- // ==UserScript==
- // @name Resize Video To Window Size
- // @description Resize the video player for various sites to the window size.
- // @author Chris H (Zren / Shade)
- // @namespace http://xshade.ca
- // @version 67
- // @include https://www.crunchyroll.com/*
- // @include https://beta.crunchyroll.com/*
- // @include https://static.crunchyroll.com/vilos-v2/web/vilos/player.html*
- // @include https://docs.google.com/file/*
- // @include https://drive.google.com/drive/*
- // @include https://drive.google.com/file/*
- // @include https://vimeo.com/*
- // @include http://onepieceofficial.com/videos.aspx*
- // @include http://www.onepieceofficial.com/videos.aspx*
- // @include https://www.youpak.com/watch*
- // @include https://olympics.cbc.ca/video/*
- // @include https://olympics.cbc.ca/divaPlayer/*
- // @include http://www.dailymotion.com/*
- // @include https://www.dailymotion.com/*
- // @include https://streamable.com/*
- // @include https://www.globaltv.com/shows/*
- // @include https://watch.globaltv.com/video/*
- // @include https://www.much.com/shows/south-park/episode/*/*/
- // @include http://*.ctvnews.ca/*
- // @include https://watch.cbc.ca/live/channel/*
- // @include https://watch.cbc.ca/live/*
- // @include https://www.ctv.ca/shows/*
- // @include https://www.ctv.ca/video/*
- // @include https://www.ctv.ca/*/Video*
- // @include https://www.ctv.ca/Movie/*
- // @include https://www.funimation.com/shows/*
- // @include https://www.funimation.com/player/*
- // @include https://www.crave.ca/*
- // @include https://tubitv.com/*
- // @include https://tv.bell.ca/*
- // @grant GM_addStyle
- // ==/UserScript==
- (function() {
- var fixedOverlayPlayer = function(selector) {
- var css = selector + "{";
- css += "position: fixed;";
- css += "top: 0;";
- css += "left: 0;";
- css += "right: 0;";
- css += "bottom: 0;";
- css += "}";
- GM_addStyle(css);
- };
- var absoluteTopPlayer = function(selector, staticSelectors) {
- var css = selector + "{";
- css += "position: absolute;";
- css += "top: 0;";
- css += "left: 0;";
- css += "width: 100vw;";
- css += "height: 100vh;";
- css += "padding: 0;";
- css += "margin: 0;";
- css += "}";
- css += "body {";
- css += "margin-top: 100vh;";
- css += "margin-top: 100vh;";
- css += "padding-top: 0;";
- css += "}";
- if (staticSelectors) {
- css += staticSelectors + "{";
- css += "position: static";
- css += "}";
- }
- GM_addStyle(css);
- };
- var movedTopPlayer = function(videoBoxElement) {
- document.body.insertBefore(videoBoxElement, document.body.firstChild);
- videoBoxElement.style.width = '100%';
- videoBoxElement.style.height = '100%';
- videoBoxElement.style.backgroundColor = '#000';
- };
- var waitFor = function(selector, callback) {
- var tick = function(){
- var e = document.querySelector(selector);
- if (e) {
- callback(e);
- } else {
- setTimeout(tick, 100);
- }
- };
- tick();
- };
- var bindJWPlayerSpacebar = function() {
- window.addEventListener('keydown', function(e){
- if (e.key == ' ' && e.target == document.body) {
- var video = document.querySelector('.jwplayer video')
- if (video) {
- e.preventDefault();
- if (video.paused) {
- video.play()
- } else {
- video.pause()
- }
- }
- }
- });
- };
- var urlMatch = function(regexStr) {
- regexStr = regexStr.replace(/\//g, '\\/'); // Auto escape forward slashes to make url regexes more legible.
