type="button" onclick="scrollToId(\'stsh_sectionDeclined\'); return false;" ></li> \
- <li class="stsh_suggestion_btn stsh_suggestion stsh_suggestion_applied"><input value="Applied (' + countApplied + ')" \
- class="stsh_btn_long" type="button" onclick="scrollToId(\'stsh_sectionApplied\'); return false;" ></li> \
- <li class="stsh_suggestion_btn stsh_suggestion stsh_suggestion_removed"><input value="Removed (' + countRemoved + ')" \
- class="stsh_btn_long" type="button" onclick="scrollToId(\'stsh_sectionRemoved\'); return false;" ></li> \
- <br> \
- <input id="stsh_btnHideSuggestion" value="Suggestions" class="stsh_btn_long" type="button" \
- onclick="return false;" title="Toggle hidden/shown suggestion list" /><br> \
- <br> \
- <input value="Refresh" class="stsh_btn_long" type="button" onclick="window.location = window.location.href; return false;" /> \
- <br> \
- </div> \
- ';
- var divContainer = document.querySelector("#leftAreaContainer");
- if (divContainer)
- {
- var inner = divContainer.innerHTML;
- var htmlPending = /\.\.\.ARE \<a [^\<]+\>PENDING\<\/a\>/i.exec(inner);
- var htmlApproved = /\.\.\.WERE \<a [^\<]+\>APPROVED\<\/a\>/i.exec(inner);
- var htmlDeclined = /\.\.\.WERE \<a [^\<]+\>DECLINED\<\/a\>/i.exec(inner);
- if (htmlPending && htmlApproved && htmlDeclined)
- {
- divContainer.innerHTML = inner
- "<span id='stsh_sectionComment' class='stsh_suggestion_header'>"
- + countComment + ")</span>")
- .replace(htmlPending,
- "<span id='stsh_sectionPending' class='stsh_suggestion_header'>" + htmlPending + " ("
- + countPending + ")</span>")
- .replace(htmlApproved,
- "<span id='stsh_sectionApproved' class='stsh_suggestion_header'>" + htmlApproved + " ("
- + countApproved + ")</span>")
- .replace(htmlDeclined,
- "<span id='stsh_sectionDeclined' class='stsh_suggestion_header'>" + htmlDeclined + " ("
- + countDeclined + ")</span>")
- "<span id='stsh_sectionApplied' class='stsh_suggestion_header'>"
- + countApplied + ")</span>")
- "<span id='stsh_sectionRemoved' class='stsh_suggestion_header'>"
- + countRemoved + ")</span>");
- }
- }
- if (document.querySelector("#hours"))
- {
- var eleBtn = document.querySelector("#stsh_btnToProgress");
- if (eleBtn)
- {
- var ele = document.createElement("input");
- ele.classList.add("stsh_btn_long");
- ele.setAttribute("value", "To Hours");
- ele.setAttribute("type", "button");
- ele.setAttribute("onclick", "scrollToElement(\"input[name*='[remarks]']\", -48); return false;");
- insertAfterElement(ele, eleBtn);
- ele = document.createTextNode(" \u00A0 ");
- insertAfterElement(ele, eleBtn);
- ele = document.createElement("br");
- insertAfterElement(ele, eleBtn);
- }
- }
- var cans = document.querySelectorAll("canvas");
- for (var i = 0; i < cans.length; i++)
- {
- removeElement(cans[i]);
- }
- /* // Unknown reason
- var aKeys = document.querySelectorAll("#leftAreaContainer li > a:nth-child(1)");
- for (var i = 0; i < aKeys.length; i++)
- {
- var key = aKeys[i].textContent;
- var keyArr = key.substr(21).trim().split(" >> ");
- keyArr[0] = "<span style='color: #FFF !important;'>" + keyArr[0] + "</span>";
- var keyNew = key.substr(0,21) + keyArr.join(" >> ") + "";
- aKeys[i].innerHTML = keyNew;
- }
- */
- var sugModeComment = 0;
- var sugModePending = 1;
- var sugModeApproved = 2;
- var sugModeDeclined = 3;
- var sugModeApplied = 4;
- var sugModeRemoved = 5;
- var sugMode = sugModeComment;
- var eleSugFirst = document.querySelector
- (" \
- #leftAreaContainer > a[href^='translate.php?search_input='] \
- , #leftAreaContainer > form > a[href^='translate.php?search_input='] \
- ");
- if (eleSugFirst)
- {
- var eleSugHeadPrev = eleSugFirst.previousElementSibling.previousElementSibling;
- if (eleSugHeadPrev.id === "stsh_sectionRemoved")
- {
- sugMode = sugModeRemoved;
- }
- else if (eleSugHeadPrev.id === "stsh_sectionApplied")
- {
- sugMode = sugModeApplied;
- }
- else if (eleSugHeadPrev.id === "stsh_sectionDeclined")
- {
- sugMode = sugModeDeclined;
- }
- else if (eleSugHeadPrev.id === "stsh_sectionApproved")
- {
- sugMode = sugModeApproved;
- }
- else if (eleSugHeadPrev.id === "stsh_sectionPending")
- {
- sugMode = sugModePending;
- }
- var eleSugNext = eleSugFirst;
- while (eleSugNext)
- {
- if (eleSugNext.tagName === "A")
- {
- var attrHref = eleSugNext.getAttribute("href");
- if (attrHref && attrHref.indexOf("translate.php?search_input=") === 0)
- {
- eleSugNext.classList.add("stsh_suggestion");
- if (sugMode === sugModeComment)
- {
- eleSugNext.classList.add("stsh_suggestion_comment");
- }
- else if (sugMode === sugModePending)
- {
- eleSugNext.classList.add("stsh_suggestion_pending");
- }
- else if (sugMode === sugModeApproved)
- {
- eleSugNext.classList.add("stsh_suggestion_approved");
- }
- else if (sugMode === sugModeDeclined)
- {
- eleSugNext.classList.add("stsh_suggestion_declined");
- }
- else if (sugMode === sugModeApplied)
- {
- eleSugNext.classList.add("stsh_suggestion_applied");
- }
- else if (sugMode === sugModeRemoved)
- {
- eleSugNext.classList.add("stsh_suggestion_removed");
- }
- }
- }
- else if (eleSugNext.tagName === "SPAN" && eleSugNext.classList.contains("stsh_suggestion_header"))
- {
- if (eleSugNext.id === "stsh_sectionRemoved")
- {
- sugMode = sugModeRemoved;
- }
- else if (eleSugNext.id === "stsh_sectionApplied")
- {
- sugMode = sugModeApplied;
- }
- else if (eleSugNext.id === "stsh_sectionDeclined")
- {
- sugMode = sugModeDeclined;
- }
