- // ==UserScript==
- // @name Monster Twitch
- // @namespace http://enut.co/dev
- // @version 2.59
- // @description Streches stream to max width and hides left navigation bar with an 'M' toggle on the bottom right
- // @include http://*.twitch.tv/*
- // @include http://twitch.tv/*
- // @exclude http://www.twitch.tv/directory*
- // @exclude http://www.twitch.tv/*/dashboard
- // @exclude http://www.twitch.tv/inbox*
- // @exclude http://www.twitch.tv/subscriptions*
- // @exclude http://store.twitch.tv
- // @exclude http://api.twitch.tv/*
- // @exclude https://api.twitch.tv/*
- // @require http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.0.3/jquery.min.js
- // @grant GM_addStyle
- // @copyright 2013+, tracerman
- // ==/UserScript==
- var showCheck3 = 0;
- var zNode3 = document.createElement ('div');
- var pHeight = $(".dynamic-player").css("height");
- var bHeight = $('#left_col').css("width");
- var cHeight = $('#right_col').css("width");
- var cDisp = $('#right_col').css("display");
- var conWidth = $('#content').css("width");
- var tHeight = $('#main_col').css("margin-left");
- var zHeight = $('#main_col').css("margin-right");
- var mrCheck = $('#main_col').css("margin-right");
- var zWidth = $('#main_col').css("width");
- var ZWidthCheck = zWidth;
- var chatHeight = $('#chat').css("width");
- var chatLHeight = $('#chat_line').css("width");
- var chatLLHeight = $('#chat_line_list').css("width");
- var chatLLPadding = $('#chat_line_list').css("padding");
- zNode3.innerHTML = '<button id="myButton3" type="button">'
- + 'M</button>';
- zNode3.setAttribute ('id', 'myContainer3');
- document.body.appendChild (zNode3);
- //--- Activate the newly added button.
- document.getElementById ("myButton3").addEventListener (
- "click", ButtonClickAction, false
- );
- function ButtonClickAction (zEvent) {
- if(showCheck3 == 1) {
- $("#channel").removeAttr('style');
- $("#chat_line_list").each(function () {
- this.style.setProperty("padding", chatLLPadding, "important");
- });
- $("#chat_line_list").each(function () {
- this.style.setProperty("padding", chatLLPadding);
- });
- $("#left_col").show();
- $(".editable").show();
- $("#channel_panels_contain").show();
- $(".stats-and-actions").show();
- $(".resizer").show();
- $("#right_close").show();
- $("#right_col").each(function () {
- this.style.setProperty("width", "", "important");
- });
- $("#right_col").each(function () {
- this.style.setProperty("width", cHeight);
- });
- $("#main_col").removeAttr('style');
- $("#main_col").each(function () {
- this.style.setProperty("margin-left", "", "important");
- });
- $("#main_col").css("margin-left","");
- /* $("#main_col").each(function () {
- this.style.setProperty("margin-left", tHeight);
- }); */
- $("#main_col").each(function () {
- /* this.style.setProperty("margin-right", "", "important"); */
- this.style.setProperty("width", "", "important");
- });
- if (cDisp == "block") {
- $("#main_col").each(function () {
- /* this.style.setProperty("margin-right", zHeight); */
- this.style.setProperty("margin-right", "");
- /* this.style.setProperty("width", zWidth); */
- });
- }
- else {
- $("#main_col").each(function () {
- /* this.style.setProperty("margin-right", "0px"); */
- this.style.setProperty("width", "");
- });
- }
- /* $("#main_col").each(function () {
- this.style.setProperty("margin-left", tHeight);
- /* this.style.setProperty("width", zWidth); */
- /* }); */
- if(zWidth >= 1) {
- $("#main_col").each(function () {
- this.style.setProperty("width", "");
- this.style.setProperty("margin-right", "");
- });
- }
- else {
- /* $("#main_col").css("width", zWidth); */
- $("#main_col").css("width", "");
- /* $("#main_col").css("margin-right", "", "important"); */
- }
- /* if (cDisp == "block") {
- $("#main_col").each(function () {
- this.style.setProperty("margin-right", "340px");
- });
- }
- else {
- $("#main_col").css("margin-right", "0", "important");
- } */
- $(".dynamic-player").each(function () {