- var regex = new RegExp(regexStr);
- return regex.exec(window.location.href);
- };
- if (document.location.host.endsWith('crunchyroll.com')) {
- // console.log('doc loc', document.location)
- // console.log('win loc', window.location)
- if (document.location.hostname == 'www.crunchyroll.com' || document.location.hostname == 'beta.crunchyroll.com') {
- var rvtwsHeaderClass = 'rvtws-header-hidden'
- var css = ''
- css += '.erc-header.'+rvtwsHeaderClass+' { position: absolute; }'
- css += '.erc-header.'+rvtwsHeaderClass+' .header-content { opacity: 0; transition: opacity: 0.1s; }'
- css += '.erc-header.'+rvtwsHeaderClass+' .header-content:hover { opacity: 1; }'
- css += '.erc-watch-episode-layout .video-player-wrapper { max-height: 100vh; height: 100vh; display: flex; }'
- // css += '.erc-watch-episode-layout .video-player { height: 56.25vw; align-self: center; }'
- GM_addStyle(css)
- function updateHeader() {
- var ercHeader = document.querySelector('.erc-header')
- var ercWatchEpisode = document.querySelector('.erc-watch-episode')
- if (ercHeader) {
- if (ercWatchEpisode) {
- ercHeader.classList.add(rvtwsHeaderClass)
- } else {
- ercHeader.classList.remove(rvtwsHeaderClass)
- }
- }
- }
- window.addEventListener('popstate', updateHeader)
- setInterval(updateHeader, 1000)
- updateHeader()
- } else if (document.location.hostname == 'static.crunchyroll.com' && document.location.pathname == '/vilos-v2/web/vilos/player.html') {
- GM_addStyle('#vilosRoot { height: 100vh !important; }');
- GM_addStyle('#vilosControlsContainer > div:first-child { margin-top: 3.75rem; }'); // Make room for header
- }
- } else if (document.location.href.startsWith('https://docs.google.com/file/')) {
- fixedOverlayPlayer('#drive-viewer-video-player-object-0');
- var css = 'body:not(:hover) .ytp-chrome-bottom { opacity: 0 !important; }';
- css += 'body:not(:hover) .drive-viewer-toolstrip { opacity: 0 !important; }';
- GM_addStyle(css);
- } else if (document.location.href.startsWith('https://drive.google.com/')) {
- fixedOverlayPlayer('.drive-viewer-video-player');
- var css = '.drive-viewer-toolstrip { opacity: 0 !important; }';
- css += '.drive-viewer-toolstrip:hover { opacity: 1 !important; }';
- GM_addStyle(css);
- } else if (document.location.href.startsWith('https://vimeo.com/')) {
- if (! /\/\d+/.exec(document.location.pathname))
- return;
- var css = '.js-player_area-wrapper, .player_area-wrapper, .player_area, .player_container, .player, .video-wrapper, .video, .video * { width: 100vw !important; height: 100vh !important; max-height: 100vh !important; }';
- css += '.vp-player-layout { left: 0 !important; top: 0 !important; width: 100vw !important; height: 100vh !important; }';
- css += '.clip_main > *:not(.player_area-wrapper) { margin-top: 70px; }';
- css += '.VimeoBrand_ColorRibbon, .body_ribbon, .topnav_desktop, .topnav_mobile { position: absolute; top: 100vh; width: 100%; }';
- css += '.topnav_desktop { top: calc(100vh + 5px); }';
- GM_addStyle(css);
- // autoplay
- function tick() {
- var e = document.querySelector('button.play[aria-label="Play"]');
- if (e) {
- e.click();
- } else {
- setTimeout(tick, 100);
- }
- }
- setTimeout(tick, 100);
- } else if (document.location.host.endsWith('onepieceofficial.com')) {
- movedTopPlayer(document.querySelector('#FUNimationVideo'));
- } else if (document.location.host.endsWith('youpak.com')) {
- movedTopPlayer(document.querySelector('.videoWrapper'))