- else if (eleSugNext.id === "stsh_sectionApproved")
- {
- sugMode = sugModeApproved;
- }
- else if (eleSugNext.id === "stsh_sectionPending")
- {
- sugMode = sugModePending;
- }
- }
- eleSugNext = eleSugNext.nextElementSibling;
- }
- }
- // Change language & correct url
- {
- var aProgresses = document.querySelectorAll("div > .friend_block_avatar a[onmouseout]");
- for (var i = 0; i < aProgresses.length; i++)
- {
- var langCur = getQueryByName("lang", aProgresses[i].href);
- if (langCur === "")
- {
- aProgresses[i].href = aProgresses[i].href + lang;
- }
- else
- {
- if (langCur !== lang)
- {
- //var langQuery = (url.indexOf("?") > -1) ? "&lang=" : "?lang=";
- //window.location = url + langQuery + langCur;
- console.log("Lang: " + langCur);
- }
- }
- var aContent = aProgresses[i].textContent.trim();
- if (aContent.indexOf("SUGGESTIONS") > -1)
- {
- aProgresses[i].href = aProgresses[i].href + "&listsort=5&liststatus=1&paginationrows=1000";
- }
- else if (aContent.indexOf("REVIEWS") > -1)
- {
- aProgresses[i].href = aProgresses[i].href + "&listsort=5&liststatus=3&paginationrows=1000";
- }
- }
- }
- // Hours
- if (document.querySelector("#hours"))
- {
- var calculateHours = function()
- {
- var rgxDate = /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$/;
- var rgxTime = /^(\d{1,2}:\d{2}(:\d{2})?|\d{1,2}\.\d{2})$/;
- var eleFrom = document.querySelector("#stsh_hoursCalc_from");
- var eleTo = document.querySelector("#stsh_hoursCalc_to");
- var eleRes = document.querySelector("#stsh_hoursCalc_result");
- if (eleFrom && eleTo && eleRes)
- {
- var rawFrom = eleFrom.value.trim();
- var rawTo = eleTo.value.trim();
- var valFrom = 0;
- var valTo = 0;
- if (rgxDate.test(rawFrom))
- {
- rawFrom = rawFrom.substr(11);
- }
- if (rgxTime.test(rawFrom))
- {
- var arrTime = rawFrom.split(":");
- if (arrTime.length === 1)
- {
- arrTime = rawFrom.split(".");
- }
- valFrom = parseInt(arrTime[1]) + (parseInt(arrTime[0]) * 60);
- }
- if (rgxDate.test(rawTo))
- {
- rawTo = rawTo.substr(11);
- }
- if (rgxTime.test(rawTo))
- {
- var arrTime = rawTo.split(":");
- if (arrTime.length === 1)
- {
- arrTime = rawTo.split(".");
- }
- valTo = parseInt(arrTime[1]) + (parseInt(arrTime[0]) * 60);
- }
- var valDiff = Math.abs(valTo - valFrom);
- var valHr = parseInt(valDiff / 60);
- var valMn = valDiff % 60;
- eleRes.textContent = padZero(valHr, 2) + ":" + padZero(valMn, 2);
- }
- }
- var curDateStr = getDateUs();
- // Add hours calculator
- {
- var eleFinalize = document.querySelector("#hours input[name='Finalize']");
- if (eleFinalize)
- {
- var eleFinalizeParent = eleFinalize.parentElement;
- eleFinalizeParent.setAttribute("colspan", "2");
- eleFinalizeParent.style.verticalAlign = "top";
- var elePad = document.createElement("td");
- insertBeforeElement(elePad, eleFinalizeParent);
- var eleCalc = document.createElement("td");
- eleCalc.classList.add("stsh_hoursCalc");
- insertBeforeElement(eleCalc, eleFinalizeParent);
- if (eleCalc.parentElement.previousElementSibling.querySelector("input[type='radio']"))
- {
- eleCalc.appendChild(document.createElement("br"));
- }
- var ele = document.createElement("b");
- ele.textContent = " Hours Calculator (Estimated) ";
- eleCalc.appendChild(ele);
- eleCalc.appendChild(document.createElement("br"));
- ele = document.createElement("span");
- ele.innerHTML =
- ' \
- Enter date or time to calculate range (calculate only hours and minutes). \
- <br>You can enter date "2016-01-01 08:05:00" or time "8:05" or time "8.05".\
- ';
- ele.setAttribute("style", "display: inline-block; padding-bottom: 4px;");
- eleCalc.appendChild(ele);
- eleCalc.appendChild(document.createElement("br"));
- ele = document.createElement("span");
- ele.textContent = " From: ";
- eleCalc.appendChild(ele);
- ele = document.createElement("input");
- ele.id = "stsh_hoursCalc_from";
- ele.setAttribute("type", "text");
- ele.setAttribute("onkeypress", "return event.keyCode !== 13;");
- ele.setAttribute("autocomplete", "off");
- ele.addEventListener("keyup", function()
- {
- calculateHours();
- });
- eleCalc.appendChild(ele);
- ele = document.createElement("span");
- ele.innerHTML = " To: ";
- eleCalc.appendChild(ele);
- ele = document.createElement("input");
- ele.id = "stsh_hoursCalc_to";
- ele.setAttribute("type", "text");
- ele.setAttribute("onkeypress", "return event.keyCode !== 13;");
- ele.setAttribute("autocomplete", "off");
- ele.addEventListener("keyup", function()
- {
- calculateHours();
- });
- eleCalc.appendChild(ele);
- ele = document.createElement("input");
- ele.id = "stsh_hoursCalc_toNow";
- ele.setAttribute("type", "button");
- ele.setAttribute("value", "Now");
- ele.setAttribute("onclick", "return false;");
- ele.addEventListener("click", function()
- {
- var eleTo = document.querySelector("#stsh_hoursCalc_to");
- eleTo.value = getTimeUs();
- calculateHours();
- });
- eleCalc.appendChild(ele);
- ele = document.createElement("span");
- ele.innerHTML = " Result: ";
- eleCalc.appendChild(ele);
- ele = document.createElement("b");
- ele.id = "stsh_hoursCalc_result"
- ele.textContent = " 00:00 ";
- eleCalc.appendChild(ele);
- }
- }
- // Hilight current date
- {
- var elesTd = document.querySelectorAll("#hours > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1)");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesTd.length; i++)
- {
- if (elesTd[i].textContent.indexOf(curDateStr) > -1)
- {
- elesTd[i].parentElement.id = "stsh_hours_curDate";