- this.style.setProperty("height", "", "important");
- });
- /* $(".dynamic-player").each(function () {
- this.style.setProperty("height", pHeight);
- }); */
- $("#player").each(function () {
- this.style.setProperty("position", "relative");
- });
- $("#content").each(function () {
- this.style.setProperty("width", "", "important");
- });
- $("#content").each(function () {
- this.style.setProperty("width", conWidth);
- });
- $("#chat").each(function () {
- this.style.setProperty("width", "", "important");
- });
- $("#chat").each(function () {
- this.style.setProperty("width", chatHeight);
- });
- $("#chat_line").each(function () {
- this.style.setProperty("width", "", "important");
- });
- $("#chat_line").each(function () {
- this.style.setProperty("width", chatLHeight);
- });
- $("#chat_line_list").each(function () {
- this.style.setProperty("width", "", "important");
- });
- /* $("#chat_line_list").each(function () {
- this.style.setProperty("width", chatLLHeight);
- }); */
- $("#myButton3").fadeTo("fast", 1).delay(300).css({"color":"white"});
- /* $(".primary_button").animate({"width":"149px"}, "fast"); */
- //--- Old Chat Button
- $("#chat_speak").animate({"width":"149px"}, "fast");
- //--- New Chat Button
- $(".send-chat-button").css("width", "").css("left", "");
- $(".button-simple.primary").css("background", "");
- // Show the video bar
- $("#twitch_chat").animate({"top":"51px"}, "fast");
- $("#chat").each(function () {
- this.style.setProperty("top", "51px", "important");
- });
- $("#archives").animate({"top":"51px"}, "fast");
- //--- Old Buttons Border
- $(".dropdown_glyph").css("border", "", "important").css("box-shadow", "", "important");
- //--- New Buttons Border
- $("button.settings").css("border", "", "important").css("box-shadow", "", "important");
- $("button.viewers").css("border", "", "important").css("box-shadow", "", "important");
- //--- New Chat Interface Features
- $(".chat-interface").css("background", "").css("border", "", "important").css("box-shadow", "", "!important");
- $(".textarea-contain").css("border", "");
- $(".segmented_tabs").css({"visibility":"visible"});
- showCheck3 = 2;
- }
- else if(showCheck3 == 0) {
- pHeight = $(".dynamic-player").css("height");
- bHeight = $('#left_col').css("width");
- cHeight = $('#right_col').css("width");
- conWidth = $('#content').css("width");
- tHeight = $('#main_col').css("margin-left");
- zHeight = $('#main_col').css("margin-right");
- chatHeight = $('#chat').css("width");
- chatLHeight = $('#chat_line').css("width");
- chatLLHeight = $('#chat_line_list').css("width");
- chatLLPadding = $('#chat_line_list').css("padding");
- cDisp = $('#right_col').css("display");
- zWidth = $('#main_col').css("width");
- $("#channel").each(function () {
- this.style.setProperty("padding", "0 0 0 0", "important");
- });
- $("#chat_line_list").each(function () {
- this.style.setProperty("padding", "0 0 0", "important");
- });
- $(".editable").hide();
- $("#left_col").hide();
- $(".resizer").hide();
- $("#channel_panels_contain").hide();
- $(".stats-and-actions").hide();
- $(".dynamic-player, .dynamic-player object, .dynamic-player video").each(function () {
- this.style.setProperty("height", "100%", "important");
- this.style.setProperty("width", "100%", "important");
- });
- $(".dynamic-player").each(function () {
- this.style.setProperty("height", "100%", "important");
- this.style.setProperty("width", "100%", "important");
- });
- $("#player").each(function () {
- this.style.setProperty("position", "absolute");
- });
- if (cDisp == "block") {
- $("#content").each(function () {
- this.style.setProperty("width", "275px", "important");
- });
- $("#right_col").each(function () {
- this.style.setProperty("width", "275px", "important");
- });
- $("#chat").animate({"width":"275px"}, "fast");
- $("#chat_line_list").css({"width":""});
- $("#chat_line").animate({"width":"272px"}, "fast");
- $("#main_col").each(function () {
- this.style.setProperty("margin-right", "275px", "important");