- var css = 'body > .container { padding-top: 60px; }'
- css += '.navbar-fixed-top { position: absolute; top: 100vh; }'
- css += 'body { padding-top: 0; }'
- GM_addStyle(css)
- } else if (document.location.host == 'olympics.cbc.ca') {
- console.log(document.location.pathname, document.location.pathname.match(/\/video\/([^\/]+)\/([^\/]+)(\/?)/))
- if (document.location.pathname.match(/\/video\/([^\/]+)\/([^\/]+)(\/?)/)) {
- var css = '.cbc-video--player-wrapper { position: static !important; }'
- css += '.cbc-video {'
- css += ' position: absolute !important;'
- css += ' top: 0 !important;'
- css += ' left: 0 !important;'
- css += ' padding: 0px !important;'
- css += ' margin: 0px !important;'
- css += ' width: 100% !important;'
- css += ' height: 100vh !important;'
- css += '}'
- css += 'figure.cbc-video--thumb-wrapper, a[data-js-hook="play-video"] picture img { max-height: 100vh !important; }'
- css += '.or-podium .or-box { position: static !important; }'
- css += '.or-podium .col-xs-1, .or-podium .col-sm-1, .or-podium .col-md-1, .or-podium .col-lg-1, .or-podium .col-xs-2, .or-podium .col-sm-2, .or-podium .col-md-2, .or-podium .col-lg-2, .or-podium .col-xs-3, .or-podium .col-sm-3, .or-podium .col-md-3, .or-podium .col-lg-3, .or-podium .col-xs-4, .or-podium .col-sm-4, .or-podium .col-md-4, .or-podium .col-lg-4, .or-podium .col-xs-5, .or-podium .col-sm-5, .or-podium .col-md-5, .or-podium .col-lg-5, .or-podium .col-xs-6, .or-podium .col-sm-6, .or-podium .col-md-6, .or-podium .col-lg-6, .or-podium .col-xs-7, .or-podium .col-sm-7, .or-podium .col-md-7, .or-podium .col-lg-7, .or-podium .col-xs-8, .or-podium .col-sm-8, .or-podium .col-md-8, .or-podium .col-lg-8, .or-podium .col-xs-9, .or-podium .col-sm-9, .or-podium .col-md-9, .or-podium .col-lg-9, .or-podium .col-xs-10, .or-podium .col-sm-10, .or-podium .col-md-10, .or-podium .col-lg-10, .or-podium .col-xs-11, .or-podium .col-sm-11, .or-podium .col-md-11, .or-podium .col-lg-11, .or-podium .col-xs-12, .or-podium .col-sm-12, .or-podium .col-md-12, .or-podium .col-lg-12 { position: static; }'
- css += 'body:not(.cbc-main-page) { padding-top: 100vh; }'
- GM_addStyle(css);
- var playVideoButton = document.querySelector('a[data-js-hook="play-video"]')
- if (playVideoButton) {
- playVideoButton.click()
- }
- } else if (document.location.pathname.startsWith('/divaPlayer')) {
- var css = '#videoContainer:not(:hover) > .caption { opacity: 0; }'
- css += '#videoContainer:not(:hover) .controlbar-diva { opacity: 0 !important; }'
- css += '#videoContainer:not(:hover) #icon-menu-diva { opacity: 0; }'
- css += '#videoContainer:not(:hover) diva-simple-controls { opacity: 0 !important; }'
- GM_addStyle(css);
- } else {
- return; // Keep scrollbars
- }
- } else if (false && document.location.host.endsWith('www.dailymotion.com')) {
- var css = '#player:not(:hover) .dmp_will-transition.dmp_is-transitioned--fadeinslide { opacity: 0; }';
- if (document.location.pathname.startsWith('/playlist')) {
- css += '#player_container { height: 100vh!important; width: 100vw!important; }';
- css += '#playerv5-iframe { width: 100% !important; height: 100% !important; }'; // playlists
- css += '.sd_header.sd_header--fixed { top: 100vh; position: absolute; }';
- css += '#content { margin-top: 60px; }';
- movedTopPlayer(document.querySelector('#player_container'));
- absoluteTopPlayer('#player_container');
- GM_addStyle(css);
- } else if (document.location.pathname.startsWith('/video')) {