- elesTd[i].parentElement.classList.add("stsh_hours_curDate");
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // Auto calculate hours in current date
- {
- var timePendingFirst = "";
- var timePendingLast = "";
- var elesPending = document.querySelectorAll("#mainbody .stsh_suggestion_pending");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesPending.length; i++)
- {
- var content = elesPending[i].textContent.trim().substr(0, 19);
- if (content.substr(0, 10) === curDateStr)
- {
- timePendingFirst = content.substr(11, 5);
- if (timePendingLast === "")
- {
- timePendingLast = timePendingFirst;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- var timeApprovedFirst = "";
- var timeApprovedLast = "";
- var elesApproved = document.querySelectorAll("#mainbody .stsh_suggestion_approved");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesApproved.length; i++)
- {
- var content = elesApproved[i].textContent.trim().substr(0, 19);
- if (content.substr(0, 10) === curDateStr)
- {
- timeApprovedFirst = content.substr(11, 5);
- if (timeApprovedLast === "")
- {
- timeApprovedLast = timeApprovedFirst;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (timePendingFirst === "")
- {
- timePendingFirst = timeApprovedFirst;
- }
- if (timeApprovedFirst === "")
- {
- timeApprovedFirst = timePendingFirst;
- }
- if (timePendingLast === "")
- {
- timePendingLast = timeApprovedLast;
- }
- if (timeApprovedLast === "")
- {
- timeApprovedLast = timePendingLast;
- }
- var timeFirst = timeApprovedFirst < timePendingFirst ? timeApprovedFirst : timePendingFirst;
- var timeLast = timeApprovedLast > timePendingLast ? timeApprovedLast : timePendingLast;
- if (timeFirst !== "")
- {
- var eleFrom = document.querySelector("#stsh_hoursCalc_from");
- if (eleFrom)
- {
- eleFrom.value = timeFirst;
- }
- var eleTo = document.querySelector("#stsh_hoursCalc_to");
- if (eleTo)
- {
- eleTo.value = timeLast;
- }
- calculateHours();
- }
- }
- // Make minutes add to hours
- setTimeoutCustom(function()
- {
- var elesMn = document.querySelectorAll("#hours input[name*='[minutes]']");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesMn.length; i++)
- {
- elesMn[i].setAttribute("min", "-15");
- elesMn[i].setAttribute("max", "60");
- elesMn[i].addEventListener("change", function(ev)
- {
- var eleMn = ev.target;
- var eleHr = eleMn.parentElement.previousElementSibling.firstElementChild;
- var valMn = parseInt(eleMn.value) || 0;
- var valHr = parseInt(eleHr.value) || 0;
- if (valMn < 0)
- {
- if (valHr > 0)
- {
- eleHr.value = valHr - 1;
- eleMn.value = 45;
- }
- else
- {
- eleMn.value = 0;
- }
- }
- else if (valMn > 59)
- {
- if (valHr < 23)
- {
- eleHr.value = valHr + 1;
- eleMn.value = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- eleMn.value = 45;
- }
- }
- });
- }
- }, 500);
- // Make deferred can be clicked
- {
- var eleDeferred = document.querySelector("#hours td > i > span[title^='DATE']");
- if (eleDeferred)
- {
- eleDeferred.dataset.title = eleDeferred.title;
- eleDeferred.title = "Click to reveal";
- eleDeferred.addEventListener("click", function(ev)
- {
- var ele = ev.target;
- var eleDetail = document.querySelector(".stsh_deferred");
- if (!eleDetail)
- {
- eleDetail = document.createElement("div");
- eleDetail.classList.add("stsh_deferred");
- ele.parentElement.parentElement
- .parentElement.parentElement
- .lastElementChild.firstElementChild
- .appendChild(eleDetail);
- }
- var space = String.fromCharCode(160);
- var space3 = space + space + space;
- eleDetail.innerHTML = "<br>TOTAL DEFERRED HOURS" + space3 + " <br>"
- + ele.dataset.title.substr(61).trim()
- .replace(/\n/g, space3 + " <br>")
- + space3;
- });
- }
- }
- // Hide past date
- {
- var hidePast = function ()
- {
- var isHidden = false;
- var elesMn = document.querySelectorAll("#hours input[name*='[minutes]']");
- if (elesMn.length > 0)
- {
- if (elesMn[0].name === "date[1969-12-31][minutes]")
- {
- isHidden = true;
- }
- }
- if (isHidden)
- {
- for (var i = 1, l = elesMn.length - 1; i < l; i++)
- {
- elesMn[i].parentElement.parentElement.classList.add("stsh_hidden");
- }
- }
- };
- setTimeoutCustom(hidePast, 500);
- }
- }
- // Hide wallet
- // Hide email noti
- {
- if (!isMyProfile)
- {
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- for (var i = 0; i < elesAWallet.length; i++)
- {
- var eleCur = elesAWallet[i];
- for (var j = 0; j < 5; j++)
- {
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- eleCur = eleCur.nextElementSibling;
- }
- }
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- {
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- eleSub.nextElementSibling.nextElementSibling.classList.add("stsh_hidden");
- }
- }
- }
- // Set visible suggestion list
- {
- var setVisibleSuggestion = function(visible)
- {
- var display = visible !== true ? "none" : "";
- var eles = document.querySelectorAll(".copy");
- for (var i = 0; i < eles.length; i++)
- {
- if (eles[i].id && eles[i].id.indexOf("showwalletkeys") < 0
- && eles[i].id !== "abuse_report"
- && eles[i].id !== "moderator_announcement")
- {
- if (eles[i].style.display !== display)
- {
- eles[i].style.display = display;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- var eleHide = document.querySelector("#stsh_btnHideSuggestion");
- if (eleHide)
- {
- var isHide = GM_getValue("profileHideSuggestion", 0);
- if (isHide)
- {
- eleHide.dataset.modeNext = "show";
