Linkifications by LouCypher
Scripts to convert plain text URLs to clickable links.
现在只显示 简体中文 的结果。显示所有语言的结果。
Text To link JS - Turn plain text URLs into clickable links
Linkification JS - Turn plain text URLs into clickable links
GitHub - Linkify package.json dependencies JS - Turns the names of packages into links to their homepages when looking at a package.json file
Evan J HIT Helper JS - Changes the plain text URL into a google search link
Linkify Plus JS - Turn plain text URLs into links. Supports http, https, ftp, email addresses.
Linkify ting (exclude emails) JS - Turn plain text links into real clikable links. Attempts to catch links like
ZSMTurker's Linkify JS - Turns text-URLs into working links. This applies to every webpage