- //css +='.main-container-player { display: none; }';
- //css += '#player { height: 100vh!important; width: 100vw!important; }';
- css += '.Player { height: 100vh!important; width: 100vw!important; }';
- css += '.Player { top: 0!important; left: 0!important; }';
- css += 'header { position: absolute!important; top: 100vh !important; }';
- css += 'footer { margin-top: 50px; }';
- css += 'div[class^="Video__placeholder___"] { margin-top: -180px; height: 100vh!important; }';
- GM_addStyle(css);
- document.addEventListener('load',function(){
- movedTopPlayer(document.querySelector('.Player'));
- });
- }
- } else if (document.location.host.endsWith('streamable.com')) {
- if (document.location.pathname == '/') {
- return;
- }
- var css = '#player-content, #player.container .media-container, #player.container #filler, #player.container .player { max-width: 100% !important; width:100%; }';
- css += '#player.container #filler { padding-bottom: 100vh !important; }';
- css += '.player { background: #000; }';
- css += '#player.container .player { display: flex; }';
- css += '.player, #player.container video { max-height: 100vh; object-fit: contain; }';
- css += '#player > div[style="height:15px;"] { display: none; }';
- css += '#player.container .topbanner { display: none; }';
- GM_addStyle(css);
- } else if (document.location.host.endsWith('globaltv.com')) {
- var css = 'html, body, #root, .App, .Video {'
- css += 'min-height: 100%; height: 100%; max-height: 100%;'
- css += 'min-width: 100%; width: 100%; max-width: 100%;'
- css += '}'
- css += 'body { overflow-y: auto; }'
- GM_addStyle(css);
- waitFor('.jwplayer', function(jwPlayerElement) {
- waitFor('.jwplayer video', function(videoElement) {
- setTimeout(function() {
- videoElement.muted = false;
- }, 200)
- });
- });
- bindJWPlayerSpacebar();
- } else if (document.location.host.endsWith('much.com')) {
- var css = '#TopVideoWidgetSection, #ShowNav, #MainHeader, #MastHeadTakeover { display: none; }';
- css += '#ShowTop #PlayerWrapper, #ShowTop .container-fluid, #ShowTop #ShowInfo, #ShowTop {';
- css += 'margin: 0 !important; padding: 0 !important;';
- css += 'width: 100vw !important; height: 100vh !important; max-width: 100vw !important; max-height: 100vh !important;';
- css += '}';
- css += '#ShowTop #ShowInfo #EpisodeInfo { margin-top: 0 !important; }';
- css += '.jwplayer { max-height: 100vh; }';
- css += '#EpisodeInfo .new-episodes { display: none !important; }';
- GM_addStyle(css);
- } else if (document.location.host.endsWith('ctvnews.ca')) {
- if (window.location.pathname == '/latest') {
- // Redirect to latest video
- document.body.style.opacity = "0"
- document.documentElement.style.transition = "background 0.4s"
- document.documentElement.style.background = "#000"
- var latestVideoLink = document.querySelector('.mainnavigation + .drop_down + script + .drop_down > .drop_down_element_container > div > div > ul > li:first-child > a')
- if (latestVideoLink) {
- window.location.href = latestVideoLink.href
- }
- } else if (window.location.pathname == '/video') {
- var contentWrapper = document.querySelector('body > .content > .video-header > .content-wrapper')
- if (contentWrapper) {
- var header = document.querySelector('body > header')
- document.body.insertBefore(contentWrapper, header)
- var mediaplayerdiv = document.querySelector('#mediaplayerdiv')
- contentWrapper.querySelector('.topname').style.display = "none"