- eleHide.value = "Suggestions: Hide";
- setVisibleSuggestion(false);
- }
- else
- {
- eleHide.dataset.modeNext = "hide";
- eleHide.value = "Suggestions: Show";
- setVisibleSuggestion(true);
- }
- eleHide.addEventListener("click", function(ev)
- {
- var eleHide = ev.target;
- if (eleHide.dataset.modeNext === "show")
- {
- eleHide.dataset.modeNext = "hide";
- eleHide.value = "Suggestions: Show";
- setVisibleSuggestion(true);
- GM_setValue("profileHideSuggestion", 0);
- }
- else
- {
- eleHide.dataset.modeNext = "show";
- eleHide.value = "Suggestions: Hide";
- setVisibleSuggestion(false);
- GM_setValue("profileHideSuggestion", 1);
- }
- });
- }
- }
- // Add resolved comment checkbox
- {
- if (isMyProfile)
- {
- var objComment = GM_getValue("profile_comment", 0);
- //console.log(GM_getValue("profile_comment"));
- if (!objComment)
- {
- objComment = {};
- }
- if (!objComment[userId])
- {
- objComment[userId] = {};
- }
- var elesSugComment = document.querySelectorAll("#mainbody .stsh_suggestion_comment");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesSugComment.length; i++)
- {
- var eleComment = elesSugComment[i].nextElementSibling.nextElementSibling
- .nextElementSibling.lastElementChild;
- if (eleComment)
- {
- eleComment.classList.add("stsh_suggestion_comment_detail");
- var eleInput = document.createElement("input");
- eleInput.classList.add("stsh_comment_resolved");
- eleInput.setAttribute("type", "checkbox");
- eleInput.setAttribute("value", "true");
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- eleStrong.textContent = "Resolved:";
- var eleDate = document.createElement("span");
- eleDate.classList.add("stsh_comment_resolved_date");
- var eleLabel = document.createElement("label");
- eleLabel.classList.add("stsh_comment_resolved_label");
- eleLabel.classList.add("stsh_unselectable");
- eleLabel.classList.add("stsh_blue_light");
- eleLabel.classList.add("stsh_cursor_pointer");
- eleLabel.setAttribute("title", "Mark this comment as resolved. "
- + "\nThis helps you indicated this string was corrected or not.");
- eleLabel.appendChild(eleStrong);
- eleLabel.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" "));
- eleLabel.appendChild(eleInput);
- eleLabel.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" "));
- eleLabel.appendChild(eleDate);
- insertAfterElement(eleLabel, eleComment);
- var comment = eleComment.lastChild.textContent.trim();
- var key = elesSugComment[i].textContent.trim();
- var identifer = key + " ___ " + comment;
- eleInput.dataset.stshUser = userId;
- eleInput.dataset.stshIdentifier = identifer;
- if (objComment[userId][identifer])
- {
- if (objComment[userId][identifer].resolved === "true")
- {
- eleInput.checked = true;
- eleLabel.lastElementChild.textContent =
- getDateTimeUs(objComment[userId][identifer].time);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- objComment[userId][identifer] =
- {
- resolved: "false",
- time: getUnixTimestamp(),
- };
- }
- eleInput.addEventListener("click", function (ev)
- {
- var ele = ev.target;
- var userId = ele.dataset.stshUser;
- var identifer = ele.dataset.stshIdentifier;
- var objComment = GM_getValue("profile_comment", 0);
- if (!objComment)
- {
- objComment = {};
- }
- if (!objComment[userId])
- {
- objComment[userId] = {};
- }
- objComment[userId][identifer] =
- {
- resolved: ele.checked ? "true" : "false",
- time: getUnixTimestamp(),
- };
- GM_setValue("profile_comment", objComment);
- //console.log(GM_getValue("profile_comment"));
- if (ele.checked && ele.nextElementSibling)
- {
- ele.nextElementSibling.textContent = "Now";
- }
- });
- }
- }
- // Clean up
- {
- }
- // Save
- GM_setValue("profile_comment", objComment);
- }
- }
- // Check mod status
- {
- if (isMyProfile)
- {
- var isMod = !!document.querySelector("#moderator_announcement");
- var userMod = GM_getValue("mod", "");
- if (userId && userId !== userMod)
- {
- GM_setValue("mod", userId);
- }
- }
- }
- }, timingInit.pageUserActivity);
- } // End user_activity.php
- if (/\/rally[0-9]{0,4}/.test(url))
- {
- document.body && document.body.classList.add("stsh_page_rally");
- resizeSuggestionBox();
- var outer = document.querySelector("#suggestions_box_outer");
- if (outer)
- {
- outer.setAttribute("onclick", "hideSuggestionsBox();");
- }
- // Set cur lang to first
- {
- var first = document.querySelector(".gradienttable tr:nth-child(6)");
- if (first)
- {
- var cur = null;
- var tdLangs = document.querySelectorAll(".gradienttable tr > td:nth-child(1)");
- for (var i = 0; i < tdLangs.length; i++)
- {
- if (lang === tdLangs[i].textContent.trim().toLowerCase())
- {
- cur = tdLangs[i].parentElement;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (cur)
- {
- cur.classList.add("stsh_curLang");
- first.parentElement.insertBefore(cur, first);
- }
- }
- }
- // Change rows per page
- {
- var eleAs = document.querySelectorAll(".gradienttable tr:nth-child(6) a[href^='translate.php?']");
- for (var i = 0; i < eleAs.length; i++)
- {
- eleAs[i].href = eleAs[i].href + "&paginationrows=1000";
- }
- }
- var inputClose = document.querySelector("td:nth-child(3) > input:nth-child(1)");
- if (inputClose)
- {
- inputClose.value = "Close (Esc)";
- }
- } // End rally.php
- if (/\/rally_results_?[0-9]{0,4}/.test(url))
- {
- document.body && document.body.classList.add("stsh_page_rallyResults");
- var h3 = document.querySelector("table.curved h3");
- if (h3)
- {
- document.title = h3.textContent.trim();