- this.style.setProperty("width", "");
- });
- $(".segmented_tabs").css({"visibility":"hidden"});
- $("#twitch_chat").css({"top":"0px"});
- $("#chat").each(function () {
- this.style.setProperty("top", "0px", "important");
- });
- $("#archives").animate({"top":"0px"}, "fast");
- //--- Old Chat Button
- $("#chat_speak").animate({"width":"84px"}, "fast");
- //--- New Chat Button
- $(".send-chat-button").css("width", "150px").css("left", "100px");
- $(".button-simple.primary").css("background", "black");
- //--- New Chat Interface Features
- $(".chat-interface").css("background", "white").css("border", "1px solid #6441a5", "important").css("box-shadow", "1px 1px 1px rgb(100, 65, 165), 0px 1px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15) inset", "!important");
- $(".textarea-contain").css("border", "2px solid rgb(100, 65, 165)");
- }
- else {
- $("#content").each(function () {
- this.style.setProperty("width", "0px", "important");
- });
- $("#right_col").each(function () {
- this.style.setProperty("width", "0px", "important");
- });
- $("#main_col").each(function () {
- this.style.setProperty("margin-right", "0px", "important");
- this.style.setProperty("width", "100%", "important");
- });
- }
- if (zWidth > 0) {
- $("#main_col").each(function () {
- this.style.setProperty("width", "100%", "important");
- });
- }
- else {
- this.style.setProperty("width", "", "important");
- }
- $("#main_col").each(function () {
- this.style.setProperty("margin-left", "0px", "important");
- });
- $("#right_close").hide();
- /* zHeight = $('#main_col').css("margin-right"); */
- //--- Old Buttons Border
- $(".dropdown_glyph").css("border", "1px solid #6441a5", "important").css("box-shadow", "1px 1px 1px rgb(100, 65, 165), 0px 1px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15) inset", "!important");
- //--- New Buttons Border
- $("button.settings").css("border", "1px solid #6441a5", "important").css("box-shadow", "1px 1px 1px rgb(100, 65, 165), 0px 1px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15) inset", "!important");
- $("button.viewers").css("border", "1px solid #6441a5", "important").css("box-shadow", "1px 1px 1px rgb(100, 65, 165), 0px 1px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15) inset", "!important");
- $("#myButton3").fadeTo("fast", 0.5).delay(300).css({"color":"yellow"});
- showCheck3 = 1;
- }
- else if(showCheck3 == 2) {
- if (cDisp == "block") {
- $("#main_col").each(function () {
- this.style.setProperty("margin-right", zHeight);
- /* this.style.setProperty("width", zWidth); */
- });
- }
- else {
- $("#main_col").each(function () {
- this.style.setProperty("margin-right", "0px");
- this.style.setProperty("width", "");
- });
- }
- $("#main_col").each(function () {
- this.style.setProperty("margin-left", tHeight);
- /* this.style.setProperty("width", zWidth); */
- });
- $("#main_col").css("width", "");
- if (cDisp == "block") {
- $("#main_col").each(function () {
- this.style.setProperty("margin-right", "340px");
- });
- }
- else {
- $("#main_col").css("margin-right", "0", "important");
- }
- $("#myButton3").fadeTo("fast", 1).delay(300).css({"color":"blue"});
- showCheck3 = 0;
- }
- else if(showCheck3 == 3) {
- }
- }
- //--- Style our newly added elements using CSS.
- GM_addStyle ( multilineStr ( function () {/*!
- #myContainer3 {
- position: absolute;
- bottom: 0;
- left: 0;
- font-size: 10px;
- border: 0px outset black;
- margin: 0px;
- opacity: 10.0;
- z-index: 250;
- padding: 0px 1px;
- }
- #myButton3 {
- cursor: pointer;
- background: transparent;
- border: none !important;
- color: purple;
- font-weight: bold;
- }
- #myContainer3 p {
- color: purple;
- background: transparent;
- }
- */} ) );
- function multilineStr (dummyFunc) {
- var str = dummyFunc.toString ();
- str = str.replace (/^[^\/]+\/\*!?/, '') // Strip function () { /*!
- .replace (/\s*\*\/\s*\}\s*$/, '') // Strip */ }
- .replace (/\/\/.+$/gm, '') // Double-slash comments wreck CSS. Strip them.
- ;
- return str;
- }