- contentWrapper.style.width = "100%"
- contentWrapper.style.height = "100vh"
- contentWrapper.style.maxWidth = "100vw"
- contentWrapper.style.maxHeight = "100vh"
- contentWrapper.style.background="#000"
- function onWindowResize() {
- var viewportWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth
- var viewportHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight
- var translate = "translate(" + ((viewportWidth - 960)/2) + "px, " + ((viewportHeight - 540)/2) + "px)"
- var scale = "scale(" + Math.min(viewportWidth / 960, viewportHeight / 540) + ")"
- mediaplayerdiv.style.transform = translate + " " + scale
- }
- window.addEventListener('resize', onWindowResize);
- onWindowResize();
- return; // Keep scrollbars
- }
- } else {
- return; // Keep scrollbars
- }
- } else if (document.location.host.endsWith('watch.cbc.ca')) {
- var css = '#masthead { position: absolute; z-index: 1; width: 100%; opacity: 0; transition: opacity 250ms ease-in-out; }';
- css += '#masthead:hover { opacity: 1; }';
- css += '.regional-channel .container { max-width: 100%; }';
- css += '.player-container.live, .jwplayer.jw-flag-aspect-mode { max-height: 100vh; }';
- css += '.jwplayer.jw-stretch-uniform video { object-fit: contain !important; }';
- css += '.regional-channel footer.regional-channel-footer, section.content-article.live { padding: 10px 0; }';
- css += 'section.content-article.live-premium { display: none; }';
- css += '.upgrade-banner, .live-premium, iframe.zEWidget-launcher { display: none; }';
- css += '.upgrade-banner + .app-container.with-banner-large { top: 0; }';
- css += '.content-article { padding-top: 0; padding-bottom: 0; }';
- css += '.content-section.live-detail-layout { max-width: 100%; }';
- GM_addStyle(css);
- } else if (document.location.host.endsWith('www.ctv.ca')) {
- var css = ''
- css += 'header.navigation { opacity: 0; position: fixed; }'
- css += 'header.navigation:hover { opacity: 1; }'
- css += '.main { padding-top: 0 !important; }'
- css += '#vidi-player-standalone { margin: 0vw 0vw 0; }'
- css += 'div[class*="VidiPlayerstyles__VidiPlayerStandAloneContainer"] { margin: 0vw 0vw 0; }'
- css += '.jwplayer.jw-flag-aspect-mode { min-height: 100vh !important; height: 100vh !important; max-height: 100vh !important; }'
- css += 'div[class*="BrowserNotificationstyles"] { display: none; }'
- css += 'div[class^="ArrowBackstyles__ButtonContainer"] { display: none; }'
- css += 'div[class^="globalStyles__MainContainer"] { padding-top: 0 !important; }'
- css += 'div[class^="VidiPlayerstyles__VidiPlayerPageContainer"] { margin: 0 !important; }'
- GM_addStyle(css);
- waitFor('.jwplayer', function(jwPlayerElement) {
- waitFor('.jwplayer video', function(videoElement) {
- setTimeout(function() {
- videoElement.muted = false;
- }, 200)
- });
- });
- bindJWPlayerSpacebar();
- var reverseEpisodeOrder = [
- '/shows/the-daily-show-with-trevor-noah',
- ]
- waitFor('ul[class*="Episodesstyles__EpisodeList"]', function(ul) {
- if (reverseEpisodeOrder.indexOf(document.location.pathname) >= 0) {
- for (var i = 0; i < ul.children.length; i++) {
- ul.insertBefore(ul.children[i], ul.firstChild)
- }
- }
- });
- setInterval(function(){
- var e = document.querySelector('#__next div:not(.App)')
- if (e) {
- var h2 = e.querySelector('h2')
- if (h2 && h2.textContent == 'An unexpected error has occurred.') {
- // CTV doesn't like uBlockOrigin, so reload the page to workaround the AJAX React links breaking.