- }
- var eleTable = document.querySelector("body > div:nth-child(1) > table:nth-child(1)");
- if (eleTable)
- {
- eleTable.style.width = "";
- }
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- if (inputClose)
- {
- inputClose.value = "Close (Esc)";
- inputClose.focus();
- }
- // Add frame and background button
- {
- var eleTdFirst = document.querySelector("td:nth-child(1)");
- if (eleTdFirst)
- {
- var eleTdFrame = document.createElement("td");
- eleTdFrame.setAttribute("align", "right");
- eleTdFrame.innerHTML =
- ' <a class="stsh_a_button" target="_blank" href="' + url + '">Frame</a> ';
- insertBeforeElement(eleTdFrame, eleTdFirst);
- var img = document.body.style.backgroundImage;
- if (img.indexOf("url(\"") === 0)
- {
- img = img.replace("url(\"", "").replace("\")", "");
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- eleTdImage.setAttribute("align", "right");
- eleTdImage.innerHTML =
- ' <a class="stsh_a_button" target="_blank" href="' + img + '">View Background</a> ';
- insertAfterElement(eleTdImage, eleTdFrame);
- }
- }
- }
- var inputPrev = document.querySelector("input[value^='Prev']");
- if (inputPrev)
- {
- addKeyCtrl(document, inputPrev, ["BracketLeft", 219], "[", 1|2); // [
- disableAfterClick(inputPrev);
- }
- var inputNext = document.querySelector("input[value^='Next']");
- if (inputNext)
- {
- addKeyCtrl(document, inputNext, ["BracketRight", 221, 171], "]", 1|2); // ]
- disableAfterClick(inputNext);
- }
- // Hilight cur lang
- {
- var elesLang = document.querySelectorAll("table.curved > tbody:nth-child(1) > tr:nth-child(1) > td:nth-child(3) > h2:nth-child(1)");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesLang.length; i++)
- {
- if (lang === elesLang[i].textContent.trim().toLowerCase())
- {
- var eleParent = elesLang[i].parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement;
- //eleParent.style.backgroundColor = "#474D1A";
- eleParent.classList.add("stsh_curLang");
- eleParent.setAttribute("bgcolor", "#474D1A");
- eleParent.setAttribute("onmouseout", "this.bgColor='#474D1A'");
- eleParent.setAttribute("onmouseover", "this.bgColor='#76802B'");
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // Reset points position
- {
- var eleSpan = document.querySelector("h5 > span");
- if (eleSpan)
- {
- eleSpan.parentElement.parentElement.removeAttribute("style");
- }
- }
- } // End rally_results.php
- if (/\/rallyreplay_?[0-9]{0,4}/.test(url))
- {
- document.body && document.body.classList.add("stsh_page_rallyReplay");
- // Set cur lang to first
- {
- var elesFrame = document.querySelectorAll("#leftAreaContainer div[id^='frame']");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesFrame.length; i++)
- {
- var first = elesFrame[i].querySelector(".gradienttable tr:nth-child(6)");
- if (first)
- {
- var cur = null;
- var tdLangs = elesFrame[i].querySelectorAll(".gradienttable tr > td:nth-child(1)");
- for (var j = 0; j < tdLangs.length; j++)
- {
- if (lang === tdLangs[j].textContent.trim().toLowerCase())
- {
- cur = tdLangs[j].parentElement;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (cur)
- {
- cur.classList.add("stsh_curLang");
- first.parentElement.insertBefore(cur, first);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- var eleBtn = document.querySelector("input[value='FASTEST']");
- if (eleBtn)
- {
- var ele = document.createElement("input");
- ele.setAttribute("type", "button");
- ele.setAttribute("value", "RESTART");
- ele.setAttribute("style", "padding: 0; border: none; background: none;");
- ele.setAttribute("onclick",
- " \
- indexReplay = 0; \
- elsFrame.eq(indexReplay).fadeOut(0, function() \
- { \
- indexReplay = (indexReplay + 1) % lenFrame; \
- elsFrame.eq(indexReplay).fadeIn(0); \
- }); \
- ");
- insertAfterElement(ele, eleBtn);
- insertAfterElement(document.createTextNode(" | "), eleBtn);
- }
- } // End rallyreplay.php
- if (url.indexOf("/WhereIsEsty.php") > -1)
- {
- document.body && document.body.classList.add("stsh_page_whereIsEsty");
- resizeSuggestionBox();
- var outer = document.querySelector("#suggestions_box_outer");
- if (outer)
- {
- outer.setAttribute("onclick", "hideSuggestionsBox();");
- }
- var divContainer = document.querySelector("#pageContainer");
- if (divContainer)
- {
- var ele = document.createElement("div");
- ele.id = "logout";
- ele.innerHTML =
- ' <a class="stsh_a_button" target="_blank" href="/home.php">Home</a> ';
- divContainer.appendChild(ele);
- }
- var divContent = document.querySelector("#leftAreaContainer > div");
- if (divContent)
- {
- var countSnap = document.querySelectorAll("div.box").length;
- var user = "";
- var name = "";
- var eleImg = document.querySelector("#leftAreaContainer > div > div > a > img ");
- if (eleImg)
- {
- name = eleImg.getAttribute("title");
- user = eleImg.parentElement.getAttribute("href").replace("https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/", "");
- }
- var ele = document.createElement("div");
- ele.classList.add("stsh_snapshot");
- ele.innerHTML = "<a class='stsh_blue' target='_blank' href='/user_activity.php?user="
- + user + "'>" + name + "</a>"
- + "<br>Snapshot: " + countSnap;
- divContent.appendChild(ele);
- }
- } // End WhereIsEsty.php
- if (url.indexOf("/stickerbox.php") > -1)
- {
- document.body && document.body.classList.add("stsh_page_stickerbox");
- document.querySelector("textarea[name='add_comment']").focus();
- var inputPrev = document.querySelector("img[src*='z0lEQVRIx5WWaWxVRRTH'");
- if (inputPrev)
- {
- addKeyCtrl(document, inputPrev, ["BracketLeft", 219]); // [
- disableAfterClick(inputPrev);
- }
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- if (inputNext)
- {
- addKeyCtrl(document, inputNext, ["BracketRight", 221, 171]); // ]
- disableAfterClick(inputNext);
- }
- } // End stickerbox.php
- if (/\/(home\.php|index\.php)/i.test(url))
- {
- document.body && document.body.classList.add("stsh_page_home");
- // Add class
- {
- var elesH1 = document.querySelectorAll("#leftAreaContainer h1");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesH1.length; i++)
- {
- var text = elesH1[i].textContent.trim();
- if (text === "Current Serverwide Focus")
- {
- elesH1[i].classList.add("stsh_home_focus");
- }
- else if (text.indexOf("Oldest") === 0)
- {
- elesH1[i].classList.add("stsh_home_application");
- }
- else if (text.indexOf("Most Outdated") === 0)
- {
- elesH1[i].classList.add("stsh_home_untranslated");
- }
- else if (text === "Latest 10 Cross-Language Discussions About Certain Tokens")
- {
- elesH1[i].classList.add("stsh_home_discussion");
- }
- else if (text === "Overall Progress")
- {
- elesH1[i].classList.add("stsh_home_progress");
- }
- }
- var elesLi = document.querySelectorAll("#alldiscussions > ul > li > ul > li");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesLi.length; i++)
- {
- elesLi[i].classList.add("stsh_home_discussion_comment");
- var eleFirst = elesLi[i].firstElementChild;
- if (eleFirst && eleFirst.tagName === "FONT")
- {
- elesLi[i].classList.add("stsh_home_discussion_langCur");
- }
- else
- {
- elesLi[i].classList.add("stsh_home_discussion_langOther");
- }
- }
- }
- // Decode URI in discussion
- {
- var rgxUrl = /https?:[^ ]+/ig;;
- var elesPost = document.querySelectorAll(".stsh_home_discussion_comment");
- for (var i = 0; i < elesPost.length; i++)
- {
- for (var j = 0; j < elesPost[i].childNodes.length; j++)
- {
- if (elesPost[i].childNodes[j].nodeType === document.TEXT_NODE)
- {
- var isChanged = false;
- var comment = elesPost[i].childNodes[j].textContent + " ";
- var commentUrls = comment.match(rgxUrl) || [];
- for (var k = 0; k < commentUrls.length; k++)
- {
- if (commentUrls[k].indexOf("%") > -1)
- {
- var urlDecode = commentUrls[k];
- try
- {
- urlDecode = decodeURIComponent(commentUrls[k]);
- isChanged = true;
- }
- catch (ex)
- {
- console.error("DecodeUriDiscussion", ex.message);
- }
- comment = comment.replace(commentUrls[k], urlDecode);
- }
- }
- if (isChanged)
- {
- elesPost[i].childNodes[j].textContent = comment;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Set cur lang to first
- {
- var first = null;
- var cur = null;
- var curLang = lang.substring(0, 4);
- if (curLang === "schi")
- curLang = "sim.";
- else if (curLang === "tchi")
- curLang = "tra.";
- var eleLangs = document.querySelectorAll("#overall .progress");
- if (eleLangs.length > 0)
- {
- first = eleLangs[0];
- for (var i = 0; i < eleLangs.length; i++)
- {
- if (curLang === eleLangs[i].textContent.trim().substring(0, 4).toLowerCase())
- {
- cur = eleLangs[i];
- break;
- }
- }
- if (cur)
- {
- cur.classList.add("stsh_blue");
- var curSib1 = cur.nextSibling;
- var curSib2 = curSib1.nextSibling;
- var curSib3 = curSib2.nextSibling;
- var curSib4 = curSib3.nextSibling;
- var curSib5 = curSib4.nextSibling;
- var curSib6 = curSib5.nextSibling;
- insertBeforeElement(cur, first);
- insertAfterElement(curSib6, cur);
- insertAfterElement(curSib5, cur);
- insertAfterElement(curSib4, cur);
- insertAfterElement(curSib3, cur);
- insertAfterElement(curSib2, cur);
- insertAfterElement(curSib1, cur);
- }
- }
- }
- if (document.querySelector("#logout"))
- {
- var tmplHome =
- ' \
- <div class="stsh_home_group"> \
- <span class="stsh_home_header">Shortcuts</span> \
- <div> \
- <a class="stsh_a_button stsh_btn_med" target="_blank" \
- href="/translate.php?search_input=DATE%3A+%DATE%&paginationrows=1000">New Today</a \
- ><a class="stsh_a_button stsh_btn_med" target="_blank" href="/glossary.php">Glossary</a> \
- </div> \
- <span class="stsh_home_header">Rally</span> \
- <div> \
- <a class="stsh_a_button stsh_btn_med" target="_blank" href="/rally.php">Rally</a \
- >%RALLY% \
- </div> \
- <span class="stsh_home_header">Events</span> \
- <div> \
- <a class="stsh_a_button stsh_btn_med stsh_grey" target="_blank" href="/rallyreplay.php">Rally Replay</a \
- ><a class="stsh_a_button stsh_btn_med stsh_grey" target="_blank" href="/onionolooorm.php">Typonion</a \
- ><a class="stsh_a_button stsh_btn_med" target="_blank" href="/dstbattle.php">DST Battle</a \
- ><a class="stsh_a_button stsh_btn_med" target="_blank" href="/dota2.php">DOTA 2</a> \
- </div> \
- <span class="stsh_home_header stsh_home_section_scroll">Scroll To</span> \
- <div class="stsh_home_section_scroll"> \
- <a class="stsh_a_button stsh_btn_med" onclick="window.scrollTo(0, 0); return false;" >Focus</a \
- ><a class="stsh_a_button stsh_btn_med" onclick="scrollToElement(\'.stsh_home_untranslated\', -4); return false;" >Untranslated</a \
- ><a class="stsh_a_button stsh_btn_med" onclick="scrollToElement(\'.stsh_home_discussion\', -4); return false;" >Discussion</a \
- ><a class="stsh_a_button stsh_btn_med" onclick="scrollToElement(\'.stsh_home_progress\', -4); return false;" >Progress</a> \
- </div> \
- <br> \
- <div><a class="stsh_a_button stsh_btn_med" target="_self" href="/home.php">Refresh</a></div> \