- window.location.reload()
- }
- }
- }, 100);
- } else if (document.location.host.endsWith('funimation.com')) {
- console.log('funimation.com')
- var videoBoxElement = document.querySelector('.video-player-section .video-player-container');
- console.log('videoBoxElement', videoBoxElement)
- if (videoBoxElement) {
- movedTopPlayer(videoBoxElement);
- videoBoxElement.classList.remove('col-md-10');
- var css = 'html, body { width: 100%; height: 100%; }';
- css += '.video-player-container { width: 100vw !important; height: 100vh !important; }';
- css += '#funimation-main-site-header { position: absolute; top: 100vh; }';
- GM_addStyle(css);
- } else {
- console.log('location', document.location)
- waitFor('#brightcove-player', function(player){
- console.log('player', player)
- player.removeAttribute('muted')
- waitFor('.vjs-mute-control.vjs-vol-0', function(muteButton){
- console.log('muteButton', muteButton)
- muteButton.click()
- })
- })
- }
- } else if (document.location.host.endsWith('crave.ca')) {
- if (document.location.pathname.startsWith('/live')) return;
- var videoBoxElement = document.querySelector('video-player');
- if (!videoBoxElement) return;
- var css = 'footer, .back-button-wrapper, #mega-menu { display: none !important; }';
- css += '.container-site-margin { margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0; }';
- css += '.web-videoplayer { margin: 0; }';
- css += 'html .jwplayer.jw-flag-aspect-mode { height: 100vh !important; }';
- GM_addStyle(css);
- } else if (document.location.host.endsWith('tubitv.com')) {
- var css = 'header { transition: transform .3s, opacity .3s !important; }';
- css += 'header.hide-header { opacity: 0 !important }';
- css += 'header.hide-header:hover { opacity: 1 !important; }';
- css += 'header + div > div:first-child > div:first-child > div:nth-child(2) { top: 0 !important; left: 0 !important; width: 100% !important; height: 100vh !important; }';
- css += 'header + div > div:first-child > div:first-child > div:nth-child(2) > div:first-child > section { padding-top: 0 !important; height: 100vh !important; }';
- css += 'header + div > div:first-child > div:first-child > div:nth-child(2) > div:first-child > section > div > div:nth-child(2) > div:first-child { background-image: linear-gradient(0deg,rgba(0,0,0,0), rgba(0,0,0,0.25) 30%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 1) 90%); }';
- css += 'header + div > div:first-child > div:first-child > div:nth-child(2) > div:first-child > section > div > div:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(2) { background-image: linear-gradient(180deg,rgba(0,0,0,0), rgba(0,0,0,0.25) 30%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 1) 90%); }';
- css += '#captionsComponent > span { background: none !important; font-size: 3rem !important;';
- css += 'text-shadow: 0 0 0.5rem #000, 0 0 0.5rem #000, 0 0 0.5rem #000, 0 0 0.5rem #000, 0 0 0.5rem #000, 0 0 0.5rem #000, 0 0 0.5rem #000, 0 0 0.5rem #000, 0 0 0.5rem #000, 0 0 0.5rem #000, 0 0 0.5rem #000, 0 0 0.5rem #000, 0 0 0.5rem #000, 0 0 0.5rem #000;';
- css += '}';
- GM_addStyle(css);
- var updateHeader = function() {
- var header = document.querySelector('header')
- if (header) {
- var video = document.querySelector('video')
- if (video) {
- header.classList.add('hide-header')
- } else {
- header.classList.remove('hide-header')
- }
- }
- }
- updateHeader()
- setInterval(updateHeader, 1000)
- } else if (document.location.host.endsWith('tv.bell.ca')) {
- if (!document.location.pathname.startsWith('/watch/')) return;
- //let videoBoxElement = document.querySelector('video[playsinline]');
- //if (!videoBoxElement) return;
- waitFor('video[playsinline]', function(videoBoxElement){
- let css = ''
- css += '.bg-greyscale-black.w-capped { position: absolute !important; top: calc((var(--headerHeight) + 100vh) * -1 ) !important; height: 100vh !important; }';
- css += '.bg-greyscale-black.w-full { position: absolute !important; top: -100vh !important; height: 100vh !important; }';
- css += 'body { padding-top: 100vh !important; }';
- css += '[class*="&_.bmpui-ui-subtitle-label]:!bg-greyscale-black-70"].h-full.w-full.justify-center { max-width: 100% !important; }'
- css += 'header[class="bg-greyscale-03 virgin:bg-tertiary-medium flex"][aria-label="Global"] { display: none !important; }'
- console.log('css', css)
- GM_addStyle(css);
- })
- }
- GM_addStyle('html::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 0; height: 0; } body::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 0; height: 0; }');
- GM_addStyle('html { scrollbar-width: none; } body { scrollbar-width: none; }');
- })();