- </div> \
- ';
- tmplHome = tmplHome.replace("%DATE%", getDateUs());
- // Rally
- {
- var date = new Date();
- var yearLast = date.getUTCFullYear();
- var yearFirst = 2013;
- var yearDisabled = [2015, 2018];
- var isEven = (yearLast - yearFirst + (isRally() ? 1 : 0)) % 2 === 0;
- var count = 0;
- var strRally = "";
- for (var i = yearLast; i >= yearFirst; i--)
- {
- if (i < yearLast || isRally())
- {
- if (count % 2 === (isEven ? 0 : 1))
- {
- strRally += '<div>';
- }
- if (count === 0 && !isEven)
- {
- strRally += '<div><a class="stsh_a_button stsh_btn_med'
- + (yearDisabled.indexOf(i) > -1 ? " stsh_grey" : "")
- + '" target="_blank" '
- + 'href="/rally' + i + '.php">Rally ' + i + '</a></div>';
- }
- else
- {
- strRally += '<a class="stsh_a_button stsh_btn_short'
- + (yearDisabled.indexOf(i) > -1 ? " stsh_grey" : "")
- + '" target="_blank" '
- + 'href="/rally' + i + '.php">' + i + '</a>';
- }
- if (count > 0 && count % 2 === (isEven ? 1 : 0))
- {
- strRally += '</div>';
- }
- count++;
- }
- }
- tmplHome = tmplHome.replace("%RALLY%", strRally);
- }
- // Profile
- {
- var strProfile = "";
- if (userId)
- {
- strProfile = '<div class="stsh_group_space">'
- + '<a class="stsh_a_button stsh_btn_med" target="_blank" '
- + 'href="/translate.php?user=' + userId
- + '&listsort=5&liststatus=1&paginationrows=1000">My Suggestions</a>';
- var userMod = GM_getValue("mod", "");
- if (userMod === userId)
- {
- strProfile += '<a class="stsh_a_button stsh_btn_med" target="_blank" '
- + 'href="/translate.php?user=' + userId
- + '&moderator=1&listsort=5&liststatus=3&paginationrows=1000">My Reviews</a>';
- }
- strProfile += '</div>';
- }
- tmplHome = tmplHome.replace("%PROFILE%", strProfile);
- }
- var eleNew = document.createElement("div");
- eleNew.innerHTML = tmplHome;
- document.body.appendChild(eleNew);
- }
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- {
- var eleTimer = document.querySelector("#timer");
- if (!eleTimer)
- {
- var ele = document.createElement("div");
- ele.id = "timer";
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- {
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- }
- }
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- {
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- {
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- }
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- if (elePrivate)
- {
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- counter[1] =(elePrivate.textContent.match(rgxPrivate) || [0, 0])[1];
- }
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- {
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- }
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- }
- }
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- {
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- {
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- });
- }
- }
- }
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- {
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- {
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- var strShow = "Show other languages";
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- {
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- {
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- {
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- {
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- ' \
- <div class="stsh_home_group"> \
- <span class="stsh_home_header">Shortcuts</span> \
- <br> \
- <a class="stsh_a_button stsh_btn_med" target="_blank" \
- href="/translate.php?chosenfile=1&listfilter=1&listsort=3&paginationrows=1000&branch_ID=49&file_ID=226"> \
- Glossary</a> \
- <br> \
- <a class="stsh_a_button stsh_btn_med" target="_blank" \
- href="/translate.php?chosenfile=1&listfilter=1&listsort=3&paginationrows=1000&branch_ID=49&file_ID=232"> \
- Phrases</a> \
- <br> \
- </div> \
- ';
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- eleNew.innerHTML = contentGlos;
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- }
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- {
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- .replace("listsort=0", "listsort=4")
- .replace("paginationrows=50", "paginationrows=1000");
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- {
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- {
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- {
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- break;
- }
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- {
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- {
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- setTimeoutCustom(function()
- {
- var qBranch = getQueryByName("branch_ID");
- var qFile = getQueryByName("file_ID");
- if (qBranch === "" && qFile === "")
- {
- var getProgress = function(content)
- {
- content = content.trim();
- var rgxNum = /[0-9]+/g;
- var data = "";
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- {
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- }
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- {
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- }
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- {
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- eleA.parentElement.nextElementSibling.firstElementChild.textContent);
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- <br> <input id="stsh_stat_hideCompleted" value="Completed" class="stsh_btn_long" type="button" /> \
- <br> \
- <br> <input id="stsh_stat_showAll" value="Show All" class="stsh_btn_long" type="button" /> \
- </div> \
- ';
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- {
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- {
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- {
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- {
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- {
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- {
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- {
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- }
- }
- }, timingInit.improveStatistics);
- } // End statistics.php
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- || url === "https://translation.steampowered.com/")
- {
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- {
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- {
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- function client()
- {
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- ' \
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- \
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- { \
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- \
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- { \
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- \
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- { \
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- { \
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- return false; \
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- \
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- { \
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- \
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- { \
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- } \
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- { \
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- { \
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- var strEnd = "\' ); return false;"; \
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- var urls = []; \
- \
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- { \
- type2: /\\&t=[0-9]{6,}/g, \
- type4: /\\&[0-9]{6,}\\&/g, \
- }; \
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- \
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- { \
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- { \
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- } \
- \
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- \
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- { \
- eleDivs[i].setAttribute("onclick", evNew); \
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- } \
- \
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- { \
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- { \
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- { \
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- } \
- } \
- } \
- \
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- { \
- return (1e15+num+"").slice(-size); \
- } \
- \
- function doInstant() \
- { \
- var url = document.documentURI; \
- \
- /* Fix STS JS error */ \
- setTimeoutCustom(function() \
- { \
- if (typeof hide_list === "undefined") \
- { \
- hide_list = function() { /*console.log("sts: hide_list");*/ }; \
- } \
- \
- if (typeof changeIt === "undefined") \
- { \
- changeIt = function() { /*console.log("sts: changeIt");*/ }; \
- } \
- \
- if (typeof getendnext === "undefined") \
- { \
- getendnext = function() { /*console.log("sts: getendnext");*/ return ""; }; \
- } \
- }, 1000); \
- \
- if (url.indexOf("user_activity.php") > -1) \
- { \
- setTimeoutCustom(function() \
- { \
- if (typeof $ !== "undefined") \
- { \
- /* Restore drawing progress */ \
- $(".dial").css("display", "inline"); \
- $(".dial").knob( \
- { \
- "draw": function() \
- { \
- $(this.i).val(this.cv + "%"); \
- } \
- }); \
- } \
- }, 500); \
- } \
- else if (url.indexOf("translate.php") > -1) \
- { \
- getsuggestionURL = function(urlno) \
- { \
- /* Overwrite STS to remove timestamp */ \
- return URLarray[urlno]; \
- }; \
- \
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- { \
- mutations.forEach(function(mutation) \
- { \
- if (mutation.type !== "attributes" \
- || mutation.target.tagName === "TR") \
- { \
- clearTimeout(tmOb_sync); \
- tmOb_sync = setTimeoutCustom(function() \
- { \
- syncUrlArray(); \
- /*console.log("syncUrlArray: " + tmOb_sync);*/ \
- }, 50); \
- } \
- }); \
- }); \
- \
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- obMu_sync.observe(obTarget_sync, obConfig_sync); \
- } \
- } \
- else if (url.indexOf("suggestions.php") > -1) \
- { \
- if (parent !== window) \
- { \
- var main = document.querySelector("#suggestionmain"); \
- if (main) \
- { \
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- if (styleCp) \
- { \
- var color = styleCp.backgroundColor; \
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- } \
- } \
- } \
- } \
- \
- window.addEventListener("beforeunload", function (e) \
- { \
- clearTimeoutAll(); \
- clearIntervalAll(); \
- }); \
- \
- } \
- doInstant(); \
- \
- ';
- var eleClientScript = document.createElement("script");
- eleClientScript.innerHTML = clientScript;
- document.head.appendChild(eleClientScript);
- } // End client
- attachOnReady(initStyle);
- attachOnReady(client);
- attachOnReady(main);
- })();
- // End